Esempio n. 1
    def setCityList(self, dataframe):
        """Set the city list to an input dataframe.

            dataframe (DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame whose columns include:

                - name: Name of the city (required).
                - lat: Latitude of city (required).
                - lon: Longitude of city (required).
                - pop: Population of city (optional).
                - iscap: Boolean indicating capital status (optional).
                - placement: String indicating where city label should be
                  placed relative to city coordinates, one of: E, W, N, S, NE,
                  SE, SW, NW.
                - xoff: Longitude offset for label relative to city coordinates
                - yoff: Latitude offset for label relative to city coordinates

        self.cities = BasemapCities(dataframe)  # may raise exception
        self.city_rows = None
        self.city_cols = None
        self.cities_per_grid = None
Esempio n. 2
def parseMapConfig(config):
    # Parse config object
    topofile = None
    roadfolder = None
    cityfile = None
    roadcolor = '6E6E6E'
    countrycolor = '177F10'
    watercolor = 'B8EEFF'
    ALPHA = 0.7
    outputdir = None
    oceanfile = None

        config1 = config['mapdata']
        if 'dem' in config1:
            topofile = config1['dem']['file']
            if os.path.exists(topofile) is False:
                print('DEM not valid - hillshade will not be possible\n')
        if 'ocean' in config1:
            oceanfile = config1['ocean']['file']
                oceanref = config1['ocean']['shortref']
                oceanref = 'unknown'
        if 'roads' in config1:
            roadfolder = config1['roads']['file']
            if os.path.exists(roadfolder) is False:
                print('roadfolder not valid - roads will not be displayed\n')
                roadfolder = None
                roadref = config1['roads']['shortref']
                roadref = 'unknown'
        if 'cities' in config1:
            cityfile = config1['cities']['file']
                cityref = config1['cities']['shortref']
                cityref = 'unknown'
            if os.path.exists(cityfile):
                except Exception as e:
                    print('cities file not valid - cities will not be displayed\n')
                    cityfile = None
                print('cities file not valid - cities will not be displayed\n')
                cityfile = False
        if 'roadcolor' in config1['colors']:
            roadcolor = config1['colors']['roadcolor']
        if 'countrycolor' in config1['colors']:
            countrycolor = config1['colors']['countrycolor']
        if 'watercolor' in config1['colors']:
            watercolor = config1['colors']['watercolor']
        if 'alpha' in config1['colors']:
            ALPHA = float(config1['colors']['alpha'])
            outputdir = config['output']['folder']
            outputdir = None
    except Exception as e:
        print(('%s - mapdata missing from or misformatted in config' % e))

    countrycolor = '#'+countrycolor
    watercolor = '#'+watercolor
    roadcolor = '#'+roadcolor

    mapin = {'topofile': topofile, 'roadfolder': roadfolder,
             'cityfile': cityfile, 'roadcolor': roadcolor,
             'countrycolor': countrycolor, 'watercolor': watercolor,
             'ALPHA': ALPHA, 'outputdir': outputdir, 'roadref': roadref,
             'cityref': cityref, 'oceanfile': oceanfile, 'oceanref': oceanref}

    return mapin
Esempio n. 3
def modelMap(grids, shakefile=None, suptitle=None, inventory_shapefile=None,
             plotorder=None, maskthreshes=None, colormaps=None, boundaries=None,
             zthresh=0, scaletype='continuous', lims=None, logscale=False,
             ALPHA=0.7, maproads=True, mapcities=True, isScenario=False,
             roadfolder=None, topofile=None, cityfile=None, oceanfile=None,
             roadcolor='#6E6E6E', watercolor='#B8EEFF', countrycolor='#177F10',
             outputdir=None, savepdf=True, savepng=True, showplots=False,
             roadref='unknown', cityref='unknown', oceanref='unknown',
             printparam=False, ds=True, dstype='mean', upsample=False):
    This function creates maps of mapio grid layers (e.g. liquefaction or
    landslide models with their input layers)
    All grids must use the same bounds
    TO DO change so that all input layers do not have to have the same bounds,
    test plotting multiple probability layers, and add option so that if PDF and
    PNG aren't output, opens plot on screen using

    :param grids: Dictionary of N layers and metadata formatted like:
        maplayers['layer name']={
        'grid': mapio grid2D object,
        'label': 'label for colorbar and top line of subtitle',
        'type': 'output or input to model',
        'description': 'detailed description of layer for subtitle'}.
      Layer names must be unique.
    :type name: Dictionary or Ordered dictionary - import collections;
      grids = collections.OrderedDict()
    :param shakefile: optional ShakeMap file (url or full file path) to extract information for labels and folder names
    :type shakefile: Shakemap Event Dictionary
    :param suptitle: This will be displayed at the top of the plots and in the
      figure names
    :type suptitle: string
    :param plotorder: List of keys describing the order to plot the grids, if
      None and grids is an ordered dictionary, it will use the order of the
      dictionary, otherwise it will choose order which may be somewhat random
      but it will always put a probability grid first
    :type plotorder: list
    :param maskthreshes: N x 1 array or list of lower thresholds for masking
      corresponding to order in plotorder or order of OrderedDict if plotorder
      is None. If grids is not an ordered dict and plotorder is not specified,
      this will not work right. If None (default), nothing will be masked
    :param colormaps: List of strings of matplotlib colormaps (e.g. cm.autumn_r)
      corresponding to plotorder or order of dictionary if plotorder is None.
      The list can contain both strings and None e.g. colormaps = ['cm.autumn',
      None, None, 'cm.jet'] and None's will default to default colormap
    :param boundaries: None to show entire study area, 'zoom' to zoom in on the
      area of action (only works if there is a probability layer) using zthresh
      as a threshold, or a dictionary defining lats and lons in the form of
      boundaries.xmin = minlon, boundaries.xmax = maxlon, boundaries.ymin =
      min lat, boundaries.ymax = max lat
    :param zthresh: threshold for computing zooming bounds, only used if
      boundaries = 'zoom'
    :type zthresh: float
    :param scaletype: Type of scale for plotting, 'continuous' or 'binned' -
      will be reflected in colorbar
    :type scaletype: string
    :param lims: None or Nx1 list of tuples or numpy arrays corresponding to
      plotorder defining the limits for saturating the colorbar (vmin, vmax) if
      scaletype is continuous or the bins to use (clev) if scaletype if binned.
      The list can contain tuples, arrays, and Nones, e.g. lims = [(0., 10.),
      None, (0.1, 1.5), np.linspace(0., 1.5, 15)]. When None is specified, the
      program will estimate the limits, when an array is specified but the scale
      type is continuous, vmin will be set to min(array) and vmax will be set
      to max(array)
    :param lims: None or Nx1 list of Trues and Falses corresponding to
      plotorder defining whether to use a linear or log scale (log10) for
      plotting the layer. This will be reflected in the labels
    :param ALPHA: Transparency for mapping, if there is a hillshade that will
      plot below each layer, it is recommended to set this to at least 0.7
    :type ALPHA: float
    :param maproads: Whether to show roads or not, default True, but requires
      that roadfile is specified and valid to work
    :type maproads: boolean
    :param mapcities: Whether to show cities or not, default True, but requires
      that cityfile is specified and valid to work
    :type mapcities: boolean
    :param isScenario: Whether this is a scenario (True) or a real event (False)
      (default False)
    :type isScenario: boolean
    :param roadfolder: Full file path to folder containing road shapefiles
    :type roadfolder: string
    :param topofile: Full file path to topography grid (GDAL compatible) - this
      is only needed to make a hillshade if a premade hillshade is not specified
    :type topofile: string
    :param cityfile: Full file path to Pager file containing city & population
    :type cityfile: string
    :param roadcolor: Color to use for roads, if plotted, default #6E6E6E
    :type roadcolor: Hex color or other matplotlib compatible way of defining
    :param watercolor: Color to use for oceans, lakes, and rivers, default
    :type watercolor: Hex color or other matplotlib compatible way of defining
    :param countrycolor: Color for country borders, default #177F10
    :type countrycolor: Hex color or other matplotlib compatible way of defining
    :param outputdir: File path for outputting figures, if edict is defined, a
      subfolder based on the event id will be created in this folder. If None,
      will use current directory
    :param savepdf: True to save pdf figure, False to not
    :param savepng: True to save png figure, False to not
    :param ds: True to allow downsampling for display (necessary when arrays
      are quite large, False to not allow)
    :param dstype: What function to use in downsampling, options are 'min',
      'max', 'median', or 'mean'
    :param upsample: True to upsample the layer to the DEM resolution for better
      looking hillshades

        * PDF and/or PNG of map
        * Downsampled and trimmed version of input grids. If no
        modification was needed for plotting, this will be identical to grids but
        without the metadata


    if suptitle is None:
        suptitle = ' '


    defaultcolormap = cm.jet

    if shakefile is not None:
        edict = ShakeGrid.load(shakefile, adjust='res').getEventDict()
        temp = ShakeGrid.load(shakefile, adjust='res').getShakeDict()
        edict['eventid'] = temp['shakemap_id']
        edict['version'] = temp['shakemap_version']
        edict = None

    # Get output file location
    if outputdir is None:
        print('No output location given, using current directory for outputs\n')
        outputdir = os.getcwd()
    if edict is not None:
        outfolder = os.path.join(outputdir, edict['event_id'])
        outfolder = outputdir
    if not os.path.isdir(outfolder):

    # Get plotting order, if not specified
    if plotorder is None:
        plotorder = list(grids.keys())

    # Get boundaries to use for all plots
    cut = True
    if boundaries is None:
        cut = False
        keytemp = list(grids.keys())
        boundaries = grids[keytemp[0]]['grid'].getGeoDict()
    elif boundaries == 'zoom':
        # Find probability layer (will just take the maximum bounds if there is
        # more than one)
        keytemp = list(grids.keys())
        key1 = [key for key in keytemp if 'model' in key.lower()]
        if len(key1) == 0:
            print('Could not find model layer to use for zoom, using default boundaries')
            keytemp = list(grids.keys())
            boundaries = grids[keytemp[0]]['grid'].getGeoDict()
            lonmax = -1.e10
            lonmin = 1.e10
            latmax = -1.e10
            latmin = 1.e10
            for key in key1:
                # get lat lons of areas affected and add, if no areas affected,
                # switch to shakemap boundaries
                temp = grids[key]['grid']
                xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = temp.getBounds()
                lons = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, temp.getGeoDict().nx)
                lats = np.linspace(ymax, ymin, temp.getGeoDict().ny)  # backwards so it plots right
                row, col = np.where(temp.getData() > float(zthresh))
                lonmin = lons[col].min()
                lonmax = lons[col].max()
                latmin = lats[row].min()
                latmax = lats[row].max()
                # llons, llats = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)  # make meshgrid
                # llons1 = llons[temp.getData() > float(zthresh)]
                # llats1 = llats[temp.getData() > float(zthresh)]
                # if llons1.min() < lonmin:
                #     lonmin = llons1.min()
                # if llons1.max() > lonmax:
                #     lonmax = llons1.max()
                # if llats1.min() < latmin:
                #     latmin = llats1.min()
                # if llats1.max() > latmax:
                #     latmax = llats1.max()
            boundaries1 = {'dx': 100, 'dy': 100., 'nx': 100., 'ny': 100}  # dummy fillers, only really care about bounds
            if xmin < lonmin-0.15*(lonmax-lonmin):
                boundaries1['xmin'] = lonmin-0.1*(lonmax-lonmin)
                boundaries1['xmin'] = xmin
            if xmax > lonmax+0.15*(lonmax-lonmin):
                boundaries1['xmax'] = lonmax+0.1*(lonmax-lonmin)
                boundaries1['xmax'] = xmax
            if ymin < latmin-0.15*(latmax-latmin):
                boundaries1['ymin'] = latmin-0.1*(latmax-latmin)
                boundaries1['ymin'] = ymin
            if ymax > latmax+0.15*(latmax-latmin):
                boundaries1['ymax'] = latmax+0.1*(latmax-latmin)
                boundaries1['ymax'] = ymax
            boundaries = GeoDict(boundaries1, adjust='res')
        keytemp = list(grids.keys())
        tempgdict = grids[keytemp[0]]['grid'].getGeoDict()
        if np.abs(tempgdict.xmin-boundaries['xmin']) < 0.05 and \
           np.abs(tempgdict.ymin-boundaries['ymin']) < 0.05 and \
           np.abs(tempgdict.xmax-boundaries['xmax']) < 0.05 and \
           np.abs(tempgdict.ymax - boundaries['ymax']) < 0.05:
            print('Input boundaries are almost the same as specified boundaries, no cutting needed')
            boundaries = tempgdict
            cut = False
                if boundaries['xmin'] > boundaries['xmax'] or \
                   boundaries['ymin'] > boundaries['ymax']:
                    print('Input boundaries are not usable, using default boundaries')
                    keytemp = list(grids.keys())
                    boundaries = grids[keytemp[0]]['grid'].getGeoDict()
                    cut = False
                    # Build dummy GeoDict
                    boundaries = GeoDict({'xmin': boundaries['xmin'],
                                          'xmax': boundaries['xmax'],
                                          'ymin': boundaries['ymin'],
                                          'ymax': boundaries['ymax'],
                                          'dx': 100.,
                                          'dy': 100.,
                                          'ny': 100.,
                                          'nx': 100.},
                print('Input boundaries are not usable, using default boundaries')
                keytemp = list(grids.keys())
                boundaries = grids[keytemp[0]]['grid'].getGeoDict()
                cut = False

    # Pull out bounds for various uses
    bxmin, bxmax, bymin, bymax = boundaries.xmin, boundaries.xmax, boundaries.ymin, boundaries.ymax

    # Determine if need a single panel or multi-panel plot and if multi-panel,
    # how many and how it will be arranged
    fig = plt.figure()
    numpanels = len(grids)
    if numpanels == 1:
        rowpan = 1
        colpan = 1
        # create the figure and axes instances.
    elif numpanels == 2 or numpanels == 4:
        rowpan = np.ceil(numpanels/2.)
        colpan = 2
        rowpan = np.ceil(numpanels/3.)
        colpan = 3
    if rowpan == 1:

    # Need to update naming to reflect the shakemap version once can get
    # getHeaderData to work, add edict['version'] back into title, maybe
    # shakemap id also?
    fontsizemain = 14.
    fontsizesub = 12.
    fontsizesmallest = 10.
    if rowpan == 1.:
        fontsizemain = 12.
        fontsizesub = 10.
        fontsizesmallest = 8.
    if edict is not None:
        if isScenario:
            title = edict['event_description']
            timestr = edict['event_timestamp'].strftime('%b %d %Y')
            title = 'M%.1f %s v%i - %s' % (edict['magnitude'], timestr, edict['version'], edict['event_description'])
        plt.suptitle(title+'\n'+suptitle, fontsize=fontsizemain)
        plt.suptitle(suptitle, fontsize=fontsizemain)

    clear_color = [0, 0, 0, 0.0]

    # Cut all of them and release extra memory

    xbuff = (bxmax-bxmin)/10.
    ybuff = (bymax-bymin)/10.
    cutxmin = bxmin-xbuff
    cutymin = bymin-ybuff
    cutxmax = bxmax+xbuff
    cutymax = bymax+ybuff
    if cut is True:
        newgrids = collections.OrderedDict()
        for k, layer in enumerate(plotorder):
            templayer = grids[layer]['grid']
                newgrids[layer] = {'grid': templayer.cut(cutxmin, cutxmax, cutymin, cutymax, align=True)}
            except Exception as e:
                print(('Cutting failed, %s, continuing with full layers' % e))
                newgrids = grids
        del templayer
        newgrids = grids
    tempgdict = newgrids[list(grids.keys())[0]]['grid'].getGeoDict()

    # Upsample layers to same as topofile if desired for better looking hillshades
    if upsample is True and topofile is not None:
            topodict = GDALGrid.getFileGeoDict(topofile)
            if topodict.dx >= tempgdict.dx or topodict.dy >= tempgdict.dy:
                print('Upsampling not possible, resolution of results already smaller than DEM')
                tempgdict1 = GeoDict({'xmin': tempgdict.xmin-xbuff,
                                      'ymin': tempgdict.ymin-ybuff,
                                      'xmax': tempgdict.xmax+xbuff,
                                      'ymax': tempgdict.ymax+ybuff,
                                      'dx': topodict.dx,
                                      'dy': topodict.dy,
                                      'nx': topodict.nx,
                                      'ny': topodict.ny},
                tempgdict2 = tempgdict1.getBoundsWithin(tempgdict)
                for k, layer in enumerate(plotorder):
                    newgrids[layer]['grid'] = newgrids[layer]['grid'].subdivide(tempgdict2)
            print('Upsampling failed, continuing')

    # Downsample all of them for plotting, if needed, and replace them in
    # grids (to save memory)
    tempgrid = newgrids[list(grids.keys())[0]]['grid']
    xsize = tempgrid.getGeoDict().nx
    ysize = tempgrid.getGeoDict().ny
    inchesx, inchesy = fig.get_size_inches()
    divx = int(np.round(xsize/(500.*inchesx)))
    divy = int(np.round(ysize/(500.*inchesy)))
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = tempgrid.getBounds()
    gdict = tempgrid.getGeoDict()  # Will be replaced if downsampled
    del tempgrid

    if divx <= 1:
        divx = 1
    if divy <= 1:
        divy = 1
    if (divx > 1. or divy > 1.) and ds:
        if dstype == 'max':
            func = np.nanmax
        elif dstype == 'min':
            func = np.nanmin
        elif dstype == 'med':
            func = np.nanmedian
            func = np.nanmean
        for k, layer in enumerate(plotorder):
            layergrid = newgrids[layer]['grid']
            dat = block_reduce(layergrid.getData().copy(),
                               block_size=(divy, divx),
            if k == 0:
                lons = block_reduce(np.linspace(xmin, xmax, layergrid.getGeoDict().nx),
                if math.isnan(lons[-1]):
                    lons[-1] = lons[-2] + (lons[1]-lons[0])
                lats = block_reduce(np.linspace(ymax, ymin, layergrid.getGeoDict().ny),
                if math.isnan(lats[-1]):
                    lats[-1] = lats[-2] + (lats[1]-lats[0])
                gdict = GeoDict({'xmin': lons.min(),
                                 'xmax': lons.max(),
                                 'ymin': lats.min(),
                                 'ymax': lats.max(),
                                 'dx': np.abs(lons[1]-lons[0]),
                                 'dy': np.abs(lats[1]-lats[0]),
                                 'nx': len(lons),
                                 'ny': len(lats)},
            newgrids[layer]['grid'] = Grid2D(dat, gdict)
        del layergrid, dat
        lons = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, xsize)
        lats = np.linspace(ymax, ymin, ysize)  # backwards so it plots right side up

    #make meshgrid
    llons1, llats1 = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)

    # See if there is an oceanfile for masking
    bbox = PolygonSH(((cutxmin, cutymin), (cutxmin, cutymax), (cutxmax, cutymax), (cutxmax, cutymin)))
    if oceanfile is not None:
            f =
            oc = next(f)
            shapes = shape(oc['geometry'])
            # make boundaries into a shape
            ocean = shapes.intersection(bbox)
            print('Not able to read specified ocean file, will use default ocean masking')
            oceanfile = None
    if inventory_shapefile is not None:
            f =
            invshp = list(f.items(bbox=(bxmin, bymin, bxmax, bymax)))
            inventory = [shape(inv[1]['geometry']) for inv in invshp]
            print('unable to read inventory shapefile specified, will not plot inventory')
            inventory_shapefile = None

    # # Find cities that will be plotted
    if mapcities is True and cityfile is not None:
            mycity = BasemapCities.loadFromGeoNames(cityfile=cityfile)
            bcities = mycity.limitByBounds((bxmin, bxmax, bymin, bymax))
            #bcities = bcities.limitByPopulation(40000)
            bcities = bcities.limitByGrid(nx=4, ny=4, cities_per_grid=2)
            print('Could not read in cityfile, not plotting cities')
            mapcities = False
            cityfile = None

    # Load in topofile
    if topofile is not None:
            topomap = GDALGrid.load(topofile, resample=True, method='linear', samplegeodict=gdict)
            topomap = GMTGrid.load(topofile, resample=True, method='linear', samplegeodict=gdict)
        topodata = topomap.getData().copy()
        # mask oceans if don't have ocean shapefile
        if oceanfile is None:
            topodata = maskoceans(llons1, llats1, topodata, resolution='h', grid=1.25, inlands=True)
        print('no hillshade is possible\n')
        topomap = None
        topodata = None

    # Load in roads, if needed
    if maproads is True and roadfolder is not None:
            roadslist = []
            for folder in os.listdir(roadfolder):
                road1 = os.path.join(roadfolder, folder)
                shpfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(road1, '*.shp'))
                if len(shpfiles):
                    shpfile = shpfiles[0]
                    f =
                    shapes = list(f.items(bbox=(bxmin, bymin, bxmax, bymax)))
                    for shapeid, shapedict in shapes:
            print('Not able to plot roads')
            roadslist = None

    val = 1
    for k, layer in enumerate(plotorder):
        layergrid = newgrids[layer]['grid']
        if 'label' in list(grids[layer].keys()):
            label1 = grids[layer]['label']
            label1 = layer
            sref = grids[layer]['description']['name']
            sref = None
        ax = fig.add_subplot(rowpan, colpan, val)
        val += 1
        clat = bymin + (bymax-bymin)/2.0
        clon = bxmin + (bxmax-bxmin)/2.0
        # setup of basemap ('lcc' = lambert conformal conic).
        # use major and minor sphere radii from WGS84 ellipsoid.
        m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=bxmin, llcrnrlat=bymin, urcrnrlon=bxmax, urcrnrlat=bymax,
                    rsphere=(6378137.00, 6356752.3142),
                    resolution='l', area_thresh=1000., projection='lcc',
                    lat_1=clat, lon_0=clon, ax=ax)

        x1, y1 = m(llons1, llats1)  # get projection coordinates
        axsize = ax.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
        if k == 0:
            wid, ht = axsize.width, axsize.height
        if colormaps is not None and \
           len(colormaps) == len(newgrids) and \
           colormaps[k] is not None:
            palette = colormaps[k]
        else:  # Find preferred default color map for each type of layer
            if 'prob' in layer.lower() or 'pga' in layer.lower() or \
               'pgv' in layer.lower() or 'cohesion' in layer.lower() or \
               'friction' in layer.lower() or 'fs' in layer.lower():
                palette = cm.jet
            elif 'slope' in layer.lower():
                palette = cm.gnuplot2
            elif 'precip' in layer.lower():
                palette = cm2.s3pcpn
                palette = defaultcolormap

        if topodata is not None:
            if k == 0:
                ptopo = m.transform_scalar(
                    np.flipud(topodata), lons+0.5*gdict.dx,
                    lats[::-1]-0.5*gdict.dy, np.round(300.*wid),
                    np.round(300.*ht), returnxy=False, checkbounds=False,
                    order=1, masked=False)
                #use lightsource class to make our shaded topography
                ls = LightSource(azdeg=135, altdeg=45)
                ls1 = LightSource(azdeg=120, altdeg=45)
                ls2 = LightSource(azdeg=225, altdeg=45)
                intensity1 = ls1.hillshade(ptopo, fraction=0.25, vert_exag=1.)
                intensity2 = ls2.hillshade(ptopo, fraction=0.25, vert_exag=1.)
                intensity = intensity1*0.5 + intensity2*0.5
                #hillshm_im = m.transform_scalar(np.flipud(hillshm), lons, lats[::-1], np.round(300.*wid), np.round(300.*ht), returnxy=False, checkbounds=False, order=0, masked=False)
            #m.imshow(hillshm_im, cmap='Greys', vmin=0., vmax=3., zorder=1, interpolation='none')  # vmax = 3 to soften colors to light gray
            #m.pcolormesh(x1, y1, hillshm, cmap='Greys', linewidth=0., rasterized=True, vmin=0., vmax=3., edgecolors='none', zorder=1);
            # plt.draw()

        # Get the data
        dat = layergrid.getData().copy()

        # mask out anything below any specified thresholds
        # Might need to move this up to before downsampling...might give illusion of no hazard in places where there is some that just got averaged out
        if maskthreshes is not None and len(maskthreshes) == len(newgrids):
            if maskthreshes[k] is not None:
                dat[dat <= maskthreshes[k]] = float('NaN')
                dat =, mask=np.isnan(dat))

        if logscale is not False and len(logscale) == len(newgrids):
            if logscale[k] is True:
                dat = np.log10(dat)
                label1 = r'$log_{10}$(' + label1 + ')'

        if scaletype.lower() == 'binned':
            # Find order of range to know how to scale
            order = np.round(np.log(np.nanmax(dat) - np.nanmin(dat)))
            if order < 1.:
                scal = 10**-order
                scal = 1.
            if lims is None or len(lims) != len(newgrids):
                clev = (np.linspace(np.floor(scal*np.nanmin(dat)), np.ceil(scal*np.nanmax(dat)), 10))/scal
                if lims[k] is None:
                    clev = (np.linspace(np.floor(scal*np.nanmin(dat)), np.ceil(scal*np.nanmax(dat)), 10))/scal
                    clev = lims[k]
            # Adjust to colorbar levels
            dat[dat < clev[0]] = clev[0]
            for j, level in enumerate(clev[:-1]):
                dat[(dat >= clev[j]) & (dat < clev[j+1])] = clev[j]
            # So colorbar saturates at top
            dat[dat > clev[-1]] = clev[-1]
            #panelhandle = m.contourf(x1, y1, datm, clev, cmap=palette, linewidth=0., alpha=ALPHA, rasterized=True)
            vmin = clev[0]
            vmax = clev[-1]
            if lims is not None and len(lims) == len(newgrids):
                if lims[k] is None:
                    vmin = np.nanmin(dat)
                    vmax = np.nanmax(dat)
                    vmin = lims[k][0]
                    vmax = lims[k][-1]
                vmin = np.nanmin(dat)
                vmax = np.nanmax(dat)

        # Mask out cells overlying oceans or block with a shapefile if available
        if oceanfile is None:
            dat = maskoceans(llons1, llats1, dat, resolution='h', grid=1.25, inlands=True)
            #patches = []
            if type(ocean) is PolygonSH:
                ocean = [ocean]
            for oc in ocean:
                patch = getProjectedPatch(oc, m, edgecolor="#006280", facecolor=watercolor, lw=0.5, zorder=4.)
                #x, y = m(oc.exterior.xy[0], oc.exterior.xy[1])
                #xy = zip(x, y)
                #patch = Polygon(xy, facecolor=watercolor, edgecolor="#006280", lw=0.5, zorder=4.)
                ##patches.append(Polygon(xy, facecolor=watercolor, edgecolor=watercolor, zorder=500.))

        if inventory_shapefile is not None:
            for in1 in inventory:
                if 'point' in str(type(in1)):
                    x, y = in1.xy
                    x = x[0]
                    y = y[0]
                    m.scatter(x, y, c='m', s=50, latlon=True, marker='^',
                    x, y = m(in1.exterior.xy[0], in1.exterior.xy[1])
                    xy = list(zip(x, y))
                    patch = Polygon(xy, facecolor='none', edgecolor='k', lw=0.5, zorder=10.)
                    #patches.append(Polygon(xy, facecolor=watercolor, edgecolor=watercolor, zorder=500.))
        palette.set_bad(clear_color, alpha=0.0)
        # Plot it up
        dat_im = m.transform_scalar(
            np.flipud(dat), lons+0.5*gdict.dx, lats[::-1]-0.5*gdict.dy,
            np.round(300.*wid), np.round(300.*ht), returnxy=False,
            checkbounds=False, order=0, masked=True)
        if topodata is not None:  # Drape over hillshade
            #turn data into an RGBA image
            cmap = palette
            #adjust data so scaled between vmin and vmax and between 0 and 1
            dat1 = dat_im.copy()
            dat1[dat1 < vmin] = vmin
            dat1[dat1 > vmax] = vmax
            dat1 = (dat1 - vmin)/(vmax-vmin)
            rgba_img = cmap(dat1)
            maskvals = np.dstack((dat1.mask, dat1.mask, dat1.mask))
            rgb = np.squeeze(rgba_img[:, :, 0:3])
            rgb[maskvals] = 1.
            draped_hsv = ls.blend_hsv(rgb, np.expand_dims(intensity, 2))
            m.imshow(draped_hsv, zorder=3., interpolation='none')
            # This is just a dummy layer that will be deleted to make the
            # colorbar look right
            panelhandle = m.imshow(dat_im, cmap=palette, zorder=0.,
                                   vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
            panelhandle = m.imshow(dat_im, cmap=palette, zorder=3.,
                                   vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, interpolation='none')
        #panelhandle = m.pcolormesh(x1, y1, dat, linewidth=0., cmap=palette, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, alpha=ALPHA, rasterized=True, zorder=2.);
        # add colorbar
        cbfmt = '%1.1f'
        if vmax is not None and vmin is not None:
            if (vmax - vmin) < 1.:
                cbfmt = '%1.2f'
            elif vmax > 5.:  # (vmax - vmin) > len(clev):
                cbfmt = '%1.0f'

        #norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
        if scaletype.lower() == 'binned':
            cbar = fig.colorbar(panelhandle, spacing='proportional',
                                ticks=clev, boundaries=clev, fraction=0.036,
                                pad=0.04, format=cbfmt, extend='both')
            #cbar1 = ColorbarBase(, cmap=palette, norm=norm, spacing='proportional', ticks=clev, boundaries=clev, fraction=0.036, pad=0.04, format=cbfmt, extend='both', extendfrac='auto')

            cbar = fig.colorbar(panelhandle, fraction=0.036, pad=0.04,
                                extend='both', format=cbfmt)
            #cbar1 = ColorbarBase(, cmap=palette, norm=norm, fraction=0.036, pad=0.04, extend='both', extendfrac='auto', format=cbfmt)

        if topodata is not None:

        cbar.set_label(label1, fontsize=10)

        parallels = m.drawparallels(getMapLines(bymin, bymax, 3),
                                    labels=[1, 0, 0, 0], linewidth=0.5,
                                    labelstyle='+/-', fontsize=9, xoffset=-0.8,
                                    color='gray', zorder=100.)
        m.drawmeridians(getMapLines(bxmin, bxmax, 3), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1],
                        linewidth=0.5, labelstyle='+/-', fontsize=9,
                        color='gray', zorder=100.)
        for par in parallels:

        #draw roads on the map, if they were provided to us
        if maproads is True and roadslist is not None:
                for road in roadslist:
                        xy = list(road['geometry']['coordinates'])
                        roadx, roady = list(zip(*xy))
                        mapx, mapy = m(roadx, roady)
                        m.plot(mapx, mapy, roadcolor, lw=0.5, zorder=9)
            except Exception as e:
                print(('Failed to plot roads, %s' % e))

        #add city names to map
        if mapcities is True and cityfile is not None:
                fontname = 'Arial'
                fontsize = 8
                if k == 0:  # Only need to choose cities first time and then apply to rest
                    fcities = bcities.limitByMapCollision(
                        m, fontname=fontname, fontsize=fontsize)
                    ctlats, ctlons, names = fcities.getCities()
                    cxis, cyis = m(ctlons, ctlats)
                for ctlat, ctlon, cxi, cyi, name in zip(ctlats, ctlons, cxis, cyis, names):
                    m.scatter(ctlon, ctlat, c='k', latlon=True, marker='.',
                    ax.text(cxi, cyi, name, fontname=fontname,
                            fontsize=fontsize, zorder=100000)
            except Exception as e:
                print('Failed to plot cities, %s' % e)

        #draw star at epicenter
        if edict is not None:
            elat, elon = edict['lat'], edict['lon']
            ex, ey = m(elon, elat)
            plt.plot(ex, ey, '*', markeredgecolor='k', mfc='None', mew=1.0,
                     ms=15, zorder=10000.)


        m.fillcontinents(color=clear_color, lake_color=watercolor)

        #draw country boundaries
        m.drawcountries(color=countrycolor, linewidth=1.0)

        #add map scale
        m.drawmapscale((bxmax+bxmin)/2., (bymin+(bymax-bymin)/9.), clon, clat, np.round((((bxmax-bxmin)*111)/5)/10.)*10, barstyle='fancy', zorder=10)

        # Add border
        autoAxis = ax.axis()
        rec = Rectangle((autoAxis[0]-0.7, autoAxis[2]-0.2), (autoAxis[1]-autoAxis[0])+1, (autoAxis[3]-autoAxis[2])+0.4, fill=False, lw=1, zorder=1e8)
        rec = ax.add_patch(rec)


        if sref is not None:
            label2 = '%s\nsource: %s' % (label1, sref)  # '%s\n' % label1 + r'{\fontsize{10pt}{3em}\selectfont{}%s}' % sref  #
            label2 = label1
        plt.title(label2, axes=ax, fontsize=fontsizesub)

        #draw scenario watermark, if scenario
        if isScenario:
            cx, cy = m(clon, clat)
            plt.text(cx, cy, 'SCENARIO', rotation=45, alpha=0.10, size=72, ha='center', va='center', color='red')

        #if ds: # Could add this to print "downsampled" on map
        #    plt.text()

        if k == 1 and rowpan == 1:
            # adjust single level plot
            axsize = ax.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
            ht2 = axsize.height

        # Make room for suptitle - tight layout doesn't account for it

    if printparam is True:
            fig = plt.gcf()
            dictionary = grids['model']['description']['parameters']
            paramstring = 'Model parameters: '
            halfway = np.ceil(len(dictionary)/2.)
            for i, key in enumerate(dictionary):
                if i == halfway and colpan == 1:
                    paramstring += '\n'
                paramstring += ('%s = %s; ' % (key, dictionary[key]))
            fig.text(0.01, 0.015, paramstring, fontsize=fontsizesmallest)
            print('Could not display model parameters')

    if edict is not None:
        eventid = edict['eventid']
        eventid = ''

    time1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%d%b%Y_%H%M')
    outfile = os.path.join(outfolder, '%s_%s_%s.pdf' % (eventid, suptitle, time1))
    pngfile = os.path.join(outfolder, '%s_%s_%s.png' % (eventid, suptitle, time1))

    if savepdf is True:
        print('Saving map output to %s' % outfile)
        plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=300)
    if savepng is True:
        print('Saving map output to %s' % pngfile)
    if showplots is True:

    return newgrids
Esempio n. 4
def parseMapConfig(config, fileext=None):
    Parse config for mapping options.

        config (ConfigObj): ConfigObj object.
        fileext (str): File extension to add to relative filepaths, will be
            prepended to any file paths in config.

        dict: Dictionary of map options pulled from config file.
    topofile = None
    roadfolder = None
    cityfile = None
    roadcolor = '6E6E6E'
    countrycolor = '177F10'
    watercolor = 'B8EEFF'
    ALPHA = 0.7
    oceanfile = None
    #oceanref = None
    #roadref = None
    #cityref = None

    if fileext is None:
        fileext = '.'
    if 'dem' in config:
        topofile = os.path.join(fileext, config['dem']['file'])
        if os.path.exists(topofile) is False:
            print('DEM not valid - hillshade will not be possible\n')
    if 'ocean' in config:
        oceanfile = os.path.join(fileext, config['ocean']['file'])
        #    oceanref = config['ocean']['shortref']
        #    oceanref = 'unknown'
    if 'roads' in config:
        roadfolder = os.path.join(fileext, config['roads']['file'])
        if os.path.exists(roadfolder) is False:
            print('roadfolder not valid - roads will not be displayed\n')
            roadfolder = None
        #    roadref = config['roads']['shortref']
        #    roadref = 'unknown'
    if 'cities' in config:
        cityfile = os.path.join(fileext, config['cities']['file'])
        #    cityref = config['cities']['shortref']
        #    cityref = 'unknown'
        if os.path.exists(cityfile):
            except Exception as e:
                print('cities file not valid - cities will not be displayed\n')
                cityfile = None
            print('cities file not valid - cities will not be displayed\n')
            cityfile = None
    if 'roadcolor' in config['colors']:
        roadcolor = config['colors']['roadcolor']
    if 'countrycolor' in config['colors']:
        countrycolor = config['colors']['countrycolor']
    if 'watercolor' in config['colors']:
        watercolor = config['colors']['watercolor']
    if 'alpha' in config['colors']:
        ALPHA = float(config['colors']['alpha'])

    countrycolor = '#'+countrycolor
    watercolor = '#'+watercolor
    roadcolor = '#'+roadcolor

    mapin = {'topofile': topofile, 'roadfolder': roadfolder,
             'cityfile': cityfile, 'roadcolor': roadcolor,
             'countrycolor': countrycolor, 'watercolor': watercolor,
             'ALPHA': ALPHA, 'oceanfile': oceanfile}  # 'roadref': roadref, 'cityref': cityref, 'oceanref': oceanref

    return mapin
Esempio n. 5
def test():
    cityfile = os.path.join(homedir,'data','cities1000.txt')
    print('Test loading geonames cities file from the web...')
    cities = BasemapCities.loadFromGeoNames(cityfile=cityfile) #load from the web
    print('Passed loading geonames cities file from the web.')

    print('Test limiting cities using California bounds...')
    ymin,ymax = 32.394, 42.062
    xmin,xmax = -125.032, -114.002
    bcities = cities.limitByBounds((xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax))
    print('Done limiting cities using California bounds.')

    print('Test removing cities with collisions...')
    ymin,ymax = 32.394, 42.062
    xmin,xmax = -125.032, -114.002
    clat = (ymin+ymax)/2.0
    clon = (xmin+xmax)/2.0
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
    ax = f.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8])
    m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=xmin,llcrnrlat=ymin,urcrnrlon=xmax,urcrnrlat=ymax,
    m.drawcoastlines() #have to draw something on map before axis limits are set...
    bigcities = bcities.limitByPopulation(500000)
    mapcities = bigcities.limitByMapCollision(m)
    df = mapcities.getDataFrame()
    boxes = []
    for index,row in df.iterrows():
        left = row['left']
        right = row['right']
        left = row['bottom']
        right = row['top']
        for box in boxes:
            bleft,bright,bbottom,btop = box
            width = left - bleft
            hw_box1 = (right-left)*0.5
            hw_box2 = (right-left)*0.5
            hgap = length - hw_box1 - hw_box2

            height = top - btop
            hh_box1 = (top-bottom)*0.5
            hh_box2 = (btop-bbottom)*0.5
            vgap = height - hh_box1 - hh_box2
            assert hgap > 0 and vgap > 0

    print('Passed test of city collisions...')

    print('Test all supported font names...')
    f = plt.figure()
    ax = f.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8])
    for name in mapcities.getFontList():
    for name in mapcities.SUGGESTED_FONTS:
    print('Passed test of supported font names.')
Esempio n. 6
def _test_intensity():

    datadir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
        homedir, '..', 'data', 'eventdata', 'northridge'))
    shakefile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_grid.xml')
    topofile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_topo.grd')
    faultfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_fault.txt')
    cityfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_cities.txt')
    coastfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_coastline.json')
    countryfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_countries.json')
    statefile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_states.json')
    lakefile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_lakes.json')
    oceanfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_ocean.json')
    stationfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_stations.db')
    roadfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_roads.json')
    tancptfile = os.path.join(shakedir, 'shakemap', 'mapping', 'tan.cpt')
    shakecptfile = os.path.join(
        shakedir, 'shakemap', 'mapping', 'shakecpt.cpt')

    layerdict = {'coast': coastfile,
                 'ocean': oceanfile,
                 'lake': lakefile,
                 'country': countryfile,
                 'roads': roadfile,
                 'state': statefile}

    tancolormap = ColorPalette.fromPreset('shaketopo')
    shakecolormap = ColorPalette.fromPreset('mmi')
    cities = BasemapCities.loadFromCSV(cityfile)
    shakemap = ShakeGrid.load(shakefile, adjust='res')
    stations = StationList(stationfile)
    fault = Fault.readFaultFile(faultfile)
    edict = shakemap.getEventDict()
    eventdict = {'lat': edict['lat'],
                 'lon': edict['lon'],
                 'depth': edict['depth'],
                 'mag': edict['magnitude'],
                 'time': edict['event_timestamp']}
    source = Source(eventdict, fault)
    maker = MapMaker(shakemap, topofile, stations,
                     fault, layerdict, source, cities)

    # draw intensity map
    outfolder = os.path.expanduser('~')
    intensity_map = maker.drawIntensityMap(outfolder)
    print('Intensity map saved as: %s' % intensity_map)

    # draw contour maps

    # Draw pgv contours
    contour_pgv_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print('PGV contour map saved as: %s' % contour_pgv_map)

    # Draw pga contours
    contour_pga_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print('PGA contour map saved as: %s' % contour_pga_map)

    # Draw psa0.3 contours
    contour_psa03_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print('PSA0.3 contour map saved as: %s' % contour_psa03_map)

    # Draw psa1.0 contours
    contour_psa10_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print('PSA1.0 contour map saved as: %s' % contour_psa10_map)

    # Draw psa3.0 contours
    contour_psa30_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print('PSA3.0 contour map saved as: %s' % contour_psa30_map)
Esempio n. 7
def _test_intensity():

    datadir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(homedir, "..", "data", "eventdata", "northridge"))
    shakefile = os.path.join(datadir, "northridge_grid.xml")
    topofile = os.path.join(datadir, "northridge_topo.grd")
    rupturefile = os.path.join(datadir, "northridge_fault.txt")
    cityfile = os.path.join(datadir, "northridge_cities.txt")
    coastfile = os.path.join(datadir, "northridge_coastline.json")
    countryfile = os.path.join(datadir, "northridge_countries.json")
    statefile = os.path.join(datadir, "northridge_states.json")
    lakefile = os.path.join(datadir, "northridge_lakes.json")
    oceanfile = os.path.join(datadir, "northridge_ocean.json")
    stationfile = os.path.join(datadir, "northridge_stations.db")
    roadfile = os.path.join(datadir, "northridge_roads.json")
    tancptfile = os.path.join(shakedir, "shakemap", "mapping", "tan.cpt")
    shakecptfile = os.path.join(shakedir, "shakemap", "mapping", "shakecpt.cpt")

    layerdict = {
        "coast": coastfile,
        "ocean": oceanfile,
        "lake": lakefile,
        "country": countryfile,
        "roads": roadfile,
        "state": statefile,

    tancolormap = ColorPalette.fromPreset("shaketopo")
    shakecolormap = ColorPalette.fromPreset("mmi")
    cities = BasemapCities.loadFromCSV(cityfile)
    shakemap = ShakeGrid.load(shakefile, adjust="res")
    stations = StationList(stationfile)
    rupture = QuadRupture.readRuptureFile(rupturefile)
    edict = shakemap.getEventDict()
    eventdict = {
        "lat": edict["lat"],
        "lon": edict["lon"],
        "depth": edict["depth"],
        "mag": edict["magnitude"],
        "time": edict["event_timestamp"],
    source = Source(eventdict, rupture)
    maker = MapMaker(shakemap, topofile, stations, rupture, layerdict, source, cities)

    # draw intensity map
    outfolder = os.path.expanduser("~")
    intensity_map = maker.drawIntensityMap(outfolder)
    print("Intensity map saved as: %s" % intensity_map)

    # draw contour maps

    # Draw pgv contours
    contour_pgv_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print("PGV contour map saved as: %s" % contour_pgv_map)

    # Draw pga contours
    contour_pga_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print("PGA contour map saved as: %s" % contour_pga_map)

    # Draw psa0.3 contours
    contour_psa03_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print("PSA0.3 contour map saved as: %s" % contour_psa03_map)

    # Draw psa1.0 contours
    contour_psa10_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print("PSA1.0 contour map saved as: %s" % contour_psa10_map)

    # Draw psa3.0 contours
    contour_psa30_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print("PSA3.0 contour map saved as: %s" % contour_psa30_map)
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, container, topofile, layerdict, cities_file, logger):
        """Initialize MapMaker object.

            container (ShakeMapOutputContainer): ShakeMapOutputContainer object
                containing model results.
            topofile (str): Path to file containing global topography grid.
            layerdict (dict): Dictionary containing fields:

                - coast: Global coastline shapefile.
                - ocean: Global ocean shapefile.
                - lake: Global lakes shapefile.
                - country: Global country boundaries shapefile.
                - state: Global state (or equivalent) boundaries shapefile.
                - roads: Global roads directory containing directories with
                  regional shapefiles.

            cities_file (str): Path to geonames cities1000.txt file.
            logger (Logger): Python logging instance.

            KeyError: When any of layerdict keys are missing.
        req_keys = set(['coast', 'ocean', 'lake', 'country', 'state'])
        if len(set(layerdict.keys()).intersection(req_keys)) != len(req_keys):
            raise KeyError(
                'layerdict input must have all keys from %s' % str(req_keys))
        self.container = container
        self.topofile = topofile
        self.layerdict = layerdict
        cities = BasemapCities.loadFromGeoNames(cities_file)
        self.cities = cities
        self.city_cols = CITY_COLS
        self.city_rows = CITY_ROWS
        self.cities_per_grid = CITIES_PER_GRID
        self.intensity_colormap = ColorPalette.fromPreset('mmi')
        self.contour_colormap = ColorPalette.fromPreset('shaketopo')
        station_dict = container.getStationDict()
        self.stations = station_dict
        rupture_dict = container.getRuptureDict()
        info_dict = json.loads(
        event_dict = {
            'eventsourcecode': info_dict['event_id'],
            'lat': float(info_dict['latitude']),
            'lon': float(info_dict['longitude']),
            'depth': float(info_dict['depth']),
            'mag': float(info_dict['magnitude'])
        origin = Origin(event_dict)
        if rupture_dict['features'][0]['geometry']['type'] == 'Point':
            rupture = PointRupture(origin)
            rupture = rupture_from_dict_and_origin(rupture_dict, origin)
        self.fault = rupture
        self.fig_width = FIG_WIDTH
        self.fig_height = FIG_HEIGHT
        self.logger = logger

        # clip all the vector data now so that map rendering will be fast
        t1 = time.time()
        t2 = time.time()
        self.logger.debug('%.1f seconds to clip vectors.' % (t2 - t1))
Esempio n. 9
class MapMaker(object):
    """Create intensity raster map and PGV, PGA, and spectral contour maps.


    def __init__(self, container, topofile, layerdict, cities_file, logger):
        """Initialize MapMaker object.

            container (ShakeMapOutputContainer): ShakeMapOutputContainer object
                containing model results.
            topofile (str): Path to file containing global topography grid.
            layerdict (dict): Dictionary containing fields:

                - coast: Global coastline shapefile.
                - ocean: Global ocean shapefile.
                - lake: Global lakes shapefile.
                - country: Global country boundaries shapefile.
                - state: Global state (or equivalent) boundaries shapefile.
                - roads: Global roads directory containing directories with
                  regional shapefiles.

            cities_file (str): Path to geonames cities1000.txt file.
            logger (Logger): Python logging instance.

            KeyError: When any of layerdict keys are missing.
        req_keys = set(['coast', 'ocean', 'lake', 'country', 'state'])
        if len(set(layerdict.keys()).intersection(req_keys)) != len(req_keys):
            raise KeyError(
                'layerdict input must have all keys from %s' % str(req_keys))
        self.container = container
        self.topofile = topofile
        self.layerdict = layerdict
        cities = BasemapCities.loadFromGeoNames(cities_file)
        self.cities = cities
        self.city_cols = CITY_COLS
        self.city_rows = CITY_ROWS
        self.cities_per_grid = CITIES_PER_GRID
        self.intensity_colormap = ColorPalette.fromPreset('mmi')
        self.contour_colormap = ColorPalette.fromPreset('shaketopo')
        station_dict = container.getStationDict()
        self.stations = station_dict
        rupture_dict = container.getRuptureDict()
        info_dict = json.loads(
        event_dict = {
            'eventsourcecode': info_dict['event_id'],
            'lat': float(info_dict['latitude']),
            'lon': float(info_dict['longitude']),
            'depth': float(info_dict['depth']),
            'mag': float(info_dict['magnitude'])
        origin = Origin(event_dict)
        if rupture_dict['features'][0]['geometry']['type'] == 'Point':
            rupture = PointRupture(origin)
            rupture = rupture_from_dict_and_origin(rupture_dict, origin)
        self.fault = rupture
        self.fig_width = FIG_WIDTH
        self.fig_height = FIG_HEIGHT
        self.logger = logger

        # clip all the vector data now so that map rendering will be fast
        t1 = time.time()
        t2 = time.time()
        self.logger.debug('%.1f seconds to clip vectors.' % (t2 - t1))

    def _selectRoads(self, roads_folder, bbox):
        """Select road shapes from roads directory.

            roads_folder (str): Path to folder containing global roads data.
            bbox (tuple): Tuple of map bounds (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax).

            list: list of Shapely geometries.
        vshapes = []
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bbox
        bboxpoly = sPolygon([(xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax),
                             (xmax, ymin), (xmin, ymin), (xmin, ymax)])
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(roads_folder):
            for fname in files:
                if fname.endswith('.shp'):
                    filename = os.path.join(root, fname)
                    with, 'r') as f:
                        shapes = f.items(bbox=bbox)
                        for shapeidx, shape in shapes:
                            tshape = sShape(shape['geometry'])
                            intshape = tshape.intersection(bboxpoly)

        return vshapes

    def _clipBounds(self):
        Clip input vector data to bounds of map.
        # returns a list of GeoJSON-like mapping objects
        comp = self.container.getComponents('MMI')[0]
        imtdict = self.container.getIMTGrids('MMI', comp)
        geodict = imtdict['mean'].getGeoDict()
        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = (geodict.xmin, geodict.xmax,
                                  geodict.ymin, geodict.ymax)
        bbox = (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
        bboxpoly = sPolygon([(xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax),
                             (xmax, ymin), (xmin, ymin), (xmin, ymax)])
        self.vectors = {}
        for key, value in self.layerdict.items():
            vshapes = []
            f =, 'r')
            shapes = f.items(bbox=bbox)
            for shapeidx, shape in shapes:
                tshape = sShape(shape['geometry'])
                    intshape = tshape.intersection(bboxpoly)
#                except TopologicalError as te:
                except Exception as te:
                    self.logger.warn('Failure to grab %s segment: "%s"'
                                     % (key, str(te)))
            self.logger.debug('Filename is %s' % value)
            self.vectors[key] = vshapes

    def setCityGrid(self, nx=2, ny=2, cities_per_grid=10):
        """Define grid fused to limit the number of cities plotted on the map.

            nx (int): Number of columns in grid.
            ny (int): Number of rows in grid.
            cities_per_grid (int): Maximum number of cities to plot in each
                grid cell.
        self.city_cols = nx
        self.city_rows = ny
        self.cities_per_grid = cities_per_grid

    def setFigureSize(self, figwidth, figheight):
        """Set the figure size in inches.

            figwidth (float): Figure width in inches.
            figheight (float): Figure height in inches.
        self.fig_width = figwidth
        self.fig_height = figheight

    def setCityList(self, dataframe):
        """Set the city list to an input dataframe.

            dataframe (DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame whose columns include:

                - name: Name of the city (required).
                - lat: Latitude of city (required).
                - lon: Longitude of city (required).
                - pop: Population of city (optional).
                - iscap: Boolean indicating capital status (optional).
                - placement: String indicating where city label should be
                  placed relative to city coordinates, one of: E, W, N, S, NE,
                  SE, SW, NW.
                - xoff: Longitude offset for label relative to city coordinates
                - yoff: Latitude offset for label relative to city coordinates

        self.cities = BasemapCities(dataframe)  # may raise exception
        self.city_rows = None
        self.city_cols = None
        self.cities_per_grid = None

    def _setMap(self, gd):
        """Define the map extents, figure size, etc.

            gd (GeoDict): MapIO GeoDict defining bounds/resolution of input

            Basemap: Basemap instance, Mercator projection.
        clon = gd.xmin + (gd.xmax - gd.xmin) / 2.0
        clat = gd.ymin + (gd.ymax - gd.ymin) / 2.0
        f = plt.figure(figsize=(self.fig_width, self.fig_height))
        ax = f.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])

        m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=gd.xmin, llcrnrlat=gd.ymin, urcrnrlon=gd.xmax,
                    urcrnrlat=gd.ymax, rsphere=(6378137.00, 6356752.3142),
                    resolution=BASEMAP_RESOLUTION, projection='merc',
                    lat_0=clat, lon_0=clon, lat_ts=clat, ax=ax,
        return m

    def _projectGrid(self, data, m, gd):
        """Project 2D array to map projection.

            data (ndarray): 2D Numpy array to be projected.
            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.
            gd (GeoDict): MapIO GeoDict object.

            ndarray: Input array projected to map projection.
        # set up meshgrid to project topo and mmi data
        xmin = gd.xmin
        if gd.xmax < gd.xmin:
            xmin -= 360
        lons = np.linspace(xmin, gd.xmax, gd.nx)
        # backwards so it plots right side up
        lats = np.linspace(gd.ymax, gd.ymin, gd.ny)
        llons1, llats1 = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
        pdata = m.transform_scalar(np.flipud(data), lons, lats[::-1],
                                   gd.nx, gd.ny, returnxy=False,
                                   checkbounds=False, order=1, masked=False)
        return pdata

    def _getDraped(self, data, topodata):
        """Get array of data "draped" on topography.

            data (ndarray): 2D Numpy array.
            topodata (ndarray): 2D Numpy array.

            ndarray: Numpy array of data draped on topography.

        maxvalue = self.intensity_colormap.vmax
        mmisc = data / maxvalue
        rgba_img = self.intensity_colormap.cmap(mmisc)
        rgb = np.squeeze(rgba_img[:, :, 0:3])
        # use lightsource class to make our shaded topography
        ls = LightSource(azdeg=135, altdeg=45)
        # intensity = ls.hillshade(ptopo,fraction=0.25,vert_exag=1.0)

        ls1 = LightSource(azdeg=120, altdeg=45)
        ls2 = LightSource(azdeg=225, altdeg=45)
        intensity1 = ls1.hillshade(
            topodata, fraction=0.25, vert_exag=VERT_EXAG)
        intensity2 = ls2.hillshade(
            topodata, fraction=0.25, vert_exag=VERT_EXAG)
        intensity = intensity1 * 0.5 + intensity2 * 0.5

        draped_hsv = ls.blend_hsv(rgb, np.expand_dims(intensity, 2))

        return draped_hsv

    def _drawBoundaries(self, m):
        """Draw all country/state boundaries on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.

        allshapes = self.vectors['country'] + self.vectors['state']
        for shape in allshapes:
            # shape is a geojson-like mapping thing
                if hasattr(shape, 'exterior'):
                    blon, blat = zip(*shape.exterior.coords[:])
                    blon, blat = zip(*shape.coords[:])
                bx, by = m(blon, blat)
                m.plot(bx, by, 'k', zorder=BORDER_ZORDER)
            except NotImplementedError:
                for tshape in shape:
                        blon, blat = zip(*tshape.exterior.coords[:])
                        bx, by = m(blon, blat)
                        m.plot(bx, by, 'k', zorder=BORDER_ZORDER)
                    except NotImplementedError:

    def _drawRoads(self, m):
        """Draw all roads on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.

        allshapes = self.vectors['roads']
        xmin = 9999999
        ymin = xmin
        xmax = -99999999
        ymax = xmax
        for shape in allshapes:
            # shape is a shapely geometry
            if isinstance(shape, (MultiLineString, GeometryCollection)):
                blon = []
                blat = []
                for mshape in shape:
                    tlon, tlat = zip(*mshape.coords[:])
                    blon += tlon
                    blat += tlat
                blon, blat = zip(*shape.coords[:])

            if not len(blon):
            if min(blon) < xmin:
                xmin = min(blon)
            if min(blat) < ymin:
                ymin = min(blat)
            if max(blon) > xmax:
                xmax = max(blon)
            if max(blat) > ymax:
                ymax = max(blat)
            bx, by = m(blon, blat)
            m.plot(bx, by, '#808080', zorder=ROAD_ZORDER)

    def _drawLakes(self, m, gd):
        """Draw all lakes on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.

        lakes = self.vectors['lake']
        for lake in lakes:
            ppatches = getProjectedPatches(lake, m, edgecolor='k')
            for ppatch in ppatches:

    def _drawOceans(self, m, gd):
        """Draw all oceans on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.

        if len(self.vectors['ocean']):
            ocean = self.vectors['ocean'][0]  # this is one shapely polygon
            ppatches = getProjectedPatches(ocean, m)
            for ppatch in ppatches:

    def _drawMapScale(self, m, gd):
        """Draw a map scale in the lower left corner of the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.
            gd (GeoDict): MapIO GeoDict instance.
        # where to set the center of the scale bar
        scalex = gd.xmin + (gd.xmax - gd.xmin) / 5.0
        scaley = gd.ymin + (gd.ymax - gd.ymin) / 10.0

        # how tall should scale bar be, in map units (km)?
        yoff = (0.01 * (m.ymax - m.ymin))

        # where should scale apply (center of map)
        clon = (gd.xmin + gd.xmax) / 2.0
        clat = (gd.ymin + gd.ymax) / 2.0

        # figure out a scalebar length that is approximately 30% of total
        # width in km
        map_width = (m.xmax - m.xmin) / 1000  # km
        lengths = np.array([25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250])
        lfracs = lengths / map_width
        length = lengths[np.abs(lfracs - 0.3).argmin()]

        m.drawmapscale(scalex, scaley, clon, clat, length,
                       barstyle='fancy', yoffset=yoff, zorder=SCALE_ZORDER)

    def _drawCoastlines(self, m, gd):
        """Draw all coastlines on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.
            gd (GeoDict): MapIO GeoDict instance.

        coasts = self.vectors['coast']
        for coast in coasts:  # these are polygons?
            if isinstance(coast, sPolygon):
                clon, clat = zip(*coast.exterior.coords[:])
                cx, cy = m(clon, clat)
                m.plot(cx, cy, 'k', zorder=BORDER_ZORDER)
            elif isinstance(coast, LineString):
                clon, clat = zip(*coast.coords[:])
                cx, cy = m(clon, clat)
                m.plot(cx, cy, 'k', zorder=BORDER_ZORDER)
                for tshape in coast:
                    clon, clat = zip(*tshape.coords[:])
                    cx, cy = m(clon, clat)
                    m.plot(cx, cy, 'k', zorder=BORDER_ZORDER)

    def _drawGraticules(self, m, gd):
        """Draw meridian/parallels on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.
            gd (GeoDict): MapIO GeoDict instance.

        par = np.arange(np.ceil(gd.ymin), np.floor(gd.ymax) + 1, 1.0)
        mer = np.arange(np.ceil(gd.xmin), np.floor(gd.xmax) + 1, 1.0)
        merdict = m.drawmeridians(mer, labels=[0, 0, 0, 1], fontsize=10,
                                  linewidth=0.5, color='gray',
        pardict = m.drawparallels(par, labels=[1, 0, 0, 0], fontsize=10,
                                  linewidth=0.5, color='gray',

        # loop over meridian and parallel dicts, change/increase font, draw
        # ticks
        xticks = []
        for merkey, mervalue in merdict.items():
            merline, merlablist = mervalue
            merlabel = merlablist[0]

        yticks = []
        for parkey, parvalue in pardict.items():
            parline, parlablist = parvalue
            parlabel = parlablist[0]

        # plt.tick_params(axis='both',color='k',direction='in')
        plt.xticks(xticks, ())
        plt.yticks(yticks, ())'out')

    def _drawTitle(self, imt):
        """Draw the map title.

            imt (str): IMT that is being drawn on the map ('MMI', 'PGV',
                'PGA', 'SA(x.y)').
            isContour (bool): If true, use input imt, otherwise use MMI.

        # Add a title
        origin = self.fault.getOrigin()
        hlon = origin.lon
        hlat =
        edict = json.loads(self.container.getString(
        eloc = edict['event_description']
        etime = datetime.strptime(
            edict['origin_time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        timestr = etime.strftime('%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S')
        mag = origin.mag
        if hlon < 0:
            lonstr = 'W%.2f' % np.abs(hlon)
            lonstr = 'E%.2f' % hlon
        if hlat < 0:
            latstr = 'S%.2f' % np.abs(hlat)
            latstr = 'N%.2f' % hlat
        dep = origin.depth
        eid = edict['event_id']
        tpl = (timestr, mag, latstr, lonstr, dep, eid)
        fmt = ('USGS ShakeMap (%s): %s\n %s UTC M%.1f %s %s '
               'Depth: %.1fkm ID:%s')
        tstr = fmt % (imt, eloc, timestr, mag, latstr, lonstr, dep, eid)
        # plt.suptitle('USGS ShakeMap (%s): %s' % (layername, eloc),
        #              fontsize=14, verticalalignment='bottom', y=0.95)
        # plt.title('%s UTC M%.1f %s %s Depth: %.1fkm ID:%s' %
        #           tpl, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='bottom')
        # plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
        # matplotlib.rcParams['text.latex.preamble']=[r"\usepackage{amsmath}"]
        plt.title(tstr, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='bottom')
        # plt.title(r"\TeX\ is Number "
        #   r"$\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{-e^{i\pi}}{2^n}$!",
        #   fontsize=16, color='gray')

    def _drawStations(self, m, fill=False, imt='PGA'):
        """Draw station locations on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.
            fill (bool): Whether or not to fill symbols.
            imt (str): One of ('MMI', 'PGA', 'PGV', or 'SA(x.y')
        dimt = imt.lower()

        # get the locations and values of the MMI observations
        mmi_dict = {'lat': [], 'lon': [], 'mmi': []}
        inst_dict = {'lat': [], 'lon': [], dimt: []}
        # get the locations and values of the observed/instrumented
        # observations
        for feature in self.stations['features']:
            lon, lat = feature['geometry']['coordinates']
            net = feature['properties']['network'].lower()
            if net in ['dyfi', 'mmi', 'intensity', 'ciim']:
                channel = feature['properties']['channels'][0]
                for amplitude in channel['amplitudes']:
                    if amplitude['name'] != 'mmi':
                channel = feature['properties']['channels'][0]
                for amplitude in channel['amplitudes']:
                    if amplitude['name'] != dimt:

        mmidf = pd.DataFrame(mmi_dict)
        instdf = pd.DataFrame(inst_dict)

        if not fill:
            # plot MMI as small circles
            mmilat = mmidf['lat'].as_matrix()
            mmilon = mmidf['lon'].as_matrix()
            m.plot(mmilon, mmilat, 'ko', latlon=True, fillstyle='none',
                   markersize=4, zorder=STATIONS_ZORDER)

            # plot MMI as slightly larger triangles
            instlat = instdf['lat'].as_matrix()
            instlon = instdf['lon'].as_matrix()
            m.plot(instlon, instlat, 'k^', latlon=True, fillstyle='none',
                   markersize=6, zorder=STATIONS_ZORDER)
            for idx, value in enumerate(mmidf['lat']):
                mlat = mmidf['lat'][idx]
                mlon = mmidf['lon'][idx]
                mmi = mmidf['mmi'][idx]
                mcolor = self.intensity_colormap.getDataColor(mmi)
                m.plot(mlon, mlat, 'o', latlon=True,
                       markerfacecolor=mcolor, markeredgecolor='k',
                       markersize=4, zorder=STATIONS_ZORDER)

            for idx, value in enumerate(instdf['lat']):
                mlat = instdf['lat'][idx]
                mlon = instdf['lon'][idx]
                # TODO: Make the fill color correspond to the mmi
                # obtained from the IMT.
#                dmmi = instdf[dimt][idx]
#                mcolor = self.intensity_colormap.getDataColor(dmmi)
                m.plot(mlon, mlat, '^', latlon=True,
                       markerfacecolor='w', markeredgecolor='k',
                       markersize=6, zorder=STATIONS_ZORDER)

    def _drawFault(self, m):
        """Draw fault rupture on the map.

            m (Basemap): Basemap instance.

        lats = self.fault.lats
        lons = self.fault.lons
        x, y = m(lons, lats)
        m.plot(x, y, 'k', lw=2, zorder=FAULT_ZORDER)

    def drawIntensityMap(self, outfolder):
        Render the MMI data as intensity draped over topography, with oceans,
        coastlines, etc.

            outfolder (str): Path to directory where output map should be

            str: Path to output intensity map.
        t0 = time.time()
        # resample shakemap to topogrid
        # get the geodict for the topo file
        topodict = GMTGrid.getFileGeoDict(self.topofile)[0]
        # get the geodict for the ShakeMap
        comp = self.container.getComponents('MMI')[0]
        imtdict = self.container.getIMTGrids('MMI', comp)
        mmigrid = imtdict['mean']
        smdict = mmigrid.getGeoDict()
        # get a geodict that is aligned with topo, but inside shakemap
        sampledict = topodict.getBoundsWithin(smdict)

        mmigrid = mmigrid.interpolateToGrid(sampledict)

        gd = mmigrid.getGeoDict()

        # establish the basemap object
        m = self._setMap(gd)

        # get topo layer and project it
        topogrid = GMTGrid.load(
            self.topofile, samplegeodict=sampledict, resample=False)
        topodata = topogrid.getData().copy()
        ptopo = self._projectGrid(topodata, m, gd)

        # get intensity layer and project it
        imtdata = mmigrid.getData().copy()
        pimt = self._projectGrid(imtdata, m, gd)

        # get the draped intensity data
        draped_hsv = self._getDraped(pimt, ptopo)  # where will 10.0 come from

        # draw the draped intensity data
        m.imshow(draped_hsv, interpolation='none', zorder=IMG_ZORDER)

        # draw country/state boundaries

        # draw whatever road data is available
        # self.logger.debug('Drawing roads...')
        # self._drawRoads(m)
        # self.logger.debug('Done drawing roads...')

        # draw lakes
        self._drawLakes(m, gd)

        # draw oceans (pre-processed with islands taken out)
        t1 = time.time()
        self._drawOceans(m, gd)
        t2 = time.time()
        self.logger.debug('%.1f seconds to render oceans.' % (t2 - t1))

        # draw coastlines
        self._drawCoastlines(m, gd)

        # draw meridians, parallels, labels, ticks
        self._drawGraticules(m, gd)

        # draw map scale
        self._drawMapScale(m, gd)

        # draw fault polygon, if present
        self._drawFault(m)  # get the fault loaded

        # draw epicenter
        origin = self.fault.getOrigin()
        hlon = origin.lon
        hlat =
        m.plot(hlon, hlat, 'k*', latlon=True, fillstyle='none',
               markersize=22, mew=1.2, zorder=EPICENTER_ZORDER)

        # draw cities
        # reduce the number of cities to those whose labels don't collide
        # set up cities
        if self.city_cols is not None:
            self.cities = self.cities.limitByBounds(
                (gd.xmin, gd.xmax, gd.ymin, gd.ymax))
            self.cities = self.cities.limitByGrid(
                nx=self.city_cols, ny=self.city_rows,
            # self.logger.debug("Available fonts: ", self.cities._fontlist)
            if 'Times New Roman' in self.cities._fontlist:
                font = 'Times New Roman'
                font = 'DejaVu Sans'
            self.cities = self.cities.limitByMapCollision(m, fontname=font)
        self.cities.renderToMap(, zorder=CITIES_ZORDER)

        # draw title and supertitle

        # draw station and macroseismic locations
        self._drawStations(m)  # need stationlist object

        # save plot to file
        outfile = os.path.join(outfolder, 'intensity.pdf')
        tn = time.time()
        self.logger.debug('%.1f seconds to render entire map.' % (tn - t0))
        return outfile

    def _getShaded(self, ptopo):
        """Get shaded topography.

            ptopo (ndarray): Numpy array of projected topography data.

            ndarray: Numpy array of light-shaded topography.

        maxvalue = self.contour_colormap.vmax
        ls1 = LightSource(azdeg=120, altdeg=45)
        ls2 = LightSource(azdeg=225, altdeg=45)
        intensity1 = ls1.hillshade(ptopo, fraction=0.25, vert_exag=VERT_EXAG)
        intensity2 = ls2.hillshade(ptopo, fraction=0.25, vert_exag=VERT_EXAG)
        intensity = intensity1 * 0.5 + intensity2 * 0.5

        ptoposc = ptopo / maxvalue
        rgba = self.contour_colormap.cmap(ptoposc)
        rgb = np.squeeze(rgba)

        draped_hsv = ls1.blend_hsv(rgb, np.expand_dims(intensity, 2))

        return draped_hsv

    def round_to(self, n, precision):
        """Round number to nearest level desired precision.

        Example: round_to(22.1,10) => 20.

            n (float): Input number to round.
            precision (int): Desired precision.

            int: Rounded value.

        correction = 0.5 if n >= 0 else -0.5
        return int(n / precision + correction) * precision

    def getContourLevels(self, dmin, dmax, imt):
        """Get contour levels given min/max values and desired IMT.

            dmin (float): Minimum value of data to contour.
            dmax (float): Maximum value of data to contour.
            imt (str): String IMT (one of PGV,PGA, etc.)

            ndarray: Numpy array of contour levels.

        # groupings taken from table on
        if imt == 'PGV':
            # table of minimum dmax and dinc levels
            dmax_dinc = OrderedDict([(1.1, 0.1),
                                     (3.4, 0.25),
                                     (8.1, 0.5),
                                     (16.0, 2.0),
                                     (31.0, 5.0),
                                     (60.0, 10.0),
                                     (116.0, 10.0),
                                     (200.0, 25.0)])
            keys = np.array(list(dmax_dinc.keys()))
            didx = np.where(keys < dmax)[0].max()
            dinc = dmax_dinc[keys[didx]]
            newdmin = self.round_to(dmin, dinc)
            newdmax = self.round_to(dmax, dinc)
            dmax_dinc = OrderedDict([(0.0017 * 100, 0.1),
                                     (0.014 * 100, 0.1),
                                     (0.039 * 100, 0.5),
                                     (0.092 * 100, 1.0),
                                     (0.18 * 100, 2.5),
                                     (0.34 * 100, 5.0),
                                     (0.65 * 100, 10.0),
                                     (1.24 * 100, 15.0),
                                     (3.0 * 100, 37.5)])
            keys = np.array(list(dmax_dinc.keys()))
            didx = np.where(keys < dmax)[0].max()
            dinc = dmax_dinc[keys[didx]]
            newdmin = self.round_to(dmin, dinc)
            newdmax = self.round_to(dmax, dinc)
        levels = np.arange(newdmin, newdmax + dinc, dinc)
        return levels

    def drawContourMap(self, imt, outfolder, cmin=None, cmax=None):
        Render IMT data as contours over topography, with oceans, coastlines,

            outfolder (str): Path to directory where output map should be

            str: Path to output IMT map.
        if self.contour_colormap is None:
            raise Exception('MapMaker.setGMTColormap() has not been called.')
        t0 = time.time()
        # resample shakemap to topogrid
        # get the geodict for the topo file
        topodict = GMTGrid.getFileGeoDict(self.topofile)[0]
        # get the geodict for the ShakeMap
        comp = self.container.getComponents(imt)[0]
        imtdict = self.container.getIMTGrids(imt, comp)
        imtgrid = imtdict['mean']
        smdict = imtgrid.getGeoDict()
        # get a geodict that is aligned with topo, but inside shakemap
        sampledict = topodict.getBoundsWithin(smdict)

        imtgrid = imtgrid.interpolateToGrid(sampledict)

        gd = imtgrid.getGeoDict()

        # establish the basemap object
        m = self._setMap(gd)

        # get topo layer and project it
        topogrid = GMTGrid.load(
            self.topofile, samplegeodict=sampledict, resample=False)
        topodata = topogrid.getData().copy()
        ptopo = self._projectGrid(topodata, m, gd)

        # get contour layer and project it1
        imtdata = imtgrid.getData().copy()

        # convert units if necessary
        if imt == 'MMI':
        elif imt == 'PGV':
            imtdata = np.exp(imtdata)
            imtdata = np.exp(imtdata) * 100

        pimt = self._projectGrid(imtdata, m, gd)

        # get the draped intensity data
        hillshade = self._getShaded(ptopo)

        # draw the draped intensity data
        m.imshow(hillshade, interpolation='none', zorder=IMG_ZORDER)

        # draw the contours of imt data
        xmin = gd.xmin
        if gd.xmax < gd.xmin:
            xmin -= 360
        lons = np.linspace(xmin, gd.xmax, gd.nx)
        # backwards so it plots right side up
        lats = np.linspace(gd.ymax, gd.ymin, gd.ny)
        x, y = m(*np.meshgrid(lons, lats))
        pimt = gaussian_filter(pimt, 5.0)
        dmin = pimt.min()
        dmax = pimt.max()
        levels = self.getContourLevels(dmin, dmax, imt)
        cs = m.contour(x, y, np.flipud(pimt), colors='w',
                       cmap=None, levels=levels, zorder=CONTOUR_ZORDER)
        clabels = plt.clabel(cs, colors='k', fmt='%.1f',
                             fontsize=8.0, zorder=CONTOUR_ZORDER)
        for cl in clabels:
            bbox = dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor='white', edgecolor='w')

        # draw country/state boundaries

        # draw lakes
        self._drawLakes(m, gd)

        # draw oceans (pre-processed with islands taken out)
        t1 = time.time()
        self._drawOceans(m, gd)
        t2 = time.time()
        self.logger.debug('%.1f seconds to render oceans.' % (t2 - t1))

        # draw coastlines
        self._drawCoastlines(m, gd)

        # draw meridians, parallels, labels, ticks
        self._drawGraticules(m, gd)

        # draw filled symbols for MMI and instrumented measures
        self._drawStations(m, fill=True, imt=imt)

        # draw map scale
        self._drawMapScale(m, gd)

        # draw fault polygon, if present
        self._drawFault(m)  # get the fault loaded

        # draw epicenter
        origin = self.fault.getOrigin()
        hlon = origin.lon
        hlat =
        m.plot(hlon, hlat, 'k*', latlon=True, fillstyle='none',
               markersize=22, mew=1.2, zorder=EPICENTER_ZORDER)

        # draw cities
        # reduce the number of cities to those whose labels don't collide
        # set up cities
        if self.city_cols is not None:
            self.cities = self.cities.limitByBounds(
                (gd.xmin, gd.xmax, gd.ymin, gd.ymax))
            self.cities = self.cities.limitByGrid(
                nx=self.city_cols, ny=self.city_rows,
            if 'Times New Roman' in self.cities._fontlist:
                font = 'Times New Roman'
                font = 'DejaVu Sans'
            self.cities = self.cities.limitByMapCollision(m, fontname=font)
        self.cities.renderToMap(, zorder=CITIES_ZORDER)

        # draw title and supertitle

        # save plot to file
        fileimt = oq_to_file(imt)
        outfile = os.path.join(outfolder, 'contour_%s.pdf' %
        tn = time.time()
        self.logger.debug('%.1f seconds to render entire map.' % (tn - t0))
        return outfile
Esempio n. 10
def _test_intensity():

    datadir = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(homedir, '..', 'data', 'eventdata', 'northridge'))
    shakefile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_grid.xml')
    topofile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_topo.grd')
    faultfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_fault.txt')
    cityfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_cities.txt')
    coastfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_coastline.json')
    countryfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_countries.json')
    statefile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_states.json')
    lakefile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_lakes.json')
    oceanfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_ocean.json')
    stationfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_stations.db')
    roadfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'northridge_roads.json')
    tancptfile = os.path.join(shakedir, 'shakemap', 'mapping', 'tan.cpt')
    shakecptfile = os.path.join(shakedir, 'shakemap', 'mapping',

    layerdict = {
        'coast': coastfile,
        'ocean': oceanfile,
        'lake': lakefile,
        'country': countryfile,
        'roads': roadfile,
        'state': statefile

    tancolormap = GMTColorMap.loadFromCPT(tancptfile)
    shakecolormap = GMTColorMap.loadFromCPT(shakecptfile)
    cities = BasemapCities.loadFromCSV(cityfile)
    shakemap = ShakeGrid.load(shakefile, adjust='res')
    stations = StationList(stationfile)
    fault = Fault.readFaultFile(faultfile)
    edict = shakemap.getEventDict()
    eventdict = {
        'lat': edict['lat'],
        'lon': edict['lon'],
        'depth': edict['depth'],
        'mag': edict['magnitude'],
        'time': edict['event_timestamp']
    source = Source(eventdict, fault)
    maker = MapMaker(shakemap, topofile, stations, fault, layerdict, source,

    # draw intensity map
    outfolder = os.path.expanduser('~')
    intensity_map = maker.drawIntensityMap(outfolder)
    print('Intensity map saved as: %s' % intensity_map)

    # draw contour maps

    # Draw pgv contours
    contour_pgv_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print('PGV contour map saved as: %s' % contour_pgv_map)

    # Draw pga contours
    contour_pga_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print('PGA contour map saved as: %s' % contour_pga_map)

    # Draw psa0.3 contours
    contour_psa03_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print('PSA0.3 contour map saved as: %s' % contour_psa03_map)

    # Draw psa1.0 contours
    contour_psa10_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print('PSA1.0 contour map saved as: %s' % contour_psa10_map)

    # Draw psa3.0 contours
    contour_psa30_map = maker.drawContourMap(outfolder)
    print('PSA3.0 contour map saved as: %s' % contour_psa30_map)