Esempio n. 1
class JobResponseSchema(ResponseSchema):
    job_id = fields.UUID(attribute="type_uuid")
    status = fields.Integer()
    step_number = fields.Integer()
    total_steps = fields.Integer()
    result_ref = fields.Url(required=False, allow_none=True, missing=None)
    error = fields.String(required=False, allow_none=True)
    job_ref = fields.Function(
        lambda job: f"{constants.URLBASE}/jobs/{job.type_uuid}")
class RevRegUpdateTailsFileUriSchema(OpenAPISchema):
    """Request schema for updating tails file URI."""

    tails_public_uri = fields.Url(
        description="Public URI to the tails file",
Esempio n. 3
class BuildInfoSchema(Schema):

    build_id = fields.String(required=True)
    build_status = fields.String(required=True)

    build_url = fields.Url(required=False, allow_none=True)
    build_log_url = fields.Url(required=False, allow_none=True)

    ocp_info = fields.Nested(OCPSchema, required=False)

    first_timestamp = fields.DateTime(required=False)
    last_timestamp = fields.DateTime(required=False)

    log_level = fields.Integer(required=False)

    def make_build_info(self, data: dict) -> BuildInfo:
        return BuildInfo(**data)
Esempio n. 4
class InvoiceSchema(BaseSchema):
    Schema class for the :class:`Invoice` class
    __model__ = Invoice

    id = fields.Integer()
    """int: |NAMI| id"""
    reDatum = fields.DateTime()
    """:class:`~datetime.datetime`: Date of the invoice"""
    reCreated = fields.DateTime()
    """:class:`~datetime.datetime`: Creation date of the invoice"""
    reNr = fields.String()
    """str: Official invoice number"""
    status = fields.String()
    """str: If the invoice has been released"""
    debitor = fields.String()
    """str: Id of the debitor"""
    freigabeDatum = fields.DateTime()
    """:class:`~datetime.datetime`: When the invoice was released"""
    debitor_document_id = fields.Integer()
    """int: Some other internal id"""
    rechnungsLauf = fields.Integer()
    """int: Internal invoice number"""
    displayName = fields.String()
    """str: Human-readable string describing the invoice"""
    debitorName = fields.String()
    """str: Debitor, e.g. a group"""
    einzugsDatum = fields.DateTime()
    """:class:`~datetime.datetime`: Date of money collection"""
    zahlungsweise = fields.String()
    """str: Way of payment (e.g. ``'Lastschrift'``)"""
    zahlungsweiseId = fields.String()
    """str: Id of the way of payment (e.g. ``'LASTSCHRIFT'``)"""
    pdf = fields.Url(relative=True)
    """str: Relative download |URL|"""
    debitorKonto = fields.String()
    """str: Some account id"""
    erloesKtoName = fields.String(allow_none=True)
    """str: This may be empty"""
    total = fields.String()
    """str: Total amount"""
    currency = fields.String()
    """str: Currency (e.g. ``'EUR'``)"""
    def get_download_url(self, data, **kwargs):
        Extract the |HTML| enclosed |URL| string from the pdf download field

            data (dict): Data dictionary

            dict: The updated data dictionary
        data['pdf'] = extract_url(data['pdf'])
        return data
Esempio n. 5
class TestingFieldsSchema(Schema):
    integer = fields.Integer()
    float = fields.Float()
    boolean = fields.Boolean()
    datetime = fields.DateTime()
    timedelta = fields.TimeDelta()
    dictionary = fields.Dict()
    url = fields.Url()
    email = fields.Email()
Esempio n. 6
class AssetSchema(BaseSchema):
    """Schema to store information about an asset."""

    href = fields.Url(required=True)
    title = fields.String()
    description = fields.String()
    type_ = fields.String(data_key="type", attribute="type")
    roles = fields.List(fields.String())
    name = fields.String(required=True)  # Asset's dict key
Esempio n. 7
class TaskSchema(ma.Schema):
    id = fields.String(dump_only=True)
    url = fields.Url(required=True)
    email = fields.Email()

    def create_task(self, data):
        data['id'] = get_task_id()
        return data
Esempio n. 8
class DaoCreateCategorySchema(Schema):
    description = fields.Str(
        validate=[validate.Length(min=1, max=80)]
    url = fields.Url(required=True)
    challenge = fields.Integer(
Esempio n. 9
class OutputEntitySchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Str()
    url = fields.Url()
    salience = fields.Float()
    name = fields.Str()
    type = fields.Str()

    def make_object(self, data):
        return OutputEntity(**data)
Esempio n. 10
class NewLinkRequestSchema(Schema):
    url = fields.Url(required=True, relative=False, schemes=["http", "https"])

    def validate_cycle(self, url):
        if not self.context.get("app_host"):
        parts = urlparse(url)
        if parts.hostname == self.context["app_host"]:
            raise ValidationError("Cannot store URL to own host.")
Esempio n. 11
 def test_url_field_deserialization(self):
     field = fields.Url()
     assert field.deserialize('') == ''
     with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
     assert excinfo.value.args[0][0] == 'Not a valid URL.'
     # Relative URLS not allowed by default
     with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
     assert excinfo.value.args[0][0] == 'Not a valid URL.'
Esempio n. 12
class SendRequestSchema(Schema):
    _sendto = fields.Email(required=True)
    _replyto = fields.Email(allow_none=True)
    _next = fields.Url(allow_none=True)
    _subject = fields.String(allow_none=True)
    _cc = fields.String(allow_none=True)
    _gotcha = fields.String(allow_none=True)

    class Meta:
        unknown = INCLUDE
Esempio n. 13
class RepositorySchema(Schema):
    class Meta:
        ordered = True

    type = fields.String(required=True)
    location = fields.Url(required=True)

    def make(self, data):
        return Repository(**data)
Esempio n. 14
class ArticleSchema(Schema):
    url = fields.Url(required=True)
    body = fields.Str(required=True)
    title = fields.Str(required=True)
    authors = fields.List(fields.Str(required=True))
    videos = fields.List(fields.Str(required=True))
    images = fields.List(fields.Str(required=True))
    keywords = fields.List(fields.Str(required=True))
    tags = fields.List(fields.Str(required=True))
    summary = fields.Str(required=True)
Esempio n. 15
class JobSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.UUID(dump_only=True)
    start_time = fields.DateTime(dump_only=True)
    end_time = fields.DateTime(dump_only=True, allow_none=True)
    status = fields.Str(dump_only=True, allow_none=True)
    details = fields.Str(dump_only=True, allow_none=True)
    type = fields.Str(dump_only=True, allow_none=True)
    url = fields.Url(dump_only=True, allow_none=True)
    user = fields.Str(dump_only=True, allow_none=True)
    settings = fields.Dict()
Esempio n. 16
class JobSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Int(dump_only=True)
    url = fields.Url()
    image = fields.Url()
    title_job = fields.Str()
    company = fields.Str()
    location = fields.Str()
    posted = fields.Str()
    contents = fields.Str()
    contents_text = fields.Str()

    concepts = fields.Str()
    keywords = fields.Str()
    created_at = fields.DateTime()

    applicants = fields.List(
        fields.Nested("ApplicantSchema", exclude=("job", )))
    overall_score = fields.Nested("OverallScoreSchema", exclude=("job", ))
    user = fields.Nested("UserSchema", only=("id", "email"))
Esempio n. 17
class NewsItemSchema(Schema):
    title = fields.Str(data_key='title')
    summary = fields.Str(data_key='summary')
    category = fields.Str(required=False, data_key='category')
    # pub_date = fields.DateTime(format='rfc822', data_key='published')
    link = fields.Url(data_key='link')

    def make_feed(self, data):
        return NewsItem(**data)
Esempio n. 18
class EndpointSchema(Schema):
    Configuration for a REST or RESTish endpoint
    url = fields.Url()
    timeout = fields.Int()

    def make_object(self, data):
        return Endpoint(**data)
Esempio n. 19
class OSRelease(Schema):
    name = fields.Str(default="Linux")
    version = fields.Str(default=None)
    id = fields.Str(default="linux")
    id_like = fields.Str(default=None)
    version_codename = fields.Str(default=None)
    version_id = fields.Str(default=None)
    pretty_name = fields.Str(default=None)
    ansi_color = fields.Str(default=None)
    cpe_name = fields.Str(default=None)

    home_url = fields.Url(default=None)
    support_url = fields.Url(default=None)
    bug_report_url = fields.Url(default=None)
    privacy_policy_url = fields.Url(default=None)

    build_id = fields.Str(default=None)
    variant = fields.Str(default=None)
    variant_id = fields.Str(default=None)
Esempio n. 20
class AlbumSchema(Schema):
    artist = fields.Str()
    title = fields.Str()
    release_year = fields.Int()
    label = fields.Str()
    cover_url = fields.Url()

    def create_album(self, data):
        return Album(**data)
Esempio n. 21
class AwardNumberSchema(Schema):
    '''AwardNumber object schema'''

    awardNumber = fields.String(required=True)
    awardURI = fields.Url()

    def make_award_number(self, data):
        '''Return AwardNumber object after loading'''
        return AwardNumber(**data)
Esempio n. 22
class UserSchema(Schema):
    User model.

    This might be used with User class. If there is no need to have instances
    of Users in this application, then only dictionaries might be used.
    name = fields.Str(required=True)
    email = fields.Email(required=True)
    description = fields.Str(required=True)
    picture = fields.Url(required=True)
    favorites = fields.List(fields.Url(), required=True)
    social_media = fields.List(fields.Url(), required=True)
    metadata = fields.List(fields.Nested(MetadataSchema), required=True)
    is_admin = fields.Bool(required=True)

    def make_user(self, data, **kwargs):
        return User(**data)
class ConfigSchema(Schema):
    max_submissions_per_period = fields.Integer(
        metadata='number of submissions allowed per user per quota period')
    max_submissions_total = fields.Integer(
        metadata='number of submissions allowed per user for eternity')
    refresh_period_seconds = fields.Integer(
        '(for daemon mode) number of seconds to wait before checking for new submissions again',
    max_leaderboard_size = fields.Integer(
        'maximum number of bundles you expect to have on the log worksheet')
    quota_period_seconds = fields.Integer(
        missing=24 * 60 * 60,
        metadata='window size for the user submission quotas in seconds')
    count_failed_submissions = fields.Boolean(
        metadata='whether to count failed evaluations toward submission quotas'
    make_predictions_public = fields.Boolean(
        'whether to make newly-created prediction bundles publicly readable')
    allow_orphans = fields.Boolean(
        'whether to keep leaderboard entries that no longer have corresponding submission bundles',
    allow_multiple_models = fields.Boolean(
        'whether to distinguish multiple models per user by bundle name')
    host = fields.Url(
        metadata='address of the CodaLab instance to connect to',
    username = fields.String(metadata='username for CodaLab account to use')
    password = fields.String(metadata='password for CodaLab account to use')
    submission_tag = fields.String(
        required=True, metadata='tag for searching for submissions')
    log_worksheet_uuid = fields.String(
        metadata='UUID of worksheet to create new bundles in')
    predict = fields.Nested(MimicConfigSchema, required=True)
    evaluate = fields.Nested(RunConfigSchema, required=True)
    # Leaderboard sorted by the first key in this list
    score_specs = fields.List(fields.Nested(ScoreSpecSchema), required=True)
    # Gets passed directly to the output JSON
    metadata = fields.Dict(
        metadata='additional metadata to include in the leaderboard file')
Esempio n. 24
class ComicSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Int()
    digitalId = fields.Int(attribute='digital_id')
    title = fields.Str()
    issueNumber = fields.Int(attribute='issue_number')
    variantDescription = fields.Str(attribute='variant_description')
    description = fields.Str(allow_none=True)
    modified = fields.DateTime()
    isbn = fields.Str()
    up = fields.Str()
    diamondCode = fields.Str(attribute='diamond_code')
    ean = fields.Str()
    issn = fields.Str()
    format = fields.Str()
    pageCount = fields.Int(attribute='page_count')
    # textObjects
    resourceURI = fields.Url(attribute='resource_uri')
    urls = fields.Nested(urls.UrlsSchema)
    series = fields.Nested(series.SeriesSchema)
    # variants
    # collections
    # collectedIssues
    dates = fields.Nested(dates.DatesSchema)
    # prices
    # thumbnail
    images = fields.List(fields.Url)
    # creators
    # characters
    # stories
    events = fields.Nested(events.EventsSchema, many=True)

    def process_input(self, data):
        new_data = data

        # Marvel comic 1768, and maybe others, returns a modified of
        # "-0001-11-30T00:00:00-0500". The best way to handle this is
        # probably just to ignore it, since I don't know how to fix it.
        if new_data.get('modified', ' ')[0] == '-':
            del new_data['modified']

        if 'events' in new_data:
            new_data['events'] = new_data['events']['items']

        if 'images' in new_data:
            new_data['images'] = [
                '{}.{}'.format(img['path'], img['extension'])
                for img in new_data['images']

        return new_data

    def make(self, data):
        return Comic(**data)
Esempio n. 25
class KeepOrder(Schema):
    class Meta:
        ordered = True

    name = fields.String(allow_none=True)
    email = fields.Email(allow_none=True)
    age = fields.Integer()
    created = fields.DateTime()
    id = fields.Integer(allow_none=True)
    homepage = fields.Url()
    birthdate = fields.Date()
Esempio n. 26
class DataDetailsSchema(Schema):
    state = fields.Str()
    size = fields.Float()
    uri = fields.Url()

    class Meta:
        ordered = True

    def make(self, data):
        return DataDetailsConfig(**data)
Esempio n. 27
class CreateRepo(Schema):
    name = fields.Str(required=True)
    description = fields.Str()
    homepage = fields.Url()
    private = fields.Bool()
    has_issues = fields.Bool()
    has_wiki = fields.Bool()
    team_id = fields.Int()
    auto_init = fields.Bool()
    gitignore_template = fields.Str()
    licence_template = fields.Str()
Esempio n. 28
class AverageAreaSoldPriceResultSchema(BaseResultSchema):
    average_sold_price_1year = fields.Float()
    average_sold_price_3year = fields.Float()
    average_sold_price_5year = fields.Float()
    average_sold_price_7year = fields.Float()
    number_of_sales_1year = fields.Integer()
    number_of_sales_3year = fields.Integer()
    number_of_sales_5year = fields.Integer()
    number_of_sales_7year = fields.Integer()
    turnover = fields.Float()
    prices_url = fields.Url()
Esempio n. 29
class PaymentMethodSchema(Schema):
    """marshmallow payment schema"""
    name = fields.Str(required=True, validate=validate.Length(
        min=1, error="Payment name cannot be empty"))
    type = fields.Int(required=True)
    image = fields.Url()

    def make_payment_method(self, data):
        """creates a Payment object from data dictionary"""
        return PaymentMethod(**data)
Esempio n. 30
class QQUserAlbumSchema(Schema):
    identifier = fields.Int(required=True, data_key='albumid')
    mid = fields.Str(required=True, data_key='albummid')
    name = fields.Str(required=True, data_key='albumname')
    cover = fields.Url(required=True, data_key='pic')

    def create_model(self, data, **kwargs):
        # if data.get('desc') is None:
        #     data['desc'] = ''
        return QQUserAlbumModel(**data)