Esempio n. 1
    def getPossibleNextChars(self, string_so_far):
        # mHash is the hash of alpha to morse
        mHash = getHash()
        morse_so_far = encodeMorse(string_so_far, is_compact=True)

        return_list = []

        # get the string portion from current index on to end of string
        inspect_string = self.raw_morse[len(morse_so_far):]
        for alpha in mHash:
            # if this morse letter is at the beginning of the string...   
            if inspect_string.find(mHash[alpha]) == 0:

        return return_list
Esempio n. 2
    def getPossibleNextChars(self, string_so_far):
        # mHash is the hash of alpha to morse
        mHash = getHash()
        morse_so_far = encodeMorse(string_so_far, is_compact=True)

        return_list = []

        # get the string portion from current index on to end of string
        inspect_string = self.raw_morse[len(morse_so_far):]
        for alpha in mHash:
            # if this morse letter is at the beginning of the string...
            if inspect_string.find(mHash[alpha]) == 0:

        return return_list
Esempio n. 3
def encodeMorse(string, is_compact=False):
    # get the morse code hash table
    mHash = getHash()
    returnString = ""

    # morse code has three spaces between words, one space between characters
    string = string.replace(" ", "   ")

    # for each char in string, append it to the return string if it is in the morse code hash
    for i in string.lower():
        if i == " ":
            returnString += " "
        if i in mHash:
            returnString += mHash[i] + " "

    if is_compact:
        returnString = returnString.replace(" ", "")

    return returnString.strip()
Esempio n. 4
def encodeMorse(string, is_compact=False):
    # get the morse code hash table
    mHash = getHash()
    returnString = ''

    # morse code has three spaces between words, one space between characters
    string = string.replace(" ", "   ")

    # for each char in string, append it to the return string if it is in the morse code hash
    for i in string.lower():
        if i == " ":
            returnString += " "
        if i in mHash:
            returnString += mHash[i] + " "

    if is_compact:
        returnString = returnString.replace(" ", "")

    return returnString.strip()