def _radar(df: pd.DataFrame, ax: plt.Axes, label: str, all_tags: Sequence[str], color: str, alpha: float = 0.2, edge_alpha: float = 0.85, zorder: int = 2, edge_style: str = '-'): """Plot utility for generating the underlying radar plot.""" tmp = df.groupby('tag').mean().reset_index() values = [] for curr_tag in all_tags: score = 0. selected = tmp[tmp['tag'] == curr_tag] if len(selected) == 1: score = float(selected['score']) else: print('{} bsuite scores found for tag {!r} with setting {!r}. ' 'Replacing with zero.'.format(len(selected), curr_tag, label)) values.append(score) values = np.maximum(values, 0.05) # don't let radar collapse to 0. values = np.concatenate((values, [values[0]])) angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, len(all_tags), endpoint=False) angles = np.concatenate((angles, [angles[0]])) ax.plot(angles, values, '-', linewidth=5, label=label, c=color, alpha=edge_alpha, zorder=zorder, linestyle=edge_style) ax.fill(angles, values, alpha=alpha, color=color, zorder=zorder) ax.set_thetagrids(angles * 180 / np.pi, map(_tag_pretify, all_tags), fontsize=18) # To avoid text on top of gridlines, we flip horizontalalignment # based on label location text_angles = np.rad2deg(angles) for label, angle in zip(ax.get_xticklabels()[:-1], text_angles[:-1]): if 90 <= angle <= 270: label.set_horizontalalignment('right') else: label.set_horizontalalignment('left')
def plot_polygon(geom: Union[Polygon, Iterable[Polygon]], *args, ax: Axes=None, crs: CRS=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a Polygon geometry, projected to the coordinate system `crs` """ kwargs.setdefault("facecolor", "none") kwargs.setdefault("edgecolor", "black") x, y = geom.get_coordinate_lists(crs=crs) return ax.fill(x, y, *args, **kwargs)
def plot_multipolygon(geom: Union[Multipolygon, Iterable[Multipolygon]], *args, ax: Axes=None, crs: CRS=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a Line geometry, projected to the coordinate system `crs` """ kwargs.setdefault("facecolor", "none") kwargs.setdefault("edgecolor", "black") out = [] for polygon in geom: x, y = polygon.get_coordinate_lists(crs=crs) out.append(ax.fill(x, y, *args, **kwargs)) return out
def plot_multipolygon(geom: Union[Multipoint, Iterable[Multipoint]], *args, ax: Axes = None, crs: CRS = None, **kwargs): """ Plot a Line geometry, projected to the coordinate system `crs` """ kwargs.setdefault("facecolor", "none") kwargs.setdefault("edgecolor", "black") out = [] for polygon in geom: x, y = polygon.get_coordinate_lists(crs=crs) out.append(ax.fill(x, y, *args, **kwargs)) return out
def plot( self, ax: plt.Axes, component_x: str = 'x', component_y: str = 'y', component_z: str = 'z', components: typ.Tuple[str, str] = ('x', 'y'), # color: str = 'black', transform_extra: typ.Optional[ kgpy.transforms.TransformList] = None, to_global: bool = False, **kwargs): kwargs = {**self.plot_kwargs, **kwargs} if to_global: if transform_extra is None: transform_extra = kgpy.transforms.TransformList() transform_extra = transform_extra + self.transform top = kgpy.vectors.Cartesian3D( x=u.Quantity([0 *, 0 *, self.width, self.width]), y=0 *, z=u.Quantity([0 *, self.length, self.length, 0 *]), ) bottom = top.copy() bottom.y = -self.thickness points = np.stack([top, bottom]) points = transform_extra(points) c0, c1 = components ax.fill(points.get_component(c0).T, points.get_component(c1).T, fill=False, **kwargs) ax.plot(points.get_component(c0), points.get_component(c1), **kwargs) return ax
def plot_map(odr_map: Map, ax: plt.Axes = None, **kwargs) -> plt.Axes: """ Draw the road layout of the map Args: odr_map: The Map to plot ax: Axes to draw on Keyword Args: midline: True if the midline of roads should be drawn (default: False) midline_direction: Whether to show directed arrows for the midline (default: False) road_ids: If True, then the IDs of roads will be drawn (default: False) markings: If True, then draw LaneMarkers (default: False) road_color: Plot color of the road boundary (default: black) junction_color: Face color of junctions (default: [0.941, 1.0, 0.420, 0.5]) midline_color: Color of the midline Returns: The axes onto which the road layout was drawn """ colors = plt.get_cmap("tab10").colors if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.set_xlim([odr_map.west, odr_map.east]) ax.set_ylim([odr_map.south, odr_map.north]) ax.set_facecolor("grey") for road_id, road in odr_map.roads.items(): boundary = road.boundary.boundary if boundary.geom_type == "LineString": ax.plot(boundary.xy[0], boundary.xy[1], color=kwargs.get("road_color", "k")) elif boundary.geom_type == "MultiLineString": for b in boundary: ax.plot(b.xy[0], b.xy[1], color=kwargs.get("road_color", "orange")) color = kwargs.get( "midline_color", colors[road_id % len(colors)] if kwargs.get("road_ids", False) else "r") if kwargs.get("midline", False): for lane_section in road.lanes.lane_sections: for lane in lane_section.all_lanes: if == 0: continue if kwargs.get("midline_direction", False): x = np.array(lane.midline.xy[0]) y = np.array(lane.midline.xy[1]) ax.quiver(x[:-1], y[:-1], x[1:] - x[:-1], y[1:] - y[:-1], width=0.0025, headwidth=2, scale_units='xy', angles='xy', scale=1, color="red") else: ax.plot(lane.midline.xy[0], lane.midline.xy[1], color=color) if kwargs.get("road_ids", False): mid_point = len(road.midline.xy) // 2 ax.text(road.midline.xy[0][mid_point], road.midline.xy[1][mid_point],, color=color, fontsize=15) if kwargs.get("markings", False): for lane_section in road.lanes.lane_sections: for lane in lane_section.all_lanes: for marker in lane.markers: line_styles = marker.type_to_linestyle for i, style in enumerate(line_styles): if style is None: continue df = 0.13 # Distance between parallel lines side = "left" if <= 0 else "right" line = lane.reference_line.parallel_offset( i * df, side=side) ax.plot(line.xy[0], line.xy[1], color=marker.color_to_rgb, linestyle=style, linewidth=marker.plot_width) for junction_id, junction in odr_map.junctions.items(): if junction.boundary.geom_type == "Polygon": ax.fill(junction.boundary.boundary.xy[0], junction.boundary.boundary.xy[1], color=kwargs.get("junction_color", (0.941, 1.0, 0.420, 0.5))) else: for polygon in junction.boundary: ax.fill(polygon.boundary.xy[0], polygon.boundary.xy[1], color=kwargs.get("junction_color", (0.941, 1.0, 0.420, 0.5))) return ax
def render_bev_labels_mpl( self, city_name: str, ax: plt.Axes, axis: str, # lidar_pts: np.ndarray, local_lane_polygons: np.ndarray, local_das: np.ndarray, log_id: str, timestamp: int, timestamp_ind: int, city_to_egovehicle_se3: SE3, avm: ArgoverseMap, ) -> None: """Plot nearby lane polygons and nearby driveable areas (da) on the Matplotlib axes. Args: city_name: The name of a city, e.g. `"PIT"` ax: Matplotlib axes axis: string, either 'ego_axis' or 'city_axis' to demonstrate the lidar_pts: Numpy array of shape (N,3) local_lane_polygons: Polygons representing the local lane set local_das: Numpy array of objects of shape (N,) where each object is of shape (M,3) log_id: The ID of a log timestamp: In nanoseconds city_to_egovehicle_se3: Transformation from egovehicle frame to city frame avm: ArgoverseMap instance """ if axis is not "city_axis": # rendering instead in the egovehicle reference frame for da_idx, local_da in enumerate(local_das): local_da = city_to_egovehicle_se3.inverse_transform_point_cloud( local_da) # local_das[da_idx] = rotate_polygon_about_pt(local_da, city_to_egovehicle_se3.rotation, np.zeros(3)) local_das[da_idx] = local_da for lane_idx, local_lane_polygon in enumerate(local_lane_polygons): local_lane_polygon = city_to_egovehicle_se3.inverse_transform_point_cloud( local_lane_polygon) # local_lane_polygons[lane_idx] = rotate_polygon_about_pt( # local_lane_polygon, city_to_egovehicle_se3.rotation, np.zeros(3) # ) local_lane_polygons[lane_idx] = local_lane_polygon draw_lane_polygons(ax, local_lane_polygons, color="tab:gray") draw_lane_polygons(ax, local_das, color=(1, 0, 1)) # render ego vehicle bbox_ego = np.array([[-1.0, -1.0, 0.0], [3.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [3.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) # bbox_ego = rotate_polygon_about_pt(bbox_ego, city_to_egovehicle_se3.rotation, np.zeros((3,))) plot_bbox_2D(ax, bbox_ego, 'g') # render surrounding vehicle and pedestrians objects = self.log_timestamp_dict[log_id][timestamp] hist_objects = {} all_occluded = True for frame_rec in objects: if frame_rec.occlusion_val != IS_OCCLUDED_FLAG: all_occluded = False hist_objects[frame_rec.track_uuid] = [ None for i in range(0, SURR_TIME_STEP + 1) ] hist_objects[ frame_rec.track_uuid][SURR_TIME_STEP] = frame_rec.bbox_city_fr if not all_occluded: for ind, i in enumerate( range(timestamp_ind - SURR_TIME_STEP, timestamp_ind)): objects = self.log_timestamp_dict[log_id][self.timestamps[i]] for frame_rec in objects: if frame_rec.track_uuid in hist_objects: hist_objects[ frame_rec.track_uuid][ind] = frame_rec.bbox_city_fr # render color with decreasing lightness color_lightness = np.linspace(1, 0, SURR_TIME_STEP + 2)[1:].tolist() for track_id in hist_objects: for ind_color, bbox_city_fr in enumerate( hist_objects[track_id]): if bbox_city_fr is None: continue bbox_relative = city_to_egovehicle_se3.inverse_transform_point_cloud( bbox_city_fr) x = bbox_relative[:, 0].tolist() y = bbox_relative[:, 1].tolist() x[1], x[2], x[3], y[1], y[2], y[3] = x[2], x[3], x[1], y[ 2], y[3], y[1] ax.fill(x, y, c=(1, 1, color_lightness[ind_color]), alpha=1, zorder=1) else:"all occluded at {timestamp}") xcenter = city_to_egovehicle_se3.translation[0] ycenter = city_to_egovehicle_se3.translation[1] ax.text(xcenter - 146, ycenter + 50, "ALL OBJECTS OCCLUDED", fontsize=30)