Esempio n. 1
def test_find_game_returns_401_if_no_authentication():
    When a game is requested, but no authentication is provided HTTP status
    code 401 should be returned.
    request = Mock(json={}, headers=Mock(get=Mock(return_value=None)))
    with pytest.raises(werkzeug.exceptions.Unauthorized):
Esempio n. 2
def test_find_game_returns_401_if_bad_authentication():
    When a game is requested, but incorrect authentication is provided HTTP
    status code 401 should be returned.
     ) = []

    request = Mock(json={}, headers=Mock(get=Mock(return_value='Bearer asd')))
    with pytest.raises(werkzeug.exceptions.Unauthorized):
Esempio n. 3
def test_find_game_returns_waiting_if_no_gameservers_are_ready():
    When a game is requested with no gameservers available, it should tell the
    user that it is waiting for a game.
    def where(field, *_, **__):
        Side effect for db.collection('users').where(...).stream()
        if field == 'token':
            mock = Mock()
   = [MagicMock(id='asd')]
            return mock
        if field == 'status':
            mock = Mock()
   = [MagicMock(id='sdf')]
            return mock
        raise ValueError()

    (main.db.collection.return_value.where.side_effect) = where

    request = Mock(json={}, headers=Mock(get=Mock(return_value='Bearer asd')))
    response = json.loads(main.find_game(request))

    assert response['status'] == 'waiting_for_game'
Esempio n. 4
def test_find_game_returns_in_game_if_other_players_are_waiting():
    When a game is requested while another user is waiting, it should tell the
    user they have found a game.
    def where(field, *_, **__):
        Side effect for db.collection('users').where(...).stream()
        if field == 'token':
            mock = Mock()
   = [MagicMock(id='asd')]
            return mock
        if field == 'status':
            mock = Mock()
   = [MagicMock(id='sdf')]
            return mock
        raise ValueError()

    (main.db.collection.return_value.where.side_effect) = where

    request = Mock(json={}, headers=Mock(get=Mock(return_value='Bearer asd')))
    response = json.loads(main.find_game(request))

    assert response['status'] == 'in_game'
Esempio n. 5
def test_find_game_returns_in_game_if_already_in_game():
    When a game is requested and one has been found between the this request
    and the last request, the 'in_game' status and the gameserver URL should
    be returned.
    user = Mock()
    user.to_dict.return_value = {
        'status': 'in_game',
        'gameserver': 'tcp://test_server:123'
     ) = [user]

    request = Mock(json={}, headers=Mock(get=Mock(return_value='Bearer asd')))
    response = json.loads(main.find_game(request))

    assert response['status'] == 'in_game'
    assert response['gameserver'] == 'tcp://test_server:123'