def reset_to_stage(self, stage_name: AnyStr): """ Resets generation state to stage_name. Status files are overwritten new statuses according stage_name. It supposes that stages have next representation: stage1, ..., stage_mwm[country_stage_1, ..., country_stage_M], ..., stageN """ countries_statuses_paths = [ os.path.join(self.env.paths.status_path, f) for f in os.listdir(self.env.paths.status_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.env.paths.status_path, f)) and os.path.join(self.env.paths.status_path, f) != self.env.paths.main_status_path ] def set_countries_stage(st): for path in countries_statuses_paths: Status(path, st).update_status() def finish_countries_stage(): for path in countries_statuses_paths: Status(path).finish() high_level_stages = [get_stage_name(s) for s in self.runnable_stages] if not ( stage_name in high_level_stages or any(stage_name == get_stage_name(s) for s in stages.countries_stages) ): raise ContinueError(f"{stage_name} not in {', '.join(high_level_stages)}.") if not os.path.exists(self.env.paths.main_status_path): raise ContinueError( f"Status file {self.env.paths.main_status_path} not found." ) if not os.path.exists(self.env.paths.status_path): raise ContinueError(f"Status path {self.env.paths.status_path} not found.") mwm_stage_name = get_stage_name(stages.mwm_stage) stage_mwm_index = high_level_stages.index(mwm_stage_name) main_status = None if stage_name in high_level_stages[: stage_mwm_index + 1]: main_status = stage_name set_countries_stage("") elif stage_name in high_level_stages[stage_mwm_index + 1 :]: main_status = stage_name finish_countries_stage() else: main_status = get_stage_name(stages.mwm_stage) set_countries_stage(stage_name) Status(self.env.paths.main_status_path, main_status).update_status()
def apply(obj: Stage, env: "Env", country: AnyStr, *args, **kwargs): name = get_stage_name(obj) _logger = DummyObject() countries_meta = env.countries_meta if "logger" in countries_meta[country]: _logger, _ = countries_meta[country]["logger"] if not env.is_accepted_stage(stage):"{name} was not accepted.") return if "status" not in countries_meta[country]: countries_meta[country]["status"] = Status() status = countries_meta[country]["status"] status_file = os.path.join(env.paths.status_path, f"{country}.status") status.init(status_file, name) if status.need_skip(): _logger.warning(f"{name} was skipped.") return status.update_status() method(obj, env, country, *args, **kwargs)
def set_countries_stage(st): for path in countries_statuses_paths: Status(path, st).update_status()
def finish_countries_stage(): for path in countries_statuses_paths: Status(path).finish()
def __init__(self, countries: Optional[List[AnyStr]] = None, production: bool = False, build_name: Optional[AnyStr] = None, build_suffix: AnyStr = "", skipped_stages: Optional[Set[Type[Stage]]] = None, force_download_files: bool = False): self.setup_logging()"Start setup ...") os.environ["TMPDIR"] = PathProvider.tmp_dir() for k, v in self.setup_osm_tools().items(): setattr(self, k, v) self.gen_tool = self.setup_generator_tool() self.production = production self.force_download_files = force_download_files self.countries = countries self.skipped_stages = set( ) if skipped_stages is None else skipped_stages if self.countries is None: self.countries = get_all_countries_list( PathProvider.borders_path()) self.node_storage = settings.NODE_STORAGE version_format = "%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S" suffix_div = "-" dt = None if build_name is None: dt = build_name = dt.strftime(version_format) if build_suffix: build_name = f"{build_name}{suffix_div}{build_suffix}" else: s = build_name.split(suffix_div, maxsplit=1) if len(s) == 1: s.append("") date_str, build_suffix = s dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, version_format) self.build_suffix = build_suffix self.mwm_version = dt.strftime("%y%m%d") self.planet_version = dt.strftime("%s") self.build_path = os.path.join(settings.MAIN_OUT_PATH, build_name) self.build_name = build_name"Build name is {self.build_name}.")"Build path is {self.build_path}.") self.paths = PathProvider(self.build_path, self.mwm_version) Version.write(self.build_path, self.planet_version) self.setup_borders() self.setup_osm2ft() self.main_status = Status() # self.countries_meta stores log files and statuses for each country. self.countries_meta = collections.defaultdict(dict) self.subprocess_out = None self.subprocess_countries_out = {} printed_countries = ", ".join(self.countries) if len(self.countries) > 50: printed_countries = (f"{', '.join(self.countries[:25])}, ..., " f"{', '.join(self.countries[-25:])}")"The following {len(self.countries)} maps will build: " f"{printed_countries}.")"Finish setup")
class Env: """ Env provides a generation environment. It sets up instruments and paths, that are used for a maps generation. It stores state of the maps generation. """ def __init__(self, countries: Optional[List[AnyStr]] = None, production: bool = False, build_name: Optional[AnyStr] = None, build_suffix: AnyStr = "", skipped_stages: Optional[Set[Type[Stage]]] = None, force_download_files: bool = False): self.setup_logging()"Start setup ...") os.environ["TMPDIR"] = PathProvider.tmp_dir() for k, v in self.setup_osm_tools().items(): setattr(self, k, v) self.gen_tool = self.setup_generator_tool() self.production = production self.force_download_files = force_download_files self.countries = countries self.skipped_stages = set( ) if skipped_stages is None else skipped_stages if self.countries is None: self.countries = get_all_countries_list( PathProvider.borders_path()) self.node_storage = settings.NODE_STORAGE version_format = "%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S" suffix_div = "-" dt = None if build_name is None: dt = build_name = dt.strftime(version_format) if build_suffix: build_name = f"{build_name}{suffix_div}{build_suffix}" else: s = build_name.split(suffix_div, maxsplit=1) if len(s) == 1: s.append("") date_str, build_suffix = s dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, version_format) self.build_suffix = build_suffix self.mwm_version = dt.strftime("%y%m%d") self.planet_version = dt.strftime("%s") self.build_path = os.path.join(settings.MAIN_OUT_PATH, build_name) self.build_name = build_name"Build name is {self.build_name}.")"Build path is {self.build_path}.") self.paths = PathProvider(self.build_path, self.mwm_version) Version.write(self.build_path, self.planet_version) self.setup_borders() self.setup_osm2ft() self.main_status = Status() # self.countries_meta stores log files and statuses for each country. self.countries_meta = collections.defaultdict(dict) self.subprocess_out = None self.subprocess_countries_out = {} printed_countries = ", ".join(self.countries) if len(self.countries) > 50: printed_countries = (f"{', '.join(self.countries[:25])}, ..., " f"{', '.join(self.countries[-25:])}")"The following {len(self.countries)} maps will build: " f"{printed_countries}.")"Finish setup") def __getitem__(self, item): return self.__dict__[item] def get_tmp_mwm_names(self) -> List[AnyStr]: tmp_ext = ".mwm.tmp" existing_names = set() for f in os.listdir(self.paths.intermediate_tmp_path): path = os.path.join(self.paths.intermediate_tmp_path, f) if f.endswith(tmp_ext) and os.path.isfile(path): name = f.replace(tmp_ext, "") if name in self.countries: existing_names.add(name) return [c for c in self.countries if c in existing_names] def add_skipped_stage(self, stage: Union[Type[Stage], Stage]): if isinstance(stage, Stage): stage = stage.__class__ self.skipped_stages.add(stage) def is_accepted_stage(self, stage: Union[Type[Stage], Stage]) -> bool: if isinstance(stage, Stage): stage = stage.__class__ return stage not in self.skipped_stages def finish(self): self.main_status.finish() def finish_mwm(self, mwm_name: AnyStr): self.countries_meta[mwm_name]["status"].finish() def set_subprocess_out(self, subprocess_out: Any, country: Optional[AnyStr] = None): if country is None: self.subprocess_out = subprocess_out else: self.subprocess_countries_out[country] = subprocess_out def get_subprocess_out(self, country: Optional[AnyStr] = None): if country is None: return self.subprocess_out else: return self.subprocess_countries_out[country] @staticmethod def setup_logging(): def exception_handler(type, value, tb): logger.exception(f"Uncaught exception: {str(value)}", exc_info=(type, value, tb)) logging.config.dictConfig(settings.LOGGING) sys.excepthook = exception_handler @staticmethod def setup_generator_tool() -> AnyStr:"Check generator tool ...") gen_tool_path = shutil.which(settings.GEN_TOOL) if gen_tool_path is None:"Find generator tool in {settings.BUILD_PATH} ...") gen_tool_path = find_executable(settings.BUILD_PATH, settings.GEN_TOOL)"Generator found - {gen_tool_path}") return gen_tool_path @staticmethod def setup_osm_tools() -> Dict[AnyStr, AnyStr]: path = settings.OSM_TOOLS_PATH osm_tool_names = [ settings.OSM_TOOL_CONVERT, settings.OSM_TOOL_UPDATE, settings.OSM_TOOL_FILTER, ]"Check osm tools ...") if not create_if_not_exist_path(path): tmp_paths = [os.path.join(path, t) for t in osm_tool_names] if all([is_executable(t) for t in tmp_paths]): osm_tool_paths = dict(zip(osm_tool_names, tmp_paths)) f"Osm tools found - {', '.join(osm_tool_paths.values())}") return osm_tool_paths tmp_paths = [shutil.which(t) for t in osm_tool_names] if all(tmp_paths): osm_tool_paths = dict(zip(osm_tool_names, tmp_paths)) f"Osm tools found - {', '.join(osm_tool_paths.values())}") return osm_tool_paths"Build osm tools ...") return build_osmtools(settings.OSM_TOOLS_SRC_PATH) def setup_borders(self): temp_borders = self.paths.generation_borders_path # It is needed in case of rebuilding several mwms. for filename in os.listdir(temp_borders): file_path = os.path.join(temp_borders, filename) if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) elif os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) borders = PathProvider.borders_path() for x in self.countries: if x in WORLDS_NAMES: continue poly = f"{x}.poly" os.symlink(os.path.join(borders, poly), os.path.join(temp_borders, poly)) symlink_force(temp_borders, os.path.join(self.paths.draft_path, "borders")) def setup_osm2ft(self): for x in os.listdir(self.paths.osm2ft_path): p = os.path.join(self.paths.osm2ft_path, x) if os.path.isfile(p) and x.endswith(".mwm.osm2ft"): shutil.move(p, os.path.join(self.paths.mwm_path, x))
def reset_to_stage(self, stage_name: AnyStr): """ Resets generation state to stage_name. Status files are overwritten new statuses according stage_name. It supposes that stages have next representation: stage1, ..., stage_mwm[country_stage_1, ..., country_stage_M], ..., stageN """ high_level_stages = [get_stage_name(s) for s in self.runnable_stages] if not (stage_name in high_level_stages or any(stage_name == get_stage_name(s) for s in stages.countries_stages)): raise ContinueError( f"{stage_name} not in {', '.join(high_level_stages)}.") if not os.path.exists(self.env.paths.status_path): raise ContinueError( f"Status path {self.env.paths.status_path} not found.") if not os.path.exists(self.env.paths.main_status_path): raise ContinueError( f"Status file {self.env.paths.main_status_path} not found.") countries_statuses_paths = [] countries = set(self.env.countries) for f in os.listdir(self.env.paths.status_path): full_name = os.path.join(self.env.paths.status_path, f) if (os.path.isfile(full_name) and full_name != self.env.paths.main_status_path and without_stat_ext(f) in countries): countries_statuses_paths.append(full_name) def set_countries_stage(st): for path in countries_statuses_paths: Status(path, st).update_status() def finish_countries_stage(): for path in countries_statuses_paths: Status(path).finish() def index(l: List, val): try: return l.index(val) except ValueError: return -1 mwm_stage_name = get_stage_name(stages.mwm_stage) stage_mwm_index = index(high_level_stages, mwm_stage_name) main_status = None if (stage_mwm_index == -1 or stage_name in high_level_stages[:stage_mwm_index + 1]): main_status = stage_name set_countries_stage("") elif stage_name in high_level_stages[stage_mwm_index + 1:]: main_status = stage_name finish_countries_stage() else: main_status = get_stage_name(stages.mwm_stage) set_countries_stage(stage_name) Status(self.env.paths.main_status_path, main_status).update_status()