def testDel(tarDir, isFolder):  #{0
    testTarDir = []
    testContent = "testFile"
    testTarDir.append(func.buildPath(tarDir, "testDir", delim))
    tStr = "testDir" + delim + "subDir"
    testTarDir.append(func.buildPath(tarDir, tStr, delim))
    tStr = "testDir" + delim + "testFile.txt"
    testTarFile = func.buildPath(tarDir, tStr, delim)

    for tDir in testTarDir:  #{1
        if not os.path.isdir(tDir):  #{2
    tFile = open(testTarFile, 'a', encoding='utf8')

    if isFolder:  #{1
        delDirFile(tarDir, "subDir", isFolder, '')
        if os.path.isfile(testTarFile):  #{2
            print("Test successful")
            shutil.rmtree(testTarDir[0], onerror=func.remove_readonly)
            return True
        else:  #{2
            print("Test failed")
            shutil.rmtree(testTarDir[0], onerror=func.remove_readonly)
            return False
    else:  #{1
        delDirFile(tarDir, "testFile.txt", isFolder, '')
        if os.path.isdir(testTarDir[1]):  #{2
            print("Test successful")
            shutil.rmtree(testTarDir[0], onerror=func.remove_readonly)
            return True
        else:  #{2
            print("Test failed")
            shutil.rmtree(testTarDir[0], onerror=func.remove_readonly)
            return False
Esempio n. 2
def checkNcopy(srcDir, dstDir, srcName, dstName, delim):  #{0
    try:  #{1
        cpCounter = 0
        while os.path.isfile(func.buildPath(dstDir, dstName, delim)):  #{2
            #modift fileName assign to new string var
            cpCounter = cpCounter + 1
            dstName = dstName.split('.')
            dstName.insert(len(dstName) - 1, str(cpCounter))
            dstName[0:len(dstName) -
                    1] = ['-'.join(dstName[0:len(dstName) - 1])]
            dstName = '.'.join(dstName)
        src = func.buildPath(srcDir, srcName, delim)
        dst = func.buildPath(dstDir, dstName, delim)
        shutil.copy2(src, dst)
        return True
    except OSError:  #{1
        print('OSError during file copying')
        return False
Esempio n. 3
def testDup(tarDir, mode, cmpMode):  #{0
    testTarDir = []
    testTarFile = []
    testContent = "testFile"
    testTarDir.append(func.buildPath(tarDir, "testDir", delim))
    tStr = "testDir" + delim + "subDir1"
    testTarDir.append(func.buildPath(tarDir, tStr, delim))
    tStr = "testDir" + delim + "subDir2"
    testTarDir.append(func.buildPath(tarDir, tStr, delim))
    tStr = "testDir" + delim + "subDir1" + delim + "testFile1.txt"
    testTarFile.append(func.buildPath(tarDir, tStr, delim))
    tStr = "testDir" + delim + "subDir2" + delim + "testFile2.txt"
    testTarFile.append(func.buildPath(tarDir, tStr, delim))
    tStr = "testDir" + delim + "subDir2" + delim + "testFile3.txt"
    testTarFile.append(func.buildPath(tarDir, tStr, delim))

    for tDir in testTarDir:  #{1
        if not os.path.isdir(tDir):  #{2
    for i in range(len(testTarFile)):  #{1
        if not os.path.isfile(testTarFile[i]):  #{2
            tFile = open(testTarFile[i], 'a', encoding='utf8')
    if mode == 1:  #{1
        globalCompare(testTarDir[0], cmpMode, '')
        result1 = os.listdir(testTarDir[1])
        result2 = os.listdir(testTarDir[2])
        if (len(result1) == 0 and len(result2) == 1) or \
        (len(result1) == 1 and len(result2) == 0):#{2
            print("Test successful")
            shutil.rmtree(testTarDir[0], onerror=func.remove_readonly)
            return True
        else:  #{2
            print("Test failed")
            shutil.rmtree(testTarDir[0], onerror=func.remove_readonly)
            return False
    elif mode == 2:  #{1
        localCompare(testTarDir[0], cmpMode, '')
        result1 = os.listdir(testTarDir[1])
        result2 = os.listdir(testTarDir[2])
        if len(result1) == 1 and len(result2) == 1:  #{2
            print("Test successful")
            shutil.rmtree(testTarDir[0], onerror=func.remove_readonly)
            return True
        else:  #{2
            print("Test failed")
            shutil.rmtree(testTarDir[0], onerror=func.remove_readonly)
            return False
Esempio n. 4
def validate(srcDir, dstDir, exlSrcDir, exlDstDir):  #{0
    srcList = []
    dstList = []
    if type(srcDir) is list:  #{1
        for i in srcDir:  #{2
            p1 = func.buildPath(i[0], i[2], delim)
            p2 = func.buildPath(i[1], i[3], delim)
            fileHash1 = func.hasher(p1, False, hash_Mode)
            fileHash2 = func.hasher(p2, False, hash_Mode)
            if fileHash1 != fileHash2:  #{3
                print('Checksum: File checksum failed')
                return 0
        print('Checksum: File checksum passed')
        return 1
    else:  #{1
        entity0 = entityc.entity(srcDir, dstDir, delim)
        srcDir = entity0.srcDir
        dstDir = entity0.dstDir
        esList = func.listExl(exlSrcDir, delim)
        edList = func.listExl(exlDstDir, delim)
        print('Source directories to exclude:')
        print('Destination directories to exclude:')
        isExlSrc = False
        isExlDst = False

        for pf, sf, fn in os.walk(srcDir):  #{2
            for esDir in esList:  #{3
                if esDir in pf:  #{4
                    isExlSrc = True
            if isExlSrc == True:  #{3
                isExlSrc = False
            else:  #{3
                for f in fn:  #{4
                    tempStr = func.buildPath(pf, f, delim)
        for pf, sf, fn in os.walk(dstDir):  #{2
            for edDir in edList:  #{3
                if edDir in pf:  #{4
                    isExlDst = True
            if isExlDst == True:  #{3
                isExlDst = False
            else:  #{3
                for f in fn:  #{4
                    tempStr = func.buildPath(pf, f, delim)
        if len(srcList) != len(dstList):  #{2
            print('Checksum: directory checksum failed')
            return 0
        else:  #{2
            for i in range(len(srcList)):  #{3
                p1 = srcList[i]
                p2 = dstList[i]

                tStr1 = p1.replace(srcDir, '')
                strHash1 = func.hasher(tStr1, True, hash_Mode)
                fileHash1 = func.hasher(p1, False, hash_Mode)

                tStr2 = p2.replace(dstDir, '')
                strHash2 = func.hasher(tStr2, True, hash_Mode)
                fileHash2 = func.hasher(p2, False, hash_Mode)

                if strHash1 != strHash2 or fileHash1 != fileHash2:  #{4
                    print('Checksum: directory checksum failed')
                    return 0
        print('Checksum: directory checksum passed')
        return 1
Esempio n. 5
def compareNcopy(srcDir, dstDir):  #{0
    entity0 = entityc.entity(srcDir, dstDir, delim)
    srcDir = entity0.srcDir
    dstDir = entity0.dstDir
    if not os.path.isdir(srcDir) or not os.path.isdir(
            dstDir) or srcDir == dstDir:  #{1
        return 0
    else:  #{1
        sameFileSrc = []
        srcFileList = []
        srcSizeList = []
        srcToCopy = []
        dstFileList = []
        dstSizeList = []
        srcObjList = []
        dstObjList = []

        global totalSrcFile  #int
        global totalDstFile  #int
        global totalSrcCopy  #int
        global totalDstRemove  #int
        global totalDstRename  #int

        for folderName, subFolders, fileNames in os.walk(srcDir):  #{2
            if folderName == srcDir:  #{3
                for fileName in fileNames:  #{4
                    if fileName.lower() != thumbs.lower():  #{5
                        fsize = os.path.getsize(
                            func.buildPath(folderName, fileName, delim))
                        srcFileList.append([folderName, fileName, fsize])
        for folderName, subFolders, fileNames in os.walk(dstDir):  #{2
            if folderName == dstDir:  #{3
                for fileName in fileNames:  #{4
                    if fileName.lower() != thumbs.lower():  #{5
                        fsize = os.path.getsize(
                            func.buildPath(folderName, fileName, delim))
                        dstFileList.append([folderName, fileName, fsize])
        #Assign value to global variables
        totalSrcFile = totalSrcFile + len(srcFileList)
        totalDstFile = totalDstFile + len(dstFileList)

        #At this point path and file size are both ready for comparison
            key=itemgetter(2))  #sort fileList against fSize (file size)
        #srcFileList.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])

            key=itemgetter(2))  #sort fileList against fSize (file size)
        #dstFileList.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])

        #at0 =
        #sec0 = at0.second
        #msec0 = at0.microsecond
        func.loadFileObj(srcFileList, srcObjList, False, delim, cmp_Mode,
        func.loadFileObj(dstFileList, dstObjList, False, delim, cmp_Mode,

        #at1 =
        #sec1 = at1.second
        #msec1 = at1.microsecond
        #t0 = sec0 + msec0/1000000
        #t1 = sec1 + msec1/1000000
        #dt = t1 - t0
        print(srcDir + ' vs ' + dstDir)
        for i in srcObjList:
            ts = i.fileNames
        for i in dstObjList:
            ts = i.fileNames
        #srcObjList.sort(key=lambda x: x.fileSize)
        #dstObjList.sort(key=lambda x: x.fileSize)

        #at0 =
        #sec0 = at0.second
        #msec0 = at0.microsecond

        #To remove dstDir files that does not exist in srcDir
        #To also update dstFileDict and dstFileList
        #If true then maybe there are some files to remove
        if len(dstObjList) != 0:  #{2
            #If there is nothing in the srcFolder
            #then remove all files in corresponding dstfolder, no need to fileCompare
            if len(srcObjList) == 0:  #{3
                for c in range(len(dstObjList)):  #{4
                    #This bit of code is the same as
                    #remove command when srcFile is compared against dstFile
                    if dstObjList[c].num == 1:  #{5
                        tempRM0 = func.buildPath(
                            dstDir, dstObjList[c].fileNames[0],
                            delim)  #dstDir is always as dstFileList[c][0]
                        totalDstRemove = totalDstRemove + 1  #Global variable
                    else:  #{5
                        nList = dstObjList[c].fileNames
                        totalDstRemove = totalDstRemove + dstObjList[c].num
                        for i in nList:  #{6
                            tempRM = func.buildPath(dstDir, i, delim)
            else:  #{3
                for c in range(len(dstObjList)):  #{4
                    toRemove = True
                    dstDirFile = func.buildPath(dstDir,
                                                delim)  #complete path
                    dstFile = dstObjList[c].fileNames[0]  #file name only
                    dstFsize = dstObjList[c].fileSize
                    dstFnum = dstObjList[c].num
                    #Assume if file size different then content different
                    if dstFsize in srcSizeList:  #{5
                        for d in range(len(srcObjList)):  #{6
                            srcFile = srcObjList[d].fileNames[
                                0]  #file name only
                            srcFsize = srcObjList[d].fileSize
                            srcDirFile = func.buildPath(
                                srcDir, srcObjList[d].fileNames[0],
                                delim)  #complete path
                            srcFnum = srcObjList[d].num
                            #return actual size which is same on different file system, not size on disk
                            #Investigate further about filecmp.cmp
                            if dstFsize == srcFsize:  #{7
                                #filecmp compare primarily compare file size and modification time
                                #3rd arg 0-filecmp, 1-hashlib
                                #last arg passed in from GUI for filecmp shallow=True/False
                                if func.fCompare(dstDirFile, srcDirFile,
                                                 cmp_Mode, hash_Mode,
                                                 True):  #{8
                                    #And its corresponding srcFile is added to srcToCopy list
                                    #By not adding it to the sameFileSrc list
                                    #before the file is re-copied
                                    #dstFile to be kept, but renamed to be same as corresponding srcFile
                                    if dstFnum == 1 and srcFnum == 1:  #{9
                                        if dstFile != srcFile:  #{10
                                            #This is to check for files with same size, mod-time but different content
                                            #only thing indicates that they are different files is their file names and content
                                            #If file names mismatch then do a file content comparison
                                            #to verify two files are in fact the same, if not then continue
                                            if not func.fCompare(
                                                    dstDirFile, srcDirFile,
                                                    cmp_Mode, hash_Mode,
                                                    False):  #{11
                                            tempRN1 = func.buildPath(
                                                dstDir, srcFile, delim)
                                                [dstDirFile, tempRN1])
                                            totalDstRename = totalDstRename + 1  #Global variable
                                        toRemove = False
                                        )  #file that is the same
                                    else:  #{9
                                        srcNlist = srcObjList[
                                        dstNlist = dstObjList[
                                        toRM = []
                                        for i in srcNlist:  #{10
                                            if i in dstNlist:  #{11
                                                )  #not to remove elements while looping
                                        #When there is a total mismatch in file names, do a file content compare
                                        #to verify two files are in fact the same, if not continue
                                        if len(toRM) == 0:  #{10
                                            if not func.fCompare(
                                                    dstDirFile, srcDirFile,
                                                    cmp_Mode, hash_Mode,
                                                    False):  #{11
                                        for i in toRM:  #{10
                                        srcLen = len(srcNlist)
                                        dstLen = len(dstNlist)
                                        numSum = srcLen + dstLen
                                        if numSum != 0:  #{10
                                            numDiff = srcLen - dstLen
                                            if numDiff > 0:  #{11
                                                for i in range(
                                                        dstLen, srcLen,
                                                        1):  #{12
                                                        srcDir, dstDir,
                                                    totalSrcCopy = totalSrcCopy + 1  #Global variable
                                                for i in range(0, dstLen,
                                                               1):  #{12
                                                    if srcNlist[i] != dstNlist[
                                                            i]:  #{13
                                                        tempRN1 = func.buildPath(
                                                            srcNlist[i], delim)
                                                            dstDirFile, tempRN1
                                                        totalDstRename = totalDstRename + 1  #Global variable
                                            elif numDiff < 0:  #{11
                                                for i in range(
                                                        srcLen, dstLen,
                                                        1):  #{12
                                                    tempRM0 = func.buildPath(
                                                        dstDir, dstNlist[i],
                                                    totalDstRemove = totalDstRemove + 1  #Global variable
                                                for i in range(0, srcLen,
                                                               1):  #{12
                                                    if srcNlist[i] != dstNlist[
                                                            i]:  #{13
                                                        tempRN1 = func.buildPath(
                                                            srcNlist[i], delim)
                                                            dstDirFile, tempRN1
                                                        totalDstRename = totalDstRename + 1  #Global variable
                                            else:  #{11
                                                for i in range(0, srcLen,
                                                               1):  #{12
                                                    if srcNlist[i] != dstNlist[
                                                            i]:  #{13
                                                        tempRN1 = func.buildPath(
                                                            srcNlist[i], delim)
                                                            dstDirFile, tempRN1
                                                        totalDstRename = totalDstRename + 1  #Global variable
                                        toRemove = False
                                        )  #file that is the same
                            #if nothing matches then do nothing
                            #src file will be in srcToCopy list by not being in sameFileSrc list
                            #dst file will add to delete list by toRemove not being set to False
                            #this is the only place to break out of looping srcFileList
                            #coz file size is sorted from small to large
                            elif srcFsize > dstFsize:  #{7
                    #Condition for dst file removal is if the file does not exist in src
                    #Or dst file exist in src, but it's more than 2 years old
                    if toRemove == True:  #{5
                        #provision for multi-copy files
                        if dstFnum == 1:  #{6
                            totalDstRemove = totalDstRemove + 1  #Global variable
                        else:  #{6
                            nList = dstObjList[c].fileNames
                            totalDstRemove = totalDstRemove + dstFnum
                            for i in nList:  #{7
                                tempRM = func.buildPath(dstDir, i, delim)
        #To copy srcDir files that does not exist in dstDir to dstDir
        if len(srcObjList) == 0:  #{2
            return 1
        else:  #{2
            #This if clause is for when dst dir match src dir, but it's empty
            #Only empty of files, but there may be sub-folders
            if len(dstObjList) == 0:  #{3
                for d in range(len(srcObjList)):  #{4
                    if srcObjList[d].num == 1:  #{5
                            srcDir, dstDir, srcObjList[d].fileNames[0],
                        totalSrcCopy = totalSrcCopy + 1  #Global variable
                    else:  #{5
                        nList = srcObjList[d].fileNames
                        totalSrcCopy = totalSrcCopy + srcObjList[d].num
                        for i in nList:  #{6
                            checkNcopyList.append([srcDir, dstDir, i, i])
            else:  #{3
                #If src file is not in the sameFileSrc list, then it's to be copied to dst
                #srcToCopy = list(set(sameFileSrc)^set(srcFileList)) #remove same elements between 2 1D lists
                for i in srcObjList:  #{4
                    if not i in sameFileSrc:  #{5
                for d in range(len(srcToCopy)):  #{4
                    if srcToCopy[d].num == 1:  #{5
                            srcDir, dstDir, srcToCopy[d].fileNames[0],
                        totalSrcCopy = totalSrcCopy + 1  #Global variable
                    else:  #{5
                        nList = srcToCopy[d].fileNames
                        totalSrcCopy = totalSrcCopy + srcToCopy[d].num
                        for i in nList:  #{6
                            checkNcopyList.append([srcDir, dstDir, i, i])
        #at1 =
        #sec1 = at1.second
        #msec1 = at1.microsecond
        #t0 = sec0 + msec0/1000000
        #t1 = sec1 + msec1/1000000
        #dt = t1 - t0
        return 1
Esempio n. 6
def testSync(srcDir, dstDir):  #{0
    testSrcDir = []
    testDstDir = []
    testSrcFile = []
    testDstFile = []
    testContent = ["testFile0", "testFile1", "testFile2", "testFile3"]
    resFile = []
    testSrcDir.append(func.buildPath(srcDir, "testDir", delim))
    testDstDir.append(func.buildPath(dstDir, "testDir", delim))
    tStr = "testDir" + delim + "subDir1"
    testSrcDir.append(func.buildPath(srcDir, tStr, delim))
    tStr = "testDir" + delim + "subDir2"
    testSrcDir.append(func.buildPath(srcDir, tStr, delim))
    testDstDir.append(func.buildPath(dstDir, tStr, delim))
    tStr = "testDir" + delim + "subDir3"
    testDstDir.append(func.buildPath(dstDir, tStr, delim))
    tStr1 = "testDir" + delim + "testFile0.txt"
    testSrcFile.append(func.buildPath(srcDir, tStr1, delim))
    tStr2 = "testDir" + delim + "subDir1" + delim + "testFile1.txt"
    testSrcFile.append(func.buildPath(srcDir, tStr2, delim))
    tStr3 = "testDir" + delim + "subDir2" + delim + "testFile2.txt"
    testSrcFile.append(func.buildPath(srcDir, tStr3, delim))
    testDstFile.append(func.buildPath(dstDir, tStr3, delim))
    tStr = "testDir" + delim + "subDir3" + delim + "testFile3.txt"
    testDstFile.append(func.buildPath(dstDir, tStr, delim))

    resFile.append(func.buildPath(dstDir, tStr1, delim))
    resFile.append(func.buildPath(dstDir, tStr2, delim))
    resFile.append(func.buildPath(dstDir, tStr3, delim))

    for sDir in testSrcDir:  #{1
        if not os.path.isdir(sDir):  #{2
    for dDir in testDstDir:  #{1
        if not os.path.isdir(dDir):  #{2
    for i in range(len(testSrcFile)):  #{1
        if not os.path.isfile(testSrcFile[i]):  #{2
            srcFile = open(testSrcFile[i], 'a', encoding='utf8')
    for j in range(len(testDstFile)):  #{1
        if not os.path.isfile(testDstFile[j]):  #{2
            dstFile = open(testDstFile[j], 'a', encoding='utf8')
            dstFile.write(testContent[j + 2])
    print("Testing core function..")
    backupCopy(testSrcDir[0], testDstDir[0], '', '')
    filing(3, 1)
    if os.path.isfile(resFile[0]) and os.path.isfile(resFile[1]) \
    and os.path.isfile(resFile[2]):#{1
        print("Test successful")
        shutil.rmtree(testSrcDir[0], onerror=func.remove_readonly)
        shutil.rmtree(testDstDir[0], onerror=func.remove_readonly)
        return True
    else:  #{1
        print("Test failed")
        #shutil.rmtree(testSrcDir[0], onerror=func.remove_readonly)
        #shutil.rmtree(testDstDir[0], onerror=func.remove_readonly)
        return False
Esempio n. 7
def sync_size_est(dst_drive):  #{0
    global dstRM_size
    global srcCP_size
    global net_sync_size
    dstRM_size = 0
    srcCP_size = 0
    net_sync_size = 0

    dst_stat = shutil.disk_usage(dst_drive)
    dst_total =  #int in bytes
    dst_free =  #int in bytes
    dst_total_gb = dst_total * gb_conv  #int in GB
    dst_free_gb = dst_free * gb_conv  #int in GB
    print('Destination drive capacity:')
    print('Total: ' + str(dst_total_gb) + 'GB' + ' Free: ' + str(dst_free_gb) +

    if len(removeList) != 0:  #{1
        for f in removeList:  #{2
            rmFsize = os.path.getsize(f)
            dstRM_size = dstRM_size + rmFsize
    if len(rmtreeList) != 0:  #{1
        for f in rmtreeList:  #{2
            for d, sd, fs in os.walk(f):  #{3
                for fn in fs:  #{4
                    fp = func.buildPath(d, fn, delim)
                    fp_size = os.path.getsize(fp)
                    dstRM_size = dstRM_size + fp_size
    if len(checkNcopyList) != 0:  #{1
        for f in checkNcopyList:  #{2
            fp = func.buildPath(f[0], f[2], delim)
            cpFsize = os.path.getsize(fp)
            srcCP_size = srcCP_size + cpFsize
    if len(copytreeList) != 0:  #{1
        for f in copytreeList:  #{2
            fp = f[0]
            for d, sd, fs in os.walk(fp):  #{3
                for fn in fs:  #{4
                    fp = func.buildPath(d, fn, delim)
                    fp_size = os.path.getsize(fp)
                    srcCP_size = srcCP_size + fp_size
    net_sync_size = srcCP_size - dstRM_size
    srcCP_size_gb = srcCP_size * gb_conv
    dstRM_size_gb = dstRM_size * gb_conv
    net_sync_size_gb = net_sync_size * gb_conv
    if srcCP_size_gb < 1:  #{1
        srcCP_size_mb = srcCP_size * mb_conv
        print('Files to copy: ' + str(srcCP_size_mb) + 'MB')
    else:  #{1
        print('Files to copy: ' + str(srcCP_size_gb) + 'GB')
    if dstRM_size_gb < 1:  #{1
        dstRM_size_mb = dstRM_size * mb_conv
        print('Files to remove: ' + str(dstRM_size_mb) + 'MB')
    else:  #{1
        print('Files to remove: ' + str(dstRM_size_gb) + 'GB')
    if net_sync_size_gb < 1:  #{1
        net_sync_size_mb = net_sync_size * mb_conv
        print('Net increase to destination: ' + str(net_sync_size_mb) + 'MB')
    else:  #{1
        print('Net increase to destination: ' + str(net_sync_size_gb) + 'GB')
Esempio n. 8
def filing(iMode, iCS):  #{0
    global totalSrcFile
    global totalDstFile
    global totalSrcCopy
    global totalDstRemove
    global totalDstRename
    #totalSrcFile = 0
    #totalDstFile = 0
    totalSrcCopy = 0
    totalDstRemove = 0
    totalDstRename = 0

    if iMode == 3:  #{1
        print('Mirror Syncing...')
    elif iMode == 1:  #{1
        print('Additive Syncing...')
    elif iMode == 2:  #{1
        print('File name Syncing...')
    if iMode == 3:  #{1
        for tf in rmtreeList:  #{2
            #print('Folder remove ' + tf)
            tfTotal = sum([len(cc) for aa, bb, cc in os.walk(tf)])
            try:  #{3
                totalDstRemove = totalDstRemove + tfTotal
            except:  #{3
                tfLeft = sum([len(cc) for aa, bb, cc in os.walk(tf)])
                tfRM = tfTotal - tfLeft
                totalDstRemove = totalDstRemove + tfRM
                print('dir removal error on: ' + tf)
        for rmf in removeList:  #{2
            try:  #{3
                totalDstRemove = totalDstRemove + 1
            except OSError:  #{3
                print('OSerror during file removal: ' + rmf)
            #print('Remove: ' + rmf)
    if iMode == 3 or iMode == 2:  #{1
        for rnf in renameList:  #{2
            try:  #{3
                os.rename(rnf[0], rnf[1])
                totalDstRename = totalDstRename + 1
            except OSError:  #{3
                print('OSerror during file rename: ' + rnf)
            #print('Rename: ' + rnf[0] + ' -> ' + rnf[1])
    cpTreeErr = []
    cpFileErr = []
    if iMode == 3 or iMode == 1:  #{1
        #copytree function create dst directory path automatically
        for cpt in copytreeList:  #{2
            try:  #{3
                shutil.copytree(cpt[0], cpt[1])
                temp = sum([len(cc) for aa, bb, cc in os.walk(cpt[1])])
                totalSrcCopy = totalSrcCopy + temp
            except Error as err:  #{3
                print('Error during directory copy')
                print('src name: ' + str(err.args[0]))
                print('dst name: ' + str(err.args[1]))
                print('exception: ' + str(err.args[2]))
        for cptErr in cpTreeErr:  #{2
        for cpf in checkNcopyList:  #{2
            tempDst = func.buildPath(cpf[1], cpf[3], delim)
            #print('Folder copy ' + cpf[0] + ' to ' + cpf[1])
            if fOps.checkNcopy(cpf[0], cpf[1], cpf[2], cpf[3],
                               delim) == True:  #{3
                totalSrcCopy = totalSrcCopy + 1
            else:  #{3
        for cpfErr in cpFileErr:  #{2
    #Checksum for transfered files
    if (iMode == 1 or iMode == 3) and iCS == 1:  #{1
        if len(checkNcopyList) != 0:  #{2
            v1 = validate(checkNcopyList, '', '', '')
        else:  #{2
            v1 = 3
        if len(copytreeList) != 0:  #{2
            for i in copytreeList:  #{3
                v2 = validate(i[0], i[1], '', '')
                if v2 == 0:  #{4
        else:  #{2
            v2 = 3
        v3 = v1 + v2
        if v3 == 2 or v3 == 4:  #{2
            print('Checksum: Transfered file checksum passed')
        elif v3 == 6:  #{2
            print('Checksum: Nothing to validate')
        else:  #{2
            print('Checksum: Transfered file checksum failed')
    print('Total source file count: ' + str(totalSrcFile))
    print('Total destination file count: ' + str(totalDstFile))
    print('Total source file copied: ' + str(totalSrcCopy))
    print('Total destination file removed: ' + str(totalDstRemove))
    print('Total destination file renamed: ' + str(totalDstRename))
    if iMode == 3 and totalSrcFile == totalDstFile - totalDstRemove + totalSrcCopy:  #{1
        print("No issue encountered with mirroring")
        print("Issue encountered, please investigate")
    print('Sync finished\n')
Esempio n. 9
def localCompare(targetDir, cmpMode, exlDir):  #{0
    entity0 = entityc.entity(targetDir, targetDir, delim)
    targetDir = entity0.targetDir
    eList = func.listExl(exlDir, delim)
    print('Directories to exclude:')
    isExl = False

    cwd = os.getcwd()
    if not os.path.isdir(targetDir):  #{1
        print('Error: Target directory not found\n')
        return ''
    else:  #{1
        #Variable init and definition
        dupList = []
        opCounter = 0
        cpCounter = 0
        totalFiles = 0
        cMode = ''
        if cmpMode == 0:  #{2
            cMode = 'Filecmp.cmp (shallow=False compare file content)'
        else:  #{2
            cMode = 'Hashlib (Checksum:SHA256)'
        print('Finding duplicated files within each sub-directory...')
        for folderName, subFolders, fileNames in os.walk(targetDir):  #{2
            fileList = []
            objList = []
            c = 0
            for eDir in eList:  #{3
                if eDir in folderName:  #{4
                    isExl = True
            if isExl == True:  #{3
                isExl = False
            else:  #{3
                for fileName in fileNames:  #{4
                    if fileName.lower() != thumbs.lower():  #{5
                        totalFiles = totalFiles + 1
                        fSize = os.path.getsize(
                            func.buildPath(folderName, fileName, delim))
                        fileList.append([folderName, fileName, fSize])
                fileList.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
                #loadFileObj populates objList list with list of duplicated files
                func.loadFileObj(fileList, objList, True, delim, cmpMode,
                ##for i in objList:#{4
                ##    ts = i.fileNames
                ##    print(ts)
                if len(objList) != 0:  #{4
                    for i in objList:  #{5
                        timeList = []
                        Bvalue = 0
                        Bindex = 0
                        counter = 0
                        for j in i.fileNames:  #{6
                            path = func.buildPath(i.fileDir[0], j, delim)
                            ct = os.path.getctime(path)
                            at = os.path.getatime(path)
                        while counter < len(timeList):  #{6
                            if timeList[counter] > Bvalue:  #{7
                                Bvalue = timeList[counter]
                                Bindex = counter
                            counter = counter + 1
                        cd = Bindex // 2
                        #cr = Bindex%2
                        toKeep = 'To keep: ' + i.fileNames[cd] + ', to remove:'
                        for j in range(len(i.fileNames)):  #{6
                            if j != cd:  #{7
                                toKeep = toKeep + ' ' + i.fileNames[j]
                                toRM = func.buildPath(i.fileDir[0],
                                                      i.fileNames[j], delim)
                        toKeep = toKeep + ', at ' + i.fileDir[0]
                        cpCounter = cpCounter + 1
        #encoding arg is for writing nonEng char
        with open(cwd + delim + 'findDupFiles_report.txt',
                  encoding='utf8') as outputFile:  #{2
            outputFile.write('Target directory: ' + targetDir + '\n')
                'Find duplicated files within each sub-directory\n')
            if len(dupList) > 0:  #{3
                outputFile.write('Files with duplicated content:\n')
                for i in dupList:  #{4
                    outputFile.write(i + '\n')
            outputFile.write('Method of file comparison: ' + cMode + '\n')
            outputFile.write('Total file count: ' + str(totalFiles) + '\n')
            outputFile.write('Comparison Ops: ' + str(opCounter) + '\n')
            outputFile.write('Duplicated files: ' + str(cpCounter) + '\n')
            #outputFile.close() #using "with open" auto close file even with exception
        print('Method of file comparison: ' + cMode)
        print('Total file count: ' + str(totalFiles))
        print('Duplicated files: ' + str(cpCounter))
        print('Please find analysis report in ' + cwd + delim +
        print('Analysis completed\n')
        ret = str(totalFiles) + '-0-' + str(cpCounter)
        return ret
Esempio n. 10
def globalCompare(targetDir, cmpMode, exlDir):  #{0
    entity0 = entityc.entity(targetDir, targetDir, delim)
    targetDir = entity0.targetDir
    eList = func.listExl(exlDir, delim)
    print('Directories to exclude:')
    isExl = False

    cwd = os.getcwd()
    if not os.path.isdir(targetDir):  #{1
        print('Error: Target directory not found\n')
        return ''
    else:  #{1
        fileList = []
        objList = []
        nameList = []
        opCounter = 0
        cpCounter = 0
        dnCounter = 0
        totalFiles = 0
        for folderName, subFolders, fileNames in os.walk(targetDir):  #{2
            for eDir in eList:  #{3
                if eDir in folderName:  #{4
                    isExl = True
            if isExl == True:  #{3
                isExl = False
            else:  #{3
                for fileName in fileNames:  #{4
                    if fileName.lower() != thumbs.lower():  #{5
                        totalFiles = totalFiles + 1
                        tPath = func.buildPath(folderName, fileName, delim)
                        fSize = os.path.getsize(tPath)
                        mTime = os.path.getmtime(tPath)
                        fileList.append([folderName, fileName, fSize])
                        nameList.append([folderName, fileName, mTime])
        #Now a list of all files and dir is ready
        if len(fileList) == 0:  #{2
            print('There are no files in target directory\n')
            return ''
        else:  #{2
            cMode = ''
            if cmpMode == 0:  #{3
                cMode = 'Filecmp.cmp (shallow=False compare file content)'
            else:  #{3
                cMode = 'Hashlib (Checksum:SHA256)'
            c = 0
            dupName = []
            dupList = []
            nameList.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])  #sort in order of file name
            while c < (len(nameList) - 1):  #{3
                nc = c + 1
                dir1 = nameList[c][0]
                dir2 = nameList[nc][0]
                file1 = nameList[c][1]
                file2 = nameList[nc][
                    1]  #file to be removed from nameList if same
                mtime1 = nameList[c][2]
                mtime2 = nameList[nc][2]
                if file1 == file2:  #{4
                    #print(file1 + ' => ' + file2)
                    df1 = func.buildPath(dir1, file1, delim)
                    df2 = func.buildPath(dir2, file2, delim)
                    if mtime1 > mtime2:  #{5
                        df3 = 'latter'
                    elif mtime2 > mtime1:  #{5
                        df3 = 'former'
                    else:  #{5
                        df3 = 'either'
                    dupName.append(df1 + ' == ' + df2 + ', Remove: ' + df3)
                    dnCounter = dnCounter + 1
                    del nameList[nc]
                    continue  #effect is c is not incremented
                c = c + 1
                key=lambda x: x[2])  #sort fileList against fSize (file size)
            #loadFileObj populates objList list with list of duplicated files
            func.loadFileObj(fileList, objList, True, delim, cmpMode,
            print('Finding duplicated files across all sub-directories...')
            if len(objList) != 0:  #{3
                for i in objList:  #{4
                    timeList = []
                    Bvalue = 0
                    Bindex = 0
                    counter = 0
                    for j in range(len(i.fileNames)):  #{5
                        if len(i.fileDir) == 1:  #{6
                            k = 0
                        else:  #{6
                            k = j
                        path = func.buildPath(i.fileDir[k], i.fileNames[j],
                        ct = os.path.getctime(path)
                        at = os.path.getatime(path)
                    while counter < len(timeList):  #{5
                        if timeList[counter] > Bvalue:  #{6
                            Bvalue = timeList[counter]
                            Bindex = counter
                        counter = counter + 1
                    cd = Bindex // 2
                    #cr = Bindex%2
                    if len(i.fileDir) == 1:  #{5
                        k = 0
                    else:  #{5
                        k = cd
                    keepath = func.buildPath(i.fileDir[k], i.fileNames[cd],
                    toKeep = 'To keep:\n' + keepath + '\nIn:\n' + keepath + '\n'
                    for j in range(len(i.fileNames)):  #{5
                        if j != cd:  #{6
                            if len(i.fileDir) == 1:  #{7
                                k = 0
                            else:  #{7
                                k = j
                            toRM = func.buildPath(i.fileDir[k], i.fileNames[j],
                            toKeep = toKeep + toRM + '\n'
                    cpCounter = cpCounter + 1
            #encoding arg is for writing nonEng char
            with open(cwd + delim + 'findDupFiles_report.txt',
                      encoding='utf8') as outputFile:  #{3
                outputFile.write('Target directory: ' + targetDir + '\n')
                    'Find duplicated files across all sub-directories\n')
                if len(dupList) > 0:  #{4
                    outputFile.write('Files with duplicated content:\n')
                    for i in dupList:  #{5
                        outputFile.write(i + '\n')
                if len(dupName) > 0:  #{4
                    outputFile.write('Files with duplicated names:\n')
                    for i in dupName:  #{5
                        outputFile.write(i + '\n')
                outputFile.write('Method of file comparison: ' + cMode + '\n')
                outputFile.write('Total file count: ' + str(totalFiles) + '\n')
                outputFile.write('Comparison Ops: ' + str(opCounter) + '\n')
                outputFile.write('Duplicated files: ' + str(cpCounter) + '\n')
                outputFile.write('Duplicated fileNames: ' + str(dnCounter) +
                    'Only files with duplicated content are included in deletion\n'
                    'Duplicated file naming require user investigation\n')
                #outputFile.close() #using "with open" auto close file even with exception
            print('Method of file comparison: ' + cMode)
            print('Total file count: ' + str(totalFiles))
            print('Duplicated files: ' + str(cpCounter))
            print('Duplicated fileNames: ' + str(dnCounter))
                'Only files with duplicated content are included in deletion')
            print('Duplicated file naming require user investigation')
            print('Please find analysis report in ' + cwd + delim +
            print('Analysis completed\n')
            ret = str(totalFiles) + '-' + str(dnCounter) + '-' + str(cpCounter)
            return ret
def delDirFile(wd, targetName, isFolder, exlDir):  #{0
    entity0 = entityc.entity(wd, wd, delim)
    wd = entity0.targetDir
    eList = func.listExl(exlDir, delim)
    print('Directories to exclude:')
    isExl = False

    if not os.path.isdir(wd):  #{1
        print('Error: target directory not found\n')
        return 0
    else:  #{1
        workFolder = ''
        cpCounter = 0
        if isFolder == False:  #{2
            checkTar = targetName.split('.')
            ext = checkTar[len(checkTar) - 1]
            if ext == 'sys' or ext == 'dll' or len(checkTar) == 1:  #{3
                    'Error: file extension must be specified and cannot be .sys or .dll\n'
                return 0
        else:  #{2
            checkTar = targetName.split('.')
            ext = checkTar[0]
            if ext == '':  #{3
                print('Error: folder name cannot start with "."\n')
                return 0
        print('Finding specified file/folder for deletion...')
        for folderName, subFolders, fileNames in os.walk(wd):  #{2
            for eDir in eList:  #{3
                if eDir in folderName:  #{4
                    isExl = True
            if isExl == True:  #{3
                isExl = False
            else:  #{3
                tWorkFolder = folderName.split(delim)
                workFolder = tWorkFolder[len(tWorkFolder) - 1]
                #print('Folder inside ' + workFolder)
                if isFolder == False:  #{4
                    for fileName in fileNames:  #{5
                        if fileName.lower() == targetName.lower():  #{6
                            target = func.buildPath(folderName, fileName,
                            cpCounter = cpCounter + 1
                else:  #{4
                    if folderName != wd:  #{5
                        if workFolder.lower() == targetName.lower():  #{6
                            #Add to delete list
                            cpCounter = cpCounter + 1
        print('Number of instances found: ' + str(cpCounter))
        for i in delDFList:  #{2
        print('Analysis completed\n')
        return cpCounter