Esempio n. 1
    def Button_Add_Click(self):
        '''Button add click'''
        func_name = self.Entry_Function_Name.get()
        func_description = self.Entry_Function_Description.get()
        func_class = self.Entry_Function_Class.get()
        func_prototype = self.Entry_Function_Prototype.get()

        result = db_function.create_XFERO_Function(
            func_name, func_class, func_description, func_prototype)

    def test_delete_XFERO_Function(self):


        DELETE rows on the XFERO_Function table with function_id = 1 and confirm
        that the deletion has been successful.

        | Date       | Author      | Change Details                            |
        | 02/06/2013 | Chris Falck | Created                                   |
        | 10/01/2014 | Chris Falck | Tested to confirm changes to DB           |

        # Create the row in the database
        for tst in [('avcheck', 'Function to Anti-Virus check a file', 'NULL'),

            (self.function_name, self.function_description,
             self.function_prototype) = tst
            result = db_function.create_XFERO_Function(
                self.function_name, self.function_description,

        # Perform the select
        self.function_id = '1'
        rows = db_function.delete_XFERO_Function(self.function_id)

        # Check update
        config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
        except configparser.Error as err:
            raise err

        xfero_db = config.get('database', 'db_location')
        con = lite.connect(xfero_db)

            cur = con.cursor()
            cur = con.execute("pragma foreign_keys=ON")
            cur.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM XFERO_Function')
        except lite.Error as err:
            print("Error %s:" % err.args[0])

        data = cur.fetchone()[0]
        expected = 0
        self.assertEqual(expected == data, True, "Unexpected row selected")
    def test_update_XFERO_Function(self):


        UPDATE rows on the XFERO_Function table with function_id = 1 and confirm
        that the update has been applied to the table.

        | Date       | Author      | Change Details                            |
        | 02/06/2013 | Chris Falck | Created                                   |
        | 10/01/2014 | Chris Falck | Tested to confirm changes to DB           |

        # Create the row in the database
        for tst in [('avcheck', 'Anti_Virus',
                     'Function to Anti-Virus check a file', 'NULL'),

            (self.function_name, self.function_class, self.function_description,
             self.function_prototype) = tst
            result = db_function.create_XFERO_Function(
                self.function_name, self.function_class,
                self.function_description, self.function_prototype)

        # Perform the select
        self.function_id = '1'
        self.function_name = 'new_func'
        self.function_description = 'Function to Anti-Virus check a file'
        self.function_prototype = 'NULL'
        rows = db_function.update_XFERO_Function(
            self.function_id, self.function_name, self.function_class,
            self.function_description, self.function_prototype)

        expected_tuple = (
            1, 'new_func', 'Anti_Virus', 'Function to Anti-Virus check a file',

        for row in rows:
                expected_tuple, row, 'Unexpected row retrieved')
    def test_read_with_name_XFERO_Function(self):


        SELECT rows from the XFERO_Function table with function_name and confirm
        that the rows returned are as expected

        | Date       | Author      | Change Details                            |
        | 02/06/2013 | Chris Falck | Created                                   |
        | 10/01/2014 | Chris Falck | Tested to confirm changes to DB           |

        # Create the row in the database
        for tst in [('avcheck', 'Anti_Virus',
                     'Function to Anti-Virus check a file', 'NULL'),

            (self.function_name, self.function_class, self.function_description,
             self.function_prototype) = tst
            result = db_function.create_XFERO_Function(
                self.function_name, self.function_class,
                self.function_description, self.function_prototype)

        # Perform the select
        self.function_name = 'avcheck'
        rows = db_function.read_with_name_XFERO_Function(self.function_name)
        expected_tuple = (
            1, 'avcheck', 'Function to Anti-Virus check a file', 'NULL')

        for row in rows:
                expected_tuple, row, 'Unexpected row retrieved')
    def test_create_XFERO_Function(self):


        INSERT rows into the XFERO_Function table and confirm they have been
        successfully inserted

        | Date       | Author      | Change Details                            |
        | 02/06/2013 | Chris Falck | Created                                   |
        | 08/01/2014 | Chris Falck | Added additional inputs to be tested      |
        | 10/01/2014 | Chris Falck | Tested to confirm changes to DB           |


        for tst in [('move_file', 'Copy_File',
                     'Function to Move a file to a specified directory',
                    ('compress_entities', 'Manage_Archives',
                     'Function to tar.gz or zip files',
                     'entities={Enter_value} archive_name={Enter_value} \

            (self.function_name, self.function_class, self.function_description,
             self.function_prototype) = tst

            result = db_function.create_XFERO_Function(
                self.function_name, self.function_class,
                self.function_description, self.function_prototype)

        config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
        except configparser.Error as err:
            raise err

        xfero_db = config.get('database', 'db_location')
        con = lite.connect(xfero_db)

            cur = con.cursor()
            cur = con.execute("pragma foreign_keys=ON")
            cur.execute('SELECT function_id FROM XFERO_Function')

        except lite.Error as err:

            print("Error %s:" % err.args[0])

        expected_tuple = (
            (1,), (2,), (3,), (4,), (5,), (6,), (7,), (8,), (9,), (10,), (11,))

        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:

            self.assertIn(row, expected_tuple, 'Unexpected row retrieved')
    def test_list_XFERO_Function(self):


        SELECT ALL rows on the XFERO_Function table and confirm that all rows have
        been returned successfully.

        | Date       | Author      | Change Details                            |
        | 02/06/2013 | Chris Falck | Created                                   |
        | 08/01/2014 | Chris Falck | Added additional inputs to be tested      |
        | 10/01/2014 | Chris Falck | Tested to confirm changes to DB           |

        expected_tuple = ((1, 'move_file',
                           'Function to Move a file to a specified directory',
                          (2, 'xfer_file',
                           'Function to transfer a file', 'NULL'),
                          (3, 'XFERO_exit', 'Function to enable the execution of \
                           external programs',
                          (4, 'compress_entities', 'Function to tar.gz or \
                           zip files',
                           'entities={Enter_value} archive_name={Enter_value} \
                          (5, 'xform',
                           'Function to transform a file name', 'NULL'),
                          (6, 'encrypt', 'Function to encrypt a file', 'NULL'),
                          (7, 'decrypt', 'Function to decrypt a file', 'NULL'),
                          (8, 'cksum',
                           'Function to produce a Checksum of a file', 'NULL'),
                          (9, 'split_file',
                           'Function to split a large file into smaller files',
                          (10, 'merge_file',
                           'Function to merge split file', 'NULL'),
                          (11, 'avcheck', 'Function to Anti-Virus check a file',

        for tst in [('move_file',
                     'Function to Move a file to a specified directory',
                    ('xfer_file', 'Function to transfer a file', 'NULL'),
                    ('XFERO_exit', 'Function to enable the execution of external \
                    ('compress_entities', 'Function to tar.gz or zip files',
                     'entities={Enter_value} archive_name={Enter_value} \
                    ('xform', 'Function to transform a file name', 'NULL'),
                    ('encrypt', 'Function to encrypt a file', 'NULL'),
                    ('decrypt', 'Function to decrypt a file', 'NULL'),
                     'Function to produce a Checksum of a file', 'NULL'),
                     'Function to split a large file into smaller files',
                    ('merge_file', 'Function to merge split file', 'NULL'),
                    ('avcheck', 'Function to Anti-Virus check a file', 'NULL'),

            (self.function_name, self.function_description,
             self.function_prototype) = tst
            result = db_function.create_XFERO_Function(
                self.function_name, self.function_description,

        rows = db_function.list_XFERO_Function()
        for row in rows:
            self.assertIn(row, expected_tuple, 'Unexpected row selected')