Esempio n. 1
def test_read_vector_window(geojson, landpoly_3857):
    """Read vector data from read_vector_window."""
    zoom = 4
    config = MapcheteConfig(geojson.path)
    vectorfile = config.params_at_zoom(zoom)["input"]["file1"]
    pixelbuffer = 5
    tile_pyramid = BufferedTilePyramid("geodetic", pixelbuffer=pixelbuffer)
    tiles = tile_pyramid.tiles_from_geom(vectorfile.bbox(), zoom)
    feature_count = 0
    for tile in tiles:
        for feature in read_vector_window(vectorfile.path, tile):
            assert "properties" in feature
            assert shape(feature["geometry"]).is_valid
            feature_count += 1
    assert feature_count
    # into different CRS
    raw_config = geojson.dict
    config = MapcheteConfig(raw_config)
    vectorfile = config.params_at_zoom(zoom)["input"]["file1"]
    pixelbuffer = 5
    tile_pyramid = BufferedTilePyramid("geodetic", pixelbuffer=pixelbuffer)
    tiles = tile_pyramid.tiles_from_geom(vectorfile.bbox(), zoom)
    feature_count = 0
    for tile in tiles:
        for feature in read_vector_window(vectorfile.path, tile):
            assert "properties" in feature
            assert shape(feature["geometry"]).is_valid
            feature_count += 1
    assert feature_count
Esempio n. 2
def test_read_raster_window_reproject(dummy1_3857_tif, minmax_zoom):
    """Read array with read_raster_window."""
    zoom = 8
    # with reproject
    config_raw = minmax_zoom.dict
    config = MapcheteConfig(config_raw)
    rasterfile = config.params_at_zoom(zoom)["input"]["file1"]
    dummy1_bbox = rasterfile.bbox()

    pixelbuffer = 5
    tile_pyramid = BufferedTilePyramid("geodetic", pixelbuffer=pixelbuffer)
    tiles = list(tile_pyramid.tiles_from_geom(dummy1_bbox, zoom))
    # target window out of CRS bounds
    band = read_raster_window(dummy1_3857_tif, tile_pyramid.tile(12, 0, 0))
    assert isinstance(band, ma.MaskedArray)
    assert band.mask.all()
    # not intersecting tile
    tiles.append(tile_pyramid.tile(zoom, 1, 1))  # out of CRS bounds
    tiles.append(tile_pyramid.tile(zoom, 16, 1))  # out of file bbox
    for tile in tiles:
        for band in read_raster_window(dummy1_3857_tif, tile):
            assert isinstance(band, ma.MaskedArray)
            assert band.shape == tile.shape
        bands = read_raster_window(dummy1_3857_tif, tile, [1])
        assert isinstance(bands, ma.MaskedArray)
        assert bands.shape == tile.shape
    # errors
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
        read_raster_window("nonexisting_path", tile)
Esempio n. 3
def test_read_raster_window(dummy1_tif, minmax_zoom):
    """Read array with read_raster_window."""
    zoom = 8
    # without reproject
    config = MapcheteConfig(minmax_zoom.path)
    rasterfile = config.params_at_zoom(zoom)["input"]["file1"]
    dummy1_bbox = rasterfile.bbox()

    pixelbuffer = 5
    tile_pyramid = BufferedTilePyramid("geodetic", pixelbuffer=pixelbuffer)
    tiles = list(tile_pyramid.tiles_from_geom(dummy1_bbox, zoom))
    # add edge tile
    tiles.append(tile_pyramid.tile(8, 0, 0))
    for tile in tiles:
        width, height = tile.shape
        for band in read_raster_window(dummy1_tif, tile):
            assert isinstance(band, ma.MaskedArray)
            assert band.shape == (width, height)
        for index in range(1, 4):
            band = read_raster_window(dummy1_tif, tile, index)
            assert isinstance(band, ma.MaskedArray)
            assert band.shape == (width, height)
        for index in [None, [1, 2, 3]]:
            band = read_raster_window(dummy1_tif, tile, index)
            assert isinstance(band, ma.MaskedArray)
            assert band.ndim == 3
            assert band.shape == (3, width, height)
Esempio n. 4
def test_process_tile_read(example_mapchete):
    """Raise ValueError on"""
    config = MapcheteConfig(example_mapchete.path)
    tile = BufferedTilePyramid("mercator").tile(7, 1, 1)
    user_process = mapchete.MapcheteProcess(
    with pytest.raises(DeprecationWarning):
Esempio n. 5
def test_config_zoom11(example_mapchete, dummy2_tif, dummy1_tif):
    """Example configuration at zoom 11."""
    config = MapcheteConfig(example_mapchete.path)
    zoom11 = config.params_at_zoom(11)
    input_files = zoom11["input"]
    assert input_files["file1"].path == dummy1_tif
    assert input_files["file2"].path == dummy2_tif
    assert zoom11["some_integer_parameter"] == 12
    assert zoom11["some_float_parameter"] == 5.3
    assert zoom11["some_string_parameter"] == "string2"
    assert zoom11["some_bool_parameter"] is True
Esempio n. 6
def test_input_zooms(files_zooms):
    """Read correct input file per zoom."""
    config = MapcheteConfig(files_zooms.path)
    # zoom 7
    input_files = config.params_at_zoom(7)["input"]
    assert os.path.basename(
        input_files["greater_smaller"].path) == "dummy1.tif"
    assert os.path.basename(input_files["equals"].path) == "dummy1.tif"
    # zoom 8
    input_files = config.params_at_zoom(8)["input"]
    assert os.path.basename(
        input_files["greater_smaller"].path) == "dummy1.tif"
    assert os.path.basename(input_files["equals"].path) == "dummy2.tif"
    # zoom 9
    input_files = config.params_at_zoom(9)["input"]
    assert os.path.basename(
        input_files["greater_smaller"].path) == "dummy2.tif"
    assert os.path.basename(input_files["equals"].path) == "cleantopo_br.tif"
    # zoom 10
    input_files = config.params_at_zoom(10)["input"]
    assert os.path.basename(
        input_files["greater_smaller"].path) == "dummy2.tif"
    assert os.path.basename(input_files["equals"].path) == "cleantopo_tl.tif"
Esempio n. 7
def test_read_input_groups(file_groups):
    """Read input data groups."""
    config = MapcheteConfig(file_groups.path)
    input_files = config.params_at_zoom(0)["input"]
    assert "file1" in input_files["group1"]
    assert "file2" in input_files["group1"]
    assert "file1" in input_files["group2"]
    assert "file2" in input_files["group2"]
    assert "nested_group" in input_files
    assert "group1" in input_files["nested_group"]
    assert "file1" in input_files["nested_group"]["group1"]
    assert "file2" in input_files["nested_group"]["group1"]
    assert "file1" in input_files["nested_group"]["group2"]
    assert "file2" in input_files["nested_group"]["group2"]