Esempio n. 1
def rec2gtk(r, formatd=None, rownum=0, autowin=True):
    save record array r to excel pyExcelerator worksheet ws
    starting at rownum.  if ws is string like, assume it is a
    filename and save to it

    formatd is a dictionary mapping dtype name -> mlab.Format instances

    This function creates a SortedStringsScrolledWindow (derived
    from gtk.ScrolledWindow) and returns it.  if autowin is True,
    a gtk.Window is created, attached to the
    SortedStringsScrolledWindow instance, shown and returned.  If
    autowin=False, the caller is responsible for adding the
    SortedStringsScrolledWindow instance to a gtk widget and
    showing it.

    if formatd is None:
        formatd = dict()

    formats = []
    for i, name in enumerate(r.dtype.names):
        dt = r.dtype[name]
        format = formatd.get(name)
        if format is None:
            format = mlab.defaultformatd.get(dt.type, mlab.FormatObj())
        #print 'gtk fmt factory', i, name, format, type(format)
        format = gtkformat_factory(format, i)
        formatd[name] = format

    colheaders = r.dtype.names
    scroll = SortedStringsScrolledWindow(colheaders, formatd)

    ind = npy.arange(len(r.dtype.names))
    for row in r:

    if autowin:
        win = gtk.Window()
        win.show_all() = win

    return scroll
Esempio n. 2
def rec2gtk(r, formatd=None, rownum=0, autowin=True):
    formatd is a dictionary mapping dtype name -> mlab.Format instances

    This function creates a SortedStringsScrolledWindow (derived
    from gtk.ScrolledWindow) and returns it.  if autowin is True,
    a gtk.Window is created, attached to the
    SortedStringsScrolledWindow instance, shown and returned.  If
    autowin=False, the caller is responsible for adding the
    SortedStringsScrolledWindow instance to a gtk widget and
    showing it.

    if formatd is None:
        formatd = dict()

    formats = []
    for i, name in enumerate(r.dtype.names):
        dt = r.dtype[name]
        format = formatd.get(name)
        if format is None:
            format = mlab.defaultformatd.get(dt.type, mlab.FormatObj())
        format = gtkformat_factory(format, i)
        formatd[name] = format

    colheaders = r.dtype.names
    scroll = SortedStringsScrolledWindow(colheaders, formatd)

    for row in r:

    if autowin:
        win = gtk.Window()
        win.show_all() = win

    return scroll
Esempio n. 3
def rec2excel(r,
    save record array r to excel xlwt worksheet ws
    starting at rownum.  if ws is string like, assume it is a
    filename and save to it

    start writing at rownum, colnum

    formatd is a dictionary mapping dtype name -> mlab.Format instances

    nanstr is the string that mpl will put into excel for np.nan value
    The next rownum after writing is returned

    autosave = False
    if isinstance(ws, six.string_types):
        filename = ws
        wb = excel.Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('worksheet')
        autosave = True

    if formatd is None:
        formatd = dict()

    formats = []
    font = excel.Font()
    font.bold = True

    stylehdr = excel.XFStyle()
    stylehdr.font = font

    for i, name in enumerate(r.dtype.names):
        dt = r.dtype[name]
        format = formatd.get(name)
        if format is None:
            format = mlab.defaultformatd.get(dt.type, mlab.FormatObj())

        format = xlformat_factory(format)
        ws.write(rownum, colnum + i, name, stylehdr)

    rownum += 1

    ind = np.arange(len(r.dtype.names))
    for row in r:

        for i in ind:
            val = row[i]
            format = formats[i]
            val = format.toval(val)
            if mlab.safe_isnan(val):
                ws.write(rownum, colnum + i, nanstr)
            elif mlab.safe_isinf(val):
                sgn = np.sign(val)
                if sgn > 0: s = infstr
                else: s = '-%s' % infstr
                ws.write(rownum, colnum + i, s)
            elif format.xlstyle is None:
                ws.write(rownum, colnum + i, val)
                ws.write(rownum, colnum + i, val, format.xlstyle)
        rownum += 1

    if autosave:
    return rownum
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, r, formatd=None, stringd=None):
        r is a numpy record array

        formatd is a dict mapping dtype name to mlab.FormatObj instances

        stringd, if not None, is a dict mapping dtype names to a list of
        valid strings for a combo drop down editor

        if stringd is None:
            stringd = dict()

        if formatd is None:
            formatd = mlab.get_formatd(r)

        self.stringd = stringd
        self.callbacks = cbook.CallbackRegistry(['cell_changed'])

        self.r = r

        self.headers = r.dtype.names
        self.formats = [
            gtkformat_factory(formatd.get(name, mlab.FormatObj()), i)
            for i, name in enumerate(self.headers)

        # use the gtk attached versions
        self.formatd = formatd = dict(zip(self.headers, self.formats))
        types = []
        for format in self.formats:
            if isinstance(format, mlab.FormatBool):

        self.combod = dict()
        if len(stringd):
            types.extend([gobject.TYPE_INT] * len(stringd))

            keys = stringd.keys()

            valid = set(r.dtype.names)
            for ikey, key in enumerate(keys):
                assert (key in valid)
                combostore = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING)
                for s in stringd[key]:
                self.combod[key] = combostore, len(self.headers) + ikey

        gtk.ListStore.__init__(self, *types)

        for row in r:
            vals = []
            for formatter, val in zip(self.formats, row):
                if isinstance(formatter, mlab.FormatBool):
            if len(stringd):
                # todo, get correct index here?
                vals.extend([0] * len(stringd))
Esempio n. 5
def rec2excel(r, ws, formatd=None, rownum=0, colnum=0):
    save record array r to excel pyExcelerator worksheet ws
    starting at rownum.  if ws is string like, assume it is a
    filename and save to it

    start writing at rownum, colnum

    formatd is a dictionary mapping dtype name -> mlab.Format instances

    The next rownum after writing is returned

    autosave = False
    if cbook.is_string_like(ws):
        filename = ws
        wb = excel.Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('worksheet')
        autosave = True

    if formatd is None:
        formatd = dict()

    formats = []
    font = excel.Font()
    font.bold = True

    stylehdr = excel.XFStyle()
    stylehdr.font = font

    for i, name in enumerate(r.dtype.names):
        dt = r.dtype[name]
        format = formatd.get(name)
        if format is None:
            format = mlab.defaultformatd.get(dt.type, mlab.FormatObj())

        format = xlformat_factory(format)
        ws.write(rownum, colnum+i, name, stylehdr)


    ind = npy.arange(len(r.dtype.names))
    for row in r:
        for i in ind:
            val = row[i]
            format = formats[i]
            val = format.toval(val)
            if format.xlstyle is None:
                ws.write(rownum, colnum+i, val)
                if mlab.safe_isnan(val):
                    ws.write(rownum, colnum+i, 'NaN')
                elif mlab.safe_isinf(val):
                    if val<0: sign='-'
                    else: sign='+'
                    ws.write(rownum, colnum+i, '%sInf'%sign)
                    ws.write(rownum, colnum+i, val, format.xlstyle)
        rownum += 1

    if autosave:
    return rownum