def test_polar_coord_annotations(): # You can also use polar notation on a catesian axes. Here the # native coordinate system ('data') is cartesian, so you need to # specify the xycoords and textcoords as 'polar' if you want to # use (theta, radius) from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse el = Ellipse((0,0), 10, 20, facecolor='r', alpha=0.5) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot( 111, aspect='equal' ) ax.add_artist( el ) el.set_clip_box( ax.bbox ) ax.annotate('the top', xy=(np.pi/2., 10.), # theta, radius xytext=(np.pi/3, 20.), # theta, radius xycoords='polar', textcoords='polar', arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='baseline', clip_on=True, # clip to the axes bounding box ) ax.set_xlim( -20, 20 ) ax.set_ylim( -20, 20 )
def plot(data, mus=None, sigmas=None, colors='black', figname='fig.png'): # Create figure fig = plt.figure() # Plot data x = data[:, 0] y = data[:, 1] plt.scatter(x, y, 24, c=colors) # Plot cluster centers if mus is not None: x = [float(m[0]) for m in mus] y = [float(m[1]) for m in mus] plt.scatter(x, y, 99, c='red') # Plot ellipses for each cluster if sigmas is not None: for sig_ix in range(K): ax = fig.gca() cov = np.array(sigmas[sig_ix]) lam, v = np.linalg.eig(cov) lam = np.sqrt(lam) ell = Ellipse(xy=(x[sig_ix], y[sig_ix]), width=lam[0]*4, height=lam[1]*4, angle=np.rad2deg(np.arccos(v[0, 0])), color='blue') ell.set_facecolor('none') ax.add_artist(ell) # Save figure fig.savefig(figname)
def graficaGrilla(dataGrilla,name,framesNumber,colour,xPixels,yPixels): from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse from pylab import figure, show, savefig fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') # Each row of dataGrilla contains # N == "framesNumbers" , signal # A radius of the RF ellipse # B radius of the RF ellipse # Angle of the RF ellipse # X coordinate of the RF ellipse # Y coordinate of the RF ellipse ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') for unit in range(dataGrilla.shape[0]): eWidth = dataGrilla[unit][framesNumber-1+1] eHeight = dataGrilla[unit][framesNumber-1+2] eAngle = dataGrilla[unit][framesNumber-1+3] eXY = [dataGrilla[unit][framesNumber-1+4], dataGrilla[unit][framesNumber-1+5]] e = Ellipse(xy=eXY, width=eWidth, height=eHeight, angle=eAngle) ax.add_artist(e) e.set_alpha(0.2) e.set_facecolor(colour) ax.set_xlim(0, xPixels) ax.set_ylim(0, yPixels) savefig(name, dpi=None, bbox_inches='tight') return 0
def motorplot_group_scatter(fig, ax, data, hz, title, markersz = 2, ellipseht=0.2, ylim=[]): for d in data: x = d.get('i') y = d.get('hz') label = d.get('label') ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', s=markersz, label=label) xi = ax.get_xlim()[0] xf = ax.get_xlim()[1] e = Ellipse(((xi + xf)/2,hz),xf-xi, ellipseht) e.set_alpha(0.2) ax.add_artist(e) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel('Sample') ax.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize='large', markerscale=2) ax.title.set_fontsize(16) ax.xaxis.label.set_fontsize(16) for item in ax.get_xticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(12) ax.yaxis.label.set_fontsize(16) for item in ax.get_yticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(12) #ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter().set_powerlimits((0, 1)) if ylim: ax.set_ylim(ylim)
def error_ellipse(self, i, j, nstd=1, space_factor=5.0, clr="b", alpha=0.5, lw=1.5): """ return the plot of the error ellipse from the covariance matrix use ideas from error_ellipse.m from ( the version used here was taken from an earlier version, it looks to have been updated there to a new version.) * (i,j) specify the ith and jth parameters to be used and * nstd specifies the number of standard deviations to plot, the default is 1 sigma. * space_factor specifies the number that divides the width/height, the result of which is then added as extra space to the figure """ def eigsorted(cov): vals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(cov) order = vals.argsort()[::1] return vals[order], vecs[:, order] self.marginalize(param_list=[i, j]) vals, vecs = eigsorted(self.marginal_covariance_matrix) theta = np.degrees(np.arctan2(*vecs[:, 0][::-1])) # print theta width, height = 2 * nstd * np.sqrt(vals) xypos = [self.parameter_values[i], self.parameter_values[j]] ellip = Ellipse(xy=xypos, width=width, height=height, angle=theta, color=clr, alpha=alpha) # ellip.set_facecolor("white") ellip.set_linewidth(lw) ellip_vertices = ellip.get_verts() xl = [ellip_vertices[k][0] for k in range(len(ellip_vertices))] yl = [ellip_vertices[k][1] for k in range(len(ellip_vertices))] dx = (max(xl) - min(xl)) / space_factor dy = (max(yl) - min(yl)) / space_factor xyaxes = [min(xl) - dx, max(xl) + dx, min(yl) - dy, max(yl) + dy] return ellip, xyaxes
def show_minimum_bounding_ellipsoids(Xr, with_sampled = False): clustellip = Clustered_Sampler(active_samples = Xr,likelihood_constraint=0.0, enlargement= 1.0,no=1) ellipsoids = clustellip.ellipsoid_set X0 = [i[0] for i in Xr] Y0 = [i[1] for i in Xr] plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() points = [] #print len(ellipsoids) for i in range(len(ellipsoids)): if ellipsoids[i]!=None: a, b = np.linalg.eig(ellipsoids[i].covariance_matrix) c =, np.diag(np.sqrt(a))) width = np.sqrt(np.sum(c[:,1]**2)) * 2. height = np.sqrt(np.sum(c[:,0]**2)) * 2. angle = math.atan(c[1,1] / c[0,1]) * 180./math.pi points = ellipsoids[i].sample(n_points = 50) ellipse = Ellipse(ellipsoids[i].centroid, width, height, angle) ellipse.set_facecolor('None') ax.add_patch(ellipse) X = [i[0] for i in points] Y = [i[1] for i in points] if with_sampled == True: plt.plot(X, Y, 'bo') plt.plot(X0, Y0, 'ro')
def plot_data(data0, label0, title, subtitle, *args): colors = iter(cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0,1,5))) plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() if (len(args) == 2): means, covmats = args elif (len(args) == 4): means, covmats, traindata, trainlabel = args trainlabel = trainlabel.reshape(trainlabel.size) for i in range(1,6): cl = next(colors) plt.scatter(data0[(label0==i).reshape((label0==i).size),0], data0[(label0==i).reshape((label0==i).size),1],color=cl) # Draw ellipse with 1 standard deviation if (len(args) >= 2): # Compute eigen vectors and value for covmat to plot an ellipse lambda_, v = np.linalg.eig(covmats[i-1]) lambda_ = np.sqrt(lambda_) ell = Ellipse(xy=(means[0,i-1], means[1,i-1]), width=lambda_[0]*2, height=lambda_[1]*2, angle=np.rad2deg(np.arccos(v[0, 0]))) ell.set_facecolor('none') ax.add_artist(ell) #Add mean points plt.scatter(means[0,i-1], means[1,i-1],c='black',s=30); if (len(args) == 4): plt.scatter(traindata[trainlabel==i,0], traindata[trainlabel==i,1],color=cl, edgecolor='black') fig.suptitle(title) ax.set_title(subtitle,fontsize='10') return
def PlotLens(self,CenterXY, thickness, LensHeight, rotation, alpha=0.5): # Definition to plot a lens. lens = Ellipse(xy=CenterXY, width=thickness, height=LensHeight, angle=-rotation) lens.set_clip_box( lens.set_alpha(alpha) return True
def visualizer(data, x, y, lengths): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) fig.suptitle("Clustered Results") colors = plt.get_cmap("gist_rainbow") norm = col.Normalize(vmin = 0, vmax = len(lengths)) color_map = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap = colors, norm = norm) index = 0 for i in range(len(lengths)): plt.scatter(data[index:index + lengths[i], x], data[index:index + lengths[i], y], c = color_map.to_rgba(i)) if lengths[i] != 1: cov = numpy.cov(data[index:index + lengths[i], x], data[index:index + lengths[i], y], ddof = 0) else: cov = numpy.asarray([[0, 0], [0,0]]) values, vectors = numpy.linalg.eig(cov) angle = numpy.arctan((vectors[0,1] - vectors[1,1])/(vectors[0,0] - vectors[1,0])) ellipse = Ellipse(xy = (numpy.mean(data[index:index + lengths[i], x]), numpy.mean(data[index:index + lengths[i], y])), width = 2 * 2 * numpy.sqrt(values[0]), height = 2 * 2 * numpy.sqrt(values[1]), angle = numpy.rad2deg(angle)) ellipse.set_edgecolor(color_map.to_rgba(i)) ellipse.set_facecolor("none") ax.add_artist(ellipse) plt.scatter(numpy.mean(data[index:index + lengths[i], x]), numpy.mean(data[index:index + lengths[i], y]), c = color_map.to_rgba(i), marker = 'x') index += lengths[i] plt.close()
def plot_error_ellipse_xy(cls, figure, x, y, abom, style): """ plots standard error ellipse x, y : position of center of ellipse abom : a, b, om parameters of ellipse method do not handle axes orientation (self.figure.axesXY) """ from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse from math import pi a, b, om = abom #print "swapXY:", figure.is_swap_xy() if figure.is_swap_xy(): y, x = x, y om = pi/2 - om #om = om - pi/2 ell = Ellipse((x, y), 2*a, 2*b, om*180.0/pi) #? #transform=self.axes.transData + self.ellTrans) figure.set_style(style, ell) ell.set_clip_box(figure.gca().bbox) # cut edges outside axes box? figure.gca().add_artist(ell)
class ErrEllipse(object): """ A class for creating and drawing an ellipse in matplotlib. """ def __init__(self, x_cen, y_cen, a, b, pa, color='b'): """ :param x_cen: x coordinate at center of the ellipse :param y_cen: y coordinate at center of the ellipse :param a: size of semi-major axes of the ellipse :param b: size of semi-minor axes of the ellipse :param pa: position angle of a to x (90 ==> a is same orientation as x) """ = (x_cen, y_cen) self.a = max(a, 10) self.b = max(b, 10) = pa angle = - 90 self.artist = Ellipse(, self.a, self.b, angle=angle, linewidth=3, edgecolor=color, facecolor='#E47833', alpha=0.1) def add_to_axes(self, axes): self.artist.set_clip_box(axes.bbox) axes.add_patch(self.artist)
def motorplot_scatter(fig, ax, session, hz, title, markersz = 2, ylim=[], color='r'): x = session.get('i') y = session.get('hz') label = session.get('label') #title = 'Actuator Frequency - ' + label ax.scatter(x, y, marker='o', s=markersz, label=label, color=color) xi = ax.get_xlim()[0] xf = ax.get_xlim()[1] e = Ellipse(((xi + xf)/2,hz),xf-xi, 0.1) e.set_alpha(0.2) ax.add_artist(e) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel('Sample') ax.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') ax.title.set_fontsize(16) ax.xaxis.label.set_fontsize(16) for item in ax.get_xticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(12) ax.yaxis.label.set_fontsize(16) for item in ax.get_yticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(12) #ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter().set_powerlimits((0, 1)) if ylim: ax.set_ylim(ylim)
def photogeneration(loc): arl = 0.10 sep = 0.05 arprop = dict(mutation_scale=10, lw=1, arrowstyle="-|>", zorder=20) x, y, z = loc #electron electron, = ax.plot3D([x-sep/2], [y], [z], c='c', marker='$-$', markersize=7, ls='none') v = ((x-sep/2,x-sep/2), (y,y), (z+0.02, z+arl)) ar = Arrow3D(*v, color='c', **arprop) ax.add_artist(ar) #hole hole, = ax.plot3D([x+sep/2], [y], [z], c='r', marker='$+$', markersize=7, ls='none') v = ((x+sep/2,x+sep/2), (y,y), (z-0.02, z-arl)) ar = Arrow3D(*v, color='r', **arprop) ax.add_artist(ar) #photon draw_photon(ax, (0,0,1), location=(x,y,z-0.35), length=0.3, amplitude=0.02) #encircle ell = Ellipse((x,y), 2.5*sep, 2.5*sep, ls=':', ec='y', fc='none', lw=1) art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(ell, z, 'z') ell._path2d = ell._path ax.add_patch(ell) return electron, hole
def plot_galaxies(self, ax, gals=None): if gals == None: gals = self.galaxies for gal in gals: e = Ellipse((gal.x, gal.y), gal.a(), gal.b(), angle=gal.theta, linewidth=2, fill=True) ax.add_artist(e) e.set_clip_box(ax.bbox)
def plotCovariance(center, matrix, color): eigvalue, eigvector = lng.eig(matrix) theta = atan2(eigvector[0][1], eigvector[0][0]) ellipse = Ellipse([center[0], center[1]], 2*pow(eigvalue[0], 0.5), 2*pow(eigvalue[1], 0.5), center[2]) ellipse.set_facecolor(color) fig = plt.gcf() fig.gca().add_artist(ellipse)
def testPolarCoordAnnotations( self ): """Polar Coordinate Annotations""" # You can also use polar notation on a catesian axes. Here the # native coordinate system ('data') is cartesian, so you need to # specify the xycoords and textcoords as 'polar' if you want to # use (theta, radius) el = Ellipse((0,0), 10, 20, facecolor='r', alpha=0.5) fname = self.outFile( "polar_coords.png" ) fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot( 111, aspect='equal' ) ax.add_artist( el ) el.set_clip_box( ax.bbox ) ax.annotate('the top', xy=(npy.pi/2., 10.), # theta, radius xytext=(npy.pi/3, 20.), # theta, radius xycoords='polar', textcoords='polar', arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', clip_on=True, # clip to the axes bounding box ) ax.set_xlim( -20, 20 ) ax.set_ylim( -20, 20 ) fig.savefig( fname ) self.checkImage( fname )
def calculate_ellipse(center_x, center_y, covariance_matrix, n_std_dev=3): values, vectors = np.linalg.eigh(covariance_matrix) order = values.argsort()[::-1] values = values[order] vectors = vectors[:, order] theta = np.degrees(np.arctan2(*vectors[:, 0][::-1])) # make all angles positive if theta < 0: theta += 360 # Width and height are "full" widths, not radius width, height = 2 * n_std_dev * np.sqrt(values) ellipse = Ellipse( xy=[center_x, center_y], width=width, height=height, angle=theta ) ellipse.set_alpha(0.3) ellipse.set_facecolor((1, 0, 0)) return ellipse
def plot_ellipse(x, y, ax, color): (xy, width, height, angle) = get_ellipse(x, y) e = Ellipse(xy, width, height, angle) ax.add_artist(e) #e.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) e.set_alpha(0.2) e.set_facecolor(color)
def drawDef(dfeat,dy,dx,mindef=0.001,distr="father"): """ auxiliary funtion to draw recursive levels of deformation """ from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse pylab.ioff() if distr=="father": py=[0,0,2,2];px=[0,2,0,2] if distr=="child": py=[0,1,1,2];px=[1,2,0,1] ordy=[0,0,1,1];ordx=[0,1,0,1] x1=-0.5+dx;x2=2.5+dx y1=-0.5+dy;y2=2.5+dy if distr=="father": pylab.fill([x1,x1,x2,x2,x1],[y1,y2,y2,y1,y1],"r", alpha=0.15, edgecolor="b",lw=1) for l in range(len(py)): aux=dfeat[ordy[l],ordx[l],:].clip(-1,-mindef) wh=numpy.exp(-mindef/aux[0])/numpy.exp(1);hh=numpy.exp(-mindef/aux[1])/numpy.exp(1) e=Ellipse(xy=[(px[l]+dx),(py[l]+dy)], width=wh, height=hh, alpha=0.35) x1=-0.75+dx+px[l];x2=0.75+dx+px[l] y1=-0.76+dy+py[l];y2=0.75+dy+py[l] col=numpy.array([wh*hh]*3).clip(0,1) if distr=="father": col[0]=0 e.set_facecolor(col) pylab.gca().add_artist(e) if distr=="father": pylab.fill([x1,x1,x2,x2,x1],[y1,y2,y2,y1,y1],"b", alpha=0.15, edgecolor="b",lw=1)
def plotCovEllipse(cov, pos, nstd=2, ax=None, with_line=False, **kwargs): """ Plots an `nstd` sigma error ellipse based on the specified covariance matrix (`cov`). Additional keyword arguments are passed on to the ellipse patch artist. Parameters ---------- cov : The 2x2 covariance matrix to base the ellipse on pos : The location of the center of the ellipse. Expects a 2-element sequence of [x0, y0]. nstd : The radius of the ellipse in numbers of standard deviations. Defaults to 2 standard deviations. ax : The axis that the ellipse will be plotted on. Defaults to the current axis. Additional keyword arguments are pass on to the ellipse patch. Returns ------- A matplotlib ellipse artist """ def eigsorted(cov): vals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(cov) order = vals.argsort()[::-1] return vals[order], vecs[:, order] if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # largest eigenvalue is first vals, vecs = eigsorted(cov) theta = np.degrees(np.arctan2(*vecs[:, 0][::-1])) # Width and height are "full" widths, not radius width, height = 2 * nstd * np.sqrt(vals) ellip = Ellipse(xy=pos, width=width, height=height, angle=theta, **kwargs) if 'alpha' not in kwargs.keys(): ellip.set_alpha(0.3) if 'color' not in kwargs.keys():# and 'c' not in kwargs.keys(): ellip.set_facecolor('red') ax.add_patch(ellip) # THEN just f***ing plot an invisible line across the ellipse. if with_line: # brute forcing axes limits so they contain ellipse patch # maybe a cleaner way of doing this, but I couldn't work it out x_extent = 0.5*(abs(width*np.cos(np.radians(theta))) + abs(height*np.sin(np.radians(theta)))) y_extent = 0.5*(abs(width*np.sin(np.radians(theta))) + abs(height*np.cos(np.radians(theta)))) lx = pos[0] - x_extent ux = pos[0] + x_extent ly = pos[1] - y_extent uy = pos[1] + y_extent ax.plot((lx, ux), (ly, uy), alpha=0.) return ellip
def grad(im,Ix,Iy,prozor=5): #koordinate oko kojih ce se gledati gradijent imshow(im) koord = ginput(1) x = round(koord[0][0]) y = round(koord[0][1]) #uzmi gradijente Ix i Iy unutar tog prozora IxF = (Ix[x-prozor:x+prozor+1,y-prozor:y+prozor+1]).flatten() IyF = (Iy[x-prozor:x+prozor+1,y-prozor:y+prozor+1]).flatten() #neka kvazi matematika... width = abs(max(IxF)) + abs(min(IxF)) height = abs(max(IyF)) + abs(min(IyF)) xS = (max(IxF) + min(IxF))/2 yS = (max(IyF) + min(IyF))/2 """x_segment = width/15.0 y_segment = width/15.0 broj_pojava = zeros((15,15),dtype='int') #procjeni gdje je najgusce for i in range(15): for j in range(15): for k in IxF: for m in IyF: if IxF[k] >= i*x_segment and IxF[k] <= (i+1)*x_segment: if IyF[m] >= j*y_segment and IyF[m] <= (j+1)*y_segment: broj_pojava[i][j] += 1 x_pom,y_pom = unravel_index(broj_pojava.argmax(), broj_pojava.shape) x = (x_pom*x_segment + (x_pom+1)*x_segment)/2 y = (y_pom*y_segment + (y_pom+1)*y_segment)/2 angle = arctan(y*1.0/x*1.0)*180/pi""" mod = sqrt(IxF**2 + IyF**2) pom = argmax(mod) angle = arctan(IyF[pom]*1.0/IxF[pom]*1.0)*180/pi if width < max(mod): width = max(mod) ells = Ellipse((xS,yS),width,height,angle) ells.set_alpha(0.3) fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111,aspect='equal') ax.add_artist(ells) ax.plot(IxF,IyF,'mo') #crtaj histogram gray() grid('on') show() return
def create_artists(self, legend, orig_handle, xdescent, ydescent, width, height, fontsize, trans): center = 0.5 * width - 0.5 * xdescent, 0.5 * height - 0.5 * ydescent p = Ellipse(xy=center, width=height + xdescent, height=height + ydescent, fill=False) self.update_prop(p, orig_handle, legend) p.set_transform(trans) return [p]
def draw_ellipse(a, m, S): v, w = np.linalg.eigh(S) u = w[0] / np.linalg.norm(w[0]) angle = (180.0 / np.pi) * np.arctan(u[1] / u[0]) e = Ellipse(m, 2.0 * np.sqrt(v[0]), 2.0 * np.sqrt(v[1]), 180.0 + angle, color = 'k') a.add_artist(e) e.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) e.set_alpha(0.5)
def plot_ellipse(w,h,b): fig = plt.figure(0) fig.clf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') e = Ellipse((0.,0.),w,h) e.set_facecolor((0.,0.,b)) ax.add_artist(e) ax.set_xlim(-1., 1.) ax.set_ylim(-1., 1.)
def plot(self, ax, color): """ Return an ellipse object for plotting, add to ax, with color """ e = Ellipse(xy = array([self.pos.x, self.pos.y]), width = self.width, height = self.length, angle = self.lengthAngle/pi*180) ax.add_artist(e) e.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) e.set_facecolor(color) return e
def plot_ellipse(pos, angle, w1, w2, edge_color, face_color='w', alpha=1.): orient = math.degrees(angle) e = Ellipse(xy=pos, width=w1, height=w2, angle=orient, facecolor=face_color, edgecolor=edge_color) e.set_alpha(alpha) ax = pp.gca() ax.add_patch(e) return e
def __init__(self, x, y, dx, dy, border_tol=0.2, resize=True, plotview=None, **opts): shape = Ellipse((float(x),float(y)), dx, dy, **opts) if 'linewidth' not in opts: shape.set_linewidth(1.0) if 'facecolor' not in opts: shape.set_facecolor('r') super(NXellipse, self).__init__(shape, border_tol, resize, plotview) self.shape.set_label('Ellipse') self.ellipse = self.shape
def ellipse(xy=None, x=None, y=None, **kwargs): if xy is None: if x is None or y is None: raise 'ellipse: need x and y' xy = array([x,y]) c = Ellipse(xy=xy, **kwargs) a=gca() c.set_clip_box(a.bbox) a.add_artist(c) return c
def confidence_ellipse(x, y, ax, n_std=3.0, facecolor='none', **kwargs): """ Create a plot of the covariance confidence ellipse of `x` and `y` Parameters ---------- x, y : array_like, shape (n, ) Input data. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes The axes object to draw the ellipse into. n_std : float The number of standard deviations to determine the ellipse's radiuses. Returns ------- matplotlib.patches.Ellipse Other parameters ---------------- kwargs : `~matplotlib.patches.Patch` properties """ if x.size != y.size: raise ValueError("x and y must be the same size") cov = np.cov(x, y) pearson = cov[0, 1]/np.sqrt(cov[0, 0] * cov[1, 1]) # Using a special case to obtain the eigenvalues of this # two-dimensionl dataset. ell_radius_x = np.sqrt(1 + pearson) ell_radius_y = np.sqrt(1 - pearson) ellipse = Ellipse((0, 0), width=ell_radius_x * 2, height=ell_radius_y * 2, facecolor=facecolor, **kwargs) # Calculating the stdandard deviation of x from # the squareroot of the variance and multiplying # with the given number of standard deviations. scale_x = np.sqrt(cov[0, 0]) * n_std mean_x = np.mean(x) # calculating the stdandard deviation of y ... scale_y = np.sqrt(cov[1, 1]) * n_std mean_y = np.mean(y) transf = transforms.Affine2D() \ .rotate_deg(45) \ .scale(scale_x, scale_y) \ .translate(mean_x, mean_y) ellipse.set_transform(transf + ax.transData) return ax.add_patch(ellipse)
def pathplot_startpoint(fig, ax, x, dims=(0,1), sgns=(1,1), fill='r', edge='k'): x = subsample_endpts(x) d = 0.084 # wb diameter r = d/2.0 # wb radius alpha = 0.25 lw = 4 e = Ellipse((sgns[0]*x[0,dims[0]], sgns[1]*x[0,dims[1]]),d, d, color=fill, zorder=100) e.set_alpha(alpha) ax.add_artist(e) c = Circle((sgns[0]*x[0,dims[0]], sgns[1]*x[0,dims[1]]),r, ec=edge, fc='none', lw = lw, zorder=100) ax.add_artist(c)
Draw many ellipses. Here individual ellipses are drawn. Compare this to the :doc:`Ellipse collection example </gallery/shapes_and_collections/ellipse_collection>`. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse # Fixing random state for reproducibility np.random.seed(19680801) NUM = 250 ells = [ Ellipse(xy=np.random.rand(2) * 10, width=np.random.rand(), height=np.random.rand(), angle=np.random.rand() * 360) for i in range(NUM) ] fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'aspect': 'equal'}) for e in ells: ax.add_artist(e) e.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) e.set_alpha(np.random.rand()) e.set_facecolor(np.random.rand(3)) ax.set_xlim(0, 10) ax.set_ylim(0, 10)
def plotPhotometry(imgsources, refsources, matches, prefix, band=None, zp=None, delta=False, referrs=None, refstargal=None, title=None, saveplot=True, format='png'): print('%i ref sources' % len(refsources)) print('%i image sources' % len(imgsources)) print('%i matches' % len(matches)) # In the "matches" list: # m.first is catalog # m.second is image # In this function, the "m" prefix stands for "matched", # "u" stands for "unmatched". # *sigh*, turn these into Python lists, so we have the "index" function. refsources = [s for s in refsources] imgsources = [s for s in imgsources] # Now we build numpy int arrays for indexing into the "refsources" and # "imgsources" arrays. MR = [] MI = [] for m in matches: try: i = refsources.index(m.first) except ValueError: print('Match list reference source ID', m.first.getSourceId(), 'was not in the list of reference stars') continue try: j = imgsources.index(m.second) except ValueError: print('Match list source ID', m.second.getSourceId(), 'was not in the list of image sources') continue MR.append(i) MI.append(j) MR = np.array(MR) MI = np.array(MI) # Build numpy boolean arrays for indexing the unmatched stars. UR = np.ones(len(refsources), bool) UR[MR] = False UI = np.ones(len(imgsources), bool) UI[MI] = False def flux2mag(f): return -2.5 * np.log10(f) refmag = np.array([flux2mag(s.getPsfFlux()) for s in refsources]) imgflux = np.array([s.getPsfFlux() for s in imgsources]) imgfluxerr = np.array([s.getPsfFluxErr() for s in imgsources]) # Cut to fluxes that aren't silly and get mags of matched sources. okflux = (imgflux[MI] > 1) MI = MI[okflux] MR = MR[okflux] mimgflux = imgflux[MI] mimgmag = flux2mag(mimgflux) mimgmagerr = abs(2.5 / np.log(10.) * imgfluxerr[MI] / mimgflux) mrefmag = refmag[MR] # Get mags of unmatched sources. uimgflux = imgflux[UI] okflux = (uimgflux > 1) uimgmag = flux2mag(uimgflux[okflux]) urefmag = refmag[UR] if False: unmatched = [imgsources[i] for i in np.flatnonzero(uimg)] uflux = np.array([s.getPsfFlux() for s in unmatched]) I = np.argsort(-uflux) print('Unmatched image sources, by psf flux:') print('# FLUX, X, Y, RA, DEC') for i in I: u = unmatched[i] print(u.getPsfFlux(), u.getXAstrom(), u.getYAstrom(), u.getRa(), u.getDec()) print('Matched image sources, by psf flux:') print('# FLUX, X, Y, RA, DEC') for i in mimgi: m = imgsources[i] print(m.getPsfFlux(), m.getXAstrom(), m.getYAstrom(), m.getRa(), m.getDec()) # Legend entries: pp = [] pl = [] plt.clf() imag = np.append(mimgmag, uimgmag) mrefmagerr = None if referrs is not None: referrs = np.array(referrs) mrefmagerr = referrs[MR] if refstargal: assert (len(refstargal) == len(refsources)) refstargal = np.array(refstargal).astype(bool) ptsets = [(np.logical_not(refstargal[MR]), 'g', 'Matched galaxies', 10), (refstargal[MR], 'b', 'Matched stars', 12)] else: ptsets = [(np.ones_like(mrefmag).astype(bool), 'b', 'Matched sources', 10)] for I, c, leg, zo in ptsets: if delta: dm = mimgmag[I] - mrefmag[I] + zp xi = mrefmag[I] yi = dm dx = mrefmagerr dy = mimgmagerr else: xi = mimgmag[I] yi = mrefmag[I] dx = mimgmagerr dy = mrefmagerr p1 = plt.plot(xi, yi, '.', color=c, mfc=c, mec=c, alpha=0.5, zorder=zo) if dx is None or dy is None: # errorbars xerr, yerr = None, None if dx is not None: xerr = dx[I] if dy is not None: yerr = dy[I] plt.errorbar(xi, yi, xerr=xerr, yerr=yerr, ecolor=c, fmt=None, zorder=zo) else: # get the current axis ca = plt.gca() # add error ellipses for j, i in enumerate(np.flatnonzero(I)): a = Ellipse(xy=np.array([xi[j], yi[j]]), width=dx[i] / 2., height=dy[i] / 2., alpha=0.5, fill=True, ec=c, fc=c, zorder=zo) ca.add_artist(a) pp.append(p1) pl.append(leg) if delta: m = max(abs(dm)) plt.axis([np.floor(min(refmag)) - 0.5, np.ceil(max(refmag)), -m, m]) else: plt.axis([ np.floor(min(imag)) - 0.5, np.ceil(max(imag)), np.floor(min(refmag)) - 0.5, np.ceil(max(refmag)) ]) ax = plt.axis() if not delta: # Red tick marks show unmatched img sources dy = (ax[3] - ax[2]) * 0.05 y1 = np.ones_like(uimgmag) * ax[3] p2 = plt.plot(np.vstack((uimgmag, uimgmag)), np.vstack((y1, y1 - dy)), 'r-', alpha=0.5) p2 = p2[0] # Blue tick marks show matched img sources y1 = np.ones_like(mimgmag) * ax[3] p3 = plt.plot(np.vstack((mimgmag, mimgmag)), np.vstack((y1 - (0.25 * dy), y1 - (1.25 * dy))), 'b-', alpha=0.5) p3 = p3[0] # Red ticks for unmatched ref sources dx = (ax[1] - ax[0]) * 0.05 x1 = np.ones_like(urefmag) * ax[1] p4 = plt.plot(np.vstack((x1, x1 - dx)), np.vstack((urefmag, urefmag)), 'r-', alpha=0.5) p4 = p4[0] # Blue ticks for matched ref sources x1 = np.ones_like(mrefmag) * ax[1] p5 = plt.plot(np.vstack((x1 - (0.25 * dx), x1 - (1.25 * dx))), np.vstack((mrefmag, mrefmag)), 'b-', alpha=0.5) p5 = p5[0] if zp is not None: if delta: pzp = plt.axhline(0, linestyle='--', color='b') else: X = np.array([ax[0], ax[1]]) pzp = plt.plot(X, X + zp, 'b--') pp.append(pzp) pl.append('Zeropoint') # reverse axis directions. if delta: plt.axis([ax[1], ax[0], ax[2], ax[3]]) else: plt.axis([ax[1], ax[0], ax[3], ax[2]]) if band is not None: reflabel = 'Reference catalog: %s band (mag)' % band else: reflabel = 'Reference catalog mag' if delta: plt.xlabel(reflabel) plt.ylabel('Instrumental - Reference (mag)') fn = prefix + '-dphotom.' + format if zp is not None: # Make the plot area smaller to fit the twin axis pos = plt.gca().get_position() ll = pos.min sz = pos.size plt.gca().set_position(pos=[ll[0], ll[1], sz[0], sz[1] - 0.05]) # Put the title up top (otherwise it follows the axis) if title is not None: plt.figtext(0.5, 0.96, title, ha='center', va='top', fontsize='large') title = None ax2 = plt.twiny() # Red tick marks show unmatched img sources if zp is not None: dy = (ax[3] - ax[2]) * 0.05 y1 = np.ones_like(uimgmag) * ax[3] p2 = plt.plot(np.vstack((uimgmag, uimgmag)) + zp, np.vstack((y1, y1 - dy)), 'r-', alpha=0.5) p2 = p2[0] # Blue tick marks show matched img sources y1 = np.ones_like(mimgmag) * ax[3] p3 = plt.plot(np.vstack((mimgmag, mimgmag)) + zp, np.vstack((y1 - (0.25 * dy), y1 - (1.25 * dy))), 'b-', alpha=0.5) p3 = p3[0] # Red ticks for unmatched ref sources y1 = np.ones_like(urefmag) * ax[2] p4 = plt.plot(np.vstack((urefmag, urefmag)), np.vstack((y1, y1 + dy)), 'r-', alpha=0.5) p4 = p4[0] # Blue ticks for matched ref sources y1 = np.ones_like(mrefmag) * ax[2] p5 = plt.plot(np.vstack((mrefmag, mrefmag)), np.vstack((y1 + (0.25 * dy), y1 + (1.25 * dy))), 'b-', alpha=0.5) p5 = p5[0] plt.xlim(ax[1] - zp, ax[0] - zp) plt.xlabel('Instrumental mag') legloc = 'lower right' else: plt.ylabel(reflabel) plt.xlabel('Image instrumental mag') fn = prefix + '-photom.' + format legloc = 'center right' if title is not None: plt.title(title) pp += [p3, p2] pl += ['Matched sources', 'Unmatched sources'] plt.figlegend(pp, pl, legloc, numpoints=1, prop=FontProperties(size='small')) P1 = _output(fn, format, saveplot) if delta: plt.ylim(-0.5, 0.5) fn = prefix + '-dphotom2.' + format P2 = _output(fn, format, saveplot) if not saveplot: P1.update(P2) return P1
def venn4(data, set_labels=None, show_names=True, ax=None, **kwds): from collections import Iterable alignment = { 'horizontalalignment': 'center', 'verticalalignment': 'baseline' } if (set_labels is None) or (len(set_labels) != 4): set_labels = ("set 1", "set 2", "set 3", "set 4") if ax is None: # set figure size if 'figsize' in kwds and len(kwds['figsize']) == 2: # if 'figsize' is in kwds, and it is a list or tuple with length of 2 figsize = kwds['figsize'] else: # default figure size figsize = (10, 10) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # set figure size ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # set colors for different Circles or ellipses if 'colors' in kwds and isinstance(kwds['colors'], Iterable) and len(kwds['colors']) >= 4: colors = kwds['colors'] else: colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'c'] # draw ellipse, the coordinates are hard coded in the rest of the function patches = [] width, height = 170, 110 # width and height of the ellipses patches.append( Ellipse((170, 170), width, height, -45, color=colors[0], alpha=0.5)) patches.append( Ellipse((200, 200), width, height, -45, color=colors[1], alpha=0.5)) patches.append( Ellipse((200, 200), width, height, -135, color=colors[2], alpha=0.5)) patches.append( Ellipse((230, 170), width, height, -135, color=colors[3], alpha=0.5)) for e in patches: ax.add_patch(e) ax.set_xlim(80, 320) ax.set_ylim(80, 320) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_aspect("equal") ### draw text # 1 ax.text(120, 200, data['1000'], **alignment) ax.text(280, 200, data['0100'], **alignment) ax.text(155, 250, data['0010'], **alignment) ax.text(245, 250, data['0001'], **alignment) # 2 ax.text(200, 115, data['1100'], **alignment) ax.text(140, 225, data['1010'], **alignment) ax.text(145, 155, data['1001'], **alignment) ax.text(255, 155, data['0110'], **alignment) ax.text(260, 225, data['0101'], **alignment) ax.text(200, 240, data['0011'], **alignment) # 3 ax.text(235, 205, data['0111'], **alignment) ax.text(165, 205, data['1011'], **alignment) ax.text(225, 135, data['1101'], **alignment) ax.text(175, 135, data['1110'], **alignment) # 4 ax.text(200, 175, data['1111'], **alignment) # names of different groups if show_names: ax.text(110, 110, set_labels[0], **alignment) ax.text(290, 110, set_labels[1], **alignment) ax.text(130, 275, set_labels[2], **alignment) ax.text(270, 275, set_labels[3], **alignment) return ax
med_RMS = 0 print('%10s gap%i %.1f %.1f %.1f %.3f' % \ (targets[i], ir, RMS_gap, med_RMS, disk.disk[targets[i]]['RMS'], med_RMS / disk.disk[targets[i]]['RMS'])) # mark Rout xb, yb = rout * np.cos(tt) * np.cos(inclr), rout * np.sin(tt) ax.plot(xb * np.cos(PAr) + yb * np.sin(PAr), -xb * np.sin(PAr) + yb * np.cos(PAr), '--', color='gray', lw=0.5, alpha=0.5) # clean beams beam = Ellipse((xs_lims[0] + 0.1 * np.diff(xs_lims), ys_lims[0] + 0.1 * np.diff(ys_lims)), bmaj, bmin, 90 - bPA) beam.set_facecolor('k') ax.add_artist(beam) # limits and labeling ax.text(xs_lims[0] + 0.05 * np.diff(xs_lims), ys_lims[1] - 0.09 * np.diff(ys_lims), disk.disk[targets[i]]['label'], color='k') ax.text(xs_lims[1] - 0.03 * np.diff(xs_lims), ys_lims[0] + 0.05 * np.diff(ys_lims), str([targets[i]]['RMS']))), color='dimgrey', ha='right', va='center') ax.set_xlim(xs_lims)
import numpy as np if 1: fig = figure(1, figsize=(8, 5)) fig.clf() # bx = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-3,3), ylim=(-2,2)) # bx.plot([3, 3, -3, -3],[-3,3,-3,3]) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-4, 4), ylim=(-3, 3)) ax.plot([3, 3, -3, -3, 3], [-2, 2, 2, -2, -2], 'r') els = [[-1, 2], [3, 0], [-1, -2]] r = 0.25 for el in els: e = Ellipse((el[0], el[1]), r, r) e.set_color('g') r *= 1.5 ax.add_patch(e) # TODO implement the radius properly bx = fig.add_subplot(111, autoscale_on=False, xlim=(-4, 4), ylim=(-3, 3)) bx.scatter([.1, .1], [.2, .4]) bx.scatter([.2, .2], [.2, .4]) """ ax.annotate('$->$', xy=(2., -1), xycoords='data', xytext=(-150, -140), textcoords='offset points', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="0.8"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", patchB=el, connectionstyle="angle,angleA=90,angleB=0,rad=10"),
top_center = 1/2 left_center = 1/2 right_center = 1/2 for i in range (0,dim2): for j in range (0,dim1): xlist[i*dim1 +j] = j ylist[i*dim1 +j] = i scatterpoint = ax2.scatter(xlist,ylist, marker="s",s=900) ax2.set_aspect('equal') # angle , = ax2.plot((dim1/2-1/2,dim1/2-1/2+5*np.cos(pi/4)),(dim2/2-1/2 ,dim2/2-1/2+5*np.cos(pi/4))) vert_spine, = ax2.plot((bottom_center + dim1, top_center + dim1),(0, dim2-1)) hor_spine, = ax2.plot((0, dim1-1),(left_center + dim2, right_center + dim2)) forcePlot = Ellipse(xy=[4,5], width=10, height=4, angle=pi/4) ax2.add_artist(forcePlot) peakcounter = 0 state = 0 while(1): count = count + 1; timenow = time.time() if (timenow > lasttime): hz = 1/(timenow - lasttime) lasttime = timenow # print(str(hz) + " Hz") while( != b':'):
# Regression fit = np.polyfit(x1, x2, 1) # careful: it's phi_n, ..., phi_1, phi_0 fit_fn = np.poly1d(fit) # fit_fn is now a function which takes in x and returns an estimate for y # Principal components lam2, v = np.linalg.eig(cov) lam = np.sqrt(lam2) # Better do a standard regression plot d_lam = 3 ax = plt.subplot(111, aspect='equal') ax.scatter(x1, x2, alpha=0.1) ell = Ellipse(xy=avg, width=2*lam[0], height=2*lam[1], angle=np.rad2deg(np.arccos(v[0, 0])), facecolor='none') ax.add_artist(ell) ax.plot(x1, fit_fn(x1), '--k', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(avg[0]+d_lam*np.array([0, v[0,0]]), avg[1]+d_lam*np.array([0, v[1,0]]), 'y', alpha=1) # yeah, this was just an SVD I assume not PCA so may not be ordered ax.plot(avg[0]-d_lam*np.array([0, v[0,0]]), avg[1]-d_lam*np.array([0, v[1,0]]), 'y', alpha=1) ax.plot(avg[0]+d_lam*np.array([0, v[0,1]]), avg[1]+d_lam*np.array([0, v[1,1]]), 'r', alpha=1) ax.plot(avg[0]-d_lam*np.array([0, v[0,1]]), avg[1]-d_lam*np.array([0, v[1,1]]), 'r', alpha=1) plt.axvline(x1.mean(), color='k', linestyle='--', alpha=0.1) plt.axhline(x2.mean(), color='k', linestyle='--', alpha=0.1) plt.title('beta = {:1.2f}'.format(fit[0])) plt.xlabel( plt.ylabel( # Note: regression line quite different from principal components!
def main(images, regions, colors, labels, shrdsfile=None, fluxlimit=0., wisefile=None, sigma=0., levels=[5., 10., 20., 50., 100.]): """ Plot some regions on top of some images with specified colors, and create PDF. Inputs: images = list of fits image names to plot regions = list of region filenames to plot colors = what colors to plot each region labels = label for regions shrdsfile = if not None, path to SHRDS candidates data file This will plot the SHRDS candidate regions on top fluxlimit = only plot WISE regions brighter than this peak continuum flux density (mJy/beam) wisefile = if not None, path to WISE positions data file This will plot the WISE regions on top sigma = if > 0., will plot colormap with contours at levels * sigma levels = list of contour levels Returns: Nothing """ levels = np.array(levels) outimages = [] for image in images: # # Open fits file, generate WCS # hdu =[0] wcs = WCS(hdu.header) # # Generate figure # plt.ioff() fig = plt.figure() wcs_celest = wcs.sub(['celestial']) ax = plt.subplot(projection=wcs_celest) ax.set_title(image.replace('.fits', '')) # image cax = ax.imshow([0, 0], origin='lower', interpolation='none', cmap='viridis') # contours if sigma > 0.: con = ax.contour([0, 0], origin='lower', levels=levels * sigma, colors='k', linewidths=0.2) xlen, ylen =[0, 0].shape ax.coords[0].set_major_formatter('hh:mm:ss') ax.set_xlabel('RA (J2000)') ax.set_ylabel('Declination (J2000)') # # Adjust limits # ax.set_xlim(0.1 * xlen, 0.9 * xlen) ax.set_ylim(0.1 * ylen, 0.9 * ylen) # # Plot colorbar # cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) cbar.set_label('Flux Density (Jy/beam)') # # Plot beam, if it is defined # pixsize = hdu.header['CDELT2'] # deg if 'BMAJ' in hdu.header.keys(): beam_maj = hdu.header['BMAJ'] / pixsize # pix beam_min = hdu.header['BMIN'] / pixsize # pix beam_pa = hdu.header['BPA'] ellipse = Ellipse((1. / 8. * xlen, 1. / 8. * ylen), beam_min, beam_maj, angle=beam_pa, fill=True, zorder=10, hatch='///', edgecolor='black', facecolor='white') ax.add_patch(ellipse) # # Plot regions # for reg, col, lab in zip(regions, colors, labels): if not os.path.exists(reg): continue # read second line in region file with open(reg, 'r') as f: f.readline() data = f.readline() # handle point region if 'ellipse' in data: splt = data.split(' ') RA = splt[1].replace('[[', '').replace(',', '') RA_h, RA_m, RA_s = RA.split(':') RA = '{0}h{1}m{2}s'.format(RA_h, RA_m, RA_s) dec = splt[2].replace('],', '') dec_d, dec_m, dec_s, dec_ss = dec.split('.') dec = '{0}d{1}m{2}.{3}s'.format(dec_d, dec_m, dec_s, dec_ss) coord = SkyCoord(RA, dec) ax.plot(coord.ra.value, coord.dec.value, '+', color=col, markersize=10, transform=ax.get_transform('world'), label=lab) # handle point region elif 'poly' in data: splt = data.split('[[')[1] splt = splt.split(']]')[0] parts = splt.split(' ') RAs = [] decs = [] for ind in range(0, len(parts), 2): RA = parts[ind].replace('[', '').replace(',', '') RA_h, RA_m, RA_s = RA.split(':') RA = '{0}h{1}m{2}s'.format(RA_h, RA_m, RA_s) dec = parts[ind + 1].replace('],', '') dec_d, dec_m, dec_s, dec_ss = dec.split('.') dec = '{0}d{1}m{2}.{3}s'.format( dec_d, dec_m, dec_s, dec_ss) coord = SkyCoord(RA, dec) RAs.append(coord.ra.value) decs.append(coord.dec.value) RAs.append(RAs[0]) decs.append(decs[0]) ax.plot(RAs, decs, marker=None, linestyle='solid', color=col, transform=ax.get_transform('world'), label=lab, zorder=110) # # Add regions legend # if len(regions) > 0: region_legend = plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=10) ax.add_artist(region_legend) # # Plot SHRDS candidate regions # if shrdsfile is not None: shrdsdata = np.genfromtxt(shrdsfile, dtype=None, delimiter=',', encoding='UTF-8', usecols=(0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7), skip_header=1, names=('name', 'GName', 'RA', 'Dec', 'diameter', 'flux')) RA = np.zeros(len(shrdsdata)) Dec = np.zeros(len(shrdsdata)) for i, dat in enumerate(shrdsdata): parts = [float(part) for part in dat['RA'].split(':')] RA[i] = 360. / 24. * (parts[0] + parts[1] / 60. + parts[2] / 3600.) parts = [float(part) for part in dat['Dec'].split(':')] Dec[i] = np.abs(parts[0]) + parts[1] / 60. + parts[2] / 3600. if '-' in dat['Dec']: Dec[i] = -1. * Dec[i] # limit only to regions with centers within image corners = wcs_celest.calc_footprint() min_RA = np.min(corners[:, 0]) max_RA = np.max(corners[:, 0]) RA_range = max_RA - min_RA #min_RA += RA_range #max_RA -= RA_range min_Dec = np.min(corners[:, 1]) max_Dec = np.max(corners[:, 1]) Dec_range = max_Dec - min_Dec #min_Dec += Dec_range #max_Dec -= Dec_range good = (min_RA < RA) & (RA < max_RA) & (min_Dec < Dec) & ( Dec < max_Dec) & (shrdsdata['flux'] > fluxlimit) # plot them shrdsdata = shrdsdata[good] RA = RA[good] Dec = Dec[good] for R, D, dat in zip(RA, Dec, shrdsdata): xpos, ypos = wcs_celest.wcs_world2pix(R, D, 1) size = dat['diameter'] / 3600. / pixsize ell = Ellipse((xpos, ypos), size, size, color='m', fill=False, linestyle='dashed', zorder=105) ax.add_patch(ell) ax.text(R, D, dat['GName'], transform=ax.get_transform('world'), fontsize=10, zorder=105) # # Plot WISE regions # if wisefile is not None: wisedata = np.genfromtxt(wisefile, dtype=None, names=True, encoding='UTF-8') # limit only to regions with centers within image corners = wcs_celest.calc_footprint() min_RA = np.min(corners[:, 0]) max_RA = np.max(corners[:, 0]) RA_range = max_RA - min_RA #min_RA += RA_range #max_RA -= RA_range min_Dec = np.min(corners[:, 1]) max_Dec = np.max(corners[:, 1]) Dec_range = max_Dec - min_Dec #min_Dec += Dec_range #max_Dec -= Dec_range good = (min_RA < wisedata['RA']) & (wisedata['RA'] < max_RA) & ( min_Dec < wisedata['Dec']) & (wisedata['Dec'] < max_Dec) # plot them wisedata = wisedata[good] for dat in wisedata: xpos, ypos = wcs_celest.wcs_world2pix(dat['RA'], dat['Dec'], 1) size = dat['Size'] * 2. / 3600. / pixsize ell = Ellipse((xpos, ypos), size, size, color='y', fill=False, linestyle='dashed', zorder=100) ax.add_patch(ell) ax.text(dat['RA'], dat['Dec'], dat['GName'], transform=ax.get_transform('world'), fontsize=10, zorder=100) # # Add WISE+SHRDS legend # if shrdsfile is not None or wisefile is not None: patches = [] if shrdsfile is not None: ell = Ellipse((0, 0), 0.1, 0.1, color='m', fill=False, linestyle='dashed', label='SHRDS Candidates') patches.append(ell) if wisefile is not None: ell = Ellipse((0, 0), 0.1, 0.1, color='y', fill=False, linestyle='dashed', label='WISE Catalog') patches.append(ell) wise_legend = plt.legend(handles=patches, loc='lower right', fontsize=10, handler_map={Ellipse: HandlerEllipse()}) ax.add_artist(wise_legend) # # Re-scale to fit, then save # fig.savefig(image.replace('.fits', '.reg.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) plt.ion() outimages.append(image.replace('.fits', '.reg.pdf'))
PHI_1 -= pi while PHI_2 >= pi: PHI_2 -= pi # get the roots # r = roots[Id] length = len(r) - 1 pylab.axes() cir = Ellipse(xy=(H1, K1), width=2 * A1, height=2 * B1, angle=PHI_1 * 180 / pi, alpha=.2, fc='r', lw=3) plot(H1, K1, "or", ms=ms) plot(H2, K2, "ob", ms=ms) pylab.gca().add_patch(cir) #plot roots if length: R = array([float(i) for i in r[1:]]) rx_TR = (R[0::2]) * cos(-PHI_1) + (R[1::2]) * sin(-PHI_1) + H1 ry_TR = -(R[0::2]) * sin(-PHI_1) + (R[1::2]) * cos(-PHI_1) + K1 plot(rx_TR, ry_TR, "og", ms=ms, lw=2) cir = Ellipse(xy=(H2, K2),
else: dfile = 'data/deep_'+targets[i]+'_'+dmr[j]+'.JvMcorr.fits' hdu = img = np.squeeze(hdu[0].data) # set location in figure ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i,j]) # plot the image (in brightness temperature units) Tb = (1e-23 * img / barea) * c_**2 / (2 * k_ * freq**2) im = ax.imshow(Tb, origin='lower', cmap=cmap, extent=im_bounds, norm=norm, aspect='equal') # clean beams beam = Ellipse((dRA_lims[0] + 0.1*np.diff(dRA_lims), dDEC_lims[0] + 0.1*np.diff(dDEC_lims)), bmaj, bmin, 90-bPA) beam.set_facecolor('w') ax.add_artist(beam) # limits and labeling if (j == 0): ax.text(dRA_lims[0] + 0.03*np.diff(dRA_lims), dDEC_lims[1] - 0.10*np.diff(dDEC_lims), disk.disk[targets[i]]['label'], color='w', fontsize=6) ax.set_xlim(dRA_lims) ax.set_ylim(dDEC_lims) ax.set_yticks([-1, 0.0, 1]) if (i == 3) and (j == 0): ax.set_xlabel('RA offset ($^{\prime\prime}$)', labelpad=2.5) ax.set_ylabel('DEC offset ($^{\prime\prime}$)', labelpad=2)
def pl_2_param_dens(_2_params, gs, min_max_p2, varIdxs, params_trace): ''' Parameter vs parameters density map. ''' plot_dict = { 'metal-age': [0, 2, 2, 4, 0, 1], 'metal-ext': [0, 2, 4, 6, 0, 2], 'metal-dist': [0, 2, 6, 8, 0, 3], 'metal-mass': [0, 2, 8, 10, 0, 4], 'metal-binar': [0, 2, 10, 12, 0, 5], 'age-ext': [2, 4, 4, 6, 1, 2], 'age-dist': [2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3], 'age-mass': [2, 4, 8, 10, 1, 4], 'age-binar': [2, 4, 10, 12, 1, 5], 'ext-dist': [4, 6, 6, 8, 2, 3], 'ext-mass': [4, 6, 8, 10, 2, 4], 'ext-binar': [4, 6, 10, 12, 2, 5], 'dist-mass': [6, 8, 8, 10, 3, 4], 'dist-binar': [6, 8, 10, 12, 3, 5], 'mass-binar': [8, 10, 10, 12, 4, 5] } labels = [ '$z$', '$log(age)$', '$E_{(B-V)}$', '$(m-M)_o$', '$M\,(M_{{\odot}})$', '$b_{frac}$' ] gs_x1, gs_x2, gs_y1, gs_y2, mx, my = plot_dict[_2_params] x_label, y_label = labels[mx], labels[my] ax = plt.subplot(gs[gs_y1:gs_y2, gs_x1:gs_x2]) # To specify the number of ticks on both or any single axes ax.locator_params(nbins=5) if gs_x1 == 0: plt.ylabel(y_label, fontsize=11) plt.yticks(rotation=45) else: ax.tick_params(labelleft=False) if gs_y2 == 12: plt.xlabel(x_label, fontsize=11) plt.xticks(rotation=45) else: ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False) plt.minorticks_on() if mx in varIdxs and my in varIdxs: mx_model, my_model = varIdxs.index(mx), varIdxs.index(my) ax.set_title(r"$\rho={:.2f}$".format( np.corrcoef([params_trace[mx_model], params_trace[my_model]])[0][1]), fontsize=11) hist2d(ax, params_trace[mx_model], params_trace[my_model]) mean_pos, width, height, theta = SigmaEllipse( np.array([params_trace[mx_model], params_trace[my_model]]).T) # Plot 95% confidence ellipse. plt.scatter(mean_pos[0], mean_pos[1], marker='x', c='b', s=30, linewidth=2, zorder=4) ellipse = Ellipse(xy=mean_pos, width=width, height=height, angle=theta, edgecolor='r', fc='None', lw=.7, zorder=4) ax.add_patch(ellipse) xp_min, xp_max, yp_min, yp_max = min_max_p2 ax.set_xlim([xp_min, xp_max]) ax.set_ylim([yp_min, yp_max]) # Grid won't respect 'zorder': # # So we plot the grid behind everything else manually. xlocs, xlabels = plt.xticks() ylocs, ylabels = plt.yticks() for xt in xlocs: plt.axvline(x=xt, linestyle='-', color='w', zorder=-4) for yt in ylocs: plt.axhline(y=yt, linestyle='-', color='w', zorder=-4)
def loadImage(self): bashCommand = "rm test.PNG" import subprocess process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = process.communicate() print output # first of all, the base transformation of the data points is needed base = plt.gca().transData rot = transforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg(270) filename = askopenfilename() img = rz.resizeSignature(filename) # Image filtering imgSmooted = GaussS.gaussianBlur(1, 0.5, img) imgFiltered = bN.filter(imgSmooted) # Calculate the ones in the matrix. blackPoints = bN.calculateBlackPoints(imgFiltered) # Calculate the center of mass centerMass = bN.centroid(blackPoints) self.CenterMass.setText(str(centerMass[1])) self.CenterMass_2.setText(str(centerMass[0])) # Calculate the eccentricity eccentricity = bN.calculateEccentricity(blackPoints) self.Eccentricity.setText(str(round(eccentricity,4))) # Calculate the representative points of a signature densePoints = bN.calculateDensePoints(blackPoints) listY = [y[0] for y in blackPoints] listX = [x[1] for x in blackPoints] plt.plot(listY, listX, "ro", transform=rot + base) # Print Center of mass plt.plot(centerMass[0], centerMass[1], "^", transform=rot + base) # Print dense points densePoints = densePoints.T plt.plot(densePoints[0], densePoints[1], "g+", transform=rot + base) kurtosis = bN.calculateKurtosis(blackPoints) self.kurtosis.setText(str(round(kurtosis[1], 4 ))) self.kurtosis_2.setText(str(round(kurtosis[0], 4))) # Print skew detection testSkew = bN.skewDetection(imgFiltered) self.Skew.setText(str(round(testSkew))) # Calculate gradient in a grid 4x4 - Choosen just 2x2 important grid in the middle matrixGradient = bN.calculateGradient(blackPoints, imgFiltered.shape) self.Gradient.setRowCount(len(matrixGradient)) self.Gradient.setColumnCount(len(matrixGradient[0])) for i, row in enumerate(matrixGradient): for j, val in enumerate(row): self.Gradient.setItem(i, j, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(val))) self.Gradient.resizeColumnsToContents() self.Gradient.resizeRowsToContents() # Calculate pressure in a grid 4x4 matrixPresure = np.around(bN.calculatePressure(imgSmooted), decimals=2) self.Presure.setRowCount(len(matrixPresure)) self.Presure.setColumnCount(len(matrixPresure[0])) for i, row in enumerate(matrixPresure): for j, val in enumerate(row): self.Presure.setItem(i, j, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(val))) self.Presure.resizeColumnsToContents() self.Presure.resizeRowsToContents() plt.axis('off') # Plot Ellipse subplot = plt.subplot() b, a = drawEllipse(blackPoints) ell = Ellipse((centerMass[1], centerMass[0] * -1), b + 10, a + 10, edgecolor='black', facecolor='none', linewidth=5) subplot.add_patch(ell) # plt.plot([y positions of the points], [x positions of the points]) # plt.plot([testSkewLeft[1], testSkewRight[1]], [testSkewLeft[0], testSkewRight[0]], 'k') # plt.plot([testSkewLeft[1], testSkewLeft[1]], [testSkewLeft[0], testSkewRight[0]], 'k') # Save Scanned Signature plt.savefig("test.PNG", dpi=700) plt.close() ############################################ # Signature image ############################################ logoPic1 = QPixmap(filename) self.signature.setPixmap(logoPic1.scaled(291,255,Qt.KeepAspectRatio)) ############################################ # Signature Feature ############################################ search_pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap() search_pixmap.load('test.PNG') self.featureSignature.setPixmap(search_pixmap.scaled(291, 255, Qt.KeepAspectRatio)) ######################## # Save test image ########################## vectorFeature = [] vectorFeature.append(round(centerMass[0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(centerMass[1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(eccentricity, 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(kurtosis[0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(kurtosis[1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[0][0][0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[0][0][1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[0][1][0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[0][1][1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[0][2][0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[0][2][1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[0][3][0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[0][3][1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[1][0][0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[1][0][1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[1][1][0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[1][1][1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[1][2][0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[1][2][1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[1][3][0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixGradient[1][3][1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[0][0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[0][1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[0][2], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[0][3], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[1][0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[1][1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[1][2], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[1][3], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[2][0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[2][1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[2][2], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[2][3], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[3][0], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[3][1], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round( matrixPresure[3][2], 4)) vectorFeature.append(round(matrixPresure[3][3], 4)) label = 0 if len(filename.split('/')[len(filename.split('/'))-1]) < 11: label = int(filename.split('/')[len(filename.split('/'))-2]) # print label matrixData = [] vectorTarget = [] with open('../LearningInformation/learningBayesianMulticlassGenuine.csv') as f: readerGenuine = csv.reader(f) for i in readerGenuine: matrixData.append(map(float, i[:len(i) - 1])) # matrixData.append(map(float, i[2:5] + i[25:len(i) - 1])) vectorTarget.append(int(i[len(i) - 1])) with open('../LearningInformation/learningBayesianMulticlassForgeries.csv') as f: readerForgeriestmp = csv.reader(f) for i in readerForgeriestmp: matrixData.append(map(float, i[:len(i) - 1])) # matrixData.append(map(float, i[2:5] + i[25:len(i) - 1])) vectorTarget.append(int(i[len(i) - 1])) matrixData = np.array(matrixData) vectorTarget = np.array(vectorTarget) asdsada = TemplateClassifier().fit(matrixData, vectorTarget) y_predict_X = asdsada.predict(vectorFeature)[0] self.realLabelText = label self.predicted = y_predict_X
def get_graph(self): """ @brief generate the graph of the contacts @param self The object @return The graph. @todo add a label to the sets """ fig_glob, ax_glob = plt.subplots() ax_glob.set_title("Global COP Analysis") if not self.contacts: plt.axis([-0.1, 0.1, -0.1, 0.1]) #plt.axis([-2, 2, -2, 2]) else: colors = get_cmap(len(self.contacts) + 1) plt.axis('equal') for i, contact in enumerate(self.contacts): cop = contact.cop_ if len(cop) > 0: #ax_glob.plot(cop[:, 0], cop[:, 1], 'o', color=colors(i), label="{}-{}".format(i + 1, labels[i + 1])) ax_glob.plot(cop[:, 0], cop[:, 1], '.', color=colors(i), label="{}".format(contact.name_)) [cop_mean, sigma, angle, major_axis, minor_axis] = contact.get_ellipse() ellipse = Ellipse(cop_mean, width=major_axis, height=minor_axis, angle=angle) ellipse.set_color(colors(i)) ellipse.set_alpha(0.6) ellipse.set_clip_box(ax_glob.bbox) ax_glob.add_artist(ellipse) else: self.log_warn("No points for {}".format(i + 1)) #if self.contacts: # ax_glob.legend() # import matplotlib.patches as mpatches # texts = ["Exp {}".format(i + 1) for i in range(5)] # patches = [ mpatches.Patch(color=colors[i], label="{:s}".format(labels[relevant_slices[i][0]]) ) for i in range(len(relevant_slices)) ] # plt.legend(handles=patches, ncol=2 ) ax_glob.set_xlabel("x[mm]") ax_glob.set_ylabel("y[mm]") ax_glob.grid() if self.contacts: #ax_glob.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.0), ncol=3, fancybox=True, shadow=True) # to put the legend on the right # Shrink current axis by 20% box = ax_glob.get_position() ax_glob.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height]) # Put a legend to the right of the current axis ax_glob.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) return fig_glob, ax_glob
def rand_compl(compl_type, ra, dec, mjd, chunk, outfig=True): output_path = 'output/' + chunk + '/' + mjd if compl_type == 'tiling': tmp = 'Tcompleteness' elif compl_type == 'redshift': tmp = 'Zcompleteness' else: sys.exit( 'Error: The completeness type in must be either "tiling" or "redshift".' ) if chunk == 'eboss21': outroot = output_path + '/ELG_SGC.eboss21.' + tmp completeness_file = output_path + '/ELG_SGC.eboss21.' + tmp + '.asc' footprint_ra = np.array([-43.0, 0.0, 0.0, -43.0, -43.0]) footprint_dec = np.array([-2.0, -2.0, 2.0, 2.0, -2.0]) xlim = [-46, 3] ylim = [-3, 3] elif chunk == 'eboss22': outroot = output_path + '/ELG_SGC.eboss22.' + tmp completeness_file = output_path + '/ELG_SGC.eboss22.' + tmp + '.asc' footprint_ra = np.array([0.0, 45.0, 45.0, 0.0, 0.0]) footprint_dec = np.array([-5.0, -5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0]) xlim = [-3, 48] ylim = [-6, 6] elif chunk == 'eboss23': outroot = output_path + '/ELG_NGC.eboss23.' + tmp completeness_file = output_path + '/ELG_NGC.eboss23.' + tmp + '.asc' footprint_ra = np.array( [126, 126, 142.5, 142.5, 157, 157, 136.5, 136.5, 126]) footprint_dec = np.array([16, 29, 29, 27, 27, 13.8, 13.8, 16, 16]) xlim = [125, 158] ylim = [13, 30] # reading the completeness completeness = np.zeros(0) tilecomb_uniq = np.zeros(0, dtype='str') with open(completeness_file) as f: for line in f: if (line[0] != '#'): completeness = np.append(completeness, float(line.split()[0])) tilecomb_uniq = np.append(tilecomb_uniq, line.split()[1]) # reading the tiles tile = np.zeros(0, dtype='str') tilera = np.zeros(0) tiledec = np.zeros(0) tmp = read_tiles('data/tiles-' + chunk + '.par') tile = np.append(tile, tmp[0]) tilera = np.append(tilera, tmp[1]) tiledec = np.append(tiledec, tmp[2]) ntile = len(tilera) # number of spectroscopic objects nspecobj = len(ra) objSkyCoord = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg, frame='fk5') tile_rad = 1.49 # tile radius in degrees # listing the tiles in which each object lies spectile = np.array(['' for x in np.arange(nspecobj)], dtype=object) for i in xrange(ntile): tileSkyCoord = SkyCoord(ra=tilera[i] * u.deg, dec=tiledec[i] * u.deg, frame='fk5') tmpspec = (objSkyCoord.separation(tileSkyCoord).deg <= tile_rad) spectile[tmpspec] += tile[i] + '-' # loop on unique combinations of tiles speccompl = np.zeros(nspecobj) for i in xrange(len(tilecomb_uniq)): tmpspec = (spectile == tilecomb_uniq[i]) speccompl[tmpspec] = completeness[i] if outfig: # building ellipses ells = [ Ellipse(xy=np.array([x, y]), width=3.0 / np.cos(y / 180. * np.pi), height=3.0, angle=0) for x, y in zip(tilera, tiledec) ] if chunk in ['eboss21', 'eboss22']: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 8.8)) elif chunk == 'eboss23': fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # eBOSS/ELG footprint ax.plot(footprint_ra, footprint_dec, c='k', zorder=10, linewidth=2) if compl_type == 'redshift': clim = [50., 100. * max(speccompl)] else: clim = [100. * min(speccompl), 100. * max(speccompl)] SC = ax.scatter(ra,dec,s=2,c=100.*speccompl,edgecolor='none',\ vmin=clim[0],vmax=clim[1], for e in ells: e.set_color('k') e.set_facecolor('none') e.set_linewidth(1) e.set_alpha(0.3) e.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) ax.add_artist(e) # colorbar cbar = plt.colorbar(SC, pad=0.01) if compl_type == 'tiling': cbar.set_label(r'Tiling completeness [\%]', size=16) elif compl_type == 'redshift': cbar.set_label(r'Redshift completeness [\%]', size=16) cbar.set_clim(clim) # plot stuff ax.grid(True, linestyle='-', alpha=0.3) ax.set_xlabel(r'R.A. [deg.]', size=16) ax.set_ylabel(r'DEC. [deg.]', size=16) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(outroot + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', format='png') return speccompl
def main(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Plot map with Mercator projection") p.add_argument("fitsfile", nargs="?", help="Input HEALPix FITS file") p.add_argument("-a", "--abthresh", dest="athresh", default=None, type=float, help="Apply an absolute (lower/upper) threshold to the map") p.add_argument("-c", "--coords", dest="coords", default="C", help="C=equatorial (default), G=galactic") p.add_argument("-C", "--column", dest="col", default=0, type=int, help="FITS column in which healpix map resides") p.add_argument("-D", "--coldiff", dest="coldif", default=-1, type=int, help="FITS column in which healpix map to be subtracted " "(if any) resides") p.add_argument( "--mjd", default=None, type=float, help= "MJD of the map. Will be plotted in J2000. Supersedes info in header") p.add_argument("-l", "--threshold", dest="thresh", type=float, default=None, help="Apply a lower threshold to the plot.") p.add_argument( "--norm-sqdeg", dest="sqdeg", action="store_true", default=False, help="Normalize values to square degree, according to nSides" " (makes sense only certain dinds of maps)") p.add_argument("--milagro", action="store_true", dest="milagro", default=False, help="Use Milagro color scale") p.add_argument( "--contours", dest="contours", type=float, nargs='*', default=None, help="plot contours. If --contourmap is provided, it will be" " used instead of plotted map. If no contours are" " provided, it will plot confidence intervals" " (1, 2, 3 sigma CI). Else, absolute sigmas are used," " e.g. --contours 1 2 3 4 [sigma] --contours") p.add_argument("--contourscolor", dest="contourscolor", nargs='*', default=None, help="Draw options for contours") p.add_argument("--contoursstyle", dest="contoursstyle", default=None, help="Draw options for contours") p.add_argument("--contourswidth", dest="contourswidth", default=None, help="Draw options for contours") p.add_argument("--gamma", action="store_true", dest="gamma", default=False, help="Use GeV/TeV gamma-ray color scale") p.add_argument("-L", "--label", dest="label", default=None, help="Color bar label") p.add_argument("--cross", dest="cross", action="store_true", help="Plot a cross at the center of the plot") p.add_argument("--moon", action="store_true", default=False, dest="isMoon", help="is in moon centered coordinates") p.add_argument("-m", "--min", dest="min", type=float, default=None, help="Plot minimum value") p.add_argument("-M", "--max", dest="max", type=float, default=None, help="Plot maximum value") p.add_argument("-n", "--ncolors", dest="ncolors", type=int, default=256, help="Number of contours to use in the colormap") p.add_argument("--nocolorbar", dest="colorbar", action="store_false", default=True, help="Do not draw color bar.") p.add_argument("--nofill", dest="nofill", action="store_true", help="Do not draw fill plot with colors. " "Useful for contours.") p.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest="output", default=None, help="Output file name (optional)") p.add_argument("-s", "--scale", dest="scale", type=float, default=1., help="scale up or down values in map") p.add_argument("--sun", action="store_true", default=False, dest="isSun", help="is in Sun centered coordinates") p.add_argument("--dpar", dest="dpar", type=float, default=1., help="Interval in degrees between parallels") p.add_argument("--dmer", dest="dmer", type=float, default=1., help="Interval in degrees between meridians.") p.add_argument("--nogrid", action="store_true", default=False, dest="nogrid", help="Do not plot gridlines.") p.add_argument("--interpolation", dest="interpolation", \ default=False, action='store_true', help="Uses bilinear interpolation in data map.") p.add_argument("--xsize", dest="xsize", type=int, default=1000, help="Number of X pixels, Y will be scaled acordingly.") p.add_argument("-t", "--ticks", dest="ticks", nargs="+", type=float, help="List of ticks for color bar, space-separated") p.add_argument("-T", "--title", dest="title", help="title of map") p.add_argument("--squareaspect", dest="squareaspect", \ action='store_true', help="Better Mercator X/Y ratio.") p.add_argument("--preliminary", action="store_true", dest="preliminary", help="Add a watermark indicating the plot as preliminary") p.add_argument( "--onlystats", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Exits after returning min, max and value at center. If map is called 'flux', it will give the error if there is a map called 'flux_error'" ) # Mutually exclusive option to specify plot xy range OR center + WxH argRange = p.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) argRange.add_argument("--xyrange", dest="xyrange", type=float, nargs=4, help="Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax plot range [degree]") argRange.add_argument( "--origin", dest="origin", type=float, nargs=4, help="Central (x,y) coords + width + height [degree]") # Plot P-Value instead of sigma, expects location and scale of # a right-skewed Gumble distribution p.add_argument("--gumbel", dest="gumbel", type=float, nargs=2, help="Plot P-Value instead of significance. " "Arguments: location and scale of right-skewed " "Gumble distribution.") # Download/plotting options for Fermi catalog sources p.add_argument( "--download-fermi", dest="dfermi", default=None, help="Download Fermi FITS data from NASA and exit. Enter version number" ) p.add_argument("--fermicat", dest="fermicat", default=None, help="Fermi xFGL catalog FITS file name") p.add_argument("--fermicat-labels", dest="fermicatLabels", action="store_true", default=False, help="Draw Fermi sources with labels.") # plotting options for Fermi Healpix file p.add_argument("--contourmap", dest="contourmap", default=None, help="Healpix map from which to grab contours.") p.add_argument( "--contourmapcoord", dest="contourmapcoord", default="G", help= "Coordinate system of contourmap. C=equatorial, G=galactic (default)") # Download/plotting options for TeVCat sources p.add_argument("--download-tevcat", dest="dtevcat", action="store_true", default=False, help="Download data from and exit") p.add_argument("--tevcat", dest="tevcat", default=None, help="Draw TeVCat sources using TeVCat ASCII file") p.add_argument("--tevcat-labels", dest="tevcatLabels", action="store_true", default=False, help="Draw TeVCat sources with labels.") p.add_argument("--cat-labels-angle", dest="catLabelsAngle", default=90, help="Oriantation of catalog labels.") p.add_argument("--cat-labels-size", dest="catLabelsSize", default=8, help="Size of catalog labels.") # Highlight hotspots listed in an ASCII file p.add_argument("--hotspots", dest="hotspots", default=None, help="Hotspot coordinates in an ASCII file") p.add_argument("--hotspot-labels", dest="hotspotLabels", action="store_true", default=False, help="Draw hotspots sources with labels.") # Plot 2D Gaussian fit result listed in an ASCII file from p.add_argument("--gaussfit", dest="gaussfit", default=None, help="2D-Gaussian fit result in an ASCII file") args = p.parse_args() #Sanity checks if (args.mjd is not None) and (not canPrecess): print "Missing necessary packages to make precession" raise SystemExit if args.nofill: # If we don't fill with colors, we don't plot the colorbar either args.colorbar = False # Download TeVCat if args.dtevcat: if haveTeVCat: print("Fetching data from") tevcat = TeVCat.TeVCat() return None else: print("Sorry, AERIE TeVCat python module is not available.") raise SystemExit # Downlaod Fermi catalog if args.dfermi: if haveFermi: print "Fetching 2FGL catalog, version %s" % args.dfermi FGLCatalog.fetch_catalog(args.dfermi) return None else: print "Sorry, AERIE Fermi python module is not available." raise SystemExit # Start normal processing if args.fitsfile == None: print("Please specify an FITS file to plot.") raise SystemExit # Fill 2D array xmin = -180. xmax = 180. ymax = 90 ymin = -90 if (args.xyrange): xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = args.xyrange xC = (xmin + xmax) / 2. yC = (ymin + ymax) / 2. elif (args.origin): xC, yC, w, h = args.origin xmin = xC - 0.5 * w xmax = xC + 0.5 * w ymin = yC - 0.5 * h ymax = yC + 0.5 * h else: print( "Using default zoom window. " "To customize the zoom window you must specify either " "(xyrange) or (origin and width and height).") if args.isMoon or args.isSun: xmin += 180. xmax += 180. # Move to range expected by healpy while xmin < -180: xmin += 360 while xmin > 180: xmin -= 360 while xmax < -180: xmax += 360 while xmax > 180: xmax -= 360 if xmax < xmin: tmax = xmax tmin = xmin xmin = tmax xmax = tmin cxmin = xmin cxmax = xmax frot = 0. if xmax > 90. and xmin < -90.: frot = 180. cxmin = xmax - 180. cxmax = xmin + 180. if args.origin: while xC > 180: xC -= 360 # Read in the skymap and mask out empty pixels skymap, skymapHeader = hp.read_map(args.fitsfile, args.col, h=True) # remove naughty values skymap[np.isnan(skymap)] = hp.UNSEEN skymap *= args.scale nside1 = hp.get_nside(skymap) npix = hp.nside2npix(nside1) if args.coldif > -1: skymap2 = hp.read_map(args.fitsfile, args.coldif) skymap -= skymap2 if (args.gumbel): assert haveGumbel gumbel_location, gumbel_scale = args.gumbel gumbel = gumbel_r(loc=gumbel_location, scale=gumbel_scale) skymap = gumbel.logsf(skymap) / log(10) def inf_suppressor(x): return x if np.isfinite(x) else 0. inf_suppressor = np.vectorize(inf_suppressor) skymap = inf_suppressor(skymap) # Normalize value to square degree if args.sqdeg: pixsizestr = 4 * np.pi / (12 * nside1**2) str2sqdeg = (180 / np.pi)**2 pixsizesqdeg = pixsizestr * str2sqdeg skymap /= pixsizesqdeg # I did not find header handler, thats all I came up with... toFind = 'TTYPE' + str(args.col + 1) #print type(skymapHeader), type(skymapHeader[0]), skymapHeader, toFind, dict(skymapHeader)[toFind] skymapName = dict(skymapHeader)[toFind] #Check if it is flux isFlux = False hasFluxError = False if skymapName == 'flux': isFlux = True keyname = dict((v, n) for n, v in skymapHeader).get("flux_error") if keyname is not None: if keyname.find('TTYPE') == 0 and len(keyname) == 6: hasFluxError = True fluxerrmap = hp.read_map(args.fitsfile, int(keyname[5]) - 1) if not hasFluxError: print "Map called 'flux_error' not present, will not print errors" # Find FOV pxls = np.arange(skymap.size) nZeroPix = pxls[(skymap != 0)] pxTh, pxPh = hp.pix2ang(nside1, pxls) # Mask outside FOV values = > pxTh[nZeroPix].max()) | (pxTh < pxTh[nZeroPix].min()) | (skymap == hp.UNSEEN) | (skymap == 1e20), skymap) # Plot the skymap as an image, setting up the color palette on the way mpl.rc("font", size=14, family="serif") faspect = abs(cxmax - cxmin) / abs(ymax - ymin) fysize = 4 # Set up the figure frame and coordinate rotation angle coords = ["C", "C"] gratcoord = "C" if args.coords == "G": coords = ["C", "G"] gratcoord = "G" if args.mjd is not None: rotMap = precess.mjd2J2000ang(mjd=args.mjd, coord=coords, rot=frot) rotVertex = precess.mjd2J2000ang(mjd=args.mjd, coord=coords) else: mjd = False if havePyfits: hdulist = header = hdulist[0].header if 'EPOCH' in header: epoch = header['EPOCH'] if epoch == 'J2000': pass elif epoch == 'current': if 'STARTMJD' in header and 'STOPMJD' in header: startmjd = header['STARTMJD'] stopmjd = header['STOPMJD'] if (startmjd > 0 and stopmjd > 0) or startmjd > stopmjd: mjd = (stopmjd + startmjd) / 2 else: print "STARTMJD/STOPMJD are not well-definned, will not attempt to precess!" else: print "STARTMJD or STOPMJD not present in header, will not attempt to precess!" else: print "Currently EPOCH can be J2000 or current. Will not attempt to precess" else: print "Key EPOCH not in header, will not attempt to precess!" else: print "Pyfits not available -> Can't check map epoch -> Will not attempt to precess!" if mjd: print "Current epoch detected in header, will precess from MJD%g to J2000" % mjd rotMap = precess.mjd2J2000ang(mjd=mjd, coord=coords, rot=frot) rotVertex = precess.mjd2J2000ang(mjd=mjd, coord=coords) else: rotMap = frot rotVertex = 0 # Get extrema angverts = [[xmin,ymin],[xmax,ymin],\ [xmax,ymax],[xmin,ymax]] vertlist = [] cRot = hp.Rotator(coord=coords, rot=rotVertex) for x, y in angverts: ctht, cph = np.deg2rad((y, x)) ctht = 0.5 * np.pi - ctht if cph < 0: cph = 2. * np.pi + cph vertlist.append(cRot.I(hp.ang2vec(ctht, cph))) # Get pixels in image imgpix = hp.query_polygon(nside1, vertlist, inclusive=True) seenpix = imgpix[values[imgpix] > hp.UNSEEN] #Get stats precRot = hp.Rotator(coord=coords, rot=rotVertex) pixMin, pixMax = seenpix[[ np.argmin(values[seenpix]), np.argmax(values[seenpix]) ]] dMin, dMax = values[[pixMin, pixMax]] [[thMin, thMax], [phMin, phMax]] = np.rad2deg(precRot(hp.pix2ang(nside1, [pixMin, pixMax]))) if args.coords == 'C': while phMin < 0: phMin += 360 while phMax < 0: phMax += 360 th0, ph0 = precRot.I((90. - yC) * degree, xC * degree) pix0 = hp.ang2pix(nside1, th0, ph0) if isFlux: if hasFluxError: fluxerrMin, fluxerrMax, fluxerr0 = fluxerrmap[[ pixMin, pixMax, pix0 ]] else: fluxerrMin, fluxerrMax, fluxerr0 = [0, 0, 0] print "Flux units: TeV^-1 cm^-2 s^-1" print "Coord units: deg" print "Min: %11.2e +/- %11.2e (%6.2f, %5.2f)" % ( dMin, fluxerrMin, phMin, 90 - thMin) print "Max: %11.2e +/- %11.2e (%6.2f, %5.2f)" % ( dMax, fluxerrMax, phMax, 90 - thMax) print "Map value at origin: %11.2e +/- %11.2e" % (skymap[pix0], fluxerr0) else: print("Min: %5.2f (%6.2f, %5.2f)" % (dMin, phMin, 90 - thMin)) print("Max: %5.2f (%6.2f, %5.2f)" % (dMax, phMax, 90 - thMax)) print("Map value at origin: %5.2f" % skymap[pix0]) if args.onlystats: return 0 figsize = (fysize * faspect + 2, fysize + 2.75) fig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=figsize) # Set min/max value of map if args.min is not None: dMin = args.min values[(skymap < dMin) & (values > hp.UNSEEN)] = dMin if args.max is not None: dMax = args.max values[(skymap > dMax) & (values > hp.UNSEEN)] = dMax textcolor, colormap = MapPalette.setupDefaultColormap(args.ncolors) # Use the Fermi/HESS/VERITAS purply-red-yellow color map if args.gamma: textcolor, colormap = MapPalette.setupGammaColormap(args.ncolors) # Use the Milagro color map if args.milagro: dMin = -5 dMax = 15 dMin = args.min if args.min != None else -5 dMax = args.max if args.max != None else 15 thresh = args.thresh if args.thresh != None else 2. textcolor, colormap = \ MapPalette.setupMilagroColormap(dMin, dMax, thresh, args.ncolors) print("Milagro", dMin, dMax, thresh) # Use a thresholded grayscale map with colors for extreme values else: if args.thresh != None: textcolor, colormap = \ MapPalette.setupThresholdColormap(dMin, dMax, args.thresh, args.ncolors) elif args.athresh != None: textcolor, colormap = \ MapPalette.setupAbsThresholdColormap(dMin, dMax, args.athresh, args.ncolors) if args.interpolation: cRot = hp.Rotator(rot=rotMap, coord=coords) phi = np.linspace(np.deg2rad(xmax), np.deg2rad(xmin), args.xsize) if xmin < 0 and xmax > 0 and (xmax - xmin) > 180.: phi = np.linspace( np.deg2rad(xmin) + 2. * np.pi, np.deg2rad(xmax), args.xsize) phi[(phi > 2. * np.pi)] -= 2. * np.pi theta = 0.5 * np.pi - np.linspace(np.deg2rad(ymin), np.deg2rad(ymax), args.xsize / faspect) Phi, Theta = np.meshgrid(phi, theta) rTheta,rPhi = cRot.I(Theta.reshape(phi.size*theta.size),\ Phi.reshape(phi.size*theta.size)) rotimg = hp.get_interp_val(values, rTheta.reshape(Phi.shape),\ rPhi.reshape(Theta.shape)) else: tfig = plt.figure(num=2, figsize=figsize) rotimg = hp.cartview(values, fig=2,coord=coords,title="",\ cmap=colormap, cbar=False,\ lonra=[cxmin,cxmax],latra=[ymin,ymax],rot=rotMap, notext=True, xsize=args.xsize, return_projected_map=True) plt.close(tfig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_aspect(1.) # if plotting contours if args.contours != None: if args.contourmap: contourmap = args.contourmap contourmapcoord = args.contourmapcoord else: contourmap = args.fitsfile contourmapcoord = 'C' contourSkyMap, contourSkyMapHeader = hp.read_map(contourmap, h=True) fnside1 = hp.get_nside(contourSkyMap) ftoFind = 'TTYPE' + str(1) contourSkyMapName = dict(contourSkyMapHeader)[ftoFind] fvalues = == 0, contourSkyMap) if args.interpolation: cRot = hp.Rotator(rot=rotMap, coord=[contourmapcoord, coords[-1]]) phi = np.linspace(np.deg2rad(xmax), np.deg2rad(xmin), args.xsize) if xmin < 0 and xmax > 0 and (xmax - xmin) > 180.: phi = np.linspace( np.deg2rad(xmin) + 2. * np.pi, np.deg2rad(xmax), args.xsize) phi[(phi > 2. * np.pi)] -= 2. * np.pi theta = 0.5 * np.pi - np.linspace( np.deg2rad(ymin), np.deg2rad(ymax), args.xsize / faspect) Phi, Theta = np.meshgrid(phi, theta) rTheta,rPhi = cRot.I(Theta.reshape(phi.size*theta.size),\ Phi.reshape(phi.size*theta.size)) frotimg = hp.get_interp_val(fvalues,rTheta.reshape(Phi.shape),\ rPhi.reshape(Theta.shape)) else: tfig = plt.figure(num=3, figsize=figsize) frotimg = hp.cartview(fvalues, fig=3, coord=[contourmapcoord, coords[-1]], title="", cmap=colormap, cbar=False, lonra=[xmin, xmax], latra=[ymin, ymax], rot=rotMap, notext=True, xsize=1000, min=dMin, max=dMax, return_projected_map=True) plt.close(tfig) if args.contours == []: rMaxSig2 = (fvalues[imgpix].max())**2 if rMaxSig2 < 11.83: print "No spot detected with at least 95% confidence contour" contours = [-float("inf")] else: contours = [ sqrt(rMaxSig2 - 2.30), sqrt(rMaxSig2 - 6.18), sqrt(rMaxSig2 - 11.83) ] else: contours = args.contours ccolor = args.contourscolor or 'g' cstyle = args.contoursstyle or '-' cwidth = args.contourswidth or 2. print 'Contours style: ', ccolor, cstyle, cwidth contp = ax.contour(frotimg, levels=contours, colors=ccolor, linestyles=cstyle, linewidths=cwidth, origin='upper', extent=[cxmax, cxmin, ymax, ymin]) rotimg[(rotimg > dMax)] = dMax rotimg[(rotimg < dMin)] = dMin if not args.nofill: imgp = ax.imshow(rotimg,extent=[cxmax, cxmin, ymax, ymin],\ vmin=dMin,vmax=dMax,cmap=colormap) imgp.get_cmap().set_under('w', alpha=0.) imgp.get_cmap().set_over('w', alpha=0.) # Draw grid lines xts = np.arange(np.floor(xmin), np.ceil(xmax + args.dmer), args.dmer)[1:-1] xtlbs = [ '%g' % (xt + 360) if args.coords == 'C' and xt < 0 else '%g' % xt for xt in xts ] if xmin < 0. and xmax > 0. and (xmax - xmin) > 180.: xts = np.arange(np.floor(cxmin), np.ceil(cxmax + args.dmer), args.dmer)[1:-1] xtlbs = [] for xt in xts: cval = xt - 180. if xt < 0: cval = 180. + xt if cval == -180: cval = 180 if args.isMoon or args.isSun: cval -= 180. if cval < -180.: cval += 360. elif args.coords == 'C' and cval < 0: cval += 360 xtlbs.append('%g' % (cval)) yts = np.arange(np.floor(ymin), np.ceil(ymax + args.dpar), args.dpar)[1:-1] if args.nogrid == False: ax.grid(color=textcolor) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(xts) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(xtlbs) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(yts) if args.preliminary: plt.text((xmin + xmax) / 2., ymin + 0.85 * (ymax - ymin), "PRELIMINARY", color=textcolor, alpha=0.8, fontdict={ "family": "sans-serif", "weight": "bold", "size": 28 }, horizontalalignment='center') # If TeVCat data are available, plot them if args.tevcat or args.tevcatLabels: if haveTeVCat: try: if args.tevcat: tevcat = TeVCat.TeVCat(args.tevcat) elif args.tevcatLabels: tevcat = TeVCat.TeVCat(args.tevcatLabels) except IOError as e: print(e) print("Downloading data from") tevcat = TeVCat.TeVCat() except: print("Why caught here?") print("Downloading data from") tevcat = TeVCat.TeVCat() cRot = hp.Rotator(coord=["C", coords[-1]]) tnside = 512 fpix = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(tnside)) for cId in (1, 2): catalog = tevcat.GetCatalog(cId) ra = catalog.GetRA() dec = catalog.GetDec() assoc = catalog.GetCanonicalName() cut = (assoc != 'Crab Pulsar') ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] assoc = assoc[cut] cpix = hp.ang2pix(tnside, np.pi * 0.5 - dec, ra) slpx = [] for sx, px in enumerate(cpix): fpix[px] += 1 if fpix[px] != 1: print("%s is a duplicate" % (assoc[sx])) slpx.append(sx) ra = np.delete(ra, slpx) dec = np.delete(dec, slpx) assoc = np.delete(assoc, slpx) y, x = cRot(np.pi * 0.5 - dec, ra) x = np.rad2deg(x) + frot x[(x > 180.)] -= 360. y = 90. - np.rad2deg(y) cut = (x > xmin) & (x < xmax) & (y > ymin) & (y < ymax) x = x[cut] y = y[cut] assoc = assoc[cut] ax.scatter(x, y, color=textcolor, facecolors="none", marker="s") if args.tevcatLabels: for r, d, s in zip(x, y, assoc): print(r, d, s) ax.text(r, d, s + ' .', color=textcolor, rotation=args.catLabelsAngle, fontdict={ 'family': 'sans-serif', 'size': args.catLabelsSize, 'weight': 'bold' }) else: print("Sorry, TeVCat could not be loaded.") # If Fermi data are available, plot them if args.fermicat: if haveFermi: fcat = None try: fcat = FGLCatalog.FGLCatalog(args.fermicat) aflag = fcat.GetAnalysisFlags() acut = (aflag == 0) # cut analysis errors flux = fcat.GetFlux1000() # 1-100 GeV flux dflx = fcat.GetFlux1000Error() # flux uncertainty fcut = dflx / flux < 0.5 # cut poorly measured srcs cuts = np.logical_and(acut, fcut) print('Using FGL') except: try: fcat = FHLCatalog.FHLCatalog(args.fermicat) cuts = (fcat.GetFlux() > 0.) # Dummy cut print('Using FHL') except: print('Fermi catalog could not be loaded!') if fcat != None: # Don't show TeV associations if plotting from TeVCat if args.tevcat or args.tevcatLabels: tcfg = fcat.GetTeVCatFlag() tcut = (tcfg == "N") | (tcfg == "C") cuts = np.logical_and(cuts, tcut) ra = fcat.GetRA()[cuts] dec = fcat.GetDec()[cuts] assoc = fcat.GetSourceName()[cuts] catnms = fcat.GetCatalogName()[cuts] for i in xrange(len(assoc)): if assoc[i] == '': assoc[i] = catnms[i] cRot = hp.Rotator(coord=["C", coords[-1]]) y, x = cRot(np.pi * 0.5 - dec, ra) x = np.rad2deg(x) + frot x[(x > 180.)] -= 360. y = 90. - np.rad2deg(y) cut = (x > xmin) & (x < xmax) & (y > ymin) & (y < ymax) x = x[cut] y = y[cut] assoc = assoc[cut] ax.scatter(x, y, color=textcolor, facecolors="none", marker="o") if args.fermicatLabels: for r, d, s in zip(x, y, assoc): ax.text(r, d, s, color=textcolor, rotation=args.catLabelsAngle, fontdict={ 'family': 'sans-serif', 'size': args.catLabelsSize, 'weight': 'bold' }) else: print("Sorry, the Fermi xFGL catalog could not be loaded.") # If a hotspot list is given, plot it if args.hotspots: fhot = open(args.hotspots, "r") ra = [] dec = [] assoc = [] for line in fhot: if line.startswith("#"): continue larr = line.strip().split() ra.append(float(larr[1])) dec.append(float(larr[2])) assoc.append(larr[4]) ra = np.deg2rad(ra) dec = np.deg2rad(dec) assoc = np.array(assoc) cRot = hp.Rotator(coord=["C", coords[-1]]) y, x = cRot(np.pi * 0.5 - dec, ra) x = np.rad2deg(x) + frot x[(x > 180.)] -= 360. y = 90. - np.rad2deg(y) cut = (x > xmin) & (x < xmax) & (y > ymin) & (y < ymax) x = x[cut] y = y[cut] assoc = assoc[cut] ax.scatter(x, y, color=textcolor, facecolors="none", marker="o") if args.hotspotLabels: for r, d, s in zip(x, y, assoc): print(r, d, s) ax.text(r, d, s + ' .', color=textcolor, rotation=90, fontdict={ 'family': 'sans-serif', 'size': 8, 'weight': 'bold' }) # If a gaussian fit file is given, plot it if args.gaussfit: gfit = open(args.gaussfit, "r") ra, raErr = [float(i) for i in] dec, decErr = [float(i) for i in] raW, raWErr = [float(i) for i in] decW, decWErr = [float(i) for i in] gfit.close() mrot = -180. if args.isMoon or args.isSun else 0. cRot = hp.Rotator(coord=["C", coords[-1]]) y, x = cRot(np.pi * 0.5 - np.deg2rad(dec), np.deg2rad(ra + mrot)) x = np.rad2deg(x) + frot x = x - 360. if x > 180. else x y = 90. - np.rad2deg(y) ellip0 = Ellipse((x, y), width=2 * raW, height=2 * decW, edgecolor='black', facecolor='None') ax.add_patch(ellip0) ax.scatter(x, y, s=20, color='black', facecolors="black", marker="o") print(x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) ax.text( x - 1, y + 1, "%s=%.02f$\pm$%.02f\n$\Delta\delta$=%.02f$\pm$%.02f\n%s=%.02f$\pm$%.02f\n$\sigma_\delta$=%.02f$\pm$%.02f" % (r"$\Delta\alpha$", ra, raErr, dec, decErr, r"$\sigma_\alpha$", raW, raWErr, decW, decWErr), color=textcolor, rotation=0, fontdict={"size": 12}) # Set up the color bar # Setup color tick marks if args.colorbar: cticks = args.ticks if args.ticks == None: if (dMax - dMin) > 3: clrmin = np.floor(dMin) clrmax = np.ceil(dMax) ctspc = np.round((clrmax - clrmin) / 10.) if ctspc == 0.: ctspc = 1. if clrmin < 0 and clrmax > 0: cticks = -np.arange(0, -clrmin, ctspc) cticks = np.sort( np.unique( np.append(cticks, np.arange(0, clrmax, ctspc)))) else: cticks = np.arange(clrmin, clrmax + ctspc, ctspc) else: cticks = None cb = fig.colorbar( imgp, orientation="horizontal", shrink=0.85, fraction=0.1, #aspect=25, pad=0.1, ax=ax, ticks=cticks) if args.label: skymapName = args.label else: if re.match("significance", skymapName): skymapName = r"significance [$\sigma$]" if args.gumbel: skymapName = "log10(P-Value)" if args.colorbar: cb.set_label(skymapName) xlabel = r"$\alpha$ [$^\circ$]" ylabel = r"$\delta$ [$^\circ$]" # Set up the color bar and tick axis if args.coords == "G": xlabel = r"$l$ [$^\circ$]" ylabel = r"$b$ [$^\circ$]" if args.isMoon or args.isSun: xlabel = r"$\Delta\alpha$" ylabel = r"$\Delta\delta$" # X axis label ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, color='k') # Y axis label ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, color='k') # Title if args.title != None: ax.set_title(args.title.replace("\\n", "\n"), color='k') if args.cross: # Indicate the center of the plot with a thick black cross ax.scatter(xC, yC, s=20**2, marker="+", facecolor="#000000", color="#000000") ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.set_xlim(cxmax, cxmin) if args.squareaspect: plt.axes().set_aspect(1. / cos((ymax + ymin) / 2 * pi / 180)) # Either output the image to a file and quit or plot it in a window if args.output: if not args.nofill: fig.savefig(args.output, dpi=300) else: fig.savefig(args.output, dpi=300, transparent=True) else: from scipy.optimize import leastsq fitfunc = lambda p, x: p[0] * np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - p[1]) / p[2])**2) + p[3] errfunc = lambda p, x, y: (y - fitfunc(p, x)) n, bins, patches = plt.hist(values[seenpix], bins=int(np.sqrt(len(seenpix))), label="Data") init = [1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] print(len(n), len(bins)) out = leastsq(errfunc, init, args=(bins[:-1], n)) c = out[0] print(c) plt.plot(bins[:-1], fitfunc(c, bins[:-1]), '--', label="Calculated") c[1] = 0. c[2] = 1. plt.plot(bins[:-1], fitfunc(c, bins[:-1]), '--', label="Expected") plt.xlabel("$\sqrt{TS}$") plt.legend() plt.savefig("TS_distribution.pdf") plt.savefig("TS_distribution.png") plt.savefig("TS_distribution.eps")
xmin, xmax = r[0, 0, 0, 0] * 100, r[-1, 0, 0, 0] * 100 ymin, ymax = r[0, 0, 0, 1] * 100, r[0, -1, 0, 1] * 100 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = fig.gca() plt.imshow(np.abs(P[0][:, :, / 2))].T), extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax],'viridis'), interpolation='spline16') # plt.imshow(np.abs(Mr[:, :,].T), # extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax], #'viridis'))#, interpolation='spline16') plt.xlabel(r'$x$ (cm)') plt.ylabel(r'$y$ (cm)') ellipse = Ellipse((focus[0] * 100, focus[1] * 100), 2 * radius[0] * 100, 2 * radius[1] * 100, linewidth=1, fill=False, zorder=2) ax.add_patch(ellipse) cbar = plt.colorbar()'Pressure (MPa)') fig.savefig('results/H101_scatter.png') plt.close() # from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(211, aspect='auto') # # ax.fill(x, y, alpha=0.2, facecolor='yellow', # # edgecolor='yellow', linewidth=1, zorder=1) # e1 = Ellipse((-0.5, -0.5), 0.2, .1,
ax2.set_xlabel(r'Relative strength of inhibition $g$') ax2.set_ylabel(r'Relative strength of external drive $\eta$') ax3.set_xlabel('Generation') ax3.set_ylabel('Fitness') # raster plot ax1.plot(espikes['times'], espikes['senders'], ls='', marker='.') # search distributions and individuals for mu, sigma in zip(optimization_result['mu_history'], optimization_result['sigma_history']): ellipse = Ellipse(xy=mu, width=2 * sigma[0], height=2 * sigma[1], alpha=0.5, fc='k') ellipse.set_clip_box(ax2.bbox) ax2.add_artist(ellipse) ax2.plot(optimization_result['mu_history'][:, 0], optimization_result['mu_history'][:, 1], marker='.', color='k', alpha=0.5) for generation in optimization_result['pop_history']: ax2.scatter(generation[:, 0], generation[:, 1]) # fitness over generations ax3.errorbar(np.arange(len(optimization_result['fitness_history'])), np.mean(optimization_result['fitness_history'], axis=1),
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131), 5), range(1, 5), color='red', edgecolor='black', hatch="/"), 5), [6] * 4, bottom=range(1, 5), color='blue', edgecolor='black', hatch='//') ax1.set_xticks([1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5]) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132) bars =,5), range(1,5), color='yellow', ecolor='black') + \, 5), [6] * 4, bottom=range(1,5), color='green', ecolor='black') ax2.set_xticks([1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5]) patterns = ('-', '+', 'x', '\\', '*', 'o', 'O', '.') for bar, pattern in zip(bars, patterns): bar.set_hatch(pattern) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133) ax3.fill([1, 3, 3, 1], [1, 1, 2, 2], fill=False, hatch='\\') ax3.add_patch(Ellipse((4, 1.5), 4, 0.5, fill=False, hatch='*')) ax3.add_patch( Polygon([[0, 0], [4, 1.1], [6, 2.5], [2, 1.4]], closed=True, fill=False, hatch='/')) ax3.set_xlim((0, 6)) ax3.set_ylim((0, 2.5))
def redraw(self): if self.YcomboBox.currentText() == self.XcomboBox.currentText(): QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', "You have to choose different parameters!", QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok) return () res = FIT.getres() Mod = FIT.getmodel() p = FIT.getp() jac = FIT.getjac() fig = Figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) vcol = ['red'] * len(res) ind = range(1, len(res) + 1) ix = self.XcomboBox.currentIndex() iy = self.YcomboBox.currentIndex() if self.ellradioButton.isChecked(): def eigsorted(cov): vals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(cov) order = vals.argsort()[::-1] return vals[order], vecs[:, order] pos = (p[ix], p[iy]) s2 = res.var() cov = np.linalg.inv(, jac)) * s2 cov = cov[np.ix_([ix, iy], [ix, iy])] vals, vecs = eigsorted(cov) theta = np.degrees(np.arctan2(*vecs[:, 0][::-1])) width, height = 2 * np.sqrt(vals) ellip = Ellipse(xy=pos, width=width, height=height, angle=theta, fill=False) ax.add_artist(ellip) ax.set_xlim([ p[ix] - 4 * np.sqrt(cov[0, 0]), p[ix] + 4 * np.sqrt(cov[0, 0]) ]) ax.set_ylim([ p[iy] - 4 * np.sqrt(cov[1, 1]), p[iy] + 4 * np.sqrt(cov[1, 1]) ]) ax.scatter(p[ix], p[iy], color='red', marker='o') ax.set_xlabel(self.XcomboBox.currentText()) ax.set_ylabel(self.YcomboBox.currentText()) elif self.resradioButton.isChecked(): if self.CcheckBox.isChecked(): vcol = DS.getCr() ax.hist(res, bins=10, orientation=u'horizontal', fc=(0, 0, 1, 0.5)) ax.scatter(ind, res, color=vcol, marker='o') ax.set_ylabel('Residuals') ax.set_xlabel('Object Index') if self.VcheckBox.isChecked(): for txt in enumerate(DS.getLr()): ax.annotate(txt, (ind, res)) elif self.surradioButton.isChecked(): def fun(p1, p2): pi = p pi[ix] = p1 pi[iy] = p2 return sum((model(pi, x) - y)**2) / 2 def model(p, x): if Mod == 0: return p[0] * x**3 + p[1] * x**2 + p[2] * x + p[3] elif Mod == 1: return p[0] * x**2 + p[1] * x + p[2] elif Mod == 2: return p[0] * x + p[1] elif Mod == 3: return p[0] * np.exp(p[1] * x) elif Mod == 4: return p[0] * np.exp(p[1] / (p[2] + x)) elif Mod == 5: return p[0] * np.exp(-p[1] / x) elif Mod == 6: return p[0] * np.log(p[1] * x) elif Mod == 7: return p[0] * x**(p[1]) elif Mod == 8: return p[0] / (1 + p[1] * x) elif Mod == 9: return p[0] / (1 + p[1] * x**2) elif Mod == 10: return p[0] / (1 + np.exp(-p[1] * x)) elif Mod == 11: return p[0] * (x**2 + p[1] * x) / (x**2 + p[2] * x + p[3]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) npts = 60 s2 = res.var() x = FIT.getx() y = FIT.gety() cov = np.linalg.inv(, jac)) * s2 cov = cov[np.ix_([ix, iy], [ix, iy])] pcx = p[ix] pcy = p[iy] pxi = np.linspace(pcx - 4 * np.sqrt(cov[0, 0]), pcx + 4 * np.sqrt(cov[0, 0]), npts) pyi = np.linspace(pcy - 4 * np.sqrt(cov[1, 1]), pcy + 4 * np.sqrt(cov[1, 1]), npts) px = [pcx] py = [pcy] pz = [fun(pcx, pcy)] for i in range(npts): for j in range(npts): px.append(pxi[i]) py.append(pyi[j]) pz.append(fun(pxi[i], pyi[j])) px = np.array(px) py = np.array(py) pz = np.array(pz) pzi = plt.mlab.griddata(px, py, pz, pxi, pyi, interp='linear') plt.contour(pxi, pyi, pzi, 15, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') plt.contourf(pxi, pyi, pzi, 15, plt.colorbar() ax.scatter(pcx, pcy, color='red', marker='o') ax.set_xlabel(self.XcomboBox.currentText()) ax.set_ylabel(self.YcomboBox.currentText()) ax.set_xlim([px.min(), px.max()]) ax.set_ylim([py.min(), py.max()]) if self.XcheckBox.isChecked(): if self.XlineEdit.text(): ax.set_xlabel(self.XlineEdit.text()) else: ax.set_xlabel('') if self.YcheckBox.isChecked(): if self.YlineEdit.text(): ax.set_ylabel(self.YlineEdit.text()) else: ax.set_ylabel('') if self.XGcheckBox.isChecked(): ax.xaxis.grid(True) if self.YGcheckBox.isChecked(): ax.yaxis.grid(True) if self.TlineEdit.text(): ax.set_title(self.TlineEdit.text()) if not self.XMcheckBox.isChecked(): ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', labelbottom='off') if not self.YMcheckBox.isChecked(): ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left='off', right='off', labelleft='off') self.rmmpl() self.addmpl(fig)
def plot(means, sigmas, values, shape=None, axes=None, flip_y=None, alpha_global=1.0): """ :param means: :param sigmas: :param values: :param shape: :param axes: :param flip_y: If not None, interpreted as the max y value. y values in the scatterplot are flipped so that the max is equal to zero and vice versa. :return: """ b, n, d = means.size() means =[0, :, :].cpu().numpy() sigmas =[0, :].cpu().numpy() values = nn.functional.tanh(values).data[0, :].cpu().numpy() if flip_y is not None: means[:, 0] = flip_y - means[:, 0] norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0) cmap = map =, cmap=cmap) if axes is None: axes = plt.gca() colors = [] for i in range(n): color = map.to_rgba(values[i]) alpha = min(0.8, max(0.05, ( (sigmas[i, 0] * sigmas[i, 0]) + 1.0)**-2)) * alpha_global axes.add_patch( Ellipse((means[i, 1], means[i, 0]), width=sigmas[i, 1], height=sigmas[i, 0], color=color, alpha=alpha, linewidth=0)) colors.append(color) axes.scatter(means[:, 1], means[:, 0], s=5, c=colors, zorder=100, linewidth=0, edgecolor='k', alpha=alpha_global) if shape is not None: m = max(shape) step = 1 if m < 100 else m // 25 # gray points for the integer index tuples x, y = np.mgrid[0:shape[0]:step, 0:shape[1]:step] axes.scatter(x.ravel(), y.ravel(), c='k', s=5, marker='D', zorder=-100, linewidth=0, alpha=0.1 * alpha_global) axes.spines['right'].set_visible(False) axes.spines['top'].set_visible(False) axes.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) axes.spines['left'].set_visible(False)
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() config.optionxform = str param1, param2 = config.get('confEllipse', 'params').split(',') confLevel = config.getint('confEllipse', 'confLevel') angle = config.getfloat('confEllipse', 'angle') xcenter = config.getfloat('confEllipse', 'xcenter') ycenter = config.getfloat('confEllipse', 'ycenter') width = config.getfloat('confEllipse', 'width') height = config.getfloat('confEllipse', 'height') e = Ellipse((xcenter, ycenter), width, height, angle=angle,, fill=False, label=dataLabel) ax.add_patch(e) ax.plot(xcenter, ycenter, 'r*') ax.set_xlabel(labels[param1], fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(labels[param2], fontsize=fontsize) # Hard coded again ax.set_xlim([0.1185, 0.1210]) ax.set_ylim([-1.15, -0.85]) ax.set_title('Joint constraint (' + CL[confLevel] + ' CL) on ' + labels[param1] + ' and ' + labels[param2],
Iscat = hdulist[0].data hdr = hdulist[0].header nx, ny = hdr['NAXIS1'], hdr['NAXIS2'] cellsize = 12.26 * 1e-3 # in arcseconds (based on IRDIS plate scale) RA, DEC = np.meshgrid(cellsize*(np.arange(nx)-0.5*nx+0.5), \ cellsize*(np.arange(ny)-0.5*ny+0.5)) ext = (np.max(RA), np.min(RA), np.min(DEC), np.max(DEC)) norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=0, vmax=85, stretch=LinearStretch()) im = ax0.imshow(Iscat, origin='lower', cmap='afmhot', extent=ext, aspect='equal', norm=norm) beam = Ellipse( (xlims[0] + 0.08 * np.diff(xlims), xlims[1] - 0.06 * np.diff(xlims)), 0.037, 0.037, 0.) beam.set_facecolor('w') ax0.add_artist(beam) # scale bar barAU = 10. xbarr = xlims[1] - 0.09 * np.diff(xlims) xbarl = xbarr + barAU / 165.3 ybar = xlims[1] - 0.09 * np.diff(xlims) ax0.plot([xbarr, xbarl], [ybar, ybar], '-w', lw=1) xlims = [0.7, -0.7] ylims = [-0.7, 0.7] ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) ax1.set_xlim(xlims)
def Fat_Vis(Fat, Fatp): # if __name__ == "__main__": from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse el = Ellipse((0, 0), 10, 20, facecolor='r', alpha=0.5) ###==============Less charaterization==============#### pos1 = 10 pos2 = 20 wd = [[pos1, pos1], [pos2, pos2]] plt.fill_between([2, 5], wd[0], wd[1], color=alizarin[7]) plt.fill_between([6, 13], wd[0], wd[1], color=emerald[8]) plt.fill_between([14, 17], wd[0], wd[1], color=green_sea[7]) plt.fill_between([18, 24], wd[0], wd[1], color=turquoise[6]) plt.fill_between([25, 35], wd[0], wd[1], color=orange[5]) plt.fill_between([36, 60], wd[0], wd[1], color=pomegranate[8]) sz = 12 up = wd[0][0] + 11 down = wd[0][0] - 2 plt.annotate("2", xy=([2, down]), size=sz, weight='bold') plt.annotate("6", xy=([6, down]), size=sz, weight='bold') plt.annotate("14", xy=([14, down]), size=sz, weight='bold') plt.annotate("18", xy=([18, down]), size=sz, weight='bold') plt.annotate("25", xy=([25, down]), size=sz, weight='bold') plt.annotate("35", xy=([35, down]), size=sz, weight='bold') plt.annotate("50", xy=([50, down]), size=sz, weight='bold') plt.annotate('Current Body Fat: {}%'.format(Fat), xy=(Fat, up + 2), xycoords='data', xytext=(-100, up + 20), textcoords='offset points', size=18, va="center", bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc=(0.7, 0.9, 1), ec="none"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="wedge,tail_width=1.", fc=(0.7, 0.9, 1), ec="none", patchA=None, patchB=el, relpos=(0.2, 0.5))) plt.annotate('After one year: {}%'.format(Fatp), xy=(Fatp, down), xycoords='data', xytext=(-50, down - 80), textcoords='offset points', size=18, va="bottom", ha='left', bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc=(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), ec="none"), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="wedge,tail_width=1.", fc=(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), ec="none", patchA=None, patchB=el, relpos=(0.2, 0.5))) plt.plot(Fat, 21, 'v', color=(0.7, 0.9, 1), markersize=15, alpha=0.4) plt.plot(Fatp, 9, '^k', markersize=15, alpha=0.3) sz = 10.5 plt.annotate("Essential", xy=([3, 17.5]), rotation=90, color='w', size=sz, weight='bold') plt.annotate("Athlete", xy=([9, 17]), rotation=90, color='w', size=sz, weight='bold') plt.annotate("Fitness", xy=([15, 17]), rotation=90, color='w', size=sz, weight='bold') plt.annotate("Average", xy=([21, 17]), rotation=90, color='w', size=sz, weight='bold') plt.annotate("Overweight", xy=([29, 17.5]), rotation=90, color='w', size=sz, weight='bold') plt.annotate("Obese", xy=([43, 15]), rotation=90, color='w', size=sz, weight='bold') plt.xlim([0, 60]) plt.ylim([0, 35]) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig("Body_Fat_Vis.jpeg", dpi=400, bbox_inches='tight')
ar = 3 #se definen las coordenadas de la Antena B bx = d by = 0 #se define la cobertura Antena B br = 3 #se definen las coordenadas de la Antena C cx = i cy = j #se define la cobertura de la Antena c cr = 3 #grafica fig = plt.figure() a = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') #################antena1##################### e1 = Ellipse(xy=(ax, ay), width=ar*2, height=ar*2, angle=0) e1.set_clip_box(a.bbox) e1.set_color('green') e1.set_alpha(0.1) a.add_patch(e1) a.annotate("Antena A", xy=(ax, ay), xycoords='data', xytext=(ax-6, ay+6), textcoords='data', arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", connectionstyle="arc3"), ) a.plot(ax,ay, "g^", mew=2, ms=12) a.add_artist(e1) #####################antena2#################### e2 = Ellipse(xy=(bx, by), width=br*2, height=br*2, angle=0) e2.set_clip_box(a.bbox)
def render(self, ctx): """ Render the node. :param ctx: The :class:`_rendering_context` object. """ # Get the axes and default plotting parameters from the rendering # context. ax = # Resolve the plotting parameters. p = dict(self.plot_params) p["lw"] = _pop_multiple(p, ctx.line_width, "lw", "linewidth") p["ec"] = p["edgecolor"] = _pop_multiple(p, ctx.node_ec, "ec", "edgecolor") p["fc"] = _pop_multiple(p, "none", "fc", "facecolor") fc = p["fc"] p["alpha"] = p.get("alpha", 1) # And the label parameters. if self.label_params is None: l = dict(ctx.label_params) else: l = dict(self.label_params) l["va"] = _pop_multiple(l, "center", "va", "verticalalignment") l["ha"] = _pop_multiple(l, "center", "ha", "horizontalalignment") # Deal with ``fixed`` nodes. scale = self.scale if self.fixed: # MAGIC: These magic numbers should depend on the grid/node units. self.offset[1] += 6 l["va"] = "baseline" l.pop("verticalalignment", None) l.pop("ma", None) if p["fc"] == "none": p["fc"] = "k" diameter = ctx.node_unit * scale if self.aspect is not None: aspect = self.aspect else: aspect = ctx.aspect self.artistTree = Tree() # Set up an observed node. Note the fc INSANITY. if self.observed: # Update the plotting parameters depending on the style of # observed node. h = float(diameter) w = aspect * float(diameter) if ctx.observed_style == "shaded": p["fc"] = "0.7" elif ctx.observed_style == "outer": h = diameter + 0.1 * diameter w = aspect * diameter + 0.1 * diameter elif ctx.observed_style == "inner": h = diameter - 0.1 * diameter w = aspect * diameter - 0.1 * diameter p["fc"] = fc # Draw the background ellipse. bg = Ellipse(xy=ctx.convert(self.x, self.y), width=w, height=h, **p) ax.add_artist(bg) self.artistTree.add_branch(bg) # Reset the face color. p["fc"] = fc # Draw the foreground ellipse. if ctx.observed_style == "inner" and not self.fixed: p["fc"] = "none" self.artistTree.root = Ellipse(xy=ctx.convert(self.x, self.y), width=diameter * aspect, height=diameter, **p) ax.add_artist(self.artistTree.root) # Reset the face color. p["fc"] = fc # Annotate the node. an = ax.annotate(self.content, ctx.convert(self.x, self.y), xycoords="data", xytext=self.offset, textcoords="offset points", **l) self.artistTree.add_branch(an) return self.artistTree
axs[i, j].axis('off') else : submat = np.ix_([j, i+1], [j, i+1]) C1ii = np.linalg.inv(C3i[submat]) C2ii = np.linalg.inv(C4i[submat]) # C1ii = fish3[submat] # C2ii = fish2[submat] a = C1ii[0, 0]# b = 2*C1ii[0, 1]#A[1] c = C1ii[1, 1]#A[2] aux = np.sqrt((a-c)**2+b**2) aux2 = b**2-4*a*c ang = np.arctan((c-a-aux)/b)*180/np.pi w = -1/aux2*np.sqrt(-2*aux2*(a+c+aux)) h = -1/aux2*np.sqrt(-2*aux2*(a+c-aux)) ell1 = Ellipse((indx_c[j], indx_c[i+1]), w*1.52, h*1.52, ang, color = 'r', lw = 2., fill = False, linestyle = '--') ell2 = Ellipse((indx_c[j], indx_c[i+1]), w*2.48, h*2.48, ang, color = 'r', lw = 2., fill = False, linestyle = '--') a = C2ii[0, 0]# b = 2*C2ii[0, 1]#A[1] c = C2ii[1, 1]#A[2] aux = np.sqrt((a-c)**2+b**2) aux2 = b**2-4*a*c ang = np.arctan((c-a-aux)/b)*180/np.pi w = -1/aux2*np.sqrt(-2*aux2*(a+c+aux)) h = -1/aux2*np.sqrt(-2*aux2*(a+c-aux)) ell3 = Ellipse((indx_c[j], indx_c[i+1]), w*1.52, h*1.52, ang, alpha = 1) ell4 = Ellipse((indx_c[j], indx_c[i+1]), w*2.48, h*2.48, ang, alpha = 0.40) #linestyle = '--', axs[i, j].add_artist(ell3) axs[i, j].add_artist(ell4) axs[i, j].add_artist(ell1) axs[i, j].add_artist(ell2)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse NUM = 250 ells = [ Ellipse(xy=np.random.rand(2) * 10, width=np.random.rand(), height=np.random.rand(), angle=np.random.rand() * 360) for i in range(NUM) ] fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={'aspect': 'equal'}) for e in ells: ax.add_artist(e) e.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) e.set_alpha(np.random.rand()) e.set_facecolor(np.random.rand(3)) ax.set_xlim(0, 10) ax.set_ylim(0, 10) plt.savefig("ellipse.png")
def __init__(self, transform, width, height, angle, loc, pad=0.1, borderpad=0.1, prop=None, frameon=True, **kwargs): """ Draw an anchored ellipse of a given size. Parameters ---------- transform : `matplotlib.transforms.Transform` The transformation object for the coordinate system in use, i.e., :attr:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.transData`. width, height : int or float Width and height of the ellipse, given in coordinates of *transform*. angle : int or float Rotation of the ellipse, in degrees, anti-clockwise. loc : int Location of this size bar. Valid location codes are:: 'upper right' : 1, 'upper left' : 2, 'lower left' : 3, 'lower right' : 4, 'right' : 5, 'center left' : 6, 'center right' : 7, 'lower center' : 8, 'upper center' : 9, 'center' : 10 pad : int or float, optional Padding around the ellipse, in fraction of the font size. Defaults to 0.1. borderpad : int or float, optional Border padding, in fraction of the font size. Defaults to 0.1. frameon : bool, optional If True, draw a box around the ellipse. Defaults to True. prop : `matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties`, optional Font property used as a reference for paddings. **kwargs : Keyworded arguments to pass to :class:`matplotlib.offsetbox.AnchoredOffsetbox`. Attributes ---------- ellipse : `matplotlib.patches.Ellipse` Ellipse patch drawn. """ self._box = AuxTransformBox(transform) self.ellipse = Ellipse((0, 0), width, height, angle) self._box.add_artist(self.ellipse) AnchoredOffsetbox.__init__(self, loc, pad=pad, borderpad=borderpad, child=self._box, prop=prop, frameon=frameon, **kwargs)
def plot_ellipses(m_res, l_res, w_res, al_res, m_prior, l_prior, w_prior, al_prior, m_meas, l_meas, w_meas, al_meas, m_gt, l_gt, w_gt, al_gt, name, filename, est_color='red'): """ Plot the estimated, prior, measured, and ground truth ellipses and save the plot :param m_res: Center of estimated ellipse :param l_res: Semi-axis length of estimated ellipse :param w_res: Semi-axis width of estimated ellipse :param al_res: Orientation of estimated ellipse :param m_prior: Center of prior ellipse :param l_prior: Semi-axis length of prior ellipse :param w_prior: Semi-axis width of prior ellipse :param al_prior: Orientation of prior ellipse :param m_meas: Center of measured ellipse :param l_meas: Semi-axis length of measured ellipse :param w_meas: Semi-axis width of measured ellipse :param al_meas: Orientation of measured ellipse :param m_gt: Center of ground truth ellipse :param l_gt: Semi-axis length of ground truth ellipse :param w_gt: Semi-axis width of ground truth ellipse :param al_gt: Orientation of ground truth ellipse :param name: Name of the approach :param filename: Name of the file the plot is to be saved in :param est_color: Color for plotting the estimated ellipse """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) el_gt = Ellipse((m_gt[0], m_gt[1]), 2 * l_gt, 2 * w_gt, np.rad2deg(al_gt), fill=True, linewidth=2.0) el_gt.set_alpha(0.7) el_gt.set_fc('grey') el_gt.set_ec('grey') ax.add_artist(el_gt) ela_final = Ellipse((m_prior[0], m_prior[1]), 2 * l_prior, 2 * w_prior, np.rad2deg(al_prior), fill=False, linewidth=2.0) ela_final.set_alpha(0.7) ela_final.set_ec('mediumpurple') ax.add_artist(ela_final) elb_final = Ellipse((m_meas[0], m_meas[1]), 2 * l_meas, 2 * w_meas, np.rad2deg(al_meas), fill=False, linewidth=2.0) elb_final.set_alpha(0.7) elb_final.set_ec('darkturquoise') ax.add_artist(elb_final) el_res = Ellipse((m_res[0], m_res[1]), 2 * l_res, 2 * w_res, np.rad2deg(al_res), fill=False, linewidth=2.0) el_res.set_alpha(0.9) el_res.set_ec(est_color) ax.add_artist(el_res) plt.axis([-10, 10, -10, 10]) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_title(name) plt.xlabel('x in m') plt.ylabel('y in m') plt.savefig(filename)
def plot_covariance_ellipse(mean, cov=None, variance=1.0, std=None, ellipse=None, title=None, axis_equal=True, facecolor='none', edgecolor='#004080', alpha=1.0, xlim=None, ylim=None): """ plots the covariance ellipse where mean is a (x,y) tuple for the mean of the covariance (center of ellipse) cov is a 2x2 covariance matrix. variance is the normal sigma^2 that we want to plot. If list-like, ellipses for all ellipses will be ploted. E.g. [1,2] will plot the sigma^2 = 1 and sigma^2 = 2 ellipses. ellipse is a (angle,width,height) tuple containing the angle in radians, and width and height radii. You may provide either cov or ellipse, but not both. is not called, allowing you to plot multiple things on the same figure. """ assert cov is None or ellipse is None assert not (cov is None and ellipse is None) if cov is not None: ellipse = covariance_ellipse(cov) if axis_equal: plt.axis('equal') if title is not None: plt.title(title) compute_std = False if std is None: std = variance compute_std = True if np.isscalar(std): std = [std] if compute_std: std = np.sqrt(np.asarray(std)) ax = plt.gca() angle = np.degrees(ellipse[0]) width = ellipse[1] * 2. height = ellipse[2] * 2. for sd in std: e = Ellipse(xy=mean, width=sd * width, height=sd * height, angle=angle, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, alpha=alpha, lw=2) ax.add_patch(e) plt.scatter(mean[0], mean[1], marker='+') # mark the center if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(ylim)