Esempio n. 1
class AuthorDTO:
    api = api.namespace('authors',
                        description='Operations related to authors.')

    base = api.model(
        "Author_Base", {
            'name': fields.String(description='The name of the author.'),

    create = api.clone(
        "Author_Create", base, {
                               description="The author's series."))
    update = api.clone('Author_Update', create, {
        'id': fields.Integer(description='The ID of the book.'),

    fk_books = api.model(
        "Author_Books", {
            fields.Integer(description='The ID of the book.'),
            fields.String(description='The title of the book.'),
                          description='The description of the book.'),

    fk_series = api.model(
        "Author_Books", {
            fields.Integer(description='The ID of the series.'),
                          description='The title of the series.'),
                          description='The description of the series.')

    list = api.model(
        'Author_List', {
            'id': fields.Integer(description='The ID of the author.'),
            'name': fields.String(description='The name of the author.'),
            'books': fields.Nested(fk_books),
            'series': fields.Nested(fk_series)
    query = api.model(
        'Author_Query', {
            'items': fields.List(fields.Nested(list)),
            'total': fields.Integer(),
            'page': fields.Integer(),
            'per_page': fields.Integer()
Esempio n. 2
class GenreDTO:
    api = api.namespace('genres', description='Operations related to genres.')

    base = api.model(
        'Genre_Base', {
            fields.String(required=True, description='The name of the genre.'),

    create = api.clone(
        'Genre_Update', base, {
                               description="The genre books.")),

    update = api.clone(
        'Genre_Create', create, {
            'id': fields.Integer(description='The ID of the genre.'),
    fk_books = api.model(
        'Genre_Books', {
            'id': fields.Integer(description='The ID of the book.'),
            'title': fields.String(description='The title of the book.'),

    list = api.clone(
        'Genre_List', base, {
            'id': fields.Integer(description='The ID of the genre.'),
            'books': fields.Nested(fk_books)
    query = api.model(
        'Genre_Query', {
            'items': fields.List(fields.Nested(list)),
            'total': fields.Integer(),
            'page': fields.Integer(),
            'per_page': fields.Integer()
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: mk-dir/apis
from main import api,fields,Resource, create_access_token
from models.usersmodel import UserModel,user_schema,users_schema
from import generate_password_hash 

#Creating Namespaces
ns_registration=api.namespace('signup',description="signup Handler")
ns_userLogin=api.namespace('login',description="Login Handler")


# Sign up model
# Sign in model

class login(Resource):
# pass ...
    def post(self):
        """Use this to authenticate users"""
        if UserModel.check_email_exist(data["email"]):
            if UserModel.validate_password(data["email"],data["password"]):
Esempio n. 4
from main import api, Resource, fields
from models.usermodel import UserModel, user_schema, users_schema

ns_users = api.namespace('users', description='all tasks regarding users')

user_model = api.model('User', {
    'full_name': fields.String(),
    'email': fields.String(),
    'password': fields.String()

class UsersList(Resource):
    def get(self):
        '''return a list of users'''
        return users_schema.dump(UserModel.fetch_all())

class Users(Resource):
    def get(self, _id):
        '''Retrieve a user by id'''
        user = UserModel.fetch_by_id(_id)
        return user_schema.dump(user)

    def delete(self, _id):
        '''delete a user by id'''
        user = UserModel.fetch_by_id(_id)
        if user:
            return {'message': 'user deleted successfully'}
Esempio n. 5
from flask_restx import Resource, fields
from Models.landlord import LandlordModel, landlords_schema, landlord_schema
from main import api

landlord_namespace = api.namespace(
    description='This Endpoint deals with all operations dealing with landlords'
landlord_model = api.model('LANDLORD', {
    "name": fields.String(),
    "email": fields.String(),
    "phone": fields.Integer()

class LandlordList(Resource):
    def get(cls):
        '''Get a list of landlords in the system'''
        landlords = LandlordModel.fetch_all()
        if landlords:
            return landlords_schema.dump(landlords)
            return {'message': 'there are no landlords in the system'}, 404

    def post(cls):
        '''Add a landlord to the list of landlords in the system'''
        data = api.payload
Esempio n. 6
class BookDTO:
    api = api.namespace('books', description='Operations related to books.')

    base = api.model(
        'Book_Base', {
            fields.String(required=True, description='The title of the book.'),
                          description='The description of the book.'),
            fields.DateTime(description='The start date of the reading.'),
            fields.DateTime(description='The end date of the reading.')

    create = api.clone(
        'Book_Update', base, {
            fields.Integer(required=True, description="The book's author."),
            fields.Integer(required=False, description="The book's series.")

    update = api.clone('Book_Create', create, {
        'id': fields.Integer(description='The ID of the book.'),
    fk_author = api.model(
        'Book_Author', {
            'id': fields.Integer(description='The ID of the author.'),
            'name': fields.String(description='The name of the author.'),

    fk_genre = api.model(
        'Book_Genre', {
            'id': fields.Integer(description='The ID of the genre.'),
            'name': fields.String(description='The name of the genre.'),

    fk_series = api.model(
        'Book_Series', {
            fields.Integer(description='The ID of the series.'),
            fields.String(description='The name of the series.'),
            fields.String(description='The description of the series.'),

    list = api.clone(
        'Book_List', base, {
            'id': fields.Integer(description='The ID of the book.'),
            'author': fields.Nested(fk_author),
            'series': fields.Nested(fk_series, allow_null=True),
            'genres': fields.Nested(fk_genre)
    query = api.model(
        'Book_Query', {
            'items': fields.List(fields.Nested(list)),
            'total': fields.Integer(),
            'page': fields.Integer(),
            'per_page': fields.Integer()
Esempio n. 7
from main import Resource, api, fields, create_access_token
from models.usermodel import UserModel, user_schema, users_schema
from import generate_password_hash

ns_registration = api.namespace('registration', description='User sign up')
ns_login = api.namespace('login', description='Login details')

login_model = api.model('Login_credentials', {
    'email': fields.String(),
    'password': fields.String()

registration_model = api.model(
    'Signup_credentials', {
        'full_name': fields.String(),
        'email': fields.String(),
        'password': fields.String()

class Login(Resource):
    def post(self):
        ''' use this to authenticate users'''
        data = api.payload
        email = data['email']
        if UserModel.check_if_mail_exists(email):
            if UserModel.check_passoword(data['password'], email):
                user_id = UserModel.get_user_id(email)
                access_token = create_access_token(identity=user_id)
Esempio n. 8
from main import api, fields, Resource
from models.usermodel import Users_model, user_schema, users_schema
from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
from flask_jwt_extended import JWTManager,jwt_required,create_access_token,get_jwt_identity

# creating namespace
ns_registration = api.namespace("Register", description="Registration details")
ns_login = api.namespace("Login", description="Login details")

# this helps the user know hoe to input the data
register_model = api.model(
        "fullname": fields.String(),
        "email": fields.String(min_length=5),
        "password": fields.String(),

login_model = api.model(
    "LoginLCredentials", {"email": fields.String(), "password": fields.String()}


class Login(Resource):
    def post(self):
Esempio n. 9
from Models.tenant import TenantModel, tenants_schema, tenant_schema
from flask_restx import Resource, fields
from main import api

tenant_namespace = api.namespace(
    description="This Endpoint deals with all operations pertaining tenants")

tenant_model = api.model(
        "full_name": fields.String(),
        "email": fields.String(),
        # "apartment_id": fields.Integer(),
        # "landlord_id" :fields.Integer(),
        "phone_number": fields.Integer(),
        "identity_number": fields.Integer(),
        "employed": fields.Boolean(),
        "deposit": fields.Float(),
        "next_of_kin": fields.String(),
        "security_charges": fields.Float(),
        "garbage_depost": fields.Float(),

class TenantsList(Resource):
    def get(cls):
        """Get a list of all tenants in a certain apartment"""
Esempio n. 10
from main import db, api, fields, Resource, jwt_required, get_jwt_identity
from import StoreModel, stores_scehma, store_schema
from models.user import UserModel

store_namespace = api.namespace(
    "stores", description="This Endpoint deals with all operations pertaining Stores"

store_model = api.model("Store", {"name": fields.String()})
STORE_NOT_FOUND = "that store does not exists"
OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL = " '{}' operation carried out successfully"

class StoreList(Resource):
    def get(self):
        """Get a list of stores"""
        user_id = get_jwt_identity()
        user = UserModel.fetch_by_id(user_id)
        stores = user.stores
        if stores:
            return stores_scehma.dump(stores), 200
            return {"message": STORE_NOT_FOUND}, 404

    def post(self):
Esempio n. 11
from flask_restx import Resource, fields
from main import api

from Models.apartment import ApartmentModel, apartment_schema, apartments_schema
from import houses_schema

apartment_namespace = api.namespace('Apartments', description='This endpoint deals with all operations pertaining apartments')
apartment_model = api.model('APARTMENT', {
    "title" :fields.String(),
    "location" :fields.String(),
    "landlord_id" :fields.Integer()

class ApartmentList(Resource):
    def get(cls):
        '''Get a list of all apartments under the manager'''
        apartments = ApartmentModel.fetch_all()
        houses = []
        if apartments:
            apartment_list = apartments_schema.dump(apartments)
            apartment_ids = []
            for apartment in apartments:
                index = 0
                while index < len(apartment_ids) - 1:
                    apartment = ApartmentModel.fetch_by_id(apartment_ids[index])
                    if apartment:
                        for house in apartment.houses:
Esempio n. 12
from main import Resource, api, fields, jwt_required, get_jwt_identity
from models.taskmodel import TaskModel, task_schema, tasks_schema
from models.usermodel import UserModel

# namespace
ns_tasks = api.namespace('tasks', description='All tasks regarding tasks')

# models
task_model = api.model('Task', {
    'title': fields.String(),
    'description': fields.String()

class TasksList(Resource):
    def get(self):
        """ use this ednpoint to get a list of tasks """
        user_id = get_jwt_identity()
        user = UserModel.fetch_by_id(user_id)
        user_tasks = user.tasks
        return tasks_schema.dump(user_tasks)

    def post(self):
        """ use this ednpoint to add a new task """
        data = api.payload
Esempio n. 13
from flask_restx import Resource, fields
from import HouseModel, houses_schema, house_schema
from main import api
from Models.tenant import TenantModel
from Models.apartment import ApartmentModel

house_namesapce = api.namespace(
    "Houses", description="deals with all operations pertaining houses"

house_model = api.model(
        "number_of_bedrooms": fields.Integer(),
        "rent": fields.Float(),
        "house_no": fields.String(),
        "occupied": fields.Boolean(),
        "tenant_id": fields.Integer(),
        "apartment_id" :fields.Integer()
        # "landlord_id" :fields.Integer()

class HouseList(Resource):
    def get(cls):
        """Get a list of all houses in an apartment"""
        houses = HouseModel.fetch_all()
        if houses:
Esempio n. 14
File: Progetto: mk-dir/apis
from main import api, fields, Resource
from models.usersmodel import UserModel, user_schema, users_schema

ns_users = api.namespace('users', description="Deals with User manipulations")

# models
user_model = api.model(
    'User', {
        'full_name': fields.String(),
        'email': fields.String(),
        'password': fields.String()

class Users(Resource):
    def get(self):
        """Fetch all users"""
        wote = UserModel.fetch_all()

        return users_schema.dump(wote)

class User(Resource):
    def get(self, id):
        """Fetch User by id"""

        msee_flani = UserModel.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
Esempio n. 15
from models.user import UserModel, user_schema
from models.confirmation import ConfirmationModel

register_namespace = api.namespace(
    "register", description="new to our API? kidnly register here")
refresh_namespace = api.namespace(
    "refresh", description="Refreshes user access token after a while")
login_namespace = api.namespace("login",
                                description="Registered users may login")
logout_namespace = api.namespace("logout",
                                 description="logged in users may logout")

register_model = api.model(
        "full_name": fields.String(),
        "email": fields.String(),
        "password": fields.String(),
Esempio n. 16
from main import Resource, api, fields
from models.user import UserModel, users_schema, user_schema

users_namespace = api.namespace(
    description="THis endpoint deals with all operations regarding users")
user_model = api.model(
        "full_name": fields.String(),
        "email": fields.String(),
        "password": fields.String(),

class ItemList(Resource):
    def get(self):
        """Get a list of all users"""
        users = UserModel.fetch_all()
        if users:
            return users_schema.dump(users)
            return {"message": "please try again later"}, 500

class User(Resource):
    def get(self, id: int):
        """ Geta a user by id"""
Esempio n. 17
from main import api
from flask_restx import Resource, fields

register_namespace = api.namespace(
    description='This endpoint deals with registering new users to the system')
register_model = api.model('USER', {
    "full_name": fields.String(),
    "email": fields.String()

class UserList(Resource):
    def get(cls):
        '''Get a list of managers in the system'''

    def post(cls):
        '''Add a user to the system'''

class User(Resource):
    def get(cls, id: int):
        '''Get a user based on their id'''
Esempio n. 18
# coding=utf-8
from flask_restplus import Resource

from main import api

ns = api.namespace('management',
                   description='A simple Back-stage management API')

class HelloWorld(Resource):
    @ns.param('id', 'The task identifier')
    def get(self):
        return {'hello': 'world'}

    @ns.param('ids', 'The task identifier')
    def put(self):
        return {'hello': 'world'}
Esempio n. 19
from sqlalchemy import desc
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError

from auth.auth import requires_auth_with_same_user, requires_auth
from main import api, logger

from flask_restx import Resource, abort

from flask import request

from models.progress import progress_model, progress_list_model, \
from database.progress import Progress
from database.user import User

progress_ns = api.namespace('progress', description='Progress operations')

class ProgressList(Resource):

    def get(self, payload):
        """Get a list of every user's progress.
        Requires read:progress permission""""GET request to all progress list")

        progress_list = Progress.query.all()
        response = {
Esempio n. 20
File: Progetto: mk-dir/apis
from main import api, fields, Resource, jwt_required, get_jwt_identity
from models.tasksmodel import TaskModel, task_schema, tasks_schema
from models.usersmodel import UserModel

ns_tasks = api.namespace('tasks', description="All Task Operations")

# models Documenting the nature of your Payload
task_model = api.model(
    'Task', {
        'title': fields.String(),
        'description': fields.String(),
        'completed': fields.String()

class Tasks(Resource):
    def get(self):
        """Use this Endpoint to get all Tasks"""
        uid = get_jwt_identity()
        user = UserModel.get_userby_id(uid)
        user_tasks = user.tasks

        return tasks_schema.dump(user_tasks), 200

    def post(self):
        """Use this Endpoint to add all Tasks"""
        data = api.payload
Esempio n. 21
from time import time
import traceback

from flask_restx import Resource
from flask import make_response, render_template

from main import api
from models.confirmation import ConfirmationModel, confirmation_schema
from models.user import UserModel
from libs.mailgun import MailgunException

confirm_namespace = api.namespace(
    "confirm", description="confirm newly-registered users"

class Confirmation(Resource):
    def get(cls, confirmation_id: str):
        confirmation = ConfirmationModel.find_by_id(confirmation_id)

        if not confirmation:
            return {"message": "Confirmation not found"}, 404

        if confirmation.expired:
            return {"message": "confirmation expired"}, 400

        if confirmation.confirmed:
            return {"message": "already confirmed"}
Esempio n. 22
from main import api, fields, Resource, db
from models.usermodel import Users_model, user_schema, users_schema
from flask_jwt_extended import (

ns_users = api.namespace("users", description="all tasks regarding users")

# this helps the user know how to input the data
user_model = api.model(
            description="Fullname is required", required=True, min_length=2),
        fields.String(description="Your email", required=True, min_length=2),
        fields.String(description="Your password", required=True,

class User_list(Resource):
Esempio n. 23
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError

from auth.auth import requires_auth, requires_auth_with_same_user
from main import api, logger

from flask_restx import Resource, abort

from flask import request

from models.user import user_model, user_list_model, user_patch_model
from database.user import User
from database.progress import Progress
user_ns = api.namespace('users', description='User operations')

class UserList(Resource):
    def get(self, payload):
        """Get a list of all users.
        This endpoint requires read:user permission""""GET request to user list from {request.remote_addr}")
        users = User.query.all()
        response = {"users": users, "count": len(users)}
        return response

    @user_ns.marshal_with(user_model, code=201)
Esempio n. 24
from main import api, Resource, fields
from accessToken import token

import requests  #requests library
import os
import password  #file containing the generated password
import timeformat  #file containing the function to generate timestamp in the following format YYYYMMDDHHmmss

generated_password = password.the_decoded_password
generated_timestamp = timeformat.the_formatted_time

# create a namespace for the stk resource
ns_stkpush = api.namespace('stkpush', description="MPESA STK PUSH")

stk_payload = api.model('Stk', {
    "phone_number": fields.String,
    "amount": fields.String

class Stkpush(Resource):
    def post(self):
        """Use this API endpoint to initiate online payment on behalf of a customer."""

        # get the payload
        data = api.payload

        # format the phone number in the right order
        formated_number = '254{}'.format(data['phone_number'][1:])
Esempio n. 25
from main import api, Resource, fields
from accessToken import token

import os
import requests
import json

# create a namespace
ns_c2b = api.namespace('c2b', description="MPESA c2b")

# describe the payload expected
sim_transaction = api.model(
    'Sim', {
        "amount": fields.Integer,
        "msisdn": fields.String,
        "billRefNumber": fields.String

# Use this API to register validation and confirmation URLs on M-Pesa
class C2b(Resource):
    def post(self):
        """Use this API endpoint to register validation and confirmation URLs on M-Pesa"""

        access_token = token
        api_url = ""
        headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % access_token}
        request = {
            "ShortCode": os.environ.get(