def mapboxUpload(filename): """ See: """ #raise NotImplementedError("MapboxUpload is not implemented yet") service = Uploader() service.session.params['access_token'] = mapbox_access_token mapid = 'uploads-test' # 'uploads-test' with open(filename, 'rb') as src: upload_resp = service.upload(src, mapid) if upload_resp.status_code == 422: for i in range(5): sleep(5) with open(filename, 'rb') as src: upload_resp = service.upload(src, mapid) if upload_resp.status_code != 422: break upload_id = upload_resp.json()['id'] for i in range(5): status_resp = service.status(upload_id).json() if status_resp['complete']: print(status_resp) print("Finished uploading tileset " + mapid) break sleep(5)
def mapbox_js(): # 0. Parse url get data keywordInput = request.args.get('keyword') # 1. Fetch tweets from twitter api # Authenticate using and connect to Twitter Streaming API. hash_tag_list = [keywordInput] fetched_tweets_filename = "tweets.json" twitter_streamer = TwitterStreamer() twitter_streamer.stream_tweets(fetched_tweets_filename, hash_tag_list) #formatter formatForML('tweets.json', 'formattedData.json') # 2. Request to azure - positive or negative analysis calculate_sentiment('formattedData.json', 'predicted.json') geoConverter('predicted.json', 'myoutput.geojson') # 4. Send data file to mapbox api service = Uploader() from time import sleep from random import randint mapid = getfixture('myoutput.geojson') # 'uploads-test' with open('myoutput.geojson', 'rb') as src: upload_resp = service.upload(src, mapid) if (upload_resp.status_code): print(upload_resp.status_code) return render_template('map.html', ACCESS_KEY=MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN)
def upload_to_mapbox(username, datasetname, geojson): if type(geojson) == dict: geojson = json.dumps(geojson) if type(geojson) == str: geojson = BytesIO(geojson.encode()) # see: # Acquisition of credentials, staging of data, and upload # finalization is done by a single method in the Python SDK. service = Uploader() dataset_name = '{}.{}'.format(username, datasetname) resp = service.upload(geojson, dataset_name) return resp
def upload_file( data, name, username='******', token='sk.eyJ1IjoibWF0dXRlaWdsZXNpYXMiLCJhIjoiY2puODA4bW8xMGV1dzNrcGtiOGp6NXQ5aCJ9.DohKmjn_o6MK1Y4Q5FG8ew' ): # Dump into file for upload with open('./upload_data.geojson', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) service = Uploader(access_token=token) with open('./upload_data.geojson', 'rb') as src: # Acquisition of credentials, staging of data, and upload # finalization is done by a single method in the Python SDK. upload_resp = service.upload(src, username + '.' + name)
def upload_as_tileset(self, dataset_filename, map_id=None): map_id = uuid.uuid1().hex if not map_id else map_id service = Uploader() with open(os.path.join(DATASETS_PATH, dataset_filename)) as src: upload_resp = service.upload(src, map_id) if upload_resp.status_code == 201: upload_id = upload_resp.json()['id'] for i in xrange(0, 15): status_resp = service.status(upload_id).json() if 'complete' == status_resp['complete']:"Tileset completed for dataset %s", dataset_filename) break else:"Waiting for upload to complete") sleep(5) "Upload did not complete in the last 75 seconds. Check dashboard." )
def upload_shapefile(data, dataset_name): service = Uploader() upload_resp = service.upload(data, dataset_name) if upload_resp.status_code != 201: raise MapboxException( f"Upload failed with status {upload_resp.status_code}") upload_id = upload_resp.json()["id"] # wait on status to change while True: status = service.status(upload_id) if status.status_code != 200: raise MapboxException( f"Status check failed with status {status.status_code}") status = status.json() if status["complete"]: break if status["error"]: raise MapboxException("mapbox error: " + status["error"]) time.sleep(10)
def upload_shapefile(data, dataset_name): service = Uploader() upload_resp = service.upload(data, dataset_name) if upload_resp.status_code == 201: upload_id = upload_resp.json()["id"] while True: status = service.status(upload_id) if status.status_code != 200: break print(status.status_code) status = status.json() if status["complete"]: break if status["error"]: print("mapbox error:", status["error"]) break else: print(status) time.sleep(10) else: print("Upload failed with status", upload_resp.status_code)
'go': go, } }) airtable.process_records( table='Restaurants', params={ # "fields": ["Restaurant", "Status", "Longitude", "Latitude" "[TA] ID", "[TA] Reviews", "[TA] Rating", ], # "filterByFormula": "{Today's Trip}", # "pageSize": 100, }, operation=add_feature, ) FeatureCollection = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': features, } filename = 'features.json' with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: json.dump(FeatureCollection, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) from mapbox import Uploader from settings.secret import MAPBOX uploader = Uploader(access_token=MAPBOX['SECRET_KEY']) with open(filename, 'rb') as file: upload_response = uploader.upload(file, 'test-kadoresto') print(upload_response.json())
os.chdir(data_dir) k.set_contents_from_filename(act_out_file_name + '.zip') k.set_contents_from_filename(seg_out_file_name + '.zip')'successfully staged zip files on AWS S3 bucket') except Exception as e: logging.exception('error uploading files to S3 staging bucket') pass os.chdir(data_dir) from mapbox import Uploader service = Uploader(access_token=token) try: with open(seg_out_file_name + '.zip', 'r') as src: upload_resp_seg = service.upload(src, 'ADV_all_segments') with open(act_out_file_name + '.zip', 'r') as src: upload_resp_act = service.upload(src, 'ADV_all_activities') upload_id_act = upload_resp_act.json()['id'] upload_id_seg = upload_resp_seg.json()['id'] status_resp_act = service.status(upload_id_act).json() status_resp_seg = service.status(upload_id_seg).json()'successfully uploaded files to Mapbox account') except Exception as e: logging.exception('error uploading Mapbox files using Uploads API to acount') pass try:
# from mapbox import Geocoder # >>> geocoder = Geocoder(access_token="pk.YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN") from mapbox import Uploader service = Uploader() from time import sleep from random import randint mapid = getfixture('uploads_dest_id') # 'uploads-test' with open('tests/twopoints.geojson', 'rb') as src: upload_resp = service.upload(src, mapid) if upload_resp.status_code == 422: for i in range(5): sleep(5) with open('tests/twopoints.geojson', 'rb') as src: upload_resp = service.upload(src, mapid) if upload_resp.status_code != 422: break upload_resp.status_code upload_id = upload_resp.json()['id'] for i in range(5): status_resp = service.status(upload_id).json() if status_resp['complete']: break sleep(5) mapid in status_resp['tileset']
def GOES17_Tile_Creation(self): # Open the file try: C = except: print("Can't open file:", self.fileName) return None delete_old_tiles = True # Scan's start time, converted to datetime object scan_start = datetime.strptime(C.time_coverage_start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') scan_start = scan_start.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M") # scan_mid = int(['t'][0], decimals=0)) # DATE = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12) + timedelta(seconds=scan_mid) # Satellite height sat_h = C['goes_imager_projection'].perspective_point_height # Satellite longitude sat_lon = C['goes_imager_projection'].longitude_of_projection_origin # Satellite sweep sat_sweep = C['goes_imager_projection'].sweep_angle_axis major_ax = C['goes_imager_projection'].semi_major_axis minor_ax = C['goes_imager_projection'].semi_minor_axis # The projection x and y coordinates equals the scanning angle (in radians) multiplied by # the satellite height ( x = C['x'].values * sat_h y = C['y'].values * sat_h # map object with pyproj p = Proj(proj='geos', h=sat_h, lon_0=sat_lon, sweep=sat_sweep) # to latitude and longitude values. XX, YY = np.meshgrid(x, y) lons, lats = p(XX, YY, inverse=True) nx = C['x'].size ny = C['y'].size xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = [x.min(), y.min(), x.max(), y.max()] xres = (xmax - xmin) / float(nx) yres = (ymax - ymin) / float(ny) # The satellite seems to be off in the x-dir by 4 pixels and 2 pixels in the y-dir #x_adjustment_factor = xres * 4 #y_adjustment_factor = yres * 2 x_adjustment_factor = xres * 0 y_adjustment_factor = yres * 0 geotransform = ((xmin + x_adjustment_factor), xres, 0, (ymax - y_adjustment_factor), 0, -yres) R_band = self.R_band * 255 G_band = self.G_band * 255 B_band = self.B_band * 255 # Get the path name of the directory for our GEOTIF and MBTILES dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) print("Your Files Are Saving Here: " + dir_path) # The file created here will be overwritten every time. The geotiff is fed into rio mbtiles. dst_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(os.path.join(dir_path,'GOES17.tif'), nx, ny, 3, gdal.GDT_Byte) #dst_ds = gdal.Open('GOES17.tif', nx, ny, 3, gdal.GDT_Byte) # FROM: # The important part of this is to use the +over in the projection. It accounts for the fact that # the image crosses -180 W goes17_proj = f"+proj=geos -ellps=GRS80 +f=.00335281068119356027 +sweep=x +no_defs +lon_0={sat_lon} " \ f"+h={sat_h} +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a={major_ax} +b={minor_ax} +units=m +over +lon_wrap=-180" # HUGE HELP! FROM: # The EPSG definition of Mercator doesn't allow longitudes that extend past -180 or 180 which makes # working in the Pacific difficult. Define our own centralized on the anti-meridian to make working # with GOES-17 (which crosses the anti-meridian) continuous. #proj_anti_mercator = "+proj=merc +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +over +lon_0=-180" proj_anti_mercator = "+proj=merc +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +over +lon_0=0 +lon_wrap=-180" warpOptions = gdal.WarpOptions( format="GTiff", width=nx, height=ny, outputBoundsSRS="EPSG:4326", # WGS84 - Allows use of lat/lon outputBounds outputBounds=[-161.0, 15.0, -103.0, 50.0], # lat/long of ll, ur corners dstSRS="EPSG:4326", # GOES-17 full-disk crosses the anti-meridian warpOptions=["SOURCE_EXTRA=500"], # Magic from The Internet for off-earth pixels multithread=True, # Not sure if this buys anything on my setup ) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(geotransform) # specify coords # srs.ImportFromEPSG(3857) # WGS84 x/y # srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # WGS84 lat/long dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(R_band) # write r-band to the raster dst_ds.GetRasterBand(2).WriteArray(G_band) # write g-band to the raster dst_ds.GetRasterBand(3).WriteArray(B_band) # write b-band to the raster srs = osr.SpatialReference() # establish encoding srs.ImportFromProj4(goes17_proj) # Get the projection of the GOES-17. dst_ds.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) # set the projection of our geotiff to match the GOES-17 gdal.Warp(os.path.join(dir_path,'GOES17_warped.tif'), dst_ds, options=warpOptions) dst_ds.FlushCache() # write to disk dst_ds = None # clear data # rio is installed by conda by installing "rasterio". You still need to >pip install rio-mbtiles and automatically installs the exe files for command lines. Need to tell python # where the path to rio exists. Using $> which rio incase the install directory changes. # rio_path = check_output('which rio') rio_path = "/opt/anaconda3/envs/django_python/bin/rio" if "Linux" in platform.platform(terse=True): rio_path = "/var/www/venv/django_python/bin/rio" # The path of our file created by the RGB bands above. input_path = os.path.join(dir_path, "GOES17_warped.tif") tile_source = f'GOES17_{scan_start}.mbtiles' tile_id = f'GOES17_{scan_start}' # If user wants raster tiles, then use rio to create the mbtiles. if self.mbtileFormat != 'polygon': call([rio_path, 'mbtiles', '--format', 'PNG', '--overwrite', '--zoom-levels', f'1..{self.tileMaxZoom}', input_path, tile_source]) # If the user wants vector tiles, then use rasterio and fiona to create the geojson, then use # tippecanoe to create the vector tiles from the geojson else: polygonize(input_path) json_source = os.path.join(dir_path, "GOES17_Poly.json") call(['tippecanoe', '--force', '-l', 'goes17_fire', '--coalesce', '-P', '-D9', '-z6', '--grid-low-zooms', '-o', tile_source, json_source]) uploader = Uploader(access_token=self.mb_access_token) tile_list = requests.get(f'{self.mb_access_token}') tile_list = json.loads(tile_list.text) if delete_old_tiles: delete_tilesets(tile_list, self.mb_access_token) with open(tile_source, 'rb') as src: # test = requests.delete(f'{mb_access_token}') print("UPLOADING TILE " + tile_source) upload_resp = uploader.upload(src, tile_id) if upload_resp.status_code == 201: print("DONE UPLOADING TILE " +tile_id) # Dict containing RGB colorTuple that combines the FireTemp and TrueColor else: print("UPLOAD FAILED") os.remove(tile_source) # Delete .mbtiles file return
tilesets = [ { 'mapid': 'habitat-areas-2017', 'path': '/app/tiles/habitat-areas-2017.mbtiles' }, { 'mapid': 'landscape_regions-2017', 'path': '/app/tiles/landscape_regions-2017.mbtiles' }, ] for tileset in tilesets: with open(tileset['path'], 'rb') as src: print('Uploading:') upload_resp = service.upload(src, tileset['mapid']) tileset['upload_id'] = upload_resp.json()['id'] print(upload_resp.json()) def uploads_complete(tileset_list): statuses = [] for tileset in tileset_list: statuses.append( service.status(tileset['upload_id']).json()['complete']) return all(statuses) print( 'Processing uploads... Check status at' )
import os import sys from mapbox import Uploader username = sys.argv[1] world = sys.argv[2] inDir = sys.argv[3] outDir = sys.argv[4] service = Uploader() tifs = '%s/*.tif' % (inDir) for absPath in glob(tifs): fullfile = os.path.basename(absPath) filename = os.path.splitext(fullfile)[0] worldCom = 'cp %s %s/%s.tfw' % (world, inDir, filename) print worldCom os.system(worldCom) outCom = 'gdal_translate -co tiled=yes -co compress=LZW -co BLOCKXSIZE=256 -co BLOCKYSIZE=256 -of Gtiff -a_srs EPSG:3857 -a_nodata 0 %s %s/%s' % ( absPath, outDir, fullfile) print outCom os.system(outCom) with open('%s/%s' % (outDir, fullfile), 'r') as src: # Acquisition of credentials, staging of data, and upload # finalization is done by a single method in the Python SDK. tilesetName = '%s.%s' % (username, filename) print 'uploading %s, %s' % (tilesetName, fullfile) uploadResp = service.upload(src, tilesetName) print uploadResp
def handle(self, *args, **options): try: # Try to load the tileset with tileset information from Django database. print("Trying to load the tileset from Django database...") # Retrieving the first record. mapbox_tileset = MapBoxDataset.objects.first() tileset_id = mapbox_tileset.tileset_id tileset_name = print("Found tileset:", tileset_id) except IndexError: # If there is no such tileset, we are going to create one. print( "Could not find a tileset. Please create a tileset in Django database before this process." ) tileset_id = None # Stopping if no tileset is found. if not tileset_id: pass # Initializing uploader service. service = Uploader(access_token=settings.MAPBOX_TOKEN) # Retrieving schools list. schools = School.objects.all() # Initializing json response. allfeatures = {"features": [], "type": "FeatureCollection"} # Loading all school information to the json response. for school in schools: if and school.long: if != 0 or school.long != 0: feature = { 'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': { 'type': "Point", 'coordinates': [float(school.long), float(] }, 'properties': { 'name':, 'id': } } allfeatures["features"].append(feature) file_storage = get_storage_class()() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: fname = os.path.join(tempdir, 'schools.geojson') with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(allfeatures)) with open(fname, 'rb') as f: upload_resp = service.upload(f, tileset_id, name=tileset_name) if upload_resp.status_code == 201: print("Upload successful.") else: print("Upload failed with code:", upload_resp.status_code)
#!./venv/bin/python from io import BytesIO from configparser import ConfigParser from mapbox import Uploader from geojson import Point, Feature, FeatureCollection, dumps import yaml config = ConfigParser()'mapbox.ini') sites = yaml.load(open('sites.yaml', encoding='utf-8').read()) points = FeatureCollection([ Feature(geometry=Point((float(s["longitude"]), float(s["latitude"]))), properties=dict(campaign=c['campaign'], location="%i) %s" % (i + 1, s['location']), idx=str(i + 1), date=s['date'], text=s['text'])) for c in sites for i, s in enumerate(c['sites']) ]) service = Uploader(access_token=config['mapbox']['access-token']) upl = service.upload(BytesIO(dumps(points).encode('utf-8')), '', name="New Zealand Wars Sites v15") print(upl.json())