def bmapToWgt(bmap, type): # Local Variables: posmask, Wd, Wc, W, Wa, h, is, h1, L, js, Wgt, bmap, w, pad, type, w1, Wb # Function calls: imResample, struct, cleanbmap, max, bmapToWgt, asserteq, LtoW, labelmap, bwdist, mod, size #% Wgt = bmapToWgt( bmap, type ) #% #% Input bmap should not be padded, and type #% is either 'exact' or 'max' or 'interp'. The #% Wgt returned is binary for 'exact' and 'max'. #% #% The 'max' type seems to work best but has the #% disadvantage that the weights don't sum to 1. #% #% The size of Wgt is the same as the size of #% the W returned by indToW when "ind" was built #% from the original image padded only to have #% height/width divisible by 4 (see imgDemo.m). bmap = cleanbmap(bmap) posmask = bwdist(bmap)<16./2. L = labelmap(bmap, posmask, struct('gtWidth', 16., 'nDists', 15., 'nOrients', 8., 'angleRad', 6.)) #% All of the index math assumes the original image #% was padded to have height/width divisible by 4, #% since that is required by edgesChns [h, w] = matcompat.size(bmap) pad = np.mod((4.-np.mod(np.array(np.hstack((h, w))), 4.)), 4.) h = h+pad[0] w = w+pad[1] _switch_val=type if False: # switch pass #% Nearest nbor downsampling elif _switch_val == 'exact': L = L[15:h-18.:2.,15:w-18.:2.] Wgt = LtoW(L) #% Charless's idea. Works really well elif _switch_val == 'max': W = LtoW(L) is = np.arange(16., (h-18.)+(2.), 2.) js = np.arange(16., (w-18.)+(2.), 2.) Wa = W[int(is)-1,int(js)-1,:] Wb = W[int(is)-1,int((js+1.))-1,:] Wc = W[int((is+1.))-1,int(js)-1,:] Wd = W[int((is+1.))-1,int((js+1.))-1,:] Wgt = matcompat.max(Wa, matcompat.max(Wb, matcompat.max(Wc, Wd))) #% Probably shouldn't use this elif _switch_val == 'interp': Wgt = LtoW(L) Wgt = Wgt[15:h-18.,15:w-18.,:] Wgt = imResample(Wgt, 0.5, 'bilinear') h1 = h/1.06. w1 = w/1.06. asserteq(matcompat.size(Wgt), np.array(np.hstack((h1, w1, 121.)))) return [Wgt]
def AND(C, B): # Local Variables: UB0, varargout, numRankSigma, nout, k, Ux, UC0, Wt, tol, C, B, numRankB, numRankC, UtC, Vx, Wgk, W, Sigma, UtB, dim, Sx, CandB, SC, SB, dSB, dSC, UC, UB # Function calls: AND, eye, diag, svd, nargout, inv, pinv, max, sum, size dim = matcompat.size(C, 1.0) tol = 1e-14 [UC, SC, UtC] = plt.svd(C) [UB, SB, UtB] = plt.svd(B) dSC = np.diag(SC) dSB = np.diag(SB) numRankC = np.sum(, dSC > tol)) numRankB = np.sum(, dSB > tol)) UC0 = UC[:, int(numRankC + 1.0) - 1 :] UB0 = UB[:, int(numRankB + 1.0) - 1 :] [W, Sigma, Wt] = plt.svd((, UC0.conj().T) +, UB0.conj().T))) numRankSigma = np.sum(, np.diag(Sigma) > tol)) Wgk = W[:, int(numRankSigma + 1.0) - 1 :] CandB = Wgk, linalg.inv(, linalg.pinv(C, tol) + linalg.pinv(B, tol) - np.eye(dim)), Wgk)) ), Wgk.conj().T, ) nout = matcompat.max(nargout, 1.0) - 1.0 if nout > 0.0: [Ux, Sx, Vx] = plt.svd(CandB) for k in np.arange(1.0, (nout) + 1): if k == 1.0: varargout[int(k) - 1] = cellarray(np.hstack((Ux))) elif k == 2.0: varargout[int(k) - 1] = cellarray(np.hstack((Sx))) return [CandB, varargout]
def uniqfilt(seg, k): # Local Variables: seg, i, k, nuniq, se # Function calls: max, imdilate, uniqfilt, ones, zeros, size #% nuniq = uniqfilt(seg,k) #% #% INPUTS #% seg groundTruth{j}.Segmentation #% k filter half width #% #% ASSUME THAT SEG LABELS ARE {1,2,...,NSEGS} #% #% This function is a fast version of the following: #% [h w] = size(seg); #% nuniq = zeros(h,w); #% for y = 1:h #% y1 = max(1,y-k); #% y2 = min(h,y+k); #% for x = 1:w #% x1 = max(1,x-k); #% x2 = min(w,x+k); #% patch = seg(y1:y2,x1:x2); #% nuniq(y,x) = numel(unique(patch)); #% end #% end #% How long does it take to run unique(seg)? I tried this for all #% groundTruth{j}.Segmentation for all images. It took 0.0123 sec #% at most, 0.0027 sec on average, and 0.0022 sec at best. se = np.ones((2. * k + 1.)) nuniq = np.zeros(matcompat.size(seg)) for i in np.arange(1., (matcompat.max(seg.flatten(1))) + 1): nuniq = nuniq + imdilate((seg == i), se) return [nuniq]
def template_matching_gray(T, I): # Local Variables: LocalSumI, Icorr, stdI, Idata, stdT, QSumT, I, I_NCC, I_SSD, LocalQSumI, T_size, outsize, I_size, T, IdataIn, FT, meanIT, FI # Function calls: template_matching_gray, real, ifft2, min, max, sum, local_sum, fftn, fft2, nargout, std, length, isempty, sqrt, numel, unpadarray, rot90, rot90_3D, ifftn, size # % Calculate correlation output size = input size + padding template T_size = np.shape(T) I_size = np.size(I) # outsize = I_size + T_size - 1. # % calculate correlation in frequency domain FT = np.fft.fftn(rot90_3D(T)) FI = np.fft.fftn(I) Icorr = np.real(np.fft.ifftn((FI * FT))) # % Calculate Local Quadratic sum of Image and Template LocalQSumI = local_sum(np.power(I,2), T) LocalSumI = local_sum(I, T) # % Standard deviation stdI = np.sqrt((LocalQSumI - np.divide(pow(LocalSumI ,2), np.size(T)))) stdT = - 1.)), np.std(T.flatten(1))) # % Mean compensation meanIT = np.divide(, np.sum(T.flatten())))#, np.size(T)) I_NCC = 0.5 + (Icorr - meanIT) / * stdT, max((stdI), np.divide(stdT, 1e5))) # % Remove padding I_NCC = unpadarray(I_NCC, matcompat.size(I)) return I_NCC
def NormalizeFea(fea, row): # Local Variables: nSmp, fea, i, feaNorm, mFea, fea2, row # Function calls: max, mynorm, issparse, ones, exist, NormalizeFea, sum, size #% if row == 1, normalize each row of fea to have unit norm; #% if row == 0, normalize each column of fea to have unit norm; if not exist('row', 'var'): row = 1. #% if row #% nSmp = size(fea,1); #% feaNorm = max(1e-14,full(sum(fea.^2,2))); #% fea = spdiags(feaNorm.^-.5,0,nSmp,nSmp)*fea; #% else #% nSmp = size(fea,2); #% feaNorm = max(1e-14,full(sum(fea.^2,1))'); #% fea = fea*spdiags(feaNorm.^-.5,0,nSmp,nSmp); #% end #% #% return; if row: [nSmp, mFea] = matcompat.size(fea) if issparse(fea): fea2 = fea.conj().T feaNorm = mynorm(fea2, 1.) for i in np.arange(1., (nSmp) + 1): fea2[:, int(i) - 1] = fea2[:, int(i) - 1] / matcompat.max( 1e-10, feaNorm[int(i) - 1]) fea = fea2.conj().T else: feaNorm = np.sum((fea**2.), 2.)**.5 fea = fea / feaNorm[:, int(np.ones(1., mFea)) - 1] else: [mFea, nSmp] = matcompat.size(fea) if issparse(fea): feaNorm = mynorm(fea, 1.) for i in np.arange(1., (nSmp) + 1): fea[:, int(i) - 1] = fea[:, int(i) - 1] / matcompat.max( 1e-10, feaNorm[int(i) - 1]) else: feaNorm = np.sum((fea**2.), 1.)**.5 fea = fea / feaNorm[int(np.ones(1., mFea)) - 1, :] return [fea]
def aryule(x, p): # Local Variables: a, e, k, nx, p, R, x, mx # Function calls: aryule, nargchk, min, issparse, nargin, length, isempty, error, levinson, message, xcorr, round, size #%ARYULE AR parameter estimation via Yule-Walker method. #% A = ARYULE(X,ORDER) returns the polynomial A corresponding to the AR #% parametric signal model estimate of vector X using the Yule-Walker #% (autocorrelation) method. ORDER is the model order of the AR system. #% This method solves the Yule-Walker equations by means of the Levinson- #% Durbin recursion. #% #% [A,E] = ARYULE(...) returns the final prediction error E (the variance #% estimate of the white noise input to the AR model). #% #% [A,E,K] = ARYULE(...) returns the vector K of reflection coefficients. #% #% % Example: #% % Estimate model order using decay of reflection coefficients. #% #% rng default; #% y=filter(1,[1 -0.75 0.5],0.2*randn(1024,1)); #% #% % Create AR(2) process #% [ar_coeffs,NoiseVariance,reflect_coeffs]=aryule(y,10); #% #% % Fit AR(10) model #% stem(reflect_coeffs); axis([-0.05 10.5 -1 1]); #% title('Reflection Coefficients by Lag'); xlabel('Lag'); #% ylabel('Reflection Coefficent'); #% #% See also PYULEAR, ARMCOV, ARBURG, ARCOV, LPC, PRONY. #% Ref: S. Orfanidis, OPTIMUM SIGNAL PROCESSING, 2nd Ed. #% Macmillan, 1988, Chapter 5 #% M. Hayes, STATISTICAL DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING AND MODELING, #% John Wiley & Sons, 1996, Chapter 8 #% Author(s): R. Losada #% Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. #% $Revision: $ $Date: 2012/10/29 19:30:38 $ matcompat.error(nargchk(2., 2., nargin, 'struct')) #% Check the input data type. Single precision is not supported. #%try #% chkinputdatatype(x,p); #%catch ME #% throwAsCaller(ME); #%end [mx, nx] = matcompat.size(x) if isempty(x) or length(x)<p or matcompat.max(mx, nx) > 1.: matcompat.error(message('signal:aryule:InvalidDimensions')) elif isempty(p) or not p == np.round(p): matcompat.error(message('signal:aryule:MustBeInteger')) if issparse(x): matcompat.error(message('signal:aryule:Sparse')) R = plt.xcorr(x, p, 'biased') [a, e, k] = levinson(R[int(p+1.)-1:], p) return [a, e, k]
def aryule(x, p): # Local Variables: a, e, k, nx, p, R, x, mx # Function calls: aryule, nargchk, min, issparse, nargin, length, isempty, error, levinson, message, xcorr, round, size #%ARYULE AR parameter estimation via Yule-Walker method. #% A = ARYULE(X,ORDER) returns the polynomial A corresponding to the AR #% parametric signal model estimate of vector X using the Yule-Walker #% (autocorrelation) method. ORDER is the model order of the AR system. #% This method solves the Yule-Walker equations by means of the Levinson- #% Durbin recursion. #% #% [A,E] = ARYULE(...) returns the final prediction error E (the variance #% estimate of the white noise input to the AR model). #% #% [A,E,K] = ARYULE(...) returns the vector K of reflection coefficients. #% #% % Example: #% % Estimate model order using decay of reflection coefficients. #% #% rng default; #% y=filter(1,[1 -0.75 0.5],0.2*randn(1024,1)); #% #% % Create AR(2) process #% [ar_coeffs,NoiseVariance,reflect_coeffs]=aryule(y,10); #% #% % Fit AR(10) model #% stem(reflect_coeffs); axis([-0.05 10.5 -1 1]); #% title('Reflection Coefficients by Lag'); xlabel('Lag'); #% ylabel('Reflection Coefficent'); #% #% See also PYULEAR, ARMCOV, ARBURG, ARCOV, LPC, PRONY. #% Ref: S. Orfanidis, OPTIMUM SIGNAL PROCESSING, 2nd Ed. #% Macmillan, 1988, Chapter 5 #% M. Hayes, STATISTICAL DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING AND MODELING, #% John Wiley & Sons, 1996, Chapter 8 #% Author(s): R. Losada #% Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. #% $Revision: $ $Date: 2012/10/29 19:30:38 $ matcompat.error(nargchk(2., 2., nargin, 'struct')) #% Check the input data type. Single precision is not supported. #%try #% chkinputdatatype(x,p); #%catch ME #% throwAsCaller(ME); #%end [mx, nx] = matcompat.size(x) if isempty(x) or length(x) < p or matcompat.max(mx, nx) > 1.: matcompat.error(message('signal:aryule:InvalidDimensions')) elif isempty(p) or not p == np.round(p): matcompat.error(message('signal:aryule:MustBeInteger')) if issparse(x): matcompat.error(message('signal:aryule:Sparse')) R = plt.xcorr(x, p, 'biased') [a, e, k] = levinson(R[int(p + 1.) - 1:], p) return [a, e, k]
def ncc(seg, width): # Local Variables: B, hash, y, i, siz, s, N, seg, width, S, cacheDir, u, x, Nu, xs, ys, uniq, o2, o1 # Function calls: load, hashMat, unique, false, floor, sum, nan, uint8, ceil, uniqfilt, length, save, ncc, find, bwlabel, size #% N = ncc( seg, w ) #% #% N(i,j) = number of connected components in the #% w-by-w window centered on location (i,j) of seg #% #% What do I mean by "number of connected components"? #% Here are some example segmentation patches: #% #% 1 1 2 2 1 1 #% 1 1 2 2 1 1 this patch has THREE segments, even #% 1 1 2 2 1 1 though unique() only returns [1;2]. #% 1 1 2 2 1 1 #% #% 3 3 7 7 7 7 #% 3 3 7 7 7 7 this patch has FOUR segments, even #% 7 7 3 3 3 3 though unique() is simply [3;7]. #% 7 7 3 3 3 3 #% #% THIS CODE IS VERY SLOW, hence all results are cached. cacheDir = '/home/ashishmenon/labpc/oef/cache/clust/nccCache/' hash = hashMat( np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((seg.flatten(1))), np.hstack((width)))))) try: np.load(np.array(np.hstack((cacheDir, hash))), 'N') except: siz = matcompat.size(seg) o1 = np.floor(((width - 1.) / 2.)) o2 = np.ceil(((width - 1.) / 2.)) #% This takes ~80 seconds per image N = np.nan(siz) B = false(siz) B[int(o1 + 1.) - 1:0 - o2, int(o1 + 1.) - 1:0 - o2] = 1. Nu = uniqfilt(seg, o2) N[int(np.logical_and(B, Nu == 1.)) - 1] = 1. [ys, xs] = nonzero(np.logical_and(B, Nu > 1.)) for i in np.arange(1., (length(ys)) + 1): y = ys[int(i) - 1] x = xs[int(i) - 1] S = seg[int(y - o1) - 1:y + o2, int(x - o1) - 1:x + o2] uniq = np.unique(S) N[int(y) - 1, int(x) - 1] = 0. for s in uniq.flatten(0).conj(): u = np.unique(bwlabel((S == s), 4.)) N[int(y) - 1, int(x) - 1] = N[int(y) - 1, int(x) - 1] + np.sum((u != 0.)) #% convert to uint8 to save disk space #% (but this converts NaNs to 0s..) N = np.uint8(N), hash))), 'N') return [N]
def unpadarray(A, Bsize): # Local Variables: A, Bsize, B, Bstart, Bend # Function calls: unpadarray, ndims, size, ceil Bstart = np.ceil(((matcompat.size(A) - Bsize) / 2.)) + 1. Bend = Bstart + Bsize - 1. if matcompat.ndim(A) == 2.: B = A[int(Bstart[0]) - 1:Bend[0], int(Bstart[1]) - 1:Bend[1]] elif matcompat.ndim(A) == 3.: B = A[int(Bstart[0]) - 1:Bend[0], int(Bstart[1]) - 1:Bend[1], int(Bstart[2]) - 1:Bend[2]] return B
def cleanbmap(bmap): # Local Variables: list, bmap # Function calls: cleanedgelist, cleanbmap, bwmorph, edgelink, edgelist2image, inf, size list = edgelink(bmap) list = cleanedgelist(list, 7.) bmap = edgelist2image(list, matcompat.size(bmap)) bmap = bwmorph(bwmorph(bmap, 'fill'), 'thin', np.inf) #% [update 17 Sep 2014] #% If the output bmap has a single, isolated 'on' pixel #% then edgelink will not find it, which leads to bugs bmap = bwmorph(bmap, 'clean') return [bmap]
def edgesChns(I, opts): # Local Variables: I1, simSm, Ishrink, chnsSim, I, H, k, M, chnsReg, O, chns, i, s, chnSm, cs, shrink, opts # Function calls: rgbConvert, convTri, imResample, max, cat, cell, edgesChns, gradientHist, round, gradientMag, size #% Compute feature channels #% [chnsReg,chnsSim] = edgesChns( I, opts ) #% #% This is a slightly modified version of the edgesChns #% file from Piotr Dollar's Structured Edge Detection #% Toolbox, shrink = opts.shrink chns = cell(1., (opts.nChns)) k = 0. if matcompat.size(I, 3.) == 1.: cs = 'gray' else: cs = 'luv' I = rgbConvert(I, cs) Ishrink = imResample(I, (1. / shrink)) k = k + 1. chns.cell[int(k) - 1] = Ishrink for i in np.arange(1., 3.0): s = 2.**(i - 1.) if s == shrink: I1 = Ishrink else: I1 = imResample(I, (1. / s)) I1 = convTri(I1, (opts.grdSmooth)) [M, O] = gradientMag(I1, 0., (opts.normRad), .01) H = gradientHist(M, O, matcompat.max(1., matdiv(shrink, s)), (opts.nHistBins), 0.) k = k + 1. chns.cell[int(k) - 1] = imResample(M, matdiv(s, shrink)) k = k + 1. chns.cell[int(k) - 1] = imResample( H, matcompat.max(1., matdiv(s, shrink))) chns = cat(3., chns.cell[0:k]) chnSm = matdiv(opts.chnSmooth, shrink) if chnSm > 1.: chnSm = np.round(chnSm) simSm = matdiv(opts.simSmooth, shrink) if simSm > 1.: simSm = np.round(simSm) chnsReg = convTri(chns, chnSm) chnsSim = convTri(chns, simSm) return [chnsReg, chnsSim]
def WeakTextureMask(img, th, patchsize): # Local Variables: cha, Xh, imgh, Xtr, img, Xv, kh, m, col, p, s, msk, kv, th, ind, patchsize, imgv, row # Function calls: WeakTextureMask, im2col, sum, imfilter, vertcat, zeros, exist, size if not exist('patchsize', 'var'): patchsize = 7. kh = np.array(np.hstack((-1./2., 0., 1./2.))) imgh = imfilter(img, kh, 'replicate') imgh = imgh[:,1:matcompat.size(imgh, 2.)-1.,:] imgh = imgh*imgh kv = kh.conj().T imgv = imfilter(img, kv, 'replicate') imgv = imgv[1:matcompat.size(imgv, 1.)-1.,:,:] imgv = imgv*imgv s = matcompat.size(img) msk = np.zeros(s) for cha in np.arange(1., (s[2])+1): m = im2col(img[:,:,int(cha)-1], np.array(np.hstack((patchsize, patchsize)))) m = np.zeros(matcompat.size(m)) Xh = im2col(imgh[:,:,int(cha)-1], np.array(np.hstack((patchsize, patchsize-2.)))) Xv = im2col(imgv[:,:,int(cha)-1], np.array(np.hstack((patchsize-2., patchsize)))) Xtr = np.sum(vertcat(Xh, Xv)) p = Xtr<th[int(cha)-1] ind = 1. for col in np.arange(1., (s[1]-patchsize+1.)+1): for row in np.arange(1., (s[0]-patchsize+1.)+1): if p[int(ind)-1] > 0.: msk[int(row)-1:row+patchsize-1.,int(col)-1:col+patchsize-1.,int(cha)-1] = 1. ind = ind+1. return [msk]
def velocityPendCenter(pend_centers): # Local Variables: c, i, pend_centers, r, VelocityMarker, time # Function calls: velocityPendCenter, size time = 1. / 30. [r, c] = matcompat.size(pend_centers) for i in np.arange(2., (r) + 1): VelocityMarker[int(i) - 1, int((c - 1.)) - 1] = matdiv( pend_centers[int(i) - 1, int((c - 1.)) - 1] - pend_centers[int( (i - 1.)) - 1, int((c - 1.)) - 1], time) VelocityMarker[int(i) - 1, int(c) - 1] = matdiv( pend_centers[int(i) - 1, int(c) - 1] - pend_centers[int( (i - 1.)) - 1, int(c) - 1], time) return [VelocityMarker]
def interpW(W, x, y): # Local Variables: h, dy0, dy1, dx1, dx0, y1, W, y0, y, x, x0, x1 # Function calls: size, interpW, floor x0 = np.floor(x) x1 = x0+1. dx0 = x-x0 dx1 = 1.-dx0 y0 = np.floor(y) y1 = y0+1. dy0 = y-y0 dy1 = 1.-dy0 h = matcompat.size(W, 1.) W = W[int((, h)+y0))-1]*dx1*dy1+W[int((, h)+y0))-1]*dx0*dy1+W[int((, h)+y1))-1]*dx1*dy0+W[int((, h)+y1))-1]*dx0*dy0 return [W]
def labelmap(bmap, mask, opts): # Local Variables: nearest, dist, thetaBin, V, locs, ind, Theta, nOrients, bmap, Dx, Dy, theta, nDists, gtWidth, C, labels, nLabels, I, J, step, R, U, T, dx, dy, Nearest, Dist, h, k, Labels, mask, edges, w, opts # Function calls: binangles360, angleimage, cosd, distBin, all, double, cross, sign, labelmap, meshgrid, ind2sub, bwdist, sind, repmat, find, size #% [Labels,Dist,Theta] = labelmap( bmap, mask, opts ) #% It is assumed that bmap was already cleaned (cleanbmap.m) gtWidth = opts.gtWidth nOrients = opts.nOrients nDists = opts.nDists nLabels =, nDists) #% calculate distances and angles [h, w] = matcompat.size(bmap) [Dist, Nearest] = bwdist(bmap) Nearest = np.double(Nearest) Theta = angleimage(bmap, (opts.angleRad)) [R, C] = ind2sub(np.array(np.hstack((h, w))), Nearest) [J, I] = matcompat.meshgrid(np.arange(1., (w)+1), np.arange(1., (h)+1)) Dx = C-J Dy = -(R-I) #% focus on locations indicated by mask locs = nonzero(mask) dx = Dx[int(locs)-1] dy = Dy[int(locs)-1] nearest = Nearest[int(locs)-1] theta = Theta[int(nearest)-1] thetaBin = binangles360(theta, (nOrients*2.)) T = np.array(np.hstack((sind(theta), cosd(theta), 0.*theta))) V = np.array(np.hstack((dy, dx, 0.*dx))) U = np.cross(T, V) dist = Dist[int(locs)-1]*np.sign((-U[:,2])) #% standardize ind = thetaBin > nOrients dist[int(ind)-1] = -dist[int(ind)-1] thetaBin[int(ind)-1] = thetaBin[int(ind)-1]-nOrients #% bin distance k = (nDists-1.)/2. step = matdiv(gtWidth-2., nDists-1.) edges = np.array(np.hstack((, np.array(np.hstack((np.arange(1., (k)+1)))))-step/2., gtWidth/2.))) labels =, nDists)+distBin.conj().T #% IMPORTANT assertion that has caught MANY bugs #% write result images Labels = matcompat.repmat((nLabels+1.), np.array(np.hstack((h, w)))) Dist = Labels Theta = Labels Labels[int(locs)-1] = labels Dist[int(locs)-1] = distBin Theta[int(locs)-1] = thetaBin return [Labels, Dist, Theta]
def myfun(beta, X): # Local Variables: D, F, J, N, beta, X # Function calls: myfun, double, nargout, exp, repmat, size #% size( beta ) = [D 1] #% size( X ) = [N D] #% size( X*beta ) = [N 1] [N, D] = matcompat.size(X) F = 1.-np.exp(, beta)) F = np.double(F) if nargout > 1.: J = matcompat.repmat((1.-F), np.array(np.hstack((1., D))))*X J = np.double(J) return [F, J]
def interpW_faster(W, x, y): # Local Variables: h, dy0, dy1, dx1, dx0, y1, W, y0, y, x, x0, x1, inty, intx # Function calls: interpW_faster, all, size, floor #% avoid expensive interp math for integer input x0 = np.floor(x) intx = np.all(np.all((x == x0))) y0 = np.floor(y) inty = np.all(np.all((y == y0))) h = matcompat.size(W, 1.) dx1 = 1.-dx0 y1 = y0+1. dy0 = y-y0 dy1 = 1.-dy0 W = W[int((, h)+y0))-1]*dx1*dy1+W[int((, h)+y0))-1]*dx0*dy1+W[int((, h)+y1))-1]*dx1*dy0+W[int((, h)+y1))-1]*dx0*dy0 return [W]
def convmtx(v, n): # Local Variables: cidx, c, x_left, ridx, m, n, x_right, mv, t, v, x, r, nv # Function calls: convmtx, length, ones, zeros, size, toeplitz #%CONVMTX Convolution matrix. #% CONVMTX(C,N) returns the convolution matrix for vector C. #% If C is a column vector and X is a column vector of length N, #% then CONVMTX(C,N)*X is the same as CONV(C,X). #% If R is a row vector and X is a row vector of length N, #% then X*CONVMTX(R,N) is the same as CONV(R,X). #% #% % Example: #% % Generate a simple convolution matrix. #% #% h = [1 2 3 2 1]; #% convmtx(h,7) % Convolution matrix #% #% See also CONV. #% Author(s): L. Shure, 47-88 #% T. Krauss, 3-30-93, removed dependence on toeplitz #% Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. #% $Revision: $ $Date: 2012/10/29 19:30:54 $ [mv, nv] = matcompat.size(v) v = v.flatten(1) #% make v a column vector #t = toeplitz(np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((v)), np.hstack((np.zeros((n-1.), 1.)))))), np.zeros(n, 1.)) c = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((v)), np.hstack((np.zeros((n-1.), 1.)))))) r = np.zeros(n, 1.) m = length(c) x_left = r[int(n)-1:2.:-1.] x_right = c.flatten(1) x = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((x_left)), np.hstack((x_right))))) #%x = [r(n:-1:2) ; c(:)]; % build vector of user data cidx = np.arange(0., (m-1.)+1).conj().T ridx = np.arange(n, (1.)+(-1.), -1.) t = cidx[:,int(np.ones(n, 1.))-1]+ridx[int(np.ones(m, 1.))-1,:] #% Toeplitz subscripts t[:] = x[int(t)-1] #% actual data #% end of toeplitz code if mv<nv: t = t.T return [t]
def convmtx(v, n): # Local Variables: cidx, c, x_left, ridx, m, n, x_right, mv, t, v, x, r, nv # Function calls: convmtx, length, ones, zeros, size, toeplitz #%CONVMTX Convolution matrix. #% CONVMTX(C,N) returns the convolution matrix for vector C. #% If C is a column vector and X is a column vector of length N, #% then CONVMTX(C,N)*X is the same as CONV(C,X). #% If R is a row vector and X is a row vector of length N, #% then X*CONVMTX(R,N) is the same as CONV(R,X). #% #% % Example: #% % Generate a simple convolution matrix. #% #% h = [1 2 3 2 1]; #% convmtx(h,7) % Convolution matrix #% #% See also CONV. #% Author(s): L. Shure, 47-88 #% T. Krauss, 3-30-93, removed dependence on toeplitz #% Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. #% $Revision: $ $Date: 2012/10/29 19:30:54 $ [mv, nv] = matcompat.size(v) v = v.flatten(1) #% make v a column vector #t = toeplitz(np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((v)), np.hstack((np.zeros((n-1.), 1.)))))), np.zeros(n, 1.)) c = np.array( np.vstack((np.hstack((v)), np.hstack((np.zeros((n - 1.), 1.)))))) r = np.zeros(n, 1.) m = length(c) x_left = r[int(n) - 1:2.:-1.] x_right = c.flatten(1) x = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((x_left)), np.hstack((x_right))))) #%x = [r(n:-1:2) ; c(:)]; % build vector of user data cidx = np.arange(0., (m - 1.) + 1).conj().T ridx = np.arange(n, (1.) + (-1.), -1.) t = cidx[:, int(np.ones(n, 1.)) - 1] + ridx[int(np.ones(m, 1.)) - 1, :] #% Toeplitz subscripts t[:] = x[int(t) - 1] #% actual data #% end of toeplitz code if mv < nv: t = t.T return [t]
def AND(C, B): # Local Variables: UB0, varargout, numRankSigma, nout, k, Ux, UC0, Wt, tol, C, B, numRankB, numRankC, UtC, Vx, Wgk, W, Sigma, UtB, dim, Sx, CandB, SC, SB, dSB, dSC, UC, UB # Function calls: AND, eye, diag, svd, nargout, inv, pinv, max, sum, size dim = matcompat.size(C, 1.) tol = 1e-14 [UC, SC, UtC] = plt.svd(C) [UB, SB, UtB] = plt.svd(B) dSC = np.diag(SC) dSB = np.diag(SB) numRankC = np.sum(, dSC > tol)) numRankB = np.sum(, dSB > tol)) UC0 = UC[:, int(numRankC + 1.) - 1:] UB0 = UB[:, int(numRankB + 1.) - 1:] [W, Sigma, Wt] = plt.svd((, UC0.conj().T) +, UB0.conj().T))) numRankSigma = np.sum(, np.diag(Sigma) > tol)) Wgk = W[:, int(numRankSigma + 1.) - 1:] CandB = Wgk, linalg.inv( Wgk.conj().T, linalg.pinv(C, tol) + linalg.pinv(B, tol) - np.eye(dim)), Wgk))), Wgk.conj().T) nout = matcompat.max(nargout, 1.) - 1. if nout > 0.: [Ux, Sx, Vx] = plt.svd(CandB) for k in np.arange(1., (nout) + 1): if k == 1.: varargout[int(k) - 1] = cellarray(np.hstack((Ux))) elif k == 2.: varargout[int(k) - 1] = cellarray(np.hstack((Sx))) return [CandB, varargout]
def clustMasks(opts): # Local Variables: gtWidth, E, zz, i, k, j, xx, yy, S, t, w, theta, dist, nDists, nOrients, K, opts # Function calls: all, cosd, sum, rem, nargout, single, meshgrid, zeros, linspace, error, sind, clustMasks, gradientMag, size gtWidth = opts.gtWidth nDists = opts.nDists nOrients = opts.nOrients if plt.rem(gtWidth, 2.) != 0.: matcompat.error('gtWidth should be even') #% define gtWidth x gtWidth grid [xx, yy] = matcompat.meshgrid(np.arange(-gtWidth/2.+1., (gtWidth/2.)+1)) #% define the distances and orientations k = gtWidth/1.0. dist = np.linspace(k, (-k), nDists) theta = np.arange(0., (180.-.01)+(180./nOrients), 180./nOrients) #% render seg masks for each cluster K =, nOrients) S = np.zeros(gtWidth, gtWidth, K) for i in np.arange(1., (nOrients)+1): t = theta[int(i)-1] w = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((cosd(t))), np.hstack((sind(t)))))) zz =[0], xx)[1], yy) for j in np.arange(1., (nDists)+1): k =, nDists)+j S[:,:,int(k)-1] = zz > dist[int(j)-1] #% check for bugs #% demonstrate how to convert segs S to edges E if nargout > 1.: E = np.zeros(matcompat.size(S)) for k in np.arange(1., (K)+1): E[:,:,int(k)-1] = gradientMag(np.single(S[:,:,int(k)-1])) > .01 return [S, E]
def nms(Es, alpha, tol, nThreads): # Local Variables: E, nThreads, outlier, Oe, Ye, O, Xe, Xt, tol, X, Y, alpha, Ot, nOrients, Yt, Es # Function calls: convTri, nms, edgeOrient, atan, sum, cos, edgesNmsMex, nargin, single, abs, pi, sin, size #% E = nms( Es, alpha, tol, nThreads ) if nargin < 2.: alpha = 1. if nargin < 3.: tol = 80. if nargin < 4.: nThreads = 4. nOrients = matcompat.size(Es, 3.) tol =, np.pi) / 180. #% Flatten and smooth slightly (it helps) E = np.sum(Es, 3.) E = convTri(E, 1.) #% Compute orientation map np.array([]) Ot = - 1.)), nOrients), np.pi) Oe = edgeOrient(E, 4.) if tol > 0.: outlier = np.abs((Oe - Ot)) > tol Oe[int(outlier) - 1] = Ot[int(outlier) - 1] Xt = np.cos(Ot) Yt = np.sin(Ot) Xe = np.cos(Oe) Ye = np.sin(Oe) X = Xt +, Xe - Xt) Y = Yt +, Ye - Yt) O = atan((Y / X)) #% Use those orientations to do nms E = edgesNmsMex(E, O, 1., 5., 1.01, nThreads) return [E]
def mirrorhistc(x, e): # Local Variables: b, lastBin, nn, bn, n, bp, np, x, e # Function calls: all, mirrorhistc, max, min, histc, length, abs, error, diff, ndims, any, size #% [N,B] = mirrorhistc( X, E ) #% #% Suppose E = [a b]. Then the binning #% used is (-b,-a] (-a,a) [a,b). #% #% Suppose E = [a b c]. Then the binning #% used is (-c,-b] (-b,-a] (-a,a) [a,b) [b,c). #% #% ...and so on. if np.any((e <= 0.)) or not np.all((np.diff(e) > 0.)): matcompat.error('invalid bin edges') if np.abs(matcompat.max(x)) >= e[int(0) - 1]: matcompat.error('data is out of bounds') if matcompat.ndim(x) > 2. or matcompat.max(matcompat.size(x)) > 1.: matcompat.error('data should be a vector') x = x.flatten(0).conj() e = e.flatten(0).conj() e = np.array(np.hstack((0., e))) lastBin = length(e) - 1. [nn, bn] = histc((-x[int((x < 0.)) - 1]), e) bn = lastBin - bn + 1. nn = nn[int(0 - 1.) - 1:1.:-1.] [np, bp] = histc(x[int((x >= 0.)) - 1], e) bp = bp + lastBin - 1. np = np[0:0 - 1.] b = 0. * x b[int((x < 0.)) - 1] = bn b[int((x >= 0.)) - 1] = bp n = np.array(np.hstack((nn[0:0 - 1.], nn[int(0) - 1] + np[0], np[1:]))) return [n, b]
def LtoW(L): # Local Variables: W, h, L, w, y, x, z # Function calls: meshgrid, zeros, LtoW, size #% W = LtoW( L ) [h, w] = matcompat.size(L) W = np.zeros(h, w, 121.) if 1.: #% simple version for y in np.arange(1., (h)+1): for x in np.arange(1., (w)+1): W[int(y)-1,int(x)-1,int(L[int(y)-1,int(x)-1])-1] = 1. else: #% harder to read but faster [x, y] = matcompat.meshgrid(np.arange(1., (w)+1), np.arange(1., (h)+1)) x = x.flatten(1) y = y.flatten(1) z = L.flatten(1) W[int((, h), h), w)))-1] = 1. return [W]
#%% plot #% optimally align C-reconstructed readouts with drivers for nice plots test_pAligned_PL = cell(1., Np) test_xAligned_PL = cell(1., Np) NRMSEsAligned = np.zeros(1., Np) for p in np.arange(1., (Np)+1): intRate = 20. thisDriver = pPL.cell[0,int(p)-1] thisOut = p_TestPL[0,:,int(p)-1] thisDriverInt = interp1(np.arange(1., (signalPlotLength)+1).conj().T, thisDriver.conj().T, np.arange(1., (signalPlotLength)+(1./intRate), 1./intRate).conj().T, 'spline').conj().T thisOutInt = interp1(np.arange(1., (testLength)+1).conj().T, thisOut.conj().T, np.arange(1., (testLength)+(1./intRate), 1./intRate).conj().T, 'spline').conj().T L = matcompat.size(thisOutInt, 2.) M = matcompat.size(thisDriverInt, 2.) phasematches = np.zeros(1., (L-M)) for phaseshift in np.arange(1., (L-M)+1): phasematches[0,int(phaseshift)-1] = linalg.norm((thisDriverInt-thisOutInt[0,int(phaseshift)-1:phaseshift+M-1.])) [maxVal, maxInd] = matcompat.max((-phasematches)) test_pAligned_PL.cell[0,int(p)-1] = thisOutInt[0,int(maxInd), signalPlotLength)-1.:intRate] coarseMaxInd = np.ceil(matdiv(maxInd, intRate)) test_xAligned_PL.cell[0,int(p)-1] = x_TestPL[:,int(coarseMaxInd)-1:coarseMaxInd+signalPlotLength-1.,int(p)-1] NRMSEsAligned[0,int(p)-1] = nrmse(test_pAligned_PL.cell[0,int(p)-1], pPL.cell[0,int(p)-1]) #%% #% figure(1); clf; #% fs = 18; fstext = 18; #% % set(gcf,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',[0 0.4 0.65 0.8]'*[1 1 1]);
def bspderiv(d, c, k): # Local Variables: tmp, c, nk, d, mc, i, k, nc, dc, dk # Function calls: zeros, bspderiv, numel, size #% BSPDERIV: B-Spline derivative. #% #% MATLAB SYNTAX: #% #% [dc,dk] = bspderiv(d,c,k) #% #% INPUT: #% #% d - degree of the B-Spline #% c - control points double matrix(mc,nc) #% k - knot sequence double vector(nk) #% #% OUTPUT: #% #% dc - control points of the derivative double matrix(mc,nc) #% dk - knot sequence of the derivative double vector(nk) #% #% Modified version of Algorithm A3.3 from 'The NURBS BOOK' pg98. #% #% Copyright (C) 2000 Mark Spink, 2007 Daniel Claxton #% #% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #% (at your option) any later version. #% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #% GNU General Public License for more details. #% #% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #% along with this program. If not, see <>. [mc, nc] = matcompat.size(c) nk = numel(k) #% #% int bspderiv(int d, double *c, int mc, int nc, double *k, int nk, double *dc, #% double *dk) #% { #% int ierr = 0; #% int i, j, tmp; #% #% // control points #% double **ctrl = vec2mat(c,mc,nc); #% #% // control points of the derivative dc = np.zeros(mc, (nc-1.)) #% double **dctrl = vec2mat(dc,mc,nc-1); #% for i in np.arange(0., (nc-2.)+1): #% for (i = 0; i < nc-1; i++) { #% } #% } #% dk = np.zeros(1., (nk-2.)) #% j = 0; dk[0:nk-2.] = k[1:nk-1.] #% for (i = 1; i < nk-1; i++) #% dk[j++] = k[i]; #% #% freevec2mat(dctrl); #% freevec2mat(ctrl); #% #% return ierr; #% } return [dc, dk]
def InterpolateCrossCorrelation(FirstSignal, SecondSignal, Delays, SamplingPeriod, MaxDelay): # Local Variables: SecondPolynomialCoefficients, FirstPolynomialCoefficients, MaxDelay, SecondSignal, MaxLag, PCCC, Delays, Curvature, SamplingPeriod, CrossCorrelation, FirstSignal, Derivative, dd # Function calls: disp, PolynomialCoefficientsCrossCorrelation, numel, PolynomialInterpolationCoefficients, ceil, nargin, zeros, InterpolateCrossCorrelation, error, size #%InterpolatieCrossCorrelation interpolates the cross-correlation function #%of two discrete signals #% #% USAGE: [CrossCorrelation Derivative Curvature] = #% InterpolateCrossCorrelation(FirstSignal,SecondSignal,Delays,SamplingPeriod) #% #% PARAMETERS: #% FirstSignal ~ values of the first signal #% SecondSignal ~ values of the second signal #% Delays ~ delays in which we want to evaluate the cross-correlation function #% SamplingPeriod ~ sampling period of the signals #% #% RETURN VALUE: #% CrossCorrelation ~ values of the cross-correlation function at delays #% Derivatives ~ values of its derivative at delays #% Curvature ~ values of its second derivative at delays #% #% DESCRIPTION: #% This function interpolates the cross-correlation function at times Delays #% of the signals FirstSignal and SecondSignal (sampled at SamplingPeriod). #% It does that assuming some polynomial interpolation at each time interval. #% #% This function will then compute: #% 1) The sequence of coefficients of each polynomial interpolation. #% 2) The cross-correlation of these sequences of coefficients. #% 3) The interpolation of the cross-correlation function at each of the Delays. #% #% REFERENCES: #% X. Alameda-Pineda and R. Horaud. Geometrically-constrained time delay #% estimation-based sound source localisation (gTDESSL). Research Report #% RR-7988, INRIA, June 2012. #% #% see also PolynomialInterpolationCoefficients, PolynomialCoefficientsCrossCorrelation and performCCInterpolation #% Copyright 2012, Xavier Alameda-Pineda #% INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes #% E-mail: [email protected] #% #% This is part of the gtde program. #% #% gtde is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #% (at your option) any later version. #% #% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #% GNU General Public License for more details. #% #% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #% along with this program. If not, see <>. #%%% Input check if nargin<4.: matcompat.error('Usage: [CrossCorrelation Derivative] = Interpolation(FirstSignal,SecondSignal,Delays,SamplingPeriod[,MaxDelay]') #%%% Compute the interpolation polynomial coefficients of the signals [FirstPolynomialCoefficients] = PolynomialInterpolationCoefficients(FirstSignal, SamplingPeriod) [SecondPolynomialCoefficients] = PolynomialInterpolationCoefficients(SecondSignal, SamplingPeriod) #%%% Compute the cross-correlation of the coefficients if nargin<5.: [PCCC] = PolynomialCoefficientsCrossCorrelation(FirstPolynomialCoefficients, SecondPolynomialCoefficients) else: MaxLag = np.ceil(matdiv(MaxDelay, SamplingPeriod)) [PCCC] = PolynomialCoefficientsCrossCorrelation(FirstPolynomialCoefficients, SecondPolynomialCoefficients, MaxLag) #%%% Interpolate the cross-correlation at "Delays" CrossCorrelation = np.zeros(matcompat.size(Delays)) Derivative = np.zeros(matcompat.size(Delays)) Curvature = np.zeros(matcompat.size(Delays)) for dd in np.arange(1., (numel(Delays))+1): if dd == 2651.: np.disp('stop') Delays[int(dd)-1] return [CrossCorrelation, Derivative, Curvature]
def NoiseLevel(img, patchsize=7, decim=0, conf=1-(1E-6), itr=3): # Image has a single channel? if len(img.shape) == 2: new_shape = list(img.shape) + [1] img = img.reshape(tuple(new_shape)) img = img.astype(np.float64) nlevel, th, num = [], [], [] kernel = [-0.5, 0, 0.5] imgh = imfilter_h(img, kernel) imgh = imgh[:,1:matcompat.size(imgh, 2.)-1.,:] imgh = imgh*imgh # imgv = imfilter(img, kv, 'replicate') # imgv = scipy.ndimage.correlate(img, kv, mode='nearest') imgv = imfilter_v(img, kernel) imgv = imgv[1:matcompat.size(imgv, 1.)-1.,:,:] imgv = imgv*imgv kh = np.array([[-1./2.], [0.], [1./2.]]) kv = kh.T Dh = my_convmtx2(kh, patchsize) Dv = my_convmtx2(kv, patchsize) DD =, Dh), Dv) r = np.linalg.matrix_rank(DD) Dtr = np.trace(DD) tau0 = scipy.stats.gamma.ppf( conf, (np.double(r)/2.), scale=(2.0 * Dtr / np.double(r))) for cha in np.arange(1., (matcompat.size(img, 3.))+1): X = im2col(img[:, :, int(cha) - 1], (patchsize, patchsize)) Xh = im2col(imgh[:, :, int(cha) - 1], (patchsize, patchsize - 2)) Xv = im2col(imgv[:, :, int(cha) - 1], (patchsize - 2, patchsize)) # Sum columns Xtr = np.sum(np.vstack((Xh, Xv)), 0) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if decim > 0: # This is not executed by default XtrX = vertcat(Xtr, X) XtrX = sortrows(XtrX.conj().T).conj().T p = np.floor(matdiv(matcompat.size(XtrX, 2.), decim+1.)) p =, (p)+1)))), decim+1.) Xtr = XtrX[0,int(p)-1] X = XtrX[1:matcompat.size(XtrX, 1.),int(p)-1] #%%%%% noise level estimation %%%%% tau = float('inf') if matcompat.size(X, 2.)<matcompat.size(X, 1.): sig2 = 0. else: cov =, X.T) / (matcompat.size(X, 2.)-1.) d = np.linalg.eigvals(cov) # MATLAB's 'eig' sorts values in asc order! # sig2 = d[0] sig2 = sorted(d)[0] for i in np.arange(2., (itr)+1): tau=sig2 * tau0 p=(Xtr < tau) Xtr = Xtr[p] X = X.T[p].T if (matcompat.size(X,2) < matcompat.size(X,1)): break, X.T) / (matcompat.size(X,2) - 1) d=np.linalg.eigvals(cov) sig2 = sorted(d)[0] nlevel.append(np.sqrt(sig2)) th.append(tau) num.append(matcompat.size(X, 2.)) return nlevel, th, num
def entropy_estC(f): f = np.asanyarray(f).reshape(-1, 1).T k = 30000 gridFactor = 1.05 xLPmin = 1 / float(, __builtin__.max(10, k))) min_i = min(find(f > 0)) if min_i > 1: xLPmin = min_i / k maxLPIters = 1000 x = 0 histx = 0 fLP = f.copy() # BADA COMMENTs fmax = max(find(fLP > 0)) if min(size(fmax)) == 0: x = x(np.arange(1, end())) histx = histx(np.arange(1, end())) return histx, x LPmass = 1 -, np.transpose(histx)) fLP = np.append(fLP, (zeros(1, int(ceil(sqrt(fmax)))))) szLPf = max(size(fLP)) xLPmax = fmax / float(k) xLP = dot( xLPmin, gridFactor**(arange(0, ceil(log(xLPmax / xLPmin) / log(gridFactor))))) szLPx = max(size(xLP)) i = szLPx + dot(2, szLPf) i = np.array(i) objf = [0 for _ in range(i[0][0])] t = fLP.copy() for j in range(len(fLP)): t[j] = 1. / sqrt(t[j] + 1) m = 0 for j in range(szLPx, len(objf), 2): objf[j] = t[m] m += 1 m = 0 for j in range(szLPx + 1, len(objf), 2): objf[j] = t[m] m += 1 m =, szLPf) n = szLPx +, szLPf) n = np.array(n) A = [[0.0 for i in range(n[0][0])] for j in range(m)] b = [[0.0 for i in range(1)] for j in range(, szLPf))] for i in range(szLPf): t =, xLP) t = np.array(t)[0] t = poisson.pmf(i + 1, t) A[2 * i][:szLPx] = t[:] A[2 * i + 1][:szLPx] = -t[:] t = szLPx + 2 * i t = np.asarray(t)[0][0] A[2 * i][t] = -1 t = szLPx + 2 * i + 1 t = np.asarray(t)[0][0] A[2 * i + 1][t] = -1 b[2 * i][0] = fLP[i] b[2 * i + 1][0] = -fLP[i] n = szLPx + dot(2, szLPf) n = np.array(n)[0][0] Aeq = [0 for _ in range(n)] t = xLP.copy() t = np.asarray(t)[0] Aeq[:szLPx] = t[:] beq = LPmass options = {'maxiter': maxLPIters, 'disp': False} for j in range(len(t)): for x in range(len(A)): A[x][j] = A[x][j] / t[j] Aeq[j] = Aeq[j] / t[j] lb = 0.0 ub = float("Inf") objf = np.array([objf]).T A = np.array(A) b = np.array(b) cobj = objf.flatten() x = 0 res = linprog(c=cobj, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, A_eq=np.array([Aeq]), b_eq=np.array([beq]), bounds=(lb, ub), options=options, method='interior-point') sol2 = res['x'] if not res['success']: print(res['message']) for j in range(szLPx): sol2[j] = sol2[j] / xLP[j] if max(matcompat.size(find((x > 0.)))) == 0.: t = np.asarray(xLP)[0] for j in range(len(t)): t[j] = t[j] * log(t[j]) ent =[0:szLPx].T, t.T) return ent
def stmcb(x, u_in, q, p, niter, a_in): # Local Variables: T_sub2, T_sub1, T_minus, C2, C1, a_in, N, u_in, T, a, niter, c, b, i, q, p, u, v, x, T_left, T_right, C1_minus # Function calls: convmtx, filter, prony, nargchk, stmcb, nargin, length, zeros, error, message, size #%STMCB Compute linear model via Steiglitz-McBride iteration #% [B,A] = stmcb(H,NB,NA) finds the coefficients of the system #% B(z)/A(z) with approximate impulse response H, NA poles and #% NB zeros. #% #% [B,A] = stmcb(H,NB,NA,N) uses N iterations. N defaults to 5. #% #% [B,A] = stmcb(H,NB,NA,N,Ai) uses the vector Ai as the initial #% guess at the denominator coefficients. If you don't specify Ai, #% STMCB uses [B,Ai] = PRONY(H,0,NA) as the initial conditions. #% #% [B,A] = STMCB(Y,X,NB,NA,N,Ai) finds the system coefficients B and #% A of the system which, given X as input, has Y as output. N and Ai #% are again optional with default values of N = 5, [B,Ai] = PRONY(Y,0,NA). #% Y and X must be the same length. #% #% % Example: #% % Approximate the impulse response of a Butterworth filter with a #% % system of lower order. #% #% [b,a] = butter(6,0.2); % Butterworth filter design #% h = filter(b,a,[1 zeros(1,100)]); % Filter data using above filter #% freqz(b,a,128) % Frequency response #% [bb,aa] = stmcb(h,4,4); #% figure; freqz(bb,aa,128) #% #% See also PRONY, LEVINSON, LPC, ARYULE. #% Author(s): Jim McClellan, 2-89 #% T. Krauss, 4-22-93, new help and options #% Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. #% $Revision: $ $Date: 2012/10/29 19:32:10 $ matcompat.error(nargchk(3., 6., nargin, 'struct')) if length(u_in) == 1.: if nargin == 3.: niter = 5. p = q q = u_in a_in = prony(x, 0., p) elif nargin == 4.: niter = p p = q q = u_in a_in = prony(x, 0., p) elif nargin == 5.: a_in = niter niter = p p = q q = u_in u_in = np.zeros(matcompat.size(x)) u_in[0] = 1. #% make a unit impulse whose length is same as x else: if length(u_in) != length(x): matcompat.error(message('signal:stmcb:InvalidDimensions')) if nargin<6.: [b, a_in] = prony(x, 0., p) if nargin<5.: niter = 5. a = a_in N = length(x) for i in np.arange(1., (niter)+1): u = filter(1., a, x) v = filter(1., a, u_in) C1 = convmtx(u.flatten(1), (p+1.)) C2 = convmtx(v.flatten(1), (q+1.)) C1_minus = -C1 T_sub1 = C1_minus[0:N,:] T_sub2 = C2[0:N,:] T = np.array(np.hstack((T_sub1, T_sub2))) #%T = [ C1_minus(1:N,:) C2(1:N,:) ]; T_minus = -T T_left = T[:,1:p+q+2.] T_right = T_minus[:,0] c = linalg.solve(T_left, T_right) #% c = T(:,2:p+q+2)\(T_minus(:,1)); % move 1st column to RHS and do least-squares a = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((1.)), np.hstack((c[0:p]))))) #% denominator coefficients b = c[int(p+1.)-1:p+q+1.] #% numerator coefficients a = a.T b = b.T return [b, a]
def bspeval(d, c, k, u): # Local Variables: c, d, mc, i, k, nc, N, p, s, u, tmp1, nu # Function calls: bspeval, zeros, numel, basisfun, repmat, findspan, size #% BSPEVAL: Evaluate B-Spline at parametric points. #% #% Calling Sequence: #% #% p = bspeval(d,c,k,u) #% #% INPUT: #% #% d - Degree of the B-Spline. #% c - Control Points, matrix of size (dim,nc). #% k - Knot sequence, row vector of size nk. #% u - Parametric evaluation points, row vector of size nu. #% #% OUTPUT: #% #% p - Evaluated points, matrix of size (dim,nu) #% #% Copyright (C) 2000 Mark Spink, 2007 Daniel Claxton, 2010 C. de Falco #% #% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #% (at your option) any later version. #% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #% GNU General Public License for more details. #% #% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #% along with this program. If not, see <>. nu = numel(u) [mc, nc] = matcompat.size(c) #% int bspeval(int d, double *c, int mc, int nc, double *k, int nk, double *u,int nu, double *p){ #% int ierr = 0; #% int i, s, tmp1, row, col; #% double tmp2; #% #% // Construct the control points #% double **ctrl = vec2mat(c,mc,nc); #% #% // Contruct the evaluated points #% double **pnt = vec2mat(p,mc,nu); #% #% // space for the basis functions #%N = zeros(d+1,1); % double *N = (double*) mxMalloc((d+1)*sizeof(double)); #% #% // for each parametric point i #%for col=1:nu % for (col = 0; col < nu; col++) { #% // find the span of u[col] s = findspan((nc-1.), d, u.flatten(1), k) #% s = findspan(nc-1, d, u[col], k); N = basisfun(s, u.flatten(1), d, k) #% basisfun(s, u[col], d, k, N); #% tmp1 = s-d+1. #% tmp1 = s - d; #%for row=1:mc % for (row = 0; row < mc; row++) { p = np.zeros(mc, nu) #% tmp2 = 0.0; for i in np.arange(0., (d)+1): #% for (i = 0; i <= d; i++) #% #%p(row,:) = tmp2; % pnt[col][row] = tmp2; #%end % } #%end % } #% #% mxFree(N); #% freevec2mat(pnt); #% freevec2mat(ctrl); #% #% return ierr; #% } return [p]
def find_frequency(nfreq, nsampl, nsampl_orig, frequencies, sampling_all, sampling): # Local Variables: i_nom, pmr, mm1, sampling, nsampl, one_frequency, num_of_mod, pmc, nfreq, nsampl_orig, cardinality, test_set, i_sampln, probable_mod, tempfkm, field_common1, field, fields_to_check, fps, field_common, frequencies, probable_mod1, sampling_all, mm2, num_fps, i, k, j, m, eta, search_limit, common, k_fps # Function calls: size, rand, intersect, floor, min, find_frequency, zeros, numel, unique, mod fps = 15. eta = np.floor(matdiv(nsampl, nfreq)) for j in np.arange(1., (nsampl)+1): test_set[int(j)-1] = sampling[0,int(j)-1] if eta == 1.: eta = 2. fields_to_check = np.zeros(eta) #% fields_to_check=[1 2]; #% end; #% fields_to_check=fields_to_check-1; while numel(np.unique(fields_to_check))<eta: fields_to_check = np.floor(, eta), nsampl))+1. #%eta #%fields_to_check #%pause; search_limit = 1. for k in np.arange(1., (eta)+1): search_limit =, frequencies[int(fields_to_check[int(k)-1])-1]) if search_limit > 2000.: search_limit = 2000. for k in np.arange(1., (eta)+1): m = 2. field[int(k)-1,1] = test_set[int(fields_to_check[int(k)-1])-1] #%pause num_fps[int(k)-1] = np.floor(matdiv(frequencies[int(fields_to_check[int(k)-1])-1]/2., fps)) #%frequencies(fields_to_check(k)) #%num_fps(k) #%pause; for k_fps in np.arange(1., (num_fps[int(k)-1]+3.)+1): if np.mod(k_fps, 2.) == 0.: tempfkm =, fps)+fps-field[int(k)-1,1] if tempfkm<frequencies[int(fields_to_check[int(k)-1])-1]/2.: field[int(k)-1,int(m)-1] = tempfkm else: tempfkm =, fps)+field[int(k)-1,1] if tempfkm<frequencies[int(fields_to_check[int(k)-1])-1]/2.: field[int(k)-1,int(m)-1] = tempfkm #%tempfkm #%pause mm1 = 1. mm2 = 0. while, frequencies[int(fields_to_check[int(k)-1])-1])<search_limit: field[int(k)-1,int((m+1.))-1] =, frequencies[int(fields_to_check[int(k)-1])-1]) mm1 = mm1+1. m = m+1. while, frequencies[int(fields_to_check[int(k)-1])-1])<search_limit: field[int(k)-1,int((m+1.))-1] =, frequencies[int(fields_to_check[int(k)-1])-1]) mm2 = mm2+1. m = m+1. field[int(k)-1,0] = m-2. #%field #%search_limit #%pause; field_common1[0,0] = 0. for i in np.arange(1., (eta-1.)+1): cardinality = numel(intersect(field[int(i)-1,1:field[int(i)-1,0]+1.], field[int((i+1.))-1,1:field[int((i+1.))-1,0]+1.])) field_common1[0:cardinality] = intersect(field[int(i)-1,1:field[int(i)-1,0]+1.], field[int((i+1.))-1,1:field[int((i+1.))-1,0]+1.]) field_common1.flatten(1) if numel(field_common1) > 0.: field[int((i+1.))-1,0] = numel(field_common1.flatten(1)) field[int((i+1.))-1,1:numel[field_common1[:]]+1.] = field_common1.flatten(1) else: break if numel(field_common1)<1.: field_common = 0. else: field_common = field_common1.flatten(1) #%field_common #%pause; #%frequencies fps #%pause num_of_mod = numel(field_common) for i_nom in np.arange(1., (num_of_mod)+1): for i_sampln in np.arange(1., (nsampl_orig)+1): if np.mod(np.floor(matdiv(matcompat.max(np.mod(field_common[int(i_nom)-1], frequencies[int(i_sampln)-1]), (frequencies[int(i_sampln)-1]-np.mod(field_common[int(i_nom)-1], frequencies[int(i_sampln)-1]))), fps)), 2.) == 0.: probable_mod[int(i_nom)-1,int(i_sampln)-1] = np.mod(matcompat.max(np.mod(field_common[int(i_nom)-1], frequencies[int(i_sampln)-1]), (frequencies[int(i_sampln)-1]-np.mod(field_common[int(i_nom)-1], frequencies[int(i_sampln)-1]))), fps) else: probable_mod[int(i_nom)-1,int(i_sampln)-1] = 15.-np.mod(matcompat.max(np.mod(field_common[int(i_nom)-1], frequencies[int(i_sampln)-1]), (frequencies[int(i_sampln)-1]-np.mod(field_common[int(i_nom)-1], frequencies[int(i_sampln)-1]))), fps) #%probable_mod #%pause; [pmr, pmc] = matcompat.size(probable_mod) probable_mod1 = np.zeros(pmc) #%frequencies common = np.zeros(num_of_mod) #%fps field_common #%frequencies #%probable_mod for i_nom in np.arange(1., (num_of_mod)+1): for j in np.arange(1., (nsampl_orig)+1): common[int(i_nom)-1] = common[int(i_nom)-1]+numel(intersect(probable_mod[int(i_nom)-1,int(j)-1], sampling_all[:,int(j)-1])) common[int(i_nom)-1] if common[int(i_nom)-1] >= 1.*nsampl_orig: one_frequency[int(i_nom)-1] = field_common[int(i_nom)-1] field_common[int(i_nom)-1] probable_mod1[0:pmc] = probable_mod[int(i_nom)-1,0:pmc] #% disp('The Vibration Frequency of the machine:::::::::::::::'); #%one_frequency #%pause; else: #% [pmr,pmc]=size(probable_mod); one_frequency[int(i_nom)-1] = -1. #%disp('hi') #% probable_mod1=zeros(pmc); return [one_frequency, probable_mod1]
def arparest(x, p, method): # Local Variables: a, msgobj, XM, Xc, a_left, a_right, minlength_x, mx, nx, p, x, msg, e, Xc_minus, X1, method, Cz # Function calls: real, corrmtx, nargchk, getString, min, strcmp, issparse, nargin, length, abs, isempty, error, arparest, message, round, size #%ARPAREST AR parameter estimation via a specified method. #% A = ARPAREST(X,ORDER,METHOD) returns the polynomial A corresponding to #% the AR parametric signal model estimate of vector X using the specified #% METHOD. ORDER is the model order of the AR system. #% #% Supported methods are: 'covariance' and 'modified' although all of the #% methods of CORRMTX will work. In particular if 'autocorrelation' is #% used, the results should be the same as those of ARYULE (but slower). #% #% [A,E] = ARPAREST(...) returns the variance estimate E of the white noise #% input to the AR model. #% Ref: S. Kay, MODERN SPECTRAL ESTIMATION, #% Prentice-Hall, 1988, Chapter 7 #% S. Marple, DIGITAL SPECTRAL ANALYSIS WITH APPLICATION, #% Prentice-Hall, 1987, Chapter 8. #% P. Stoica and R. Moses, INTRODUCTION TO SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, #% Prentice-Hall, 1997, Chapter 3 #% Author(s): R. Losada and P. Pacheco #% Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. #% $Revision: $ $Date: 2011/05/13 18:13:56 $ matcompat.error(nargchk(3., 3., nargin, 'struct')) [mx, nx] = matcompat.size(x) #% Initialize in case we return early a = np.array([]) e = np.array([]) #% Assign msg in case there are no errors msg = \' msgobj = np.array([]) #% Set up necessary but not sufficient conditions for the correlation #% matrix to be nonsingular. From (Marple) _switch_val=method if False: # switch pass elif _switch_val == 'covariance': minlength_x = 2.*p elif _switch_val == 'modified': minlength_x = 3.*p/2. else: msgobj = message('signal:arparest:UnknMethod') msg = getString(msgobj) return [] #% Do some data sanity testing if isempty(x) or length(x)<minlength_x or matcompat.max(mx, nx) > 1.: if strcmp(method, 'modified'): msgobj = message('signal:arparest:TooSmallForModel', 'X', '3/2') msg = getString(msgobj) else: msgobj = message('signal:arparest:TooSmallForModel', 'X', '2') msg = getString(msgobj) return [] if issparse(x): msgobj = message('signal:arparest:InputSignalCannotBeSparse') msg = getString(msgobj) return [] if isempty(p) or p != np.round(p): msgobj = message('signal:arparest:ModelOrderMustBeInteger') msg = getString(msgobj) return [] x = x.flatten(1) #% Generate the appropriate data matrix XM = corrmtx(x, p, method) Xc = XM[:,1:] X1 = XM[:,0] #% Coefficients estimated via the covariance method a_left = np.array(np.hstack((1.))) Xc_minus = -Xc a_right = linalg.solve(Xc_minus, X1) a = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((a_left)), np.hstack((a_right))))) #%a = [1; -Xc\X1]; #% Estimate the input white noise variance Cz =, Xc) e =, X1), a[1:]) #% Ignore the possible imaginary part due to numerical errors and force #% the variance estimate of the white noise to be positive e = np.abs(np.real(e)) a = a.flatten(0) #% By convention all polynomials are row vectors #% [EOF] arparest.m return [a, e, msg, msgobj]
def findspan(n, p, u, U): # Local Variables: j, n, p, s, u, U # Function calls: min, max, find, zeros, numel, error, findspan, size #% FINDSPAN Find the span of a B-Spline knot vector at a parametric point #% #% Calling Sequence: #% #% s = findspan(n,p,u,U) #% #% INPUT: #% #% n - number of control points - 1 #% p - spline degree #% u - parametric point #% U - knot sequence #% #% OUTPUT: #% #% s - knot span index #% #% Modification of Algorithm A2.1 from 'The NURBS BOOK' pg68 #% #% Copyright (C) 2010 Rafael Vazquez #% #% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #% (at your option) any later version. #% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #% GNU General Public License for more details. #% #% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #% along with this program. If not, see <>. if matcompat.max(u.flatten(1)) > U[int(0) - 1] or matcompat.max( u.flatten(1)) < U[0]: matcompat.error('Some value is outside the knot span') s = np.zeros(matcompat.size(u)) for j in np.arange(1., (numel(u)) + 1): if u[int(j) - 1] == U[int((n + 2.)) - 1]: s[int(j) - 1] = n continue s[int(j) - 1] = nonzero((u[int(j) - 1] >= U), 1., 'last') - 1. #%!test #%! n = 3; #%! U = [0 0 0 1/2 1 1 1]; #%! p = 2; #%! u = linspace(0, 1, 10); #%! s = findspan (n, p, u, U); #%! assert (s, [2*ones(1, 5) 3*ones(1, 5)]); #%!test #%! p = 2; m = 7; n = m - p - 1; #%! U = [zeros(1,p) linspace(0,1,m+1-2*p) ones(1,p)]; #%! u = [ 0 0.11880 0.55118 0.93141 0.40068 0.35492 0.44392 0.88360 0.35414 0.92186 0.83085 1]; #%! s = [2 2 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4]; #%! assert (findspan (n, p, u, U), s, 1e-10); return [s]
Nalphas = 2.*halfPlotNumber+1. allAlphas = np.zeros(4., Nalphas) allQuotas = np.zeros(4., Nalphas) allNorms = np.zeros(4., Nalphas) attenuationPL = np.zeros(4., Nalphas) diffPL = np.zeros(4., Nalphas) zsPL = np.zeros(4., Nalphas) for i in np.arange(1., (Nalphas)+1): allAlphas[:,int(i)-1] = bestAlphas.conj().T*factors.conj().T**exponents[int(i)-1] for p in np.arange(1., 5.0): C = Cs.cell[0,int(p)-1] testLength = testLengthesAtt[int(p)-1] delay = delays[int(p)-1] alphas = allAlphas[int(p)-1,:] Nalphas = matcompat.size(alphas, 2.) sigmaPL = np.zeros(Nalphas, Netsize) for i in np.arange(1., (Nalphas)+1): alpha = alphas[int(i)-1] Calpha = PHI(C, alpha) allQuotas[int(p)-1,int(i)-1] = matdiv(np.trace(Calpha), Netsize) allNorms[int(p)-1,int(i)-1] = linalg.norm(Calpha, 'fro')**2. [U, S, V] = plt.svd(Calpha) sigmaPL[int(i)-1,:] = np.diag(S).conj().T x = startXs[:,int(p)-1] att = 0. diff = 0. zs = 0. for n in np.arange(1., (testLength)+1): z = np.tanh((, x)+Wbias)) x =, z)
def invfreqz(g, w, varargin): # Local Variables: realFlag, cg, realStr, D31, gndir, t1, cw, rw, nm, na, nb, Vcap, V1, rg, pf, tol, maxiter, varargin, cwf, wf, ll, D, rwf, D32, Dva, Dvb, gaussFlag, verb, GC, T, e, th, nk, a, OM, b, Vd, g, k, l, st, indg, R, t, w, indb, D3 # Function calls: disp, polystab, deal, ischar, int2str, all, warning, home, message, size, getString, sqrt, clc, zeros, invfreqz, norm, real, nargchk, max, nargin, ones, isempty, lower, length, num2str, exp, error, strcmp #%INVFREQZ Discrete filter least squares fit to frequency response data. #% [B,A] = INVFREQZ(H,W,NB,NA) gives real numerator and denominator #% coefficients B and A of orders NB and NA respectively, where #% H is the desired complex frequency response of the system at frequency #% points W, and W contains the normalized frequency values within the #% interval [0, Pi] (W is in units of radians/sample). #% #% INVFREQZ yields a filter with real coefficients. This means that it is #% sufficient to specify positive frequencies only; the filter fits the data #% conj(H) at -W, ensuring the proper frequency domain symmetry for a real #% filter. #% #% [B,A] = INVFREQZ(H,W,NB,NA,Wt) allows the fit-errors to be weighted #% versus frequency. LENGTH(Wt)=LENGTH(W)=LENGTH(H). #% Determined by minimization of sum |B-H*A|^2*Wt over the freqs in W. #% #% [B,A] = INVFREQZ(H,W,NB,NA,Wt,ITER) does another type of fit: #% Sum |B/A-H|^2*Wt is minimized with respect to the coefficients in B and #% A by numerical search in at most ITER iterations. The A-polynomial is #% then constrained to be stable. [B,A]=INVFREQZ(H,W,NB,NA,Wt,ITER,TOL) #% stops the iterations when the norm of the gradient is less than TOL. #% The default value of TOL is 0.01. The default value of Wt is all ones. #% This default value is also obtained by Wt=[]. #% #% [B,A] = INVFREQZ(H,W,NB,NA,Wt,ITER,TOL,'trace') provides a textual #% progress report of the iteration. #% #% [B,A] = INVFREQZ(H,W,'complex',NB,NA,...) creates a complex filter. In #% this case, no symmetry is enforced and W contains normalized frequency #% values within the interval [-Pi, Pi]. #% #% % Example: #% % Convert a simple transfer function to frequency response data and #% % then back to the original filter coefficients. If the system is #% % unstable, use invfreqs's iterative algorithm to find a stable #% % approximation to the system. #% #% b = [1 2 3 2 3]; % Numerator coefficients #% a = [1 2 3 2 1 4]; % Denominator coefficients #% [h,w] = freqz(b,a,64); #% [bb,aa] = invfreqz(h,w,4,5) % aa has poles in the right half-plane. #% [z,p,k] = tf2zp(bb,aa); % Get Zero-Pole form #% fprintf('Stable Approximation to the system:') #% [bbb,aaa] = invfreqz(h,w,4,5,[],30) % Stable approximation to system #% subplot(2,1,1); zplane(bb,aa); title('PZ plot - Unstable system') #% subplot(2,1,2); zplane(bbb,aaa); title('PZ plot of stable system') #% #% See also FREQZ, FREQS, INVFREQS. #% Author(s): J.O. Smith and J.N. Little, 4-23-86 #% J.N. Little, 4-27-88, revised #% Lennart Ljung, 9-21-92, rewritten #% T. Krauss, 99-92, trace mode made optional #% Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. #% $Revision: $ $Date: 2012/10/29 19:31:23 $ #% calling sequence is #%function [b,a]=invfreqz(g,w,nb,na,wf,maxiter,tol,pf) #% OR #%function [b,a]=invfreqz(g,w,'complex',nb,na,wf,maxiter,tol,pf) matcompat.error(nargchk(4., 9., nargin, 'struct')) if ischar(varargin.cell[0]): realStr = lower(varargin.cell[0]) varargin[0] = np.array([]) else: realStr = 'real' gaussFlag = length(varargin) > 3. #% run Gauss-Newton algorithm or not? if length(varargin)<6.: varargin.cell[5] = np.array([]) #% pad varargin with []'s [nb, na, wf, maxiter, tol, pf] = deal(varargin.cell[:]) _switch_val=realStr if False: # switch pass elif _switch_val == 'real': realFlag = 1. elif _switch_val == 'complex': realFlag = 0. else: matcompat.warning(message('signal:invfreqz:InvalidParam', realStr)) realFlag = 0. nk = 0. T = 1. #% The code is prepared for arbitrary sampling interval T and for #% constraining the numerator to begin with nk zeros. nb = nb+nk+1. if isempty(pf): verb = 0. elif strcmp(pf, 'trace'): verb = 1. else: matcompat.error(message('signal:invfreqz:NotSupported', pf)) if isempty(wf): wf = np.ones(length(w), 1.) wf = np.sqrt(wf) if length(g) != length(w): matcompat.error(message('signal:invfreqz:InvalidDimensions', 'H', 'W')) if length(wf) != length(w): matcompat.error(message('signal:invfreqz:InvalidDimensions', 'Wt', 'W')) #% if any( (w>pi) | (w<0) ) && realFlag #% warning(message('signal:invfreqz:InvalidRegion', 'W', 'INVFREQZ', '''complex''')) #% end [rw, cw] = matcompat.size(w) if rw > cw: w = w.conj().T [rg, cg] = matcompat.size(g) if cg > rg: g = g.T [rwf, cwf] = matcompat.size(wf) if cwf > rwf: wf = wf.conj().T nm = matcompat.max(na, (nb+nk-1.)) OM = np.exp(, np.arange(0., (nm)+1).conj().T), w), T)) #% #% Estimation in the least squares case: #% Dva = OM[1:na+1.,:].T*, np.ones(1., na)) Dvb = -OM[int(nk+1.)-1:nk+nb,:].T D = np.array(np.hstack((Dva, Dvb)))*, np.ones(1., (na+nb))) if realFlag: R = np.real(, D)) Vd = np.real(, -g*wf)) else: R =, D) Vd =, -g*wf) th = linalg.solve(R, Vd) a = np.array(np.hstack((1., th[0:na].T))) b = np.array(np.hstack((np.zeros(1., nk), th[int(na+1.)-1:na+nb].T))) if not gaussFlag: return [] #% Now for the iterative minimization if isempty(maxiter): maxiter = 30. if isempty(tol): tol = 0.01 indb = np.arange(1., (length(b))+1) indg = np.arange(1., (length(a))+1) a = polystab(a) #% Stabilizing the denominator #% The initial estimate: GC = (, OM[int(indb)-1,:])/, OM[int(indg)-1,:])).T e = (GC-g)*wf Vcap =, e) t = np.array(np.hstack((a[1:na+1.], b[int(nk+1.)-1:nk+nb]))).T if verb: #%messages similar to invfreqs clc np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((' ', getString(message('signal:invfreqs:INITIALESTIMATE')))))) np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((getString(message('signal:invfreqs:CurrentFit')), num2str(Vcap))))) np.disp(getString(message('signal:invfreqs:Parvector'))) np.disp(t) #% #% ** the minimization loop ** #% gndir = 2.*tol+1. l = 0. st = 0. while np.all(np.array(np.hstack((linalg.norm(gndir) > tol, l<maxiter, st != 1.)))): l = l+1. #% * compute gradient * D31 = OM[1:na+1.,:].T*, OM[0:na+1.,:]).T, np.ones(1., na)) D32 = OM[int(nk+1.)-1:nk+nb,:].T/, OM[0:na+1.,:]).T, np.ones(1., nb)) D3 = np.array(np.hstack((D31, D32)))*, np.ones(1., (na+nb))) #% * compute Gauss-Newton search direction * e = (GC-g)*wf if realFlag: R = np.real(, D3)) Vd = np.real(, e)) else: R =, D3) Vd =, e) gndir = linalg.solve(R, Vd) #% * search along the gndir-direction * ll = 0. k = 1. V1 = Vcap+1. while np.all(np.array(np.hstack((V1, ll<20.)))): t1 =, gndir) if ll == 19.: t1 = t a = polystab(np.array(np.hstack((1., t1[0:na].T)))) t1[0:na] = a[1:na+1.].T #%Stabilizing denominator b = np.array(np.hstack((np.zeros(1., nk), t1[int(na+1.)-1:na+nb].T))) GC = (, OM[int(indb)-1,:])/, OM[int(indg)-1,:])).T V1 =*wf).conj().T, (GC-g)*wf) t1 = np.array(np.hstack((a[1:na+1.], b[int(nk+1.)-1:nk+nb]))).T if verb: home np.disp(int2str(ll)) k = k/2. ll = ll+1. if ll == 20.: st = 1. if ll == 10.: gndir =, linalg.norm(R)), length(R)) k = 1. if verb: home np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((' ', getString(message('signal:invfreqs:ITERATION')), int2str(l))))) np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((getString(message('signal:invfreqs:CurrentFit')), num2str(V1), getString(message('signal:invfreqs:PreviousFit')), num2str(Vcap))))) np.disp(getString(message('signal:invfreqs:CurrentParPrevparGNdir'))) np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((t1, t, gndir)))) np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((getString(message('signal:invfreqs:NormOfGNvector')), num2str(linalg.norm(gndir)))))) if st == 1.: np.disp(getString(message('signal:invfreqs:NoImprovement'))) np.disp(getString(message('signal:invfreqs:IterationsThereforeTerminated'))) t = t1 Vcap = V1 return [b, a]
def bspinterpcrv(Q, p, method): # Local Variables: A, ii, crv, d, n, Q, p, u, pnts, jj, x, y, span, z, knts, method # Function calls: basisfun, nrbmak, cumsum, sum, error, sqrt, nargin, ones, isempty, linspace, zeros, diff, size, bspinterpcrv, findspan, strcmpi #% #% BSPINTERPCRV: B-Spline interpolation of a 3d curve. #% #% Calling Sequence: #% #% crv = bspinterpcrv (Q, p); #% crv = bspinterpcrv (Q, p, method); #% [crv, u] = bspinterpcrv (Q, p); #% [crv, u] = bspinterpcrv (Q, p, method); #% #% INPUT: #% #% Q - points to be interpolated in the form [x_coord; y_coord; z_coord]. #% p - degree of the interpolating curve. #% method - parametrization method. The available choices are: #% 'equally_spaced' #% 'chord_length' #% 'centripetal' (Default) #% #% OUTPUT: #% #% crv - the B-Spline curve. #% u - the parametric points corresponding to the interpolation ones. #% #% See The NURBS book pag. 364 for more information. #% #% #% Copyright (C) 2015 Jacopo Corno #% #% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #% (at your option) any later version. #% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #% GNU General Public License for more details. #% #% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #% along with this program. If not, see <>. #% if nargin<3. or isempty(method): method = 'centripetal' n = matcompat.size(Q, 2.) if strcmpi(method, 'equally_spaced'): u = np.linspace(0., 1., n) elif strcmpi(method, 'chord_length'): d = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum((np.diff(Q.conj().T).conj().T**2.), 1.))) u = np.zeros(1., n) u[1:n] = matdiv(np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.sum((np.diff(Q, np.array([]), 2.)**2.), 1.))), d) #% for ii = 2:n-1 #% u(ii) = u(ii-1) + norm (Q(:,ii) - Q(:,ii-1)) / d; #% end u[int(0)-1] = 1. elif strcmpi(method, 'centripetal'): d = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.sum((np.diff(Q.conj().T).conj().T**2.), 1.)))) u = np.zeros(1., n) u[1:n] = matdiv(np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.sum((np.diff(Q, np.array([]), 2.)**2.), 1.)))), d) #% for ii = 2:n-1 #% u(ii) = u(ii-1) + sqrt (norm (Q(:,ii) - Q(:,ii-1))) / d; #% end u[int(0)-1] = 1. else: matcompat.error('BSPINTERPCRV: unrecognized parametrization method.') knts = np.zeros(1., (n+p+1.)) for jj in np.arange(2., (n-p)+1): knts[int((jj+p))-1] =, np.sum(u[int(jj)-1:jj+p-1.])) knts[int(0-p)-1:] = np.ones(1., (p+1.)) A = np.zeros(n, n) A[0,0] = 1. A[int(n)-1,int(n)-1] = 1. for ii in np.arange(2., (n-1.)+1): span = findspan(n, p, u[int(ii)-1], knts) A[int(ii)-1,int(span-p+1.)-1:span+1.] = basisfun(span, u[int(ii)-1], p, knts) x = linalg.solve(A, Q[0,:].conj().T) y = linalg.solve(A, Q[1,:].conj().T) z = linalg.solve(A, Q[2,:].conj().T) pnts = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((x.conj().T)), np.hstack((y.conj().T)), np.hstack((z.conj().T)), np.hstack((np.ones(matcompat.size(x.conj().T))))))) crv = nrbmak(pnts, knts) #%!demo #%! Q = [1 0 -1 -1 -2 -3; #%! 0 1 0 -1 -1 0; #%! 0 0 0 0 0 0]; #%! p = 2; #%! crv = bspinterpcrv (Q, p); #%! #%! plot (Q(1,:), Q(2,:), 'xk'); #%! hold on; grid on; #%! nrbkntplot (crv); return [crv, u]
def bspkntins(d, c, k, u): # Local Variables: alfa, ii, ik, ind, ic, tmp, nk, nc, nu, C, jj, a, c, b, d, mc, ss, k, m, l, n, r, u # Function calls: sort, bspkntins, abs, zeros, numel, findspan, size #% BSPKNTINS: Insert knots into a B-Spline #% #% Calling Sequence: #% #% [ic,ik] = bspkntins(d,c,k,u) #% #% INPUT: #% #% d - spline degree integer #% c - control points double matrix(mc,nc) #% k - knot sequence double vector(nk) #% u - new knots double vector(nu) #% #% OUTPUT: #% #% ic - new control points double matrix(mc,nc+nu) #% ik - new knot sequence double vector(nk+nu) #% #% Modified version of Algorithm A5.4 from 'The NURBS BOOK' pg164. #% #% Copyright (C) 2000 Mark Spink, 2007 Daniel Claxton, 2010-2016 Rafael Vazquez #% #% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #% (at your option) any later version. #% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #% GNU General Public License for more details. #% #% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #% along with this program. If not, see <>. [mc, nc] = matcompat.size(c) u = np.sort(u) nu = numel(u) nk = numel(k) #% #% int bspkntins(int d, double *c, int mc, int nc, double *k, int nk, #% double *u, int nu, double *ic, double *ik) #% { #% int ierr = 0; #% int a, b, r, l, i, j, m, n, s, q, ind; #% double alfa; #% #% double **ctrl = vec2mat(c, mc, nc); ic = np.zeros(mc, (nc+nu)) #% double **ictrl = vec2mat(ic, mc, nc+nu); ik = np.zeros(1., (nk+nu)) #% n = nc-1. #% n = nc - 1; r = nu-1. #% r = nu - 1; #% m = n+d+1. #% m = n + d + 1; a = findspan(n, d, u[0], k) #% a = findspan(n, d, u[0], k); b = findspan(n, d, u[int((r+1.))-1], k) #% b = findspan(n, d, u[r], k); b = b+1. #% ++b; #% #% for (q = 0; q < mc; q++) { ic[:,0:a-d+1.] = c[:,0:a-d+1.] #% for (j = 0; j <= a-d; j++) ictrl[j][q] = ctrl[j][q]; ic[:,int(b+nu)-1:nc+nu] = c[:,int(b)-1:nc] #% for (j = b-1; j <= n; j++) ictrl[j+r+1][q] = ctrl[j][q]; #% } ik[0:a+1.] = k[0:a+1.] #% for (j = 0; j <= a; j++) ik[j] = k[j]; ik[int(b+d+nu+1.)-1:m+nu+1.] = k[int(b+d+1.)-1:m+1.] #% for (j = b+d; j <= m; j++) ik[j+r+1] = k[j]; #% ii = b+d-1. #% i = b + d - 1; ss = ii+nu #% s = b + d + r; for jj in np.arange(r, (0.)+(-1.), -1.): #% for (j = r; j >= 0; j--) { #% } #% #% freevec2mat(ctrl); #% freevec2mat(ictrl); #% #% return ierr; #% } return [ic, ik, C]
def calculateTripleFrequency(remainder, strobe): # Local Variables: a, est_fre, remainder1, remainder2, i, k, j, freq_minus, iter, t, freq_plus, fre_11, frequency1, frequency2, freq_plus_shift_negative2, fre_1, remainder_1, remainder, freq_plus_shift_negative1, strobe # Function calls: calculateTripleFrequency, floor, cat, length, round, size #% clear all #% clc #% #% load('9950.mat'); #% strobe = [61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131]; #% % strobe = [61 67 71]; #% remainder = [2.8457 8.9 13.14 11.86;2.90 14.5312 13.017 10.35;1.6348 11.3848 9.99 7.45;3.45 13.8 10.11 7.08;10.35 9.38 11.62 13.44;10.47 12.29 13.5 14.34;10.9 0.61 12.3 1.63;2.48 10.41 7.75 1.33;1.57 10.71 0.42 9.38;3.75 14.9 11.08 6.84;12.83 7.81 10.35 11.62;10.41 11.8 1.08 12.71;6.72 14.04 10.35 3.69;7.93 14.59 10.05 10.65;12.04 10.83 9.86 13.19]; #% % remainder = [2.8457 8.9 13.14 11.86;2.90 14.5312 13.017 10.35;1.6348 11.3848 9.99 7.45]; a = np.array(np.hstack((1., 2., 3.))) remainder1 = remainder remainder2 = remainder1 - 0.6 for i in np.arange(1., (length(strobe)) + 1): for j in np.arange(1., (length(a)) + 1): fre_1[int(i) - 1, int(j) - 1] =[int(i) - 1], a[int(j) - 1]) t = matcompat.size(fre_1) iter = 1. for i in np.arange(1., (t[0, 0]) + 1): for j in np.arange(1., (t[0, 1]) + 1): fre_11 = fre_1[int(i) - 1, int(j) - 1] remainder_1 = remainder2[int(i) - 1, :] for k in np.arange(1., (length(remainder_1)) + 1): if remainder_1[0, int(k) - 1] > 0.: freq_plus[int(iter) - 1, int(k) - 1] = fre_11 + remainder_1[0, int(k) - 1] freq_minus[int(iter) - 1, int(k) - 1] = fre_11 - remainder_1[0, int(k) - 1] #% freq_plus_shift_positive1(iter,k) = fre_11 + (30 + remainder_1(1,k)); #% freq_plus_shift_positive2(iter,k) = fre_11 - (30 + remainder_1(1,k)); freq_plus_shift_negative1[ int(iter) - 1, int(k) - 1] = fre_11 + 30. - remainder_1[0, int(k) - 1] freq_plus_shift_negative2[ int(iter) - 1, int(k) - 1] = fre_11 - 30. - remainder_1[0, int(k) - 1] iter = iter + 1. est_fre = cat(1., freq_plus, freq_minus, freq_plus_shift_negative1, freq_plus_shift_negative2) frequency1 = np.round(est_fre) frequency2 = np.floor(est_fre) #% freq_plus_shift_positive1 #% freq_plus_shift_positive2, #% disp('done'); #% t = size(fre_1); #% k = 1; #% dr = []; #% #% est_fre = 0; #% #% for count = 1:length(fre_1) #% fre_11 = fre_1(count,:); #% for j = 1:t(:,2)-1 #% remainder_1 = remainder(1,j); #% for i = 1:length(fre_11) #% #% freq_plus(k,i) = fre_11(1,i) + remainder_1; #% #% freq_minus(k,i) = fre_11(1,i) - remainder_1; #% #% freq_plus_shift_positive1(k,i) = fre_11(1,i) + (30 + remainder_1); #% #% freq_plus_shift_positive2(k,i) = fre_11(1,i) - (30 + remainder_1); #% #% freq_plus_shift_negative1(k,i) = fre_11(1,i) + (30 - remainder_1); #% #% freq_plus_shift_negative2(k,i) = fre_11(1,i) - (30 - remainder_1); #% #% end #% if(k < 4) #% k = k + 1; #% else #% k = 1; #% est_fre = cat(1,freq_plus,freq_minus,freq_plus_shift_positive1,freq_plus_shift_positive2,freq_plus_shift_negative1,freq_plus_shift_negative2); #% if(count == 1) #% dr = est_fre; #% else #% dr = vertcat(dr,est_fre); #% end #% #% #% end #% end #% end #% #% frequency1 = round(dr); #% frequency2 = floor(dr); return [frequency1, frequency2]