Esempio n. 1
 def exponential_vel(self,t,c1,c2):
     v_num = c1*(c2+t)*math.tanh(1/2 * math.sqrt(c1*(c2+t)**2)) * math.sech(1/2 * math.sqrt(c1*(c2+t)**2))
     v_den = math.sqrt(c1*(c2+t)**2) * (math.tanh(1/2 * math.sqrt(c1*(c2+t)**2))-1)
     v1 = v_num/v_den
     v2 = -math.sqrt(c1) * math.tanh(1/2 * math.sqrt(c1)*(c2+t))
     return v1,v2
Esempio n. 2
#sigmoidp  = lambda x: math.exp(-x)/(1.0+math.exp(-x))**2
#sigmoidpp = lambda x: math.exp(-x)*(math.exp(-x)-1.0)/(1.0+math.exp(-x))**3
ap = 1.0
xp = 4.5
bp = 3.0
penalty = lambda x: ap * (0.5 *
                          (math.tanh(bp *
                                     (x - xp)) - math.tanh(bp *
                                                           (x + xp))) + 1.0)
penaltyp = lambda x: ap * 0.5 * bp * ((1 / math.cosh(bp * (x - xp)))**2 -
                                      (1.0 / math.cosh(bp * (x + xp)))**2)

sigmoid = lambda x: 0.5 * (math.tanh(beta * x) + 1.0)
sigmoidp = lambda x: 0.5 * beta * (1.0 / math.cosh(beta * x))**2
sigmoidpp = lambda x: 0.5 * (-2.0) * beta * beta * math.tanh(beta * x) * (
    1.0 / math.sech(beta * x))**2

xmoid1 = lambda x: x
xmoidp1 = lambda x: 1.0
xmoidpp1 = lambda x: 0.0

relu = lambda x: max(0.0, x)
relup = lambda x: 0.0 if (x <= 0.0) else 1.0
relupp = lambda x: 0.0

#bias = [[0.01],[0.01],[0.001],[0.0001],[0.00001],[0.0000001]]
bias = [[0.01], [0.01], [0.001]]
bias = []
#machine = myfeedforward.MyFeedForward([3,60,120,1],[xmoid1,sigmoid,sigmoid,xmoid1],[xmoidp1,sigmoidp,sigmoidp,xmoidp1],[xmoidpp1,sigmoidpp,sigmoidpp,xmoidpp1])
machine = myfeedforward.MyFeedForward([3, 60, 120, 1],
                                      [xmoid1, relu, relu, xmoid1],
Esempio n. 3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from types import NoneType
from utilities import DataCleaner, comparePrediction

#progress bar formatting
widgets = [Percentage(), " ", Bar('|'), ' ', ETA()]

# TODO softmax and possibly linear
activationFunctions = {  # activation functions
        'logistic': lambda x: 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x)),
        'tanh': lambda x: math.tanh(x),
activationFunctionsD = {  # their derivatives
        'logistic': lambda x: math.exp(x) / ((math.exp(x) + 1) ** 2),
        'tanh': lambda x: (math.sech(x)) ** 2,

class Layer():
    Represents each layer in a multilayer preceptron.
    Contains weights, inputs, outputs for each Layer

    def __init__(self, rows, columns, name="Hidden Layer", activation="logistic", weightsMultiplier=1):
        """ columns - neurons in current layer,  rows - size of the previous layer """
        self.weights       = np.random.standard_normal(size=(rows, columns)) * weightsMultiplier  # initialize weights matrix. size of weights manipulated with the multiplier.
        self.bias          = np.zeros(shape=(rows))  # bias vector initialized with zeros
        self.inputs        = np.zeros(shape=(rows))  # input vector
        self.outputs       = np.zeros(shape=(rows))  # output vector
Esempio n. 4
def main():
    alpha0 = 0.01
    alpha = 0.0001
    beta1 = 0.9
    beta2 = 0.999
    eps = 1e-8

    beta = 2.0
    #sigmoid   = lambda x: 1.0/(1.0+math.exp(-x))
    #sigmoidp  = lambda x: math.exp(-x)/(1.0+math.exp(-x))**2
    #sigmoidpp = lambda x: math.exp(-x)*(math.exp(-x)-1.0)/(1.0+math.exp(-x))**3
    ap = 1.0
    xp = 4.5
    bp = 3.0
    penalty = lambda x: ap * (0.5 * (math.tanh(bp * (x - xp)) - math.tanh(
        bp * (x + xp))) + 1.0)
    penaltyp = lambda x: ap * 0.5 * bp * ((1 / math.cosh(bp * (x - xp)))**2 -
                                          (1.0 / math.cosh(bp * (x + xp)))**2)

    sigmoid = lambda x: 0.5 * (math.tanh(beta * x) + 1.0)
    sigmoidp = lambda x: 0.5 * beta * (1.0 / math.cosh(beta * x))**2
    sigmoidpp = lambda x: 0.5 * (-2.0) * beta * beta * math.tanh(beta * x) * (
        1.0 / math.sech(beta * x))**2
    xmoid1 = lambda x: x
    xmoidp1 = lambda x: 1.0
    xmoidpp1 = lambda x: 0.0

    #bias = [[0.01],[0.01],[0.001],[0.0001],[0.00001],[0.0000001]]
    machine = MyFeedForward([3, 2, 3, 2], [xmoid1, sigmoid, sigmoid, xmoid1],
                            [xmoidp1, sigmoidp, sigmoidp, xmoidp1],
                            [xmoidpp1, sigmoidpp, sigmoidpp, xmoidpp1])

    weights = machine.initial_w()
    nw = len(weights)

    xs = -0.567
    ys = 0.67
    zs = -0.17
    es = 0.73839
    ws = 0.03839
    gg = machine.w_energy_gradient([xs, ys, zs], [es, ws], weights)
    error = gg[0]
    g1 = gg[1]
    print("error=", error)

    es1 = machine.evaluate([xs, ys, zs], weights)
    print("es1=", es1)
    print("xs,ys,zs,es,es1=", xs, ys, zs, es, ws, es1,
          (es - es1[0])**2 + (ws - es1[1])**2)
    print("len(g1)=", len(g1), 7 + 2 + 6 + 3)
    print("gb=", g1[:7])
    print("gw=", g1[7:])

    gg0 = machine.w_energy_gradient([xs, ys, zs], [es, ws], weights)

    delta = 0.00001
    for ii in range(len(g1)):
        weights[ii] += delta
        gg1 = machine.w_energy_gradient([xs, ys, zs], [es, ws], weights)
        weights[ii] -= 2 * delta
        gg2 = machine.w_energy_gradient([xs, ys, zs], [es, ws], weights)

        print("gradient=", ii, weights[ii], (gg1[0] - gg2[0]) / (2 * delta),
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, nsweeps, nlayers, parameterfilename, feidatafile,
        self.energygradient0 = energygradient0

        parameters = []
        with open(parameterfilename, 'r') as ff:
            data =
            for line in data.split('\n'):
                ss = line.split()
                if (len(ss) > 1):
                    p = []
                    for s in ss:
                        if s.isdigit():
                            p += [int(s)]
                        elif isFloat(s):
                            p += [float(s)]
                    ok = p[0] in range(0, 6)
                    if (p[0] == 0): ok = ok and (len(p) == 2)
                    if (p[0] == 1): ok = ok and (len(p) == 2)
                    if (p[0] == 2): ok = ok and (len(p) == 4)
                    if (p[0] == 3): ok = ok and (len(p) == 3)
                    if (p[0] == 4): ok = ok and (len(p) == 5)
                    if (p[0] == 5): ok = ok and (len(p) == 5)
                    if ok: parameters.append(p)

        #### define Atomic Feature Mapping ####
        nparameters = len(parameters)
        #self.nparameters = nparameters
        self.afm = atomfm.AtomsFM(parameters)

        #### define NN machine ####
        self.nlayers = nlayers
        #sigmoid      = lambda x: 1.0/(1.0+math.exp(-x))
        #sigmoidp     = lambda x: math.exp(-x)/(math.exp(-x)+1.0)**2
        #sigmoidpp    = lambda x: 2*math.exp(-2*x)/(math.exp(-x)+1.0)**3 - math.exp(-x)/(math.exp(-x)+1.0)**2

        sigmoid = lambda x: math.tanh(x)
        sigmoidp = lambda x: (1.0 / math.cosh(x))**2
        sigmoidpp = lambda x: -2.0 * math.tanh(x) * (1.0 / math.sech(x))**2
        #anparameters = [nparameters]
        #asigmoid   = [lambda x: x]
        #asigmoidp  = [lambda x: 1]
        #asigmoidpp = [lambda x: 0]
        anparameters = []
        asigmoid = []
        asigmoidp = []
        asigmoidpp = []
        for i in range(nlayers):
        asigmoid.append(lambda x: x)
        asigmoidp.append(lambda x: 1)
        asigmoidpp.append(lambda x: 0)
        self.nn_machine = myfeedforward.MyFeedForward(anparameters, asigmoid,
                                                      asigmoidp, asigmoidpp)

        #### read in number of atoms ####
        with open(feidatafile, 'r') as ff:
            feidata = ff.readline()
        nion = int(feidata)
        self.nion = nion
        print("nion=", nion)

        #### define NN machine weights for all atoms ####
        self.nn_weights = []
        for ii in range(nion):
            self.nn_weights += self.nn_machine.initial_w()
        self.nw = len(self.nn_weights) / nion

        alpha = 0.05
        for (symbols, rions, fions, energy) in read_fei_file(feidatafile):
            #aalpha = alpha*random.random()
            aalpha = alpha * random.random()
            etmp = []
            dedw = []
            for ii in range(nion):
                fm = self.afm(rions, ii)
                print "fm=", fm
                eee = self.nn_machine.dyoutdw_gradient(
                    fm, self.nn_weights[ii * self.nw:(ii + 1) * self.nw])
                etmp += eee[0]
                dedw += eee[1]
                #print "etmp=",ii,eee[0],energy

            error = math.sqrt((sum(etmp) - energy)**2)
            derror1detmp = 2.0 * (sum(etmp) - energy)

            for i in range(len(self.nn_weights)):
                self.nn_weights[i] -= aalpha * derror1detmp * dedw[i]


        print("Checking Energies and Forces")
        #nion3 = 3*nion
        frame = 1
        sumerror = 0.0
        maxerror = 0.0
        for (symbols, rions, fions, energy) in read_fei_file(feidatafile):
            etmp0 = []
            #force3 = [0.0]*nion3
            for ii in range(nion):
                fm = self.afm(rions, ii)
                ee0 = self.nn_machine.evaluate(
                    fm, self.nn_weights[ii * self.nw:(ii + 1) * self.nw])
                etmp0 += ee0

                #fafm = self.afm.Egradients(rions,ii)
                #eee = self.nn_machine.evaluate(fafm[0],self.nn_weights[ii*self.nw:(ii+1)*self.nw])
                #fff = self.nn_machine.gradients_evaluate(fafm[0],self.nn_weights[ii*self.nw:(ii+1)*self.nw])

                #esum  += eee[0]
                #for jj in range(nion3):
                #   for k in range(nparameters):
                #      force3[jj] -= fafm[1][jj + k*nion3]*fff[k]

            error = math.sqrt((sum(etmp0) - energy)**2)
            print frame, sum(etmp0), energy, error
            sumerror += error
            if (error > maxerror): maxerror = error
            frame += 1

        print(" - average error=", sumerror / frame, " maxerror=", maxerror)
Esempio n. 6
	def d_tan_hyperbolic(input_stimulus):
		# Returns the derivative of the tan_hyperbolic fxn.
		d_hyp_value = (math.sech(input_stimulus)) ** 2
		return d_hype_value
Esempio n. 7
beta2 = 0.999
eps   = 1e-8

beta = 2.0
#sigmoid   = lambda x: 1.0/(1.0+math.exp(-x))
#sigmoidp  = lambda x: math.exp(-x)/(1.0+math.exp(-x))**2
#sigmoidpp = lambda x: math.exp(-x)*(math.exp(-x)-1.0)/(1.0+math.exp(-x))**3
ap = 1.0
xp = 4.5
bp = 3.0
penalty  = lambda x: ap*(0.5*(math.tanh(bp*(x-xp)) - math.tanh(bp*(x+xp))) + 1.0)
penaltyp = lambda x: ap*0.5*bp*( (1/math.cosh(bp*(x-xp)))**2 - (1.0/math.cosh(bp*(x+xp)))**2)

sigmoid      = lambda x: 0.5*(math.tanh(beta*x)+1.0)
sigmoidp     = lambda x: 0.5*beta*(1.0/math.cosh(beta*x))**2
sigmoidpp    = lambda x: 0.5*(-2.0)*beta*beta*math.tanh(beta*x)*(1.0/math.sech(beta*x))**2
xmoid1   = lambda x: x
xmoidp1  = lambda x: 1.0
xmoidpp1 = lambda x: 0.0

#bias = [[0.01],[0.01],[0.001],[0.0001],[0.00001],[0.0000001]]
bias = [[0.01],[0.01],[0.001]]
bias = []
machine = myfeedforward.MyFeedForward([3,60,120,1],[xmoid1,sigmoid,sigmoid,xmoid1],[xmoidp1,sigmoidp,sigmoidp,xmoidp1],[xmoidpp1,sigmoidpp,sigmoidpp,xmoidpp1],bias)

if os.path.isfile("tutorial5.weights"):
   with open("tutorial5.weights",'r') as ff:
      weights = pickle.loads(
   weights = machine.initial_w()
   for i in range(len(weights)):
Esempio n. 8
    plot.resetwindow(-1.0, ymin - dy, 1.0, ymax + dy, "Spring Energies")
    plot.plot(x1, y, "blue")
    plot.plot(x1, y1, "red")

alpha = 0.005
A = 0.2

beta = 3.0
#sigmoid   = lambda x: 1.0/(1.0+math.exp(-x))
#sigmoidp  = lambda x: math.exp(-x)/(1.0+math.exp(-x))**2
#sigmoidpp = lambda x: math.exp(-x)*(math.exp(-x)-1.0)/(1.0+math.exp(-x))**3
sigmoid = lambda x: 0.5 * (math.tanh(beta * x) + 1.0)
sigmoidp = lambda x: 0.5 * beta * (1.0 / math.cosh(beta * x))**2
sigmoidpp = lambda x: 0.5 * (-2.0) * beta * beta * math.tanh(beta * x) * (
    1.0 / math.sech(beta * x))**2
xmoid1 = lambda x: x
xmoidp1 = lambda x: 1.0
xmoidpp1 = lambda x: 0.0
#xmoid2   = lambda x: x*x * 0.5
#xmoidp2  = lambda x: x
#xmoidpp2 = lambda x: 1.0
#xmoid3   = lambda x: x*x*x * (1.0/6.0)
#xmoidp3  = lambda x: 3*x*x * (1.0/6.0)
#xmoidpp3 = lambda x: 6*x   * (1.0/6.0)
#xmoid4   = lambda x: x*x*x*x * (1.0/24.0)
#xmoidp4  = lambda x: 4*x*x*x * (1.0/24.0)
#xmoidpp4 = lambda x: 12*x*x *  (1/0/24.0)

#bias = [[0.01],[0.01],[0.001],[0.0001],[0.00001],[0.0000001]]
Esempio n. 9
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from types import NoneType
from utilities import DataCleaner, comparePrediction

#progress bar formatting
widgets = [Percentage(), " ", Bar('|'), ' ', ETA()]

# TODO softmax and possibly linear
activationFunctions = {  # activation functions
        'logistic': lambda x: 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x)),
        'tanh': lambda x: math.tanh(x),
activationFunctionsD = {  # their derivatives
        'logistic': lambda x: math.exp(x) / ((math.exp(x) + 1) ** 2),
        'tanh': lambda x: (math.sech(x)) ** 2,

class Layer():
    Represents each layer in a multilayer preceptron.
    Contains weights, inputs, outputs for each Layer
    def __init__(self,
                 name="Hidden Layer",
        """ columns - neurons in current layer,  rows - size of the previous layer """