class AlignTime: def __init__(self, filter=True, filt_ord=4, filt_cut=5, datetime=False): """ Method for aligning time-stamps of different time series data Parameters ---------- filter : {bool, array_like}, optional Filter the input data. Either bool for both data series, or an array_like of bools if only one series of data should be filtered. filt_ord : {int, array_like}, optional Filter order for the filtering process. Either a single int for both data series, or an array_like of 2 ints, with orders for the first and second time series. Default is 4. Ignored if filter is False. filt_cut : {float, array_like}, optional Low-pass filter cutoffs for the filtering process. Either a signal float for both data series, or an array_like of 2 floats, with orders for the first and second time series. Default is 5Hz. Ignored if filter is False. datetime : bool, optional Whether or not datetime units are provided for the the time. Default is False, in which case seconds are expected """ # assign values as appropriate if isinstance(filter, (tuple, list, ndarray)): self._filt1, self._filt2 = filter else: self._filt1, self._filt2 = filter, filter if isinstance(filt_ord, (tuple, list, ndarray)): self._ord1, self._ord2 = filt_ord else: self._ord1, self._ord2 = filt_ord, filt_ord if isinstance(filt_cut, (tuple, list, ndarray)): self._cut1, self._cut2 = filt_cut else: self._cut1, self._cut2 = filt_cut, filt_cut self.datetime = datetime # line for plotting the aligned signals self.line = None def fit(self, time1, data1, time2, data2, dt1=None, dt2=None, xlim1=None, xlim2=None, xnear1=None, xnear2=None): """ Align the two time series Parameters ---------- time1 : numpy.ndarray (N1, ) array of time-stamps for the first series of data. Will be resampled to match the sampling rate of the second data series if necessary during the alignment process. data1 : numpy.ndarray (N1, M1) array of the first series of data time2 : numpy.ndarray (N2, ) array of time-stamps for the second series of data. Does not have to be the same sampling rate as the first series of data. The first series of data will be resampled to match that of the second series data2 : numpy.ndarray (N2, M2) array of the second series of data dt1 : {None, float}, optional Sampling time for the first series time stamps, if necessary. Default is None, which will be ignored and the mean difference in time-stamps for the first 100 samples of the provided time stamps will be used. dt2 : {None, float}, optional Sampling time for the second series time stamps, if necessary. Default is None, which will be ignored and the mean difference in time-stamps for the first 100 samples of the provided time stamps will be used. xlim1 : array_like, optional X-limits for plotting series 1 data. Useful if you know approximately where the events to time sync are located in the series 1 data. xlim2 : array_like, optional X-limits for plotting series 2 data. Useful if you now approximately where the events to time sync are located in the series 2 data. xnear1 : float, optional X-value where to search near in the first signal. Will be marked on the graph with a vertical line. xnear2 : float, optional X-value where to search near in the second signal. Will be marked on the graph with a vertical line. Returns ------- dt_1_2 : float The time difference between series 2 and series 1, calculated by subtracting the aligned time 2 - time 1 Attributes ---------- t1_0 : float Aligned time int time1 detected by the convolution of the two signals in th regions chosen. t2_0 : float Aligned time in time2 detected by the convolution of the two signals in the regions chosen. """ # assign the times self._t1 = time1 self._t2 = time2 # assign the raw data self._rx1 = data1 self._rx2 = data2 # compute the sampling times if dt1 is None: if self.datetime: self._dt1 = mean(diff(self._t1[:100])) / timedelta64(1, 's') else: self._dt1 = mean(diff(self._t1[:100])) else: self._dt1 = dt1 if dt2 is None: if self.datetime: self._dt2 = mean(diff(self._t2[:100])) / timedelta64(1, 's') else: self._dt2 = mean(diff(self._t2[:100])) else: self._dt2 = dt2 # filter the data if self._filt1: fc1 = butter(self._ord1, 2 * self._cut1 * self._dt1, btype='low') self._x1 = filtfilt(fc1[0], fc1[1], self._rx1) else: self._x1 = self._rx1 if self._filt2: fc2 = butter(self._ord2, 2 * self._cut2 * self._dt2, btype='low') self._x2 = filtfilt(fc2[0], fc2[1], self._rx2) else: self._x2 = self._rx2 # plot the data self._f, (self._ax1, self._ax2) = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(20, 10)) if self._filt1: self._ax1.plot(self._t1, self._rx1, color='C0', linewidth=1.5, label='Raw', alpha=0.7) if self._filt2: self._ax2.plot(self._t2, self._rx2, color='C0', linewidth=1.5, label='Raw', alpha=0.7) self._ax1.plot(self._t1, self._x1, color='C1', linewidth=2, label='Filtered') self._ax2.plot(self._t2, self._x2, color='C1', linewidth=2, label='Filtered') if xlim1 is not None: self._ax1.set_xlim(xlim1) if xlim2 is not None: self._ax2.set_xlim(xlim2) if xnear1 is not None: self._ax1.axvline(xnear1, color='k', linewidth=3, alpha=0.5) if xnear2 is not None: self._ax2.axvline(xnear2, color='k', linewidth=3, alpha=0.5) self._ax1.legend(loc='best') self._ax2.legend(loc='best') # create the cursor and span selectors for the first axis self._ax1.set_title('Navigate and select the region to check: ' ) # let user know what they are doing self._cursor1 = Cursor(self._ax1, color='C0', useblit=True, linewidth=1) self._span1 = SpanSelector(self._ax1, self._on_select1, 'horizontal', useblit=True, rectprops=dict(alpha=0.5, facecolor='red'), button=1, span_stays=True) self._ax2.set_title('Navigate and select region to match: ') self._cursor2 = Cursor(self._ax2, color='C0', useblit=True, linewidth=1) self._span2 = SpanSelector(self._ax2, self._on_select2, 'horizontal', useblit=True, rectprops=dict(alpha=0.5, facecolor='red'), button=1, span_stays=True) self._cursor2.set_active(False) self._span2.set_visible(False) self._f.tight_layout() return self.t_diff def _on_select1(self, xmin, xmax): self._ax1.set_title(None) if self.datetime: t1 = date2num(self._t1) else: t1 = self._t1 start, stop = searchsorted(t1, (xmin, xmax)) f = interp1d(t1[start - 10:stop + 10], self._x1[start - 10:stop + 10], kind='cubic') if self.datetime: self._ta = drange(self._t1[start], self._t1[stop], to_timedelta(self._dt2, unit='s')) else: self._t1 = arange(self._t1[start], self._t1[stop], self._dt2) self._a = f(self._ta) self._cursor2.set_active(True) self._span2.set_visible(True) def _on_select2(self, xmin, xmax): self._ax2.set_title(None) if self.datetime: t2 = date2num(self._t2) else: t2 = self._t2 start, stop = searchsorted(t2, (xmin, xmax)) self._b = zeros(self._a.shape) self._tb = t2[stop - self._a.size:stop] self._b[-(stop - start):] = self._x2[start:stop] A = fftpack.fft(self._a) B = fftpack.fft(self._b) Ar = -A.conjugate() self._ind_shift = argmax(nabs(fftpack.ifft( Ar * B))) # convolve the arrays and find the peak self.t1_0 = self._ta[0] # find the time value in the first signal self.t2_0 = self._tb[ self._ind_shift] # find the time value in the second signal t_pl = self._ta + (self.t2_0 - self.t1_0) x_pl = self._a if self.line is not None: self.line.set_data([], []) self.line, = self._ax2.plot(t_pl, x_pl, color='C2', label='Aligned') if self.datetime: self.t1_0 = to_datetime(num2date(self.t1_0)).tz_localize(None) self.t2_0 = to_datetime(num2date(self.t2_0)).tz_localize(None) # time difference between the signals self.t_diff = self.t2_0 - self.t1_0
run.save_result("peakODX", pOptX[0]) run.save_result("widthX", widthX) run.save_result("tempX", tempX) run.save_result("centerX", centerX) run.save_result("peakODZ", pOptZ[0]) run.save_result("widthZ", widthZ) run.save_result("tempZ", tempZ) run.save_result("centerZ", centerZ) run.save_result("avgWidth", avgWidth) run.save_result("avgPeakOD", avgPeakOD) run.save_result("avgTemp", avgTemp) # Set Center event cursor = Cursor(ax, useblit=True, color='white', linewidth=1) cursor.set_active(False) def set_center(event): if event.key in ['C', 'c'] and not cursor.set_active(True) elif event.key in ['C', 'c'] and cursor.set_active(False) center = (int(event.xdata), int(event.ydata)) print(center) with h5py.File('current_roi.h5', 'w') as f: if 'center' not in f: f.attrs.create('center', center) else: f.attrs['center'] = center