Esempio n. 1
def unplace_walker(env, pop, walker, pos_cell):
        Makes the walker and its aura disappear from the
    cell = e.get_cell(env, get_pos(walker))
    c.set_present_agent(cell, None)
    take_aura(pop, walker)
Esempio n. 2
def kill_agent(pop, agent):
        Kills the agent.
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    cell = e.get_cell(env, get_pos(agent))
    p.end_agent(agent, p.get_agents(pop))
    c.set_present_agent(cell, None)
Esempio n. 3
def replace_walker(env, pop, walker, pos_cell):
        Makes the walker and its aura appear on the
    cell = e.get_cell(env, pos_cell)
    set_pos(walker, pos_cell)
    c.set_present_agent(cell, walker)
    put_aura(pop, walker)
Esempio n. 4
def kill_walker(pop, walker):
        Kills the walker.
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    cell = e.get_cell(env, get_pos(walker))
    p.end_walker(agent, p.get_walkers(pop))
    c.set_present_agent(cell, None)
    take_aura(pop, agent)
Esempio n. 5
def deplace_or_remove(env, pop, agent, cell, pos_cell):
        If the agent has enough sugar (float > 0), he can move to  his next
        position, he dies and completely disappears otherwise.
    c.set_present_agent(e.get_cell(env, get_pos(agent)), None)
    if get_is_living(agent):
        set_pos(agent, pos_cell)
        c.set_present_agent(cell, agent)
        kill_agent(pop, agent)
Esempio n. 6
def kill(agent):
		Fonction qui tue un agent 
    pop = get_population(agent)
    agents = p.get_agents(pop)
    cell = get_cell(agent)
    if agent in agents:
        del agents[agents.index(agent)]
    c.set_present_agent(cell, None)
Esempio n. 7
def kill(agent):
		Fonction qui tue un agent 
	pop = get_population(agent)
	agents = p.get_agents(pop)
	cell = get_cell(agent)
	if agent in agents:
		del agents[agents.index(agent)]
def place_first_agents(pop):
        Places the agents when the mas begins at the places
        generated by the function new_first_pos
    env = get_env(pop)
    env_size = e.size(env)
    pop_size = len(get_agents(pop))
    first_pos = new_first_pos(env, env_size, pop_size)
    for i in range(len(get_agents(pop))):
        a.set_pos(get_agents(pop)[i], first_pos[i])
        c.set_present_agent(e.get_cell(env, first_pos[i]), get_agents(pop)[i])
def move_to(env, agent, target_cell_ref):
    cell_ref = get_pos(agent)
    cell_old = e.get_cell(env, cell_ref) # Ancienne cellule où l'agent se trouvait
    cell_new = e.get_cell(env, target_cell_ref) # Nouvelle cellule où l'agent se trouve
    sz = e.size(env)
    (x, y) = target_cell_ref
    target_cell_ref = ( x%sz, y%sz ) # Permet de passer de gauche à droite et de haut en bas dans la matrice environnement
    set_pos(agent, target_cell_ref ) # Indique à l'agent la nouvelle position.
    c.set_present_agent(cell_old, None) # Indique à l'ancienne cellule qu'il n'y a plus d'agent présent.
    c.set_present_agent(cell_new, agent) # Indique à la nouvelle cellule quel agent est présent.
def place_first_walkers(pop):
        Places the walkers when the mas begins at the places
        generated by the function new_first_pos
    env = get_env(pop)
    env_size = e.size(env)
    walkers_size = len(get_walkers(pop))
    first_pos = new_first_pos(env, env_size, walkers_size)
    for i in range(len(get_walkers(pop))):
        w.set_pos(get_walkers(pop)[i], first_pos[i])
        c.set_present_agent(e.get_cell(env, first_pos[i]), get_walkers(pop)[i])
        w.put_aura(pop, get_walkers(pop)[i])
Esempio n. 11
def move(agent,position):
		Change la position de l'agent
	env = get_env(agent)	
	current_position = get_pos(agent)
	cell = e.get_cell(env,current_position)
	target_cell = e.get_cell(env,position)
	if c.agent_is_present(target_cell):
		raise Exception("cannot move an agent to a cell while theres is an other agent")
Esempio n. 12
def move(agent, position):
		Change la position de l'agent
    env = get_env(agent)
    current_position = get_pos(agent)
    cell = e.get_cell(env, current_position)
    target_cell = e.get_cell(env, position)
    if c.agent_is_present(target_cell):
        raise Exception(
            "cannot move an agent to a cell while theres is an other agent")
    set_pos(agent, position)
    c.set_present_agent(cell, None)
    c.set_present_agent(target_cell, agent)
Esempio n. 13
def put_aura(pop, walker):
        Puts the aura of the walker on the environnement.
    vision = get_vision(walker) - 2  # aura radius = vision radius -2
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    env_size = e.size(env)
    x, y = get_pos(walker)
    for i in range(x - vision, x + vision + 1):
        for j in range(y - vision, y + vision + 1):
            if (i, j) != (x, y):
                cell = e.get_cell(env, (i, j))
                if c.get_present_agent(cell) == None:
                    c.set_present_agent(cell, "alerte")
Esempio n. 14
def take_aura(pop, walker):
        Makes the aura of the walker disappear from the environnement.
    vision = get_vision(walker) - 1
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    env_size = e.size(env)
    x, y = get_pos(walker)
    for i in range(x - vision, x + vision + 1):
        for j in range(y - vision, y + vision + 1):
            if (i, j) != (x, y):
                cell = e.get_cell(env, (i, j))
                if c.get_present_agent(cell) == "alerte":
                    c.set_present_agent(cell, None)
Esempio n. 15
def add_baby_agent_if_possible(env, pop, env_size, agent, l_pos):
        Makes a female agent give birth to a new agent if there is a free
        position around her. If there is no free position, the baby won't
        born. This strategy limmits the overpopulation.
    if len(l_pos) != 0:
        baby = new_instance(pop)
        mother_dead_age = get_dead_age(agent)
        mother_metabolism = get_metabolism(agent)
        father_dead_age = get_partner_spec(agent)[0]
        father_metabolism = get_partner_spec(agent)[1]
        set_dead_age(baby, int((mother_dead_age + father_dead_age) / 2))
        set_metabolism(baby, (mother_metabolism + father_metabolism) / 2)
        set_pos(baby, l_pos[0])
        c.set_present_agent(e.get_cell(env, l_pos[0]), baby)
Esempio n. 16
def new_instance(pop):
	agent = __empty_instance()
	#Recupère la liste des propriétés 
	prop = p.get_properties(pop)
	#choisi une valeur aléatoire entre les minimum et maximum venant du fichier de configuration
	#les agents ont au départ un âge reflettant le réalisme
	#La réserve en sucre au départ est suffisante à sa survie (métabolism)
	env = p.get_env(pop)
	random_position = e.random_cell_ref_without_agent(env)
	cell = e.get_cell(env,random_position)
	return agent
def new_instance(mas, sz):
        Return a new population instance of size "sz" and 
        "declare" to which MAS it belongs to.
    env = m.get_env( mas )
    agents = [] # Les 'sz' agents
    for x in range ( sz ):
        cell_ref = e.random_cell_ref_without_agent(env) # On récupère la position d'une cellule sans agent
        agent = a.new_random()                          # On crée un agent avec des valeurs aléatoires
        a.set_pos( agent, cell_ref )                    # On modifie la position de l'agent
        cell = e.get_cell( env, cell_ref )              # On récupère la cellule (liste) via la position             
        c.set_present_agent( cell, agent )              # On indique à la cellule qu'un agent est présent
        agents.append ( agent )                         # On ajoute l'agent dans la liste des 'sz' agents

    population = __empty_instance()
    set_agents( population, agents )
    set_env( population, env )
    return population
Esempio n. 18
def new_instance(pop):
    agent = __empty_instance()
    #Recupère la liste des propriétés
    prop = p.get_properties(pop)
    set_population(agent, pop)
    #choisi une valeur aléatoire entre les minimum et maximum venant du fichier de configuration
        agent, randint(prop["MIN_VISION_CAPACITY"],
                   uniform(prop["MIN_METABOLISM"], prop["MAX_METABOLISM"]))
    #les agents ont au départ un âge reflettant le réalisme
    set_age(agent, randint(prop["MIN_AGENT_AGE"], prop["MAX_AGENT_AGE"]))
    #La réserve en sucre au départ est suffisante à sa survie (métabolism)
    set_sugar_level(agent, get_metabolism(agent))
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    random_position = e.random_cell_ref_without_agent(env)
    set_pos(agent, random_position)
    cell = e.get_cell(env, random_position)
    set_sex(agent, randint(1, 2))
    c.set_present_agent(cell, agent)
    return agent
Esempio n. 19
def not_immune(agent):
        This agent_rule makes the agents sensible to an eventually
        contamination by the contamined cells. It doesn't affect
        the warriors agents.
    pop = get_pop(agent)
    env = p.get_env(pop)
    walker_around = walker_around_check(pop, agent)
    if walker_around and not agent_is_warrior(agent):
        x, y = get_pos(agent)
        cell = e.get_cell(env, (x, y))
        if not agent_is_warrior(
                agent) and get_age(agent) <= 20:  # TOO YOUNG AND NOT A WARRIOR
            kill_agent(pop, agent)
        elif not agent_is_warrior(
                agent) and get_age(agent) > 20:  # MATURE AND NOT A WARRIOR
            kill_agent(pop, agent)
            walker = w.new_instance(pop)
            w.set_pos(walker, (x, y))
            c.set_present_agent(cell, walker)
            p.add_walker(walker, p.get_walkers(pop))
def kill(pop, env, agent):
    cell_ref = get_pos(agent)
    cell = e.get_cell(env, cell_ref)
    c.set_present_agent(cell, None) # Dis qu'il n'y a plus d'agent présent dans la cellule
    p.remove_agent(pop, agent) # On retire l'agent de la liste de la population