Esempio n. 1
    def get(self):
        # validate user to allow game to begin
        user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("user_id"))

        if user_id:
            user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))

            # validate game_id to check for in progress, valid game state for user
            game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("game_id"))

            # get chips and deck from memcache if possible else from db
            chips = memcache.get("%s_chips" % user_id)
            deck = memcache.get("%s_deck" % user_id)
            # print deck
            if not deck:
                deck = [""]
            if not chips:
                chips = user.chips

            message = "Shuffling the deck!" if len(deck) < 20 else ""

            if chips < 5.0:
                chips += 500.0
                user.chips += 500.0
                user.chipresets += 1
                memcache.set("%s_chips" % user_id, chips, time=3600)
                message += "\nYou ran out of chips! You have been given 500 more!"

            maximum = chips if chips < 500.0 else 500
            if not game_id:  # create game if user does not already have one in progress
                game = BlackjackGames(
                game = game.put()
                game_id = make_secure_val(str(
                self.response.headers.add_header("Set-Cookie", "game_id=%s; Path=/" % str(game_id))

            else:  # continue if in the middle of a game
                game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))

                "blackjack_newgame.html", username=user.username, chipcount=chips, message=message, maximum=maximum

        # if can't validate user, render casino_front_out to prompt for signup/login
            user = None
Esempio n. 2
 def get(self):
     # validate user to allow game to begin
     user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('user_id'))
     if user_id:
         user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
         # validate game_id to check for in progress, valid game state for user          
         game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('game_id'))
         # get chips and deck from memcache if possible else from db
         chips = memcache.get('%s_chips' % user_id)
         deck = memcache.get('%s_deck' % user_id)
         #print deck
         if not deck: deck = ['']
         if not chips: chips = user.chips  
         if not game_id: # create game if user does not already have one in progress
             game = BlackjackGames(gameuser = user.username,
                                   gameuserid = int(user_id),
                                   playerhand = [''],
                                   playerhand2 = [''],
                                   playerhand3 = [''],
                                   playerhand4 = [''],
                                   dealerhand = [''],
                                   deck = [''],
                                   playerbet = 0,
                                   playerbet2 = 0,
                                   playerbet3 = 0,
                                   playerbet4 = 0,
                                   handcount = 1)
             game = game.put()
             game_id = make_secure_val(str(
             self.response.headers.add_header('Set-Cookie', 'game_id=%s; Path=/' % str(game_id))
         else:   # continue if in the middle of a game
             game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))
         message = 'Shuffling the deck!' if len(deck) < 20 else ''
         if chips < 5:
             chips = 500
             user.chips = 500
             user.chipresets += 1
             memcache.set('%s_chips' % user_id, chips, time=3600)
             message += '\nYou ran out of chips! Chips reset to 500!'
         self.render('blackjack_newgame.html', username = user.username, chipcount = chips, message = message)
     # if can't validate user, render casino_front_out to prompt for signup/login
         user = None
Esempio n. 3
 def get(self):
     user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('user_id'))
     game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('game_id'))
     # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
     if user_id and game_id:
         user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
         game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))
         current = self.request.get('h') # current hand that is being played
         # attempt to retrieve hands, bet, chips from memcache
         values = memcache.get_multi(['_phand', '_dhand', '_bet', '_chips'], 
                                     key_prefix='%s' % user_id)
         playerhand = values['_phand'] if '_phand' in values else None
         dealerhand = values['_dhand'] if '_dhand' in values else None
         playerbet = values['_bet'] if '_bet' in values else None
         chips = values['_chips'] if '_chips' in values else None
         if not playerhand: 
             playerhand = (game.playerhand if current == 1 else 
                           game.playerhand2 if current == 2 else
                           game.playerhand3 if current == 3 else
                           game.playerhand4) # cannot split to more than 4 hands
         if not dealerhand: dealerhand = game.dealerhand
         if not playerbet: 
             playerbet = (game.playerbet if current == 1 else
                          game.playerbet2 if current == 2 else
                          game.playerbet3 if current == 3 else
                          game.playerhand4) # cannot split to more than 4 hands
         if not chips: chips = user.chips
         # doubling and splitting only enabled in legal circumstances
         double = 'disabled' 
         split = 'disabled'
         if len(game.playerhand) == 2 and chips >= playerbet:
             double = ''
             if game.playerhand[0][:1] == game.playerhand[1][:1]:
                 split = ''
         self.render('blackjack_table.html', username = user.username, 
                                             d_cards = ['rbv', dealerhand[1]], 
                                             p_cards = playerhand,
                                             double = double,
                                             split = split) # need to find a way to render other portions of hand
     # if game_id and user_id cannot be validated, render casino_front_out page
         user = None
Esempio n. 4
    def get(self):
        user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("user_id"))
        game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("game_id"))

        # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
        if user_id and game_id:
            user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
            game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))

            current = self.request.get("h")
            # attempt to retrieve hands, bet, chips from memcache
            values = memcache.get_multi(["_phand", "_dhand", "_bet", "_chips"], key_prefix="%s" % user_id)
            playerhand = values["_phand"] if "_phand" in values else None
            dealerhand = values["_dhand"] if "_dhand" in values else None
            playerbet = values["_bet"] if "_bet" in values else None
            chips = values["_chips"] if "_chips" in values else None
            if not playerhand:
                playerhand = game.playerhand
            if not dealerhand:
                dealerhand = game.dealerhand
            if not playerbet:
                playerbet = game.playerbet
            if not chips:
                chips = user.chips

            # doubling and splitting only enabled in legal circumstances
            double = "disabled"
            split = "disabled"
            if len(game.playerhand) == 2 and chips >= playerbet:
                double = ""
                # if game.playerhand[0][:1] == game.playerhand[1][:1]:
                # split = ''

                d_cards=["rbv", dealerhand[1]],

        # if game_id and user_id cannot be validated, render casino_front_out page
            user = None
Esempio n. 5
    def get(self):
        # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
        user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("user_id"))
        game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("game_id"))

        if user_id and game_id:
            user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
            game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))

            # check memcache for the bet for this game,
            # insurance costs lesser of .5 * wager or user's total chip count
            # attempt to retrieve hands, bet, chips from memcache
            values = memcache.get_multi(["_phand", "_dhand", "_bet", "_chips"], key_prefix="%s" % user_id)
            playerhand = values["_phand"] if "_phand" in values else None
            dealerhand = values["_dhand"] if "_dhand" in values else None
            playerbet = values["_bet"] if "_bet" in values else None
            chips = values["_chips"] if "_chips" in values else None
            if not playerhand:
                playerhand = game.playerhand
            if not dealerhand:
                dealerhand = game.dealerhand
            if not playerbet:
                playerbet = game.playerbet
            if not chips:
                chips = user.chips

            ins = min(playerbet / 2, chips)
            memcache.set("%s_ins" % user_id, ins, 3600)

                d_cards=["rbv", dealerhand[1]],

        # if game_id and user_id cannot be validated, render casino_front_out page
            user = None
Esempio n. 6
    def get(self):
        # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
        user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('user_id'))
        game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('game_id'))
        if user_id and game_id:
            user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
            game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))
            # get bet from memcache if possible
            ins = memcache.get('%s_ins' % user_id)
            chips = memcache.get('%s_chips' % user_id)
            if not chips: chips = user.chips
            if not playerbet: playerbet = min(game.playerbet/2, chips)

            self.render('lose_insurance.html', ins = ins, chips = chips)
        # if game_id and user_id cannot be validated, render casino_front_out page
            user = None
Esempio n. 7
 def post(self):
     # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
     game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('game_id'))
     user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('user_id'))
     if user_id and game_id:
         # determine if user bought insurance
         buy = self.request.POST.get('buy', None)
         nobuy = self.request.POST.get('nobuy', None)
         user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
         game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))
         if buy:
             # get the bet and chips for this game and user
             ins = memcache.get('%s_ins' % user_id)
             chips = memcache.get('%s_chips' % user_id)
             if not chips: chips = user.chips
             if not ins: ins = min(game.playerbet/2, chips)
             # decrease player chip count at time of insurance purchase
             user.chips -= ins
         # count up the value of each player's hand to determine which course the game follows
         dtotal =[0]
         ptotal = g.table.players[0].hand_sum[0]
         #add cases for player blackjack!!!
         if dtotal == 21 and ptotal < 21 and buy: # dealer bj & player has ins
         elif dtotal == 21 and ptotal < 21 and nobuy: # dealer bj but no ins
         elif dtotal != 21 and ptotal < 21 and buy: # no dealer bj but has ins
         elif dtotal != 21 and ptotal < 21 and nobuy: # no dealer bj & no ins
     # if game_id and user_id could not be validated, redirect to main page
Esempio n. 8
    def get(self):
        # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
        user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('user_id'))
        game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('game_id'))
        if user_id and game_id:
            user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
            game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))
            # check memcache for the bet for this game, 
            # insurance costs lesser of .5 * wager or user's total chip count
            playerbet = memcache.get('%s_bet' % user_id)
            chips = memcache.get('%s_chips' % user_id)
            if not playerbet: playerbet = game.playerbet
            if not chips: chips = user.chips
            ins = min(playerbet/2, chips)
            memcache.set('%s_ins' % user_id, cost, 300)

            self.render('blackjack_insurance.html', username = user.username, ins = ins, chips = chips)
        # if game_id and user_id cannot be validated, render casino_front_out page
            user = None
Esempio n. 9
    def post(self):
        play = self.request.POST.get("play", None)
        end = self.request.POST.get("quit", None)
        bet = self.request.POST.get("quantity", None)

        # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
        user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("user_id"))
        game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("game_id"))

        # pull user and chips from memcache and db
        user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
        chips = memcache.get("%s_chips" % user_id)
        if not chips:
            chips = user.chips

        if user_id and game_id:
            # cannot continue without submitting a valid bet
            if play and (not bet or float(bet) > chips or float(bet) < 5 or float(bet) > 500):

            elif end:  # delete the game from data store and local cookies if quitting
                self.response.headers.add_header("Set-Cookie", "game_id= ; Path=/")

            elif play:
                # pull game from data store
                game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))

                g = bj.Game(chips)

                # new shuffled deck is created in g,
                # replace with current deck if current deck has >20 cards remaining
                deck = memcache.get("%s_deck" % user_id)
                if not deck:
                    deck = game.deck
                if len(deck) > 20:
           = [bj.Card(card[:1], card[1:], card) for card in game.deck]

                # deal hand and access data from hands
                # ensure each hand is of correct length before continuing
                deck = [ for card in[4:]]
                playerhand = [ for card in g.table.players[0].cards[0]]
                dealerhand = [ for card in[0]]
                    assert "" not in playerhand and "" not in dealerhand
                    assert len(playerhand) == 2 and len(dealerhand) == 2
                except AssertionError:
                    playerhand = [card for card in playerhand if card != ""]
                    dealerhand = [card for card in dealerhand if card != ""]
                    if len(playerhand) == 1:
                        g.hit(0, 0)
                        deck = deck[1:]
                        playerhand += [g.table.players[0].cards[0][1].name]
                    if len(dealerhand) == 1:
                        deck = deck[1:]
                        dealerhand += [[0][1].name]

                # subtract wagered chips out from user at the time of betting
                playerbet = int(bet)
                chips = user.chips - playerbet

                # update game and user in data store
                game.deck = deck
                game.playerhand = playerhand
                game.dealerhand = dealerhand
                game.playerbet = playerbet
                user.chips = chips

                # add game state to memcache
                    {"_deck": deck, "_phand": playerhand, "_dhand": dealerhand, "_bet": playerbet, "_chips": chips},
                    key_prefix="%s" % user_id,

                # count up the value of each player's hand to determine which course the game follows
                ptotal = g.table.players[0].hand_sum[0]
                dtotal =[0]

                # offer insurance to the player if the second dealer card is an Ace
                if str(dealerhand[1]) in ["AH", "AS", "AD", "AC"]:
                elif ptotal == 21 and dtotal == 21:  # blackjack push, game ends
                elif ptotal == 21:  # player blackjack, game ends
                    self.redirect("/resultsbj?p=21&d=%s&result=pblackjack" % dtotal)
                elif dtotal == 21:  # dealer blackjack, game ends ### double check that it is working...
                    self.redirect("/resultsbj?p=%s&d=21&result=dblackjack" % ptotal)
                else:  # no blackjacks, game continues

        # if game_id and user_id could not be validated, redirect to main page
Esempio n. 10
    def get(self):
        user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("user_id"))
        game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("game_id"))

        # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
        if user_id and game_id:
            user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
            game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))

            # attempt to retrieve hands, bet, chips from memcache or pull from db
            values = memcache.get_multi(["_phand", "_dhand", "_bet", "_chips"], key_prefix="%s" % user_id)
            playerhand = values["_phand"] if "_phand" in values else None
            dealerhand = values["_dhand"] if "_dhand" in values else None
            playerbet = values["_bet"] if "_bet" in values else None
            chips = values["_chips"] if "_chips" in values else None
            if not playerhand:
                playerhand = game.playerhand
            if not dealerhand:
                dealerhand = game.dealerhand
            if not playerbet:
                playerbet = game.playerbet
            if not chips:
                chips = user.chips

            # update user's stats and chip count based on result, generate results message
            message = None

            if self.request.get("result") == "win":
                chips += playerbet * 2  # 1:1 payout + initial wager returned
                memcache.set("%s_chips" % user_id, chips, time=3600)

                user.chips = chips
                user.bjwins += 1
                user.bjearnings += playerbet

                message = "You have %s and the Dealer has %s. You win!" % (self.request.get("p"), self.request.get("d"))
                chipcount = "You win your wager and gain %s chips. You now have %s chips!" % (playerbet, chips)

            elif self.request.get("result") == "pblackjack":
                payout = playerbet * 1.5
                chips += playerbet + payout  # 3:2 payout + initial wager returned

                memcache.set("%s_chips" % user_id, chips, time=3600)

                user.chips = chips
                user.bjwins += 1
                user.bjearnings += payout

                message = "You have a blackjack! You win!"

                # chips were already adjusted during insurance, so nothing is done except notification of loss
                if self.request.get("ins") == "lose":
                    ins = memcache.get("%s_ins" % user_id)
                    if not ins:
                        ins = game.playerbet / 2
                    message = "You have a blackjack!\n You lose your insurance wager of %s chips." % ins

                chipcount = "You win your wager and gain %s chips. You now have %s chips!" % (payout, chips)

            # do not adjust chips for losses since wager was subtracted at beginning of hand
            elif self.request.get("result") == "loss":
                user.bjlosses += 1
                user.bjearnings -= playerbet

                message = "You have %s and the Dealer has %s. You lose!" % (
                chipcount = "You lose your wager of %s chips. You have %s remaining." % (playerbet, chips)

            # do not adjust chips for dealer bj since wager was subtracted at beginning of hand
            elif self.request.get("result") == "dblackjack":
                message = "The dealer has a blackjack! You lose!"

                # if insurance was purchased, pays 2:1 at 50% of original wager, so return original wager
                if self.request.get("ins") == "win":
                    chips += playerbet
                    user.chips = chips
                    memcache.set("%s_chips" % user_id, chips, time=3600)
                    message = "The dealer has a blackjack! You win your insurance wager and gain %s chips." % (

                user.bjlosses += 1
                user.bjearnings -= playerbet
                chipcount = "You lose your wager of %s chips. You have %s remaining." % (playerbet, chips)

            # do not adjust any stats for push, refund original wager
            elif self.request.get("result") == "push":
                chips += playerbet
                memcache.set("%s_chips" % user_id, chips, time=3600)
                user.chips = chips

                message = "You have %s and the Dealer has %s. You push!" % (

                # if insurance was purchased, pays 2:1 at 50% of original wager, so return original wager
                if self.request.get("ins") == "win":
                    chips += playerbet
                    user.chips = chips
                    memcache.set("%s_chips" % user_id, chips, time=3600)
                    message = "You push with the dealer. You win your insurance wager and gain %s chips." % (playerbet)

                chipcount = "Your wager of %s chips has been returned. You have %s chips." % (playerbet, chips)

            user.bjgames += 1
            # render results page

        # if game_id and user_id could not be validated, redirect to main page
Esempio n. 11
    def post(self):
        game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("game_id"))
        user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("user_id"))

        # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
        if game_id:
            user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
            game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))

            # attempt to retrieve hands, bet, chips from memcache or pull from db
            values = memcache.get_multi(["_phand", "_dhand", "_bet", "_chips", "_deck"], key_prefix="%s" % user_id)
            playerhand = values["_phand"] if "_phand" in values else None
            dealerhand = values["_dhand"] if "_dhand" in values else None
            playerbet = values["_bet"] if "_bet" in values else None
            chips = values["_chips"] if "_chips" in values else None
            deck = values["_deck"] if "_deck" in values else None
            if not playerhand:
                playerhand = game.playerhand
            if not dealerhand:
                dealerhand = game.dealerhand
            if not playerbet:
                playerbet = game.playerbet
            if not deck:
                deck = game.deck
            if not chips:
                chips = user.chips

            # re-establish a game
            g = bj.Game(chips)

            # reassemble player hand in g
            g.table.players[0].cards[0] = [bj.Card(card[:1], card[1:], card) for card in playerhand]
            for card in g.table.players[0].cards[0]:
                if card.value == "A":
                    g.table.players[0].soft[0] += 1
                g.table.players[0].sum_card(0, card.value)

            # reassemble dealer hand in g
  [0] = [bj.Card(card[:1], card[1:], card) for card in dealerhand]
            for card in[0]:
                if card.value == "A":
          [0] += 1
      , card.value)

            # reassemble deck in g
   = [bj.Card(card[:1], card[1:], card) for card in deck]

            # retrieve player's selected action
            hit = self.request.POST.get("hit", None)
            stay = self.request.POST.get("stay", None)
            double = self.request.POST.get("double", None)
            split = self.request.POST.get("split", None)
            current = self.request.get("h")

            # procedure for hitting
            if hit:
                # add next card to index-0 hand in index-0 player (player 1, hand 1)
                g.hit(0, 0)

                # update db and memcache
                deck = [ for card in[1:]]
                playerhand = [ for card in g.table.players[0].cards[0]]
                game.deck = deck
                game.playerhand = playerhand
                memcache.set("%s_deck" % user_id, deck, 300)
                memcache.set("%s_phand" % user_id, playerhand, 300)

                # if player has 21 or under, can continue playing else, immediately end game
                ptotal = g.table.players[0].hand_sum[0]
                if ptotal <= 21:
                if ptotal > 21:
                    dtotal =[0]
                    self.redirect("/resultsbj?p=%s&d=%s&result=loss" % (ptotal, dtotal))

            # procedure for staying and doubling
            elif stay or double:
                count = 0  # number of cards dealt out during procedure

                # hit 1 on double, then stay automatically
                if double != None:
                    g.hit(0, 0)
                    playerhand = [ for card in g.table.players[0].cards[0]]

                    chips -= playerbet
                    playerbet *= 2
                    game.playerbet = playerbet  # will be .put() into db after dealer's turn
                    game.playerhand = playerhand
                        {"_bet": playerbet, "_phand": playerhand, "_chips": chips}, key_prefix="%s" % user_id, time=3600

                    user.chips = chips
                    count += 1

                # dealer hits on soft 17 or lower
                dtotal =[0]
                while (dtotal == 17 and[0] >= 1) or dtotal < 17:
                    # with only one parameter, hits to specified-index hand in dealer
                    count += 1
                    dtotal =[0]

                deck = [ for card in[count:]]
                dealerhand = [ for card in[0]]

                # update deck and dealerhand in memcache & db
                memcache.set("%s_deck" % user_id, deck, time=3600)
                memcache.set("%s_dhand" % user_id, dealerhand, time=3600)
                game.deck = deck
                game.dealerhand = dealerhand

                # evaluate results and redirect to game results screen
                ptotal = g.table.players[0].hand_sum[0]
                if (ptotal > dtotal and ptotal <= 21) or dtotal > 21:
                    self.redirect("/resultsbj?p=%s&d=%s&result=win" % (ptotal, dtotal))
                elif (ptotal < dtotal and dtotal <= 21) or ptotal > 21:
                    self.redirect("/resultsbj?p=%s&d=%s&result=loss" % (ptotal, dtotal))
                elif ptotal == dtotal:
                    self.redirect("/resultsbj?p=%s&d=%s&result=push" % (ptotal, dtotal))

            # placeholder procedure for splitting. not currently supported
            elif split:

        # if game_id and user_id could not be validated, redirect to main page
Esempio n. 12
    def post(self):
        # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
        game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("game_id"))
        user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get("user_id"))

        if user_id and game_id:
            # determine if user bought insurance
            buy = self.request.POST.get("buy", None)
            nobuy = self.request.POST.get("nobuy", None)
            user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
            game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))

            # get the bet and chips for this game and user
            values = memcache.get_multi(["_phand", "_dhand", "_chips", "_ins"], key_prefix="%s" % user_id)
            playerhand = values["_phand"] if "_phand" in values else None
            dealerhand = values["_dhand"] if "_dhand" in values else None
            ins = values["_ins"] if "_ins" in values else None
            chips = values["_chips"] if "_chips" in values else None
            if not playerhand:
                playerhand = game.playerhand
            if not dealerhand:
                dealerhand = game.dealerhand
            if not chips:
                chips = user.chips
            if not ins:
                ins = min(game.playerbet / 2, chips)

            if buy:
                # decrease player chip count at time of insurance purchase
                user.chips -= ins
                chips -= ins
                memcache.set("%s_chips" % user_id, chips, 3600)

            # re-establish a game
            g = bj.Game(chips)

            # reassemble player hand in g
            g.table.players[0].cards[0] = [bj.Card(card[:1], card[1:], card) for card in playerhand]
            for card in g.table.players[0].cards[0]:
                if card.value == "A":
                    g.table.players[0].soft[0] += 1
                g.table.players[0].sum_card(0, card.value)

            # reassemble dealer hand in g
  [0] = [bj.Card(card[:1], card[1:], card) for card in dealerhand]
            for card in[0]:
                if card.value == "A":
          [0] += 1
      , card.value)

            # count up the value of each player's hand to determine which course the game follows
            dtotal =[0]
            ptotal = g.table.players[0].hand_sum[0]

            # add cases for player blackjack!!!
            if dtotal == 21 and ptotal < 21 and buy:  # dealer bj & player has ins
                self.redirect("/resultsbj?p=%s&d=21&result=dblackjack&ins=win" % ptotal)
            elif dtotal == 21 and ptotal < 21 and nobuy:  # dealer bj but no ins
                self.redirect("/resultsbj?p=%s&d=21&result=dblackjack" % ptotal)
            elif dtotal == 21 and ptotal == 21 and buy:
            elif dtotal == 21 and ptotal == 21 and nobuy:
            elif dtotal != 21 and ptotal < 21 and buy:  # no dealer bj but has ins
            elif dtotal != 21 and ptotal < 21 and nobuy:  # no dealer bj & no ins
            elif dtotal != 21 and ptotal == 21 and buy:
                self.redirect("/resultsbj?p=21&d=%s&result=pblackjack&ins=lose" % dtotal)
            elif dtotal != 21 and dtotal == 21 and nobuy:
                self.redirect("/resultsbj?p=21&d=%s&result=pblackjack" % dtotal)
        # if game_id and user_id could not be validated, redirect to main page
Esempio n. 13
 def post(self):
     play = self.request.POST.get('play', None)
     end = self.request.POST.get('quit', None)
     bet = self.request.POST.get('quantity', None)
     # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
     user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('user_id'))
     game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('game_id'))
     if user_id and game_id:
         if play and not bet: # cannot continue without submitting a bet
         elif end: # delete the game from data store and local cookies if quitting
             self.response.headers.add_header('Set-Cookie', 'game_id= ; Path=/')
         elif play:
             # pull user and game from data store
             user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
             game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))
             # if user doesn't have enough chips to make stated bet, reload betting page
             chips = memcache.get('%s_chips' % user_id)
             if not chips: chips = user.chips
             g = bj.Game(chips)
             if chips < bet:
             # new shuffled deck is created in g,
             # replace with current deck if current deck has >20 cards remaining
             deck = memcache.get('%s_deck' % user_id)
             if not deck: deck = game.deck
             if len(deck) > 20: 
        = [bj.Card(card[:1], card[1:], card) for card in game.deck]
             # deal hand and access data from hands  
             # ensure each hand is of correct length before continuing  
             deck = [ for card in[4:]]
             playerhand = [ for card in g.table.players[0].cards[0]]
             dealerhand = [ for card in[0]]
                 assert '' not in playerhand and '' not in dealerhand
                 assert len(playerhand) == 2 and len(dealerhand) == 2
             except AssertionError:
                 playerhand = [card for card in playerhand if card != '']
                 dealerhand = [card for card in dealerhand if card != '']
                 if len(playerhand) == 1:
                     g.hit_hand(0, 0)
                     deck = deck[1:]
                     playerhand += [g.table.players[0].cards[0][1].name]
                 if len(dealerhand) == 1:
                     deck = deck[1:]
                     dealerhand += [[0][1].name]
             # subtract wagered chips out from user at the time of betting
             playerbet = int(bet)
             chips = user.chips - playerbet
             # update game and user in data store
             game.deck = deck
             game.playerhand = playerhand
             game.dealerhand = dealerhand
             game.playerbet = playerbet
             user.chips = chips
             # add game state to memcache
             memcache.set_multi({'_deck': deck,
                                 '_phand': playerhand,
                                 '_dhand': dealerhand,
                                 '_bet': playerbet,
                                 '_chips': chips,
                                 '_hcount': handcount},
                                 key_prefix="%s" % user_id, time=3600)
             # offer insurance to the player if the second dealer card is an Ace
             if dealerhand[1][:1].value == 'A':
             # count up the value of each player's hand to determine which course the game follows
             ptotal = g.table.players[0].hand_sum[0]
             dtotal =[0]
             if ptotal == 21 and dtotal == 21: # blackjack push, game ends
             elif ptotal == 21: # player blackjack, game ends
             elif dtotal == 21: # dealer blackjack, game ends ### double check that it is working...
             else: # no blackjacks, game continues
     # if game_id and user_id could not be validated, redirect to main page
Esempio n. 14
 def get(self):
     user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('user_id'))
     game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('game_id'))
     # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
     if user_id and game_id:
         user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
         game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))
         # attempt to retrieve hands, bet, chips from memcache or pull from db
         values = memcache.get_multi(['_phand', '_dhand', '_bet', '_chips'], 
                                     key_prefix='%s' % user_id)
         playerhand = values['_phand'] if '_phand' in values else None
         dealerhand = values['_dhand'] if '_dhand' in values else None
         playerbet = values['_bet'] if '_bet' in values else None
         chips = values['_chips'] if '_chips' in values else None
         if not playerhand: playerhand = game.playerhand
         if not dealerhand: dealerhand = game.dealerhand
         if not playerbet: playerbet = game.playerbet
         if not chips: chips = user.chips
         # update user's stats and chip count based on result, generate results message
         message = None
         if self.request.get('result') == 'win':
             chips += playerbet * 2 # 1:1 payout + initial wager returned
             memcache.set('%s_chips' % user_id, chips, time=3600)
             user.chips = chips 
             user.bjwins += 1
             user.bjearnings += playerbet
             message = "You have %s and the Dealer has %s. You win!" % (self.request.get('p'), self.request.get('d'))
             chipcount = "You win your wager and gain %s chips. You now have %s chips!" % (playerbet, chips)
         elif self.request.get('result') == 'pblackjack':
             payout = playerbet * 1.5
             chips += playerbet + payout # 3:2 payout + initial wager returned
             memcache.set('%s_chips' % user_id, chips, time=3600)
             user.chips = chips
             user.bjwins += 1
             user.bjearnings += payout
             message = "You have a blackjack! You win!"
             chipcount = "You win your wager and gain %s chips. You now have %s chips!" % (payout, chips)
         # do not adjust chips for losses since wager was subtracted at beginning of hand
         elif self.request.get('result') == 'loss': 
             user.bjlosses += 1
             user.bjearnings -= playerbet
             message = "You have %s and the Dealer has %s. You lose!" % (self.request.get('p'), self.request.get('d'))
             chipcount = "You lose your wager of %s chips. You have %s remaining." % (playerbet, chips)
         # do not adjust chips for dealer bj since wager was subtracted at beginning of hand
         elif self.request.get('result') == 'dblackjack':
             message = "The dealer has a blackjack! You lose!"
             # if insurance was purchased, pays 2:1 at 50% of original wager, so return original wager
             if self.request.get('ins') == 'win':
                 chips += playerbet
                 user.chips = chips
                 memcache.set('%s_chips' % user_id, chips, time=3600)
                 message += "You win your insurance wager and gain %s chips." % (playerbet)
             user.bjlosses += 1
             user.bjearnings -= playerbet
             chipcount = "You lose your wager of %s chips. You have %s remaining." % (playerbet, chips)
         # do not adjust any stats for push, refund original wager
         elif self.request.get('result') == 'push':
             chips += playerbet
             memcache.set('%s_chips' % user_id, chips, time=3600)
             user.chips = chips
             message = "You have %s and the Dealer has %s. You push!" % (self.request.get('p'), self.request.get('d'))
             chipcount = "Your wager of %s chips has been returned. You have %s chips." % (playerbet, chips)
         user.bjgames += 1
         # render results page
         self.render('blackjack_final.html', username = user.username, 
                                             d_cards = dealerhand, 
                                             p_cards = playerhand,
                                             message = message,
                                             chipcount = chipcount)
     # if game_id and user_id could not be validated, redirect to main page
Esempio n. 15
 def post(self):
     game_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('game_id'))
     user_id = validate(self.request.cookies.get('user_id'))
     # validate game state and user to protect against cheating
     if game_id:
         user = Users.get_by_id(int(user_id))
         game = BlackjackGames.get_by_id(int(game_id))
         # attempt to retrieve hands, bet, chips from memcache
         values = memcache.get_multi(['_phand', '_dhand', '_bet', '_chips', '_deck'], 
                                     key_prefix='%s' % user_id)
         playerhand = values['_phand'] if '_phand' in values else None
         dealerhand = values['_dhand'] if '_dhand' in values else None
         playerbet = values['_bet'] if '_bet' in values else None
         chips = values['_chips'] if '_chips' in values else None
         deck = values['_deck'] if '_deck' in values else None
         if not playerhand: 
             playerhand = (game.playerhand if current == 1 else 
                           game.playerhand2 if current == 2 else
                           game.playerhand3 if current == 3 else
                           game.playerhand4) # cannot split to more than 4 hands
         if not dealerhand: dealerhand = game.dealerhand
         if not playerbet: 
             playerbet = (game.playerbet if current == 1 else
                          game.playerbet2 if current == 2 else
                          game.playerbet3 if current == 3 else
                          game.playerhand4) # cannot split to more than 4 hands
         if not deck: deck = game.deck
         if not chips: chips = user.chips
         # re-establish a game
         g = bj.Game(chips)
         # reassemble player hand in g
         g.table.players[0].cards[0] = [bj.Card(card[:1], card[1:], card) for card in playerhand]
         for card in g.table.players[0].cards[0]:
             if card.value == "A":
                 g.table.players[0].soft[0] += 1
             g.table.players[0].sum_card(0, card.value)
         # reassemble dealer hand in g    [0] = [bj.Card(card[:1], card[1:], card) for card in dealerhand]
         for card in[0]:
             if card.value == "A":
       [0] += 1
   , card.value)
         # reassemble deck in g      = [bj.Card(card[:1], card[1:], card) for card in deck]
         # retrieve player's selected action
         hit = self.request.POST.get('hit', None)
         stay = self.request.POST.get('stay', None)
         double = self.request.POST.get('double', None)
         split = self.request.POST.get('split', None)
         current = self.request.get('h')
         # procedure for hitting
         if hit:
             # add next card to index-0 hand in index-0 player (player 1, hand 1)
             g.hit(0, 0)
             # update db and memcache
             deck = [ for card in[1:]]
             playerhand = [ for card in g.table.players[0].cards[0]]
             game.deck = deck
             game.playerhand = playerhand
             memcache.set('%s_deck' % user_id, deck, 300)
             memcache.set('%s_phand' % user_id, playerhand, 300)
             # if player has 21 or under, can continue playing else, immediately end game
             ptotal = g.table.players[0].hand_sum[0]
             if ptotal <= 21:
                 self.redirect('/playbj?h=%s' % current)
             if ptotal > 21:
                 dtotal =[0]
                 self.redirect('/resultsbj?p=%s&d=%s&result=loss' % (ptotal, dtotal))
         # procedure for staying and doubling
         elif stay or double:
             count = 0 # number of cards dealt out during procedure
             # hit 1 on double, then stay automatically
             if double != None:
                 g.hit(0, 0)
                 playerhand = [ for card in g.table.players[0].cards[0]] 
                 chips -= playerbet                
                 playerbet *= 2 
                 game.playerbet = playerbet # will be .put() into db after dealer's turn
                 game.playerhand = playerhand
                 memcache.set_multi({'_bet': playerbet,
                                     '_phand': playerhand,
                                     '_chips': chips},
                                     key_prefix='%s' % user_id, time=3600)
                 user.chips = chips 
                 count += 1  
             ''' ##NEW FEATURE
             handcount = game.handcount
             if handcount != current:
                 current += 1
                 self.redirect('/playbj?h=%s' % current)
             # dealer hits on soft 17 or lower                    
             dtotal =[0]
             while (dtotal == 17 and[0] >= 1) or dtotal < 17:
                 # with only one parameter, hits to specified-index hand in dealer
                 count += 1
                 dtotal =[0]
             deck = [ for card in[count:]]
             dealerhand = [ for card in[0]]
             # update deck and dealerhand in memcache & db
             memcache.set('%s_deck' % user_id, deck, time=3600)
             memcache.set('%s_dhand' % user_id, dealerhand, time=3600)
             game.deck = deck
             game.dealerhand = dealerhand
             # evaluate results and redirect to game results screen
             ptotal = g.table.players[0].hand_sum[0]
             if (ptotal > dtotal and ptotal <= 21) or dtotal > 21:
                 self.redirect('/resultsbj?p=%s&d=%s&result=win' % (ptotal, dtotal))
             elif (ptotal < dtotal and dtotal <= 21) or ptotal > 21:
                 self.redirect('/resultsbj?p=%s&d=%s&result=loss' % (ptotal, dtotal))
             elif ptotal == dtotal:
                 self.redirect('/resultsbj?p=%s&d=%s&result=push' % (ptotal, dtotal))
         # placeholder procedure for splitting. not currently supported
         elif split:
             g.split(0, 0)
     # if game_id and user_id could not be validated, redirect to main page