Esempio n. 1
def plot2D(result,par1,par2, 
           colorMap = getColorMap(), 
            labelSize = 15,
            fontSize = 10,
            axisHandle = None):
    This function constructs a 2 dimensional marginal plot of the posterior
    density. This is the same plot as it is displayed in plotBayes in an
    unmodifyable way.

    The result struct is passed as result.
    par1 and par2 should code the two parameters to plot:
        0 = threshold
        1 = width
        2 = lambda
        3 = gamma
        4 = eta
    Further plotting options may be passed.
    from utils import strToDim
    # convert strings to dimension number
    par1,label1 = strToDim(str(par1))
    par2,label2 = strToDim(str(par2))

    assert (par1 != par2), 'par1 and par2 must be different numbers to code for the parameters to plot'
    if axisHandle == None:
        axisHandle = plt.gca()
    except TypeError:
        raise ValueError('Invalid axes handle provided to plot in.')

    marg, _, _ = marginalize(result, np.array([par1, par2]))
    if par1 > par2 :
        marg = marg.T

    if 1 in marg.shape:
        if len(result['X1D'][par1])==1:
        e = [result['X1D'][par2][0], result['X1D'][par2][-1], \
             result['X1D'][par1][0], result['X1D'][par1][-1]]
        plt.imshow(marg, extent = e)
        plt.ylabel(label1,fontsize = labelSize)
        plt.xlabel(label2,fontsize = labelSize)
    for side in ['top','right']: axisHandle.spines[side].set_visible(False)
Esempio n. 2
def moveBorders(data,options):
    move parameter-boundaries to save computing power 
    function borders=moveBorders(data, options)
    this function evaluates the likelihood on a much sparser, equally spaced
    grid definded by mbStepN and moves the borders in so that that 
    marginals below tol are taken away from the borders.
    this is meant to save computing power by not evaluating the likelihood in
    areas where it is practically 0 everywhere.
    borders = []
    tol = options['maxBorderValue']
    d = options['borders'].shape[0]
    MBresult = {'X1D':[]}
    ''' move borders out
    should our borders be to tight, e.g. the distribution does not go to zero
    at the borders we move them out until this is the case. 
    TODO it was disabled in MATLAB version. What to do with it?
    ''' move borders inwards '''
    for idx in range(0,d):
        if (len(options['mbStepN']) >= idx and options['mbStepN'][idx] >= 2 
            and options['borders'][idx,0] != options['borders'][idx,1]) :
            MBresult['X1D'].append(np.linspace(options['borders'][idx,0], options['borders'][idx,1], options['mbStepN'][idx]))
            if (options['borders'][idx,0] != options['borders'][idx,1] and options['expType'] != 'equalAsymptote'):
                warnings.warn('MoveBorders: You set only one evaluation for moving the borders!') 
            MBresult['X1D'].append( np.array([0.5*np.sum(options['borders'][idx])]))        
    MBresult['weight'] = getWeights(MBresult['X1D'])
    #kwargs = {'alpha': None, 'beta':None , 'lambda': None,'gamma':None , 'varscale':None }
    MBresult['Posterior'] = likelihood(data, options, MBresult['X1D'])[0] 
    integral = sum(np.reshape(MBresult['Posterior'], -1) * np.reshape(MBresult['weight'], -1))
    MBresult['Posterior'] /= integral

    borders = np.zeros([d,2])    
    for idx in range(0,d):
        (L1D,x,w) = marginalize(MBresult, np.array([idx]))
        x1 = x[np.max([np.where(L1D*w >= tol)[0][0] - 1, 0])]
        x2 = x[np.min([np.where(L1D*w >= tol)[0][-1]+1, len(x)-1])]
        borders[idx,:] = [x1,x2]
    return borders
Esempio n. 3
def moveBorders(data,options):
    move parameter-boundaries to save computing power 
    function borders=moveBorders(data, options)
    this function evaluates the likelihood on a much sparser, equally spaced
    grid definded by mbStepN and moves the borders in so that that 
    marginals below tol are taken away from the borders.
    this is meant to save computing power by not evaluating the likelihood in
    areas where it is practically 0 everywhere.
    borders = []
    tol = options.maxBorderValue
    d = options.borders.shape[0]
    MBresult =  lambda: 0
    ''' move borders out
    should our borders be to tight, e.g. the distribution does not go to zero
    at the borders we move them out until this is the case. 
    TODO it was disabled in MATLAB version. What to do with it?
    ''' move borders inwards '''
    for idx in range(0,d):
        if (len(options.mbStepN) >= idx and options.mbStepN[idx] >= 2 
            and options.borders[idx,0] != options.borders[idx,1]) :
            MBresult.X1D[idx] = np.linspace(options.borders[idx,0], options.borders[idx,1], options.mbStepN[idx])
            if (options.borders[idx,0] != options.borders[idx,1] and options.expType != 'equalAsymptote'):
                warnings.warn('MoveBorders: You set only one evaluation for moving the borders!') 
            MBresult.X1D[idx] = 0.5*np.sum(options.borders[idx])            
    MBresult.weight = getWeights(MBresult.X1D)
    MBresult.Posterior = likelihood(data, options, MBresult.X1D) # TODO check!
    integral = sum(MBresult.Posterior[:] * MBresult.weight[:])
    MBresult.Posterior /= integral

    borders = np.zeros([d,2])    
    for idx in range(0,d):
        (L1D,x,w) = marginalize(MBresult, idx)
        x1 = x[np.max(np.where(L1D*w >= tol)[0] - 1, 1)]
        x2 = x[np.min(np.where(L1D*w >= tol)[-1]+1, len(x))]
        borders[idx,:] = [x1,x2]
    return borders
Esempio n. 4
def plotBayes(result, cmap = getColorMap()):

    plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
    if result['options']['expType'] == 'equalAsymptote':
        result['X1D'][3] = 0

    for ix in range(0,4):
        for jx in range(ix+1,5):
            marg, _, _ = marginalize(result,np.array([ix,jx]))
            e = [result['X1D'][jx][0], result['X1D'][jx][-1], \
                 result['X1D'][ix][0], result['X1D'][ix][-1] ]
            if marg.ndim == 1:
                marg = np.reshape(marg, [-1, 1])
                if len(result['X1D'][ix]) != 1:
                    plt.imshow(marg, extent = e)    
                    plt.imshow(marg.transpose(), extent = e)
                plt.imshow(marg, extent = e)
            # axis labels
            if ix == 0:
            elif ix == 1:
            elif ix == 2:
            elif ix == 3:
            if jx == 0:
            elif jx == 1:
            elif jx == 2:
            elif jx == 3:
            elif jx == 4:
Esempio n. 5
def moveBorders(data,options):
    move parameter-boundaries to save computing power 
    function borders=moveBorders(data, options)
    this function evaluates the likelihood on a much sparser, equally spaced
    grid definded by mbStepN and moves the borders in so that that 
    marginals below tol are taken away from the borders.
    this is meant to save computing power by not evaluating the likelihood in
    areas where it is practically 0 everywhere.
    borders = []
    tol = options['maxBorderValue']
    d = options['borders'].shape[0]
    MBresult = {'X1D':[]}
    ''' move borders inwards '''
    for idx in range(0,d):
        if (len(options['mbStepN']) >= idx and options['mbStepN'][idx] >= 2 
            and options['borders'][idx,0] != options['borders'][idx,1]) :
            MBresult['X1D'].append(np.linspace(options['borders'][idx,0], options['borders'][idx,1], options['mbStepN'][idx]))
            if (options['borders'][idx,0] != options['borders'][idx,1] and options['expType'] != 'equalAsymptote'):
                warnings.warn('MoveBorders: You set only one evaluation for moving the borders!') 
            MBresult['X1D'].append( np.array([0.5*np.sum(options['borders'][idx])]))        
    MBresult['weight'] = getWeights(MBresult['X1D'])
    #kwargs = {'alpha': None, 'beta':None , 'lambda': None,'gamma':None , 'varscale':None }
    MBresult['Posterior'] = likelihood(data, options, MBresult['X1D'])[0] 
    integral = sum(np.reshape(MBresult['Posterior'], -1) * np.reshape(MBresult['weight'], -1))
    MBresult['Posterior'] /= integral

    borders = np.zeros([d,2])    
    for idx in range(0,d):
        (L1D,x,w) = marginalize(MBresult, np.array([idx]))
        x1 = x[np.max([np.where(L1D*w >= tol)[0][0] - 1, 0])]
        x2 = x[np.min([np.where(L1D*w >= tol)[0][-1]+1, len(x)-1])]
        borders[idx,:] = [x1,x2]
    return borders
Esempio n. 6
def psignifitCore(data, options):
    This is the Core processing of psignifit, call the frontend psignifit!
    function result=psignifitCore(data,options)
    Data nx3 matrix with values [x, percCorrect, NTrials]

    sigmoid should be a handle to a function, which accepts
    X,parameters as inputs and gives back a value in [0,1]. ideally
    parameters(1) should correspond to the threshold and parameters(2) to
    the width (distance containing 95% of the function.
    d = len(options['borders'])
    result = {'X1D': [], 'marginals': [], 'marginalsX': [], 'marginalsW': []}
    '''Choose grid dynamically from data'''
    if options['dynamicGrid']:
        # get seed from linear regression with logit transform
        Seed = getSeed(data,options)
        # further optimize the logliklihood to obtain a good estimate of the MAP
        if options['expType'] == 'YesNo':
            calcSeed = lambda X: -l.logLikelihood(data, options, X[0], X[1], X[2], X[3], X[4])
            Seed = scipy.optimize.fmin(func=calcSeed, x0 = Seed)
        elif options['expType'] == 'nAFC':
            calcSeed = lambda X: -l.logLikelihood(data, options, X[0], X[1], X[2], 1/options['expN'], X[3])
            Seed = scipy.optimize.fmin(func=calcSeed, x0 = [Seed[0:2], Seed[4]])
            Seed = [Seed[0:2], 1/options['expN'], Seed[3]] #ToDo check whether row or colum vector
        result['X1D'] = gridSetting(data,options, Seed) 
    else: # for types which do not need a MAP estimate
        if (options['gridSetType'] == 'priorlike' or options['gridSetType'] == 'STD'
            or options['gridSetType'] == 'exp' or options['gridSetType'] == '4power'):
                result['X1D'] = gridSetting(data,options) 
        else: # Use a linear grid
            for idx in range(0,d):
                # If there is an actual Interval
                if options['borders'][idx, 0] < options['borders'][idx,1]: 
                    result['X1D'].append(np.linspace(options['borders'][idx,0], options['borders'][idx,1],
                # if parameter was fixed
    '''Evaluate likelihood and form it into a posterior'''
    (result['Posterior'], result['logPmax']) = l.likelihood(data, options, result['X1D'])
    result['weight'] = getWeights(result['X1D'])
    integral = np.sum(np.array(result['Posterior'][:])*np.array(result['weight'][:]))
    result['Posterior'] = result['Posterior']/integral
    result['integral'] = integral
    '''Compute marginal distributions'''
    for idx in range(0,d):
        m, mX, mW = marginalize(result, np.array([idx]))
    result['marginals'] = np.squeeze(result['marginals'])
    result['marginalsX'] = np.squeeze(result['marginalsX'])
    result['marginalsW'] = np.squeeze(result['marginalsW'])
    '''Find point estimate'''
    if (options['estimateType'] in ['MAP','MLE']):
        # get MLE estimate
        #start at most likely grid point
        index = np.where(result['Posterior'] == np.max(result['Posterior'].ravel()))
        Fit = np.zeros([d,1])
        for idx in range(0,d):
            Fit[idx] = result['X1D'][idx][index[idx]] 
        if options['expType'] == 'YesNo':
            fun = lambda X, f: -l.logLikelihood(data, options, [X[0],X[1],X[2],X[3],X[4]])
            x0 = deepcopy(Fit)
            a = None
        elif options['expType'] == 'nAFC':
            #def func(X,f):
            #    return -l.logLikelihood(data,options, [X[0], X[1], X[2], f, X[3]])
            #fun = func
            fun = lambda X, f:  -l.logLikelihood(data,options, [X[0], X[1], X[2], f, X[3]])
            x0 = deepcopy(Fit[0:3]) # Fit[3]  is excluded
            x0 = np.append(x0,deepcopy(Fit[4]))
            a = np.array([1/options['expN']])
        elif options['expType'] == 'equalAsymptote':
            fun = lambda X, f: -l.logLikelihood(data,options,[X[0], X[1], X[2], f, X[3]])
            x0 = deepcopy(Fit[0:3])
            x0 = np.append(x0,deepcopy(Fit[4]))
            a =  np.array([np.nan])
            raise ValueError('unknown expType')
        if options['fastOptim']:           
            Fit = scipy.optimize.fmin(fun, x0, args = (a,), xtol=0, ftol = 0, maxiter = 100, maxfun=100)
            warnings.warn('changed options for optimization')
            Fit = scipy.optimize.fmin(fun, x0, args = (a,), disp = True)
        if options['expType'] == 'YesNo':
            result['Fit'] = deepcopy(Fit)
        elif options['expType'] == 'nAFC': 
            fit = deepcopy(Fit[0:3])
            fit = np.append(fit, np.array([1/options['expN']]))
            fit = np.append(fit, deepcopy(Fit[3]))
            result['Fit'] = fit
        elif options['expType'] =='equalAsymptote':
            fit = deepcopy(Fit[0:3])
            fit = np.append(fit, Fit[2])
            fit = np.append(fit, Fit[3])
            result['Fit'] = fit
            raise ValueError('unknown expType')
        par_idx = np.where(np.isnan(options['fixedPars']) == False)
        for idx in par_idx:
            result['Fit'][idx] = options['fixedPars'][idx]
    elif options['estimateType'] == 'mean':
        # get mean estimate
        Fit = np.zeros([d,1])
        for idx in range[0:d]:
            Fit[idx] = np.sum(result['marginals'][idx]*result['marginalsW'][idx]*result['marginalsX'][idx])
        result['Fit'] = deepcopy(Fit)
        Fit = np.empty(Fit.shape)
    '''Include input into result'''
    result['options'] = options # no copies here, because they are not changing
    result['data'] = data
    '''Compute confidence intervals'''
    if ~options['fastOptim']:
        result['conf_Intervals'] = getConfRegion(result)
    return result
Esempio n. 7
import sys
from marginalize import marginalize
import models


tm = models.TM('data/tm', MAX_PHRASE_OPTIONS)
lm = models.LM('data/lm')
spanishSentences = [tuple(line.strip().split()) for line in open('data/input', 'r')]
bestSentScores = [-9999 for i in range(0,55)]
bestSent = ['' for i in range(0, 55)]

for fileName in sys.argv[1:]:
    for sentNum, enSent in enumerate(open(fileName, 'r')):
        score = marginalize(spanishSentences[sentNum], enSent, lm, tm)
        if score > bestSentScores[sentNum]:
            bestSentScores[sentNum] = score
            bestSent[sentNum] = enSent
for sent in bestSent:
    print sent.strip()
Esempio n. 8
def psignifitCore(data, options):
    This is the Core processing of psignifit, call the frontend psignifit!
    function result=psignifitCore(data,options)
    Data nx3 matrix with values [x, percCorrect, NTrials]

    sigmoid should be a handle to a function, which accepts
    X,parameters as inputs and gives back a value in [0,1]. ideally
    parameters(1) should correspond to the threshold and parameters(2) to
    the width (distance containing 95% of the function.
    d = len(options['borders'])
    result = {'X1D': [], 'marginals': [], 'marginalsX': [], 'marginalsW': []}
    '''Choose grid dynamically from data'''
    if options['dynamicGrid']:
        # get seed from linear regression with logit transform
        Seed = getSeed(data,options)
        # further optimize the logliklihood to obtain a good estimate of the MAP
        if options['expType'] == 'YesNo':
            calcSeed = lambda X: -_l.logLikelihood(data, options, X[0], X[1], X[2], X[3], X[4])
            Seed = scipy.optimize.fmin(func=calcSeed, x0 = Seed)
        elif options['expType'] == 'nAFC':
            calcSeed = lambda X: -_l.logLikelihood(data, options, X[0], X[1], X[2], 1/options['expN'], X[3])
            Seed = scipy.optimize.fmin(func=calcSeed, x0 = [Seed[0:2], Seed[4]])
            Seed = [Seed[0:2], 1/options['expN'], Seed[3]] #ToDo check whether row or colum vector
        result['X1D'] = gridSetting(data,options, Seed) 
    else: # for types which do not need a MAP estimate
        if (options['gridSetType'] == 'priorlike' or options['gridSetType'] == 'STD'
            or options['gridSetType'] == 'exp' or options['gridSetType'] == '4power'):
                result['X1D'] = gridSetting(data,options) 
        else: # Use a linear grid
            for idx in range(0,d):
                # If there is an actual Interval
                if options['borders'][idx, 0] < options['borders'][idx,1]: 
                    result['X1D'].append(np.linspace(options['borders'][idx,0], options['borders'][idx,1],
                # if parameter was fixed
    '''Evaluate likelihood and form it into a posterior'''
    (result['Posterior'], result['logPmax']) = _l.likelihood(data, options, result['X1D'])
    result['weight'] = getWeights(result['X1D'])
    integral = np.sum(np.array(result['Posterior'][:])*np.array(result['weight'][:]))
    result['Posterior'] = result['Posterior']/integral
    result['integral'] = integral
    '''Compute marginal distributions'''
    for idx in range(0,d):
        m, mX, mW = marginalize(result, np.array([idx]))
    result['marginals'] = np.squeeze(result['marginals'])
    result['marginalsX'] = np.squeeze(result['marginalsX'])
    result['marginalsW'] = np.squeeze(result['marginalsW'])
    '''Find point estimate'''
    if (options['estimateType'] in ['MAP','MLE']):
        # get MLE estimate
        #start at most likely grid point
        index = np.where(result['Posterior'] == np.max(result['Posterior'].ravel()))
        Fit = np.zeros([d,1])
        for idx in range(0,d):
            Fit[idx] = result['X1D'][idx][index[idx]] 
        if options['expType'] == 'YesNo':
            fun = lambda X, f: -_l.logLikelihood(data, options, [X[0],X[1],X[2],X[3],X[4]])
            x0 = _deepcopy(Fit)
            a = None
        elif options['expType'] == 'nAFC':
            #def func(X,f):
            #    return -_l.logLikelihood(data,options, [X[0], X[1], X[2], f, X[3]])
            #fun = func
            fun = lambda X, f:  -_l.logLikelihood(data,options, [X[0], X[1], X[2], f, X[3]])
            x0 = _deepcopy(Fit[0:3]) # Fit[3]  is excluded
            x0 = np.append(x0,_deepcopy(Fit[4]))
            a = np.array([1/options['expN']])
        elif options['expType'] == 'equalAsymptote':
            fun = lambda X, f: -_l.logLikelihood(data,options,[X[0], X[1], X[2], f, X[3]])
            x0 = _deepcopy(Fit[0:3])
            x0 = np.append(x0,_deepcopy(Fit[4]))
            a =  np.array([np.nan])
            raise ValueError('unknown expType')
        if options['fastOptim']:           
            Fit = scipy.optimize.fmin(fun, x0, args = (a,), xtol=0, ftol = 0, maxiter = 100, maxfun=100)
            warnings.warn('changed options for optimization')
            Fit = scipy.optimize.fmin(fun, x0, args = (a,), disp = False)
        if options['expType'] == 'YesNo':
            result['Fit'] = _deepcopy(Fit)
        elif options['expType'] == 'nAFC': 
            fit = _deepcopy(Fit[0:3])
            fit = np.append(fit, np.array([1/options['expN']]))
            fit = np.append(fit, _deepcopy(Fit[3]))
            result['Fit'] = fit
        elif options['expType'] =='equalAsymptote':
            fit = _deepcopy(Fit[0:3])
            fit = np.append(fit, Fit[2])
            fit = np.append(fit, Fit[3])
            result['Fit'] = fit
            raise ValueError('unknown expType')
        par_idx = np.where(np.isnan(options['fixedPars']) == False)
        for idx in par_idx[0]:
            result['Fit'][idx] = options['fixedPars'][idx]
    elif options['estimateType'] == 'mean':
        # get mean estimate
        Fit = np.zeros([d,1])
        for idx in range[0:d]:
            Fit[idx] = np.sum(result['marginals'][idx]*result['marginalsW'][idx]*result['marginalsX'][idx])
        result['Fit'] = _deepcopy(Fit)
        Fit = np.empty(Fit.shape)
    '''Include input into result'''
    result['options'] = options # no copies here, because they are not changing
    result['data'] = data
    '''Compute confidence intervals'''
    if ~options['fastOptim']:
        result['conf_Intervals'] = getConfRegion(result)
    return result
Esempio n. 9
def getConfRegion(result):
    mode = result['options']['CImethod']
    d = len(result['X1D'])
    ''' get confidence intervals for each parameter --> marginalize'''
    conf_Intervals = np.zeros((d,2, len(result['options']['confP'])))
    confRegion = 0
    i = 0
    for iConfP in result['options']['confP']:
#        if nargout> 1 or mode == 'project':
        if mode == 'project':
            order = np.array(result['Posterior'][:]).argsort()[::-1]
            Mass = result['Posterior']*result['weight']
            Mass = np.cumsum(Mass[order])        

            confRegion = np.reshape(np.array([True]*np.size(result['Posterior']),result['Posterior'].shape))            
            confRegion[order[Mass >= iConfP]] = False  
            for idx in range(0,d):
                confRegionM = confRegion
                for idx2 in range(0,d):
                    if idx != idx2:
                        confRegionM = np.any(confRegionM,idx2)
                start = result['X1D'][idx].flatten().nonzero()[0][0]  
                stop = result['X1D'][idx].flatten().nonzero()[0][-1]
                conf_Intervals[idx,:,i] = [start,stop]
        elif mode == 'stripes':
            for idx in range(0,d):
                (margin, x, weight1D) = marginalize(result, idx)
                order = np.array(margin).argsort()[::-1]
                Mass = margin*weight1D
                MassSort = np.cumsum(Mass[order])
                #find smallest possible percentage above confP
                confP1 = min(MassSort[MassSort > iConfP])
                confRegionM = np.reshape(np.array([True]*np.size(margin),np.shape(margin)))
                confRegionM[order[MassSort>confP1]] = False
                Now we have the confidence regions
                put the borders between the nearest contained and the first
                not contained point
                we move in from the outer points to collect the half of the
                leftover confidence from each side
                startIndex = confRegionM.flatten().nonzero()[0][0]
                pleft = confP1 - iConfP
                if startIndex >1:
                    start = (x[startIndex]+x[startIndex-1])/2
                    start += pleft/2/margin[startIndex]
                    start = x[startIndex]
                    pleft *= 2
                stopIndex = confRegionM.flatten().nonzero()[0][-1]
                if stopIndex < len(x):
                    stop = (x[stopIndex]+x[stopIndex+1])/2
                    stop -= pleft/2/margin[stopIndex]
                    stop = x[stopIndex]
                    if startIndex > 1:
                        start += pleft/2/margin[startIndex]
                conf_Intervals[idx,:,i] = [start,stop]
        elif mode == 'percentiles':
            for idx in range(0,d):
                (margin, x, weight1D) = marginalize(result, idx)
                if len(x) == 1:
                    start = x[0]
                    stop = x[0]
                    Mass = margin*weight1D
                    cumMass = np.cumsum(Mass)
                    confRegionM = np.logical_and(cumMass > (1-iConfP)/2,cumMass < (1-(1-iConfP)/2))
                    if any(confRegionM):
                        alpha = (1-iConfP)/2
                        startIndex = confRegionM.flatten().nonzero()[0][0]
                        if startIndex > 1:
                            start = (x[startIndex-1]+x[startIndex])/2 + (alpha-cumMass[startIndex-1])/margin[startIndex]
                            start = x[startIndex] + alpha/margin[startIndex]
                        stopIndex = confRegionM.flatten().nonzero()[0][-1]
                        if stopIndex < len(x):
                            stop = (x[stopIndex]+x[stopIndex+1])/2 + (1-alpha-cumMass[stopIndex])/margin[stopIndex+1]
                            stop = x[stopIndex] - alpha/margin[stopIndex]
                        cumMass_greq_iConfP = np.array(cumMass > (1-iConfP)/2)
                        index = cumMass_greq_iConfP.flatten().nonzero()[0][0]
                        MMid = cumMass[index] -Mass[index]/2
                        start = x[index] + ((1-iConfP)/2 - MMid)/margin[index]
                        stop = x[index] + ((1-(1-iConfP)/2)-MMid)/margin[index]
                conf_Intervals[idx,:,i] = np.array([start, stop])
            raise ValueError('You specified an invalid mode')
        i += 1
    return conf_Intervals
Esempio n. 10
def getConfRegion(result):

    mode = result['options']['CImethod']
    d = len(result['X1D'])
    ''' get confidence intervals for each parameter --> marginalize'''
    conf_Intervals = np.zeros((d, 2, len(result['options']['confP'])))
    confRegion = 0
    i = 0
    for iConfP in result['options']['confP']:

        if mode == 'project':
            order = np.array(result['Posterior'][:]).argsort()[::-1]
            Mass = result['Posterior'] * result['weight']
            Mass = np.cumsum(Mass[order])

            confRegion = np.reshape(
                np.array([True] * np.size(result['Posterior']),
            confRegion[order[Mass >= iConfP]] = False
            for idx in range(0, d):
                confRegionM = confRegion
                for idx2 in range(0, d):
                    if idx != idx2:
                        confRegionM = np.any(confRegionM, idx2)
                start = result['X1D'][idx].flatten().nonzero()[0][0]
                stop = result['X1D'][idx].flatten().nonzero()[0][-1]
                conf_Intervals[idx, :, i] = [start, stop]
        elif mode == 'stripes':
            for idx in range(0, d):
                (margin, x, weight1D) = marginalize(result, idx)
                order = np.array(margin).argsort()[::-1]

                Mass = margin * weight1D
                MassSort = np.cumsum(Mass[order])
                #find smallest possible percentage above confP
                confP1 = min(MassSort[MassSort > iConfP])
                confRegionM = np.reshape(
                    np.array([True] * np.size(margin), np.shape(margin)))
                confRegionM[order[MassSort > confP1]] = False
                Now we have the confidence regions
                put the borders between the nearest contained and the first
                not contained point
                we move in from the outer points to collect the half of the
                leftover confidence from each side
                startIndex = confRegionM.flatten().nonzero()[0][0]
                pleft = confP1 - iConfP
                if startIndex > 1:
                    start = (x[startIndex] + x[startIndex - 1]) / 2
                    start += pleft / 2 / margin[startIndex]
                    start = x[startIndex]
                    pleft *= 2

                stopIndex = confRegionM.flatten().nonzero()[0][-1]
                if stopIndex < len(x):
                    stop = (x[stopIndex] + x[stopIndex + 1]) / 2
                    stop -= pleft / 2 / margin[stopIndex]
                    stop = x[stopIndex]
                    if startIndex > 1:
                        start += pleft / 2 / margin[startIndex]
                conf_Intervals[idx, :, i] = [start, stop]
        elif mode == 'percentiles':
            for idx in range(0, d):
                (margin, x, weight1D) = marginalize(result, idx)
                if len(x) == 1:
                    start = x[0]
                    stop = x[0]
                    Mass = margin * weight1D
                    cumMass = np.cumsum(Mass)

                    confRegionM = np.logical_and(
                        cumMass > (1 - iConfP) / 2, cumMass <
                        (1 - (1 - iConfP) / 2))
                    if any(confRegionM):
                        alpha = (1 - iConfP) / 2
                        startIndex = confRegionM.flatten().nonzero()[0][0]
                        if startIndex > 0:
                            start = (x[startIndex - 1] + x[startIndex]) / 2 + (
                                alpha -
                                cumMass[startIndex - 1]) / margin[startIndex]
                            start = x[startIndex] + alpha / margin[startIndex]

                        stopIndex = confRegionM.flatten().nonzero()[0][-1]
                        if stopIndex < len(x):
                            stop = (x[stopIndex] + x[stopIndex + 1]) / 2 + (
                                1 - alpha -
                                cumMass[stopIndex]) / margin[stopIndex + 1]
                            stop = x[stopIndex] - alpha / margin[stopIndex]
                        cumMass_greq_iConfP = np.array(
                            cumMass > (1 - iConfP) / 2)
                        index = cumMass_greq_iConfP.flatten().nonzero()[0][0]
                        MMid = cumMass[index] - Mass[index] / 2
                        start = x[index] + (
                            (1 - iConfP) / 2 - MMid) / margin[index]
                        stop = x[index] + (
                            (1 - (1 - iConfP) / 2) - MMid) / margin[index]
                conf_Intervals[idx, :, i] = np.array([start, stop])

            raise ValueError('You specified an invalid mode')

        i += 1
    return conf_Intervals
Esempio n. 11
def plot2D(result,
    This function constructs a 2 dimensional marginal plot of the posterior
    density. This is the same plot as it is displayed in plotBayes in an
    unmodifyable way.

    The result struct is passed as result.
    par1 and par2 should code the two parameters to plot:
        0 = threshold
        1 = width
        2 = lambda
        3 = gamma
        4 = eta
    Further plotting options may be passed.
    from utils import strToDim
    # convert strings to dimension number
    par1, label1 = strToDim(str(par1))
    par2, label2 = strToDim(str(par2))

    assert (
        par1 != par2
    ), 'par1 and par2 must be different numbers to code for the parameters to plot'

    if axisHandle == None:
        axisHandle = plt.gca()

    except TypeError:
        raise ValueError('Invalid axes handle provided to plot in.')


    marg, _, _ = marginalize(result, np.array([par1, par2]))

    if par1 > par2:
        marg = marg.T

    if 1 in marg.shape:
        if len(result['X1D'][par1]) == 1:
            plotMarginal(result, par2)
            plotMarginal(result, par2)
        e = [result['X1D'][par2][0], result['X1D'][par2][-1], \
             result['X1D'][par1][0], result['X1D'][par1][-1]]
        plt.imshow(marg, extent=e)
        plt.ylabel(label1, fontsize=labelSize)
        plt.xlabel(label2, fontsize=labelSize)

    plt.tick_params(direction='out', right='off', top='off')
    for side in ['top', 'right']:
    plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(-2, 4))
    if (showImediate):