def loader(): q = Loader.quote_lookup() print(q) with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''SELECT stop_loss FROM log;''') all_stop_loss = db.cursor.fetchall() try: latest_stop_loss = all_stop_loss[-1][0] except: pass with Database() as db: try: db.cursor.execute( '''SELECT ticker from log WHERE stop_loss="{}"; '''.format(latest_stop_loss)) ticker = db.cursor.fetchone()[0] tick = ticker.lower() tick_current = q['{}_current'.format(tick)] if latest_stop_loss >= tick_current: if tick == 'tvix': return Trader.tvix_sell_gains(tick_current) else: return Trader.svxy_sell_gains(tick_current) else: return tracker(q) except: return tracker(q)
def user_page(self, username): with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute( '''SELECT * FROM posts WHERE username='******' ORDER BY time DESC;''' .format(username=username)) user_posts = db.cursor.fetchall() return user_posts
def user_page(username): bill_keys = [ "bill_id", "total_due", "due_by", "due_to", "created_on", "caption", "due_date", "contributors" ] pay_keys = [ "payment_id", "amount_paid", "paid_by", "paid_to", "created_on", "note", "bill_owner", "original_bill_id" ] with Database() as db: # db.cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM bills WHERE due_by='{username}' # UNION # SELECT * FROM payments WHERE paid_by='{username}' # ORDER BY created_on DESC;''' # .format(username = username)) # user_posts = db.cursor.fetchall() db.cursor.execute( '''SELECT * FROM bills WHERE due_by='{username}' '''.format( username=username)) all_bills = db.cursor.fetchall() db.cursor.execute( '''SELECT * FROM payments WHERE paid_by='{username}' '''. format(username=username)) all_pays = db.cursor.fetchall() bills = [dict(zip(bill_keys, i)) for i in all_bills] pays = [dict(zip(pay_keys, i)) for i in all_pays] posts = bills + pays posts = sorted(posts, key=itemgetter("created_on"), reverse=True) return posts
def user_orders(self): with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute( '''SELECT * FROM orders WHERE user_id={user_id};'''.format( user_id=self.id_lookup(self.username))) table_user_orders = db.cursor.fetchall() return table_user_orders
def like(self, post_id): time_ = time_ = time_.strftime("%c") with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute( '''SELECT post_id FROM likes WHERE user_who_liked='{username}' and post_id='{post_id}';''' .format(username=self.username, post_id=post_id)) user_liked_this_post = db.cursor.fetchone() print( 'USER LIKED THIS POST USER LIKED THIS POST USER LIKED THIS POST' ) print(user_liked_this_post) if user_liked_this_post is None: print("this user has not yet liked this post") db.cursor.execute( '''UPDATE posts SET likes = likes + 1 WHERE post_id={post_id};''' .format(post_id=post_id)) db.cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO likes (user_who_liked, post_id, time) VALUES(?,?,?);''', (self.username, post_id, time_)) else: print("THIS IS THE UNLIKE CONDITION") db.cursor.execute( '''UPDATE posts SET likes = likes - 1 WHERE post_id={post_id};''' .format(post_id=post_id)) db.cursor.execute( '''DELETE FROM likes WHERE post_id={post_id};'''.format( post_id=post_id)) return True
def svxy_buy_trade_log(ticker, open_price, current_price, stop_loss): with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute( ''' INSERT INTO log(time,ticker,price,stop_loss,volume,buy_sell) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?); ''', (tm, ticker, current_price, stop_loss, 100, 'buy')) print('bought svxy')
def id_lookup(self, username): # Returns user_id according to username with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute( '''SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE "{}"= username;'''.format( self.username)) user_id = db.cursor.fetchone()[0] return user_id
def sell_holdings(user_name,ticker_symbol,trade_volume,price,owned): with Database('master.db') as db: new_owned = owned - float(trade_volume) db.update_holding(user_name,ticker_symbol,new_owned) balance = db.check_balance(user_name) new_balance = balance + (float(trade_volume)*float(price)) - 6.25 db.update_cash(user_name,new_balance) db.insert_4('orders','username','ticker_symbol','trade_volume','execution_price',user_name,ticker_symbol,trade_volume,price)
def buy_holdings(user_name,ticker_symbol,trade_volume,price): with Database('master.db') as db: try: current = db.check_holdings(user_name,ticker_symbol) new_current = trade_volume + current db.update_holding(user_name,ticker_symbol,new_current) except: db.new_holding(user_name,ticker_symbol,trade_volume,(price*trade_volume))
def generate(list_of_users,list_of_bills,list_of_pays): for user in users: with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES (?);''', (user,)) for bill in list_of_bills: with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO bills (total_due, due_by, due_to, created_on, caption) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);''', (bill[0],bill[1],bill[2],bill[3],bill[4])) for pay in list_of_pays: with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO payments (amount_paid, paid_by, paid_to, created_on, note) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);''', (pay[0],pay[1],pay[2],pay[3],pay[4])) return True
def post(self, photo, caption): time_ = time_ = time_.strftime("%c") with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO posts (username, photo, caption, time, type) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);''', (self.username, photo, caption, time_, "original")) return True
def buy(self, ticker_symbol, trade_volume): # Will check if user has enough funds to make purchase last_price = wrapper.lastprice(ticker_symbol) brokerage_fee = 6.95 buy_cost = (float(last_price) * float(trade_volume)) + brokerage_fee user_balance = self.user_balance() if float(user_balance) > float(buy_cost): with Database() as db: # Update orders time_ = time.time() user_id = self.id_lookup(self.username) db.cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO orders ( user_id, ticker_symbol, last_price, trade_volume, unix_time) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?);''', (user_id, ticker_symbol, buy_cost, trade_volume, time_)) # Update holdings db.cursor.execute( '''SELECT trade_volume FROM holdings WHERE ticker_symbol = "{}" and user_id = {user_id};''' .format(ticker_symbol, user_id=self.id_lookup(self.username))) old_volume = db.cursor.fetchone() if old_volume is None: db.cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO holdings ( user_id, ticker_symbol, vwap, trade_volume) VALUES(?,?,?,?);''', (user_id, ticker_symbol, last_price, trade_volume)) else: new_volume = old_volume[0] + int(trade_volume) db.cursor.execute( '''UPDATE holdings SET trade_volume = {} WHERE user_id = {user_id} AND ticker_symbol = "{ticker_symbol}";''' .format(new_volume, user_id=self.id_lookup(self.username), ticker_symbol=ticker_symbol)) db.cursor.execute( '''UPDATE holdings SET VWAP = {} WHERE user_id = {user_id} AND ticker_symbol = "{ticker_symbol}";''' .format(self.vwap(ticker_symbol), user_id=self.id_lookup(self.username), ticker_symbol=ticker_symbol)) # Update balance new_balance = user_balance - buy_cost db.cursor.execute( '''UPDATE users SET balance = {} WHERE user_id = {user_id};''' .format(new_balance, user_id=self.id_lookup(self.username))) return True else: return False
def signup(self, username, password, confirm): try: if password == confirm: with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES(?,?);''', (username, password)) return True except sqlite3.IntegrityError: return False
def user_balance(self): with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''SELECT balance FROM users WHERE user_id={user_id};''' .format(user_id = self.id_lookup(self.username))) balance = db.cursor.fetchone()[0] profit = float(balance) - 100000 portfolio_value = balance db.cursor.execute('''UPDATE users SET portfolio_value = {} WHERE user_id = {user_id};''' .format(portfolio_value, user_id = self.id_lookup(self.username))) return float(balance)
def all_payments(): keys = [ "payment_id", "amount_paid", "paid_by", "paid_to", "created_on", "note", "bill_owner", "original_bill_id" ] with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM payments ORDER BY created_on DESC;''') all_payments = db.cursor.fetchall() payments = [dict(zip(keys, i)) for i in all_payments] return payments
def all_bills(): keys = [ "bill_id", "total_due", "due_by", "due_to", "created_on", "caption" ] with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM bills ORDER BY created_on DESC;''') all_bills = db.cursor.fetchall() bills = [dict(zip(keys, i)) for i in all_bills] print(bills) return bills
def login(self, password): with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute( '''SELECT password FROM users WHERE username="******";'''. format(username=self.username)) correct_password = db.cursor.fetchone() if correct_password is None: return False else: if correct_password[0] == password: return True else: return False
def login(self, password): # Will check if username exists, # then if password input matches password in db with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''SELECT password FROM users WHERE username="******";''' .format(username=self.username)) correct_password = db.cursor.fetchone() if correct_password is None: return False else: if correct_password[0] == password: return True else: return False
def sell(self,ticker_symbol,trade_volume): # Will check if user has holding of that stock, # then will checck if user has enough volume to sell, with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''SELECT ticker_symbol FROM holdings WHERE user_id = "{user_id}";''' .format(user_id = self.id_lookup(self.username))) user_stock = db.cursor.fetchone()[0] if user_stock is None: return False elif user_stock == ticker_symbol: db.cursor.execute('''SELECT trade_volume FROM holdings WHERE user_id = "{user_id}";''' .format(user_id = self.id_lookup(self.username))) user_holdings = db.cursor.fetchone()[0] if float(user_holdings) >= float(trade_volume): last_price = wrapper.lastprice(ticker_symbol) brokerage_fee = 6.95 sell_cost = (float(last_price) * float(trade_volume)) - brokerage_fee user_balance = self.user_balance() user_id = self.id_lookup(self.username) # Update balance new_balance = user_balance + sell_cost db.cursor.execute('''UPDATE users SET balance = {} WHERE user_id = {user_id};''' .format(new_balance, user_id = self.id_lookup(self.username))) # Update orders time_ = time.time() db.cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO orders ( user_id, order_type, ticker_symbol, last_price, trade_volume, order_cost, unix_time) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?);''', (user_id, "Sell", ticker_symbol, last_price, trade_volume, sell_cost, time_)) # Update holdings if float(user_holdings) == float(trade_volume): db.cursor.execute('''DELETE FROM holdings WHERE user_id={user_id};''' .format(user_id = self.id_lookup(self.username))) return True else: new_volume = float(user_holdings) - float(trade_volume) db.cursor.execute('''UPDATE holdings SET trade_volume = {} WHERE user_id = {user_id};''' .format(new_volume, user_id = self.id_lookup(self.username))) db.cursor.execute('''UPDATE holdings SET VWAP = {} WHERE user_id = {user_id};''' .format(self.vwap(ticker_symbol), user_id = self.id_lookup(self.username))) return True else: return False
def svxy_sell_gains(sell_price): with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM log WHERE ticker="SVXY";''') all_trades = db.cursor.fetchall() gain_dict = {} overall_gains = 0 for i in all_trades: gain = sell_price - i[3] gain_dict[i[1]] = gain print('closed svxy position') gains = 0 for k, v in gain_dict.items(): share_gain = v * 100 gains += share_gain print(gains) with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''DELETE FROM log WHERE ticker="SVXY";''') db.cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO profit_loss(date, ticker, p_l) VALUES(?,?,?); ''', (date, 'SVXY', gains))
def vwap(self,ticker_symbol): with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''SELECT last_price, trade_volume FROM orders WHERE ticker_symbol="{}";''' .format(ticker_symbol)) purchase_hist = db.cursor.fetchall() pxv = [] volumes = [] # IF "purchase_hist" RETURNS LIST OF TUPLES LIKE [(last_price,trade_volume),(last_price,trade_volume))] for purchase in purchase_hist: price = float(purchase[0]) # "last_price" IS SET TO FLOAT IN SCHEMA (WILL THIS BE A PROBLEM?) volume = float(purchase [1]) pxv.append(price * volume) volumes.append(volume) vwap = sum(pxv) / sum(volumes) return vwap
def signup(self, username, password, confirm): # Will create new user if username is not already in use (SQL UNIQUE in db) AND if user inputs password correctly (twice) try: if password == confirm: with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO users ( username, password) VALUES(?,?);''', (username,password)) return True else: return False except: if sqlite3.IntegrityError: return False
def sell(user_name, ticker_symbol, trade_volume): price = quote(ticker_symbol) balance = check_balance(user_name) owned = float(check_holdings(user_name, ticker_symbol)) if owned >= float(trade_volume): with Database('master.db') as db: new_owned = owned - float(trade_volume) db.update_holding(user_name, ticker_symbol, new_owned) new_balance = balance + (float(trade_volume) * float(price)) - 6.25 db.update_cash(user_name, new_balance) db.insert_4('orders', 'username', 'ticker_symbol', 'trade_volume', 'execution_price', user_name, ticker_symbol, trade_volume, price) return "Congratulations toy just sold {} stocks of {}".format( trade_volume, ticker_symbol) else: return "You don't have that many to sell"
def create_customer(name, username, password, email, stripe_id, default_payment): with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO users (name, username, password, email, stripe_id, default_payment) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);''', (name, username, password, email, stripe_id, default_payment)) user_id = db.cursor.lastrowid keys = [ "user_id", "name", "username", "password", 'email', 'stripe_id', 'default_payment' ] values = [ user_id, name, username, password, email, stripe_id, default_payment ] user = [dict(zip(keys, values))] return user
def superuser(self, password, superkey): # Will check if username exists, # then if password input matches password in db, # then if super key input is correct key ('super'), # then updates permission in users table in db from default 'user' to 'super' with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''SELECT password FROM users WHERE username="******";''' .format(username=self.username)) correct_password = db.cursor.fetchone() if correct_password is None: return False else: if correct_password[0] == password and superkey == 'super': db.cursor.execute('''UPDATE users SET permission = "super" WHERE username = "******";''' .format(username=self.username)) return True else: return False
def post_bill(total_due, due_by, due_to, caption, due_date): created_on = int(time.time()) #created_on = created_on.strftime("%c") keys = [ "bill_id", "total_due", "due_by", "due_to", "created_on", "caption", "due_date" ] with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO bills (total_due, due_by, due_to, created_on, caption, due_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);''', (total_due, due_by, due_to, created_on, caption, due_date)) bill_id = db.cursor.lastrowid values = [ bill_id, total_due, due_by, due_to, created_on, caption, due_date ] bill = [dict(zip(keys, values))] return bill
def pay_bill(amount_paid, paid_by, note, bill_id): created_on = int(time.time()) #created_on = created_on.strftime("%c") keys = [ "payment_id", "amount_paid", "paid_by", "paid_to", "created_on", "note", "bill_owner", "original_bill_id" ] with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM bills WHERE bill_id = ?''', (bill_id)) bill = db.cursor.fetchall() bill_amount = bill[0][1] bill_owner = bill[0][2] paid_by = "Maria" paid_to = bill[0][3] contributors = bill[0][7] db.cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO payments (amount_paid, paid_by, paid_to, created_on, note, bill_owner, original_bill_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);''', (amount_paid, paid_by, paid_to, created_on, note, bill_owner, bill_id)) payment_id = db.cursor.lastrowid new_total = (bill_amount) - (amount_paid) if contributors != None and contributors != paid_by: contributors = contributors + ', ' + paid_by else: contributors = paid_by db.cursor.execute( '''UPDATE bills SET total_due = ? WHERE bill_id = ?''', (new_total, bill_id)) db.cursor.execute( '''UPDATE bills SET contributors = ? WHERE bill_id = ?''', (contributors, bill_id)) db.cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM bills WHERE bill_id = ?''', (bill_id)) updated_bill = db.cursor.fetchall() values = [ payment_id, amount_paid, paid_by, paid_to, created_on, note, bill_owner, original_bill_id ] payment = [dict(zip(keys, values))] return payment
def repost(self, post_id): reposted_from = '123456789' time_ = time_ = time_.strftime("%c") with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute( '''UPDATE posts SET reposts = reposts + 1 WHERE post_id={post_id};''' .format(post_id=int(post_id))) db.cursor.execute( '''SELECT * FROM posts WHERE post_id={post_id};'''.format( post_id=int(post_id))) post = db.cursor.fetchall() post = post[0] db.cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO reposts (user_who_reposted, reposted_from, post_id, time) VALUES(?,?,?,?);''', (self.username, reposted_from, post_id, time_)) db.cursor.execute( '''INSERT INTO posts (username, photo, caption, time, likes, reposts, type, reposted_from) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);''', (self.username, post[2], post[3], time_, post[5], post[6], "repost", post[1])) return True
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from mapper import Database if __name__ == '__main__': with Database('master.db') as db: db.create_table('users') db.add_column('users', 'username', 'VARCHAR') db.add_column('users', 'password', 'VARCHAR') db.create_table('tweets') db.add_column('tweets', 'username', 'VARCHAR') db.add_column('tweets', 'tweet', 'VARCHAR') db.add_column('tweets', 'date', 'VARCHAR') db.create_table('friends') db.add_column('friends', 'username', 'VARCHAR') db.add_column('friends', 'friends', 'VARCHAR') print('System agent: Database created.')
def user(username): with Database() as db: db.cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = ?''', (username)) userlist = db.cursor.fetchall()[0] return userlist