Esempio n. 1
def mask_from_via_annotation(
    df, filename_via=None, shape=None, fn_full=None, dtype=np.uint8
    Generate mask from VGG Image Annotator (VIA).

    :param df: pandas dataframe generated by VIA by CSV export.
    :param fn_full: full file name of input image it can be used to generate filename_via and shape
    :param filename_via: filename used in dataframe to identify image
    :param shape: shape of output mask. It can be obtained by reading input image based on fn_full
    :param dtype: dtype of output mask
    :return: np.ndimage with mask

    if filename_via is None:
        filename_via =
    if shape is None:
        img =, as_gray=True)
        shape = [img.shape[0], img.shape[1]]
    ln = np.sum(df[df["filename"] == filename_via].region_shape_attributes != "{}")

    mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype)
    for annotation_id in range(ln):
        #         print("-----------------")
        #         print(annotation_id, ln)
        dfrsa = df[df["filename"] == filename_via].region_shape_attributes.values
        #         print("len and dfrsa", len(dfrsa), " | ", dfrsa)
        region_shape_attributes = json.loads(
            df[df["filename"] == filename_via].region_shape_attributes.values[

        #     plt.imshow(img, cmap="gray")
        polygon_x = region_shape_attributes["all_points_x"]
        polygon_y = region_shape_attributes["all_points_y"]
        logger.debug(f"{annotation_id}, {polygon_x[:3]}, {polygon_y[:3]}")

        polygon = list(zip(polygon_y, polygon_x))
        poly_path = mplPath(polygon)
        x, y = np.mgrid[: shape[0], : shape[1]]
        coors = np.hstack(
            (x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1))
        )  # coors.shape is (4000000,2)

        mask_i = poly_path.contains_points(coors)
        mask_i = mask_i.reshape([shape[0], shape[1]]).astype(np.uint8)
        #     mask_i = mask.reshape(img.shape[:-1])
        mask += mask_i
    #         mask[mask_i] = 255
    #     plot(region_shape_attributes["all_points_x"],region_shape_attributes["all_points_y"])
    return mask
Esempio n. 2
def polygonsOverlap(poly1, poly2):
    """Determine if two polygons intersect; can fail for very pointy polygons.

    Accepts two polygons, as lists of vertices (x,y) pairs. If given an object
    with with (vertices + pos), will try to use that as the polygon.

    Checks if any vertex of one polygon is inside the other polygon. Same as
    the `.overlaps()` method elsewhere.
    try:  # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
        poly1 = poly1.verticesPix  # we want to access this only once
    except Exception:
    try:  # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
        poly2 = poly2.verticesPix  # we want to access this only once
    except Exception:
    # faster if have matplotlib tools:
    if haveMatplotlib:
        if matplotlib.__version__ > '1.2':
            if any(mplPath(poly1).contains_points(poly2)):
                return True
            return any(mplPath(poly2).contains_points(poly1))
            try:  # deprecated in matplotlib 1.2
                if any(nxutils.points_inside_poly(poly1, poly2)):
                    return True
                return any(nxutils.points_inside_poly(poly2, poly1))
            except Exception:

    # fall through to pure python:
    for p1 in poly1:
        if pointInPolygon(p1[0], p1[1], poly2):
            return True
    for p2 in poly2:
        if pointInPolygon(p2[0], p2[1], poly1):
            return True
    return False
Esempio n. 3
def polygonsOverlap(poly1, poly2):
    """Determine if two polygons intersect; can fail for very pointy polygons.

    Accepts two polygons, as lists of vertices (x,y) pairs. If given an object
    with with (vertices + pos), will try to use that as the polygon.

    Checks if any vertex of one polygon is inside the other polygon. Same as
    the `.overlaps()` method elsewhere.
    try:  # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
        poly1 = poly1.verticesPix  # we want to access this only once
    except Exception:
    try:  # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
        poly2 = poly2.verticesPix  # we want to access this only once
    except Exception:
    # faster if have matplotlib tools:
    if haveMatplotlib:
        if matplotlib.__version__ > '1.2':
            if any(mplPath(poly1).contains_points(poly2)):
                return True
            return any(mplPath(poly2).contains_points(poly1))
            try:  # deprecated in matplotlib 1.2
                if any(nxutils.points_inside_poly(poly1, poly2)):
                    return True
                return any(nxutils.points_inside_poly(poly2, poly1))
            except Exception:

    # fall through to pure python:
    for p1 in poly1:
        if pointInPolygon(p1[0], p1[1], poly2):
            return True
    for p2 in poly2:
        if pointInPolygon(p2[0], p2[1], poly1):
            return True
    return False
Esempio n. 4
def load_annotated_dataset(csv_file_path, images_directory_path):
    csv_path = Path(csv_file_path)
    df = pd.read_csv(csv_path)

    originals = []
    masks = []
    i = 0

    for fn in df["filename"].unique():
        i += 1

        img_file_path = f"{images_directory_path}/{fn}"
        img =, as_gray=True)

        img_mask = np.zeros([img.shape[1], img.shape[0]])
        dirty = False

        for region in df[df["filename"] == fn].region_shape_attributes:
            region_shape_attributes = json.loads(region)

            # I found out, that CSV contains some strange areas
            if "all_points_x" not in region_shape_attributes or "all_points_y" not in region_shape_attributes:

            plt.imshow(img, cmap="gray")
            polygon_x = region_shape_attributes["all_points_x"]
            polygon_y = region_shape_attributes["all_points_y"]

            polygon = list(zip(polygon_y, polygon_x))
            poly_path = mplPath(polygon)
            x, y = np.mgrid[:img.shape[0], :img.shape[1]]
            coors = np.hstack((x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1)))

            mask = poly_path.contains_points(coors)
            mask = mask.reshape([img.shape[0], img.shape[1]])
            dirty = True

            img_mask = np.logical_xor(img_mask, mask)

        if dirty:
            plt.imshow(img, cmap="gray")

            plt.imshow(img_mask, cmap="gray")

    return originals, masks
Esempio n. 5
    def prepare_wave(self, prevOE, nrays):
        """Creates the beam arrays used in wave diffraction calculations.
        *prevOE* is the diffracting element: a descendant from
        :class:`~xrt.backends.raycing.apertures.RectangularAperture` or
        *nrays* of samples are randomly distributed over the slit area.
        from . import waves as rw

        nrays = int(nrays)
        wave = rs.Beam(nrays=nrays, forceState=1, withAmplitudes=True)

        dX = self.limOptX[1] - self.limOptX[0]
        dZ = self.limOptY[1] - self.limOptY[0]

        footprint = mplPath(self.vertices, closed=True)
        randRays = 0
        goodX = []
        goodY = []
        while randRays < nrays:
            xy = np.random.rand(nrays, 2)
            rndX = xy[:, 0] * dX + self.limOptX[0]
            rndY = xy[:, 1] * dZ + self.limOptY[0]
            inDots = footprint.contains_points(zip(rndX, rndY))
            goodX = rndX[inDots] if randRays == 0 else\
                np.append(goodX, rndX[inDots])
            goodY = rndY[inDots] if randRays == 0 else\
                np.append(goodY, rndY[inDots])
            randRays = len(goodX)
            if raycing._VERBOSITY_ > 10:
                print("Generated {0} dots of {1}".format(randRays, nrays))

        wave.x[:] = goodX[:nrays]
        wave.z[:] = goodY[:nrays]
        wave.area = 0.5 * np.abs(
      [:, 0], np.roll(self.vertices[:, 1], 1)) -
      [:, 1], np.roll(self.vertices[:, 0], 1)))
        wave.dS = wave.area / nrays
        wave.toOE = self

        glo = rs.Beam(copyFrom=wave)
        rw.prepare_wave(prevOE, wave, glo.x, glo.y, glo.z)
        return wave
Esempio n. 6
    def prepare_wave(self, prevOE, nrays):
        """Creates the beam arrays used in wave diffraction calculations.
        *prevOE* is the diffracting element: a descendant from
        :class:`~xrt.backends.raycing.apertures.RectangularAperture` or
        *nrays* of samples are randomly distributed over the slit area.
        from . import waves as rw

        nrays = int(nrays)
        wave = rs.Beam(nrays=nrays, forceState=1, withAmplitudes=True)

        dX = self.limOptX[1] - self.limOptX[0]
        dZ = self.limOptY[1] - self.limOptY[0]

        footprint = mplPath(self.vertices)
        randRays = 0
        goodX = []
        goodY = []
        while randRays < nrays:
            xy = np.random.rand(nrays, 2)
            rndX = xy[:, 0] * dX + self.limOptX[0]
            rndY = xy[:, 1] * dZ + self.limOptY[0]
            inDots = footprint.contains_points(list(zip(rndX, rndY)))
            goodX = rndX[inDots] if randRays == 0 else\
                np.append(goodX, rndX[inDots])
            goodY = rndY[inDots] if randRays == 0 else\
                np.append(goodY, rndY[inDots])
            randRays = len(goodX)
            if raycing._VERBOSITY_ > 10:
                print("Generated {0} dots of {1}".format(randRays, nrays))

        wave.x[:] = goodX[:nrays]
        wave.z[:] = goodY[:nrays]
        wave.area = 0.5 * np.abs(
  [:, 0], np.roll(self.vertices[:, 1], 1)) -
  [:, 1], np.roll(self.vertices[:, 0], 1)))
        wave.dS = wave.area / nrays
        wave.toOE = self

        glo = rs.Beam(copyFrom=wave)
        rw.prepare_wave(prevOE, wave, glo.x, glo.y, glo.z)
        return wave
Esempio n. 7
def pointInPolygon(x, y, poly):
    """Determine if a point is inside a polygon; returns True if inside.

    (`x`, `y`) is the point to test. `poly` is a list of 3 or more vertices
    as (x,y) pairs. If given an object, such as a `ShapeStim`, will try to
    use its vertices and position as the polygon.

    Same as the `.contains()` method elsewhere.
    try:  # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
        poly = poly.verticesPix  # we want to access this only once
    except Exception:
    nVert = len(poly)
    if nVert < 3:
        msg = 'pointInPolygon expects a polygon with 3 or more vertices'
        return False

    # faster if have matplotlib tools:
    if haveMatplotlib:
        if matplotlib.__version__ > '1.2':
            return mplPath(poly).contains_point([x, y])
                return bool(nxutils.pnpoly(x, y, poly))
            except Exception:

    # fall through to pure python:
    # adapted from
    # via

    inside = False
    # trace (horizontal?) rays, flip inside status if cross an edge:
    p1x, p1y = poly[-1]
    for p2x, p2y in poly:
        if y > min(p1y, p2y) and y <= max(p1y, p2y) and x <= max(p1x, p2x):
            if p1y != p2y:
                xints = (y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / (p2y - p1y) + p1x
            if p1x == p2x or x <= xints:
                inside = not inside
        p1x, p1y = p2x, p2y
    return inside
Esempio n. 8
def pointInPolygon(x, y, poly):
    """Determine if a point is inside a polygon; returns True if inside.

    (`x`, `y`) is the point to test. `poly` is a list of 3 or more vertices
    as (x,y) pairs. If given an object, such as a `ShapeStim`, will try to
    use its vertices and position as the polygon.

    Same as the `.contains()` method elsewhere.
    try:  # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
        poly = poly.verticesPix  # we want to access this only once
    except Exception:
    nVert = len(poly)
    if nVert < 3:
        msg = 'pointInPolygon expects a polygon with 3 or more vertices'
        return False

    # faster if have matplotlib tools:
    if haveMatplotlib:
        if parse_version(matplotlib.__version__) > parse_version('1.2'):
            return mplPath(poly).contains_point([x, y])
                return bool(nxutils.pnpoly(x, y, poly))
            except Exception:

    # fall through to pure python:
    # adapted from
    # via

    inside = False
    # trace (horizontal?) rays, flip inside status if cross an edge:
    p1x, p1y = poly[-1]
    for p2x, p2y in poly:
        if y > min(p1y, p2y) and y <= max(p1y, p2y) and x <= max(p1x, p2x):
            if p1y != p2y:
                xints = (y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / (p2y - p1y) + p1x
            if p1x == p2x or x <= xints:
                inside = not inside
        p1x, p1y = p2x, p2y
    return inside
Esempio n. 9
    def propagate(self, beam=None, needNewGlobal=False):
        """Assigns the "lost" value to *beam.state* array for the rays
        intercepted by the aperture. The "lost" value is
        ``-self.ordinalNum - 1000.``

        .. Returned values: beamLocal
        if is not None:
  , beam)
        good = beam.state > 0
        # beam in local coordinates
        lo = rs.Beam(copyFrom=beam)
        bl = if == 'auto' else
        raycing.global_to_virgin_local(bl, beam, lo,, good)
        path = -lo.y[good] / lo.b[good]
        lo.x[good] += lo.a[good] * path
        lo.z[good] += lo.c[good] * path
        lo.path[good] += path

        footprint = mplPath(self.vertices)
        badIndices = np.invert(
            footprint.contains_points(np.array(list(zip(lo.x, lo.z)))))
        beam.state[badIndices] = self.lostNum

        lo.state[good] = beam.state[good]
        lo.y[good] = 0.

        if hasattr(lo, 'Es'):
            propPhase = np.exp(1e7j * (lo.E[good] / CHBAR) * path)
            lo.Es[good] *= propPhase
            lo.Ep[good] *= propPhase

        if self.alarmLevel is not None:
            raycing.check_alarm(self, good, beam)
        if needNewGlobal:
            glo = rs.Beam(copyFrom=lo)
            raycing.virgin_local_to_global(, glo,, good)
            return glo, lo
            raycing.append_to_flow(self.propagate, [lo],
            return lo
Esempio n. 10
    def propagate(self, beam=None, needNewGlobal=False):
        """Assigns the "lost" value to *beam.state* array for the rays
        intercepted by the aperture. The "lost" value is
        ``-self.ordinalNum - 1000.``

        .. Returned values: beamLocal
        if is not None:
  , beam)
        good = beam.state > 0
# beam in local coordinates
        lo = rs.Beam(copyFrom=beam)
        raycing.global_to_virgin_local(, beam, lo,, good)
        path = -lo.y[good] / lo.b[good]
        lo.x[good] += lo.a[good] * path
        lo.z[good] += lo.c[good] * path
        lo.path[good] += path

        footprint = mplPath(self.vertices)
        badIndices = np.invert(footprint.contains_points(np.array(
                list(zip(lo.x, lo.z)))))
        beam.state[badIndices] = self.lostNum

        lo.state[good] = beam.state[good]
        lo.y[good] = 0.

        if hasattr(lo, 'Es'):
            propPhase = np.exp(1e7j * (lo.E[good]/CHBAR) * path)
            lo.Es[good] *= propPhase
            lo.Ep[good] *= propPhase

        if self.alarmLevel is not None:
            raycing.check_alarm(self, good, beam)
        if needNewGlobal:
            glo = rs.Beam(copyFrom=lo)
            raycing.virgin_local_to_global(, glo,, good)
            return glo, lo
            raycing.append_to_flow(self.propagate, [lo],
            return lo
Esempio n. 11
def gradient_fill(x, y, axes, color, flip=True):
    Plot a linear alpha gradient beneath x y values.
    Here, x and y are transposed due to the nature of DOS graphs.

    x, y : array-like
        The data values of the line.
    Additional arguments are passed on to matplotlib's ``plot`` function.

    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()
    xy = np.column_stack([x, y])
    if flip:
        z = np.empty((1, 100, 4), dtype=float)
        z[:, :, -1] = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)[None, :]
        rgb = matplotlib.colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(color)
        z[:, :, :3] = rgb
        im = axes.imshow(z,
                         extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax],
        path = np.vstack([[0, ymin], xy, [0, ymax], [0, 0], [0, 0]])
        z = np.empty((100, 1, 4), dtype=float)
        z[:, :, -1] = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)[:, None]
        rgb = matplotlib.colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(color)
        z[:, :, :3] = rgb
        im = axes.imshow(z,
                         extent=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax],
        path = np.vstack([[xmin, ymin], xy, [xmax, ymin], [xmin, ymin]])
    path = mplPath(path, closed=True)
    patch = PathPatch(path, facecolor="none", edgecolor="none")
    return axes
Esempio n. 12
def polygonsOverlap(poly1, poly2):
    """Determine if two polygons intersect; can fail for very pointy polygons.

    Accepts two polygons, as lists of vertices (x,y) pairs. If given an object
    with with (vertices + pos), will try to use that as the polygon.

    Checks if any vertex of one polygon is inside the other polygon. Same as
    the `.overlaps()` method elsewhere.


    We implement special handling for the `Line` stimulus as it is not a
    proper polygon.
    We do not check for class instances because this would require importing of
    `visual.Line`, creating a circular import. Instead, we assume that a
    "polygon" with only two vertices is meant to specify a line. Pixels between
    the endpoints get interpolated before testing for overlap.

    try:  # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
        if poly1.verticesPix.shape == (2, 2):  # Line
            # Interpolate pixels.
            x = np.arange(poly1.verticesPix[0, 0], poly1.verticesPix[1, 0] + 1)
            y = np.arange(poly1.verticesPix[0, 1], poly1.verticesPix[1, 1] + 1)
            poly1_vert_pix = np.column_stack((x, y))
            poly1_vert_pix = poly1.verticesPix
    except AttributeError:
        poly1_vert_pix = poly1

    try:  # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
        if poly2.verticesPix.shape == (2, 2):  # Line
            # Interpolate pixels.
            x = np.arange(poly2.verticesPix[0, 0], poly2.verticesPix[1, 0] + 1)
            y = np.arange(poly2.verticesPix[0, 1], poly2.verticesPix[1, 1] + 1)
            poly2_vert_pix = np.column_stack((x, y))
            poly2_vert_pix = poly2.verticesPix
    except AttributeError:
        poly2_vert_pix = poly2

    # faster if have matplotlib tools:
    if haveMatplotlib:
        if matplotlib.__version__ > '1.2':
            if any(mplPath(poly1_vert_pix).contains_points(poly2_vert_pix)):
                return True
            return any(mplPath(poly2_vert_pix).contains_points(poly1_vert_pix))
            try:  # deprecated in matplotlib 1.2
                if any(
                    return True
                return any(
                    nxutils.points_inside_poly(poly2_vert_pix, poly1_vert_pix))
            except Exception:

    # fall through to pure python:
    for p1 in poly1_vert_pix:
        if pointInPolygon(p1[0], p1[1], poly2_vert_pix):
            return True
    for p2 in poly2_vert_pix:
        if pointInPolygon(p2[0], p2[1], poly1_vert_pix):
            return True
    return False
Esempio n. 13
def polygonsOverlap(poly1, poly2):
    """Determine if two polygons intersect; can fail for very pointy polygons.

    Accepts two polygons, as lists of vertices (x,y) pairs. If given an object
    with with (vertices + pos), will try to use that as the polygon.

    Checks if any vertex of one polygon is inside the other polygon. Same as
    the `.overlaps()` method elsewhere.


    We implement special handling for the `Line` stimulus as it is not a
    proper polygon.
    We do not check for class instances because this would require importing of
    `visual.Line`, creating a circular import. Instead, we assume that a
    "polygon" with only two vertices is meant to specify a line. Pixels between
    the endpoints get interpolated before testing for overlap.

    try:  # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
        if poly1.verticesPix.shape == (2, 2):  # Line
            # Interpolate pixels.
            x = np.arange(poly1.verticesPix[0, 0],
                          poly1.verticesPix[1, 0] + 1)
            y = np.arange(poly1.verticesPix[0, 1],
                          poly1.verticesPix[1, 1] + 1)
            poly1_vert_pix = np.column_stack((x,y))
            poly1_vert_pix = poly1.verticesPix
    except AttributeError:
        poly1_vert_pix = poly1

    try:  # do this using try:...except rather than hasattr() for speed
        if poly2.verticesPix.shape == (2, 2):  # Line
            # Interpolate pixels.
            x = np.arange(poly2.verticesPix[0, 0],
                          poly2.verticesPix[1, 0] + 1)
            y = np.arange(poly2.verticesPix[0, 1],
                          poly2.verticesPix[1, 1] + 1)
            poly2_vert_pix = np.column_stack((x,y))
            poly2_vert_pix = poly2.verticesPix
    except AttributeError:
        poly2_vert_pix = poly2

    # faster if have matplotlib tools:
    if haveMatplotlib:
        if parse_version(matplotlib.__version__) > parse_version('1.2'):
            if any(mplPath(poly1_vert_pix).contains_points(poly2_vert_pix)):
                return True
            return any(mplPath(poly2_vert_pix).contains_points(poly1_vert_pix))
            try:  # deprecated in matplotlib 1.2
                if any(nxutils.points_inside_poly(poly1_vert_pix,
                    return True
                return any(nxutils.points_inside_poly(poly2_vert_pix,
            except Exception:

    # fall through to pure python:
    for p1 in poly1_vert_pix:
        if pointInPolygon(p1[0], p1[1], poly2_vert_pix):
            return True
    for p2 in poly2_vert_pix:
        if pointInPolygon(p2[0], p2[1], poly1_vert_pix):
            return True
    return False