def load_data_targets(config, features):
    """load the targets for a glomerulus"""
    door2id = json.load(open(os.path.join(config['data_path'], 'door2id.json')))
    csv_path = os.path.join(config['data_path'], 'response_matrix.csv')
    if 'normed_responses' in config and not config['normed_responses']:
        csv_path = os.path.join(config['data_path'], 'unnorm_response_matrix.csv')
    cas_numbers, glomeruli, rm = rdl.load_response_matrix(csv_path, door2id)
    glom_idx = glomeruli.index(config['glomerulus'])

    # select molecules available for the glomerulus
    targets , tmp_cas_numbers = rdl.get_avail_targets_for_glom(rm, cas_numbers, glom_idx)
    molids = [str(door2id[cas_number][0]) for cas_number in tmp_cas_numbers]
    assert len(molids) == len(targets)

    # for some of them the spectra are not available
    avail = [i for i in range(len(molids)) if molids[i] in features]
    targets = np.array([targets[i] for i in avail])
    data = np.array([features[molids[i]] for i in avail])
    molids = [m for i, m in enumerate(molids) if i in avail]
    assert targets.shape[0] == data.shape[0]
    assert targets.shape[0] == len(molids)
    return data, targets, molids
# variables for results
search_res, max_overview, sc, _ = rdl.read_paramsearch_results(config['inpath'])
glomeruli = search_res[desc][selection].keys()

# sort glomeruli according to performance
maxes = [np.max(search_res[desc][selection][glom][method]) for glom in glomeruli]
picks = [search_res[desc][selection][glom][method][-1, 1] for glom in glomeruli]
max_idx = np.argsort(maxes)
glomeruli = [glomeruli[i] for i in max_idx]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 20))
for i_glom, glom in enumerate(glomeruli):
    mat = search_res[desc][selection][glom][method]
    glom_idx = all_glomeruli.index(glom)
    tmp_rm, tmp_cas_numbers = rdl.get_avail_targets_for_glom(rm, cas_numbers, glom_idx)
    ax = plt.subplot2grid((len(glomeruli), 2), (i_glom, 1))
    if len(tmp_rm) > 50 and scoreatpercentile(tmp_rm, 75) > 0.2:
        ax.hist(tmp_rm, color='g')
    elif scoreatpercentile(tmp_rm, 75) > 0.14:
        ax.hist(tmp_rm, color='#6be463')
        ax.hist(tmp_rm, color='r')
    ax.set_xlim([0, 1])

    ax = plt.subplot2grid((len(glomeruli), 2), (i_glom, 0))
    if np.max(mat) < 0:
        ax.imshow(mat, interpolation='nearest')