def _pull(self, type): self.sp = (self.sp + 1) & vm.BITS8 if self.sp == 0: raise StackError('Stack underflow') if self.stack_contents[self.sp] != type: raise StackError('Corrupt stack, expected {} but pulled {}, sp: {}' .format(type, self.stack_contents[self.sp], vm.hex8(self.sp))) return self.mem[memmap.STACK_PAGE + self.sp]
def _setitem_single(self, index, value): """ Notifies listeners for each byte store and calls abstract _load. Emits warning if read only. """ if self.read_only: raise ReadOnlyError('Write {} to read-only location {}' .format(vm.hex8(value), vm.hex16(index))) else: self._store(vm.size16(index), value) [listener(index, value) for listener in self.store_listeners]
def get_instruction_set(): """ Returns a dictionary containing all of the instructions recognized by the x6502 CPU. Values are :class:`Instruction` objects keyed by opcode. """ from mach8 import instructions instruction_set = dict() for op_name in instructions.__all__: op = getattr(instructions, op_name) if op.opcode in instruction_set: raise ValueError('Duplicate opcode: {}', vm.hex8(op.opcode)) instruction_set[op.opcode] = op return instruction_set
def next(self): """ Executes the next instruction. """ try: opcode = self.fetch() address = self.pc try: instruction = self._instruction_set[opcode] except KeyError: raise IllegalInstructionError('Invalid opcode: {}' .format(vm.hex8(opcode))) instruction.execute(self, instruction.operation, instruction.addressing_mode) [listener(address, instruction) for listener in self.run_listeners] except: self.exit = EXIT_TRAP raise
def _format_instruction(self): """ Formats the instruction name and arguments. """ i = self.instruction try: formatter, has_argument = FORMAT_TABLE[i.addressing_mode] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Invalid addressing mode: ' + str(i.addressing_mode)) if not has_argument: return formatter.format(i.operation) if self.argument is None: # Format the raw bytes if len(self.bytes) == 2: arg = vm.hex8(self.bytes[1]) else: arg = vm.hex16(vm.to_words(self.bytes[1:3])[0]) else: arg = self.argument return formatter.format(i.operation, arg)
def _memory_watcher(self, address, value): if address in print 'mem {} <-= {}{}'.format(vm.hex16(address), vm.hex8(value), self._labels_at_address(address))
def memory_store_listener(self, address, value): if not self.logging_run:'mem {} <-= {}'.format(vm.hex16(address), vm.hex8(value)))
def test_hex8(self): self.assertEquals('$0a', vm.hex8(0x0a))