def buildAKSmearedProtection_Feb9th(self): df = dtedTools(dtedBase=self.dtedBasePath) mc = mapCompare() dted = mapTools() max = mapTools() for lati in range(63, 64): for loni in range(-147, -146): dtedFile = df.findDTEDFile(lat=lati, lon=loni) if (dtedFile == []): print('No dted cells at lat=' + str(lati) + 'lon=' + str(loni)) continue dted.openMap(dtedFile) max = mapTools() max.createMaximumSmearedMap(model=dted, smear='card_diag') max_fn = self.tmpPath + r'\t.tif' max.outputMapFile(max_fn) print(dtedFile) Ak_fn = self.createAKTruthCell(lati, loni, dtedFile, overwrite=False, sampling='max') if(Ak_fn == []): print('Alaska DSM data was not created for some reason') continue output_fn = self.compareCellsBasePath + r'\Norm_' +str(lati) + 'w' + str(-1 * loni) + '.tif' mc.createComparisonMap(compareMap_fn=max_fn, truth_fn=Ak_fn, outputMap_fn=output_fn, view=True, overwrite=False)
def createComparisonMap(self, truth_fn, compareMap_fn, outputMap_fn, overwrite=False, view=False): #create a difference map between the two if (overwrite or not os.path.exists(outputMap_fn)): truthMap = mapTools() truthMap.openMap(truth_fn) compareMap = mapTools() compareMap.openMap(compareMap_fn) if (not truthMap.compareMaps(compareMap)): raise RuntimeError( "Maps do not have equal extents, no map will be generated at " + outputMap_fn) outMap = mapTools() outMap.createEmptyMap(model=truthMap) outMap.loadMap_Diff(truthMap=truthMap, compareMap=compareMap) print("Output comparison map at " + outputMap_fn) outMap.outputMapFile(outputMap_fn) if (view): QgsApplication.setPrefixPath("C:\\OSGeo4W64\\apps\\qgis", True) qgs = QgsApplication([], True) qgs.initQgis() rw = RasterLayerWindow(rlayer1_path=truth_fn, rlayer2_path=compareMap_fn, comparison_path=outputMap_fn, optionSet='prot') qgs.exec_()
def feedback(self, includeDir = False): # provide some feedback if not includeDir: fileIn1 = self.inputMapFile.split('/')[-1] if self.inputMapFile2 != '': fileIn2 = self.inputMapFile2.split('/')[-1] fileOut = self.outputMapFile.split('/')[-1] else: fileIn1 = self.inputMapFile if self.inputMapFile2 != '': fileIn2 = self.inputMapFile2 fileOut = self.outputMapFile txt = 'MAPMASK Summary:\n'+\ 'Input map file: {}\n'.format(fileIn1) if self.inputMapFile2 != '': txt += 'Input map 2 file: {}\n'.format(fileIn2) txt += 'Output map file: {}'.format(fileOut) self.runLog.writeToLog(txt) Map = mapTools(mapName = self.outputMapFile, logFile = self.runLog) Map.printMapInfo()
def reportCroppedMapInfo(self): # print the map info (grid size, num voxels) self.runLog.writeToLog( str='All generated maps should now be restricted to asym unit ' + 'with properties: ') Map = mapTools(mapName=self.atomTaggedMap, logFile=self.runLog) Map.printMapInfo()
def provideFeedback(self): # provide some feedback print '--------------------------' print 'FFT Summary:' print 'Input mtz file: {}'.format(self.inputMtzFile) print 'Output map file: {}'.format(self.outputMapFile) Map = mapTools(self.outputMapFile) Map.printMapInfo() print '--------------------------'
def mapConsistencyCheck(self): # this function determines whether the atom map and density # map calculated using SFALL and FFT are compatible - meaning # the grid dimensions/filtering are the same and the ordering # of the fast, medium, and slow axes are identical. fftMap = mapTools(self.croppedDensityMap) fftMap.readHeader() sfallMap = mapTools(self.atomTaggedMap) sfallMap.readHeader() err = 'Checking that atom map (SFALL) and density map (FFT) are compatible...' self.runLog.writeToLog(str = err) if (sfallMap.gridsamp1 != fftMap.gridsamp1 or sfallMap.gridsamp2 != fftMap.gridsamp2 or sfallMap.gridsamp3 != fftMap.gridsamp3): err = 'Incompatible grid sampling found...' self.runLog.writeToLog(str = err) return False if (sfallMap.fastaxis != fftMap.fastaxis or sfallMap.medaxis != fftMap.medaxis or sfallMap.slowaxis != fftMap.slowaxis): err = 'Incompatible fast,med,slow axes ordering found...' self.runLog.writeToLog(str = err) return False if (sfallMap.numCols != fftMap.numCols or sfallMap.numRows != fftMap.numRows or sfallMap.numSecs != fftMap.numSecs): err = 'Incompatible number of rows, columns and sections...' self.runLog.writeToLog(str = err) return False if sfallMap.getMapSize() != fftMap.getMapSize(): err = 'Incompatible map file sizes' self.runLog.writeToLog(str = err) return False self.runLog.writeToLog(str = '---> success!') return True
def feedback(self): # provide some feedback print '--------------------------' print 'MAPMASK Summary:' print 'Input map file: {}'.format(self.inputMapFile) if self.inputMapFile2 != '': print 'Input map 2 file: {}'.format(self.inputMapFile2) print 'Output map file: {}'.format(self.outputMapFile) Map = mapTools(self.outputMapFile) Map.printMapInfo() print '--------------------------'
def provideFeedback(self): # provide some feedback print('--------------------------') print('END map Summary:') print('Input pdb file: {}'.format(self.pdbFile)) print('Input mtz file: {}'.format(self.mtzFile)) print('Output map file: {}'.format(self.outputMapFile)) Map = mapTools(self.outputMapFile) Map.printMapInfo() print('--------------------------')
def buildArrays(self): for lat in range(24, 80): for lon in range(-180, 0): #doDTEDArrayProc fn = self.findFile(lat, lon, isDted=True) if fn == '': continue full_fn = self.baseDiffDir + '\\' + fn r, c = self.latlonToIndex(lat, lon) self.fileExists[r, c] = True mp = mapTools() mp.openMap(full_fn) num = float((mp.maskedArr > 60.95).sum()) sz = float(mp.maskedArr.count()) percen = num / sz * 100 self.dtednuisArr[r, c] = percen num = float((mp.maskedArr < -60.95).sum()) percen = num / sz * 100 self.dtedprotArr[r, c] = percen #doTDTArrayProc fn = self.findFile(lat, lon, isDted=False) if fn == '': continue full_fn = self.baseDiffDir + '\\' + fn r, c = self.latlonToIndex(lat, lon) mp = mapTools() mp.openMap(full_fn) num = float((mp.maskedArr > 60.95).sum()) sz = float(mp.maskedArr.count()) percen = num / sz * 100 self.tdtnuisArr[r, c] = percen (mp.npArr < -60.95) num = float((mp.maskedArr < -60.95).sum()) percen = num / sz * 100 self.tdtprotArr[r, c] = percen
def provideFeedback(self, includeDir=False): # provide some feedback if not includeDir: fileIn = self.inputMtzFile.split("/")[-1] fileOut = self.outputMapFile.split("/")[-1] else: fileIn = self.inputMtzFile fileOut = self.outputMapFile txt = "FFT Summary:\n" + "Input mtz file: {}\n".format(fileIn) + "Output map file: {}".format(fileOut) self.runLog.writeToLog(txt) Map = mapTools(mapName=self.outputMapFile, logFile=self.runLog) Map.printMapInfo()
def provideFeedback(self, includeDir=False): # provide some feedback if not includeDir: fileIn = self.inputMtzFile.split('/')[-1] fileOut = self.outputMapFile.split('/')[-1] else: fileIn = self.inputMtzFile fileOut = self.outputMapFile self.runLog.writeToLog('FFT Summary:\n' + 'Input mtz file: {}\n'.format(fileIn) + 'Output map file: {}'.format(fileOut)) Map = mapTools(mapName=self.outputMapFile, logFile=self.runLog) Map.printMapInfo()
def provideFeedback(self, includeDir=False): # provide some feedback if not includeDir: fileIn = self.inputPDBfile.split('/')[-1] fileOut = self.outputFile.split('/')[-1] else: fileIn = self.inputPDBfile fileOut = self.outputFile self.runLog.writeToLog( 'SFALL Summary:\nInput pdb file: {}\nOutput file: {}'.format( fileIn, fileOut)) if self.task == 'atom map': Map = mapTools(mapName=self.outputMapFile, logFile=self.runLog) Map.printMapInfo()
def doGDALWarp(self, modelCell_fn, dataCells_fn, output_fn, resampletxt, overwrite=False, lon=None, extent=None): # Good explaination on # Also the classic python reference # and the main C++ Reference # for the resampling modes the gdal constants if (not overwrite and os.path.exists(output_fn)): print('Cell at ' + output_fn + ' already exists and will NOT be overwritten') return mt = mapTools() mt.openMap(modelCell_fn) if (resampletxt == 'near'): _resampleAlg = gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour elif (resampletxt == 'max'): _resampleAlg = gdalconst.GRA_Max else: print('Value for resample text is out of bounds for this function') return () if ( lon != None ): #supports using a dted cell as a model that doesn't exist for a particular longitude mt.left = float(lon) - mt.resX / 2 mt.right = float(lon + 1) + mt.resX / 2 print("Processing Gdal warp " + resampletxt + " for cell n" + str(math.ceil(mt.bttm)) + "w" + str(math.ceil(mt.left))) gdal.Warp(output_fn, dataCells_fn, dstSRS=mt.prj, xRes=mt.resX, yRes=mt.resY, outputBounds=[mt.left, mt.bttm, mt.right,], resampleAlg=_resampleAlg)
def createCompositeMap( self, cells, output_fn, resampletxt='max', thinPixels=10 ): #thinPixels is resolution to divide the original by mt = mapTools() mt.openMap(cells[0]) if (resampletxt == 'near'): _resampleAlg = gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour elif (resampletxt == 'max'): _resampleAlg = gdalconst.GRA_Max print('Processing composite map!') gdal.Warp(output_fn, cells, dstSRS=mt.prj, xRes=mt.resX * thinPixels, yRes=mt.resY * thinPixels, resampleAlg=_resampleAlg)
def provideFeedback(self, includeDir = False): # provide some feedback if includeDir is False: fileIn = self.inputPDBfile.split('/')[-1] fileOut = self.outputMapFile.split('/')[-1] else: fileIn = self.inputPDBfile fileOut = self.outputMapFile txt = 'SFALL Summary:\n'+\ 'Input pdb file: {}\n'.format(fileIn)+\ 'Output map file: {}'.format(fileOut) self.runLog.writeToLog(txt) Map = mapTools(mapName = self.outputMapFile, logFile = self.runLog) Map.printMapInfo()
def getAtomTaggedMap(self): # run SFALL job to generate atom tagged map self.printStepNumber() sfall = SFALLjob(inputPDBfile=self.reorderedPDBFile, outputDir=self.outputDir, VDWR=self.sfall_VDWR, symmetrygroup=self.spaceGroup, runLog=self.runLog, outputMapFile=self.atomTaggedMap, gridDimensions=self.sfallGRIDdims) success = sfallMap = mapTools(mapName=self.atomTaggedMap) self.axes = [sfallMap.fastaxis, sfallMap.medaxis, sfallMap.slowaxis] self.gridSamps = [sfallMap.gridsamp1, sfallMap.gridsamp2, sfallMap.gridsamp3] if not success: error(text='Failure to successfully generate tagged atom map', log=self.runLog)
def getAtomTaggedMap(self): # run SFALL job to generate atom tagged map self.printStepNumber() sfall = SFALLjob(inputPDBfile = self.reorderedPDBFile, outputDir = self.outputDir, VDWR = self.sfall_VDWR, symmetrygroup = self.spaceGroup, gridDimensions = self.sfall_GRID, runLog = self.runLog) success = sfallMap = mapTools(mapName = sfall.outputMapFile) self.axes = [sfallMap.fastaxis, sfallMap.medaxis, sfallMap.slowaxis] self.gridSamps = [sfallMap.gridsamp1, sfallMap.gridsamp2, sfallMap.gridsamp3] self.atomTaggedMap = sfall.outputMapFile return success
def openRasterLayers(self, normDiff_path=None, lowLevelDiff_path=None, terrainElev_path=None, overwrite=True): gt = gisTools() mt = mapTools() if (normDiff_path != None): base = os.path.splitext(ntpath.basename(normDiff_path))[0] mt.openMap(normDiff_path) n = mt.geoTrans[3] w = mt.geoTrans[0] s = n + mt.geoTrans[5] * mt.sizeY e = w + mt.geoTrans[1] * mt.sizeX nw = gt.reprojectPt(src_epsg='EPSG:4326', dst_epsg=self.epsg, tuple=[w, n, 0]) se = gt.reprojectPt(src_epsg='EPSG:4326', dst_epsg=self.epsg, tuple=[e, s, 0]) _xres = (se[0] - nw[0]) / mt.sizeX _yres = (se[1] - nw[1]) / mt.sizeY normTmp = self.tmpPath + r'\reproj-' + base + '.tif' if (not os.path.exists(normTmp) or overwrite == True): gdal.Warp( normTmp, normDiff_path, dstSRS=self.epsg, outputBounds=(nw[0], se[1], se[0], nw[1]), xRes=_xres, yRes=_yres ) # Got to reproject the files to view them with the background # gdal.Warp(normTmp, normDiff_path, dstSRS=self.epsg) # Got to reproject the files to view them with the background # mt.openMap(normTmp) # m = mt.geoTrans # s = mt.sizeY # s1 = mt.sizeX self.normLayer = QgsRasterLayer(normTmp, "Norm Diff") self.normLayerHill = QgsRasterLayer(normTmp, "Norm Hill") self.setRenderHillshade(layer=self.normLayerHill, zf=4) self.normLayer.loadNamedStyle('NormMode.qml') else: self.normLayer = QgsRasterLayer(normDiff_path, "Norm Diff") self.normLayerHill = QgsRasterLayer(normDiff_path, "Norm Diff") if (lowLevelDiff_path != None): base = os.path.splitext(ntpath.basename(lowLevelDiff_path))[0] llvlTmp = self.tmpPath + r'\reproj-' + base + '.tif' if (not os.path.exists(llvlTmp) or overwrite == True): gdal.Warp( llvlTmp, lowLevelDiff_path, dstSRS=self.epsg ) # Got to reproject the files to view them with the background self.lowLevelLayer = QgsRasterLayer(llvlTmp, "Low Level Diff") self.lowLevelLayerHill = QgsRasterLayer(llvlTmp, "Low Level Hill") self.setRenderHillshade(layer=self.lowLevelLayerHill, zf=4) self.lowLevelLayer.loadNamedStyle('NormMode.qml') else: self.lowLevelLayer = QgsRasterLayer(lowLevelDiff_path, "LowLevl Diff") self.lowLevelLayerHill = QgsRasterLayer(lowLevelDiff_path, "LowLevl Diff") if (terrainElev_path != None): base = os.path.splitext(ntpath.basename(terrainElev_path))[0] terrainTmp = self.tmpPath + r'\reproj-' + base + '.tif' if (not os.path.exists(terrainTmp) or overwrite == True): gdal.Warp( terrainTmp, terrainElev_path, dstSRS=self.epsg ) # Got to reproject the files to view them with the background self.terrainElevLayer = QgsRasterLayer(terrainTmp, "Terrain Elevation") self.setRenderHillshade(layer=self.terrainElevLayer, zf=4)
def runPipeline(self): # read input file first success = self.readInputFile() if success is False: return 1 # create log file self.runLog = logFile('{}/{}_runLog_2.txt'.format(self.outputDir,self.jobName)) # run pdbcur job pdbcur = PDBCURjob(self.pdbcurPDBinputFile,self.outputDir,self.runLog) success = if success is False: return 2 self.PDBCURoutputFile = pdbcur.outputPDBfile # reorder atoms in PDB file self.renumberPDBFile() # get space group from PDB file success = self.getSpaceGroup() if success is False: return 3 # run SFALL job sfall = SFALLjob(self.reorderedPDBFile,self.outputDir,self.sfall_VDWR, self.spaceGroup,self.sfall_GRID,'ATMMOD',self.runLog) success = if success is False: return 4 # run FFT job sfallMap = mapTools(sfall.outputMapFile) axes = [sfallMap.fastaxis,sfallMap.medaxis,sfallMap.slowaxis] gridSamps = [sfallMap.gridsamp1,sfallMap.gridsamp2,sfallMap.gridsamp3] labelsInit = ['FP_'+self.initPDB,'SIGFP_'+self.initPDB,'FOM_'+self.initPDB,'PHIC_'+self.initPDB] labelsLater = ['FP_'+self.laterPDB,'SIGFP_'+self.laterPDB,'FOM_'+self.laterPDB,'PHIC_'+self.laterPDB] if self.densMapType != 'END': fft = FFTjob(self.densMapType,self.FOMweight,self.reorderedPDBFile,self.inputMtzFile, self.outputDir,axes,gridSamps,labelsLater,labelsInit,self.runLog) success = else: # run END job if required (may take time to run!!) endInputPDB = self.pdbcurPDBinputFile endInputMTZ = ''.join(endInputPDB.split('.')[:-1]+['.mtz']) endInputEFF = ''.join(endInputPDB.split('.')[:-1]+['.eff']) end = ENDjob(endInputPDB,endInputMTZ,endInputEFF,self.outputDir,gridSamps,self.runLog) success = if success is False: return 5 # crop fft and atom-tagged maps to asymmetric unit: mapmask1 = MAPMASKjob(sfall.outputMapFile,'',self.outputDir,self.runLog) success = mapmask1.crop2AsymUnit() if success is False: return 6 # choose correct density map to include in MAPMASK cropping below if self.densMapType != 'END': inputDensMap = fft.outputMapFile else: inputDensMap = end.outputMapFile # switch END map axes to match SFALL atom-tagged map if required if self.densMapType == 'END': mapmask_ENDmap = MAPMASKjob(inputDensMap,'',self.outputDir,self.runLog) success = mapmask_ENDmap.switchAxisOrder(axes,self.spaceGroup) if success is False: return 7.0 else: inputDensMap = mapmask_ENDmap.outputMapFile # run MAPMASK job to crop fft density map to asym unit mapmask2 = MAPMASKjob(inputDensMap,'',self.outputDir,self.runLog) success = mapmask2.crop2AsymUnit() if success is False: return 7.1 # run MAPMASK job to crop fft density map to same grid # sampling dimensions as SFALL atom map mapmask3 = MAPMASKjob(mapmask2.outputMapFile,mapmask1.outputMapFile,self.outputDir,self.runLog) success = mapmask3.cropMap2Map() if success is False: return 8 # perform map consistency check between cropped fft and sfall maps fftMap = mapTools(mapmask3.outputMapFile) fftMap.readHeader() sfallMap = mapTools(mapmask1.outputMapFile) sfallMap.readHeader() success = self.mapConsistencyCheck(sfallMap,fftMap) if success is False: return 9 else: return 0
from gdalRasterTools import gdalRasterTool from mapComparisonTools import mapCompare from RasterHandler import RasterHandler if __name__ == "__main__": dtedBasePath = r'C:\0-Data\AK_Elev\dted1\dted' outputBasePath = r'C:\0-Data\0-GeneratedData\tmp' lati = 60 loni = -150 df = dtedTools(dtedBase=dtedBasePath) dtedFile = df.findDTEDFile(lat=lati, lon=loni) if (dtedFile == []): print('No dted cells at lat=' + str(lati) + 'lon=' + str(loni)) exit() print(dtedFile) dted = mapTools() dted.openMap(dtedFile) max = mapTools() max.createMaximumSmearedMap(model=dted, smear='card_diag') # max.createEmptyMap(model=dted) # max.npArr = np.copy(dted.npArr) # if(smear == 'cardinal' or smear == 'card_diag'): # t = mapTools() # t.createShiftedMap(model=dted, shift='n', fillValue=100) # max.npArr = np.maximum(max.npArr, t.npArr) # t.createShiftedMap(model=dted, shift='s', fillValue=100) # max.npArr = np.maximum(max.npArr, t.npArr) # t.createShiftedMap(model=dted, shift='e', fillValue=100) # max.npArr = np.maximum(max.npArr, t.npArr) # t.createShiftedMap(model=dted, shift='w', fillValue=100)