Esempio n. 1
    def testHistogramExecution(self):
        rs = np.random.RandomState(0)

        raw = rs.randint(10, size=(20,))
        a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=3)
        raw_weights = rs.random(20)
        weights = tensor(raw_weights, chunk_size=4)

        # range provided
        for range_ in [(0, 10), (3, 11), (3, 7)]:
            bin_edges = histogram(a, range=range_)[0]
            result = self.executor.execute_tensor(bin_edges)[0]
            expected = np.histogram(raw, range=range_)[0]
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

        for wt in (raw_weights, weights):
            for density in (True, False):
                bins = [1, 4, 6, 9]
                bin_edges = histogram(a, bins=bins, weights=wt, density=density)[0]
                result = self.executor.execute_tensor(bin_edges)[0]
                expected = np.histogram(
                    raw, bins=bins, weights=raw_weights, density=density)[0]
                np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, expected)

        this = self

        class MockSession:
            def __init__(self):
                self.executor = this.executor

        ctx = LocalContext(MockSession())
        executor = ExecutorForTest('numpy', storage=ctx)
        with ctx:
            raw2 = rs.randint(10, size=(1,))
            b = tensor(raw2)
            raw3 = rs.randint(10, size=(0,))
            c = tensor(raw3)
            for t, r in [(a, raw), (b, raw2), (c, raw3), (sort(a), raw)]:
                for density in (True, False):
                    test_bins = [10, 'stone', 'auto', 'doane', 'fd',
                                 'rice', 'scott', 'sqrt', 'sturges']
                    for bins in test_bins:
                        hist = histogram(t, bins=bins, density=density)[0]

                        if r.size > 0:
                            with self.assertRaises(TilesError):

                        result = executor.execute_tensors([hist])[0]
                        expected = np.histogram(r, bins=bins, density=density)[0]
                        np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

                    test_bins = [[0, 4, 8], tensor([0, 4, 8], chunk_size=2)]
                    for bins in test_bins:
                        hist = histogram(t, bins=bins, density=density)[0]
                        result = executor.execute_tensors([hist])[0]
                        expected = np.histogram(r, bins=[0, 4, 8], density=density)[0]
                        np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)
Esempio n. 2
    def testHistogramBinEdgesExecution(self):
        rs = np.random.RandomState(0)

        raw = rs.randint(10, size=(20,))
        a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=3)

        # range provided
        for range_ in [(0, 10), (3, 11), (3, 7)]:
            bin_edges = histogram_bin_edges(a, range=range_)
            result = self.executor.execute_tensor(bin_edges)[0]
            expected = np.histogram_bin_edges(raw, range=range_)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

        this = self

        class MockSession:
            def __init__(self):
                self.executor = this.executor

        ctx = LocalContext(MockSession())
        executor = ExecutorForTest('numpy', storage=ctx)
        with ctx:
            raw2 = rs.randint(10, size=(1,))
            b = tensor(raw2)
            raw3 = rs.randint(10, size=(0,))
            c = tensor(raw3)
            for t, r in [(a, raw), (b, raw2), (c, raw3), (sort(a), raw)]:
                test_bins = [10, 'stone', 'auto', 'doane', 'fd',
                             'rice', 'scott', 'sqrt', 'sturges']
                for bins in test_bins:
                    bin_edges = histogram_bin_edges(t, bins=bins)

                    if r.size > 0:
                        with self.assertRaises(TilesError):

                    result = executor.execute_tensors([bin_edges])[0]
                    expected = np.histogram_bin_edges(r, bins=bins)
                    np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

                test_bins = [[0, 4, 8], tensor([0, 4, 8], chunk_size=2)]
                for bins in test_bins:
                    bin_edges = histogram_bin_edges(t, bins=bins)
                    result = executor.execute_tensors([bin_edges])[0]
                    expected = np.histogram_bin_edges(r, bins=[0, 4, 8])
                    np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

            raw = np.arange(5)
            a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=3)
            bin_edges = histogram_bin_edges(a)
            result = executor.execute_tensors([bin_edges])[0]
            expected = np.histogram_bin_edges(raw)
            self.assertEqual(bin_edges.shape, expected.shape)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)
Esempio n. 3
def test_topk():
    raw = np.random.rand(20)
    a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=10)

    t = topk(a, 2)
    t = tile(t)
    assert t.op.parallel_kind == 'tree'

    t = topk(a, 3)
    t = tile(t)
    assert t.op.parallel_kind == 'psrs'

    t = topk(sort(a), 3)
    t = tile(t)
    # k is less than 100
    assert t.op.parallel_kind == 'tree'

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        topk(a, 3, parallel_kind='unknown')
Esempio n. 4
    def testTopk(self):
        raw = np.random.rand(20)
        a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=10)

        t = topk(a, 2)
        t = t.tiles()
        self.assertEqual(t.op.parallel_kind, 'tree')

        t = topk(a, 3)
        t = t.tiles()
        self.assertEqual(t.op.parallel_kind, 'psrs')

        t = topk(sort(a), 3)
        t = t.tiles()
        # k is less than 100
        self.assertEqual(t.op.parallel_kind, 'tree')

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            topk(a, 3, parallel_kind='unknown')
Esempio n. 5
def test_histogram_bin_edges_execution(setup):
    rs = np.random.RandomState(0)

    raw = rs.randint(10, size=(20, ))
    a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=6)

    # range provided
    for range_ in [(0, 10), (3, 11), (3, 7)]:
        bin_edges = histogram_bin_edges(a, range=range_)
        result = bin_edges.execute().fetch()
        expected = np.histogram_bin_edges(raw, range=range_)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

    raw2 = rs.randint(10, size=(1, ))
    b = tensor(raw2)
    raw3 = rs.randint(10, size=(0, ))
    c = tensor(raw3)
    for t, r in [(a, raw), (b, raw2), (c, raw3), (sort(a), raw)]:
        test_bins = [
            10, 'stone', 'auto', 'doane', 'fd', 'rice', 'scott', 'sqrt',
        for bins in test_bins:
            bin_edges = histogram_bin_edges(t, bins=bins)
            result = bin_edges.execute().fetch()
            expected = np.histogram_bin_edges(r, bins=bins)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

        test_bins = [[0, 4, 8], tensor([0, 4, 8], chunk_size=2)]
        for bins in test_bins:
            bin_edges = histogram_bin_edges(t, bins=bins)
            result = bin_edges.execute().fetch()
            expected = np.histogram_bin_edges(r, bins=[0, 4, 8])
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

        raw = np.arange(5)
        a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=3)
        bin_edges = histogram_bin_edges(a)
        result = bin_edges.execute().fetch()
        expected = np.histogram_bin_edges(raw)
        assert bin_edges.shape == expected.shape
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)
Esempio n. 6
def test_sort():
    a = tensor(np.random.rand(10, 10), chunk_size=(5, 10))

    sa = sort(a)
    assert type(sa.op).__name__ == 'TensorSort'

    sa = tile(sa)

    assert len(sa.chunks) == 2
    for c in sa.chunks:
        assert type(c.op).__name__ == 'TensorSort'
        assert type(c.inputs[0].op).__name__ == 'ArrayDataSource'

    a = tensor(np.random.rand(100), chunk_size=(10))

    sa = sort(a)
    assert type(sa.op).__name__ == 'TensorSort'

    sa = tile(sa)

    for c in sa.chunks:
        assert type(c.op).__name__ == 'PSRSShuffle'
        assert c.op.stage == OperandStage.reduce
        assert c.shape == (np.nan, )

    a = tensor(np.empty((10, 10), dtype=[('id', np.int32),
                                         ('size', np.int64)]),
               chunk_size=(10, 5))
    sa = sort(a)
    assert sa.op.order == ['id', 'size']

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        sort(a, order=['unknown_field'])

    with pytest.raises(np.AxisError):
        sort(np.random.rand(100), axis=1)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        sort(np.random.rand(100), kind='non_valid_kind')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        sort(np.random.rand(100), parallel_kind='non_valid_parallel_kind')

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        sort(np.random.rand(100), psrs_kinds='non_valid_psrs_kinds')

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        sort(np.random.rand(100), psrs_kinds=['quicksort'] * 2)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        sort(np.random.rand(100), psrs_kinds=['non_valid_kind'] * 3)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        sort(np.random.rand(100), psrs_kinds=[None, None, None])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        sort(np.random.rand(100), psrs_kinds=['quicksort', 'mergesort', None])
Esempio n. 7
    def testHistogramExecution(self):
        rs = np.random.RandomState(0)

        raw = rs.randint(10, size=(20, ))
        a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=3)
        raw_weights = rs.random(20)
        weights = tensor(raw_weights, chunk_size=4)

        # range provided
        for range_ in [(0, 10), (3, 11), (3, 7)]:
            bin_edges = histogram(a, range=range_)[0]
            result = self.executor.execute_tensor(bin_edges)[0]
            expected = np.histogram(raw, range=range_)[0]
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

        for wt in (raw_weights, weights):
            for density in (True, False):
                bins = [1, 4, 6, 9]
                bin_edges = histogram(a,
                result = self.executor.execute_tensor(bin_edges)[0]
                expected = np.histogram(raw,
                np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, expected)

        ctx, executor = self._create_test_context(self.executor)
        with ctx:
            raw2 = rs.randint(10, size=(1, ))
            b = tensor(raw2)
            raw3 = rs.randint(10, size=(0, ))
            c = tensor(raw3)
            for t, r in [(a, raw), (b, raw2), (c, raw3), (sort(a), raw)]:
                for density in (True, False):
                    test_bins = [
                        10, 'stone', 'auto', 'doane', 'fd', 'rice', 'scott',
                        'sqrt', 'sturges'
                    for bins in test_bins:
                        hist = histogram(t, bins=bins, density=density)[0]

                        if r.size > 0:
                            with self.assertRaises(TilesError):

                        result = executor.execute_tensors([hist])[0]
                        expected = np.histogram(r, bins=bins,
                        np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

                    test_bins = [[0, 4, 8], tensor([0, 4, 8], chunk_size=2)]
                    for bins in test_bins:
                        hist = histogram(t, bins=bins, density=density)[0]
                        result = executor.execute_tensors([hist])[0]
                        expected = np.histogram(r,
                                                bins=[0, 4, 8],
                        np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

            # test unknown shape
            raw4 = rs.rand(10)
            d = tensor(raw4, chunk_size=3)
            d = d[d < 0.9]
            hist = histogram(d)
            result = executor.execute_tensors(hist)[0]
            expected = np.histogram(raw4[raw4 < 0.9])[0]
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

            raw5 = np.arange(3, 10)
            e = arange(10, chunk_size=3)
            e = e[e >= 3]
            hist = histogram(e)
            result = executor.execute_tensors(hist)[0]
            expected = np.histogram(raw5)[0]
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)
Esempio n. 8
    def testSort(self):
        a = tensor(np.random.rand(10, 10), chunk_size=(5, 10))

        sa = sort(a)
        self.assertEqual(type(sa.op).__name__, 'TensorSort')

        sa = sa.tiles()

        self.assertEqual(len(sa.chunks), 2)
        for c in sa.chunks:
            self.assertEqual(type(c.op).__name__, 'TensorSort')
            self.assertEqual(type(c.inputs[0].op).__name__, 'ArrayDataSource')

        a = tensor(np.random.rand(100), chunk_size=(10))

        sa = sort(a)
        self.assertEqual(type(sa.op).__name__, 'TensorSort')

        sa = sa.tiles()

        for c in sa.chunks:
            self.assertEqual(type(c.op).__name__, 'PSRSShuffle')
            self.assertEqual(c.op.stage, OperandStage.reduce)
            self.assertEqual(c.shape, (np.nan, ))

        a = tensor(np.empty((10, 10),
                            dtype=[('id', np.int32), ('size', np.int64)]),
                   chunk_size=(10, 5))
        sa = sort(a)
        self.assertSequenceEqual(sa.op.order, ['id', 'size'])

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            sort(a, order=['unknown_field'])

        with self.assertRaises(np.AxisError):
            sort(np.random.rand(100), axis=1)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            sort(np.random.rand(100), kind='non_valid_kind')

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            sort(np.random.rand(100), parallel_kind='non_valid_parallel_kind')

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            sort(np.random.rand(100), psrs_kinds='non_valid_psrs_kinds')

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            sort(np.random.rand(100), psrs_kinds=['quicksort'] * 2)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            sort(np.random.rand(100), psrs_kinds=['non_valid_kind'] * 3)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            sort(np.random.rand(100), psrs_kinds=[None, None, None])

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                 psrs_kinds=['quicksort', 'mergesort', None])
Esempio n. 9
def test_histogram_execution(setup):
    rs = np.random.RandomState(0)

    raw = rs.randint(10, size=(20, ))
    a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=6)
    raw_weights = rs.random(20)
    weights = tensor(raw_weights, chunk_size=8)

    # range provided
    for range_ in [(0, 10), (3, 11), (3, 7)]:
        bin_edges = histogram(a, range=range_)[0]
        result = bin_edges.execute().fetch()
        expected = np.histogram(raw, range=range_)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

    for wt in (raw_weights, weights):
        for density in (True, False):
            bins = [1, 4, 6, 9]
            bin_edges = histogram(a, bins=bins, weights=wt, density=density)[0]
            result = bin_edges.execute().fetch()
            expected = np.histogram(raw,
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, expected)

    raw2 = rs.randint(10, size=(1, ))
    b = tensor(raw2)
    raw3 = rs.randint(10, size=(0, ))
    c = tensor(raw3)
    for t, r in [(a, raw), (b, raw2), (c, raw3), (sort(a), raw)]:
        for density in (True, False):
            test_bins = [
                10, 'stone', 'auto', 'doane', 'fd', 'rice', 'scott', 'sqrt',
            for bins in test_bins:
                hist = histogram(t, bins=bins, density=density)[0]
                result = hist.execute().fetch()
                expected = np.histogram(r, bins=bins, density=density)[0]
                np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

            test_bins = [[0, 4, 8], tensor([0, 4, 8], chunk_size=2)]
            for bins in test_bins:
                hist = histogram(t, bins=bins, density=density)[0]
                result = hist.execute().fetch()
                expected = np.histogram(r, bins=[0, 4, 8], density=density)[0]
                np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

        # test unknown shape
        raw4 = rs.rand(10)
        d = tensor(raw4, chunk_size=6)
        d = d[d < 0.9]
        hist = histogram(d)
        result = hist.execute().fetch()[0]
        expected = np.histogram(raw4[raw4 < 0.9])[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)

        raw5 = np.arange(3, 10)
        e = arange(10, chunk_size=6)
        e = e[e >= 3]
        hist = histogram(e)
        result = hist.execute().fetch()[0]
        expected = np.histogram(raw5)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)
Esempio n. 10
    def testSortExecution(self):
        # only 1 chunk when axis = -1
        raw = np.random.rand(100, 10)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=10)

        sx = sort(x)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw))

        # 1-d chunk
        raw = np.random.rand(100)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=10)

        sx = sort(x)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw))

        # structured dtype
        raw = np.empty(100, dtype=[('id', np.int32), ('size', np.int64)])
        raw['id'] = np.random.randint(1000, size=100, dtype=np.int32)
        raw['size'] = np.random.randint(1000, size=100, dtype=np.int64)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=10)

        sx = sort(x, order=['size', 'id'])

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw, order=['size', 'id']))

        # test flatten case
        raw = np.random.rand(10, 10)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=5)

        sx = sort(x, axis=None)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw, axis=None))

        # test multi-dimension
        raw = np.random.rand(10, 100)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=(2, 10))

        sx = sort(x, psrs_kinds=['quicksort'] * 3)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw))

        raw = np.random.rand(10, 99)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=(2, 10))

        sx = sort(x)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw))

        # test 3-d
        raw = np.random.rand(20, 25, 28)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=(10, 5, 7))

        sx = sort(x)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw))

        sx = sort(x, axis=0)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw, axis=0))

        sx = sort(x, axis=1)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw, axis=1))

        # test multi-dimension with structured type
        raw = np.empty((10, 100), dtype=[('id', np.int32), ('size', np.int64)])
        raw['id'] = np.random.randint(1000, size=(10, 100), dtype=np.int32)
        raw['size'] = np.random.randint(1000, size=(10, 100), dtype=np.int64)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=(3, 10))

        sx = sort(x)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw))

        sx = sort(x, order=['size', 'id'])

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw, order=['size', 'id']))

        sx = sort(x, order=['size'])

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw, order=['size']))

        sx = sort(x, axis=0, order=['size', 'id'])

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
            res, np.sort(raw, axis=0, order=['size', 'id']))

        raw = np.random.rand(10, 12)
        a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=(5, 4))

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(a, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(raw, axis=1))


        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(a, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.sort(np.sort(raw, axis=1),
Esempio n. 11
    def testPartitionExecution(self):
        # only 1 chunk when axis = -1
        raw = np.random.rand(100, 10)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=10)

        px = partition(x, [1, 8])

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.partition(raw, [1, 8]))

        # 1-d chunk
        raw = np.random.rand(100)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=10)

        kth = np.random.RandomState(0).randint(-100, 100, size=(10, ))
        px = partition(x, kth)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res[kth], np.partition(raw, kth)[kth])

        # structured dtype
        raw = np.empty(100, dtype=[('id', np.int32), ('size', np.int64)])
        raw['id'] = np.random.randint(1000, size=100, dtype=np.int32)
        raw['size'] = np.random.randint(1000, size=100, dtype=np.int64)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=10)

        px = partition(x, kth, order=['size', 'id'])

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
            np.partition(raw, kth, order=['size', 'id'])[kth])

        # test flatten case
        raw = np.random.rand(10, 10)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=5)

        px = partition(x, kth, axis=None)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
                                      np.partition(raw, kth, axis=None)[kth])

        # test multi-dimension
        raw = np.random.rand(10, 100)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=(2, 10))

        kth = np.random.RandomState(0).randint(-10, 10, size=(3, ))
        px = partition(x, kth)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res[:, kth],
                                      np.partition(raw, kth)[:, kth])

        raw = np.random.rand(10, 99)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=(2, 10))

        px = partition(x, kth)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res[:, kth],
                                      np.partition(raw, kth)[:, kth])

        # test 3-d
        raw = np.random.rand(20, 25, 28)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=(10, 5, 7))

        kth = np.random.RandomState(0).randint(-28, 28, size=(3, ))
        px = partition(x, kth)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res[:, :, kth],
                                      np.partition(raw, kth)[:, :, kth])

        kth = np.random.RandomState(0).randint(-20, 20, size=(3, ))
        px = partition(x, kth, axis=0)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
                                      np.partition(raw, kth, axis=0)[kth])

        kth = np.random.RandomState(0).randint(-25, 25, size=(3, ))
        px = partition(x, kth, axis=1)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res[:, kth],
                                      np.partition(raw, kth, axis=1)[:, kth])

        # test multi-dimension with structured type
        raw = np.empty((10, 100), dtype=[('id', np.int32), ('size', np.int64)])
        raw['id'] = np.random.randint(1000, size=(10, 100), dtype=np.int32)
        raw['size'] = np.random.randint(1000, size=(10, 100), dtype=np.int64)
        x = tensor(raw, chunk_size=(3, 10))

        kth = np.random.RandomState(0).randint(-100, 100, size=(10, ))
        px = partition(x, kth)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res[:, kth],
                                      np.partition(raw, kth)[:, kth])

        px = partition(x, kth, order=['size', 'id'])

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
            res[:, kth],
            np.partition(raw, kth, order=['size', 'id'])[:, kth])

        px = partition(x, kth, order=['size'])

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
            res[:, kth],
            np.partition(raw, kth, order=['size'])[:, kth])

        kth = np.random.RandomState(0).randint(-10, 10, size=(5, ))
        px = partition(x, kth, axis=0, order=['size', 'id'])

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
            np.partition(raw, kth, axis=0, order=['size', 'id'])[kth])

        raw = np.random.rand(10, 12)
        a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=(5, 4))
        kth = np.random.RandomState(0).randint(-12, 12, size=(2, ))
        a.partition(kth, axis=1)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(a, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res[:, kth],
                                      np.partition(raw, kth, axis=1)[:, kth])

        kth = np.random.RandomState(0).randint(-10, 10, size=(2, ))
        a.partition(kth, axis=0)

        raw_base = res
        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(a, concat=True)[0]
                                      np.partition(raw_base, kth, axis=0)[kth])

        # test kth which is tensor
        raw = np.random.rand(10, 12)
        a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=(3, 5))
        kth = (mt.random.rand(5) * 24 - 12).astype(int)

        px = partition(a, kth)
        sx = sort(a)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
        kth_res = self.executor.execute_tensor(kth, concat=True)[0]
        sort_res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res[:, kth_res], sort_res[:, kth_res])

        a = tensor(raw, chunk_size=(10, 12))
        kth = (mt.random.rand(5) * 24 - 12).astype(int)

        px = partition(a, kth)
        sx = sort(a)

        res = self.executor.execute_tensor(px, concat=True)[0]
        kth_res = self.executor.execute_tensor(kth, concat=True)[0]
        sort_res = self.executor.execute_tensor(sx, concat=True)[0]
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res[:, kth_res], sort_res[:, kth_res])