def random_notes():
    """Chose a random note every 6250 samples"""
    marimba = Marimba()
    audio = Audio(30)
    len_audio = len(audio) - 50000

    tick = 0
    while tick < len_audio:
        note = marimba.get_random_note()
        audio.add(tick, note)
        tick += 6250

def random_notes_2():
    """Choose 100 random notes and put them in random locations throughout the duration of the audio containing the original samples"""
    marimba = Marimba()
    audio = Audio(30)
    len_audio = len(audio) - 50000
    n_notes = 100
    for i in range(n_notes):
        print '\t', i, 'of', n_notes
        note = marimba.get_random_note()
        start = np.random.randint(len_audio)

        audio.add(start, note)

def microtonal_experiment_1():
    print 'Running microtonal_experiment_1...'
    marimba = Marimba()

    audio = Audio(30)

    # the marimba recordings have a duration of 50000 samples.
    # Don't start a recording within 50000 samples of the end of the audio
    len_audio = len(audio) - 50000

    print len_audio

    n_notes = 100
    for i in range(n_notes):
        print '\t', i, 'of', n_notes
        note = marimba.get_random_note(cents=True)
        start = np.random.randint(len_audio)

        audio.add(start, note)

    print 'Done running microtonal_experiment_1.'