Esempio n. 1
def test_10():
    f1 = lambda x, y: 2*x + y
    corner_points = [make_point2d(1, 1),
                                     make_point2d(1, 5),
                                     make_point2d(5, 1)]
    print(maximize_obj_fun(f1, corner_points))                            
    f2 = lambda x, y: x - 2*y
    print(minimize_obj_fun(f2, corner_points))
Esempio n. 2
def loc_xtrm_1st_drv_test(expr):
    exprFn = tof(expr)
    derivativeExpr = deriv(expr)
    derivfn = tof(derivativeExpr)

    degree = findDegree(derivativeExpr)

    critical_points = []

    if degree == 2:
        xvalues = find_poly_2_zeros(derivativeExpr)
        for x in xvalues:
            y = exprFn(x.get_val())

            critical_points.append(make_point2d(x.get_val(), y))
    elif degree == 1:
        x = find_poly_1_zeros(derivativeExpr)
        y = exprFn(x.get_val())

        critical_points.append(make_point2d(x.get_val(), y))
    elif degree == 0:
        # The derivative is just a constant so all values will be just the constant
        # f` = 5
        x = derivativeExpr.get_val()
        raise Exception("Not a first or second degree polynomial degree=",

    maxima = None
    minima = None
    for p in critical_points:
        x = p.get_x().get_val()
        less = derivfn(x - 0.5)
        more = derivfn(x + 0.5)
        if less < 0 and more > 0:
            y = exprFn(x)
            minima = make_point2d(x, y)
        elif less > 0 and more < 0:
            y = exprFn(x)
            maxima = make_point2d(x, y)

    if not maxima and not minima:
        return None
        results = []
        if maxima:
            results.append(("max", maxima))
        if minima:
            results.append(("min", minima))

    return results
Esempio n. 3
def find_infl_pnts(expr):
    #find the second derivative
    second_drv = deriv(deriv(expr))
    degree = findDegree(second_drv)
    expr_tof = tof(expr)
    inflection_points = []
    if degree == 2:
        zeros = find_poly_2_zeros(second_drv)
        for x in zeros:
            y = expr_tof(x.get_val())
            inflection_points.append(make_point2d(x.get_val() , y))
        x = find_poly_1_zeros(second_drv)
        y = expr_tof(x.get_val())
        inflection_points.append(make_point2d(x.get_val(), y))

    return inflection_points
Esempio n. 4
def minimize_obj_fun(f, corner_points):
    currentMin = 1000000
    for points in corner_points:
        min = f(points.get_x().get_val(), points.get_y().get_val())
        if min < currentMin:
            currentMin = min
            min_point = make_point2d(points.get_x().get_val(),

    return min_point
Esempio n. 5
def maximize_obj_fun(f, corner_points):
    currentMax = 0
    for points in corner_points:
        max = f(points.get_x().get_val(), points.get_y().get_val())
        if max > currentMax:
            currentMax = max
            max_point = make_point2d(points.get_x().get_val(),

    return max_point
Esempio n. 6
def line_intersection(lneq1, lneq2):
    # Case 1: 2 const lines
    if is_const_line(lneq1):
        if is_const_line(lneq2):
            if lneq1.get_lhs().get_name() == 'x':
                x = lneq1.get_rhs().get_val()
                y = lneq2.get_rhs().get_val()
            elif lneq1.get_lhs().get_name() == 'y':
                y = lneq1.get_rhs().get_val()
                x = lneq2.get_rhs().get_val()
                raise Exception('line_intersection: ' + str(lneq1))
            y = lneq1.get_rhs().get_val()
            x = tof(lneq2.get_rhs())(y)
    elif is_const_line(lneq2):
        #Case 2: 1 const line y = 1 ;y = x -1
        y = lneq2.get_rhs().get_val()
        x = tof(lneq1.get_rhs())(y)
    elif isinstance(lneq1.get_rhs(), pwr):  #y = 1x; y = -1x +6
        eq1_coeff = get_line_coeffs(lneq1)
        eq2_coeff = get_line_coeffs(lneq2)
        if isinstance(lneq2.get_rhs(), plus):
            if isinstance(lneq2.get_rhs().get_elt2(), const):
                eq2_const = lneq2.get_rhs().get_elt2().get_val()
                x = eq2_const / (eq1_coeff - eq2_coeff)
                y = tof(lneq1.get_rhs())(x)
    elif isinstance(lneq1.get_rhs(), plus):  #y = -0.2x+10; y =0.2x+5
        eq1_coeff = get_line_coeffs(lneq1)
        eq2_coeff = get_line_coeffs(lneq2)
        if isinstance(lneq2.get_rhs(), plus):
            x = (lneq2.get_rhs().get_elt2().get_val() +
                 lneq1.get_rhs().get_elt2().get_val()) / (eq1_coeff -
            y = tof(lneq1.get_rhs())(x)
            raise Exception("Unknown plus equation")
    elif isinstance(lneq1.get_rhs(), prod):  #y = 0.5x; y = -0.75x +3
        eq1_coeff = get_line_coeffs(lneq1)
        eq2_coeff = get_line_coeffs(lneq2)
        if isinstance(lneq2.get_rhs(), plus):
            eq2_const = lneq2.get_rhs().get_elt2().get_val()
            x = eq2_const / (eq1_coeff - eq2_coeff)
            y = tof(lneq1.get_rhs())(x)
        elif isinstance(lneq2.get_rhs(), pwr):  #y = -x, y = x
            x = 0.0
            y = 0.0
            raise Exception("Unknown prod equation")

        raise Exception('line_intersection: ' + 'unknown equations')

    return make_point2d(x, y)
Esempio n. 7
def loc_xtrm_2nd_drv_test(expr):
    # Get the extrema from the first derivative
    first_xtrema = loc_xtrm_1st_drv_test(expr)

    # Take the second derivative, put those extrema values in
    expr2 = deriv(deriv(expr))
    fn2 = tof(expr2)

    results = []
    for ex in first_xtrema:
        value = fn2(ex[1].get_x().get_val())

        if value < 0:  # If the results are negative, then we have a local max
            point = make_point2d(ex[1].get_x().get_val(), ex[1].get_y().get_val())
            results.append(("max", point))

        else:  # If the results are positive, then we have a local min
            point = make_point2d(ex[1].get_x().get_val(), ex[1].get_y().get_val())
            results.append(("min", point))

    return results
Esempio n. 8
def line_intersection(lneq1, lneq2):
    e1_x, e1_y, e1_c = get_line_coeffs(lneq1)
    e2_x, e2_y, e2_c = get_line_coeffs(lneq2)

    A = np.array([[e1_x, e1_y],
                  [e2_x, e2_y]])
    b = np.array([e1_c, e2_c])

    # print(A)
    # print(b)
        pt = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
        return None
    return make_point2d(pt[0], pt[1])