def plot_planes(X, y, local_model, central_model, dist_model): sns.set_style('ticks') y = pd.DataFrame(y) y.loc[y[0] == -1, 0] = colors.to_hex(cm.Pastel2(0)) y.loc[y[0] == 1, 0] = colors.to_hex(cm.Pastel2(1)) y = y.values.T[0] w, b = get_average_best_plane(dist_model) plt.figure() draw_plane(w, b, cm.tab10(0), 1, 2.2, '-', "SVM Distribuído com C = " + str(dist_model.C) + " e " + "c = " + str(dist_model.c)) draw_plane(central_model.coef_[0], central_model.intercept_[0], cm.tab10(1), 1, 2.2, '--', "SVM Central com C = " + str(central_model.get_params()['C'])) draw_plane(local_model.coef_[0], local_model.intercept_[0], cm.tab10(2), 1, 2.2, '-.', "SVM Local com C = " + str(local_model.get_params()['C'])) plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], marker = 'o', c = y, alpha = 0.5) sns.despine() plt.legend(loc = 2) plt.ylim(-4.8, 4.8) file = str(plots_path) + "/simple_graph_compare.pdf" plt.savefig(file, transparent = True)
from PIL import Image import webbrowser from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS import subprocess from datetime import datetime import networkx as nx import nxviz as nxv ##### from matplotlib import cm words = ['Biological Process', 'Molecular Function', 'Cellular Component'] pie_colors = { 'Set3': cm.Set3(np.arange(12) / 12.), 'Set2': cm.Set2(np.arange(8) / 8.), 'Set1': cm.Set1(np.arange(9) / 9.), 'Pastel2': cm.Pastel2(np.arange(8) / 8.), 'Pastel1': cm.Pastel1(np.arange(9) / 9.), 'Dark2': cm.Dark2(np.arange(8) / 8.), 'Paired': cm.Paired(np.arange(12) / 12.), 'Accent': cm.Accent(np.arange(8) / 8.), 'Spectral': cm.Spectral(np.arange(11) / 11.) } colors = { '#8DD3C7': pie_colors['Set3'][0:1], '#FFFFB3': pie_colors['Set3'][1:2], '#BEBADA': pie_colors['Set3'][2:3], '#FB8072': pie_colors['Set3'][3:4], '#80B1D3': pie_colors['Set3'][4:5], '#FDB462': pie_colors['Set3'][5:6], '#B3DE69': pie_colors['Set3'][6:7], '#FCCDE5': pie_colors['Set3'][7:8],
def generate__colors(colorType="default", nColors=10, seaborn=True, howto=False): if (howto == True): print( "[] generate__colors( colorType=, nColors=, seaborn=T/F, howto=T/F )" ) print( "[] colorType = [ \ \n"\ "default, bright, deep, muted, colorblind, pastel, \n"\ "jet, tab10, tab20, hsv, accent, pastel1, pastel2, set1, set2, set3 \n"\ " ] ") return () # ------------------------------------------------- # # --- [1] generate colors --- # # ------------------------------------------------- # if (not (seaborn)): if (colorType.lower() == "jet"): colors = [cm.jet(ik / float(nColors)) for ik in range(nColors)] elif (colorType.lower() == "tab10"): colors = [cm.tab10(ik / float(nColors)) for ik in range(nColors)] elif (colorType.lower() == "tab20"): colors = [cm.tab20(ik / float(nColors)) for ik in range(nColors)] elif (colorType.lower() == "hsv"): colors = [cm.hsv(ik / float(nColors)) for ik in range(nColors)] elif (colorType.lower() == "accent"): colors = [cm.Accent(ik / float(nColors)) for ik in range(nColors)] elif (colorType.lower() == "pastel1"): colors = [cm.Pastel1(ik / float(nColors)) for ik in range(nColors)] elif (colorType.lower() == "pastel2"): colors = [cm.Pastel2(ik / float(nColors)) for ik in range(nColors)] elif (colorType.lower() == "set1"): colors = [cm.Set1(ik / float(nColors)) for ik in range(nColors)] elif (colorType.lower() == "set2"): colors = [cm.Set2(ik / float(nColors)) for ik in range(nColors)] elif (colorType.lower() == "set3"): colors = [cm.Set3(ik / float(nColors)) for ik in range(nColors)] else: print("[] colorType == ?? ") sys.exit() else: if (colorType.lower() == "jet"): print("[] no jet palette for seaborn") sys.exit() elif (colorType.lower() == "default"): colors = sns.color_palette(n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "deep"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="deep", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "colorblind"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="colorblind", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "dark"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="dark", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "bright"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="bright", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "muted"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="muted", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "pastel"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="pastel", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "hsv"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="hsv", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "accent"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="Accent", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "pastel1"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="Pastel1", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "pastel2"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="Pastel2", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "tab10"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="tab10", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "tab20"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="tab20", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "set1"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="Set1", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "set2"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="Set2", n_colors=nColors) elif (colorType.lower() == "set3"): colors = sns.color_palette(palette="Set3", n_colors=nColors) else: colors = sns.color_palette(palette=colorType, n_colors=nColors) # ------------------------------------------------- # # --- [2] return --- # # ------------------------------------------------- # return (colors)
def df_input(dfUniprot=DataFrame([])): num_phylum = len(dfUniprot.PHYLUM.drop_duplicates()) from matplotlib import cm set3 = [ matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(tuple(i)) for i in cm.Set3(np.arange(12) / 12.) ] set2 = [ matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(tuple(i)) for i in cm.Set2(np.arange(8) / 8.) ] set1 = [ matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(tuple(i)) for i in cm.Set1(np.arange(9) / 9.) ] pastel2 = [ matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(tuple(i)) for i in cm.Pastel2(np.arange(8) / 8.) ] pastel1 = [ matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(tuple(i)) for i in cm.Pastel1(np.arange(9) / 9.) ] dark2 = [ matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(tuple(i)) for i in cm.Dark2(np.arange(8) / 8.) ] paired = [ matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(tuple(i)) for i in cm.Paired(np.arange(12) / 12.) ] accent = [ matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(tuple(i)) for i in cm.Accent(np.arange(8) / 8.) ] spectral = [ matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(tuple(i)) for i in cm.Spectral(np.arange(11) / 11.) ] tab20 = [ matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(tuple(i)) for i in cm.tab20(np.arange(20) / 20.) ] tab20b = [ matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(tuple(i)) for i in cm.tab20b(np.arange(20) / 20.) ] tab20c = [ matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(tuple(i)) for i in cm.tab20c(np.arange(20) / 20.) ] Colors1 = set2 + set1 + dark2 + paired + accent + spectral + tab20 + tab20b + tab20c Colors2 = accent + spectral + tab20 + tab20b + tab20c + set1 + set2 + dark2 + paired Colors3 = dark2 + paired + accent + spectral + tab20 + tab20b + tab20c + set1 + set2 Colors4 = tab20b + tab20c + set1 + set2 + dark2 + paired + accent + spectral + tab20 Colors5 = spectral + tab20 + tab20b + tab20c + set1 + set2 + dark2 + paired + accent pie_colors = { 'Set3': cm.Set3(np.arange(12) / 12.), 'Set2': cm.Set2(np.arange(8) / 8.), 'Set1': cm.Set1(np.arange(9) / 9.), 'Pastel2': cm.Pastel2(np.arange(8) / 8.), 'Pastel1': cm.Pastel1(np.arange(9) / 9.), 'Dark2': cm.Dark2(np.arange(8) / 8.), 'Paired': cm.Paired(np.arange(12) / 12.), 'Accent': cm.Accent(np.arange(8) / 8.), 'Spectral': cm.Spectral(np.arange(11) / 11.), 'tab20': cm.tab20(np.arange(20) / 20.), 'tab20b': cm.tab20b(np.arange(20) / 20.), 'tab20c': cm.tab20c(np.arange(20) / 20.) } circle_colors = { 'Colors1': Colors1[0:num_phylum], 'Colors2': Colors2[0:num_phylum], 'Colors3': Colors3[0:num_phylum], 'Colors4': Colors4[0:num_phylum], 'Colors5': Colors5[0:num_phylum] } def tax_colors(color_list=circle_colors['Colors1'], taxx=dfUniprot): tax_cols = [ 'Entry', 'Tax_ID', 'KINGDOM', 'PHYLUM', 'CLASS', 'ORDER', 'FAMILY', 'GENUS', 'SPECIES', 'Organism' ] new2 = taxx[tax_cols].drop_duplicates() #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> phylum0 = new2.groupby(['PHYLUM' ]).Entry.count().reset_index().sort_values( by='Entry', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) asign_color = {} for i, j in zip(phylum0.PHYLUM, color_list): if i == 'NA': asign_color[i] = 'black' else: asign_color[i] = j phylum0['phy_col'] = list(asign_color.values()) # distribución de Class phylum1 = new2.groupby(['PHYLUM', 'CLASS']).Entry.count().reset_index() class0 = [] class0_colors = [] for i in phylum0.PHYLUM: for j in phylum1.PHYLUM: if i == j: class0_colors.append(asign_color[j]) class0.append(phylum1[phylum1.PHYLUM == i].sort_values( by='Entry', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)) else: pass class1 = pd.concat(class0).drop_duplicates() class1['class_col'] = class0_colors class0_colors_corregido = [] for index, row in class1.iterrows(): if row.PHYLUM == 'NA': if row.CLASS == 'NA': class0_colors_corregido.append(row.class_col) else: class0_colors_corregido.append('grey') else: if row.CLASS == 'NA': class0_colors_corregido.append('black') else: class0_colors_corregido.append(row.class_col) class1['class_col'] = class0_colors_corregido class11 = class1.groupby(['CLASS' ]).Entry.sum().reset_index().sort_values( by='Entry', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) class11 = class11.merge(class1[['CLASS', 'class_col']].drop_duplicates(), on='CLASS', how='left') # distribución de Order phylum2 = new2.groupby(['PHYLUM', 'CLASS', 'ORDER']).Entry.count().reset_index() order0 = [] order0_colors = [] for i in phylum0.PHYLUM: for j in phylum2.PHYLUM: if i == j: order0_colors.append(asign_color[j]) order0.append(phylum2[phylum2.PHYLUM == i].sort_values( by='Entry', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)) else: pass order1 = pd.concat(order0).drop_duplicates() order1['order_col'] = order0_colors order0_colors_corregido = [] for index, row in order1.iterrows(): if row.PHYLUM == 'NA': if row.ORDER == 'NA': order0_colors_corregido.append(row.order_col) else: order0_colors_corregido.append('grey') else: if row.ORDER == 'NA': order0_colors_corregido.append('black') else: order0_colors_corregido.append(row.order_col) order1['order_col'] = order0_colors_corregido order11 = order1.groupby(['ORDER' ]).Entry.sum().reset_index().sort_values( by='Entry', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) order11 = order11.merge(order1[['ORDER', 'order_col']].drop_duplicates(), on='ORDER', how='left') # distribución de Genus phylum3 = new2.groupby(['PHYLUM', 'CLASS', 'ORDER', 'GENUS']).Entry.count().reset_index() genus0 = [] genus0_colors = [] for i in phylum0.PHYLUM: for j in phylum3.PHYLUM: if i == j: genus0_colors.append(asign_color[j]) genus0.append(phylum3[phylum3.PHYLUM == i].sort_values( by='Entry', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)) else: pass genus1 = pd.concat(genus0).drop_duplicates() genus1['genus_col'] = genus0_colors genus0_colors_corregido = [] for index, row in genus1.iterrows(): if row.PHYLUM == 'NA': if row.GENUS == 'NA': genus0_colors_corregido.append(row.genus_col) else: genus0_colors_corregido.append('grey') else: if row.GENUS == 'NA': genus0_colors_corregido.append('black') else: genus0_colors_corregido.append(row.genus_col) genus1['genus_col'] = genus0_colors_corregido genus11 = genus1.groupby(['GENUS' ]).Entry.sum().reset_index().sort_values( by='Entry', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) genus11 = genus11.merge(genus1[['GENUS', 'genus_col']].drop_duplicates(), on='GENUS', how='left') # distribución de Organism phylum4 = new2.groupby( ['PHYLUM', 'CLASS', 'ORDER', 'GENUS', 'Organism']).Entry.count().reset_index() org0 = [] org0_colors = [] for i in phylum0.PHYLUM: for j in phylum4.PHYLUM: if i == j: org0_colors.append(asign_color[j]) org0.append(phylum4[phylum4.PHYLUM == i].sort_values( by='Entry', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)) else: pass org1 = pd.concat(org0).drop_duplicates() org1['org_col'] = org0_colors org0_colors_corregido = [] for index, row in org1.iterrows(): if row.PHYLUM == 'NA': if row.Organism == 'NA': org0_colors_corregido.append(row.org_col) else: org0_colors_corregido.append('grey') else: if row.Organism == 'NA': org0_colors_corregido.append('black') else: org0_colors_corregido.append(row.org_col) org1['org_col'] = org0_colors_corregido org11 = org1.groupby(['Organism' ]).Entry.sum().reset_index().sort_values( by='Entry', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) org11 = org11.merge(org1[['Organism', 'org_col']].drop_duplicates(), on='Organism', how='left') os.makedirs('tax', exist_ok=True) return phylum0.to_csv('tax/phylum0.tsv', sep = '\t', index = None),\ class1.to_csv('tax/class1.tsv', sep = '\t', index = None),\ class11.to_csv('tax/class11.tsv', sep = '\t', index = None),\ order1.to_csv('tax/order1.tsv', sep = '\t', index = None),\ order11.to_csv('tax/order11.tsv', sep = '\t', index = None),\ genus1.to_csv('tax/genus1.tsv', sep = '\t', index = None),\ genus11.to_csv('tax/genus11.tsv', sep = '\t', index = None),\ org1.to_csv('tax/org1.tsv', sep = '\t', index = None),\ org11.to_csv('tax/org11.tsv', sep = '\t', index = None) alfas = { 'Lineage*': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'Phylum': [1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], 'Class': [0.3, 1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], 'Order': [0.3, 0.3, 1, 0.3, 0.3], 'Genus': [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1, 0.3], 'Species': [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1], 'Gradient1*': [1, 0.85, 0.7, 0.55, 0.4], 'Gradient2*': [0.4, 0.55, 0.7, 0.85, 1], 'Attenuate*': [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], 'None*': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] } def circle_lineage(alphas=alfas['Phylum']): #fig, ax = plt.subplots(111, facecolor= 'white') #fig, ax = plt.subplot(111) phylum0 = pd.read_csv('tax/phylum0.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA') class1 = pd.read_csv('tax/class1.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA') order1 = pd.read_csv('tax/order1.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA') genus1 = pd.read_csv('tax/genus1.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA') org1 = pd.read_csv('tax/org1.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA') radio = 0.5 linaje = [phylum0, class1, order1, genus1, org1] #colores = [list(asign_color.values()), class0_colors, order0_colors, genus0_colors, org0_colors] colores = ['phy_col', 'class_col', 'order_col', 'genus_col', 'org_col'] pat = [] size = -.205 for i, j, k in zip(linaje, colores, alphas): size += .205 patches, texts = plt.pie( i.Entry, radius=radio + size, labels=None, labeldistance=0.8, rotatelabels=True, colors= i[j], # new_colors(valor = len(i.Entry), col = 'nipy_spectral'), wedgeprops=dict(width=0.2, edgecolor='white', alpha=k), textprops=dict(size=10)) pat.append(patches) #plt.legend(pat[0], df_phylum.PHYLUM, loc=2,fontsize=13,labelspacing = 0.4, # bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1),frameon=False) plt.gca().set(aspect='equal') plt.title('Root', fontsize=10, x=0.5, y=0.465) plt.text(-1.8, 1.35, 'Lineage', fontsize=15, ha='left', va='center', color='black') #plt.title('Lineage',fontsize=20, fontweight='bold', x = -0.17, y = 1) #plt.text(1.1, 1.35, linaje_seleccionado, fontsize = 15, ha='left', va='center', # color='black') #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #### insetplot #ax2 = plt.axes([0.1, 0.66, 0.13, 0.14]) ax2 = plt.axes([-0.07, 1.71, 0.17, 0.18]) logo = [20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20] logo_col = [ 'white', 'white', 'black', 'white', 'white', 'white', 'white', 'white' ] logo_col1 = [ 'white', 'white', 'black', 'black', 'black', 'black', 'black', 'black' ] radio = 0.5 linaje = [logo, logo, logo, logo, logo] colores = [logo_col1, logo_col, logo_col, logo_col, logo_col] name_linaje = ['Phylum', 'Class', 'Order', 'Genus', 'Species'] pat = [] size = -.44 pos = -.18 for i, j, k, l in zip(linaje, colores, name_linaje, alphas): pos += .47 size += .44 ax2.pie(i, radius=radio + size, labels=None, colors=j, wedgeprops=dict(width=0.35, edgecolor='white', alpha=l), textprops=dict(size=10)) ax2.text(0.1, pos, k, fontsize=9, ha='left', va='center', fontweight='bold', alpha=l) #color='black' def barras_tax(df=DataFrame([]), column=0, dim=111, title='', row_num=10, color=['#ff7f0e'], size_x=8, size_y=10, ylabel_text='', xlabel=10, ylabel=10, size_title=15, size_bartxt=10, sep=1.2): if len(df) == 0: print('Data frame sin datos') else: #plt.subplot(dim, facecolor= 'white') barWidth = 0.9 if row_num == len(df): ejey = list(df.iloc[0:len(df), 1]) val = max(ejey) ejex = list(df.iloc[0:len(df), column]) colores = list(df.iloc[0:len(df), 2]) borde = list( np.repeat('white', len(df.iloc[0:row_num, column]))) linea = list(np.repeat(0, len(df.iloc[0:row_num, column]))) if row_num < len(df): ejey = list(df.iloc[0:row_num, 1]) + [df.iloc[row_num:len(df), 1].sum()] val = max(ejey) ejex = list(df.iloc[0:row_num, column]) + ['Others'] borde = list( np.repeat('white', len(df.iloc[0:row_num, column]))) + ['black'] colores = list(df.iloc[0:row_num, 2]) + ['linen'] linea = list(np.repeat(0, len(df.iloc[0:row_num, column]))) + [1] if row_num > len(df): ejey = list(df.iloc[0:len(df), 1]) val = max(ejey) ejex = list(df.iloc[0:len(df), column]) borde = list( np.repeat('white', len(df.iloc[0:row_num, column]))) colores = list(df.iloc[0:len(df), 2]) linea = list(np.repeat(0, len(df.iloc[0:row_num, column]))) for i, j, k, l, m in zip(ejex, ejey, borde, colores, linea): plt.barh(i, j, color=l, align='center', height=0.7, linewidth=m, alpha=1, edgecolor=k) plt.gca().spines['right'].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines['top'].set_visible(False) plt.gca().spines['bottom'].set_position(('data', -0.6)) plt.gca().spines['left'].set_visible(False) plt.title(title, size=size_title, loc='left') plt.tick_params(axis="y", color="gray") plt.yticks(size=size_y) v1 = -50 v2 = 0 v3 = 0 for i in range(10000): v1 += 50 v2 += 50 v3 += 10 if v1 <= max(list(ejey)) < v2: #print(v3, v1, val, v2) escala = v3 plt.xticks(range(0, val, escala), size=size_x) #fontweight='bold' plt.ylabel(ylabel_text, size=ylabel) plt.xlabel("Number of Proteins", size=xlabel) #plt.tick_params(top = 'on', bottom = 'on', right = 'on', left = 'on') #plt.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', bottom=False, top=False, labelbottom=False) for j, k in zip(ejey, range(0, len(ejey))): plt.text(j + sep, k - 0.2, j, size=size_bartxt, ha='left', color='black') import ipywidgets as widgets from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual, Button, HBox, VBox, IntSlider, Label, IntRangeSlider from ipywidgets import Checkbox, RadioButtons from ipywidgets import Button, Layout alfas = { 'Lineage*': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], 'Phylum': [1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], 'Class': [0.3, 1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], 'Order': [0.3, 0.3, 1, 0.3, 0.3], 'Genus': [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1, 0.3], 'Species': [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1], 'Gradient1*': [1, 0.85, 0.7, 0.55, 0.4], 'Gradient2*': [0.4, 0.55, 0.7, 0.85, 1], 'Attenuate*': [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], 'None*': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] } plotss = ['Phylum', 'Class', 'Order', 'Genus', 'Species'] posicion_subplots = [] n = 0.9 while n < 2: n += 0.1 posicion_subplots.append(np.around(n, 1)) color_a6 = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(circle_colors.keys()), value='Colors1', description='Colors:', disabled=False, button_style='', layout=Layout(width='20%', height='25px')) a6 = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(alfas.keys()), description='Chart 1:', value='Phylum', disabled=False, button_style='', layout=Layout(width='20%', height='25px')) a61 = widgets.Dropdown(options=plotss, description='Chart 2:', disabled=False, button_style='', layout=Layout(width='20%', height='25px')) pos_sub1 = widgets.Dropdown(options=posicion_subplots, value=1.3, description='xloc1:', disabled=False, layout=Layout(width='15%', height='25px')) pos_sub2 = widgets.Dropdown(options=posicion_subplots, value=1.3, description='xloc2:', disabled=False, layout=Layout(width='15%', height='25px')) b6 = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(range(0, 101)), value=10, description='rows1:', disabled=False, layout=Layout(width='15%', height='25px')) c6 = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(range(0, 101)), value=10, description='rows2:', disabled=False, layout=Layout(width='15%', height='25px')) z6 = widgets.ToggleButton(value=False, description='Save Chart', disabled=False, button_style='', tooltip='Description') o6 = widgets.Dropdown(options=[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75] + list(range(0, 201)), value=3, description='sep1:', disabled=False, layout=Layout(width='15%', height='25px')) o61 = widgets.Dropdown(options=[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75] + list(range(0, 201)), value=3, description='sep2:', disabled=False, layout=Layout(width='15%', height='25px')) d6 = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(range(0, 51)), value=8, description='size_y1:', disabled=False, layout=Layout(width='15%', height='25px')) d61 = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(range(0, 51)), value=8, description='size_y2:', disabled=False, layout=Layout(width='15%', height='25px')) g6 = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(range(0, 51)), value=8, description='bartxt1:', disabled=False, layout=Layout(width='15%', height='25px')) g61 = widgets.Dropdown(options=list(range(0, 51)), value=8, description='bartxt2:', disabled=False, layout=Layout(width='15%', height='25px')) xxx = Button(layout=Layout(width='5%', height='25px'), disabled=True) = 'white' yyy = Button(layout=Layout(width='94%', height='5px'), disabled=True) = 'red' ww = widgets.HBox([color_a6, xxx, z6]) w6 = widgets.HBox([ a6, b6, o6, d6, g6, pos_sub1, ]) w7 = widgets.HBox([ a61, c6, o61, d61, g61, pos_sub2, ]) w8 = widgets.VBox([w6, w7, yyy]) ###### def col(color_a6): tax_colors(color_list=circle_colors[color_a6], taxx=dfUniprot) out7 = widgets.interactive_output(col, {'color_a6': color_a6}) def box1(a6, a61, pos_sub1, pos_sub2, b6, c6, z6, o6, o61, d6, d61, g6, g61): yetiquetas_plot1 = { 'Lineage*': 'Phylum', 'Phylum': 'Phylum', 'Class': 'Class', 'Order': 'Order', 'Genus': 'Genus', 'Species': 'Species', 'Gradient1*': 'Phylum', 'Gradient2*': 'Phylum', 'Attenuate*': 'Phylum', 'None*': 'Phylum' } plots1 = { 'Lineage*': pd.read_csv('tax/phylum0.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'Phylum': pd.read_csv('tax/phylum0.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'Class': pd.read_csv('tax/class11.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'Order': pd.read_csv('tax/order11.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'Genus': pd.read_csv('tax/genus11.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'Species': pd.read_csv('tax/org11.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'Gradient1*': pd.read_csv('tax/phylum0.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'Gradient2*': pd.read_csv('tax/phylum0.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'Attenuate*': pd.read_csv('tax/phylum0.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'None*': pd.read_csv('tax/phylum0.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA') } plots2 = { 'Phylum': pd.read_csv('tax/phylum0.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'Class': pd.read_csv('tax/class11.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'Order': pd.read_csv('tax/order11.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'Genus': pd.read_csv('tax/genus11.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA'), 'Species': pd.read_csv('tax/org11.tsv', sep='\t').fillna('NA') } ax3 = plt.axes([pos_sub2, .97, .3, 0.55]) ##>>>>>>>>>>> grafico circular ax = plt.axes([0, 1, 0.9, 1]) circle_lineage(alphas=alfas[a6]) ##>>>>>>>>>>> grafico 1 #ax2 = plt.axes([pos_sub1, 1.51, .3, 0.55]) ax2 = plt.axes([pos_sub1, 1.63, .3, 0.4]) #>>>>>>>>>> barras_tax( plots1[a6], #barras_tax(tax_colors(color_list = circle_colors['Spectral'])[0], row_num=b6, color=plots1[a6].iloc[0:b6, 2], sep=o6, size_y=d6, size_bartxt=g6, ylabel_text=yetiquetas_plot1[a6], ylabel=10) ##>>>>>>>>>>> grafico 2 ax3 = plt.axes([pos_sub2, .97, .3, 0.55]) barras_tax( plots2[a61], #barras_tax(tax_colors(color_list = circle_colors['Spectral'])[0], row_num=c6, color=plots2[a61].iloc[0:b6, 2], sep=o61, size_y=d61, size_bartxt=g61, ylabel_text=yetiquetas_plot1[a61], ylabel=10) ##>>>>>>>>>>>> save if z6 == True: import datetime plt.savefig('img/Lineage' +'%d.%B.%Y_%I-%M%p') + '.png', dpi=900, bbox_inches='tight') else: pass out6 = widgets.interactive_output( box1, { 'a6': a6, 'a61': a61, 'pos_sub1': pos_sub1, 'pos_sub2': pos_sub2, 'b6': b6, 'c6': c6, 'z6': z6, 'o6': o6, 'o61': o61, 'd6': d6, 'd61': d61, 'g6': g6, 'g61': g61 }) import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") return display(VBox([yyy, ww, w8, out6]))
def plotData(data, labels=None, data_axis=4, expert=None, xlims=None, ylims=None, interpolate=None, smoothing=None): """ This produces a line plot with confidence intervals as specified Uses the standard error of the mean as confidence intervals Args: data[dict] - Dict of multi_dim array of N+1xM array of columns where the second column is the x-axis, and every other column is a dataset labels[list] - String list of [x-axis, y-axis, title] data_axis[int] - Column to plot against the x-axis expert[scalar] - Value that the expert/demonstrator performed at (horiz line on plot) xlims/ylims - (min, max) values for the axes interpolate[list] - Name of the experiments to interpolate points smoothing[dict] - Name and value pairs to perform smoothing over the data before plotting """ assert len(data.keys()) <= 8 # Only 8 colors available in this set, don't expect this to be a problem # Set up the plot plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) # Remove the plot frame lines ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) # Set the axis ticks to only show up on the bottom and left of plot ax.get_xaxis().tick_bottom() ax.get_yaxis().tick_left() # Limit the range of the plot to the data if xlims != None: plt.xlim(xlims[0], xlims[1]) if ylims != None: plt.ylim(ylims[0], ylims[1]) # Increase axis tick marks # plt.xticks(range(0, 100, 10), fontsize=14) # plt.yticks(range(-60, 0, 10), fontsize=14) ax.tick_params(labelsize=16) # Axis and title labels with increased size if labels == None: labels = ['X-Axis', 'Y-Axis', 'Title'] plt.xlabel(labels[0], fontsize=24) plt.ylabel(labels[1], fontsize=24) # plt.title(labels[2], fontsize=22) #### TODO WHEN MAKING SLIDE DECK # Show a horizontal line with the expert's performance if available if expert is not None: plt.hlines(expert, xmin=0, xmax=20000, colors='#737373', label='Expert', linewidths=3, linestyles='dashdot') #linestyles : [‘solid’ | ‘dashed’ | ‘dashdot’ | ‘dotted’], # Pastel2 and Dark2 should be the colormaps used for confidence and mean resp. cmap = ['Dark2', 'Pastel2'] # Iterate over the recorded datasets i = 0.0 for name, values in data.items(): if interpolate is not None and name in interpolate: values = interpolateData(values, data_axis=data_axis) if smoothing is not None and name in smoothing: for j in range(values.shape[2]): values[:,data_axis,j] = smooth(values[:,data_axis,j], window_len=smoothing[name]) x_axis, means, bands = formatConfidenceData(values, bound='std', data_axis=data_axis) plt.plot(x_axis, means, lw=2, label=name, color=cm.Dark2(i)) plt.fill_between(x_axis, means - bands, means + bands, color=cm.Pastel2(i)) i += 0.126 # Change color plt.legend(loc=4, prop={'size':24}) # There are up to 10 positions, 0 is best, 1 upper right, 2 top left, 3, 4 lower right
ax = ds_r.iloc[:, :-1], 6), title="Tempos por função (grpc remoto)") ax.set_ylabel("Tempo em segundos") plt.xticks(rotation=45) ax.set_xlabel("Função") # barplot mean fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6)) error_config = {'ecolor': '0.3'} ds = ds_rpyc_r for i, col in enumerate(ds_r.columns): if col == 'euclidean_arg': continue ax.barh(i, ds[col].mean(), color=cm.Pastel2(i), xerr=ds[col].std(), error_kw=error_config) ax.text(ds[col].mean() * .3, i, str(round(ds[col].mean(), 8))) ax.set_yticklabels(ds_r.columns[:-1]) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(ds_r.columns)) + .2) ax.set_title('Tempo médio por função (rpyc remoto)') ax.set_xlabel("Tempo em segundos") ax.set_ylabel("Função") # scatter for latency fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6)) ax.scatter(x=np.arange(len(ds_rpyc)), y=ds_rpyc['int_arg'], label='local',
def plot_bar(self, fig, datafile, xnames): f = open(datafile) #f = open("plot_exec_time.txt") barGroups = dict() locations = list() barNameOrder = list() xnameLookup = dict() hasErr = False confSplit = ';' for line in f: if line[0] == '#': continue (x, y, text) = line.split('\t') yval = float(y.split(confSplit)[0]) yerr = 0.0 if confSplit in y: hasErr = True s = y.split(confSplit) yerr = float(s[1]) text = text.strip() if text not in barNameOrder: barNameOrder.append(text) if text not in barGroups: barGroups[text] = dict() if x not in barGroups[text]: barGroups[text][x] = dict() barGroups[text][x]['bar'] = yval barGroups[text][x]['err'] = yerr if x not in xnameLookup: i = len(locations) locations.append(i) xnameLookup[x] = i width = 0.5 / len(barGroups) locations = sorted(locations) loc = np.arange(len(locations)) pos = 0 for l in locations: loc[pos] = int(l) pos += 1 ax = fig.add_subplot(111) numPlots = 0 barLen = float(len(barGroups)) rects = list() names = list() cur_hatch = 0 for b in barNameOrder: print b values = barGroups[b] barPlot = list() barErrPlot = list() for l in locations: found = False for k in xnameLookup: if xnameLookup[k] == l and k in values: # if l in values and values[l] > 0: barPlot.append(values[k]['bar']) barErrPlot.append(values[k]['err']) found = True if not found: barPlot.append(0.0) barErrPlot.append(0.0) ax.set_yscale('linear') if hasErr: rect = + (numPlots * width), barPlot, width, color=cm.Pastel2(numPlots / barLen, 1), hatch=self.hatches[cur_hatch % (len(self.hatches))], yerr=barErrPlot, ecolor='black', capsize=5) else: rect = + (numPlots * width), barPlot, width, color=cm.Pastel2(numPlots / barLen, 1), hatch=self.hatches[cur_hatch % (len(self.hatches))]) cur_hatch += 1 rects.append(rect[0]) names.append(b) ax.grid(which='major', color='0.65', linestyle='--') numPlots += 1 #[line.set_zorder(3) for line in ax.lines] ax.set_axisbelow(True) ax.set_ylabel('Execution Time [minutes]') ax.set_xticks(loc + 0.2) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(self.format_tiny)) labels = sorted(xnameLookup, key=lambda x: xnameLookup[x]) ax.set_xticklabels((labels), rotation=0) ax.legend(rects, names, 'best') return [ax]
def plot_multi(self, fig, datafile, line_style, xformat, legendStyle, sort, loc, markeveryInp): f = open(datafile) hasErrorBar = False hash = dict() sub_plot_num = 111 for line in f: line = line.split('\t') if (len(line) > 3): sub_plot_num = int(line[3].strip()) p_name = line[2].strip() #if not hash.has_key(sub_plot_num): if not sub_plot_num in hash: # Does not work in Python3 hash[sub_plot_num] = dict() if not p_name in hash[sub_plot_num]: x = list() y = list() err = list() hash[sub_plot_num][p_name] = (x, y, err) hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][0].append(line[0]) if len(line[1].split(';')) == 1: # Check for error bars hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][1].append(line[1]) hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][2].append(0) # else: hasErrorBar = True hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][1].append( line[1].split(';')[0]) # Append Y value hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][2].append( line[1].split(';')[1]) # Append Error Value f.close() subplots = list() ax1 = 0 ticks = list() sorted_hash = sorted(iter(hash.keys())) for sub_plot_num in sorted_hash: if (ax1 == 0): ax = fig.add_subplot(sub_plot_num) ax1 = ax else: ax = fig.add_subplot(sub_plot_num, sharex=ax1) subplots.append(ax) plots = list() if sort == "int": sorted_names = map( lambda x: str(x), sorted(map(lambda x: int(x), hash[sub_plot_num]))) else: sorted_names = sorted(hash[sub_plot_num]) # for p_name in hash[sub_plot_num]: i = 0 cm_len = float(len(sorted_names)) y_valsStacked = list() longestStacked = 0 for p_name in sorted_names: if xformat == 'cdf': y_vals = self.calc_cdf(hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][1]) x_vals = hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][0] hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][0][:0] = [0] #prepend 0 elif xformat == 'ccdf': y_vals = self.calc_ccdf(hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][1]) x_vals = hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][0] #hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][0].append(x_vals[-1]) #x_vals = hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][0] elif xformat == 'eccdf': # ECCDF has to update the X values as well. x_vals, y_vals = self.ecdf(hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][0], hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][1]) else: if hasErrorBar: y_vals = [ float(a) for a in hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][1] ] y_err = [ float(a) for a in hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][2] ] y_err_high = [ float(a) + float(b) for a, b in zip(hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][1], hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][2]) ] y_err_low = [ float(a) - float(b) for a, b in zip(hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][1], hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][2]) ] else: y_vals = hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][1] x_vals = hash[sub_plot_num][p_name][0] if line_style == 'multi': dots = ".x+" ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals, dots[i % len(dots)], c=cm.hsv(i / cm_len, 1)) elif line_style == 'multi-': dots = ["-v", "-x", "-o"] if hasErrorBar: plt.errorbar(x_vals, y_vals, fmt=dots[i % len(dots)], c=cm.hsv(i / cm_len, 1), yerr=y_err) else: ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals, dots[i % len(dots)], c=cm.hsv(i / cm_len, 1)) elif line_style == 'multi--': dots = ["--v", "--x", "--o"] if hasErrorBar: #plt.errorbar(x_vals, y_vals, fmt=dots[i%len(dots)], c=cm.gnuplot(i/cm_len,1), yerr=y_err) plt.errorbar(x_vals, y_vals, fmt=dots[i % len(dots)], yerr=y_err) else: ax.plot( x_vals, y_vals, dots[i % len(dots)], c=cm.gnuplot(i / cm_len, 1), ) elif line_style == 'multismall-': dots = ["-", "-+", "-x"] ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals, dots[i % len(dots)], c=cm.hsv(i / cm_len, 1)) elif line_style == 'multismall': dots = [".", "+", "x"] ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals, dots[i % len(dots)], c=cm.hsv(i / cm_len, 1)) elif line_style == 'bnw': dots = ["h", "+", "x", "d", "v", "o", "D", "."] ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals, dots[i % len(dots)]) elif line_style == 'bnw-': dots = ["-h", "-+", "-x", "-d", "-v", "-o", "-D", "-."] ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals, dots[i % len(dots)], markevery=int(markeveryInp)) #ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals, dots[i%len(dots)]) elif xformat == 'stack': y = np.array(y_vals, dtype=float) y_valsStacked.append(y) if longestStacked < len(y): longestX = x_vals longestStacked = max(longestStacked, len(y)) elif xformat == 'fill': ax.fill(x_vals, y_vals, line_style, edgecolor='black', hatch=self.hatches[i % len(self.hatches)], color=cm.Pastel2(i / cm_len, 1)) else: if hasErrorBar: plt.errorbar(x_vals, y_vals, linestyle=line_style, yerr=y_err) else: ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals, line_style) plots.append(p_name) i += 1 if xformat == 'stack': print longestStacked #ys = [np.array(y, dtype=float).resize(longestStacked) for y in y_valsStacked] stacks = list() y_cnt = 0 for y in y_valsStacked: y = np.copy(y) y.resize(longestStacked) print y stacks.append(y) y_cnt += 1 # ys = [np.array(y, dtype=float) for y in y_valsStacked] # ys = [y.resize(longestStacked) for y in ys] ax.stackplot(np.array(longestX, dtype=float), *stacks, baseline='wiggle') if legendStyle == 'none': pass elif (legendStyle == 'single' or legendStyle == 'single-outside') and i > 1: pass elif legendStyle == 'outside': leg = ax.legend(plots, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.5) elif legendStyle == 'below': ax.legend(plots, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=2) else: try: loc = int(loc) except: loc = loc finally: leg = ax.legend(plots, loc=loc) ax.grid(True) if legendStyle == 'single': leg = subplots[0].legend(plots, 'best') elif legendStyle == 'single-outside': leg = subplots[0].legend(plots, bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.5) if xformat == 'time': ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter( self.format_time)) fig.autofmt_xdate() elif xformat == 'date': ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter( self.format_date)) fig.autofmt_xdate() elif xformat == 'days': min_time = int(min(x)) self.start_day = min_time - min_time % 86400 ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter( self.format_days)) elif xformat == 'tiny': ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter( self.format_tiny)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter( self.format_tiny)) #fig.autofmt_xdate() elif xformat == 'dict': ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter( self.format_dict)) fig.autofmt_xdate() return subplots