def test_abort(self): self.x = None abort_if_not_none = self.abort_if_not_none assign = self.assign m = Mock() # test unaborted workflow w = Workflow(steps=[abort_if_not_none, m]) w(DefaultContext()) assert m.called # test simple aborted workflow m.reset_mock() self.x = 1 w = Workflow(steps=[abort_if_not_none, m]) w(DefaultContext()) assert not m.called # test mid workflow abort m.reset_mock() self.x = None w = Workflow(steps=[abort_if_not_none, lambda context: assign(True), abort_if_not_none, m]) w(DefaultContext()) assert self.x is True assert not m.called
def test_result_mapper_str(self): m = Mock() m.return_value = {'returned': 'bar'} ctx = DefaultContext() ctx.baz = None with patch('inspect.getargspec') as argspec: argspec.return_value = [[]] Step(m, result_map={'baz': 'returned'})(ctx) assert m.called assert ctx.baz == 'bar'
def test_result_mapper_callable(self): m = Mock() m.return_value = {'returned': ['abc', 'bar']} ctx = DefaultContext() ctx.baz = None def reverse_and_join(result, context): #@UnusedVariable return "".join(result['returned'])[::-1] with patch('inspect.getargspec') as argspec: argspec.return_value = [[]] Step(m, result_map={'baz': reverse_and_join})(ctx) assert m.called assert ctx.baz == 'rabcba'
def test_arg_mapper(self): m = Mock() m._accepts_context = False ctx = DefaultContext() ctx.message = 1 ctx.meow = 1 with patch('inspect.getargspec') as argspec: argspec.return_value = [[]] Step(m, arg_map={'message': 'message'})(ctx) Step(m, arg_map={'meow': 'message'})(ctx) assert m.called m.assert_any_call(message=1) m.assert_any_call(meow=1)
def test_custom_on_error(self): m = Mock(side_effect=ValueError) m_f = Mock(return_value=1) w = Workflow(steps=[m], on_error=m_f) r = w(DefaultContext()) assert m.called assert m_f.called assert r == 1
def test_custom_on_abort(self): # test custom abort m = Mock() m_a = Mock() self.x = 1 w = Workflow(steps=[self.abort_if_not_none, m], on_abort=m_a) w(DefaultContext()) assert not m.called assert m_a.called
def test_reply_abort(self): self.x = None abort_if_not_none = self.abort_if_not_none assign = self.assign reply = self.reply # assert that replies carry through self.x = None w = Workflow(steps=[abort_if_not_none, reply, reply, lambda context: assign(True), abort_if_not_none, reply]) ctx = w(DefaultContext()) assert ctx.replies == [1, 1]
def test_default_on_error(self): m = Mock(side_effect=ValueError) w = Workflow(steps=[m]) with # @UndefinedVariable w(DefaultContext())
def test_skip(self): w = Workflow(steps=[self.skip]) ctx = w(DefaultContext()) assert ctx.replies == []