import xc_base
import geom
import xc
from solution import predefined_solutions
from model import predefined_spaces
from model import fix_node_6dof
from materials import typical_materials

__author__ = "Luis C. Pérez Tato (LCPT)"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014, LCPT"
__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "3.0"
__email__ = "*****@*****.**"

# Rectangular cross-section definition
scc10x20 = sccRectg.sccRectang()
scc10x20.b = 10  # Cross-section width(cm)
scc10x20.h = 20  # cross-section depth (cm)
scc10x20.nDivIJ = 32  #number of cells in IJ (width) direction
scc10x20.nDivJK = 32  #number of cells in JK (height) direction

import os
pth = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if (not pth):
    pth = "."
#print "pth= ", pth
execfile(pth + "/")

fy = 2600  # Tensión de cedencia of the material expressed in kp/cm2.
E = 2.1e6  # Young’s modulus of the material (kp/cm2).
from misc import banco_pruebas_scc3d
import xc_base
import geom
import xc
from solution import predefined_solutions
from model import predefined_spaces
from model import fix_node_6dof
from materials import typical_materials

__author__= "Luis C. Pérez Tato (LCPT) and Ana Ortega (A_OO)"
__copyright__= "Copyright 2015, LCPT and AO_O"
__license__= "GPL"
__version__= "3.0"
__email__= "[email protected] [email protected]"

scc1x1= sccRectg.sccRectang()
scc1x1.b= 1 # Cross section width expressed in cm.
scc1x1.h= 1 # Cross section depth expressed in cm.
scc1x1.nDivIJ= 32
scc1x1.nDivJK= 32

import os
pth= os.path.dirname(__file__)
if(not pth):
  pth= "."
#print "pth= ", pth

fy= 2600 # yield strength [kp/cm2].
E= 1e6   # elastic moculus [kp/cm2].