Esempio n. 1
def test_selector_clear_method(selector):
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(*args):

    if selector == 'span':
        tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect, 'horizontal',
        tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, interactive=True)
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(100, 120))
    assert tool._selection_completed
    assert tool.visible
    if selector == 'span':
        assert tool.extents == (10, 100)

    assert not tool._selection_completed
    assert not tool.visible

    # Do another cycle of events to make sure we can
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(50, 120))
    assert tool._selection_completed
    assert tool.visible
    if selector == 'span':
        assert tool.extents == (10, 50)
Esempio n. 2
def test_span_selector_ignore_outside(ignore_event_outside):
    ax = get_ax()
    def onselect(vmin, vmax):
        ax._got_onselect = True

    def onmove(vmin, vmax):
        ax._got_on_move = True

    tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect, 'horizontal',
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(125, 125))
    assert ax._got_onselect
    assert ax._got_on_move
    assert tool.extents == (100, 125)

    # Reset
    ax._got_onselect = False
    ax._got_on_move = False
    # Trigger event outside of span
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(150, 150), end=(160, 160))
    if ignore_event_outside:
        # event have been ignored and span haven't changed.
        assert not ax._got_onselect
        assert not ax._got_on_move
        assert tool.extents == (100, 125)
        # A new shape is created
        assert ax._got_onselect
        assert ax._got_on_move
        assert tool.extents == (150, 160)
Esempio n. 3
def test_span_selector_bound(direction):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
    ax.plot([10, 20], [10, 30])
    x_bound = ax.get_xbound()
    y_bound = ax.get_ybound()

    tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, print, direction, interactive=True)
    assert ax.get_xbound() == x_bound
    assert ax.get_ybound() == y_bound

    bound = x_bound if direction == 'horizontal' else y_bound
    assert tool._edge_handles.positions == list(bound)

    press_data = [10.5, 11.5]
    move_data = [11, 13]  # Updating selector is done in onmove
    release_data = move_data
    click_and_drag(tool, start=press_data, end=move_data)

    assert ax.get_xbound() == x_bound
    assert ax.get_ybound() == y_bound

    index = 0 if direction == 'horizontal' else 1
    handle_positions = [press_data[index], release_data[index]]
    assert tool._edge_handles.positions == handle_positions
Esempio n. 4
def test_ellipse():
    """For ellipse, test out the key modifiers"""
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(epress, erelease):

    tool = widgets.EllipseSelector(ax, onselect=onselect,
                                   grab_range=10, interactive=True)
    tool.extents = (100, 150, 100, 150)

    # drag the rectangle
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(125, 125), end=(145, 145))
    assert tool.extents == (120, 170, 120, 170)

    # create from center
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(125, 125), key='control')
    assert tool.extents == (75, 125, 75, 125)

    # create a square
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(35, 30), key='shift')
    extents = [int(e) for e in tool.extents]
    assert extents == [10, 35, 10, 35]

    # create a square from center
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(125, 130), key='ctrl+shift')
    extents = [int(e) for e in tool.extents]
    assert extents == [70, 130, 70, 130]

    assert tool.geometry.shape == (2, 73)
    assert_allclose(tool.geometry[:, 0], [70., 100])
Esempio n. 5
def test_selector_clear(selector):
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(*args):

    kwargs = dict(ax=ax, onselect=onselect, interactive=True)
    if selector == 'span':
        Selector = widgets.SpanSelector
        kwargs['direction'] = 'horizontal'
        Selector = widgets.RectangleSelector

    tool = Selector(**kwargs)
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(100, 120))

    # press-release event outside the selector to clear the selector
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(130, 130), end=(130, 130))
    assert not tool._selection_completed

    ax = get_ax()
    kwargs['ignore_event_outside'] = True
    tool = Selector(**kwargs)
    assert tool.ignore_event_outside
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(100, 120))

    # press-release event outside the selector ignored
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(130, 130), end=(130, 130))
    assert tool._selection_completed

    do_event(tool, 'on_key_press', key='escape')
    assert not tool._selection_completed
Esempio n. 6
def test_rectange_add_remove_set():
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(epress, erelease):

    tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=onselect, interactive=True)
    # Draw rectangle
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(130, 140))
    assert tool.extents == (100, 130, 100, 140)
    assert len(tool._state) == 0
    for state in ['rotate', 'square', 'center']:
        assert len(tool._state) == 1
        assert len(tool._state) == 0
Esempio n. 7
def test_rectangle_add_state():
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(epress, erelease):

    tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, interactive=True)
    # Create rectangle
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(70, 65), end=(125, 130))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Esempio n. 8
def test_span_selector_onselect(interactive):
    # check when press and release events take place at the same position
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(vmin, vmax):
        ax._got_onselect = True

    tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect, 'horizontal',
    # move outside of axis
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(150, 100))
    assert tool.extents == (100, 150)

    # Reset = False
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 100), end=(10, 100))
Esempio n. 9
def test_rectangle_resize_square_center_aspect(use_data_coordinates):
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(epress, erelease):

    tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, interactive=True,
    # Create rectangle
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(70, 65), end=(120, 115))
    assert tool.extents == (70.0, 120.0, 65.0, 115.0)

    if use_data_coordinates:
        # resize E handle
        extents = tool.extents
        xdata, ydata, width = extents[1], extents[3], extents[1] - extents[0]
        xdiff, ycenter = 10,  extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2
        xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata
        ychange = width / 2 + xdiff
        click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new))
        assert_allclose(tool.extents, [extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new,
                                       ycenter - ychange, ycenter + ychange])
        # resize E handle
        extents = tool.extents
        xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[3]
        xdiff = 10
        xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata
        ychange = xdiff * 1 / tool._aspect_ratio_correction
        click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new))
        assert_allclose(tool.extents, [extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new,
                                       46.25, 133.75])
Esempio n. 10
def test_span_selector_drag(drag_from_anywhere):
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(*args):

    # Create span
    tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect, 'horizontal', interactive=True,
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(100, 120))
    assert tool.extents == (10, 100)
    # Drag inside span
    # If drag_from_anywhere == True, this will move the span by 10,
    # giving new value extents = 20, 110
    # If drag_from_anywhere == False, this will create a new span with
    # value extents = 25, 35
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(25, 15), end=(35, 25))
    if drag_from_anywhere:
        assert tool.extents == (20, 110)
        assert tool.extents == (25, 35)

    # Check that in both cases, dragging outside the span draws a new span
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(175, 185), end=(185, 195))
    assert tool.extents == (175, 185)
Esempio n. 11
def test_rectangle_resize():
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(epress, erelease):

    tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, interactive=True)
    # Create rectangle
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(0, 10), end=(100, 120))
    assert tool.extents == (0.0, 100.0, 10.0, 120.0)

    # resize NE handle
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[3]
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + 10, ydata + 5
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new))
    assert tool.extents == (extents[0], xdata_new, extents[2], ydata_new)

    # resize E handle
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + 10, ydata
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new))
    assert tool.extents == (extents[0], xdata_new, extents[2], extents[3])

    # resize W handle
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + 15, ydata
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new))
    assert tool.extents == (xdata_new, extents[1], extents[2], extents[3])

    # resize SW handle
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2]
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + 20, ydata + 25
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new))
    assert tool.extents == (xdata_new, extents[1], ydata_new, extents[3])
Esempio n. 12
def test_rectangle_selector_ignore_outside(ignore_event_outside):
    ax = get_ax()
    def onselect(vmin, vmax):
        ax._got_onselect = True

    tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect,
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 110), end=(150, 120))
    assert tool.extents == (100.0, 150.0, 110.0, 120.0)

    # Reset
    ax._got_onselect = False
    # Trigger event outside of span
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(150, 150), end=(160, 160))
    if ignore_event_outside:
        # event have been ignored and span haven't changed.
        assert not ax._got_onselect
        assert tool.extents == (100.0, 150.0, 110.0, 120.0)
        # A new shape is created
        assert ax._got_onselect
        assert tool.extents == (150.0, 160.0, 150.0, 160.0)
Esempio n. 13
def test_rectangle_selector_set_props_handle_props():
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(epress, erelease):

    tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, interactive=True,
                                     props=dict(facecolor='b', alpha=0.2),
    # Create rectangle
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(0, 10), end=(100, 120))

    artist = tool._selection_artist
    assert artist.get_facecolor() == mcolors.to_rgba('b', alpha=0.2)
    tool.set_props(facecolor='r', alpha=0.3)
    assert artist.get_facecolor() == mcolors.to_rgba('r', alpha=0.3)

    for artist in tool._handles_artists:
        assert artist.get_markeredgecolor() == 'black'
        assert artist.get_alpha() == 0.5
    tool.set_handle_props(markeredgecolor='r', alpha=0.3)
    for artist in tool._handles_artists:
        assert artist.get_markeredgecolor() == 'r'
        assert artist.get_alpha() == 0.3
Esempio n. 14
def test_rectangle_rotate(selector_class):
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(epress, erelease):

    tool = selector_class(ax, onselect=onselect, interactive=True)
    # Draw rectangle
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(130, 140))
    assert tool.extents == (100, 130, 100, 140)
    assert len(tool._state) == 0

    # Rotate anticlockwise using top-right corner
    do_event(tool, 'on_key_press', key='r')
    assert tool._state == set(['rotate'])
    assert len(tool._state) == 1
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(130, 140), end=(120, 145))
    do_event(tool, 'on_key_press', key='r')
    assert len(tool._state) == 0
    # Extents shouldn't change (as shape of rectangle hasn't changed)
    assert tool.extents == (100, 130, 100, 140)
    assert_allclose(tool.rotation, 25.56, atol=0.01)
    tool.rotation = 45
    assert tool.rotation == 45
    # Corners should move
                    np.array([[118.53, 139.75, 111.46, 90.25],
                              [95.25, 116.46, 144.75, 123.54]]), atol=0.01)

    # Scale using top-right corner
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(110, 145), end=(110, 160))
    assert_allclose(tool.extents, (100, 139.75, 100, 151.82), atol=0.01)

    if selector_class == widgets.RectangleSelector:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            tool._selection_artist.rotation_point = 'unvalid_value'
Esempio n. 15
def test_rectangle_handles():
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(epress, erelease):

    tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=onselect,
                                     handle_props={'markerfacecolor': 'r',
                                                   'markeredgecolor': 'b'})
    tool.extents = (100, 150, 100, 150)

    assert_allclose(tool.corners, ((100, 150, 150, 100), (100, 100, 150, 150)))
    assert tool.extents == (100, 150, 100, 150)
                    ((100, 125.0, 150, 125.0), (125.0, 100, 125.0, 150)))
    assert tool.extents == (100, 150, 100, 150)

    # grab a corner and move it
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(120, 120))
    assert tool.extents == (120, 150, 120, 150)

    # grab the center and move it
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(132, 132), end=(120, 120))
    assert tool.extents == (108, 138, 108, 138)

    # create a new rectangle
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(100, 100))
    assert tool.extents == (10, 100, 10, 100)

    # Check that marker_props worked.
    assert mcolors.same_color(
        tool._corner_handles.artists[0].get_markerfacecolor(), 'r')
    assert mcolors.same_color(
        tool._corner_handles.artists[0].get_markeredgecolor(), 'b')
Esempio n. 16
def test_rectangle_drag(drag_from_anywhere, new_center):
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(epress, erelease):

    tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, interactive=True,
    # Create rectangle
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(0, 10), end=(100, 120))
    assert == (50, 65)
    # Drag inside rectangle, but away from centre handle
    # If drag_from_anywhere == True, this will move the rectangle by (10, 10),
    # giving it a new center of (60, 75)
    # If drag_from_anywhere == False, this will create a new rectangle with
    # center (30, 20)
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(25, 15), end=(35, 25))
    assert == new_center
    # Check that in both cases, dragging outside the rectangle draws a new
    # rectangle
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(175, 185), end=(185, 195))
    assert == (180, 190)
Esempio n. 17
def test_rectangle_resize_square(add_state):
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(epress, erelease):

    tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, interactive=True)
    # Create rectangle
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(70, 65), end=(120, 115))
    assert tool.extents == (70.0, 120.0, 65.0, 115.0)

    if add_state:
        use_key = None
        use_key = 'shift'

    # resize NE handle
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[3]
    xdiff, ydiff = 10, 5
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata + ydiff
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new),
    assert tool.extents == (extents[0], xdata_new,
                            extents[2], extents[3] + xdiff)

    # resize E handle
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2
    xdiff = 10
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new),
    assert tool.extents == (extents[0], xdata_new,
                            extents[2], extents[3] + xdiff)

    # resize E handle negative diff
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2
    xdiff = -20
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new),
    assert tool.extents == (extents[0], xdata_new,
                            extents[2], extents[3] + xdiff)

    # resize W handle
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2
    xdiff = 15
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new),
    assert tool.extents == (xdata_new, extents[1],
                            extents[2], extents[3] - xdiff)

    # resize W handle negative diff
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2
    xdiff = -25
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new),
    assert tool.extents == (xdata_new, extents[1],
                            extents[2], extents[3] - xdiff)

    # resize SW handle
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2]
    xdiff, ydiff = 20, 25
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata + ydiff
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new),
    assert tool.extents == (extents[0] + ydiff, extents[1],
                            ydata_new, extents[3])
Esempio n. 18
def test_rectangle_resize_square_center():
    ax = get_ax()

    def onselect(epress, erelease):

    tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, interactive=True)
    # Create rectangle
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(70, 65), end=(120, 115))
    assert_allclose(tool.extents, (70.0, 120.0, 65.0, 115.0))

    # resize NE handle
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[3]
    xdiff, ydiff = 10, 5
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata + ydiff
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new))
    assert_allclose(tool.extents, (extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new,
                                   extents[2] - xdiff, extents[3] + xdiff))

    # resize E handle
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2
    xdiff = 10
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new))
    assert_allclose(tool.extents, (extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new,
                                   extents[2] - xdiff, extents[3] + xdiff))

    # resize E handle negative diff
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2
    xdiff = -20
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new))
    assert_allclose(tool.extents, (extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new,
                                   extents[2] - xdiff, extents[3] + xdiff))

    # resize W handle
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2
    xdiff = 5
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new))
    assert_allclose(tool.extents, (xdata_new, extents[1] - xdiff,
                                   extents[2] + xdiff, extents[3] - xdiff))

    # resize W handle negative diff
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2
    xdiff = -25
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new))
    assert_allclose(tool.extents, (xdata_new, extents[1] - xdiff,
                                   extents[2] + xdiff, extents[3] - xdiff))

    # resize SW handle
    extents = tool.extents
    xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2]
    xdiff, ydiff = 20, 25
    xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata + ydiff
    click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new))
    assert_allclose(tool.extents, (extents[0] + ydiff, extents[1] - ydiff,
                                   ydata_new, extents[3] - ydiff))