def BoxPlot(x, path='none', title='none', label='none'): """ x: numpy [perticles,id] """ sns.set_style("dark") # numpy -> list x_tuple = tuple(x[:, i].tolist() for i in np.arange(x.shape[1])) idx = [] for i in np.arange(x.shape[-1]): # data [peticles] idx = np.append(idx, str(i + 1)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.boxplot(x_tuple, sym='d', patch_artist=True, boxprops=dict(facecolor='lightblue', color='gray'), medianprops=dict(color='gray')) ax.set_xticklabels(idx) myData.isDirectory(path) plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, f"{label}.png")) plt.close()
def scatter3D_heatmap(x, y, z, var, rangeP, path="none", title="none", label="none"): """ Args val: variable for heatmap """ #pdb.set_trace() sns.set_style("dark") #var = np.hstack([var[0],var[1]]) # normalize variable(var) into 0 to 1 nlVar = list((var - min(var)) / (max(var) - min(var))) # red(row,<<0) -> yellow(high) colors = fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) #pdb.set_trace() ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=colors, marker="o", alpha=0.5) #ax.scatter(x[0],y[0],z[0],c=colors[:x[0].shape[0]],marker=".",alpha=0.5) #ax.scatter(x[1],y[1],z[1],s=10,c=colors[x[0].shape[0]:],marker="x",alpha=0.5) """ xmin = np.min([np.min(x[0]),np.min(x[1])]) xmax = np.max([np.max(x[0]),np.max(x[1])]) ymin = np.min([np.min(y[0]),np.min(y[1])]) ymax = np.max([np.max(y[0]),np.max(y[1])]) zmin = np.min([np.min(z[0]),np.min(z[1])]) zmax = np.max([np.max(z[0]),np.max(z[1])]) ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) ax.set_zlim(zmin,zmax) """ ax.set_xlim(rangeP[0][ntI], rangeP[1][ntI]) ax.set_ylim(rangeP[0][tntI], rangeP[1][tntI]) ax.set_zlim(rangeP[0][ttI], rangeP[1][ttI]) ax.set_title(f"{title}") myData.isDirectory(path) plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, f"{label}.png")) plt.close()
def HistLikelihood(weights, path, label="auto", color="black"): #pdb.set_trace() # mean & var for label lhMean = np.mean(weights, 0) lhVar = np.var(weights, 0) sns.set_style("dark") sns.distplot(weights, kde=False, rug=False, color=color) #plt.xlim([0,0.12]) #plt.ylim([0,175]) plt.suptitle(f"mean:{lhMean}\n var:{lhVar}") myData.isDirectory(path) plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, f"{label}.png")) plt.close()
def scatter3D(x, y, z, rangeP, path="none", title="none", label="none"): sns.set_style("dark") fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.scatter(x, y, z, c="black", marker="o", alpha=0.5, linewidths=0.5) ax.set_xlabel("nk") ax.set_ylabel("tnk") ax.set_zlabel("tk") ax.set_xlim(rangeP[0][ntI], rangeP[1][ntI]) ax.set_ylim(rangeP[0][tntI], rangeP[1][tntI]) ax.set_zlim(rangeP[0][ttI], rangeP[1][ttI]) ax.set_title(f"{title}") myData.isDirectory(path) plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, f"{label}.png")) plt.close()
def NumberLine(gt, pred, path, label="auto"): """ 発生年数がどうなってるかを確認したくって Args gt: 真値t list[nk,tnk,tk] pred: 予測値t [perticles,cells] """ for cell in np.arange(3): #pdb.set_trace() # predict year [perticles,] x = gt[cell] xhat = pred[:, cell] y = [0] * 1 # y = 0 yhat = [0] * xhat.shape[0] # 数直線 --------------------------------------------------------------- fig, ax = plt2.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) #画像サイズ fig.set_figheight(1) #高さ調整 ax.tick_params(labelbottom=True, bottom=False) #x軸設定 ax.tick_params(labelleft=False, left=False) #y軸設定 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # グラフの体裁 ----------------------------------------------------------- #xMin, xMax = np.min(np.append(x,xhat)), np.max(np.append(x,xhat)) xMin, xMax = 0, 1400 plt2.tight_layout() #グラフの自動調整 plt2.hlines(y=0, xmin=xMin, xmax=xMax, color="silver") #横軸 #枠を消す # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # 散布図 ----------------------------------------------------------- plt2.scatter(xhat, yhat, c='skyblue') # 予測値 plt2.scatter(x, y[0], c='coral') # 真値 plt2.title(f"min:{int(np.min(xhat))} max:{int(np.max(xhat))}") # ----------------------------------------------------------------- myData.isDirectory(path) plt2.savefig(os.path.join(path, f"{label}_{cellname[cell]}.png"), bbox_inches="tight") plt2.close()
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == "__main__": # 1 確実に起きた地震 # 190 全て起きた地震 for tfID in [190]: print("-----------------------------------") print("------ {} historical eq data ------".format(tfID)) # dirpath for each logs dirPath = f"{tfID}" # full path for each logs filePath = os.path.join(logsPath, dirPath, fileName) # path exist or not exist myData.isDirectory(os.path.join(logsPath, dirPath)) myData.isDirectory(os.path.join('parFile', dirPath)) # ----------------- 真の南海トラフ巨大地震履歴 V------------------------- # with open(os.path.join(featuresPath, "nankairireki.pkl"), "rb") as fp: nkfiles = pickle.load(fp) # 発生年数取得 & slip velocity (all 30) gtV = nkfiles[tfID, :, :] # 重複なしの真値地震 #gtJ = np.unique(np.where(gtV>0)[0]) gtJ_nk = np.where( gtV[:, ntI] > 0)[0] # [84,287,499,761,898,1005,1107,1254,1346] gtJ_tnk = np.where( gtV[:, tntI] > 0)[0] # [84,287,496,761,898,1005,1107,1254,1344]
# update paramb updateBs = np.array([sb for sb in standB]) # plot meanB, medianB = np.mean(updateBs, 0), np.median(updateBs, 0) # Num.of perticle for label numBs = updateBs.shape[0] # index max perticle maxBsind = [i for i, x in enumerate(ratebs) if x == max(ratebs)] # max perticle maxBs = np.array([np.array(updateBs[ind]) for ind in maxBsind]) # rate of max perticle maxrate = int(np.max(ratebs[maxBsind])) # save paramters (high rate of perticle) maxbpath = os.path.join(savetxtPath, f'maxB_{mode}') myData.isDirectory(maxbpath) np.savetxt(os.path.join(maxbpath, f'maxB_{iS+1}_{maxrate}.txt'), maxBs * 1000000, fmt='%d', delimiter=',') # plot 3D heatmap scatter s3hpath = os.path.join(imgPath, f'PF_{mode}') myPlot.scatter3D_heatmap(updateBs[:, ntI], updateBs[:, tntI], updateBs[:, ttI], ratebs, rangeP=[minB, maxB], path=s3hpath, title=f'mean:{meanB}\n median:{medianB}', label=f'Bheatmap_{iS+1}_{numBs}') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def simulate(features,y,x,mode=0,t=0,pTime=0,nP=0,nCell=3,isSavetxt=False,isPlot=False): """ Args features: システムモデル値xt. th[1400,perticles,3], V[1400,perticles,3], b[perticles,3] y: 観測モデル値yt. [eq.years,] x: 地震年数(1400年). [(eq.years zero padding),perticles] """ #pdb.set_trace() # 1. 初期化 ---------------------------------------------------------------- # 状態ベクトル theta,v,year ※1セルの時おかしいかも # リサンプリング後の特徴量ベクトル xResampled = np.zeros((nP,nCell)) # all norm-likelihood maxgW = np.zeros((nP)) maxpW = np.zeros((nP)) # weight for eq. year in each cell + penalty gw = np.zeros((nP,nCell+1)) # weight for eq. times pw = np.zeros((nP,nCell+1)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pdb.set_trace() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- flag = False for i in np.arange(nP): # アンサンブル分まわす # ===================================================================== # 尤度計算 # ===================================================================== # zero-paddingしたpredを予測した年数だけにする [地震発生年数(可変),] # predicted eq.year yhat_nk = (x[x[:,i,ntI]>0,i,ntI]).astype(int) yhat_tnk = (x[x[:,i,tntI]>0,i,tntI]).astype(int) yhat_tk = (x[x[:,i,ttI]>0,i,ttI]).astype(int) yhat = [yhat_nk,yhat_tnk,yhat_tk] #pdb.set_trace() # 尤度は地震発生年数、重みとかけるのは状態ベクトル # 2.c & 2.d 各粒子の尤度と重み ------------------------------------------- # ground truth eq.year (time=t) standYs = [y[ntI][t],y[tntI][t],y[ttI][t]] # nearist ----- if mode == 100: weight, maxweight, years = norm_likelihood.norm_likelihood_nearest(y,yhat,standYs=standYs,time=t) gw[i] = weight maxgW[i] = maxweight if mode == 13: weight, maxweight, years = norm_likelihood.norm_likelihood_nearest_penalty(y,yhat,standYs=standYs,time=t) gw[i] = weight maxgW[i] = maxweight if mode == 101: weight, maxweight, years = norm_likelihood.norm_likelihood_nearest_safetypenalty(y,yhat,standYs=standYs,time=t) gw[i] = weight maxgW[i] = maxweight if mode == 102: gweight, gmaxweight, years = norm_likelihood.norm_likelihood_nearest_safetypenalty(y,yhat,standYs=standYs,time=t) pweight = norm_likelihood.norm_likelihood_alltimes(y,yhat) gw[i] = gweight pw[i] = pweight maxgW[i] = gmaxweight maxpW[i] = pweight # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # for plot ------------------------------------------------------------ if not flag: yearInds = years flag = True else: # [perticle,3] yearInds = np.vstack([yearInds,years]) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # 規格化 ------------------------------------------------------------------- # only eq.years if mode == 100 or mode == 101: # 全セルがぴったりの時 if any(maxgW==0): zeroind = np.where(maxgW==0)[0].tolist() maxgW[zeroind] = -1 tmpgW = 1/-maxgW wNorm = tmpgW/np.sum(tmpgW) # eq.years & eq.times elif mode == 102: if any(maxgW==0): zeroind = np.where(maxgW==0)[0].tolist() maxgW[zeroind] = -1 tmpgW = 1/-maxgW maxW = tmpgW + maxpW wNorm = maxW/np.sum(maxW) print(wNorm) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pdb.set_trace() # ========================================================================= # リサンプリング # ========================================================================= initU = np.random.uniform(0,1/nP) # ※3セル同じ組み合わせのbが選ばれる # index for resampling k = resampling(initU,wNorm,nP=nP) # not update b var. ---- if mode == 90: xResampled = features[k] # simple var. ---- if mode == 100: # system noise -------------------------------------------------------- # ※元の値と足してもマイナスになるかも # array[cell,perticles] V & theta parameterがすべて同じ組み合わせになるのを防ぐため bnoise = np.array([np.random.normal(0,0.01*np.mean(features[:,cell]),nP) for cell in np.arange(nCell)]) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add noise xResampled = features[k] + np.abs(bnoise).T # 尤度工夫 var. ---- if mode == 101 or mode == 102: #pdb.set_trace() # index for mean theta,V,b muind = np.argmax(wNorm) # highest of norm likelihood (index) for mean & sigma muB = features[bInd][muind] * 1000000 # variable & co-variable matrix (xy,yz,zx) Bin = 10 sigmaB = [[0,Bin,Bin],[Bin,0,Bin],[Bin,Bin,0]] # 尤度の1番高いところを中心に、次のbの分布決定 # system noise -------------------------------------------------------- # [perticle,cell] bnoise = np.random.multivariate_normal(muB,sigmaB,nP) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # [perticle,cell] xResampled = np.abs(bnoise)*0.000001 xResampled[0] = features[muind] #pdb.set_trace() print(f"---- 【{t}】 times ----\n") # 発生年数 plot ------------------------------------------------------------ if isPlot: nlpath = os.path.join(imgPath,f'numlines_{mode}') myData.isDirectory(nlpath) myPlot.NumberLine(standYs,yearInds,path=nlpath,label=f"best_years_{t}") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # save year & likelihood txt ---------------------------------------------- if isSavetxt: # nearist ---- lhpath = os.path.join(savetxtPath,f"lh_{mode}") myData.isDirectory(lhpath) if mode == 100 or 101: np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath,f"lh_{t}.txt"),gw) np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath,f"sum_lh_{t}.txt"),maxgW) else: np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath,f"lh_g_{t}.txt"),gw) np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath,f"lh_p_{t}.txt"),pw) np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath,f"sum_lh_g_{t}.txt"),maxgW) np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath,f"sum_lh_p_{t}.txt"),maxpW) np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath,f"w_{t}.txt"),wNorm) # Save param b xt = features[k] bpath = os.path.join(savetxtPath,f'B_{mode}') myData.isDirectory(bpath) np.savetxt(os.path.join(bpath,f'{t}.txt'),xt,fmt='%6f') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- return xResampled, k
def Rireki(gt, pred, path='none', title="none", label="none", isShare=False, isSeparate=True, isResearch=False, iseach=False): """ Args gt: gt eq. (best year). [1400,3] """ if isResearch: if iseach: dists = myData.eachMAEyear(gt, pred) else: # degree of similatery dists = myData.MAEyear(gt, pred) title = dists sns.set_style("dark") # share gt & pred if isShare: fig, figInds = plt.subplots(nrows=3, sharex=True) for figInd in np.arange(len(figInds)): figInds[figInd].plot(np.arange(pred.shape[0]), pred[:, figInd], color="skyblue") figInds[figInd].plot(np.arange(gt.shape[0]), gt[:, figInd], color="coral") #pdb.set_trace() if isSeparate: colors = ["coral", "skyblue", "coral", "skyblue", "coral", "skyblue"] # scalling var. predV, gtV = np.zeros([1400, 3]), np.zeros([1400, 3]) # del first year pred_nk = [s for s in pred[ntI].tolist() if s != 0] pred_tnk = [s for s in pred[tntI].tolist() if s != 0] pred_tk = [s for s in pred[ttI].tolist() if s != 0] gt_tk = [s for s in gt[ttI].tolist() if s != 0] predV[pred_nk, ntI] = 5 predV[pred_tnk, tntI] = 5 predV[pred_tk, ttI] = 5 gtV[gt[ntI].tolist(), ntI] = 5 gtV[gt[tntI].tolist(), tntI] = 5 gtV[gt_tk, ttI] = 5 #pdb.set_trace() # [1400,3] plot_data = [ gtV[:, ntI], predV[:, ntI], gtV[:, tntI], predV[:, tntI], gtV[:, ttI], predV[:, ttI] ] # not scalling var. [1400,3] #plot_data = [gt[:,ntI],pred[:,ntI],gt[:,tntI],pred[:,tntI],gt[:,ttI],pred[:,ttI]] fig = plt.figure() fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=6, sharex="col") for row, (color, data) in enumerate(zip(colors, plot_data)): axes[row].plot(np.arange(1400), data, color=color) plt.suptitle(f"{title}", fontsize=8) myData.isDirectory(path) plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, f"{label}.png")) plt.close() if isResearch: return int(np.sum(dists)) # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def simulate(features, y, x, ssYears, mode=0, t=0, pTime=0, sy=0, nP=0, nCell=3, isSavetxt=False, isPlot=False): """ Args features: システムモデル値xt. th[1400,perticles,3], V[1400,perticles,3], b[perticles,3] y: 観測モデル値yt. [eq.years,] x: 地震年数(1400年). [(eq.years zero padding),perticles] sy: start of assimilation for perticles. """ #pdb.set_trace() # 1. 初期化 ---------------------------------------------------------------- # 状態ベクトル theta,v,year ※1セルの時おかしいかも ThVec = np.zeros((nP, nCell)) VVec = np.zeros((nP, nCell)) # リサンプリング後の特徴量ベクトル xResampled = np.zeros((nParam, nP, nCell)) # all norm-likelihood maxgW = np.zeros((nP)) maxpW = np.zeros((nP)) # weight for eq. year in each cell + penalty gw = np.zeros((nP, nCell + 1)) # weight for eq. times pw = np.zeros((nP, nCell + 1)) # weight wNorm = np.zeros((nP)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pdb.set_trace() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- flag = False for i in np.arange(nP): # アンサンブル分まわす # ===================================================================== # 尤度計算 # ===================================================================== # zero-paddingしたpredを予測した年数だけにする [地震発生年数(可変),] yhat_nk = (x[x[:, i, ntI] > 0, i, ntI]).astype(int) yhat_tnk = (x[x[:, i, tntI] > 0, i, tntI]).astype(int) yhat_tk = (x[x[:, i, ttI] > 0, i, ttI]).astype(int) if t > 0: # 2000年 + 同化した年数 standInds = ssYears[i] + state_Year # 1400年のスケールに合わせる yhat_nk = yhat_nk - standInds yhat_tnk = yhat_tnk - standInds yhat_tk = yhat_tk - standInds yhat = [yhat_nk, yhat_tnk, yhat_tk] #pdb.set_trace() # 尤度は地震発生年数、重みとかけるのは状態ベクトル # 2.c & 2.d 各粒子の尤度と重み ------------------------------------------- standYs = [y[ntI][t], y[tntI][t], y[ttI][t]] # nearist ----- # if mode == 'near' or mode == 'simple' or mode == 'b_near' if mode == 0: weight, maxweight, years = norm_likelihood.norm_likelihood_nearest( y, yhat, standYs=standYs, time=t) gw[i] = weight maxgW[i] = maxweight # if mode == 'sp_time_near' or mode == 'b_sp_time_near' elif mode == 3 or mode == 2: gweight, gmaxweight, years = norm_likelihood.norm_likelihood_nearest_safetypenalty( y, yhat, standYs=standYs, time=t) pweight = norm_likelihood.norm_likelihood_alltimes(y, yhat) gw[i] = gweight pw[i] = pweight maxgW[i] = gmaxweight maxpW[i] = pweight elif mode == 4: weight, maxweight, years = norm_likelihood.norm_likelihood_eachnearest( y, yhat, standYs=standYs, time=t) gw[i] = weight maxgW[i] = maxweight elif mode == 5 or mode == 6: weight, maxweight, years = norm_likelihood.norm_likelihood_eachnearest_penalty( y, yhat, standYs=standYs, time=t) gw[i] = weight maxgW[i] = maxweight elif mode == 7: pweight = norm_likelihood.norm_likelihood_alltimes(y, yhat) gweight, gmaxweight, years = norm_likelihood.norm_likelihood_eachnearest_penalty( y, yhat, standYs=standYs, time=t) gw[i] = gweight pw[i] = pweight maxgW[i] = gmaxweight maxpW[i] = pweight # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #pdb.set_trace() for indY, indC in zip(years, [ntI, tntI, ttI]): # 各セルで尤度の一番高かった年数に合わせる 1400 -> 1 # ※ 別々の同化タイミングになる # ※地震が発生していないときは、tonankaiの地震発生年数を採用 # ※違う年数でも同じ値の時あり if int(indY) == 0: # for tk ThVec[i, indC] = features[0][int(years[tntI]), i, indC] VVec[i, indC] = features[1][int(years[tntI]), i, indC] else: ThVec[i, indC] = features[0][int(years[indC]), i, indC] VVec[i, indC] = features[1][int(years[indC]), i, indC] if not flag: yearInds = years flag = True else: # [perticle,3] yearInds = np.vstack([yearInds, years]) #pdb.set_trace() # 規格化 ------------------------------------------------------------------- # only eq.years if mode == 0 or mode == 4 or mode == 5 or mode == 6: # 全セルがぴったりの時 if any(maxgW == 0): zeroind = np.where(maxgW == 0)[0].tolist() maxgW[zeroind] = 1 tmpgW = 1 / maxgW wNorm = tmpgW / np.sum(tmpgW) # eq.years & eq.times elif mode == 3 or mode == 2 or mode == 7: if any(maxgW == 0): zeroind = np.where(maxgW == 0)[0].tolist() maxgW[zeroind] = 1 tmpgW = 1 / maxgW maxW = tmpgW + maxpW wNorm = maxW / np.sum(maxW) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pdb.set_trace() # ========================================================================= # リサンプリング # ========================================================================= initU = np.random.uniform(0, 1 / nP) # ※3セル同じ組み合わせのbが選ばれる # index for resampling k = resampling(initU, wNorm, nP=nP) # simple var. ---- if mode == 0: # system noise -------------------------------------------------------- # ※元の値と足してもマイナスになるかも # array[cell,perticles] V & theta parameterがすべて同じ組み合わせになるのを防ぐため Thnoise = np.array([ np.random.normal(0, 0.01 * np.mean(ThVec[:, cell]), nP) for cell in np.arange(nCell) ]) Vnoise = np.array([ np.random.normal(0, 0.01 * np.mean(VVec[:, cell]), nP) for cell in np.arange(nCell) ]) bnoise = np.array([ np.random.normal(0, 0.01 * np.mean(features[bInd][:, cell]), nP) for cell in np.arange(nCell) ]) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- xResampled[thInd] = ThVec[k] + np.abs(Thnoise).T xResampled[vInd] = VVec[k] + np.abs(Vnoise).T # Add noise xResampled[bInd] = features[bInd][k] + np.abs(bnoise).T updatesy = sy[k] # 尤度工夫 var. ---- # if mode == 'sp_alltime' or mode == 'b_sp_nl' or mode == 'b_sp_time_nl': elif mode == 3 or mode == 4 or mode == 5 or mode == 7: # index for mean theta,V,b muind = np.argmax(wNorm) # highest of norm likelihood (index) for mean & sigma muB = features[bInd][muind] * 1000000 # variable & co-variable matrix (xy,yz,zx) Bin = 10 sigmaB = [[0, Bin, Bin], [Bin, 0, Bin], [Bin, Bin, 0]] # 尤度の1番高いところを中心に、次のbの分布決定 # system noise -------------------------------------------------------- # [cell,perticle] Thnoise = np.array([ np.random.normal(0, 0.01 * np.mean(ThVec[:, cell]), nP) for cell in np.arange(nCell) ]) Vnoise = np.array([ np.random.normal(0, 0.01 * np.mean(VVec[:, cell]), nP) for cell in np.arange(nCell) ]) # [perticle,cell] bnoise = np.random.multivariate_normal(muB, sigmaB, nP) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # [perticle,cell] xResampled[thInd] = ThVec[k] + np.abs(Thnoise).T xResampled[vInd] = VVec[k] + np.abs(Vnoise).T xResampled[bInd] = np.abs(bnoise) * 0.000001 xResampled[bInd][0] = features[bInd][muind] # 尤度が一番高いperticleの年数に合わせる updatesy = np.array(sy[muind].tolist() * nP)[:, np.newaxis] # not update b var. ---- elif mode == 2 or mode == 6: # system noise -------------------------------------------------------- # ※元の値と足してもマイナスになるかも # array[cell,perticles] V & theta parameterがすべて同じ組み合わせになるのを防ぐため Thnoise = np.array([ np.random.normal(0, 0.01 * np.mean(ThVec[:, cell]), nP) for cell in np.arange(nCell) ]) Vnoise = np.array([ np.random.normal(0, 0.01 * np.mean(VVec[:, cell]), nP) for cell in np.arange(nCell) ]) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- xResampled[thInd] = ThVec[k] + np.abs(Thnoise).T xResampled[vInd] = VVec[k] + np.abs(Vnoise).T xResampled[bInd] = features[bInd][k] updatesy = sy[k] #pdb.set_trace() print(f"---- 【{t}】 times ----\n") # 発生年数 plot ------------------------------------------------------------ if isPlot: nlpath = os.path.join(imgPath, f'numlines_{mode}') myData.isDirectory(nlpath) myPlot.NumberLine(standYs, yearInds, path=nlpath, label=f"best_years_{t}") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # save year & likelihood txt ---------------------------------------------- if isSavetxt: # nearist ---- lhpath = os.path.join(savetxtPath, f"lh_{mode}") myData.isDirectory(lhpath) if mode == 0 or mode == 4 or mode == 5 or mode == 6: np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath, f"lh_{t}.txt"), gw) np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath, f"sum_lh_{t}.txt"), maxgW) else: np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath, f"lh_g_{t}.txt"), gw) np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath, f"lh_p_{t}.txt"), pw) np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath, f"sum_lh_g_{t}.txt"), maxgW) np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath, f"sum_lh_p_{t}.txt"), maxpW) np.savetxt(os.path.join(lhpath, f"w_{t}.txt"), wNorm) # Save param b xt = features[bInd][k] bpath = os.path.join(savetxtPath, f'B_{mode}') myData.isDirectory(bpath) np.savetxt(os.path.join(bpath, f'{t}.txt'), xt, fmt='%6f') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- return xResampled, yearInds.astype(int), updatesy, k