Esempio n. 1
def get_downdip_depth(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, dip):
    from mapping_tools import distance
    from numpy import sin, radians

    rupwid = distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)[0]

    return rupwid * sin(radians(dip))
Esempio n. 2
def get_arclink_event_data(bulk, fname, dataless, event):
    from obspy.core.utcdatetime import UTCDateTime
        from obspy.arclink.client import Client
        from obspy.clients.arclink.client import Client
        #from obspy.clients.fdsn.client import Client
    from os import path
    from numpy import nan, isnan
    from mapping_tools import distance
    Code to extract IRIS data, one station at a time.  Exports mseed file to 
    working directory
    datetime tuple fmt = (Y,m,d,H,M)
    sta = station
        #first, check it site is in distance and azimuthal range
        for channel in ['SHZ', 'EHZ', 'BHZ', 'HHZ', 'BNZ', 'HNZ']:
            seedid = '.'.join((b[0], b[1], '00', channel))  #'AU.DPH.00.BNZ'

                staloc = dataless.get_coordinates(seedid, b[4])
                a = 1  # dummy call
            # try another seed id fmt
            seedid = '.'.join((b[0], b[1], '', channel))  #'AU.DPH.00.BNZ'
                staloc = dataless.get_coordinates(seedid, b[4])
                a = 1  # dummy call

        # now get distance and azimuth
        rngkm, az, baz = distance(event['lat'], event['lon'],
                                  staloc['latitude'], staloc['longitude'])
        #print(rngkm, az, baz)
        print('arclink', seedid)
        getRecord = False
        if rngkm <= 2000. and az > 110. and az < 250.:
            getRecord = True
        elif rngkm <= 50.:
            getRecord = True

        # check if file already exists
        if not path.isfile(fname) and getRecord == True:
            print('Getting:', fname)
            client = Client(user='******')
            st = client.get_waveforms(bulk[0], bulk[1], bulk[2], bulk[3],
                                      bulk[4], bulk[5])
            st = st.merge(method=0, fill_value='interpolate')

        print('Writing file:', fname)
        st.write(fname, format="MSEED")
        print('No data for:', fname)

    return st
Esempio n. 3
def get_mapping_extent_in_metres(bbox, lonoff):
    bbox is an array of [lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax]
    from numpy import mean, ceil

    # get central lon/lat
    lon_0 = mean([bbox[0], bbox[1]]) + float(lonoff)
    lat_0 = mean([bbox[2], bbox[3]])

    # get xy extents
    xkm, az, baz = distance(lat_0, bbox[0], lat_0, bbox[1])
    ykm, az, baz = distance(bbox[2], lon_0, bbox[3], lon_0)

    xm = 1000 * xkm
    ym = 1000 * ykm

    return lon_0, lat_0, xm, ym
def get_centre_ray(elon, elat, slon, slat):
    """ locates the centre point of a ray.  An alternitive to this
    would be to locate the deepest point of the ray, but this is
    from mapping_tools import distance, reckon
    rngkm, az, baz = distance(elat, elon, slat, slon)
    clon, clat = reckon(elat, elon, rngkm/2., az)
    return clon, clat
Esempio n. 5
def check_cwb_data(sta, ev):
    from data_fmt_tools import return_sta_data
    from mapping_tools import distance
    sta_data = return_sta_data(sta)
    rngkm, az, baz = distance(ev['lat'], ev['lon'], sta_data['stla'], sta_data['stlo'])
    if rngkm <= 2000. and az > 130. and az < 230.:
        get_sta_cwb_data(ev['time'].year, ev['time'].month, ev['time'].day, ev['time'].hour, \
                         ev['time'].minute, 0, 2100, sta)
Esempio n. 6
def get_mapping_extent_from_shp(shpfile, lonoff):
    import shapefile
    from numpy import mean, ceil, floor

    sf = shapefile.Reader(shpfile)
    shapes = sf.shapes()

    bbox = [180, 90, -180, -90]
    padboxlat = 1
    padboxlon = 1
    for shape in shapes:
        sbbox = shape.bbox
        if sbbox[0] < bbox[0]:
            bbox[0] = sbbox[0]
        if sbbox[1] < bbox[1]:
            bbox[1] = sbbox[1]
        if sbbox[2] > bbox[2]:
            bbox[2] = sbbox[2]
        if sbbox[3] > bbox[3]:
            bbox[3] = sbbox[3]

    # pad bounding box and round to nearest degree
    bbox[0] = floor(bbox[0] - padboxlon)
    bbox[1] = floor(bbox[1] - padboxlat)
    bbox[2] = ceil(bbox[2] + padboxlon)
    bbox[3] = ceil(bbox[3] + padboxlat)

    # get central lon/lat
    lon_0 = mean([bbox[0], bbox[2]]) + float(lonoff)
    lat_0 = mean([bbox[1], bbox[3]])

    # get xy extents
    xkm, az, baz = distance(lat_0, bbox[0], lat_0, bbox[2])
    ykm, az, baz = distance(bbox[1], lon_0, bbox[3], lon_0)

    xm = 1000 * xkm
    ym = 1000 * ykm

    return lon_0, lat_0, xm, ym
def get_centre_ray(elat, elon, slat, slon, evdp):
    """ locates the centre point of a ray.  An alternitive to this
    would be to locate the deepest point of the ray, but this is
    ray = calculate_ray(elat, elon, slat, slon, evdp)
    centre_idx = int(len(ray)/2)

    rngkm, az, baz = distance(elat, elon, slat, slon)
    lonlat = reckon(elat, elon, rngkm / 2., az)

    return lonlat
Esempio n. 8
def dist_vect(lastlat, lastlon, latvect, lonvect):
    from numpy import array
    from mapping_tools import distance

    rng = []
    az = []
    baz = []

    for l in range(0, len(latvect)):
        rngtmp, aztmp, baztmp = distance(lastlat, lastlon, latvect[l],

    return array(rng), array(az), array(baz)
Esempio n. 9
from mapping_tools import reckon, distance

lon1 = 131.0
lat1 = -11.5
lon2 = 134.5
lat2 = -17.0

rngkm, az, baz = distance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)

# get inc distance
npts = 16
inckm = rngkm / (npts - 1)

plats = []
plons = []
csvtxt = ''

for i in range(0, npts):

    lon2d, lat2d = reckon(lat1, lon1, i * inckm, az)

    csvtxt += ','.join((str('%0.4f' % lon2d), str('%0.4f' % lat2d))) + '\n'

f = open('north_aus_profile.csv', 'wb')
Esempio n. 10

    # start writing txt
    for i in idx[didx]:
        rec = ts[i]
        # interpolate SA data
        sa_interp = exp(interp(log(T), log(rec['per']), log(rec['geom'])))

        sa_str = ''
        for sai in sa_interp:
            sa_str += ',' + str('%0.4e' % sai)

        inst_ty = rec['chstr'][0][0:2] + '*'

        if isnan(rec['azim']):
            azim = distance(rec['eqla'], rec['eqlo'], rec['stla'],
            rec['azim'] = azim

        tabtxt += ','.join((rec['ev'], str('%0.3f' % rec['eqlo']), str('%0.3f' % rec['eqla']), \
                            str('%0.0f' % rec['dep']), str('%0.1f' % rec['mag']), rec['sta'], rec['net'], \
                            inst_ty, str('%0.0f' % rec['vs30']), str('%0.0f' % rec['rhyp']), \
                            str('%0.0f' % rec['azim']), str('%0.4e' % rec['pgv']), \
                            str('%0.4e' % rec['pga']))) + sa_str + '\n'

if pklfile.startswith('stdict_ampfact'):
    f = open('submitted/base_amp_model_flatfile.csv', 'w')
    f = open('submitted/base_model_flatfile.csv', 'w')
Esempio n. 11
def get_completeness_model(src_codes, src_shapes, domains, singleCorner):
        1 = do singleCorner (True)
        0 = do not do singleCorner (False)

    from os import path
    import shapefile
    from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
    from tools.nsha_tools import get_field_data, get_shp_centroid
    from mapping_tools import distance

    # load completeness shp
    if singleCorner == 1:
        compshp = path.join('..', 'Other',
                            'Mcomp_NSHA18_single.shp')  # single corner
        #compshp = path.join('..','Other','Mcomp_NSHA18_multi.shp') # multi corner
        compshp = path.join('..', 'Other',
                            )  # gridded model for updated Mc - Jan 2020

    mcsf = shapefile.Reader(compshp)

    # get completeness data
    mc_ycomp = get_field_data(mcsf, 'YCOMP', 'str')
    mc_mcomp = get_field_data(mcsf, 'MCOMP', 'str')

    # get completeness polygons
    mc_shapes = mcsf.shapes()

    # set empty completeness values
    ycomp = []
    mcomp = []
    min_rmag = []

    # loop through Mcomp zones
    for code, poly, dom in zip(src_codes, src_shapes, domains):
        # get centroid of completeness sources
        clon, clat = get_shp_centroid(poly.points)
        point = Point(clon, clat)
        print(clon, clat)

        # loop through target and find point in poly
        mccompFound = False
        dist_to_comp_cent = 9999.
        for i, mc_shape in enumerate(mc_shapes):
            mc_poly = Polygon(mc_shape.points)
            mclon, mclat = get_shp_centroid(mc_shape.points)

            # check if target centroid in completeness poly
            if point.within(mc_poly) or point.touches(mc_poly):
                # get dist to centroids
                rngkm = distance(clat, clon, mclat, mclon)[0]
                if rngkm < dist_to_comp_cent:
                    tmp_ycmp = mc_ycomp[i]
                    tmp_mcmp = mc_mcomp[i]
                    mccompFound = True

        # now fill completeness if True
        if mccompFound == True:

        # if no Mcomp model assigned, use conservative model
        elif mccompFound == False:
            if dom >= 1 and dom <= 8:
                # for single-corner
                if singleCorner == 1:

                # for mult-corner

            # use approx ISC-GEM completeness

        # set rmin range
        min_rmag.append(max([3.0, float(mcomp[-1].split(';')[0])]))

    return ycomp, mcomp, min_rmag
# assign Mws to shapefile data

mmimw = ones_like(mmi) * nan
repi = ones_like(mmi) * nan

for mwd, mw in zip(mweqdt, evmw):
    printdate = True
    for i, eqd in enumerate(eqdt):
        if isinstance(eqd, dt.datetime):
            if mwd > eqd - dt.timedelta(
                    seconds=60) and mwd < eqd + dt.timedelta(seconds=60):
                mmimw[i] = mw

                # calc distance
                repi[i] = distance(eqlat[i], eqlon[i], mmilat[i], mmilon[i])[0]

                # print(event
                if printdate == True:
                    print(mwd, eqname[i])

                    printdate = False

repi = array(repi)
rhyp = sqrt(repi**2 + array(eqdep)**2)

# check fault files

print('Getting rrup ...')
Esempio n. 13
        'centroid': feature['properties']['center']['coordinates'],
        'intensity': feature['properties']['intensityFine'],
        'nresp': feature['properties']['nresp']

    if rec['nresp'] >= 2:

# calc DYFI hypo dist
dyfilat = array(dyfilat)
dyfilon = array(dyfilon)
dyfirepi = []
for i in range(0, len(dyfilat)):
    dyfirepi.append(distance(eqlat, eqlon, dyfilat[i], dyfilon[i])[0])
dyfirhyp = sqrt(array(dyfirepi)**2 + eqdep**2)

# now plot
d3 = plt.semilogx(dyfirepi, dyfimmi, '+', lw=2., color='0.6', ms=6)
#d3 = plt.semilogx(dyfirepi[0], dyfimmi[0], '+', lw=2., color='0.6', ms=6)

# write DYFI MMI4SM
#write_mmi_obs_raw('DYFI', dyfidict)

# parse AU ipe
lines = open('../au_ipe/au_ipe_coefs.dat').readlines()

vert = 7.
Esempio n. 14
            #ev['datetime'] = UTCDateTime(1996,9,25,7,49,56)
            if st[0].stats.starttime > UTCDateTime(ev['datetime']-timedelta(seconds=601)) \
               and st[0].stats.starttime < UTCDateTime(ev['datetime']+timedelta(seconds=300)):
                evFound = True
                eqlo = ev['lon']
                eqla = ev['lat']
                eqmag = ev['mag']
                eqdp = ev['dep']
                eqdt = ev['datetime']

        if evFound == True and cannotMerge == False:
            # get station details
            print('Getting picks for', mseedfile)

            sta_data = return_sta_data(st[0].stats.station)
            rngkm, azim, baz = distance(eqla, eqlo, sta_data['stla'],
            rngdeg = km2deg(rngkm)

            if rngkm < 2250.:

                # get arrivals
                if eqdp < 0:
                    arrival_dep = 0.
                    arrival_dep = eqdp

                arrivals = model.get_travel_times(
                    source_depth_in_km=arrival_dep, distance_in_degree=rngdeg)

                # find P and S
                p = []
    yearly_mean = []
    yearly_std = []

    for year in year_rng:
        print('   ',year)
        trng_dist = []
        sta_dist = []
        for sta in sta_dict:
           # get year DT
           yrdt = dt.datetime(year, 6, 1)
           if yrdt >= sta['startdate'] and yrdt <= sta['enddate']:
               # calc dustance
               dist = distance(evla[fe], evlo[fe], sta['stla'], sta['stlo'])[0]
               if dist <= 1500.:
        # now loop through chosen stations 100 times per year
        sampled_logA0diff = []
        for i in range(0, 1000):
            sta_rate = random.uniform(low=0.65, high=0.95) # assume 50-90% stations could have recorded the event
            n_stas = int(round(sta_rate * len(trng_dist))) # determine N stations per sample
            # sample dists assuming n_stas
            samp_dists = random.choice(array(trng_dist), size=n_stas)
    # loop through events
    for gad in gadat:
        if evdt > gad['datetime'] - timedelta(minutes=2) and \
           evdt < gad['datetime'] + timedelta(minutes=2):

            # load mseed
            st = read(path.join('cwb_legacy', mseedfile))

            # loop thru traces & calculate distance
            for tr in st:
                for isl in iris_sta_list:
                    # check if in distance range

                    if isl['sta'] == str(tr.stats.station):
                        repi = distance(gad['lat'], gad['lon'], isl['lat'],

                        if repi >= mindist and repi <= maxdist:
                            print gad['datetime'], str(tr.stats.station)
                            print repi

                            # make filename
                            filedt = datetime.strftime(
                                (gad['datetime'] - timedelta(minutes=4)),

                            outmseed = path.join('cwb_legacy', '.'.join((filedt, str(, \
                                                 str(tr.stats.station), 'mseed')))

                            tr.write(outmseed, format='MSEED')
Esempio n. 17
             elif filename.find('HHH') >= 0:
                 psafile = path.join(root, filename)
 # get record details
 print(stn, psafile)
 sta, sps, rhyp, pga, pgv, mag_hold, dep, stlo, stla = read_psa_details(psafile)
 # now plot
 if stn != 'CDNM':
     i += 1
     print('rhyp', rhyp)
     vs30, isproxy, usgsvs, asscmvs, kvs, stla, stlo = get_station_vs30(stn)
     #sta_dat = return_sta_data(stn)
     # now calculate distance on the fly
     repi = distance(eqlat, eqlon, stla, stlo)[0]
     rhyp = sqrt(repi**2 + eqdep**2)
     if isnan(vs30):
         vs30 = 760.
     ax = makesubplt(i, fig, plt, stn, sps, mag, eqdep, ztor, dip, rake, rhyp, vs30)
     if ii == 1:
         if prefix.startswith('201206'):
             if rhyp <= 100:
                 plt.ylim([1e-4, .2])
                 plt.ylim([1e-5, 0.02])
         elif prefix.startswith('201207'):
             if rhyp <= 20:
        if len_recs > 2:
            ev_count += 1

cent_lonlist = array(cent_lonlist)
cent_latlist = array(cent_latlist)
cent_mmi = array(cent_mmi)
cent_nresp = array(cent_nresp)
event_ids = array(event_ids)
eqlo = array(eqlo)
eqla = array(eqla)
eqmag = array(eqmag)

# get source-site distance
mmi_dist = []
for ela, elo, cla, clo in zip(eqla, eqlo, cent_latlist, cent_lonlist):
    mmi_dist.append(distance(ela, elo, cla, clo)[0])

mmi_dist = array(mmi_dist)
# get unique values
unique_lons = unique(array(cent_lonlist))
unique_lats = unique(array(cent_latlist))
unique_cent = []

i = 0
for clo, cla in zip(cent_lonlist, cent_latlist):
    cent_match = False
    if i == 0:
        unique_cent.append([clo, cla])
        for ucent in unique_cent:
Esempio n. 19
def get_completeness_model_point(clat, clon, singleCorner):
        1 = do singleCorner (True)
        0 = do not do singleCorner (False)
        assume AU, dom = 0
    dom = 0
    from os import path, getcwd
    import shapefile
    from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
    from tools.nsha_tools import get_field_data, get_shp_centroid
    from mapping_tools import distance

    # load completeness shp
    if getcwd().startswith('/Users'):
        if singleCorner == 1:
            compshp = path.join(
            )  # single corner
            compshp = path.join(
            )  # multi corner
        if singleCorner == 1:
            compshp = path.join(
            )  # single corner
            #compshp = path.join('/nas/active/ops/community_safety/ehp/georisk_earthquake/modelling/sandpits/trev/NSHA2018/source_models/zones/shapefiles/Other/Mcomp_NSHA18_multi.shp') # multi corner
            compshp = path.join(
            )  # multi corner

    mcsf = shapefile.Reader(compshp)

    # get completeness data
    mc_ycomp = get_field_data(mcsf, 'YCOMP', 'str')
    mc_mcomp = get_field_data(mcsf, 'MCOMP', 'str')

    # get completeness polygons
    mc_shapes = mcsf.shapes()

    # set empty completeness values
    ycomp = []
    mcomp = []
    min_rmag = []
    point = Point(clon, clat)
    print(clon, clat)

    # loop through target and find point in poly
    mccompFound = False
    dist_to_comp_cent = 9999.
    for i, mc_shape in enumerate(mc_shapes):
        mc_poly = Polygon(mc_shape.points)
        mclon, mclat = get_shp_centroid(mc_shape.points)

        # check if target centroid in completeness poly
        if point.within(mc_poly) or point.touches(mc_poly):
            # get dist to centroids
            rngkm = distance(clat, clon, mclat, mclon)[0]
            if rngkm < dist_to_comp_cent:
                mccompFound = True

    # if no Mcomp model assigned, use conservative model
    if mccompFound == False:
        if dom <= 8:
            # for single-corner
            if singleCorner == 1:
                ycomp = '1980;1980'
                mcomp = '3.5;3.5'

            # for mult-corner
                ycomp = '1980;1964;1900'
                mcomp = '3.5;5.0;6.0'

        # use approx ISC-GEM completeness
            ycomp = '1975;1964;1904'
            mcomp = '5.75;6.25;7.5'

    # set rmin range
    min_rmag.append(max([3.0, float(mcomp.split(';')[0])]))

    return ycomp, mcomp, min_rmag
Esempio n. 20
def get_iris_event_data(bulk, folder, timestr, dataless, event):
    from obspy import UTCDateTime
    from obspy.clients.fdsn.client import Client
    #from obspy.fdsn import Client
    from os import path
    from numpy import nan, isnan
    from mapping_tools import distance
    Code to extract IRIS data, one station at a time.  Exports mseed file to 
    working directory
    datetime tuple fmt = (Y,m,d,H,M)
    sta = station

    fdsn_client = Client("IRIS")
    #client = Client("IRIS")
    sta = []
    #st = client.get_waveforms_bulk(bulk)
    for b in bulk:
            fname = '.'.join((timestr, b[0], b[1], 'mseed'))
            fpath = path.join(folder, fname.replace(':', '.'))

            staloc = nan
            #first, check it site is in distance and azimuthal range
            for channel in ['SHZ', 'EHZ', 'BHZ', 'HHZ', 'BNZ', 'HNZ']:
                if b[0] == 'WRAB':
                    locCode = '10'
                    locCode = '00'
                seedid = '.'.join(
                    (b[0], b[1], locCode, channel))  # e.g., 'AU.DPH.00.BNZ'
                    staloc = dataless.get_coordinates(seedid, b[4])
                    a = 1  # dummy call
                seedid = '.'.join(
                    (b[0], b[1], '', channel))  # e.g., 'AU.DPH..BNZ'
                    staloc = dataless.get_coordinates(seedid, b[4])
                    a = 1  # dummy call

            # now get distance and azimuth
            rngkm, az, baz = distance(event['lat'], event['lon'],
                                      staloc['latitude'], staloc['longitude'])
            print(rngkm, az, baz)

            getRecord = False
            if rngkm <= 2000. and az > 130. and az < 230.:
                getRecord = True
            elif rngkm <= 2000. and az > 120. and az < 240. and b[1] == 'RABL':
                getRecord = True
            elif rngkm <= 2000. and az > 120. and az < 240. and b[1] == 'PMG':
                getRecord = True

            # second, check if file exists
            #print(path.isfile(fpath), getRecord)
            if not path.isfile(fpath) and getRecord == True:
                bulk2 = [(b[0], b[1], b[2], "*", b[4], b[5])]  #,
                print('B2', bulk2)
                #                         ("AU", "AFI", "1?", "BHE",  b[4], b[5])]
                client = Client("IRIS")
                #st = client.get_waveforms_bulk(bulk2)
                st = client.get_waveforms(b[0], b[1], b[2], "*", b[4], b[5])
                 st = fdsn_client.get_waveforms(network=b[0], station=b[1], location=b[2],
                                                channel=b[3], starttime=b[4], endtime=b[5],
                st = st.merge(method=0, fill_value='interpolate')
                sta += st

                print('Writing file: ' + fpath)
                st.write(fpath, format="MSEED")
                print('File exists:', fpath)
            #return st
            print('No data for', b[0], b[1])

    return sta
Esempio n. 21
                    # prep for response spectra
                    freq, wavfft = calc_fft(, tr.stats.sampling_rate)

                    # prep for psa
                    iacc = prep_psa_simple(wavfft.real, wavfft.imag, freq, 'B')

                    # calc response spectra
                    h = 5.0  # %
                    minT = 0.1
                    maxT = 10
                    T, psa, pga = calc_response_spectra(
                        iacc, tr.stats.sampling_rate, h, minT, maxT)
                    pgv = max(abs(

                    repi = distance(pickDat['eqla'], pickDat['eqlo'],
                                    staloc['latitude'], staloc['longitude'])[0]
                    rhyp = sqrt(repi**2 + pickDat['eqdp'])
                    azim = distance(pickDat['eqla'], pickDat['eqlo'],
                                    staloc['latitude'], staloc['longitude'])[1]

                    psafilename = path.split(
                        msf[:-6])[-1] + '.' +

                    write_response_spectra(tr.stats.station, pickDat['origintime'], tr.stats.sampling_rate, \
                                           T, psa, pga, pgv, psafilename, staloc['latitude'], staloc['longitude'], \
                                           pickDat['eqla'], pickDat['eqlo'], pickDat['eqdp'], pickDat['mag'], rhyp, azim, lofreq, hifreq)

        #    print('Failed: ' + pickDat['mseed_path'])
arraowCol = ['k', '0.5', 'k', '0.5']

discLen = 150.  # km
triLen = 40.
halfTriLen = triLen / 2.
for fault, adirn, acol, in zip(faults2plot, arrowDirn, arraowCol):
    flolas = drawoneshapepoly(m, plt, sf, 'Name', fault, lw=1.5, polyline=True)

    discLon = []
    discLat = []
    discAzm = []
    remainder = discLen  #+ discLen/2.
    for poly in flolas:
        for i in range(1, len(poly[0])):
            # get dist from point 1 to point 2
            rng, az, baz = distance(poly[1][i - 1], poly[0][i - 1], poly[1][i],

            lens = arange(discLen - remainder, rng, discLen)

            # get xy locs for lens
            if len(lens) > 0:
                for l in lens:
                    discPos = reckon(poly[1][i - 1], poly[0][i - 1], l, az)

                remainder = rng - lens[-1]
                remainder += rng
# loop through events

mindist = 0
if network == 'S1':
    maxdist = 1000
    maxdist = 2200
#maxdist = 200 # already got 200 - 2200 km

# loop thru events
for ev in gadat:  #[40:]:
    dt = ev['datetime']
    # allow 2 mins pre-event - subs realised "get_iris_data" already pads by 2 mins, so have 4 mins
    dateTuple = (dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute - 2)
    # loop thru stations
    for isl in iris_sta_list:

        # check if station is open
        if isl['starttime'] <= dt and isl[
                'stoptime'] >= dt:  # and dt.year >= 2014:

            # check if in distance range
            repi = distance(ev['lat'], ev['lon'], isl['lat'], isl['lon'])[0]

            if repi >= mindist and repi <= maxdist:  # and isl['sta'].startswith('KIM'):
                st = get_iris_data(dateTuple, isl['sta'], network, durn=1800)
Esempio n. 24
fix_bval_sig = -99
bin_width = 0.1
poly = nan

# loop through coords

for x in xrng:
    for y in yrng:
        print('\n'+str(x)+' '+str(y))
        # calculate dist to all eqs
        epidist = []
        for la, lo in zip(eqla, eqlo):
           epidist.append(distance(y, x, la, lo)[0])
        epidist = array(epidist)
        # get centroid completeness
        singleCorner = 0
        src_ycomp, src_mcomp, min_rmag = get_completeness_model_point(y, x, singleCorner)
        print(src_ycomp, src_mcomp, min_rmag)
        neqs = 0
        search_rad = reskm
        while neqs < 50:
           idx = where(epidist <= search_rad)[0]
           neqs = len(idx)
           # set inputs for completeness
           mvect = eqmg[idx]
Esempio n. 25
        pt = Point(slo, sla)
        if pt.within(poly):

shlo = array(shlo)
shla = array(shla)

# plt OQ grd points
x, y = m(shlo, shla)
m.plot(x, y, '+', c='0.5', ms=10, mew=1.5)

# get points LT dist cutoff
oq_dist = []
for la, lo in zip(shla, shlo):
    oq_dist.append(distance(la, lo, loc_lat, loc_lon)[0])

# plt pts within cutoff
oq_dist = array(oq_dist)
idx = where(oq_dist <= dist_cutoff)[0]
x, y = m(shlo[idx], shla[idx])
m.plot(x, y, 'r+', ms=10, mew=1.5)

# draw cut-off boundary
cutaz = arange(0, 360, 0.5)
cutla = []
cutlo = []
for az in cutaz:
    cutlo.append(reckon(loc_lat, loc_lon, dist_cutoff, az)[0])
    cutla.append(reckon(loc_lat, loc_lon, dist_cutoff, az)[1])