async def yes(bot, ctx): data = openMM() for i in range(len(data)): i = str(i) if data[i]["callerid"] == and data[i]["confirmcaller"] == False: data[i]["confirmcaller"] = True saveMM(data) await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel(data[i]["channelid"]), embed=um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman Call", "Succesfully confirmed the trade.")) if data[i]["confirmcaller"] == True and data[i]["confirmpartner"] == True: await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel(data[i]["channelid"]), embed=um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman Call", "Both accepted the trade. A middleman will be with you shortly.")) await callMiddleMan(bot, ctx, i) elif data[i]["partnerid"] == and data[i]["confirmpartner"] == False: data[i]["confirmpartner"] = True saveMM(data) await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel(data[i]["channelid"]), embed=um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman Call", "Succesfully confirmed the trade.")) if data[i]["confirmcaller"] == True and data[i]["confirmpartner"] == True: await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel(data[i]["channelid"]), embed=um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman Call", "Both accepted the trade. A middleman will be with you shortly.")) await callMiddleMan(bot, ctx, i)
async def gettrade(ctx, id): if not checkPermitted( return um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman Database", "You aren't a certified middleman.") data = openMM() if id is not None: em = um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman Database", "{0} saved trades.".format(len(data))) em.add_field(name="Trade {0}".format(id), value="\u200b **Caller**: {0}\n" " **Partner**: {1}\n" " **Middleman**: {2}\n" " **Description**: {3}\n" " **ID**: {4}\n" " **Platform**: {5}".format( ctx.message.server.get_member( data[id][ "callerid"]).mention, ctx.message.server.get_member( data[id][ "partnerid"]).mention, ctx.message.server.get_member( data[id][ "middlemanid"]).mention, data[id]["description"], data[id]["id"], data[id]["platform"])) else: em = um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman Database", "{0} saved trades. (0-{1}).".format(len(data), len(data) - 1)) return em
async def deleterep(ctx, user: discord.Member, number: int): if in permittedchannels: if in op: await bot.say(embed=UsefulMethods.deleteREP(user, number)) else: await bot.say(embed=UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(, "Deleting Rep", "You don't have enough permissions to do this."))
async def gettrades(ctx, user): if not checkPermitted( return um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman Database", "You aren't a certified middleman.") data = openMM() tradeids = [] for i in range(len(data)): i = str(i) if data[i]["middlemanid"] == and not data[i]["active"]: tradeids.append(i) if len(tradeids) > 0: em = um.buildBaseEmbed(user, "Middleman Database", "{0} saved trades.".format(len(tradeids))) for i in tradeids: em.add_field(name="Trade {0}".format(i), value="\u200b **Caller**: {0}\n" " **Partner**: {1}\n" " **Middleman**: {2}\n" " **Description**: {3}\n" " **ID**: {4}\n" " **Platform**: {5}".format( ctx.message.server.get_member( data[i][ "callerid"]).mention, ctx.message.server.get_member( data[i][ "partnerid"]).mention, ctx.message.server.get_member( data[i][ "middlemanid"]).mention, data[i]["description"], data[i]["id"], data[i]["platform"])) else: em = um.buildBaseEmbed(user, "Middleman Database", "This Middleman has 0 saved trades.".format(len(tradeids))) return em
async def close(bot, ctx, id): if not checkPermitted( return um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman System", "You aren't a certified middleman.") data = openMM() data[id]["active"] = False saveMM(data) for msg in [, data[id]["callmessageid"]]: await bot.delete_message(await bot.get_message(, msg)) await bot.delete_channel(ctx.message.server.get_channel(data[id]["channelid"])) await bot.send_message(um.getChannel(bot, "mm-logs"), embed=um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman System".format(id), "Trade {0} closed".format(id)).add_field(name="Trade Stats", value="\u200b **Caller**: {0}\n" " **Partner**: {1}\n" " **Middleman**: {2}\n" " **Description**: {3}\n" " **Platform**: {5}\n" " **ID**: {4}".format( ctx.message.server.get_member( data[id][ "callerid"]).mention, ctx.message.server.get_member( data[id][ "partnerid"]).mention, ctx.message.server.get_member( data[id][ "middlemanid"]).mention, data[id]["description"], data[id]["id"], data[id]["platform"])))
async def delete(ctx, id, bot=None): if not checkPermitted( return um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman Database", "You aren't a certified middleman.") data = openMM() if data[id]["active"]: await bot.delete_channel(ctx.message.server.get_channel(data[id]["channelid"])) del data[id] saveMM(data) return um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman Database", "Succesfully deleted trade {0}".format(id))
async def clear(bot, author, channel, number): number = 100 if number > 100 else number for role in author.roles: if in Constants.permissionLevel1 or == Constants.ownerid: await bot.purge_from(channel=channel, limit=number + 1) return um.buildBaseEmbed( author, ";clear", "Succesfully cleared {} messages.".format(number)) return um.buildBaseEmbed(author, ";clear", "You don't have enough permissions to do this!")
def stats_embed(member): if not checkJSON(member): return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(member, "Activity System", "No recorded data") return [ UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(member, "Activity Stats for {}".format(member), stats([0]), stats([1] ]
async def openCrate(bot, ctx, crate): crate = crate.lower() author = if not crate in crates: return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Crate Opening", "Invalid Crate") data = openJSONCheck(, author) if data["crates"][][crate] > 0: data["crates"][][crate] -= 1 rarity = openCrate_Rarity(crate) item = random.choice(items[rarity]) shiny = openCrate_Shiny(crate, rarity) shiny_msg = "" if shiny: shiny_msg = "***shiny*** " # data["crates"][]["items"][rarity].append(item) addItemToInventory(item, shiny, data["crates"][]["items"][rarity]) saveJSON(data) # await bot.add_roles(author, UsefulMethods.getRole(ctx.message.server, winning)) # role = discord.utils.find(lambda r: == item, author.server.roles) roles = [] colour = 0xFFFFFF for r in author.server.roles: if == item.lower(): roles.append(r) # print(shiny, "--------------------------------------------") if shiny: for r in roles: for p in r.permissions: if ("change_nickname", True) == p: colour = r.colour else: for r in roles: for p in r.permissions: if ("change_nickname", False) == p: print(, r.colour) colour = r.colour return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate Opening", "You got a(n) **{0}** role: {2}**{1}**!".format( rarity, item, shiny_msg), colour) else: return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Crate Opening", "You don't have enough crates!")
async def give_crate(author, receiver, crate, amount): if not crate.lower() in crates: return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Crate System Error", "Invalid Crate.") if not in Constants.permissionLevel9000: return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Crate System Error", "Invalid Permissions.") data = openJSONCheck(, receiver) data["crates"][][crate.lower()] += amount saveJSON(data) return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "Succesfully added {} {} crates to {} inventory.".format( amount, crate, receiver.mention))
async def call(ctx, trade_partner: discord.Member, platform: str, *, description: str): cmd = ctx.message.content.split(" ", 3) if not cmd[2].lower() in ["pc", "ps4", "xbox", "switch"]: await bot.say(embed=UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman System", "Correct usage: **!call** `@TradePartner` `platform` `description`.")) return await, ctx, trade_partner, platform, description)
def draw_inv(author, bot): draw = createTransparentPicture() font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 30) data = CrateCommands.openJSONCheck(, author) crates = data["crates"][] # crate_balance = "\u200b Mincoin: {}\n".format(crates["minicoin"]) crate_balance = "\u200b" if crates["regular"] > 0: crate_balance += "\u200b Regular Crates: {}\n".format(crates["regular"]) if crates["golden"] > 0: crate_balance += "\u200b Golden Crates: {}\n".format(crates["golden"]) if crates["diamond"] > 0: crate_balance += "\u200b Diamond Crates: {}\n".format(crates["diamond"]) if crates["master"] > 0: crate_balance += "\u200b Master Crates: {}\n".format(crates["master"]) if crate_balance == "\u200b": pass else: draw.text((100, 100), crate_balance, (255, 255, 255), font=font) embed = UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "{0}'s Inventory".format(, crate_balance)
async def trade(bot, channel, author, receiver, roles): for i in range(30): if checkIfRoleExists(roles[:i]): item1 = roles[:i] item2 = roles[i + 1:] inv1 = openJSONCheck(, author)["crates"][]["items"] inv2 = openJSONCheck(, receiver)["crates"][]["items"] if not itemIsInInv(inv1, item1): return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Crate System", "You don't own this role.") if not itemIsInInv(inv2, item2): return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "{} doesn't own this role.".format(receiver.mention)) await bot.send_message( channel, "You want to trade `{}` for `{}` with {}. Accept your trade with `yes`." .format(item1.title(), item2.title(), receiver.mention)) msg = await bot.wait_for_message(timeout=10, author=author, content="yes") if not msg: return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "Canceled trade.".format(receiver.mention)) await bot.send_message( channel, "{2} please accept the trade with `yes`. You will get `{0}` for `{1}`". format(item1.title(), item2.title(), receiver.mention)) msg = await bot.wait_for_message(timeout=10, author=receiver, content="yes") if not msg: return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "Canceled trade.".format(receiver.mention)) # receiver add addItemToInventory(item1) ########################### SHINY VERGESSEN SCHON GANZ OBEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "Succesfully traded {}'s {} for {}'s {}".format( author.mention, item1.title(), receiver.mention, item2.title()))
async def on_reaction_add(bot, reaction, user): if in Constants.reactions and not await bot.add_roles( user, UsefulMethods.getRole(user.server, await bot.send_message( user, "You successfully added {} to your profile!".format( reaction.emoji)) await bot.remove_reaction(reaction.message, reaction.emoji, user) elif"delete") and not await bot.remove_reaction(reaction.message, reaction.emoji, user) for emoji in Constants.reaction_json[reaction.replace("delete_", "")]: while UsefulMethods.getRole(user.server, emoji) in user.roles: await bot.remove_roles( user, UsefulMethods.getRole(user.server, emoji))
async def show_roles(bot, author, rarity): roles = "" for r in items[rarity.lower()]: roles += "{} {} {}\n".format("\u200b", "\U000025CF", r) return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "{} Roles".format(rarity.title()), roles)
async def add_role(bot, author, rarity, item): if rarity not in tiers: return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Crate System Error", "Invalid Rarity.") if not in Constants.permissionLevel9000: return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Crate System Error", "Invalid Permissions.") current_items = loadCrateItems() current_items[rarity].append(item) saveCrateItems(current_items) reload_items() return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "Succesfully added {} as a(n) {} role.".format(item, rarity))
async def cancel(bot, ctx): data = openMM() for i in range(len(data)): i = str(i) if data[i]["callerid"] == and data[i]["active"] and data[i]["middlemanid"] is None: await bot.delete_channel(ctx.message.server.get_channel(data[i]["channelid"])) msg = await bot.send_message(, embed=um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman System", "Succesfully canceled middleman call {}.".format( i))) del data[i] saveMM(data) await asyncio.sleep(5) await bot.delete_message(msg) return await bot.send_message(, embed=um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman System", "You don't have an open middleman call or a middleman accepted the call."))
async def equip(bot, item, author): inv = openJSON()["crates"][]["items"] shiny = False item_check = item if item.lower().startswith("s."): shiny = True item_check = item[2:] elif item.lower().startswith("shiny "): shiny = True item_check = item[6:] item = "Ss." + item[6:] if item.lower() == "mvp": item = "MVP" else: item = item.title() if not checkIfRoleExists(item_check): return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Crate System", "This role doesn't exist") try: for rarity in inv: for i in inv[rarity]: if i.lower() == item.lower(): if inv[rarity][item]["am"] >= 1 and inv[rarity][item][ "shiny"] == shiny: await bot.add_roles( author, getRole(author.server, i if not shiny else i[2:], shiny)) return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "Equipped {}**{}** succesfully.".format( "***shiny*** " if shiny else "", item)) except IndentationError: return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Error", "Something went wrong, please dm {}. Thank you!".format( discord.utils.find(lambda u: == Constants.ownerid, author.server.members).mention)) return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Crate System", "You don't own this role.")
async def rankreactionsetup(bot): for s in bot.servers: for c in s.channels: if == "rules-and-roles": async for m in bot.logs_from(c, limit=10): if m.content.startswith("Please select your platform."): await bot.delete_message(m) msg = await bot.send_message(c, "Please select your platform. React with :x: to clear all your platform roles.") for e in ["pc", "ps4", "1xbox", "switch"]: await bot.add_reaction(msg, UsefulMethods.getEmoji(bot, e)) await bot.add_reaction(msg, "\U0000274C")
async def callMiddleMan(bot, ctx, id): data = openMM() msg = await bot.send_message(getMiddlemanChannel(ctx.message.server), getMiddlemanRole(ctx.message.server, data[id]["platform"]).mention, embed=um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman Needed", "{0} and {1} require assistance in `{3}`, ID: `{2}`, Platform `{4}`. Type `!confirm {2}` to accept the case.".format( ctx.message.server.get_member( data[id]["callerid"]).mention, ctx.message.server.get_member( data[id]["partnerid"]).mention, id, data[id]["description"], data[id]["platform"]))) data[id]["callmessageid"] = saveMM(data)
async def startup(bot): channel = UsefulMethods.getChannel(bot, "settings-selection") async for m in bot.logs_from(channel, limit=20): if == await bot.delete_message(m) await bot.send_file(channel, "data/reactionsSetup/settings.png") await bot.send_file(channel, "data/reactionsSetup/minibord.png") await bot.send_message( channel, "**1- What games would you like to see? Press :x: to clear all roles.**" ) game_message = await bot.send_file(channel, "data/reactionsSetup/minisetting.png") for emoji in Constants.game_emojis: e = UsefulMethods.getEmoji(bot, emoji) await bot.add_reaction(game_message, e) await bot.add_reaction(game_message, UsefulMethods.getEmoji(bot, "delete_games")) await bot.send_file(channel, "data/reactionsSetup/minibord.png") platform_message = await bot.send_message( channel, "**2- What platform do you play on? Press :x: to clear all roles.**") for emoji in Constants.platform_emojis: e = UsefulMethods.getEmoji(bot, emoji) await bot.add_reaction(platform_message, e) await bot.add_reaction(platform_message, UsefulMethods.getEmoji(bot, "delete_platforms")) await bot.send_file(channel, "data/reactionsSetup/minibord.png") await bot.send_message( channel, "**3- What notifications would you like to receive? Press :x: to clear all roles.**" ) notification_message = await bot.send_file( channel, "data/reactionsSetup/notifications.png") for emoji in Constants.notification_emojis: e = UsefulMethods.getEmoji(bot, emoji) await bot.add_reaction(notification_message, e) await bot.add_reaction(notification_message, UsefulMethods.getEmoji(bot, "delete_notifications")) await bot.send_file(channel, "data/reactionsSetup/minibord.png") await bot.send_message( channel, "For every 1 **partnership ping**, the participants are rewarded with 1 Mincoin :mincoin: \ Aiding us with partnerships will help this server grow and help us provide better content for you, help us help you!" )
async def confirm(bot, ctx, id): if not checkPermitted( return um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman System", "You aren't a certified middleman.") data = openMM() data[str(id)]["middlemanname"] = data[str(id)]["middlemanid"] = readperm = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) print(data[id]["callmessageid"]) await bot.edit_channel_permissions(ctx.message.server.get_channel(data[id]["channelid"]),, readperm) await bot.delete_message(await bot.get_message(, data[id]["callmessageid"])) await bot.delete_message(ctx.message) print("Save MM.json") msg = await bot.send_message(, embed=um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman System", "You are a middleman in trade{0} now. Make sure to `!close {0}` the trade if the trade finished or `!delete {0}` if the trade failed.".format( id)).add_field(name="Trade Members", value="Caller: {0}, Partner: {1}.".format( ctx.message.server.get_member( data[id][ "callerid"]).mention, ctx.message.server.get_member( data[id][ "partnerid"]).mention), inline=False).add_field( name="Trade Description", value=data[id]["description"], inline=False).add_field(name="Middleman", value=ctx.message.server.get_member( data[id][ "middlemanid"]).mention, inline=False)) data[id]["callmessageid"] = saveMM(data)
async def rep(ctx, user: discord.Member = None, *, description: str = None): if not ctx.message.content.split(" ", 1)[0].startswith("!") and in permittedchannels: if == user: await bot.say(embed=UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(user, "Adding Rep", "You can't add reps to yourself!")) return if UsefulMethods.checkRepTime(, user): UsefulMethods.addREP(ctx.message.content.split(" ", 1)[0], user, description, await bot.say(embed=UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(, "Adding Rep", "Succesfully added to {0}'s profile. You can check your reps with `!rep`.".format( user.mention))) else: await bot.say(embed=UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(, "Adding Rep", "You have to wait until {0} MEZ to post reps.".format( UsefulMethods.timeTillNextRep(, user)))) pass if ctx.message.content.split(" ", 1)[0].startswith( "!") and in permittedchannels and description is None: if user is None: user = await bot.say(embed=UsefulMethods.latestREPS(user))
def leaderboard_mods(author, server=None): if server is None: server = author.server data = openJSON() all_stats = [] for memberid in list(data): try: user = discord.utils.find(lambda u: == memberid, server.members) for role in user.roles: if == "moderators": all_stats.append(stats(memberid)) except: del data[memberid] print("deleted an user") saveJSON(data) i = 1 while i < len(all_stats): if all_stats[i][1] > all_stats[i - 1][1]: help = all_stats[i] all_stats[i] = all_stats[i - 1] all_stats[i - 1] = help if not i == 1: i -= 1 else: i += 1 embed = UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Activity Leaderboards") place = 1 for x in all_stats: embed.add_field(name="{0}. Place: `{1}` (Total Points: {2})".format( place, discord.utils.find(lambda m: == x[2], server.members), x[1]), value=x[0], inline=False) place += 1 return embed
async def call(bot, ctx, trade_partner, platform, description): if not == "middleman-call": await bot.send_message(, embed=um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman System", "You have to go to #middleman-call to call a middleman.")) await bot.delete_message(ctx.message) return data = openMM() server = ctx.message.server tradeid = len(data) for i in range(len(data)): i = str(i) if data[i]["callerid"] == and data[i][ "active"]: msg = await bot.send_message(, embed=um.buildBaseEmbed(, "Middleman System", "You are still in an open middleman call.").add_field( name="Trade {0}".format(i), value="\u200b **Caller**: {0}\n" " **Partner**: {1}\n" " **Description**: {2}\n" " **ID**: {3}".format( ctx.message.server.get_member( data[i][ "callerid"]).mention, ctx.message.server.get_member( data[i][ "partnerid"]).mention, data[i]["description"], data[i]["id"]))) await asyncio.sleep(15) for m in [msg, ctx.message]: await bot.delete_message(m) return # data.append("trade{}".format(len(data))) readperm = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) everyone = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False) channel = await bot.create_channel(server, "trade{}".format(tradeid), (server.default_role, everyone), (, readperm), (trade_partner, readperm), (ctx.message.server.get_member("213420388741283840"), readperm)) data[str(tradeid)] = { "partnerid":, "partnername":, "callerid":, "callername":, "platform": platform, "description": description, "id": tradeid, "channelid":, "active": True, "middlemanname": None, "middlemanid": None, "confirmcaller": False, "confirmpartner": False, "creationtime": time.time(), "callmessageid": None } await bot.send_message(channel, "Hey {0} and {1}, please confirm your trade `{2}` by typing !yes. You have 10 minutes until the trade gets deleted.".format(, trade_partner.mention, description)) await bot.delete_message(ctx.message) saveMM(data) await asyncio.sleep(600) print("open") data = openMM() if data[str(tradeid)]["confirmpartner"] == False or data[str(tradeid)][ "confirmcaller"] == False: for u in [, trade_partner]: await bot.send_message(u, "You were too slow, your trade `{0}` got deleted.".format(description)) await bot.delete_channel(channel) del data[str(tradeid)] saveMM(data) print("deleted")
async def repcooldown(ctx, user: discord.Member = None): if user is None: user = await bot.say(embed=UsefulMethods.repcooldown(user))
def inventory(author, bot): data = openJSONCheck(, author) crates = data["crates"][] # crate_balance = "\u200b Mincoin: {}\n".format(crates["minicoin"]) crate_balance = "\u200b" if crates["regular"] > 0: crate_balance += "\u200b Regular Crates: {}\n".format( crates["regular"]) if crates["golden"] > 0: crate_balance += "\u200b Golden Crates: {}\n".format(crates["golden"]) if crates["diamond"] > 0: crate_balance += "\u200b Diamond Crates: {}\n".format( crates["diamond"]) if crates["master"] > 0: crate_balance += "\u200b Master Crates: {}\n".format(crates["master"]) if crate_balance == "\u200b": # crate_balance = "You don't have any crates." embed = UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "{0}'s Inventory".format( else: print("Hier!", crate_balance) embed = UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "{0}'s Inventory".format(, crate_balance) embed.add_field(name="Mincoin", value="\u200b {1} {0}\n".format( UsefulMethods.getAnimatedEmoji(bot, "mincoin"), crates["minicoin"]), inline=False) for r in tiers: out = "" for item in crates["items"][r]: shiny = "" shiny_bool = False item_out = item if crates["items"][r][item]["shiny"]: shiny = "**S.**" shiny_bool = True item_out = item[2:] amount = crates["items"][r][item]["am"] for _r in author.roles: if == item_out.lower(): print(checkIfShiny(_r)) if checkIfShiny(_r) == shiny_bool: amount -= 1 if not amount == 0: out_add = "\n\u200b {2}{0} x{1}".format( item_out.title(), amount, shiny) out += out_add if not out == "": embed.add_field(name="{} Roles".format(r.title()), value=out, inline=False) if out == "" and crate_balance == "": embed = UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "{0}'s Inventory".format(, "This inventory is empty.") return embed
async def reps(ctx, user: discord.Member, count=None): if ctx.message.content.split(" ", 1)[0].startswith("!") and in permittedchannels: if count == "all": count = 100 await bot.say(embed=UsefulMethods.latestREPS(user, count))
async def remove(bot, author, item): shiny = False if item.lower().startswith("s."): shiny = True item = item[2:] if not checkIfRoleExists(item) and not item.lower() == "all": return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Crate System", "This role isn't equippable") if any( == item.lower() for r in author.roles): data = openJSONCheck(, author) ########### SHINY BUG ################# if item.title() not in data["crates"][]["items"][getRarity( item)]: addItemToInventory( item.title(), shiny, data["crates"][]["items"][getRarity(item)]) saveJSON(data) if item.lower() == "all": roles = "" for role in author.roles: for r in tiers: for i in items[r]: print(, i.lower()) if == i.lower(): while role in author.roles: await bot.remove_roles(author, role) roles += + ", " if roles == "": return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "You don't have any roles equipped.".format(roles[:-2])) else: return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "Succesfully removed {}.".format(roles[:-2])) if shiny: for r in author.roles: if == item.lower(): for p in r.permissions: if ("change_nickname", True) == p: await bot.remove_roles(author, r) return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "Succesfully removed {}".format(item.title())) else: for r in author.roles: if == item.lower(): for p in r.permissions: if ("change_nickname", False) == p: await bot.remove_roles(author, r) return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "Succesfully removed {}".format(item.title())) return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Crate System", "You dont have this role equipped")
async def burn(bot, channel, author, kwargs): args = kwargs.lower().split(" ") print(args[0]) # rarity if args[0] in tiers: duplicates = get_duplicated_roles_by_rarity(author, args[0]) out = "" minicoin = 0 for item in duplicates: minicoin += burn_item(author, item, duplicates[item]) out += str(duplicates[item]) + " " + item + ", " return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "You successfully burned {} and got {} Mincoins.".format( out[:-2], minicoin)) if args[0].startswith("all"): duplicates = get_all_duplicated_roles(author) out = "" minicoin = 0 for item in duplicates: minicoin += burn_item(author, item, duplicates[item]) out += str(duplicates[item]) + " " + item + ", " return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "You successfully burned {} and got {} Mincoins.".format( out[:-2], minicoin)) amount = None for s in (list(kwargs)): if s.isdecimal(): if amount: amount += s else: amount = s kwargs = kwargs.replace("" if amount is None else amount, "")[:(len(kwargs) if amount is None else -1)] print(kwargs + "A") if checkIfRoleExists(kwargs): if check_if_user_has_role(author, kwargs, 2 if amount is None else int(amount)): minicoin = 0 amount = (1 if amount is None else int(amount)) minicoin += burn_item(author, kwargs, 1 if amount is None else int(amount)) out = str(amount) + " " + kwargs.title() + ", " if minicoin == 0: return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "You don't have multiple roles!") return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "You successfully burned {} and got {} Mincoins.".format( out[:-2], minicoin)) else: am_warnung = ("once" if amount is None else "{} times".format(amount)) return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed( author, "Crate System", "You don't have this role more than {}.".format(am_warnung)) return UsefulMethods.buildBaseEmbed(author, "Crate System", "Invalid Arguments.")