Esempio n. 1
class ImuHandler:
    def __init__(self):
	#publishing rate
	self.rate = 30 #30Hz
	node_name = 'imu_mpu9150_handler'
        rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + 'Initialising {} node'.format(node_name))

        # Get all parameters from config (rosparam)
        address = int(rospy.get_param('imu/address', 0x69))
        gyro_scale = int(rospy.get_param('imu/gyroscope/scale', 250))
        acc_scale = int(rospy.get_param('imu/accelerometer/scale', 2))
	# Initialize Madgwick Algorithm
	#self.madgwick = MadgwickAHRS(1/30, 2.7101, 0.2);
	self.quaternion = Madgwick(0.041, self.rate)

	rospy.loginfo('Test {} address'.format(address))
        self.imu = Mpu9150(address, gyro_scale, acc_scale)
	#self.imu = Mpu9250(gyro_scale, acc_scale)
	rospy.loginfo("Compass calibration; move the IMU in random positions during the calibration");
	(self.mag_offset, self.mag_scale) = self.imu.magCalibration();
	rospy.loginfo("Calibration done");

    def publish(self):
        queue_size = rospy.get_param('imu/queue', 1);
        self.pub_imu = rospy.Publisher('imu_readings', Imu, queue_size=queue_size);
	self.pub_mag = rospy.Publisher('mag_readings', MagneticField, queue_size=queue_size);
        #self.rate = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param('imu/rate', 10))
	#self.rate = rospy.Rate(20)
	self.rate = rospy.Rate(30)	

        (self.msg_imu, self.msg_mag) = self.msg_template()

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            #rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + "publishing IMU data")



    def msg_template(self):
        msg_imu = Imu()
	msg_mag = MagneticField();
        msg_imu.header.frame_id = "robocape"
	msg_mag.header.frame_id = "robocape_mag"

        msg_imu.linear_acceleration_covariance = (0.1, 0.0, 0.0,
                                              0.0, 0.1, 0.0,
                                              0.0, 0.0, 0.1)

        msg_imu.angular_velocity_covariance = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                           0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
                                           0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

        msg_imu.orientation_covariance = (10.0, 0.0,  0.0,
                                      0.0,  10.0, 0.0,
                                      0.0,  0.0,  10.0)

	msg_mag.magnetic_field_covariance = (10.0, 0.0, 0.0,
					0.0, 10.0, 0.0,
					0.0, 0.0, 10.0)

        return (msg_imu, msg_mag)

    def pack_message(self):
	Euler = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
	Compassmag = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        now = rospy.get_rostime()
        self.msg_imu.header.stamp.secs = now.secs
        self.msg_imu.header.stamp.nsecs = now.nsecs
	self.msg_mag.header.stamp.secs = now.secs
	self.msg_mag.header.stamp.nsecs = now.nsecs

        self.msg_imu.linear_acceleration.x = self.imu.accel[0]
        self.msg_imu.linear_acceleration.y = self.imu.accel[1]
        self.msg_imu.linear_acceleration.z = self.imu.accel[2]

        self.msg_imu.angular_velocity.x = self.imu.gyro[0]
        self.msg_imu.angular_velocity.y = self.imu.gyro[1]
        self.msg_imu.angular_velocity.z = self.imu.gyro[2]

	Compassmag[0] = self.imu.compass[0] - self.mag_offset[0];
        Compassmag[1] = self.imu.compass[1] + self.mag_offset[1];
        Compassmag[2] = self.imu.compass[2] - self.mag_offset[2];

	#Euler = self.madgwick.EulerUpdateFilter(self.imu.gyro, self.imu.accel, self.imu.compass)
	#Euler = self.madgwick.EulerUpdateFilterSimple(self.imu.gyro, self.imu.accel, Compassmag) 
	accel = {'x':self.imu.accel[0]/9.81,'y':self.imu.accel[1]/9.81,'z':self.imu.accel[2]/9.81};
	gyro = {'x':self.imu.gyro[0],'y':self.imu.gyro[1],'z':self.imu.gyro[2]};
	compass = {'x':Compassmag[0]/100,'y':Compassmag[1]/100,'z':Compassmag[2]/100};

	self.quaternion.update(accel, gyro, compass)
	Eulerdi = self.quaternion.to_euler()
	rad2deg = 57.2957795130824
	Euler[0] = Eulerdi['x'] * rad2deg
	Euler[1] = Eulerdi['y'] * rad2deg
	Euler[2] = Eulerdi['z'] * rad2deg

	self.msg_imu.orientation.x = Euler[0];
	self.msg_imu.orientation.y = Euler[1];
	self.msg_imu.orientation.z = Euler[2];
	self.msg_imu.orientation.w = 0;

	self.msg_mag.magnetic_field.x = Compassmag[0];
	self.msg_mag.magnetic_field.y = Compassmag[1];
	self.msg_mag.magnetic_field.z = Compassmag[2];
Esempio n. 2
class ImuHandler:
    def __init__(self):

        #publishing rate
        self.rate = 30  #30Hz

        node_name = 'imu_mpu9150_handler'
        rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() +
                      'Initialising {} node'.format(node_name))

        # Get all parameters from config (rosparam)
        address = int(rospy.get_param('imu/address', 0x69))
        gyro_scale = int(rospy.get_param('imu/gyroscope/scale', 250))
        acc_scale = int(rospy.get_param('imu/accelerometer/scale', 2))

        # Initialize Madgwick Algorithm
        #self.madgwick = MadgwickAHRS(1/30, 2.7101, 0.2);
        self.quaternion = Madgwick(0.041, self.rate)

        rospy.loginfo('Test {} address'.format(address))
        self.imu = Mpu9150(address, gyro_scale, acc_scale)
        #self.imu = Mpu9250(gyro_scale, acc_scale)
            "Compass calibration; move the IMU in random positions during the calibration"
        (self.mag_offset, self.mag_scale) = self.imu.magCalibration()
        rospy.loginfo("Calibration done")

    def publish(self):
        queue_size = rospy.get_param('imu/queue', 1)
        self.pub_imu = rospy.Publisher('imu_readings',
        self.pub_mag = rospy.Publisher('mag_readings',
        #self.rate = rospy.Rate(rospy.get_param('imu/rate', 10))
        #self.rate = rospy.Rate(20)
        self.rate = rospy.Rate(30)

        (self.msg_imu, self.msg_mag) = self.msg_template()

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            #rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + "publishing IMU data")



    def msg_template(self):
        msg_imu = Imu()
        msg_mag = MagneticField()
        msg_imu.header.frame_id = "robocape"
        msg_mag.header.frame_id = "robocape_mag"

        msg_imu.linear_acceleration_covariance = (0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0,
                                                  0.0, 0.0, 0.1)

        msg_imu.angular_velocity_covariance = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
                                               0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

        msg_imu.orientation_covariance = (10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                          0.0, 10.0)

        msg_mag.magnetic_field_covariance = (10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0,
                                             0.0, 0.0, 10.0)

        return (msg_imu, msg_mag)

    def pack_message(self):
        Euler = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        Compassmag = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        now = rospy.get_rostime()
        self.msg_imu.header.stamp.secs = now.secs
        self.msg_imu.header.stamp.nsecs = now.nsecs
        self.msg_mag.header.stamp.secs = now.secs
        self.msg_mag.header.stamp.nsecs = now.nsecs

        self.msg_imu.linear_acceleration.x = self.imu.accel[0]
        self.msg_imu.linear_acceleration.y = self.imu.accel[1]
        self.msg_imu.linear_acceleration.z = self.imu.accel[2]

        self.msg_imu.angular_velocity.x = self.imu.gyro[0]
        self.msg_imu.angular_velocity.y = self.imu.gyro[1]
        self.msg_imu.angular_velocity.z = self.imu.gyro[2]

        Compassmag[0] = self.imu.compass[0] - self.mag_offset[0]
        Compassmag[1] = self.imu.compass[1] + self.mag_offset[1]
        Compassmag[2] = self.imu.compass[2] - self.mag_offset[2]

        #Euler = self.madgwick.EulerUpdateFilter(self.imu.gyro, self.imu.accel, self.imu.compass)
        #Euler = self.madgwick.EulerUpdateFilterSimple(self.imu.gyro, self.imu.accel, Compassmag)

        accel = {
            'x': self.imu.accel[0] / 9.81,
            'y': self.imu.accel[1] / 9.81,
            'z': self.imu.accel[2] / 9.81
        gyro = {
            'x': self.imu.gyro[0],
            'y': self.imu.gyro[1],
            'z': self.imu.gyro[2]
        compass = {
            'x': Compassmag[0] / 100,
            'y': Compassmag[1] / 100,
            'z': Compassmag[2] / 100

        self.quaternion.update(accel, gyro, compass)
        Eulerdi = self.quaternion.to_euler()

        rad2deg = 57.2957795130824
        Euler[0] = Eulerdi['x'] * rad2deg
        Euler[1] = Eulerdi['y'] * rad2deg
        Euler[2] = Eulerdi['z'] * rad2deg

        self.msg_imu.orientation.x = Euler[0]
        self.msg_imu.orientation.y = Euler[1]
        self.msg_imu.orientation.z = Euler[2]
        self.msg_imu.orientation.w = 0

        self.msg_mag.magnetic_field.x = Compassmag[0]
        self.msg_mag.magnetic_field.y = Compassmag[1]
        self.msg_mag.magnetic_field.z = Compassmag[2]
Esempio n. 3
	imu.compass[0] -= mag_offset[0];
	imu.compass[1] += mag_offset[1];
	imu.compass[2] -= mag_offset[2];
	#accel[0] = imu.accel[0]/9.81
	#accel[1] = imu.accel[1]/9.81
	#accel[2] = imu.accel[2]/9.81
	#compass[0] = imu.compass[0]/100
	#compass[1] = imu.compass[1]/100
	#compass[2] = imu.compass[2]/100

	accel = {'x':imu.accel[0]/9.81,'y':imu.accel[1]/9.81,'z':imu.accel[2]/9.81};
	gyro = {'x':imu.gyro[0],'y':imu.gyro[1],'z':imu.gyro[2]};
	compass = {'x':imu.compass[0]/100,'y':imu.compass[1]/100,'z':imu.compass[2]/100};
	quaternion.update(accel, gyro)
	Eulerdi = quaternion.to_euler()
	Euler[0] = Eulerdi['x'] * (180/3.14159265358979)
	Euler[1] = Eulerdi['y'] * (180/3.14159265358979)
	Euler[2] = Eulerdi['z'] * (180/3.14159265358979)
	#(SEq, b, wb) = madgwick.filterUpdate(imu.gyro, accel, compass, SEq, b, wb)	
	#Euler = madgwick.quatern2euler(madgwick.quaternConj(SEq))
	#Euler[0] *= (180/3.14159265358979)
	#Euler[1] *= (180/3.14159265358979)
	#Euler[2] *= (180/3.14159265358979)
	#print Eulerdi
	print Euler	
	#Euler2 = madgwick.EulerUpdateFilter(imu.gyro, imu.accel, imu.compass)
	#print Euler2
	#print imu.raw_data();
Esempio n. 4
        'x': imu.accel[0] / 9.81,
        'y': imu.accel[1] / 9.81,
        'z': imu.accel[2] / 9.81
    gyro = {
        'x': imu.gyro[0],
        'y': imu.gyro[1],
        'z': imu.gyro[2]
    compass = {
        'x': imu.compass[0] / 100,
        'y': imu.compass[1] / 100,
        'z': imu.compass[2] / 100

    quaternion.update(accel, gyro)
    Eulerdi = quaternion.to_euler()
    Euler[0] = Eulerdi['x'] * (180 / 3.14159265358979)
    Euler[1] = Eulerdi['y'] * (180 / 3.14159265358979)
    Euler[2] = Eulerdi['z'] * (180 / 3.14159265358979)
    #(SEq, b, wb) = madgwick.filterUpdate(imu.gyro, accel, compass, SEq, b, wb)
    #Euler = madgwick.quatern2euler(madgwick.quaternConj(SEq))
    #Euler[0] *= (180/3.14159265358979)
    #Euler[1] *= (180/3.14159265358979)
    #Euler[2] *= (180/3.14159265358979)
    #print Eulerdi
    print Euler
    #Euler2 = madgwick.EulerUpdateFilter(imu.gyro, imu.accel, imu.compass)
    #print Euler2
    #print imu.raw_data();