def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(InfortrendNASDriver, self).__init__(False, *args, **kwargs)

        nas_ip = self.configuration.safe_get('infortrend_nas_ip')
        username = self.configuration.safe_get('infortrend_nas_user')
        password = self.configuration.safe_get('infortrend_nas_password')
        ssh_key = self.configuration.safe_get('infortrend_nas_ssh_key')
        retries = self.configuration.safe_get('infortrend_cli_max_retries')
        timeout = self.configuration.safe_get('infortrend_cli_timeout')

        if not nas_ip:
            msg = _('The infortrend_nas_ip is not set.')
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        if not (password or ssh_key):
            msg = _('Either infortrend_nas_password or infortrend_nas_ssh_key '
                    'should be set.')
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        pool_list = self._init_pool_list()
        self.backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('share_backend_name')
        self.ift_nas = infortrend_nas.InfortrendNAS(nas_ip, username, password,
                                                    ssh_key, retries, timeout,
Esempio n. 2
 def check_for_setup_error(self):
     """Returns an error if prerequisites aren't met."""
     out, err = self._execute('sudo', 'vgs', '--noheadings', '-o', 'name')
     volume_groups = out.split()
     if self.configuration.lvm_share_volume_group not in volume_groups:
         msg = (_("share volume group %s doesn't exist") %
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
     if not self.configuration.lvm_share_export_ip:
         msg = (_("share_export_ip isn't specified"))
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Do initialization."""

        LOG.debug("Invoking base constructor for Manila HDS HNAS Driver.")
        super(HDSHNASDriver, self).__init__(False, *args, **kwargs)

        LOG.debug("Setting up attributes for Manila HDS HNAS Driver.")

        LOG.debug("Reading config parameters for Manila HDS HNAS Driver.")
        self.backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('share_backend_name')
        hnas_ip = self.configuration.safe_get('hds_hnas_ip')
        hnas_username = self.configuration.safe_get('hds_hnas_user')
        hnas_password = self.configuration.safe_get('hds_hnas_password')
        hnas_evs_id = self.configuration.safe_get('hds_hnas_evs_id')
        self.hnas_evs_ip = self.configuration.safe_get('hds_hnas_evs_ip')
        fs_name = self.configuration.safe_get('hds_hnas_file_system_name')
        ssh_private_key = self.configuration.safe_get(
        cluster_admin_ip0 = self.configuration.safe_get(
        self.private_storage = kwargs.get('private_storage')
        job_timeout = self.configuration.safe_get(

        if hnas_evs_id is None:
            msg = _("The config parameter hds_hnas_evs_id is not set.")
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        if self.hnas_evs_ip is None:
            msg = _("The config parameter hds_hnas_evs_ip is not set.")
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        if hnas_ip is None:
            msg = _("The config parameter hds_hnas_ip is not set.")
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        if hnas_username is None:
            msg = _("The config parameter hds_hnas_user is not set.")
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        if hnas_password is None and ssh_private_key is None:
            msg = _("Credentials configuration parameters missing: "
                    "you need to set hds_hnas_password or "
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        LOG.debug("Initializing HNAS Layer.")

        self.hnas = ssh.HNASSSHBackend(hnas_ip, hnas_username, hnas_password,
                                       ssh_private_key, cluster_admin_ip0,
                                       hnas_evs_id, self.hnas_evs_ip, fs_name,
Esempio n. 4
    def manage_existing_snapshot(self, snapshot, driver_options):
        """Manage existing share snapshot with manila."""
        volID = self.private_storage.get(snapshot['share']['id'], 'volID')
        LOG.debug('volID: %s', volID)

        existing_share = self.api_executor.get_share_info(
            self.configuration.qnap_poolname, vol_no=volID)

        if existing_share is None:
            msg = _("The share id %s was not found on backend.") % volID
            raise exception.ShareNotFound(msg)

        snapshot_id = snapshot.get('provider_location')
        snapshot_id_info = snapshot_id.split('@')

        if len(snapshot_id_info) == 2:
            share_name = snapshot_id_info[0]
            snapshot_name = snapshot_id_info[1]
            msg = _("Incorrect provider_location format. It should have the "
                    "following format: share_name@snapshot_name.")
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)

        if share_name != existing_share.find('vol_label').text:
            msg = (_("The assigned share %(share_name)s was not matched "
                     "%(vol_label)s on backend.") % {
                         'share_name': share_name,
                         'vol_label': existing_share.find('vol_label').text
            raise exception.ShareNotFound(msg)

        check_snapshot = self.api_executor.get_snapshot_info(
            volID=volID, snapshot_name=snapshot_name)
        if check_snapshot is None:
            msg = (_("The snapshot %(snapshot_name)s was not "
                     "found on backend.") % {
                         'snapshot_name': snapshot_name
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        _metadata = {
            'snapshot_id': snapshot_id,
        self.private_storage.update(snapshot['id'], _metadata)
        parent_size = check_snapshot.find('parent_size')
        snap_size_gb = None
        if parent_size is not None:
            snap_size_gb = math.ceil(float(parent_size.text) / units.Gi)
        return {'size': snap_size_gb}
Esempio n. 5
    def check_for_setup_error(self):
        """Returns an error if prerequisites aren't met."""
        out, err = self._execute('vgs', '--noheadings', '-o', 'name',
        volume_groups = out.split()
        if self.configuration.lvm_share_volume_group not in volume_groups:
            msg = (_("Share volume group %s doesn't exist.")
                   % self.configuration.lvm_share_volume_group)
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        if not self.configuration.lvm_share_export_ips:
            msg = _("The option lvm_share_export_ips must be specified.")
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
Esempio n. 6
    def _get_managed_storage_pools(self, pools):
        matched_pools = set()
        if pools:
            # Get the real pools from the backend storage
            status, backend_pools = self._get_context('StoragePool').get_all()
            if status != constants.STATUS_OK:
                message = (_("Failed to get storage pool information. "
                             "Reason: %s") % backend_pools)
                raise exception.EMCVnxXMLAPIError(err=message)

            real_pools = set([item for item in backend_pools])
            conf_pools = set([item.strip() for item in pools])
            matched_pools, unmatched_pools = vnx_utils.do_match_any(
                real_pools, conf_pools)

            if not matched_pools:
                msg = (_("None of the specified storage pools to be managed "
                         "exist. Please check your configuration "
                         "vnx_share_data_pools in manila.conf. "
                         "The available pools in the backend are %s.") %
                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

  "Storage pools: %s will be managed.",
            LOG.debug("No storage pool is specified, so all pools "
                      "in storage system will be managed.")
        return matched_pools
Esempio n. 7
    def get_driver_mode(self, supported_driver_modes):
        """Verify and return driver mode.

        Call this method within share driver to get value for 'mode' attr,

        :param supported_driver_modes: list of supported modes by share driver,
            see list of available values in
        :returns: text_type -- name of enabled driver mode.
        :raises: exception.InvalidParameterValue
        msg = None
        if not len(supported_driver_modes):
            msg = "At least one mode should be supported by share driver."
        elif self.mode:
            if self.mode not in supported_driver_modes:
                data = {'mode': self.mode, 'supported': supported_driver_modes}
                msg = ("Unsupported driver mode '%(mode)s' is provided. "
                       "List of supported is %(supported)s." % data)
                return self._validate_driver_mode(self.mode)
        elif len(supported_driver_modes) > 1:
            msg = ("Driver mode was not specified explicitly and amount of "
                   "supported driver modes %s is bigger than one, please "
                   "specify it using config option 'share_driver_mode'." %

        if msg:
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)
        return self._validate_driver_mode(supported_driver_modes[0])
Esempio n. 8
def validate_public_share_policy(context, api_params, api='create'):
    """Validates if policy allows is_public parameter to be set to True.

    :arg api_params - A dictionary of values that may contain 'is_public'
    :returns api_params with 'is_public' item sanitized if present
    :raises exception.InvalidParameterValue if is_public is set but is Invalid
            exception.NotAuthorized if is_public is True but policy prevents it
    if 'is_public' not in api_params:
        return api_params

    policies = {
        'create': 'create_public_share',
        'update': 'set_public_share',
    policy_to_check = policies[api]
        api_params['is_public'] = strutils.bool_from_string(
            api_params['is_public'], strict=True)
    except ValueError as e:
        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(str(e))

    public_shares_allowed = policy.check_policy(
        context, 'share', policy_to_check, do_raise=False)
    if api_params['is_public'] and not public_shares_allowed:
        message = _("User is not authorized to set 'is_public' to True in the "
        raise exception.NotAuthorized(message=message)

    return api_params
 def _max_attempts(self):
     max_attempts = CONF.scheduler_max_attempts
     if max_attempts < 1:
         msg = _("Invalid value for 'scheduler_max_attempts', "
                 "must be >=1")
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
     return max_attempts
Esempio n. 10
 def check_for_setup_error(self):
     """Check for setup error."""
     max_ratio = self.configuration.safe_get('max_over_subscription_ratio')
     if not max_ratio or float(max_ratio) < 1.0:
         msg = (_("Invalid max_over_subscription_ratio '%s'. "
                  "Valid value should be >= 1.0.") % max_ratio)
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
    def _init_pool_list(self):
        pools_name = self.configuration.safe_get('infortrend_share_pools')
        if not pools_name:
            msg = _('The infortrend_share_pools is not set.')
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        tmp_pool_list = pools_name.split(',')
        return [pool.strip() for pool in tmp_pool_list]
Esempio n. 12
    def _get_mover_by_id(self, mover_id):
        status, mover = self._XMLAPI_helper.get_mover_by_id(mover_id)
        if constants.STATUS_OK != status:
            message = _("Could not find Data Mover by id: %s.") % mover_id
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=message)

        return mover
Esempio n. 13
    def get_mover_ref_by_name(self, name):
        status, mover = self._XMLAPI_helper.get_mover_ref_by_name(name)
        if constants.STATUS_ERROR == status:
            message = _("Could not find Data Mover by name: %s.") % name
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=message)

        return mover
Esempio n. 14
 def update(self, context, share, fields):
     if 'is_public' in fields:
             fields['is_public'] = strutils.bool_from_string(
                 fields['is_public'], strict=True)
         except ValueError as e:
             raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(six.text_type(e))
     return self.db.share_update(context, share['id'], fields)
Esempio n. 15
 def _validate_driver_mode(self, mode):
     valid = constants.VALID_SHARE_DRIVER_MODES
     if mode not in valid:
         data = {'mode': mode, 'valid': valid}
         msg = ("Provided unsupported driver mode '%(mode)s'. List of "
                "valid driver modes is %(valid)s." % data)
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)
     return mode
Esempio n. 16
 def _write_export_file(self, name, confdict):
     """Write confdict to the export file of name."""
     for k, v in ganesha_utils.walk(confdict):
         # values in the export block template that need to be
         # filled in by Manila are pre-fixed by '@'
         if isinstance(v, six.string_types) and v[0] == '@':
             msg = _("Incomplete export block: value %(val)s of attribute "
                     "%(key)s is a stub.") % {'key': k, 'val': v}
             raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
     return self._write_conf_file(name, mkconf(confdict))
Esempio n. 17
    def matches_versioned_method(self, method):
        """Compares this version to that of a versioned method."""

        if type(method) != versioned_method.VersionedMethod:
            msg = _('An API version request must be compared '
                    'to a VersionedMethod object.')
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        return self.matches(method.start_version, method.end_version,
Esempio n. 18
 def check_for_setup_error(self):
     """Returns an error if prerequisites aren't met."""
     host_address_obj = types.HostAddress()
     for export_ip in self.config.cephfs_ganesha_export_ips:
         except ValueError:
             msg = (_("Invalid list member of 'cephfs_ganesha_export_ips' "
                      "option supplied %s -- not a valid IP address or "
                      "hostname.") % export_ip)
             raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
Esempio n. 19
    def check_for_setup_error(self):
        nodes = self.assistant.get_nodes_info()
        if len(nodes) == 0:
            msg = _('No valid node, be sure the NAS Port IP is configured')
            raise exception.ShareBackendException(msg=msg)

        pools = self.assistant.get_available_pools()
        not_exist = set(self.backend_pools).difference(set(pools))
        if not_exist:
            msg = _('Pool %s not exist on the storage system') % not_exist
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)
Esempio n. 20
def get_bool_param(param_string, params, default=False):
    param = params.get(param_string, default)
    if not strutils.is_valid_boolstr(param):
        msg = _("Value '%(param)s' for '%(param_string)s' is not "
                "a boolean.") % {
                    'param': param,
                    'param_string': param_string
        raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

    return strutils.bool_from_string(param, strict=True)
Esempio n. 21
    def check_for_setup_error(self):
        """Check for setup error."""
        # To verify the input from Manila configuration
        status, out = self._get_context('Mover').get_ref(self.mover_name, True)
        if constants.STATUS_ERROR == status:
            message = (_("Could not find Data Mover by name: %s.") %
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=message)

        self.pools = self._get_managed_storage_pools(self.pool_conf)
Esempio n. 22
    def check_for_setup_error(self):
        """Returns an error if prerequisites aren't met."""
        if not self._check_gpfs_state():
            msg = (_('GPFS is not active.'))
            raise exception.GPFSException(msg)

        if not self.configuration.gpfs_share_export_ip:
            msg = (_('gpfs_share_export_ip must be specified.'))
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        gpfs_base_dir = self.configuration.gpfs_mount_point_base
        if not gpfs_base_dir.startswith('/'):
            msg = (_('%s must be an absolute path.') % gpfs_base_dir)
            raise exception.GPFSException(msg)

        if not self._is_dir(gpfs_base_dir):
            msg = (_('%s is not a directory.') % gpfs_base_dir)
            raise exception.GPFSException(msg)

        if not self._is_gpfs_path(gpfs_base_dir):
            msg = (_('%s is not on GPFS. Perhaps GPFS not mounted.')
                   % gpfs_base_dir)
            raise exception.GPFSException(msg)

        if self.configuration.gpfs_nfs_server_type not in ("KNFS", "CES"):
            msg = (_('Invalid gpfs_nfs_server_type value: %s. '
                     'Valid values are: "KNFS", "CES".')
                   % self.configuration.gpfs_nfs_server_type)
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        if ((not self.configuration.gpfs_nfs_server_list) and
                (self.configuration.gpfs_nfs_server_type != 'CES')):
            msg = (_('Missing value for gpfs_nfs_server_list.'))
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
Esempio n. 23
class ZFSSAShareDriver(driver.ShareDriver):
    """ZFSSA share driver: Supports NFS and CIFS protocols.

    Uses ZFSSA RESTful API to create shares and snapshots on backend.
    API version history:

        1.0 - Initial version.

    VERSION = '1.0.0'

    def __init__(self, False, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ZFSSAShareDriver, self).__init__(False, *args, **kwargs)
        self.zfssa = None
        self._stats = None
        self.mountpoint = '/export/'
        lcfg = self.configuration

        required = [

        for prop in required:
            if not getattr(lcfg, prop, None):
                exception_msg = _('%s is required in manila.conf') % prop
                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(exception_msg)

        self.default_args = {
            'compression': lcfg.zfssa_nas_compression,
            'logbias': lcfg.zfssa_nas_logbias,
            'checksum': lcfg.zfssa_nas_checksum,
            'vscan': lcfg.zfssa_nas_vscan,
            'rstchown': lcfg.zfssa_nas_rstchown,
        self.share_args = {
            'sharedav': 'off',
            'shareftp': 'off',
            'sharesftp': 'off',
            'sharetftp': 'off',
            'root_permissions': '777',
            'sharenfs': 'sec=sys',
            'sharesmb': 'off',
            'quota_snap': self.configuration.zfssa_nas_quota_snap,
            'reservation_snap': self.configuration.zfssa_nas_quota_snap,
Esempio n. 24
    def get_vdm_by_name(self, name, allow_absence=False):
        status, vdm = self._XMLAPI_helper.get_vdm_by_name(name)
        if constants.STATUS_OK != status:
            if allow_absence and constants.STATUS_NOT_FOUND == status:
                return None
                message = (
                    _("Could not find Virtual Data Mover by name: %s.") % name)
                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=message)

        return vdm
Esempio n. 25
    def _get_vserver(self, share_server=None):

        if share_server is not None:
            msg = _('Share server must not be passed to the driver '
                    'when the driver is not managing share servers.')
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)

        if not self._vserver:
            msg = _('Vserver not specified in configuration.')
            raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)

        if not self._client.vserver_exists(self._vserver):
            raise exception.VserverNotFound(vserver=self._vserver)

        vserver_client = self._get_api_client(self._vserver)
        return self._vserver, vserver_client
Esempio n. 26
    def _get_managed_storage_pools(self, pools):
        matched_pools = set()
        if pools:
            # Get the real pools from the backend storage
            status, backend_pools = self._get_context('StoragePool').get_all()
            if status != constants.STATUS_OK:
                message = (_("Failed to get storage pool information. "
                             "Reason: %s") % backend_pools)
                raise exception.EMCVnxXMLAPIError(err=message)

            real_pools = set([item for item in backend_pools])

            conf_pools = set([item.strip() for item in pools.split(",")])

            for pool in real_pools:
                for matcher in conf_pools:
                    if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(pool, matcher):

            nonexistent_pools = real_pools.difference(matched_pools)

            if not matched_pools:
                msg = (_("All the specified storage pools to be managed "
                         "do not exist. Please check your configuration "
                         "emc_nas_pool_names in manila.conf. "
                         "The available pools in the backend are %s") %
                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
            if nonexistent_pools:
                    _LW("The following specified storage pools "
                        "do not exist: %(unexist)s. "
                        "This host will only manage the storage "
                        "pools: %(exist)s"), {
                            'unexist': ",".join(nonexistent_pools),
                            'exist': ",".join(matched_pools)
                LOG.debug("Storage pools: %s will be managed.",
            LOG.debug("No storage pool is specified, so all pools "
                      "in storage system will be managed.")
        return matched_pools
Esempio n. 27
    def _get_available_pool_by_name(self, name):

        status, out = self._XMLAPI_helper.list_storage_pool()
        if constants.STATUS_OK != status:
            LOG.error(_LE("Could not get storage pool list."))

        for pool in out:
            if name == pool['name']:
                self._pool = pool

        if self._pool is None:
            message = (_("Could not find the storage pool by name: %s.") %
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=message)

        return self._pool
Esempio n. 28
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ZFSSAShareDriver, self).__init__(False, *args, **kwargs)
        self.zfssa = None
        self._stats = None
        self.mountpoint = '/export/'
        lcfg = self.configuration

        required = [

        for prop in required:
            if not getattr(lcfg, prop, None):
                exception_msg = _('%s is required in manila.conf') % prop
                raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(exception_msg)

        self.default_args = {
            'compression': lcfg.zfssa_nas_compression,
            'logbias': lcfg.zfssa_nas_logbias,
            'checksum': lcfg.zfssa_nas_checksum,
            'vscan': lcfg.zfssa_nas_vscan,
            'rstchown': lcfg.zfssa_nas_rstchown,
        self.share_args = {
            'sharedav': 'off',
            'shareftp': 'off',
            'sharesftp': 'off',
            'sharetftp': 'off',
            'root_permissions': '777',
            'sharenfs': 'sec=sys',
            'sharesmb': 'off',
            'quota_snap': self.configuration.zfssa_nas_quota_snap,
            'reservation_snap': self.configuration.zfssa_nas_quota_snap,
            'custom:manila_managed': True,
Esempio n. 29
 def _export_location(self, share):
     """Export share's location based on protocol used."""
     lcfg = self.configuration
     arg = {
         'host': lcfg.zfssa_data_ip,
         'mountpoint': self.mountpoint,
         'name': share['id'],
     location = ''
     proto = share['share_proto']
     if proto == 'NFS':
         location = ("%(host)s:%(mountpoint)s/%(name)s" % arg)
     elif proto == 'CIFS':
         location = ("\\\\%(host)s\\%(name)s" % arg)
         exception_msg = _('Protocol %s is not supported.') % proto
         raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(exception_msg)
     LOG.debug("Export location: %s.", location)
     return location
Esempio n. 30
    def lsfs(self, node_name=None, fsname=None):
        if fsname and not node_name:
            msg = _('Node name should be set when file system name is set.')
            raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)

        ssh_cmd = ['mcsinq', 'lsfs', '-delim', '!']
        to_append = []

        if node_name:
            to_append += ['-node', '"%s"' % node_name]

        if fsname:
            to_append += ['-name', '"%s"' % fsname]

        if not to_append:
            to_append += ['-all']

        ssh_cmd += to_append
        return self.run_ssh_inq(ssh_cmd, with_header=True)