def FindCollapseRedshift(merger_tree, thresh_frac, pp_file, path_prefix, startIndex=0, printOutput=False, interp="None"): ppFile_path = path_prefix + "/inputs/" + pp_file #print(ppFile_path) p = ParamsFile(ppFile_path) redshifts = p["redshifts"][-len(merger_tree):] #print(redshifts[0], redshifts[-1]) FinalMass = merger_tree[0][0, 4] ProgMass = np.zeros(len(redshifts)) for ri in range(len(redshifts)): if merger_tree[ri].size > 0: ProgMass[ri] = np.sum( merger_tree[ri][:, 4][merger_tree[ri][:, 4] >= thresh_frac * FinalMass]) if interp == "None": # No interpolation: # just find maximum redshift which meets the M>M_tot/2 requirement if printOutput == True: print(max(ProgMass), FinalMass / 2) CollapseRedshift = max(redshifts[ProgMass >= FinalMass / 2]) elif interp == "Linear": print("Error: Linear iterpolation not implemented yet") return 0 return CollapseRedshift, ProgMass, redshifts
def MakePeakList(ppFile, path_prefix, startIndex=0, printOutput=False, massType="normal"): '''Makes a list of peaks to be used by the sub peak finder''' assert massType in ["normal", "unstripped"], "MakePeakList(): invalid massType." ppFile_path = path_prefix + "/inputs/" + ppFile #print(ppFile_path) p = ParamsFile(ppFile_path) # Figure out the path to the directory containing the ppFile #path = '/'.join(ppFile.split('/')[:-1]) prefix = p["output_prefix"] outdir = path_prefix + "/" + p["output_dir"] redshifts = p["redshifts"][startIndex:] boxsize = p["boxsize"] #firstFile = path_prefix + prefix+"final_halos_0.hdf5" All_Peaks = np.zeros(len(redshifts), dtype=object) # Make an array of all the peaks at every redshift for redshift_index, z in enumerate(redshifts): fname = outdir + "/" + prefix + "final_halos_" + repr( redshift_index + startIndex) + ".hdf5" #print(fname) if printOutput == True: print("\tLoading file ({} of {}): {}".format( redshift_index + 1, len(redshifts), fname), end='\r') f = HaloReader(fname) if massType == "normal": All_Peaks[redshift_index] = np.vstack( (f.x, f.y, f.z, f.radius, f.mass)) elif massType == "unstripped": All_Peaks[redshift_index] = np.vstack( (f.x, f.y, f.z, f.radius, f.unstripped_mass)) if printOutput == True: print() return All_Peaks, boxsize
def getStartIndex(ppFile, path_prefix, z0): p = ParamsFile(path_prefix + "/inputs/" + ppFile) redshifts = p["redshifts"] nearest_z = redshifts[abs(redshifts - z0) == min(abs(redshifts - z0))][0] start_index = len(redshifts[redshifts < nearest_z]) return start_index
def BuildMergerTree_OLD(peak_list, pp_file, path_prefix, redshift_indicies='all', final_halos_indicies='all', printOutput=False): ''' Builds lists of progenitor peaks for one (or multiple) final peak(s). Progenitors are defined to be all peaks contained within the comoving radius of the product (final) halo. !! Use BuildMergerTree as the results are more stable. !! ''' # TODO: Add function description # TODO: Enable multi-theading ppFile_path = path_prefix + "/inputs/" + pp_file #print(ppFile_path) p = ParamsFile(ppFile_path) boxsize = p["boxsize"] # if no redshifts chosen, use all of them if redshift_indicies == 'all': # Find latest redshift with peaks in it sizes = np.zeros(len(peak_list)) for i in range(len(peak_list)): sizes[i] = peak_list[i].size redshift_indicies = np.arange(len(peak_list))[sizes > 0] if printOutput == True: print("\tFinal redshift index {} out of {}".format( max(redshift_indicies), len(peak_list))) print("\ti.e. Earlist halo at z = {}".format( p["redshifts"][max(redshift_indicies)])) trees = [ cKDTree(peak_list[i][0:3].T, boxsize=boxsize) for i in redshift_indicies ] if final_halos_indicies == 'all': final_halos_indicies = np.arange(len(peak_list[0].T)) # if only single final halo chosen, turn it into an array so that the code works elif type(final_halos_indicies) == int: final_halos_indicies = np.array([final_halos_indicies]) merger_trees = np.zeros(len(final_halos_indicies), dtype=object) # Loop over all selected final halos for hi, final_halo_index in enumerate(final_halos_indicies): # Find all other sub-peaks final_radius = peak_list[0][3, final_halo_index] peaks = np.zeros(len(redshift_indicies), dtype=object) peaks[0] = np.vstack(np.asarray(peak_list[0][:, final_halo_index])).T for ri, redshift_index in enumerate(redshift_indicies[:-1]): new_peaks = [] if peaks[redshift_index].size > 0: peak_count = 10 query = trees[redshift_index + 1].query( peak_list[0][0:3, final_halo_index], k=peak_count, eps=0) dists = query[0] radius = final_radius #peaks[redshift_index][parent_index, 3] while len(dists[dists < radius]) == peak_count: peak_count = peak_count + 100 query = trees[redshift_index + 1].query( peak_list[0][0:3, final_halo_index], k=peak_count, eps=0) dists = query[0] #query = trees[redshift_index+1].query(peaks[redshift_index][parent_index, 0:3], k=50, eps=0) #print(radius, ":", dists[0:3]) for i, index in enumerate(query[1][dists < radius]): #print(peak_list[redshift_index+1][:, index]) new_peaks.append(peak_list[redshift_index + 1][:, index]) # Check all the new peaks are within final halo if len(new_peaks) > 0: query = trees[redshift_index + 1].query( peak_list[0][0:3, final_halo_index], k=len(new_peaks), eps=0) dists = np.array(query[0]) insideFinal = len(dists[dists < final_radius]) assert insideFinal == len(new_peaks), ''' {} peaks found but only {} are within final halo radius final_radius = {} dists = {} '''.format(len(new_peaks), insideFinal, final_radius, dists) new_peaks = np.asarray(new_peaks) if len(new_peaks) == 1: peaks[redshift_index + 1] = np.vstack(np.asarray(new_peaks)) elif new_peaks.size > 0: peaks[redshift_index + 1] = np.vstack(np.asarray(new_peaks)) else: peaks[redshift_index + 1] = np.asarray([]) if printOutput == True: # print progress print("\tHalo {} of {}: {} complete of {}".format( hi, len(final_halos_indicies), ri + 1, len(redshift_indicies[:-1])), end='\r') merger_trees[hi] = peaks if printOutput == True: # print new line print() # Store merger tree print("Done.") return merger_trees
def plotMergerPatches(merger_list, ppFile, path_prefix, printOutput=False, cmap='gnuplot'): last_index = 0 for i in range(len(merger_list) - 1): if merger_list[i].size > 0: last_index += 1 ppFile_path = path_prefix + "/inputs/" + ppFile #print(ppFile_path) p = ParamsFile(ppFile_path) redshifts = p["redshifts"] boxsize = p["boxsize"] matplotlib.rc('font', size=15) # Move peaks to account for periodic boundary conditions merger_list = MoveOutOfBounds(merger_list, boxsize, printOutput) import matplotlib.colors as colors fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 5)) colormap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) cNorm = colors.Normalize(redshifts[0], redshifts[last_index]) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=colormap) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax1.set_xlim(merger_list[0][0, 0] - merger_list[0][0, 3], merger_list[0][0, 0] + merger_list[0][0, 3]) ax1.set_ylim(merger_list[0][0, 1] - merger_list[0][0, 3], merger_list[0][0, 1] + merger_list[0][0, 3]) #ax1.set_xlim(-boxsize, boxsize) #ax1.set_ylim(0, 2*boxsize) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) ax2.set_xlim(merger_list[0][0, 0] - merger_list[0][0, 3], merger_list[0][0, 0] + merger_list[0][0, 3]) ax2.set_ylim(merger_list[0][0, 2] - merger_list[0][0, 3], merger_list[0][0, 2] + merger_list[0][0, 3]) colors = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'y', 'k'] for i in range(len(merger_list)): colorVal = scalarMap.to_rgba(redshifts[i]) peaks = merger_list[i] #print(peaks, peaks.size) for peak in peaks: pxy = mpatches.Circle((float(peak[0]), float(peak[1])), peak[3], alpha=0.2, color=colorVal) ax1.add_patch(pxy) pxz = mpatches.Circle((float(peak[0]), float(peak[2])), peak[3], alpha=0.2, color=colorVal) ax2.add_patch(pxz) else: # No peak here pass return fig
def plotMergerTree(merger_list, ppFile, path_prefix, startIndex=0, printOutput=False, cmap='gnuplot_r', font_size=15, log=False, colorbar=False, colorbar_title=None, min_mass=0, max_mass=None, max_radius=None, figure=None, subplot=None): # TODO: Add function description # TODO: Sort heights of peaks based on y-axis posn or something. # Filter out low mass halos merger_list = pruneLowMasses(merger_list, min_mass, printOutput) # only plot for redshifts with peaks in them last_index = 0 for i in range(len(merger_list) - 1): if merger_list[i].size > 0: last_index += 1 ppFile_path = path_prefix + "/inputs/" + ppFile #print(ppFile_path) p = ParamsFile(ppFile_path) redshifts = p["redshifts"][startIndex:] boxsize = p["boxsize"] # Move peaks to account for periodic boundary conditions merger_list = MoveOutOfBounds(merger_list, boxsize, printOutput) # plotting info matplotlib.rc('font', size=font_size) #print(merger_list[-1][:,4] # Colour on mass colormap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) if max_mass == None: max_mass = merger_list[0][0, 4] if max_radius == None: max_radius = merger_list[0][0, 3] #cNorm = colors.Normalize(np.log10(max(1e-15, min_mass)), np.log10(max_mass)) #scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=colormap) cNorm = colors.LogNorm(max(1e-16, min_mass), max_mass) scalarMap = cmx.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm, cmap=colormap) if figure == None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5)) else: fig = figure if subplot == None: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) else: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(subplot) # Plot lines between halos for i in range(last_index - 1, 0, -1): if printOutput == True: print("redshift index: {}".format(i)) # Check each peak for peaks at the earlier redshift for j in range(merger_list[i].shape[0]): if i < len(merger_list) - 1 and merger_list[i - 1].size > 0: # Calculate distance between current halo and all others at next redshift dists = np.sqrt( np.sum( (merger_list[i][j, 0:3] - merger_list[i - 1][:, 0:3])** 2, axis=1)) - merger_list[i - 1][:, 3] index = np.where(dists == min(dists))[0][0] assert type(index) == np.int64, "No parent halo found" # Plot merger line y_posn = [ haloOrdering(merger_list[i][j, :], merger_list[i]), haloOrdering(merger_list[i - 1][index, :], merger_list[i - 1]) ] ax1.plot([redshifts[i], redshifts[i - 1]], y_posn, '--', color="gray") # Plot halo for i in range(last_index - 1, 0, -1): if printOutput == True: print("redshift index: {}".format(i)) # Check each peak for peaks at the earlier redshift for j in range(merger_list[i].shape[0]): # Plot the halo ms = 30 * merger_list[i][j, 3] / max_radius colorVal = scalarMap.to_rgba(merger_list[i][j, 4]) ax1.plot(redshifts[i], haloOrdering(merger_list[i][j, :], merger_list[i]), 'o', ms=ms, color=colorVal) # Plot final halo ms = 30 * merger_list[0][0, 3] / max_radius colorVal = scalarMap.to_rgba(merger_list[0][0, 4]) ax1.plot(redshifts[0], -0.5, 'o', ms=ms, color=colorVal) if log == True: plt.xscale('log') ax1.set_yticks([]) ax1.set_xlim(redshifts[last_index], redshifts[0] * 0.8) ax1.set_xlabel("Redshift, $z$") print("earliest redshift = {}".format(redshifts[last_index])) #ax1.set_xticks([]) if colorbar == True: #scalarMap.set_array([]) cbar = fig.colorbar(scalarMap) if colorbar_title != None: assert type(colorbar_title ) == str, "Error: colorbar_title must be a string" return fig
def BuildMergerTree(peak_list, ppFile, path_prefix, redshift_indicies='all', final_halos_indicies='all', effectiveCoords=False, printOutput=False): ''' Builds lists of progenitor peaks for one (or multiple) final peak(s). Progenitors are defined to be all peaks contained within the comoving radius of the product (final) halo. Trying to build new version that counts all mass within final radius ''' # TODO: Add function description # TODO: Enable multi-theading ppFile_path = path_prefix + "/inputs/" + ppFile p = ParamsFile(ppFile_path) boxsize = p["boxsize"] # if no redshifts chosen, use all of them if redshift_indicies == 'all': # Find latest redshift with peaks in it sizes = np.zeros(len(peak_list)) for i in range(len(peak_list)): sizes[i] = peak_list[i].size redshift_indicies = np.arange(len(peak_list))[sizes > 0] if printOutput == True: print("\tFinal redshift index {} out of {}".format( max(redshift_indicies), len(peak_list) - 1)) print("\ti.e. Earlist halo at z = {}".format( p["redshifts"][max(redshift_indicies)])) trees = [ cKDTree(peak_list[i][0:3].T, boxsize=boxsize) for i in redshift_indicies ] if final_halos_indicies == 'all': final_halos_indicies = np.arange(len(peak_list[0].T)) # if only single final halo chosen, turn it into an array so that the code works elif type(final_halos_indicies) == int: final_halos_indicies = np.array([final_halos_indicies]) merger_trees = np.zeros(len(final_halos_indicies), dtype=object) # Loop over all selected final halos for hi, final_halo_index in enumerate(final_halos_indicies): # Find all other sub-peaks final_radius = peak_list[0][3, final_halo_index] # max radius at this redshift max_radius = max(peak_list[0][3, :]) peaks = np.zeros(len(redshift_indicies), dtype=object) peaks[0] = np.vstack(np.asarray(peak_list[0][:, final_halo_index])).T for ri, redshift_index in enumerate(redshift_indicies[:-1]): #print("Redshift index: {} ".format(ri), end = " ") #print("# peaks at this z: {}".format(len(peak_list[redshift_index+1][0,:]))) new_peaks = [] if peaks[redshift_index].size > 0: peak_count = 10 query = trees[redshift_index + 1].query( peak_list[0][0:3, final_halo_index], k=peak_count, eps=0) # maxIndex prevents double counting and taking more peaks than what exist maxIndex = min(len(query[0]), len(peak_list[redshift_index + 1][0, :])) #print("maxIndex =", maxIndex) dists = query[0][:maxIndex] subPeakRadii = peak_list[redshift_index + 1][3, :][query[1][:maxIndex]].copy() # Keep finding more peaks until some are further away than final_radius + max_radius while len(dists[dists < final_radius + max_radius]) == peak_count: peak_count = peak_count + 100 query = trees[redshift_index + 1].query( peak_list[0][0:3, final_halo_index], k=peak_count, eps=0) maxIndex = min(len(query[0]), len(peak_list[redshift_index + 1][0, :])) #print("maxIndex =", maxIndex) dists = query[0][:][:maxIndex] #print("len(peak_list):", len(peak_list[redshift_index+1][0, :][query[1]]), "len(query[1]):", len(query[1])) subPeakRadii = peak_list[redshift_index + 1][3, :][ query[1][:maxIndex]].copy() for i, index in enumerate( query[1][:maxIndex][dists < final_radius + subPeakRadii]): # Check if any overlap subPeakRadius = peak_list[redshift_index + 1][3, index] if dists[i] < final_radius + subPeakRadius: # Calculate volume of overlap and the mass of the sub-halo in that region volumeOverlap = volInt(final_radius, subPeakRadius, dists[i]) assert volumeOverlap >= 0, "Volume must be positive" # Calculate effective mass and density subPeakMass = peak_list[redshift_index + 1][4, index] subPeakVolume = 4 / 3 * np.pi * subPeakRadius**3 massInside = volumeOverlap / subPeakVolume * subPeakMass r_effective = (3 * volumeOverlap / (4 * np.pi))**(1 / 3) #print("r_eff: {:.3}".format(r_effective)) # Store sub-halo with this new mass and effective radius subPeak = peak_list[redshift_index + 1][:, index].copy() subPeak[4] = massInside subPeak[3] = r_effective if effectiveCoords == True: # Calculate center of overlap xc, yc, zc = intMid( peak_list[0][:, final_halo_index], peak_list[redshift_index + 1][:, index]) subPeak[0:3] = xc, yc, zc #print("new peak index: {} with radius {:.3}".format(index, subPeakRadius)) #print("at a distance {:.3}".format(dists[i])) new_peaks.append(subPeak) new_peaks = np.asarray(new_peaks) if len(new_peaks) == 1: peaks[redshift_index + 1] = np.vstack(np.asarray(new_peaks)) elif new_peaks.size > 0: peaks[redshift_index + 1] = np.vstack(np.asarray(new_peaks)) else: peaks[redshift_index + 1] = np.asarray([]) if printOutput == True: pass # print progress print("\tHalo {} of {}: {} complete of {}".format( hi, len(final_halos_indicies), ri + 1, len(redshift_indicies[:-1])), end='\r') # Store merger tree merger_trees[hi] = peaks if printOutput == True: # print new line print() return merger_trees