Esempio n. 1
 def interp(self,xt,yt,zorigt):
     cens,edg,tri,neig = D.delaunay(x,y)
     if 0:
         #plot triangulation
         for t in tri:
             # t[0], t[1], t[2] are the points indexes of the triangle
             t_i = [t[0], t[1], t[2], t[0]]
     tri = D.Triangulation(x,y)
     interp = tri.nn_interpolator(z)
     zi = interp(xi,yi)
     return outxi,outyi,outzi
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, xg, yg, verts):
        self.xg = np.asarray(xg)
        self.yg = np.asarray(yg)
        self.verts = verts
        self._xv, self._yv = zip(*verts)

        self._tri = delaunay.Triangulation(self.xg.flat, self.yg.flat)
Esempio n. 3
def test_delaunay():
    # No duplicate points.
    x = [0, 1, 1, 0]
    y = [0, 0, 1, 1]
    npoints = 4
    ntriangles = 2
    nedges = 5

    # Without duplicate points, mpl calls delaunay triangulation and
    # does not modify it.
    mpl_triang = mtri.Triangulation(x, y)
    del_triang = mdel.Triangulation(x, y)

    # Points - floating point.
    assert_array_almost_equal(mpl_triang.x, x)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mpl_triang.x, del_triang.x)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mpl_triang.y, y)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mpl_triang.y, del_triang.y)

    # Triangles - integers.
    assert_equal(len(mpl_triang.triangles), ntriangles)
    assert_equal(np.min(mpl_triang.triangles), 0)
    assert_equal(np.max(mpl_triang.triangles), npoints-1)
    assert_array_equal(mpl_triang.triangles, del_triang.triangle_nodes)

    # Edges - integers.
    assert_equal(len(mpl_triang.edges), nedges)
    assert_equal(np.min(mpl_triang.edges), 0)
    assert_equal(np.max(mpl_triang.edges), npoints-1)
    assert_array_equal(mpl_triang.edges, del_triang.edge_db)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, x, y, triangles=None, mask=None):
        Create a Triangulation object.

        The first two arguments must be:

        *x*, *y*: arrays of shape (npoints).
          Point coordinates.

        Optional arguments (args or keyword args):

        *triangles*: integer array of shape (ntri,3).
          For each triangle, the indices of the three points that make
          up the triangle.  If the points are ordered in a clockwise
          manner, they are converted to anticlockwise.

          If not specified, matplotlib.delaunay is used to create a
          Delaunay triangulation of the points.

        *mask*: optional boolean array of shape (ntri).
          Which triangles are masked out.
        self.x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64)
        self.y = np.asarray(y, dtype=np.float64)
        if self.x.shape != self.y.shape or len(self.x.shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError("x and y must be equal-length 1-D arrays")

        self.mask = None
        self._edges = None
        self._neighbors = None

        if triangles is None:
            # No triangulation specified, so use matplotlib.delaunay.
            dt = delaunay.Triangulation(self.x, self.y)
            self.triangles = np.asarray(dt.triangle_nodes, dtype=np.int32)
            if mask is None:
                self._edges = np.asarray(dt.edge_db, dtype=np.int32)
                # Delaunay triangle_neighbors uses different edge indexing,
                # so convert.
                neighbors = np.asarray(dt.triangle_neighbors, dtype=np.int32)
                self._neighbors = np.roll(neighbors, 1, axis=1)
            # Triangulation specified.
            self.triangles = np.asarray(triangles, dtype=np.int32)
            if self.triangles.ndim != 2 or self.triangles.shape[1] != 3:
                raise ValueError('triangles must be a (?,3) array')
            if self.triangles.max() >= len(self.x):
                raise ValueError('triangles max element is out of bounds')
            if self.triangles.min() < 0:
                raise ValueError('triangles min element is out of bounds')

        if mask is not None:
            self.mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=np.bool)
            if len(self.mask.shape) != 1 or \
                    self.mask.shape[0] != self.triangles.shape[0]:
                raise ValueError('mask array must have same length as '
                                 'triangles array')

        # Underlying C++ object is not created until first needed.
        self._cpp_triangulation = None
Esempio n. 5
def findWonkyVectors(x, y, dx, dy, tol=100):
    from PYME.Analysis.LMVis.visHelpers import genEdgeDB
    T = delaunay.Triangulation(x, y)

    edb = genEdgeDB(T)

    wonkyVecs = np.zeros(len(x))

    #remove any shifts which are markedly different from their neighbours
    for i in range(len(x)):
        incidentEdges = T.edge_db[edb[i][0]]

        #        d_x = np.diff(T.x[incidentEdges])
        #        d_y = np.diff(T.y[incidentEdges])
        #        dist = (d_x**2 + d_y**2)
        #        di = np.mean(np.sqrt(dist))

        neighb = incidentEdges.ravel()
        neighb = neighb[(neighb == i) < .5]

        if (abs(dx[i] - np.median(dx[neighb])) >
                tol) or (abs(dy[i] - np.median(dy[neighb])) > tol):
            wonkyVecs[i] = 1

    return wonkyVecs > .5
Esempio n. 6
def test_delaunay_duplicate_points():
    # Issue 838.
    import warnings

    # Index 2 is the same as index 0.
    x = [0,1,0,1,0]
    y = [0,0,0,1,1]
    duplicate_index = 2
    npoints = 4        # Number of non-duplicate points.
    nduplicates = 1
    ntriangles = 2
    nedges = 5

    # With duplicate points, mpl calls delaunay triangulation but
    # modified returned arrays.
    warnings.simplefilter("ignore")   # Ignore DuplicatePointWarning.
    mpl_triang = mtri.Triangulation(x,y)
    del_triang = mdel.Triangulation(x,y)

    # Points - floating point.
    assert_equal(len(mpl_triang.x), npoints + nduplicates)
    assert_equal(len(del_triang.x), npoints)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mpl_triang.x, x)
    assert_array_almost_equal(del_triang.x[:duplicate_index], x[:duplicate_index])
    assert_array_almost_equal(del_triang.x[duplicate_index:], x[duplicate_index+1:])

    assert_equal(len(mpl_triang.y), npoints + nduplicates)
    assert_equal(len(del_triang.y), npoints)
    assert_array_almost_equal(mpl_triang.y, y)
    assert_array_almost_equal(del_triang.y[:duplicate_index], y[:duplicate_index])
    assert_array_almost_equal(del_triang.y[duplicate_index:], y[duplicate_index+1:])

    # Triangles - integers.
    assert_equal(len(mpl_triang.triangles), ntriangles)
    assert_equal(np.min(mpl_triang.triangles), 0)
    assert_equal(np.max(mpl_triang.triangles), npoints-1 + nduplicates)
    assert_equal(len(del_triang.triangle_nodes), ntriangles)
    assert_equal(np.min(del_triang.triangle_nodes), 0)
    assert_equal(np.max(del_triang.triangle_nodes), npoints-1)
    # Convert mpl triangle point indices to delaunay's.
    converted_indices = np.where(mpl_triang.triangles > duplicate_index,
                                 mpl_triang.triangles - nduplicates,
    assert_array_equal(del_triang.triangle_nodes, converted_indices)

    # Edges - integers.
    assert_equal(len(mpl_triang.edges), nedges)
    assert_equal(np.min(mpl_triang.edges), 0)
    assert_equal(np.max(mpl_triang.edges), npoints-1 + nduplicates)
    assert_equal(len(del_triang.edge_db), nedges)
    assert_equal(np.min(del_triang.edge_db), 0)
    assert_equal(np.max(del_triang.edge_db), npoints-1)
    # Convert mpl edge point indices to delaunay's.
    converted_indices = np.where(mpl_triang.edges > duplicate_index,
                                 mpl_triang.edges - nduplicates,
    assert_array_equal(del_triang.edge_db, converted_indices)
Esempio n. 7
def warpCorrectRedImage(r, dx, dy):
    X, Y = sp.meshgrid(np.arange(0, 512 * 70, 70), np.arange(0, 256 * 70, 70))
    cx, cy = getCorrection(X, Y, dx, dy)

    T = delaunay.Triangulation((X + cx).ravel(), (Y + cy).ravel())
    In = delaunay.LinearInterpolator(T, r.T.ravel(), r.min())

    vals = In[0:256 * 70:256 * 1j, 0:512 * 70:512 * 1j]

    return vals.T
Esempio n. 8
 def jitMCT(self, x, y, jsig, mcp):
     from matplotlib import delaunay
     Imc = numpy.random.normal(size=len(x)) < mcp
     if type(jsig) == numpy.ndarray:
         #print jsig.shape, Imc.shape
         jsig = jsig[Imc]
     T = delaunay.Triangulation(
         x[Imc] + jsig * numpy.random.normal(size=Imc.sum()),
         y[Imc] + jsig * numpy.random.normal(size=Imc.sum()))
Esempio n. 9
def ch_subsets_2d(ChLocsArr):
    T = sd.Triangulation(*ChLocsArr.transpose())
    triangles = T.triangle_nodes
    tri_adjacency = dict([(tri, nb_tris[nb_tris != -1])
                          for (tri, nb_tris) in enumerate(T.triangle_neighbors)

    subsets = set()
    for src, targs in tri_adjacency.items():
        for targ in targs:
            if src < targ:
    return list(subsets)
Esempio n. 10
def rendJitTri(im, x, y, jsig, mcp, imageBounds, pixelSize, n=1):
    for i in range(n):
        #global jParms

        Imc = scipy.rand(len(x)) < mcp
        if type(jsig) == numpy.ndarray:
            #print jsig.shape, Imc.shape
            jsig = jsig[Imc]
        T = delaunay.Triangulation(x[Imc] + jsig * scipy.randn(Imc.sum()),
                                   y[Imc] + jsig * scipy.randn(Imc.sum()))

        #return T
        rendTri(T, imageBounds, pixelSize, im=im)
Esempio n. 11
 def execute(self, namespace):
     from matplotlib import delaunay
     from PYME.LMVis import visHelpers
     pos = namespace[self.inputPositions]
     x, y = pos['x'], pos['y']
     #triangulate the data
     T = delaunay.Triangulation(x + .1*np.random.normal(size=len(x)), y + .1*np.random.normal(size=len(x)))
     #find the average edge lengths leading away from a given point
     res = np.array(visHelpers.calcNeighbourDists(T))
     res = tabular.DictSource({self.key:res})
     if 'mdh' in dir(pos):
         res.mdh = pos.mdh
     namespace[self.outputName] = res
Esempio n. 12
    def rendJitTriang(x, y, n, jsig, mcp, imageBounds, pixelSize):
        sizeX = (imageBounds.x1 - imageBounds.x0) / pixelSize
        sizeY = (imageBounds.y1 - imageBounds.y0) / pixelSize

        im = numpy.zeros((sizeX, sizeY))

        for i in range(n):
            Imc = scipy.rand(len(x)) < mcp
            if type(jsig) == numpy.ndarray:
                #print jsig.shape, Imc.shape
                jsig = jsig[Imc]
            T = delaunay.Triangulation(x[Imc] + jsig * scipy.randn(Imc.sum()),
                                       y[Imc] + jsig * scipy.randn(Imc.sum()))
            rendTri(T, imageBounds, pixelSize, im=im)

        return im / n
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, x, y, triangles=None, mask=None):
        self.x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float64)
        self.y = np.asarray(y, dtype=np.float64)
        if self.x.shape != self.y.shape or len(self.x.shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError("x and y must be equal-length 1-D arrays")

        self.mask = None
        self._edges = None
        self._neighbors = None

        if triangles is None:
            # No triangulation specified, so use matplotlib.delaunay.
            dt = delaunay.Triangulation(self.x, self.y)
            self.triangles = np.asarray(dt.to_client_point_indices(
            if mask is None:
                self._edges = np.asarray(dt.to_client_point_indices(
                # Delaunay triangle_neighbors uses different edge indexing,
                # so convert.
                neighbors = np.asarray(dt.triangle_neighbors, dtype=np.int32)
                self._neighbors = np.roll(neighbors, 1, axis=1)
            # Triangulation specified. Copy, since we may correct triangle
            # orientation.
            self.triangles = np.array(triangles, dtype=np.int32)
            if self.triangles.ndim != 2 or self.triangles.shape[1] != 3:
                raise ValueError('triangles must be a (?,3) array')
            if self.triangles.max() >= len(self.x):
                raise ValueError('triangles max element is out of bounds')
            if self.triangles.min() < 0:
                raise ValueError('triangles min element is out of bounds')

        if mask is not None:
            self.mask = np.asarray(mask, dtype=np.bool)
            if (len(self.mask.shape) != 1
                    or self.mask.shape[0] != self.triangles.shape[0]):
                raise ValueError('mask array must have same length as '
                                 'triangles array')

        # Underlying C++ object is not created until first needed.
        self._cpp_triangulation = None

        # Default TriFinder not created until needed.
        self._trifinder = None
Esempio n. 14
def prep_data2(xt, yt, zorigt):
    x = xt[:, zorigt > 0.0]
    y = yt[:, zorigt > 0.0]
    z = zorigt[:, zorigt > 0.0]
    print 'reached'
    threshold = 0.0
    print 'where masked ', z.shape
    xi, yi = N.mgrid[-5:5:100j, -5:5:100j]
    xi, yi = N.mgrid[x.min():x.max():.001, y.min():y.max():.001]
    # triangulate data
    tri = D.Triangulation(x, y)
    print 'before interpolator'
    # interpolate data
    interp = tri.nn_interpolator(z)
    print 'interpolator reached'
    zi = interp(xi, yi)
    return xi, yi, zi
def do_projection(proj, lon_lats, dists, xres=120, yres=100):
    xys = np.array([proj(lon, lat) for (lon, lat) in lon_lats])

    x = xys[:, 0]
    y = xys[:, 1]

    good = x < 1e29  # basemap seems to set bad values to 1e30
    x = x[good]
    y = y[good]
    dists = dists[good]

    tri = dlny.Triangulation(x, y)
    interp = tri.nn_interpolator(dists)

    X, Y = np.mgrid[min(y):max(y):yres * 1j, min(x):max(x):xres * 1j]
    vals = interp[min(y):max(y):yres * 1j, min(x):max(x):xres * 1j]
    Z =, mask=np.isnan(vals))
    return x, y, X, Y, Z
Esempio n. 16
    def getTriangles(self, recalc=False):
        from matplotlib import delaunay

        if self.Triangles == None or recalc:
            statTri = statusLog.StatusLogger("Generating Triangulation ...")
            self.Triangles = delaunay.Triangulation(
                self.colourFilter['x'] +
                .1 * np.random.normal(size=len(self.colourFilter['x'])),
                self.colourFilter['y'] +
                .1 * np.random.normal(size=len(self.colourFilter['x'])))

            #reset things which will have changed
            self.edb = None
            except KeyError:

        return self.Triangles
Esempio n. 17
def triangle_graph(Locs):
    Returns a graph giving the Delaunay triangulation of a set of two-dimensional points    

    Locs : ndarray, or anything that gets cast into ndarray upon np.array(Locs)
        Locs.shape = (n,2), where n is the number of points

    out : networkx Graph
    Locs = np.array(Locs)
    if len(Locs) == 1:
        return complete_graph(1)
        Triangulation = sd.Triangulation(Locs[:, 0], Locs[:, 1])
        return Triangulation.node_graph()
Esempio n. 18
def extrapolate_mask(a, mask=None):
    if mask is None and not isinstance(a,
        return a
    if mask is None:
        mask = a.mask
        if isinstance(a,
            mask = mask | a.mask
    a = a[:]  # make a copy of array a
    jj, ii = indices(a.shape)
    igood = ii[~mask]
    jgood = jj[~mask]
    ibad = ii[mask]
    jbad = jj[mask]
    tri = delaunay.Triangulation(igood, jgood)
    # interpolate from the good points (mask == 1)
    interp = tri.nn_extrapolator(a[~mask])
    # to the bad points (mask == 0)
    a[mask] = interp(ibad, jbad)
    return a
Esempio n. 19
def genShiftVectors(res_g, res_r):
    ind1 = (res_g['fitResults']['A'] > 10) * (
        res_g['fitResults']['A'] < 500
    ) * (res_g['fitResults']['sigma'] > 100) * (
        res_g['fitResults']['sigma'] < 400) * (res_g['fitError']['x0'] < 50)

    x = res_g['fitResults']['x0'][ind1]
    x = x + 0.5 * sp.randn(
    )  #add a bit of 'fuzz' to avoid duplicate points which could crash interpolation

    y = res_g['fitResults']['y0'][ind1]
    sx = res_g['fitResults']['x0'][ind1] - res_r['fitResults']['x0'][ind1]
    sy = res_g['fitResults']['y0'][ind1] - res_r['fitResults']['y0'][ind1]

    T = delaunay.Triangulation(x, y)

    nx = []
    ny = []
    nsx = []
    nsy = []

    #remove any shifts which are markedly different from their neighbours
    for i in range(len(x)):
        i1, i2 = np.where(T.edge_db == i)
        i_ = T.edge_db[i1, 1 - i2]
        if (abs(sx[i] - np.median(sx[i_])) <
                100) and (abs(sy[i] - np.median(sy[i_])) < 100):
            print(('point %d dropped' % i))

    nx = np.array(nx)
    ny = np.array(ny)
    nsx = np.array(nsx)
    nsy = np.array(nsy)

    return (nx, ny, nsx, nsy)
Esempio n. 20
def extrapolate_data(dataset,
    Extrapolate `dataset` on a grid of size `(gridsize_x, gridsize_y)`
    based on `basemap`.

    A regular grid of the user-defined size is created from the basemap.
    The dataset coordinates are then Delaunay triangulated, and the corresponding
    data extrapolated on the regular grid using the nearest-neighbor method

    dataset : ndarray
        A structured ndarray, w/ fields ['lon', 'lat', 'data']
    basemap : Basemap
        The projection basemap
    gridsize_x : int
        Number of cells in the x direction ('lon')
    gridsize_y : int
        Number of cells in the x direction ('lat')
    maskoceans : 
    # Get the grid
    (glon, glat, gx, gy) = basemap.makegrid(gridsize_x,
    # Transforms the lon/lat of the dataset in basemap units
    (llon, llat) = basemap(dataset['lon'], dataset['lat'])
    # Triangulate the dataset
    triangul = delaunay.Triangulation(llon, llat)
    # Define an extrapolator (using natural neighbors)...
    # ... and extrapolate the data along the grid...
    extrapolator = triangul.nn_extrapolator(dataset['data'])
    extrapolated = ma.fix_invalid(extrapolator(gx, gy))
    if maskoceans:
        extrapolated = mtb.maskoceans(glon, glat, extrapolated)
    return (extrapolated, gx, gy)
Esempio n. 21
def data_to_S1(x, y, mesh, **values):
    "2D data clouds of vector valued functions => dolfin S1 functions"
    trid = dln.Triangulation(x, y)
    #mesh = nanopores.RectangleMesh([0, -Ry], [Rx, Ry], Nx, Ny)

    functions = []
    for F in values.values():
        Fi = [None] * 2
        for i in (0, 1):
            intp = trid.nn_interpolator(F[:, i])
            intp2 = lambda x: intp([x[0]], [x[1]])
            Fi[i] = lambda_to_S1(intp2, mesh)

        V = dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
        FF = dolfin.Function(V)
        dolfin.assign(FF, [Fi[0], Fi[1]])

    if len(functions) == 1:
        return functions[0]
        return tuple(functions)
Esempio n. 22
    def getBlobs(self):
        from PYME.Analysis.EdgeDB import edges

        tri = self.getTriangles()
        edb = self.getEdb()

        if self.blobJitter == 0:
            self.objIndices = edges.objectIndices(
                edb.segment(self.objThreshold), self.objMinSize)
            self.objects = [
                np.vstack((tri.x[oi], tri.y[oi])).T for oi in self.objIndices
            from matplotlib import delaunay

            ndists = self.getNeighbourDists()

            x_ = np.hstack([
                self['x'] + 0.5 * ndists * np.random.normal(size=ndists.size)
                for i in range(self.blobJitter)
            y_ = np.hstack([
                self['y'] + 0.5 * ndists * np.random.normal(size=ndists.size)
                for i in range(self.blobJitter)

            T = delaunay.Triangulation(x_, y_)
            edb = edges.EdgeDB(T)

            objIndices = edges.objectIndices(edb.segment(self.objThreshold),
            self.objects = [
                np.vstack((T.x[oi], T.y[oi])).T for oi in objIndices

        return self.objects, self.objThreshold
Esempio n. 23
def prep_data2(xt,yt,zorigt):
#    Data=pylab.load(r'c:\resolution_stuff\1p4K.iexy')
#    zorig=ma.array(zorigt)
    print 'reached'
#    print zorigt < threshold
#    print N.isnan(zorigt)
#    z = ma.masked_where(zorigt < threshold , zorigt)
    print 'where masked ', z.shape
#should be commented out--just for testing
##    x = pylab.randn(Nu)/aspect
##    y = pylab.randn(Nu)
##    z = pylab.rand(Nu)
##    print x.shape
##    print y.shape
    # Grid
    xi, yi = N.mgrid[-5:5:100j,-5:5:100j]
    # triangulate data
    tri = D.Triangulation(x,y)
    print 'before interpolator'
    # interpolate data
    interp = tri.nn_interpolator(z)
    print 'interpolator reached'
    zi = interp(xi,yi)
    # or, all in one line
    #    zi = Triangulation(x,y).nn_interpolator(z)(xi,yi)
#    return x,y,z
    return xi,yi,zi
Esempio n. 24
def readgrid(grid_filename, vert_filename=None, llcrnrlon=-98.5, llcrnrlat=22.5, 
            urcrnrlon=-87.5, urcrnrlat=31.0, lat_0=30, lon_0=-94, res='i', 
            usebasemap=False, usespherical=True):
    Kristen Thyng, March 2013
    This function should be read in at the beginnind of a call.
    It reads in all necessary grid information that won't change in time
    and stores it in a dictionary called grid.
    All arrays are changed to Fortran ordering (from Python ordering)
    and to tracmass variables ordering from ROMS ordering 
    i.e. from [t,k,j,i] to [i,j,k,t]
    right away after reading in.

     grid_filename    File name (with extension) where grid information is stored
     vert_filename    (optional) File name (with extension) where vertical grid information
                    is stored, if not in grid_loc. Can also skip this if don't need 
                    vertical grid info.
     also optional basemap box parameters. Default is for full shelf model.
     usebasemap          (False) Whether to use load basemap into grid (True) or pyproj (False).
                    Basemap is slower but can be used for plotting, and pyproj is the opposite.

     grid           Dictionary containing all necessary time-independent grid fields

    grid dictionary contains: (array sizing is for tracmass ordering)
     imt,jmt,km     Grid index sizing constants in (x,y,z), are for horizontal rho grid [scalar]
     dxv            Horizontal grid cell walls areas in x direction [imt,jmt-1]
     dyu            Horizontal grid cell walls areas in y direction [imt-1,jmt]
     dxdy           Horizontal area of cells defined at cell centers [imt,jmt]
     mask           Land/sea mask [imt,jmt] 
     pm,pn          Difference in horizontal grid spacing in x and y [imt,jmt]
     kmt            Number of vertical levels in horizontal space [imt,jmt]
     dzt0           Thickness in meters of grid at each k-level with time-independent free surface. 
                    Surface is at km [imt,jmt,km].
     zrt0           Depth in meters of grid at each k-level on vertical rho grid with time-independent 
                    free surface. Surface is at km [imt,jmt,km]
     zwt0           Depth in meters of grid at each k-level on vertical w grid with time-independent 
                    free surface. Surface is at km [imt,jmt,km]
     xr,yr          Rho grid zonal (x) and meriodional (y) coordinates [imt,jmt]
     xu,yu          U grid zonal (x) and meriodional (y) coordinates [imt,jmt]
     xv,yv          V grid zonal (x) and meriodional (y) coordinates [imt,jmt]
     xpsi,ypsi      Psi grid zonal (x) and meriodional (y) coordinates [imt,jmt]
     X,Y            Grid index arrays
     tri,trir       Delaunay triangulations
     Cs_r,sc_r      Vertical grid streching paramters [km-1]
     hc             Critical depth [scalar]
     h              Depths [imt,jmt]
     theta_s        Vertical stretching parameter [scalar]. A parameter 
                    (typically 0.0 <= theta_s < 5.0) that defines the amount 
                    of grid focusing. A higher value for theta_s will focus the grid more.
     theta_b        Vertical stretching parameter [scalar]. A parameter (0.0 < theta_b < 1.0) 
                    that says whether the coordinate will be focused at the surface 
                    (theta_b -> 1.0) or split evenly between surface and bottom (theta_b -> 0)
     basemap        Basemap object

    Note: all are in fortran ordering and tracmass ordering except for X, Y, tri, and tric
    To test: [array].flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'] will return true if it is fortran ordering
    keeptime = 0 # do timing for readgrid
    if keeptime: starttime = time.time()

    # Read in grid parameters and find x and y in domain on different grids
    # use full dataset to get grid information
    # This addresses an issue in netCDF4 that was then fixed, but
    # this line makes updating unnecessary. Issue described here:
    gridfile = netCDF.Dataset(grid_filename)

    # # Read in whether grid is spherical or not
    # try:
    #     usesphericaltemp = gridfile.variables['spherical'][:]
    #     if usesphericaltemp == 'T':
    #         usespherical = True
    #     else:
    #         usespherical = False
    # except KeyError: # Assume not lon/lat if spherical flag is not in grid file
    #     usespherical = False

    # Basemap parameters.
    if usespherical:
        llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon; llcrnrlat=llcrnrlat; 
        urcrnrlon=urcrnrlon; urcrnrlat=urcrnrlat; projection='lcc'
        lat_0=lat_0; lon_0=lon_0; resolution=res; area_thresh=0.
        # pdb.set_trace()
        if usebasemap:
            from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
            basemap = Basemap(llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon,
            from pyproj import Proj
            # this gives somewhat different differences between projected coordinates as compared with previous basemap
            # definition for the default values.
            basemap = Proj(proj='lcc', lat_1=llcrnrlat, lat_2=urcrnrlat, lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, x_0=0, y_0=0,ellps='clrk66',datum='NAD27')
            # basemap = (proj='lcc',lat_1=44.33333333333334,lat_2=46,lat_0=43.66666666666666, lon_0=-120.5,x_0=609601.2192024384, y_0=0,ellps='clrk66',datum='NAD27')
            # basemap = Proj("+proj=lcc +lat_0=lat_0 +lon_0=lon_0")
                            # +x_0=1700000 \
                            # +y_0=300000 \
                            # +no_defs \
                            # +a=6378137 \
                            # +rf=298.257222101 \
                            # +to_meter=1")
        if keeptime: 
            basemaptime = time.time()
            print "basemap time ", basemaptime - starttime
        basemap = []

    if usespherical:
        lonu = gridfile.variables['lon_u'][:]
        latu = gridfile.variables['lat_u'][:]
        xu, yu = basemap(lonu,latu)
        lonv = gridfile.variables['lon_v'][:]
        latv = gridfile.variables['lat_v'][:]
        xv, yv = basemap(lonv,latv)
        lonr = gridfile.variables['lon_rho'][:]#[1:-1,1:-1]
        latr = gridfile.variables['lat_rho'][:]#[1:-1,1:-1]
        xr, yr = basemap(lonr,latr)
        lonpsi = gridfile.variables['lon_psi'][:]
        latpsi = gridfile.variables['lat_psi'][:]
        xpsi, ypsi = basemap(lonpsi,latpsi)
        # read cartesian data
        xu = gridfile.variables['x_u'][:]
        yu = gridfile.variables['y_u'][:]
        xv = gridfile.variables['x_v'][:]
        yv = gridfile.variables['y_v'][:]
        xr = gridfile.variables['x_rho'][:]
        yr = gridfile.variables['y_rho'][:]
        xpsi = gridfile.variables['x_psi'][:]
        ypsi = gridfile.variables['y_psi'][:]

        # assign to spherical arrays
        lonu, latu = xu, yu
        lonv, latv = xv, yv
        lonr, latr = xr, yr
        lonpsi, latpsi = xpsi, ypsi

    # Create mask of all active cells if there isn't one already
        mask = gridfile.variables['mask_rho'][:]#[1:-1,1:-1]
    except KeyError:
        mask = np.ones_like(xr)

    pm = gridfile.variables['pm'][:]
    pn = gridfile.variables['pn'][:]
    h = gridfile.variables['h'][:]
    if keeptime:
        hgridtime = time.time()
        print "horizontal grid time ", hgridtime - basemaptime

    # Vertical grid metrics
    if 's_w' in gridfile.variables: # then given grid file contains vertical grid info
        sc_r = gridfile.variables['s_w'][:] # sigma coords, 31 layers
        Cs_r = gridfile.variables['Cs_w'][:] # stretching curve in sigma coords, 31 layers
        hc = gridfile.variables['hc'][:]
        theta_s = gridfile.variables['theta_s'][:]
        theta_b = gridfile.variables['theta_b'][:]
        Vtransform = gridfile.variables['Vtransform'][:]
        Vstretching = gridfile.variables['Vstretching'][:]
    # Still want vertical grid metrics, but are in separate file
    elif vert_filename is not None:
        nc = netCDF.Dataset(vert_filename)
        sc_r = nc.variables['s_w'][:] # sigma coords, 31 layers
        Cs_r = nc.variables['Cs_w'][:] # stretching curve in sigma coords, 31 layers
        hc = nc.variables['hc'][:]
        theta_s = nc.variables['theta_s'][:]
        theta_b = nc.variables['theta_b'][:]
        Vtransform = nc.variables['Vtransform'][:]
        Vstretching = nc.variables['Vstretching'][:]

    if keeptime: 
        vgridtime = time.time()
        print "vertical grid time ", vgridtime - hgridtime

    # make arrays in same order as is expected in the fortran code
    # ROMS expects [time x k x j x i] but tracmass is expecting [i x j x k x time]
    # change these arrays to be fortran-directioned instead of python
    # This is faster than copying arrays. To test: .flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']
    mask = np.asfortranarray(mask.T)
    xr = np.asfortranarray(xr.T)
    yr = np.asfortranarray(yr.T)
    xu = np.asfortranarray(xu.T)
    yu = np.asfortranarray(yu.T)
    xv = np.asfortranarray(xv.T)
    yv = np.asfortranarray(yv.T)
    xpsi = np.asfortranarray(xpsi.T)
    ypsi = np.asfortranarray(ypsi.T)
    lonr = np.asfortranarray(lonr.T)

    latr = np.asfortranarray(latr.T)
    lonu = np.asfortranarray(lonu.T)
    latu = np.asfortranarray(latu.T)
    lonv = np.asfortranarray(lonv.T)
    latv = np.asfortranarray(latv.T)
    lonpsi = np.asfortranarray(lonpsi.T)
    latpsi = np.asfortranarray(latpsi.T)
    pm = np.asfortranarray(pm.T)
    pn = np.asfortranarray(pn.T)
    h = np.asfortranarray(h.T)

    if keeptime: 
        fortranflippingtime = time.time()
        print "fortran flipping time ", fortranflippingtime - vgridtime

    # Basing this on setupgrid.f95 for rutgersNWA example project from Bror
    # Grid sizes
    imt = h.shape[0] # 671
    jmt = h.shape[1] # 191
    if 'sc_r' in dir():
        km = sc_r.shape[0]-1 # 30 NOT SURE ON THIS ONE YET

    if keeptime: 
        gridsizetime = time.time()
        print "grid size time ", gridsizetime - fortranflippingtime

    # Index grid, for interpolation between real and grid space
    # this is for psi grid, so that middle of grid is min + .5 value
    # # X goes from 0 to imt-2 and Y goes from 0 to jmt-2
    # Y, X = np.meshgrid(np.arange(jmt-1),np.arange(imt-1)) # grid in index coordinates, without ghost cells
    # This is for rho
    # X goes from 0 to imt-1 and Y goes from 0 to jmt-1
    Y, X = np.meshgrid(np.arange(jmt),np.arange(imt)) # grid in index coordinates, without ghost cells
    # Triangulation for grid space to curvilinear space
    tri = delaunay.Triangulation(X.flatten(),Y.flatten())
    # Triangulation for curvilinear space to grid space
    # pdb.set_trace()
    trir = delaunay.Triangulation(xr.flatten(),yr.flatten())
    trirllrho = delaunay.Triangulation(lonr.flatten(),latr.flatten())

    if keeptime: 
        delaunaytime = time.time()
        print "delaunay time ", delaunaytime - gridsizetime

    # tracmass ordering.
    # Not sure how to convert this to pm, pn with appropriate shift
    dxv = 1/pm # pm is 1/\Delta x at cell centers
    dyu = 1/pn # pn is 1/\Delta y at cell centers

    dxdy = dyu*dxv

    # Change dxv,dyu to be correct u and v grid size after having 
    # them be too big for dxdy calculation. This is not in the 
    # rutgersNWA example and I am not sure why. [i,j]
    dxv = 0.5*(dxv[:,:-1]+dxv[:,1:])
    dyu = 0.5*(dyu[:-1,:]+dyu[1:,:])
    # # These should be interpolated
    # dxv = dxv[:,:-1]
    # dyu = dyu[:-1,:]

    if keeptime: 
        gridmetricstime = time.time()
        print "grid metrics time ", gridmetricstime - delaunaytime

    # Adjust masking according to setupgrid.f95 for rutgersNWA example project from Bror
    if 'sc_r' in dir():
        mask2 = mask.copy()
        kmt = np.ones((imt,jmt),order='f')*km
        ind = (mask2==1)
        ind[0:imt-1,:] = ind[1:imt,:]
        mask2[ind] = 1
        ind = (mask2==1)
        ind[:,0:jmt-1] = ind[:,1:jmt]
        mask2[ind] = 1
        # ind = (mask[1:imt-1,:]==1)
        # mask[0:imt-2,ind] = 1
        # ind = (mask[:,1:imt-1]==1)
        # mask[:,0:jmt-2] = 1
        ind = (mask2==0)
        kmt[ind] = 0

        # Use octant to calculate depths/thicknesses for the appropriate vertical grid parameters
        # have to transform a few back to ROMS coordinates and python ordering for this
        zwt0 = octant.depths.get_zw(Vtransform, Vstretching, km+1, theta_s, theta_b, 
                        hc, zeta=0, Hscale=3)
        zrt0 = octant.depths.get_zrho(Vtransform, Vstretching, km, theta_s, theta_b, 
                        hc, zeta=0, Hscale=3)
        # Change dzt to tracmass/fortran ordering
        zwt0 = zwt0.T.copy(order='f')
        zrt0 = zrt0.T.copy(order='f')
        # this should be the base grid layer thickness that doesn't change in time because it 
        # is for the reference vertical level
        dzt0 = zwt0[:,:,1:] - zwt0[:,:,:-1]

    if keeptime: 
        calculatingdepthstime = time.time()
        print "calculating depths time ", calculatingdepthstime - gridmetricstime

    # Fill in grid structure
    if 'sc_r' in dir():
        grid = {'imt':imt,'jmt':jmt,'km':km,#'angle':angle, 
            'Vtransform':Vtransform, 'Vstretching':Vstretching,
        grid = {'imt':imt,'jmt':jmt, #'angle':angle,
    if keeptime: 
        griddicttime = time.time()
        print "saving grid dict time ", griddicttime - calculatingdepthstime


    return grid
Esempio n. 25
# overwrite explicit colculation far from pore
yfar = abs(y) > Ry0
Fexp[yfar, :] = Fimp[yfar, :]

# duplicate array
notx0 = x > 0.

def mirror(z, sign):
    return np.concatenate([z, sign * z[notx0]])

x = mirror(x, -1)
y = mirror(y, 1)

trid = dln.Triangulation(x, y)
tri = mtri.Triangulation(x, y)

plt.triplot(tri, '-')
Fi = [None] * 2
mesh = nanopores.RectangleMesh([-Rx1, -Ry], [Rx1, Ry], 60, 150)

for i in (0, 1):
    z = Fexp[:, i]
    z = mirror(z, -1 if i == 0 else 1)

    # interpolate data
    interp = trid.nn_interpolator(z)
    interps = lambda x: interp([x[0]], [x[1]])
    Fi[i] = S1(interps, mesh)
Esempio n. 26
def mask_extrap(x,y,v,inplace=False,norm_xy=False,mpl_tri=True):
  Extrapolate numpy array at masked points.
  Based on delaunay triangulation provided by matplotlib.

  if and v.size!=v.count(): mask=v.mask
  else: return v


  if inplace: u=v
  else: u=v.copy()

  if norm_xy:

  if not mpl_tri:
    from matplotlib import delaunay # deprecated in version 1.4

    # nn_extrapolator may have problems dealing with regular grids,
    # nans may be obtained. One simple solution is to rotate the domain!

    if 0:
      # deal with repeated pairs (problem for nn_extrapolator)


    if np.any(np.isnan(u)):

    import  matplotlib.tri as mtri

    # add corners:

    for i in range(4):
      vv[i]=u[~mask][j],xv)) # use ravel at top instead!,xv)),yv)),vv))

    print u.shape,x.shape,y.shape,mask.shape
    u[mask] = mtri.CubicTriInterpolator(tri, u[~mask])(x[mask],y[mask])
    if np.any(np.isnan(u)):


  if not inplace: return u
Esempio n. 27
def readgrid(loc,
    Kristen Thyng, March 2013
    This function should be read in at the beginnind of a call.
    It reads in all necessary grid information that won't change in time
    and stores it in a dictionary called grid.
    All arrays are changed to Fortran ordering (from Python ordering)
    and to tracmass variables ordering from ROMS ordering 
    i.e. from [t,k,j,i] to [i,j,k,t]
    right away after reading in.

     loc            File location
     nc             (optional) NetCDF object for relevant files
     also optional basemap box parameters. Default is for full shelf model.

     grid           Dictionary containing all necessary time-independent grid fields

    grid dictionary contains: (array sizing is for tracmass ordering)
     imt,jmt,km     Grid index sizing constants in (x,y,z), are for horizontal rho grid [scalar]
     dxv            Horizontal grid cell walls areas in x direction [imt,jmt-1]
     dyu            Horizontal grid cell walls areas in y direction [imt-1,jmt]
     dxdy           Horizontal area of cells defined at cell centers [imt,jmt]
     mask           Land/sea mask [imt,jmt] 
     pm,pn          Difference in horizontal grid spacing in x and y [imt,jmt]
     kmt            Number of vertical levels in horizontal space [imt,jmt]
     dzt0           Thickness in meters of grid at each k-level with time-independent free surface. 
                    Surface is at km [imt,jmt,km].
     zrt0           Depth in meters of grid at each k-level on vertical rho grid with time-independent 
                    free surface. Surface is at km [imt,jmt,km]
     zwt0           Depth in meters of grid at each k-level on vertical w grid with time-independent 
                    free surface. Surface is at km [imt,jmt,km]
     xr,yr          Rho grid zonal (x) and meriodional (y) coordinates [imt,jmt]
     xu,yu          U grid zonal (x) and meriodional (y) coordinates [imt,jmt]
     xv,yv          V grid zonal (x) and meriodional (y) coordinates [imt,jmt]
     xpsi,ypsi      Psi grid zonal (x) and meriodional (y) coordinates [imt,jmt]
     X,Y            Grid index arrays
     tri,trir       Delaunay triangulations
     Cs_r,sc_r      Vertical grid streching paramters [km-1]
     hc             Critical depth [scalar]
     h              Depths [imt,jmt]
     theta_s        Vertical stretching parameter [scalar]. A parameter 
                    (typically 0.0 <= theta_s < 5.0) that defines the amount 
                    of grid focusing. A higher value for theta_s will focus the grid more.
     theta_b        Vertical stretching parameter [scalar]. A parameter (0.0 < theta_b < 1.0) 
                    that says whether the coordinate will be focused at the surface 
                    (theta_b -> 1.0) or split evenly between surface and bottom (theta_b -> 0)
     basemap        Basemap object

    Note: all are in fortran ordering and tracmass ordering except for X, Y, tri, and tric
    To test: [array].flags['F_CONTIGUOUS'] will return true if it is fortran ordering

    # Basemap parameters.
    llcrnrlon = llcrnrlon
    llcrnrlat = llcrnrlat
    urcrnrlon = urcrnrlon
    urcrnrlat = urcrnrlat
    projection = 'lcc'
    lat_0 = 30
    lon_0 = -94
    resolution = res
    area_thresh = 0.
    basemap = Basemap(llcrnrlon=llcrnrlon,

    # Read in grid parameters and find x and y in domain on different grids
    # if len(loc) == 2:
    #   gridfile = netCDF.Dataset(loc[1])
    # use full dataset to get grid information
    # This addresses an issue in netCDF4 that was then fixed, but
    # this line makes updating unnecessary. Issue described here:
    # pdb.set_trace()
    # grid is included in nc file if using thredds or forecast output
    if 'http' in loc:
        gridfile = netCDF.Dataset(loc)
    elif len(loc) == 2:
        gridfile = netCDF.Dataset(loc[1])
        gridfile = netCDF.Dataset(loc + '')
    lonu = gridfile.variables['lon_u'][:]
    latu = gridfile.variables['lat_u'][:]
    xu, yu = basemap(lonu, latu)
    lonv = gridfile.variables['lon_v'][:]
    latv = gridfile.variables['lat_v'][:]
    xv, yv = basemap(lonv, latv)
    lonr = gridfile.variables['lon_rho'][:]  #[1:-1,1:-1]
    latr = gridfile.variables['lat_rho'][:]  #[1:-1,1:-1]
    xr, yr = basemap(lonr, latr)
    lonpsi = gridfile.variables['lon_psi'][:]
    latpsi = gridfile.variables['lat_psi'][:]
    xpsi, ypsi = basemap(lonpsi, latpsi)
    mask = gridfile.variables['mask_rho'][:]  #[1:-1,1:-1]
    pm = gridfile.variables['pm'][:]
    pn = gridfile.variables['pn'][:]
    h = gridfile.variables['h'][:]
    angle = gridfile.variables['angle'][:]

    # Vertical grid metrics
    if 'http' in loc or len(loc) == 2 or 's_w' in gridfile.variables:
        sc_r = gridfile.variables['s_w'][:]  # sigma coords, 31 layers
        Cs_r = gridfile.variables[
            'Cs_w'][:]  # stretching curve in sigma coords, 31 layers
        hc = gridfile.variables['hc'][:]
        theta_s = gridfile.variables['theta_s'][:]
        theta_b = gridfile.variables['theta_b'][:]
        Vtransform = gridfile.variables['Vtransform'][0]
        Vstretching = gridfile.variables['Vstretching'][0]
    elif nc is not None:  # for if running off local grid/nc files
        sc_r = nc.variables['s_w'][:]  # sigma coords, 31 layers
        Cs_r = nc.variables[
            'Cs_w'][:]  # stretching curve in sigma coords, 31 layers
        hc = nc.variables['hc'][:]
        theta_s = nc.variables['theta_s'][:]
        theta_b = nc.variables['theta_b'][:]
        Vtransform = nc.variables['Vtransform'][:]
        Vstretching = nc.variables['Vstretching'][:]

    # make arrays in same order as is expected in the fortran code
    # ROMS expects [time x k x j x i] but tracmass is expecting [i x j x k x time]
    # change these arrays to be fortran-directioned instead of python
    # tic = time.time()
    # This is faster than copying arrays. To test: .flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']
    mask = np.asfortranarray(mask.T)
    xr = np.asfortranarray(xr.T)
    yr = np.asfortranarray(yr.T)
    xu = np.asfortranarray(xu.T)
    yu = np.asfortranarray(yu.T)
    xv = np.asfortranarray(xv.T)
    yv = np.asfortranarray(yv.T)
    xpsi = np.asfortranarray(xpsi.T)
    ypsi = np.asfortranarray(ypsi.T)
    lonr = np.asfortranarray(lonr.T)

    latr = np.asfortranarray(latr.T)
    lonu = np.asfortranarray(lonu.T)
    latu = np.asfortranarray(latu.T)
    lonv = np.asfortranarray(lonv.T)
    latv = np.asfortranarray(latv.T)
    lonpsi = np.asfortranarray(lonpsi.T)
    latpsi = np.asfortranarray(latpsi.T)
    pm = np.asfortranarray(pm.T)
    pn = np.asfortranarray(pn.T)
    h = np.asfortranarray(h.T)
    # print "fortran time ",time.time()-tic
    # pdb.set_trace()

    # Basing this on setupgrid.f95 for rutgersNWA example project from Bror
    # Grid sizes
    imt = h.shape[0]  # 671
    jmt = h.shape[1]  # 191
    # km = sc_r.shape[0] # 31
    if ('http' in loc) or (
            nc is not None) or len(loc) == 2 or 's_w' in gridfile.variables:
        km = sc_r.shape[0] - 1  # 30 NOT SURE ON THIS ONE YET

    # Index grid, for interpolation between real and grid space
    # this is for psi grid, so that middle of grid is min + .5 value
    # # X goes from 0 to imt-2 and Y goes from 0 to jmt-2
    # Y, X = np.meshgrid(np.arange(jmt-1),np.arange(imt-1)) # grid in index coordinates, without ghost cells
    # This is for rho
    # X goes from 0 to imt-1 and Y goes from 0 to jmt-1
    Y, X = np.meshgrid(
        np.arange(imt))  # grid in index coordinates, without ghost cells
    # Triangulation for grid space to curvilinear space
    tri = delaunay.Triangulation(X.flatten(), Y.flatten())
    # Triangulation for curvilinear space to grid space
    # pdb.set_trace()
    trir = delaunay.Triangulation(xr.flatten(), yr.flatten())
    trirllrho = delaunay.Triangulation(lonr.flatten(), latr.flatten())

    # tracmass ordering.
    # Not sure how to convert this to pm, pn with appropriate shift
    dxv = 1 / pm  #.copy() # pm is 1/\Delta x at cell centers
    dyu = 1 / pn  #.copy() # pn is 1/\Delta y at cell centers

    # dxv = xr.copy()
    # dxv[0:imt-2,:] = dxv[1:imt-1,:] - dxv[0:imt-2,:]
    # dxv[imt-1:imt,:] = dxv[imt-3:imt-2,:]
    # # pdb.set_trace()
    # dyu = yr.copy()
    # dyu[:,0:jmt-2] = dyu[:,1:jmt-1] - dyu[:,0:jmt-2]
    # dyu[:,jmt-1] = dyu[:,jmt-2]
    dxdy = dyu * dxv

    # Change dxv,dyu to be correct u and v grid size after having
    # them be too big for dxdy calculation. This is not in the
    # rutgersNWA example and I am not sure why. [i,j]
    dxv = 0.5 * (dxv[:, :-1] + dxv[:, 1:])
    dyu = 0.5 * (dyu[:-1, :] + dyu[1:, :])
    # # These should be interpolated
    # dxv = dxv[:,:-1]
    # dyu = dyu[:-1,:]

    # Adjust masking according to setupgrid.f95 for rutgersNWA example project from Bror
    # pdb.set_trace()
    if ('http' in loc) or (
            nc is not None) or len(loc) == 2 or 's_w' in gridfile.variables:
        mask2 = mask.copy()
        kmt = np.ones((imt, jmt), order='f') * km
        ind = (mask2[1:imt, :] == 1)
        mask2[0:imt - 1, ind] = 1
        ind = (mask2[:, 1:jmt] == 1)
        mask2[ind, 0:jmt - 1] = 1
        # ind = (mask[1:imt-1,:]==1)
        # mask[0:imt-2,ind] = 1
        # ind = (mask[:,1:imt-1]==1)
        # mask[:,0:jmt-2] = 1
        ind = (mask2 == 0)
        kmt[ind] = 0

        # Use octant to calculate depths/thicknesses for the appropriate vertical grid parameters
        # have to transform a few back to ROMS coordinates and python ordering for this
        zwt0 = octant.depths.get_zw(Vtransform,
                                    km + 1,
        zrt0 = octant.depths.get_zrho(Vtransform,
        # Change dzt to tracmass/fortran ordering
        zwt0 = zwt0.T.copy(order='f')
        zrt0 = zrt0.T.copy(order='f')
        # this should be the base grid layer thickness that doesn't change in time because it
        # is for the reference vertical level
        dzt0 = zwt0[:, :, 1:] - zwt0[:, :, :-1]

    # Fill in grid structure
    if ('http' in loc) or (
            nc is not None) or len(loc) == 2 or 's_w' in gridfile.variables:
        grid = {
            'imt': imt,
            'jmt': jmt,
            'km': km,
            'angle': angle,
            'dxv': dxv,
            'dyu': dyu,
            'dxdy': dxdy,
            'mask': mask,
            'kmt': kmt,
            'dzt0': dzt0,
            'zrt0': zrt0,
            'zwt0': zwt0,
            'pm': pm,
            'pn': pn,
            'tri': tri,
            'trir': trir,
            'trirllrho': trirllrho,
            'xr': xr,
            'xu': xu,
            'xv': xv,
            'xpsi': xpsi,
            'X': X,
            'yr': yr,
            'yu': yu,
            'yv': yv,
            'ypsi': ypsi,
            'Y': Y,
            'lonr': lonr,
            'lonu': lonu,
            'lonv': lonv,
            'lonpsi': lonpsi,
            'latr': latr,
            'latu': latu,
            'latv': yv,
            'latpsi': latpsi,
            'Cs_r': Cs_r,
            'sc_r': sc_r,
            'hc': hc,
            'h': h,
            'theta_s': theta_s,
            'theta_b': theta_b,
            'Vtransform': Vtransform,
            'Vstretching': Vstretching,
            'basemap': basemap
        grid = {
            'imt': imt,
            'jmt': jmt,
            'angle': angle,
            'dxv': dxv,
            'dyu': dyu,
            'dxdy': dxdy,
            'mask': mask,
            'pm': pm,
            'pn': pn,
            'tri': tri,
            'trir': trir,
            'trirllrho': trirllrho,
            'xr': xr,
            'xu': xu,
            'xv': xv,
            'xpsi': xpsi,
            'X': X,
            'yr': yr,
            'yu': yu,
            'yv': yv,
            'ypsi': ypsi,
            'Y': Y,
            'lonr': lonr,
            'lonu': lonu,
            'lonv': lonv,
            'lonpsi': lonpsi,
            'latr': latr,
            'latu': latu,
            'latv': yv,
            'latpsi': latpsi,
            'h': h,
            'basemap': basemap


    return grid
def main():
    Mforward = get_rot_mat(-numpy.pi/2,1,0,0)
    scale = numpy.eye(3)
    Mforward =,scale)
    xform_my_long_lat_2_heisenberg = LongLatRotator(Mforward)
    Mreverse = numpy.linalg.inv(Mforward)
    xform_heisenberg_long_lat_2_my = LongLatRotator(Mreverse)

    ## triangulate data ###############################

    left_tri = delaunay.Triangulation(x, y)

    ## transform data to long & lat ###################
    hlong,hlat,hR = xform_stereographic_2_long_lat(x,y)
    long,lat,R = xform_heisenberg_long_lat_2_my(hlong,hlat,hR)

    ## put in form similar to output of make_receptor_info #
    left_receptor_dirs = numpy.asarray(long_lat2xyz(long,lat,R))
    left_receptor_dirs = numpy.transpose( left_receptor_dirs )
    left_receptor_dirs = [cgtypes.vec3(v) for v in left_receptor_dirs]
    left_triangles = left_tri.triangle_nodes
    left_ordered_tri_idxs = my_voronoi(left_tri,x,y)
    left_hex_faces = []
    for center_vert_idx in range(len(left_receptor_dirs)):
        center_vert = left_receptor_dirs[center_vert_idx]
        this_ordered_tri_idxs = left_ordered_tri_idxs[center_vert_idx]
        this_face = []
        for tri_idx in this_ordered_tri_idxs:
            if tri_idx == -1:
                this_vert = center_vert
                nodes = left_triangles[tri_idx]
                this_vert = (left_receptor_dirs[int(nodes[0])]+

    # duplicate for right eye

    right_receptor_dirs = [cgtypes.vec3((v.x,-v.y,v.z)) for v in left_receptor_dirs]
    receptor_dirs = left_receptor_dirs + right_receptor_dirs

    right_idx_offset = len(left_receptor_dirs)

    right_triangles = []
    for tri in left_triangles:
        newtri = []
        for idx in tri:
            newtri.append( idx+right_idx_offset )
    triangles = list(left_triangles) + right_triangles

    right_hex_faces = []
    for face in left_hex_faces:
        newface = []
        for v in face:
            newface.append( cgtypes.vec3((v.x,-v.y,v.z)) )
    hex_faces = list(left_hex_faces) + right_hex_faces


    receptor_dir_slicer = {None:slice(0,len(receptor_dirs),1),


    print('calculating interommatidial distances')
    delta_phi = get_mean_interommatidial_distance(receptor_dirs,triangles)
    delta_rho_q = numpy.asarray(delta_phi) * 1.1 # rough approximation. follows from caption of Fig. 18, Buchner, 1984 (in Ali)

    # make optical lowpass filters

    print('calculating weight_maps...')
    weight_maps_64 = make_receptor_sensitivities( receptor_dirs,
                                                  res=64 )

    tmp_weights = flatten_cubemap( weight_maps_64[0] ) # get first one to take size

    n_receptors = len(receptor_dirs)
    len_wm = len(tmp_weights)

    print('allocating memory...')
    bigmat_64 = numpy.zeros( (n_receptors, len_wm), dtype=floattype )

    print('flattening, clipping, casting...')
    for i, weight_cubemap in enumerate(weight_maps_64):
        weights = flatten_cubemap( weight_cubemap )
        if clip_thresh is not None:
            weights = numpy.choose(weights<clip_thresh,(weights,0))
        bigmat_64[i,:] = weights.astype( bigmat_64.dtype )

    print('worst gain (should be unity)',min(numpy.sum( bigmat_64, axis=1)))
    print('filling spmat_64...')
    spmat_64 = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(bigmat_64)

    M,N = bigmat_64.shape
    print('Compressed to %d of %d'%(len(,M*N))


    fd = open('receptor_directions_buchner71.csv','w')
    writer = csv.writer( fd )
    for row in receptor_dirs:
        writer.writerow( row )

    fd = open('','w')
    fd.write( '# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n')
    fd.write( '# Automatically generated. Do not modify this file.\n')
    fd.write( 'from __future__ import print_function\n')
    fd.write( 'import numpy\n')
    fd.write( 'import scipy.sparse\n')
    fd.write( 'import\n')
    fd.write( 'import os\n')
    fd.write( 'datadir = os.path.split(__file__)[0]\n')
    fd.write( 'cube_order = %s\n'%repr(cube_order) )
    fd.write( 'from cgtypes import vec3, quat #cgkit 1.x\n')
    save_as_python(fd, receptor_dir_slicer, 'receptor_dir_slicer',
                   fname_extra='_buchner71' )
    save_as_python(fd, spmat_64, 'receptor_weight_matrix_64', fname_extra='_buchner71' )
    save_as_python(fd, list(map(make_repr_able,receptor_dirs)), 'receptor_dirs', fname_extra='_buchner71' )
    st = [ tuple(t) for t in triangles]
    save_as_python(fd, st,  'triangles', fname_extra='_buchner_1971' )
    save_as_python(fd, list(map(make_repr_able,hex_faces)), 'hex_faces', fname_extra='_buchner_1971' )
    fd.write( '\n')
    fd.write( '\n')
    fd.write( '\n')

    extra = open('','r').read()
    fd.write( extra )
Esempio n. 29
def list_plot3d_tuples(v, interpolation_type, texture, **kwds):
    A 3-dimensional plot of a surface defined by the list `v`
    of points in 3-dimensional space.


    - ``v`` - something that defines a set of points in 3
      space, for example:

      - a matrix

        This will be if using an interpolation type other than 'linear', or if using
        ``num_points`` with 'linear'; otherwise see :func:`list_plot3d_matrix`.

      - a list of 3-tuples

      - a list of lists (all of the same length, under same conditions as a matrix)

    - ``texture`` - (default: "automatic", a solid light blue)


    - ``interpolation_type`` - 'linear', 'nn' (natural neighbor), 'spline'

      'linear' will perform linear interpolation

      The option 'nn' will interpolate by using natural neighbors. The 
      value for an interpolation point is estimated using weighted values 
      of the closest surrounding points in the triangulation.

      The option 'spline' interpolates using a bivariate B-spline.

      When v is a matrix the default is to use linear interpolation, when
      v is a list of points the default is nearest neighbor.

    - ``degree`` - an integer between 1 and 5, controls the degree of spline
      used for spline interpolation. For data that is highly oscillatory
      use higher values

    - ``point_list`` - If point_list=True is passed, then if the array
      is a list of lists of length three, it will be treated as an
      array of points rather than a `3\times n` array.

    - ``num_points`` - Number of points to sample interpolating
      function in each direction.  By default for an `n\times n`
      array this is `n`.

    - ``**kwds`` - all other arguments are passed to the
      surface function

    OUTPUT: a 3d plot


    All of these use this function; see :func:`list_plot3d` for other list plots::

        sage: pi = float(pi)
        sage: m = matrix(RDF, 6, [sin(i^2 + j^2) for i in [0,pi/5,..,pi] for j in [0,pi/5,..,pi]])
        sage: list_plot3d(m, texture='yellow', interpolation_type='linear', num_points=5) # indirect doctest
        Graphics3d Object


        sage: list_plot3d(m, texture='yellow', interpolation_type='spline', frame_aspect_ratio=[1, 1, 1/3])
        Graphics3d Object


        sage: show(list_plot3d([[1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1], [0, 1, 3], [1, 0, 4]], point_list=True))


        sage: list_plot3d([(1, 2, 3), (0, 1, 3), (2, 1, 4), (1, 0, -2)], texture='yellow', num_points=50)
        Graphics3d Object
    from matplotlib import tri, delaunay
    import numpy
    import scipy
    from random import random
    from scipy import interpolate
    from plot3d import plot3d

    if len(v)<3:
        raise ValueError("We need at least 3 points to perform the interpolation")

    x = [float(p[0]) for p in v]
    y = [float(p[1]) for p in v]
    z = [float(p[2]) for p in v]

    # If the (x,y)-coordinates lie in a one-dimensional subspace, the
    # matplotlib Delaunay code segfaults.  Therefore, we compute the
    # correlation of the x- and y-coordinates and add small random
    # noise to avoid the problem if needed.
    corr_matrix = numpy.corrcoef(x, y)
    if corr_matrix[0, 1] > 0.9 or corr_matrix[0, 1] < -0.9:
        ep = float(.000001)
        x = [float(p[0]) + random()*ep for p in v]
        y = [float(p[1]) + random()*ep for p in v]

    # If the list of data points has two points with the exact same
    # (x,y)-coordinate but different z-coordinates, then we sometimes
    # get segfaults.  The following block checks for this and raises
    # an exception if this is the case.
    # We also remove duplicate points (which matplotlib can't handle).
    # Alternatively, the code in the if block above which adds random
    # error could be applied to perturb the points.
    drop_list = []
    nb_points = len(x)
    for i in range(nb_points):
        for j in range(i+1, nb_points):
            if x[i] == x[j] and y[i] == y[j]:
                if z[i] != z[j]:
                    raise ValueError("Two points with same x,y coordinates and different z coordinates were given. Interpolation cannot handle this.")
                elif z[i] == z[j]:
    x = [x[i] for i in range(nb_points) if i not in drop_list]
    y = [y[i] for i in range(nb_points) if i not in drop_list]
    z = [z[i] for i in range(nb_points) if i not in drop_list]

    xmin = float(min(x))
    xmax = float(max(x))
    ymin = float(min(y))
    ymax = float(max(y))

    num_points = kwds['num_points'] if 'num_points' in kwds else int(4*numpy.sqrt(len(x)))
                                          #arbitrary choice - assuming more or less a nxn grid of points
                                          # x should have n^2 entries. We sample 4 times that many points.

    if interpolation_type == 'linear':
        T = tri.Triangulation(x, y)
        f = tri.LinearTriInterpolator(T, z)
        j = numpy.complex(0, 1)
        from parametric_surface import ParametricSurface
        def g(x, y):
            z = f(x, y)
            return (x, y, z)
        G = ParametricSurface(g, (list(numpy.r_[xmin:xmax:num_points*j]), list(numpy.r_[ymin:ymax:num_points*j])), texture=texture, **kwds)
        return G

    if interpolation_type == 'nn'  or interpolation_type =='default':

        from parametric_surface import ParametricSurface
        def g(x,y):
            i=round( (x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin)*(num_points-1) )
            j=round( (y-ymin)/(ymax-ymin)*(num_points-1) )
            return (x,y,z)
        G = ParametricSurface(g, (list(numpy.r_[xmin:xmax:num_points*j]), list(numpy.r_[ymin:ymax:num_points*j])), texture=texture, **kwds)
        return G

    if interpolation_type == 'spline':
        from plot3d import plot3d
        kx = kwds['kx'] if 'kx' in kwds else 3
        ky = kwds['ky'] if 'ky' in kwds else 3
        if 'degree' in kwds:
            kx = kwds['degree']
            ky = kwds['degree']
        s = kwds['smoothing'] if 'smoothing' in kwds else len(x)-numpy.sqrt(2*len(x))
        s = interpolate.bisplrep(x, y, z, [int(1)]*len(x), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, kx=kx, ky=ky, s=s)
        f = lambda x,y: interpolate.bisplev(x, y, s)
        return plot3d(f, (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), texture=texture, plot_points=[num_points, num_points], **kwds)
Esempio n. 30
def calculate_flash_stats(flash, min_pts=2):
    logger = logging.getLogger('FlashAutorunLogger')

    Re = 6378.137 * 1000
    #Earth's radius in m
    pi = np.pi

    flash.pointCount = flash.points.shape[0]

    fl_id = np.unique(flash.points['flash_id'])
    assert (fl_id.shape[0] == 1) = fl_id[0]

    lat = np.asarray(flash.points['lat'], dtype=float)
    lon = np.asarray(flash.points['lon'], dtype=float)
    alt = np.asarray(flash.points['alt'], dtype=float)
    # # mean location of all points
    latavg, lonavg, altavg = lat.mean(), lon.mean(), alt.mean()
    x = Re * (np.radians(lonavg) - np.radians(lon)) * np.cos(
    y = Re * (np.radians(latavg) - np.radians(lat))
    z = altavg - alt
    # r_sq = x**2.0 + y**2.0 + z**2.0
    # sigma_sq = r_sq.sum()/r_sq.shape[0]
    # sigma = np.std(r_sq)

    area = 0.0
    if flash.pointCount > 2:
            # find the convex hull and calculate its area
            # There's a patch to deal with duplicate points - mpl has it as of 0.98.6svn
            # scipy scikits.delaunay has it after r745
            from matplotlib import delaunay
            tri = delaunay.Triangulation(x, y)
            hull = tri.hull
            area = poly_area(tri.x[hull], tri.y[hull])
        except ImportError:
                "*** Flash area not calculated - requires delaunay from or matplotlib or scipy"
        except IndexError:
            # tends to happen when a duplicate point causes the point count to
            # drop to 2, leading to a degenerate polygon with no area
            logger.warning('Setting area to 0 for flash with points %s, %s' %
                           (x, y))
            area = 0.0
        except KeyError:
            # hull indexing has problems here
            logger.warning('Setting area to 0 for flash with points %s, %s' %
                           (x, y))
            area = 0.0

    if area == 0.0:
        energy_estimate = 0.
        energy_estimate = energy(area / 1.0e6)

    volume = 0.0
    if flash.pointCount > 3:
        # Need four points to make at least one tetrahedron.
            volume, vertices, simplex_volumes = hull_volume(
                np.vstack((x, y, z)).T)
        except QhullError:
            # this can happen with a degenerate first simplex - all points are
            # coplanar to machine precision. Try again, after adding a tiny amount
            # to the first point.
                "Perturbing one source to help triangulation for flash with {0} points"
            # we can tolerate perturbing by no more than 1 m
            machine_eps = 1.0  # np.finfo(x.dtype).eps
            perturb = 2 * machine_eps * np.random.random(size=3) - machine_eps
            x[0] += perturb[0]
            y[0] += perturb[1]
            z[0] += perturb[2]
            volume, vertices, simplex_volumes = hull_volume(
                np.vstack((x, y, z)).T)

    flash_init_idx = np.argmin(flash.points['time'])

    ###ROUGH APPROXIMATION FOR NOW: #######################
    air_density = barotropic_rho(alt[flash_init_idx] * 1e-3)
    if volume == 0.:
        specific_energy = 0.
        specific_energy = energy_estimate / ((volume / 1.0e9) * air_density)

    flash.start = flash.points[flash_init_idx]['time']
    flash.end = flash.points['time'].max()
    flash.duration = flash.end - flash.start
    flash.area = area / 1.0e6  # km^2, 1000x1000
    flash.initLat = lat[flash_init_idx]
    flash.initLon = lon[flash_init_idx]
    flash.initStd = 0.0
    flash.initAlt = alt[flash_init_idx]
    flash.initPts = (int(flash_init_idx), )
    flash.ctralt = altavg
    flash.ctrlat = latavg
    flash.ctrlon = lonavg
    flash.volume = volume / 1.0e9  # km^3, 1000x1000x1000 m
    #CHANGED 03-20-17
    flash.total_energy = energy_estimate ---> flash.tot_energy
    flash.specific_energy = specific_energy  #flash.tot_energy ---> flash.specific_energy