Esempio n. 1
    def detect_sub_roi(cls, coord, offset, last_coord, denoise_max_shape,
                       exclude_border, sub_roi, channel, img_path=None,
        """Perform 3D blob detection within a sub-ROI without accessing
        class attributes, such as for spawned multiprocessing.
            coord (Tuple[int]): Coordinate of the sub-ROI in the order z,y,x.
            offset (Tuple[int]): Offset of the sub-ROI within the full ROI,
                in z,y,x.
            last_coord (:obj:`np.ndarray`): See attributes.
            denoise_max_shape (Tuple[int]): See attributes.
            exclude_border (bool): See attributes.
            sub_roi (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Array in which to perform detections.
            img_path (str): Path from which to load metadatat; defaults to None.
                If given, the command line arguments will be reloaded to
                set up the image and processing parameters.
            coloc (bool): True to perform blob co-localizations; defaults
                to False.
            channel (Sequence[int]): Sequence of channels, where None detects
                in all channels.
            Tuple[int], :obj:`np.ndarray`: The coordinate given back again to
            identify the sub-ROI position and an array of detected blobs.

        if img_path:
            # reload command-line parameters and image metadata, which is
            # required if run from a spawned (not forked) process
            _, orig_info = importer.make_filenames(img_path)
        print("detecting blobs in sub-ROI at {} of {}, offset {}, shape {}..."
              .format(coord, last_coord, tuple(offset.astype(int)),
        if denoise_max_shape is not None:
            # further split sub-ROI for preprocessing locally
            denoise_roi_slices, _ = chunking.stack_splitter(
                sub_roi.shape, denoise_max_shape)
            for z in range(denoise_roi_slices.shape[0]):
                for y in range(denoise_roi_slices.shape[1]):
                    for x in range(denoise_roi_slices.shape[2]):
                        denoise_coord = (z, y, x)
                        denoise_roi = sub_roi[denoise_roi_slices[denoise_coord]]
                            f"preprocessing sub-sub-ROI {denoise_coord} of "
                            f"{np.subtract(denoise_roi_slices.shape, 1)} "
                            f"(shape {denoise_roi.shape} within sub-ROI shape "
                        denoise_roi = plot_3d.saturate_roi(
                            denoise_roi, channel=channel)
                        denoise_roi = plot_3d.denoise_roi(
                            denoise_roi, channel=channel)
                        # replace slices with denoised ROI
                        denoise_roi_slices[denoise_coord] = denoise_roi
            # re-merge back into the sub-ROI
            merged_shape = chunking.get_split_stack_total_shape(
            merged = np.zeros(
                tuple(merged_shape), dtype=denoise_roi_slices[0, 0, 0].dtype)
            chunking.merge_split_stack2(denoise_roi_slices, None, 0, merged)
            sub_roi = merged
        if exclude_border is None:
            exclude = None
            exclude = np.array([exclude_border, exclude_border])
            exclude[0, np.equal(coord, 0)] = 0
            exclude[1, np.equal(coord, last_coord)] = 0
        segments = detector.detect_blobs(sub_roi, channel, exclude)
        if coloc and segments is not None:
            # co-localize blobs and append to blobs array
            colocs = colocalizer.colocalize_blobs(sub_roi, segments)
            segments = np.hstack((segments, colocs))
        #print("segs before (offset: {}):\n{}".format(offset, segments))
        if segments is not None:
            # shift both coordinate sets (at beginning and end of array) to 
            # absolute positioning, using the latter set to store shifted 
            # coordinates based on duplicates and the former for initial 
            # positions to check for multiple duplicates
            detector.shift_blob_rel_coords(segments, offset)
            detector.shift_blob_abs_coords(segments, offset)
            #print("segs after:\n{}".format(segments))
        return coord, segments
Esempio n. 2
def transpose_img(filename,
    """Transpose Numpy NPY saved arrays into new planar orientations and 
    rescaling or resizing.
    Rescaling/resizing take place in multiprocessing. Files are saved
    through memmap-based arrays to minimize RAM usage. Output filenames
    are based on the ``make_modifer_[task]`` functions. Currently transposes
    all channels, ignoring :attr:```` parameter.
        filename: Full file path in :attribute:cli:`filename` format.
        series: Series within multi-series file.
        plane: Planar orientation (see :attribute:plot_2d:`PLANES`). Defaults 
            to None, in which case no planar transformation will occur.
        rescale: Rescaling factor; defaults to None. Takes precedence over
        target_size (List[int]): Target shape in x,y,z; defaults to None,
            in which case the target size will be extracted from the register
            profile if available if available.

    if target_size is None:
        target_size = config.atlas_profile["target_size"]
    if plane is None and rescale is None and target_size is None:
        print("No transposition to perform, skipping")

    time_start = time()
    # even if loaded already, reread to get image metadata
    # TODO: consider saving metadata in config and retrieving from there
    img5d = importer.read_file(filename, series)
    info = img5d.meta
    image5d = img5d.img
    sizes = info["sizes"]

    # make filenames based on transpositions
    modifier = ""
    if plane is not None:
        modifier = make_modifier_plane(plane)
    # either rescaling or resizing
    if rescale is not None:
        modifier += make_modifier_scale(rescale)
    elif target_size:
        # target size may differ from final output size but allows a known
        # size to be used for finding the file later
        modifier += make_modifier_resized(target_size)
    filename_image5d_npz, filename_info_npz = importer.make_filenames(
        filename, series, modifier=modifier)

    # TODO: image5d should assume 4/5 dimensions
    offset = 0 if image5d.ndim <= 3 else 1
    multichannel = image5d.ndim >= 5
    image5d_swapped = image5d

    if plane is not None and plane != config.PLANE[0]:
        # swap z-y to get (y, z, x) order for xz orientation
        image5d_swapped = np.swapaxes(image5d_swapped, offset, offset + 1)
        config.resolutions[0] = libmag.swap_elements(config.resolutions[0], 0,
        if plane == config.PLANE[2]:
            # swap new y-x to get (x, z, y) order for yz orientation
            image5d_swapped = np.swapaxes(image5d_swapped, offset, offset + 2)
            config.resolutions[0] = libmag.swap_elements(
                config.resolutions[0], 0, 2)

    scaling = None
    if rescale is not None or target_size is not None:
        # rescale based on scaling factor or target specific size
        rescaled = image5d_swapped
        # TODO: generalize for more than 1 preceding dimension?
        if offset > 0:
            rescaled = rescaled[0]
        max_pixels = [100, 500, 500]
        sub_roi_size = None
        if target_size:
            # to avoid artifacts from thin chunks, fit image into even
            # number of pixels per chunk by rounding up number of chunks
            # and resizing each chunk by ratio of total size to chunk num
            target_size = target_size[::-1]  # change to z,y,x
            shape = rescaled.shape[:3]
            num_chunks = np.ceil(np.divide(shape, max_pixels))
            max_pixels = np.ceil(np.divide(shape, num_chunks)).astype(
            sub_roi_size = np.floor(np.divide(target_size,
            print("Resizing image of shape {} to target_size: {}, using "
                  "num_chunks: {}, max_pixels: {}, sub_roi_size: {}".format(
                      rescaled.shape, target_size, num_chunks, max_pixels,
            print("Rescaling image of shape {} by factor of {}".format(
                rescaled.shape, rescale))

        # rescale in chunks with multiprocessing
        sub_roi_slices, _ = chunking.stack_splitter(rescaled.shape, max_pixels)
        is_fork = chunking.is_fork()
        if is_fork:
        sub_rois = np.zeros_like(sub_roi_slices)
        pool = chunking.get_mp_pool()
        pool_results = []
        for z in range(sub_roi_slices.shape[0]):
            for y in range(sub_roi_slices.shape[1]):
                for x in range(sub_roi_slices.shape[2]):
                    coord = (z, y, x)
                    slices = sub_roi_slices[coord]
                    args = [coord, slices, rescale, sub_roi_size, multichannel]
                    if not is_fork:
                        # pickle chunk if img not directly available
        for result in pool_results:
            coord, sub_roi = result.get()
            print("replacing sub_roi at {} of {}".format(
                coord, np.add(sub_roi_slices.shape, -1)))
            sub_rois[coord] = sub_roi

        rescaled_shape = chunking.get_split_stack_total_shape(sub_rois)
        if offset > 0:
            rescaled_shape = np.concatenate(([1], rescaled_shape))
        print("rescaled_shape: {}".format(rescaled_shape))
        # rescale chunks directly into memmap-backed array to minimize RAM usage
        image5d_transposed = np.lib.format.open_memmap(
            dtype=sub_rois[0, 0, 0].dtype,
        chunking.merge_split_stack2(sub_rois, None, offset, image5d_transposed)

        if rescale is not None:
            # scale resolutions based on single rescaling factor
            config.resolutions = np.multiply(config.resolutions, 1 / rescale)
            # scale resolutions based on size ratio for each dimension
            config.resolutions = np.multiply(config.resolutions,
                                             (image5d_swapped.shape /
        sizes[0] = rescaled_shape
        scaling = importer.calc_scaling(image5d_swapped, image5d_transposed)
        # transfer directly to memmap-backed array
        image5d_transposed = np.lib.format.open_memmap(
        if plane == config.PLANE[1] or plane == config.PLANE[2]:
            # flip upside-down if re-orienting planes
            if offset:
                image5d_transposed[0, :] = np.fliplr(image5d_swapped[0, :])
                image5d_transposed[:] = np.fliplr(image5d_swapped[:])
            image5d_transposed[:] = image5d_swapped[:]
        sizes[0] = image5d_swapped.shape

    # save image metadata
    print("detector.resolutions: {}".format(config.resolutions))
    print("sizes: {}".format(sizes))
        filename_info_npz, info["names"], sizes, config.resolutions,
        info["magnification"], info["zoom"],
        *importer.calc_intensity_bounds(image5d_transposed), scaling, plane)
    print("saved transposed file to {} with shape {}".format(
        filename_image5d_npz, image5d_transposed.shape))
    print("time elapsed (s): {}".format(time() - time_start))