Esempio n. 1
def readpoly(fnpoly='polygon.txt'):
    f = open(fnpoly, 'r')
    txt =

    lines = txt.split("\n")
    n = int(lines[0])
    pts = []
    k = 1
    for i in range(n):
        pt = lines[k]
        pt = pt.split(' ')
        pt = map(int, pt)
        k += 1
    PTS = np.array(pts)
    xmax, ymax = np.max(PTS, axis=0)
    pts = []
    for i in range(n):
        x, y = PTS[i]
        w = h = 200
        x = mapto.MapTo(0, 0, xmax, w, x)
        y = mapto.MapTo(0, h, ymax, 0, y)
        pt = [x, y]

    m = int(lines[k])
    k += 1
    idxs = []
    for i in range(m):
        idx = int(lines[k])
        k += 1
    shape = [pts, idxs]
    return shape
Esempio n. 2
def Cone0(x1,y1,x2,y2,t,q,s,m=10,n=10):
    curve = [[0,0]]
    for i in range(m):
        ti = 1.0*i/(m-1)
        xi = mapto.MapTo(0,x1,1,x2, ti)
        yi = mapto.MapTo(0,y1,1,y2, ti)
        pt = [xi,yi]
    H = rc.RevolveCurve(curve,t,q,s, n=n, bcap=True,ecap=True)
    return H
 def D(gr, f):
     for j in range(h):
         for i in range(w):
             x = mapto.MapTo(0, 0, w - 1, 1, i)
             y = mapto.MapTo(0, 0, h - 1, 1, j)
             l = f([x, y])
             if l == '0':
                 color = [255, 0, 0]
                 color = [0, 0, 255]
             gr.canvas[j, i, :] = color
Esempio n. 4
def F2im(F, w, h):
    # Implicit function F(x,y) to image
    im = np.zeros((h, w))
    xlo = 0
    xhi = w
    ylo = 0
    yhi = h
    for j in range(h):
        y = mapto.MapTo(ylo, 0, yhi, h - 1, j)
        for i in range(w):
            x = mapto.MapTo(xlo, 0, xhi, w - 1, i)
            im[j, i] = F(x, y)
    return im
Esempio n. 5
def ElevationMap0(im, w, h, d, m=10):
    n = m
    H1 = gra.Gnm(m, n)
    pts = []
    F = []
    N = []

    sh = im.shape
    hh = sh[1]
    ww = sh[0]
    sz = max(hh, ww)
    sh = (sz, sz)
    im = cv2.resize(im, sh)
    hh, ww = im.shape
    I = list(range(0, ww, int(ww / m)))
    J = list(range(0, hh, int(hh / n)))
    for j in J:
        y = mapto.MapTo(0, -h / 2., n - 1, h / 2., j)
        for i in I:
            x = mapto.MapTo(0, -w / 2., m - 1, w / 2., i)
            z = im[j, i]
            pt = [x, y, z * d]
    H1['pts'] = pts
    idx = lambda u, v: v + n * u
    for tup in H1['object']:
        u, v = tup
        u1 = u
        u2 = clamp(u1 + 1, 0, m - 1)
        v1 = v
        v2 = clamp(v1 + 1, 0, n - 1)
        a1 = idx(u1, v1)
        a2 = idx(u2, v1)
        a3 = idx(u2, v2)
        a4 = idx(u1, v2)
        f = [a1, a2, a3, a4]  # rectangle
        f1 = [a1, a2, a3]  # triangle
        f2 = [a1, a3, a4]  # triangle
        #print f
        A, B, C = [H1['pts'][v] for v in f1]
        N1 = FaceNormalABC(A, B, C)
        A, B, C = [H1['pts'][v] for v in f2]
        N2 = FaceNormalABC(A, B, C)
    H1['N'] = N
    H1['F'] = F
    return H1
Esempio n. 6
def CreateGridGeometry(doc, w, h):
    Create a grid geometry of pts size n x n

    It assumes a doc["object"] attribute containing
    (u,v) the u,v coordinate of a vertex.
    doc2 = deepcopy(doc)
    doc2["pts"] = []
    umax, vmax = max(doc["object"])
    for obj in doc2["object"]:
        u, v = obj
        x = w / 2.0 + mapto.MapTo(umax / 2.0, w / 2.0, umax, w, u)
        y = h / 2.0 + mapto.MapTo(vmax / 2.0, h / 2.0, vmax, h, v)
        z = 0
        pt = [x, y, z]
        pt = map(int, map(round, pt))
    return doc2
Esempio n. 7
def interpolation(x, X, Y):
    if x <= X[0]:
        return Y[0]
    elif x >= X[-1]:
        return Y[-1]
        i = 0
        while X[i] < x:
            i += 1
        return mapto.MapTo(X[i - 1], Y[i - 1], X[i], Y[i], x)
 def D(gr, f):
     for j in range(h):
         for i in range(w):
             x = mapto.MapTo(0, 0, w - 1, 1, i)
             y = mapto.MapTo(0, 0, h - 1, 1, j)
             u2 = fmod(2 * x, 1)
             v2 = fmod(2 * y, 1)
             u1 = fmod(4 * x, 1)
             v1 = fmod(4 * y, 1)
             l = f([u2, v2, u1, v1])
             if l == '0':
                 color = [255, 0, 0]
             elif l == '1':
                 color = [0, 255, 0]
             elif l == '2':
                 color = [0, 0, 255]
                 color = [0, 0, 0]
             gr.canvas[j, i, :] = color
Esempio n. 9
def CreateCircleGeometry(doc, cx, cy, cz, r):
    doc2 = deepcopy(doc)
    doc2["pts"] = []
    n = len(doc2["V"])
    for i in range(n):
        theta = mapto.MapTo(0, 0, n, 2 * pi, i)
        x = cx + r * cos(theta)
        y = cy + r * sin(theta)
        z = 0
        pt = [x, y, z]
    return doc2
Esempio n. 10
def SaveKern(fn, im):
    print "Saving file...", fn
    h, w = im.shape
    im *= w * h
    min0 = np.min(im)
    max0 = np.max(im)
    im2 = np.ones((h, w), dtype='uint8') * 255
    for j in range(h):
        for i in range(w):
            val = im[j, i]
            im2[j, i] = int(mapto.MapTo(min0, 0, max0, 255, val))
    cv2.imwrite(fn, im2)
    return im2
Esempio n. 11
def Ellipsoid(rx,ry,t,q,s,m=10,n=10):
    curve = [[0,0]]
    a,b = [0,0]
    for i in range(m):
        val = 1.0*i/(m-1)
        ti = mapto.MapTo(0,-pi/2., 1,pi/2., val) # pi = 180 degrees only half circle
        xi =  a + rx*cos(ti)
        yi =  b + ry*sin(ti)
        pt = [xi,yi]

    H = rc.RevolveCurve(curve,t,q,s, n=n, bcap=True,ecap=True)
    return H
Esempio n. 12
def TableLeg(height,radius1,radius2,n=10,m=10):
    h = height
    r1 = radius1
    r2 = radius2
    curve = []
    x0 = 0
    for i in range(1,m-1):
        r = mapto.MapTo(0,r1,m-1,r2,i)
        xi = r
        yi = mapto.MapTo(0,0,m-1,h,i)
        pt = [xi,yi]
    yi = mapto.MapTo(0,0,m-1,h,.1)
    curve = [[0,yi]]+curve+[[0,height]]

    # Assume curve has symmetry y-axis
    x0 = curve[0][0]
    x_min = min(map(lambda pt: pt[0]-x0,curve))
    x_max = max(map(lambda pt: pt[0]-x0,curve))
    y_min = min(map(lambda pt: pt[1],curve))
    y_max = max(map(lambda pt: pt[1],curve))
    poly_wb = deepcopy(curve)

    pts = map(lambda pt: [0,pt[1],0], poly_wb)
    y_min = min(map(lambda pt: pt[1],poly_wb))
    y_max = max(map(lambda pt: pt[1],poly_wb))
    doc = g.Cn(n)
    cx,cy,cz = [0,0,0]
    r0 = 1.
    doc1 = rc.CreateCircleGeometry(doc,cx,cy,cz,r0)

    spath = []
    path = []
    pti = poly_wb[0]
    xi,yi = pti
    yi_last = yi
    dx = x_max-x_min
    dy = y_max-y_min
    epsilon = 1e-4
    if abs(dx) > epsilon:
        aspect = 1.*dy/dx
        aspect = 1.*dx/dy

    for i in range(len(poly_wb)):
        pti = poly_wb[i]
        xi,yi = pti
        r = abs(xi - x0)
        dy = yi-yi_last
        epsilon = .1
        if abs(dy) > epsilon:
        yi_last = yi

    degrees = 90+180
    axis = [0,1,0]
    q0 = aff.HH.rotation_quaternion(degrees,axis[0],axis[1],axis[2])
    q = q0
    t = [0,0,-height*.4]
    s = [1,1,1]
    C = aff.Center(path)
    pts = aff.Translate(path,-C[0],-C[1],-C[2],align=False)
    pts = aff.Rotate(pts,q,align=False)
    pts = aff.Scale(pts, s[0],s[1],s[2],align=False)
    pts = aff.Translate(pts,t[0],t[1],t[2],align=False)
    path = pts
    #path = [[0,0,0],[10,1,0],[20,4,0],[30,9,0]]
    H = ext.Extrusion0(doc1,path,spath)
    return H
def MassSpectrometer(I, show=True):
    # W,H used in calculation of measurement
    W = 600
    H = 600
    if show:
        gr = racg.Graphics(w=W, h=H)
    E0 = 0
    B0 = 2  # light amplitude
    lam = 5  # light wavelength
    black = [0, 0, 0]
    blue = [0, 0, 255]
    pt_last = [0, 300]
    direction = 1  # direction y-axis or -(y-axis)
    #print "Press 'e' to exit"
    tmax = 55  # time units maximum
    Z = 0
    while I.t <= tmax:
        # make direction change periodically
        direction = 1
        r = I.x
        # Screen transformation of r -> [x,y,z]
        xmin = -10
        xmax = 10
        ymin = -10
        ymax = 10
        x = mapto.MapTo(xmin, 0, xmax, W, r[0])
        y = mapto.MapTo(ymin, 0, ymax, H, r[1])
        z = 0
        # Projective Transformation of [x,y,z] -> [x2,y2]
        pt = [x - W / 2, y]
        #print pt,r
        if show:
            gr.Line(pt, pt_last, color=blue)
        sW = 0.5
        P = [W * sW, 0]
        Q = [W * sW, H]
        if show:
            gr.Line(P, Q, color=black)
        flag, X, Y = li.SegmentIntersect(
            pt_last[1],  # segment 1
        s = "Y = %.2f" % (Y)
        if show:
            gr.Text(s, X + 10, Y, black)
        pt_last = pt
        if show:
            if fmod(I.t, 0.1) < 0.001:
                ch = gr.Show("result", 5)
            if ch == ord('e'):
        E, B = EMfield(I.t, lam, E0, B0)
        F = LorenzForce(I.q, I.v, E, B)
        if flag:
            Z = Y
            if show:
                m0 = finv(Z) * I.q
                s = "mass m = %.3f" % (m0)
                gr.Text(s, X + 10, Y - 25, black)
            if show:
                gr.Show("result", -1)
    if show:
    return Z
Esempio n. 14
   "\"\">\n" +\
   "<svg width=\"12cm\" height=\"12cm\" viewBox=\"0 0 1200 1200\"\n" +\
   "xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\">\n" +\

PolylineFill = lambda s,pts,color="black" : "<polyline fill=\""+s+\
        "\" stroke=\""+color+"\" stroke-width=\"1\"\npoints=\""+\
 reduce(lambda t,pt: t+WritePoint(pt[0],pt[1]),pts,"") + "\"/>"
Polyline = lambda pts, color="black": PolylineFill("none", pts, color)

Ender = "</svg>"
xa = 0
xb = 1200
ya = 0
yb = 1200
Screen_x = lambda x: int(mapto.MapTo(xa, 0, xb, scr_x_max, x))
Screen_y = lambda x: int(mapto.MapTo(ya, 0, yb, scr_y_max, x))
Coord_x = lambda x: int(mapto.MapTo(0, xa, scr_x_max, xb, x))
Coord_y = lambda x: int(mapto.MapTo(0, ya, scr_y_max, yb, x))
Drawline = lambda A, B, color="black": Polyline(
    [map(Screen_x, A), map(Screen_y, B)], color)

def EllipseFill(s, pt, ra, rb, color="black"):
    x, y = pt
    t = range(101)
    xx = map(lambda a: ra * cos(2 * pi * a / 100) + x, t)
    yy = map(lambda a: rb * sin(2 * pi * a / 100) + y, t)
    pts = map(list, zip(xx, yy))
    return PolylineFill(s, pts, color)
q = JA.Solve_q(Xdd)
X = np.array(pt_mouse)
X_last = np.array(P.Start())
us = 1 # microsecond
# [1] Wikipedia "Pulse Width Modulation"
# [2] Wikipedia "Servo Control"
# Angle of Servo Motor Joint depends on how long
# a pulse is sent every 50Hz or 20ms. 0 degrees 1500 us
# -90 degrees is 1000 us and 90 degrees is 2000 us.
# YouTube videos have control set by DutyCycle say
# for example between -90 as 2% and +90 as 12% duty cycles
# on Raspberry Pi using an example servo, and via degrees
# with Arduino
DC_lo = 2 # 2 percent duty cycle
DC_hi = 12 # 12 percent duty cycle
T = lambda x: mapto.MapTo(-90,DC_lo,90,DC_hi,clamp(-90,90,x))
while True:
    G = P.Graph()
    s = "ServoPWM=[%.2fDC,%.2fDC,%.2fDC]" % tuple(map(T,list(JA.q)))
    ch = gr.Show("result",15)
    if ch == ord('e'):

    q = JA.Solve_q(Xdd)
    # Set Robot Arm to Joint Parameters q
    P.Theta = list(q)
    X = np.array(pt_mouse)
 a = idxs[i]
 b = idxs[(i + 1) % len(idxs)]
 if b != 0:
     pts0 = pts[a:b]
     pts0 = pts[a:]
 n0 = len(pts0)
 v = 3
 for j in range(int(n0 / v) + 1):
     if j == n0 / v:
         z = z_up
         z = z_down
     x, y = pts0[(v * j) % n0]
     a = 1
     x = w / 4 + mapto.MapTo(0, 0, 200, 300, x)
     y = h / 3 + mapto.MapTo(0, 300, 200, 0, y)
     # map canvas [0,200]x[0,200] to gr canvas
     # [0,200]x[300,500]
     C = [x, y, z]
     G = P.Graph()
     A = P.Start()
     if A[2] <= z_thresh and A_last[2] <= z_thresh:
         gr.Line(A_last[:2], A[:2], blue)
     im_pre = deepcopy(gr.canvas)
     PlotGraph(gr, G, black)
     A_last = deepcopy(A)
     theta1 = fmod(P.Theta[0], 360)
     theta2 = fmod(P.Theta[1], 360)
     theta3 = fmod(P.Theta[2], 360)
     d = P.Theta[3]