Esempio n. 1
    def test_correct_qa_config_default_case(self):
        When there is no config to release with (like for a new service)
        release with the empty config.


        # if there are no releases for this branch or merge base
        # use the null config

        # run SUT

        # confirm there is a release with the unit config (no keys or values)
        selected = self.query(
            select service_name
              from release
              join config using (config_id)
              join iteration using (iteration_id)
              join branch using (branch_id)
              join service using (service_id)
             where commit_hash=%s

        # confirm that what we put in is there and assoicated with an
        # empty key value pair config
        self.assertEqual(len(selected), 1)
Esempio n. 2
    def test_correct_qa_config_new_branch_case(self):
       When handling a new branch, release with the most recent config
       associated with the merge base


       # run SUT (new branch with existing merge base c)
       handle_build('s', 'b3', 'c', 'c6', 'i6')
       # the merge base c is released with A => a
       # so confirm that c6 is too
       result = self.query(
           select key_value_pairs
             from release
             join iteration using (iteration_id)
             join config using (config_id)
            where commit_hash=%s
       self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
       self.assertEqual(result[0][0], '"A"=>"a"')
Esempio n. 3
    def test_correct_qa_config_existing_branch(self):
        When handling a build for a known branch, release with most recent
        config on that branch


        # run SUT
        handle_build('s', 'b', 'mb', 'c4', 'i4')
        # existing objects [s]->[b/mb]->[c2/i2]<-[B => b]
        # so confirm c4/i4 is released with 'B => b' too
        result = self.query(
            select key_value_pairs
              from release
              join iteration using (iteration_id)
              join config using (config_id)
             where commit_hash=%s
        self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
        self.assertEqual(result[0][0], '"B"=>"b"')
Esempio n. 4
    def setUp(self):
        Test that the correct config is released with new builds

        start the test with this context
        [service] --> [build/mergeBase] -> [commit/image] <-- [config time]

         /----> [m/mb]-----> [mb/i0] <-- [I => 0 t-1]
        [s]---> [b/mb]-----> [c/i]   <-- [A => a t0]
         \            \----> [c2/i2] <-- [B => b t1]
           \--> [b2/c2]----> [c3/i3] <-- [C => c t2]

        confirm that when [s] -> [b/mb] -> [c4/i4] is added,
        it's released with [B => b]

        and that when [s] -> [b3/c] -> [c6/i6] is added,
        it's released with [A => a]

        and that when [sx] -> [bx/mx] -> [cx/ix] is added,
        it's released with ['']

        """ = Postgresql()
        os.environ['pg-host'] =['host']
        os.environ['pg-port'] = str(['port'])
        os.environ['pg-database'] =['database']
        os.environ['pg-user'] =['user']

        # set up a few builds for context
        previous_builds = [
            # an initial build
            ('s', 'm' , 'mb', 'mb', 'i0'),
            # one with that as a merge base
            ('s', 'b' , 'mb', 'c' , 'i'),
            # another build on the same branch
            ('s', 'b' , 'mb', 'c2', 'i2'),
            # a third on a different branch
            ('s', 'b2', 'c2', 'c3', 'i3'),
        for args in previous_builds:

        # differentiate the releases for all three builds
        # by differentiating the configs they are released with
        for pair, image_name in zip(["I => 0", "A => a", "B => b", "C => c"],
                                    [x[-1] for x in previous_builds]):
            # make a unique config
            response = self.query(
                insert into config (key_value_pairs)
                     values (%s)
                  returning config_id
            config_id = response[0][0]

            # update the release for this build with that config
                  with the_iteration as (
                       select iteration_id from iteration where image_name=%s
                update release set (config_id) = (%s)
                 where iteration_id=(select iteration_id from the_iteration)
                (image_name, config_id),