def generate_search_page(path, terms, page, sort, page_size=DEF_SEARCH_RESULTS):
    Generate a search results page.
    error = None

    # Make sure page is a number, failing on bad input
    prev_page = None
    if not page:
        page = 1
        page = int(page)
        prev_page = page - 1
    # Do the search
    # TODO: Add column sort
    results = []
    is_next_page = False
    if (len(terms) < SINGLE_TAG_MAX_LENGTH):
        (results, is_next_page) =, page=page, num=page_size, sort=sort)
        error = "Query term too long."
        terms = terms[:SINGLE_TAG_MAX_LENGTH] + "..."

    # If the number of results is less than that of page_size,
    # then there is no next page.
    next_page = None
    if is_next_page: next_page = page + 1

    # If there are no results, add an error.
    if not error and len(results) == 0:
        error = "No results found."

    # TODO: Hook up template controls to sort results.
    # TODO: Hook up template controls to page forward/back.
    # Return generated search page.
    return render_template('base.template',
                            {'query'  : terms,
                             'content': render_template('search.template',
                                                        {'search_error'    : error,
                                                         'curr_version'    : "%s.%s.%s" % (MAJOR_VERSION,
                                                         'query'      : terms,
                                                         'q_esc'      : FORM_QUERY_ESC,
                                                         'results'    : results,
                                                         'sort'       : sort,
                                                          'page_var'   : FORM_SEARCH_PAGE,
                                                         # Only give a prev page if we're over page 1.
                                                         'prev_page'  : prev_page,
                                                         'page'       : page,
                                                         'next_page'  : next_page,
def generate_error_page(path, macro=None, error=None):
    Generate an error page.

    # Create the error string
    macro_str = ""
    error_str = ""
    if macro: macro_str = macro
    if error: error_str = error

    # Return generated error page.
    return render_template('base.template',
                            {'content': render_template('error.template',
                                                        {'input': macro_str,
                                                         'error': error_str},
Esempio n. 3
 def get(self):
   Display links page.
   about = template.render(os.path.join(_TEMPLATE_PATH,
                                           template_vars={'content': about}))
def generate_api_response(path, macro_id, r_type='xml'):
    Generate an XML/JSON interpretation of a macro.

    Handles exceptions, returning them as errors in the response.

    TO BE WRITTEN: API for response. Use template?

    # Can we hit memcached for this?
    key = "api_%s_%s" % (macro_id, r_type)
    response = memcache.get(key)
    if response: return response

    # Get parsed macro from id and begin response generation.
    response_dict = get_view_dict_from_macro_id(macro_id)
    # Call helper to interpret the macro behind the id.
    macro_obj = get_macro_obj_from_id(macro_id, response_dict['macro_input'])

    # Add macro, with or without errors.
    response_dict['interpret'] = _translate_parsed_macro(macro_obj),

    # Render to response type requested.
    if r_type == 'xml':
        response  = render_template('xml_response.template',
    else: # json
        del response_dict['class_list']
        del response_dict['macro_input']
        response = simplejson.dumps(response_dict)
    # Add to memcached
    #memcache.add(key, response, MEMCACHED_API)  
    return response
def generate_edit_page(path, macro=None, save_values={}, macro_id=None):
    Generate edit page via template.  Exceptions propogated upwards.
    Propogates exceptions up.
    # Two parts to this page: macro form and link form.
    macro_form_html       = ''
    macro_link_html       = ''

    # Start filling in the macro form template
    macro_form_template_values = {
        'intro_text'      : FORM_MACRO_INPUT_HELP,
        'macro_process':    URL_MACRO_PROCESS,
        'macro_input_form': FORM_MACRO_INPUT,}
    # If we got a macro_id, attempt to get the macro from it.
    macro_obj = None
    if valid(macro_id):
        macro_obj = get_macro_obj_from_id(macro_id)
        macro     = macro_obj.macro
    elif valid(macro):
        # Import big modules locally to avoid unneccesary work.
        from macro.interpret.interpreter import MacroInterpreter
        macro_obj = MacroInterpreter().interpret_macro(macro)

     # If we got a good macro, display its interpretation
    if valid(macro):
        # Add the macro to the form.
        if macro_obj.macro_changed:
            macro_form_template_values['macro'] = _render_clean_cmd(macro_obj)
            macro_form_template_values['changed'] = MACRO_CHANGED
            macro_form_template_values['macro'] = macro

        # Grab the templates for both the interpretation and the
        # processed macro, and populate them.
        macro_form_template_values['processed_macro_html'] = \
           render_macro(macro_obj, path)
        # If we have a valid macro that we could try saving,
        # generate form.  Also, only do this if we didn't come
        # directly from a view--no need to re-save a macro.
        if macro_obj.macro_good and not macro_id:
            macro_unesc = _render_clean_cmd(macro_obj)
            macro_esc   = escape(macro_unesc)
            macro_link_template_values = {
                'title_show'      : "none",
                'title_hide'      : "block",
                'notes_show'      : "none",
                'notes_hide'      : "block",
                'link_process'    : URL_SAVE_PROCESS,
                'macro_input_form': FORM_MACRO_INPUT,
                'macro'           : macro_unesc,
                'macro_esc'       : macro_esc,
                'macro_is_esc '   : FORM_MACRO_ESC,
                'title'           : FORM_SAVE_TITLE,
                'name'            : FORM_SAVE_NAME,
                'notes'           : FORM_SAVE_NOTES,
                'server'          : FORM_SAVE_SERVER,
                'classes'         : FORM_SAVE_CLASSES,
                'tags'            : FORM_SAVE_TAGS,
                'note_limit'      : NOTES_TEXT_LENGTH,
                'note_ch_left'    : NOTES_TEXT_LENGTH,
                'class_list'      : translate_classmap(),
                'tag_def_list'    : TAG_LIST,
                'tag_list'        : '',
                'server_list'     : render_template('servers.template', path=path),
                'selected_server' : '',
                'curr_version'    : "%s.%s.%s" % (MAJOR_VERSION,
            # Is this another save attempt after errors?  If so, update
            # with errors and previous values.

            # Render the template.
            macro_link_html = render_template('save_form.template',
    # Add in the link html.
    macro_form_template_values['macro_link_html'] = \

    # Render the macro form template html.
    ret_page  = render_template('macro_form.template',

    return render_template('base.template',
                           {'content': ret_page },
def generate_view_page(path, macro_id, host_url, save_values={}):
    Generate a macro view page. Returns None on error.
    Propogates exceptions up.
    ret_page = None

    # Make sure we got valid input.
    if not macro_id: raise NoInputError("You entered an invalid macro ID.  Try again?")

    # Ensure we have a saved macro.  Will throw exception on fail.
    saved_macro = SavedMacroOps(macro_id)

    # View pages are extremely heavy, and the majority of their
    # data doesn't change.  Use helper to handle this.
    macro_form_template_values = get_view_dict_from_macro_id(macro_id, saved_macro)

    # Add in edit and view links.
    # Add in the author link.
    # Add in the form ids.
    page_values = {'macro_link'      : '%s/%s'    % (host_url,
                   'macro_edit'      : '%s?%s=%s' % (host_url,
                   'author'          : _format_author(,
                   'send_email'      : FORM_MACRO_EMAIL,
                   'send_input_form' : FORM_EMAIL_INPUT,
                   'to'              : FORM_EMAIL_TO,
                   'from'            : FORM_EMAIL_FROM,
    # Generate the dynamic parts of the page:
    #   1. Increment the view counter on this macro.
    #   2. Get the rating in terms of stars for this macro.
    dynamic_page_vals = {
        'stars'           : [i + 1 for i in range(MAX_RATING)],
        'num_rates'       : saved_macro.entity.num_rates,
        'views'           : saved_macro.add_to_view_count(),
        'rating'          : saved_macro.get_rating_dict(saved_macro.get_rating()),
    # Is this another save attempt after errors?  If so, update
    # with errors and previous values.

    # Call helper to interpret the macro behind the id.
    macro_obj = get_macro_obj_from_id(macro_id, saved_macro.entity.macro)

    # Populate the templace with the processed macro.
    macro_form_template_values['processed_macro_html'] = \
         render_macro(macro_obj, path)

    # Get the copy and paste form of the macro
    macro_form_template_values['copy_paste'] = \

    # Render the macro view template html.
    ret_page  = render_template('view.template',
    return render_template('base.template',
                           {'content':  ret_page},