Esempio n. 1
def get_incident(from_date, to_date, region_ids=None, observer_ids=None, output='List', geohazard_tid=None):
    """Gets observations from IncidentV. View is shared by all the geohazards so the filter includes
    geohazard_tid if only one geohazard is needed.

    :param from_date:       [date] A query returns [from_date, to_date>
    :param to_date:         [date] A query returns [from_date, to_date>
    :param region_ids:      [int or list of ints] If region_ids = None, all regions are selected
    :param observer_ids:    [int or list of ints] If observer_ids = None, all observers are selected
    :param output:          [string] Options: 'List', 'DataFrame' and 'Count'. Default 'List'.
    :param geohazard_tid    [int] 10 is snow, 20,30,40 are dirt, 60 is water and 70 is ice


    if output == 'List' or output == 'DataFrame':
        data = _make_data_request("IncidentV", from_date, to_date, region_ids, observer_ids, geohazard_tid)
        list = [Incident(d) for d in data]
        list = sorted(list, key=lambda DangerObs: DangerObs.DtObsTime)

        if output == 'List':
            return list

        elif output == 'DataFrame':
            return _make_data_frame(list)

    elif output == 'Count':
        count = _make_count_request("IncidentV", from_date, to_date, region_ids, observer_ids, geohazard_tid)
        return count

        ml.log_and_print(' -> get_incident: Illegal output option.')
        return None
Esempio n. 2
def get_avalanche(from_date, to_date, region_ids=None, observer_ids=None, output='List'):
    """Gets observations from AvalancheObsV.

    :param from_date:       [date] A query returns [from_date, to_date>
    :param to_date:         [date] A query returns [from_date, to_date>
    :param region_ids:      [int or list of ints] If region_ids = None, all regions are selected
    :param observer_ids:    [int or list of ints] If observer_ids = None, all observers are selected
    :param output:          [string] Options: 'List', 'DataFrame' and 'Count'. Default 'List'.


    if output == 'List' or output == 'DataFrame':

        data = _make_data_request("AvalancheObsV", from_date, to_date, region_ids, observer_ids)
        list = [AvalancheObs(d) for d in data]
        list = sorted(list, key=lambda AvalancheObs: AvalancheObs.DtObsTime)

        if output == 'List':
            return list

        elif output == 'DataFrame':
            return _make_data_frame(list)

    elif output == 'Count':
        count = _make_count_request("AvalancheObsV", from_date, to_date, region_ids, observer_ids)
        return count

        ml.log_and_print(' -> get_avalanche: Illegal output option.')
        return None
Esempio n. 3
def _view_test():
    '''Method tests if views show observartions made by Ragnar on a test location the last fiew days.
    The purpose is to test if views correctly remove deleted items.


    views = ['AllRegistrationsV',
             # 'AvalancheActivityObs2V',
             # 'DangerSignV',
             # 'WeakLayerV',

    log = env.log
    view_test = []

    for v in views:
        view_test += _make_data_request(v, 0, - dt.timedelta(days=1), + dt.timedelta(days=1))

    for o in view_test:
        if 'Ragnar' in o['NickName'] and 'Test' in o['LocationName']:
            ml.log_and_print('{0: <30} with RegID    {3: <7} has observations by    {1: <20} on location    {2}.'.format(o['__metadata']['type'], o['NickName'], o['LocationName'], o['RegID']),
                             print_it=True, log_it=True)

    a = 1
Esempio n. 4
def _make_count_request(view, from_date, to_date, region_ids=None, observer_ids=None, geohazard_tid=None):
    """Common part of all count requests.

    Note that some views are shared by all geohazards. In these it is also
    possible to specify geohazard_tid in the filter.

    :param view:
    :param from_date:       [date] A query returns [from_date, to_date>
    :param to_date:         [date] A query returns [from_date, to_date>
    :param region_ids:      [int or list of ints] If region_ids = None, all regions are selected
    :param observer_ids:    [int or list of ints] If observer_ids = None, all observers are selected
    :param geohazard_tid:   [int] 10 is snow, 20,30,40 are dirt, 60 is water and 70 is ice

    :return:                [int] Number of observations.

    # If input isn't a list, make it so
    if not isinstance(region_ids, types.ListType):
        region_ids = [region_ids]

    if not isinstance(observer_ids, types.ListType):
        observer_ids = [observer_ids]

    count = 0
    for region_id in region_ids:
        for observer_id in observer_ids:

            odata_query = _make_odata_filter(from_date, to_date, region_id, observer_id, geohazard_tid)
            url = "{0}/Odata.svc/{1}/$count/?$filter={2}&$format=json"\
                .decode('utf8').format(env.api_version, view, odata_query)

            ml.log_and_print(" -> _make_count_request: {0}".format(fe.remove_norwegian_letters(url)))

            result = requests.get(url).json()
            count += result

    return count
Esempio n. 5
def get_warnings_as_json(region_ids, start_date, end_date, lang_key=1, recursive_count=5):
    """Selects warnings and returns the json structured result as given on the api.

    :param region_id:       [int or list of ints] RegionID as given in the forecast api [1-99] or in regObs [101-199]
    :param start_date:      [date or string as yyyy-mm-dd]
    :param end_date:        [date or string as yyyy-mm-dd]
    :param recursive_count  [int] by default atempt the same request # times before giving up
    :return warnings:       [string] String as json


    # If input isn't a list, make it so
    if not isinstance(region_ids, types.ListType):
        region_ids = [region_ids]

    warnings = []
    recursive_count_default = recursive_count   # need the default for later

    for region_id in region_ids:

        if len(region_ids) > 1:
            # if we are looping the initial list make sure each item gets the recursive count default
            recursive_count = recursive_count_default

        if region_id > 100:
            region_id = region_id - 100

        md.log_and_print("getForecastApi -> get_warnings_as_json: Getting AvalancheWarnings for {0} from {1} til {2}"\
            .format(region_id, start_date, end_date))

        url = "{0}/{3}/{1}/{2}"\
            .format(region_id, start_date, end_date, lang_key)

        # If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.
            warnings += requests.get(url).json()
            md.log_and_print("getForecastApi -> get_warnings_as_json: {0} warnings found for {1}.".format(len(warnings), region_id))

            md.log_and_print("getForecastApi -> get_warnings_as_json: EXCEPTION. RECURSIVE COUNT {0}".format(recursive_count))
            if recursive_count > 1:
                recursive_count -= 1        # count down
                warnings += get_warnings_as_json(region_id, start_date, end_date, lang_key, recursive_count=recursive_count)

    return warnings
Esempio n. 6
def _make_data_request(view, from_date, to_date, region_ids=None, observer_ids=None, geohazard_tid=None, recursive_count=5):
    """Common part of all data requests.

    :param view:            [string] Name of view in regObs
    :param from_date:       [date] A query returns [from_date, to_date>
    :param to_date:         [date] A query returns [from_date, to_date>
    :param region_ids:      [int or list of ints] If region_ids = None, all regions are selected
    :param observer_ids:    [int or list of ints] If observer_ids = None, all observers are selected
    :param geohazard_tid:   [int] 10 is snow, 20,30,40 are dirt, 60 is water and 70 is ice
    :param recursive_count  [int] by default atempt the same request 5 times before giving up

    :return:                untreated request result

    # If input isn't a list, make it so
    if not isinstance(region_ids, types.ListType):
        region_ids = [region_ids]

    if not isinstance(observer_ids, types.ListType):
        observer_ids = [observer_ids]

    data_out = []
    recursive_count_default = recursive_count   # need the default for later

    for region_id in region_ids:
        for observer_id in observer_ids:

            if len(observer_ids) > 1:
                # if we are looping the initial list make sure each item gets the recursive count default
                recursive_count = recursive_count_default

            odata_query = _make_odata_filter(from_date, to_date, region_id, observer_id, geohazard_tid)
            url = "{0}/Odata.svc/{1}/?$filter={2}&$format=json"\
                .decode('utf8').format(env.api_version, view, odata_query)
            if view == "IncidentV":
                url = url.replace('GeoHazardTID', 'GeoHazardTid')
            ml.log_and_print(" -> _make_data_request: {0}".format(fe.remove_norwegian_letters(url)))

                result = requests.get(url).json()
                result = result['d']['results']

                # Need to improve on exception handling:
                ml.log_and_print(" -> _make_data_request: EXCEPTION. RECURSIVE COUNT {0}".format(recursive_count))
                result = []
                if recursive_count > 1:
                    recursive_count -= 1        # count down
                    result = _make_data_request(view, from_date, to_date, region_id, observer_id, geohazard_tid, recursive_count=recursive_count)

            # if more than 1000 elements are requested, odata truncates data to 1000. We do more requests
            if len(result) == 1000:
                time_delta = to_date - from_date
                date_in_middle = from_date + time_delta/2
                result = _make_data_request(view, from_date, date_in_middle, region_id, observer_id, geohazard_tid) \
                         + _make_data_request(view, date_in_middle, to_date, region_id, observer_id, geohazard_tid)

            data_out += result

    env.log.append("{2} to {3}: {1} has {0} items".format(len(data_out), view, from_date, to_date))

    return data_out
Esempio n. 7
    # all_registrations_snow = get_all_registrations(from_date, to_date, geohazard_tid=10)
    # all_registrations_ice = get_all_registrations(from_date, to_date, geohazard_tid=70)
    # all_registrations = get_all_registrations(from_date, to_date)
    # count_registrations_snow = get_all_registrations(from_date, to_date, geohazard_tid=10, output='Count')
    # count_registrations_ice = get_all_registrations(from_date, to_date, geohazard_tid=70, output='Count')
    # count_registrations = get_all_registrations(from_date, to_date, output='Count')
    avalanche_activity = get_avalanche_activity(from_date, to_date, 116)
    avalanche_activity_2 = get_avalanche_activity_2(from_date, to_date, 116)
    # avalanche = get_avalanche(from_date, to_date, region_ids)
    # danger_sign = get_danger_sign(from_date, to_date, observer_ids)

    count_registrations_snow_10 = get_all_registrations(, 12, 1),, geohazard_tid=10, output='Count', observer_ids=10)

    # _view_test()
    all_registrations = get_all_registrations(from_date, to_date)
    for a in all_registrations:
            "{0}\t{1}\t{2:<6}\t{3:<15}\t{4:<20}\t{5:<20}\t{6}".format(a.RegID, a.DtRegTime, a.GeoHazardName, a.MunicipalName,
                                                                      a.ForecastRegionName, a.NickName, a.RegistrationName),
            print_it=True, log_it=True)

    a = 1