Esempio n. 1
def __find_best_series(book, config):
   Queries the databse to find a best guess for a series matching the given
   ComicBook, based on its name, year, issue number, and other text attributes.
   Returns SeriesRef if a reasonable guess was found, or None if one wasn't.

    # 1. obtain SeriesRefs for this book, removing some as dictated by prefs
    series_refs = db.query_series_refs(book.series_s,
    series_refs = dbutils.filter_series_refs(series_refs,

    # 2. obtain the first, second, and third best matching SeriesRefs for the
    #    given book, if there are any.
    primary = None
    secondary = None
    tertiary = None
    if len(series_refs) > 0:
        mscore = MatchScore()

        def find_best_score(refs):
            return reduce(
                lambda x, y: x if mscore.compute_n(book, x) >= mscore.
                compute_n(book, y) else y, refs) if refs else None

        primary = find_best_score(series_refs)
        if primary:
            secondary = find_best_score(series_refs)
            if secondary:
                tertiary = find_best_score(series_refs)

        # 3. if our book is the first (or unknown) issue, figure out if the best
        #    matching series has a similar cover to the second or third best.
        #    if it does, we're probably dealing with a trade paperback and a
        #    regular issue, and we can't find the best series reliably, so we bail
        is_first_issue = (lambda i : not i or \
           (utils.is_number(i) and float(i)==1.0))(book.issue_num_s)
        if is_first_issue and primary and secondary:
            too_similar = False
            hash1 = __get_remote_hash(primary)
            hash2 = __get_remote_hash(secondary)
            if imagehash.similarity(hash1, hash2) > SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD:
                too_similar = True
            elif tertiary:
                hash3 = __get_remote_hash(tertiary)
                if imagehash.similarity(hash1, hash3) > SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD:
                    too_similar = True
            primary = None if too_similar else primary

    return primary
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, scraper, book, series_refs, search_terms_s):
    Initializes this form.
    'scraper' -> the currently running ScrapeEngine
    'book' -> the ComicBook being scraped
    'series_refs' -> set or list containing the SeriesRefs to display
    'search_terms_s' -> the user's search string that found the series models
    # the the shared global configuration
    self.__config = scraper.config
    # a list of SeriesRef objects that back this form; one ref per table
    # row, where each SeriesRef represents a series the user can pick
    self.__series_refs = list(series_refs)
    # the MatchScore object that we use to compute series match scores
    self.__matchscore = MatchScore()
    # true when the user is pressing the control key, false otherwise
    self.__pressing_controlkey = False;
    # the 'ok' button for this dialog
    self.__ok_button = None
    # the 'skip' button for this dialog
    self.__skip_button = None
    # the 'show issues' button for this dialog
    self.__issues_button = None
    # the table that displays series (on per row) for the user to pick from
    self.__table = None
    # IssueCoverPanel that shows cover art for the current selected SeriesRef
    self.__coverpanel = None
    # the index (in self.__series_refs) of the currently selected SeriesRef
    self.__chosen_index = None
    if len(series_refs) <= 0:
       raise Exception("do not invoke the SeriesForm with no series!")
    CVForm.__init__(self, scraper.comicrack.MainWindow, "seriesformLocation")
    self.__build_gui(book, search_terms_s);