def setup_plot(): global rate_slider, delta_slider, fig, ax, l, radio fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.grid('on') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25) moneyFmt = FuncFormatter(money) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(moneyFmt) s = calc_compounding( rate, periods, principal, contribution, delta,inflation) t = np.arange(2014, (2014+periods)) l, = plt.plot(t,s, lw=2, color='red') plt.ylabel("Investment Loss (FV)") plt.axis([2014, (2014+periods), 0, principal]) plt.axis('tight') axfreq = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) axamp = plt.axes([0.25, 0.15, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) rate_slider = Slider(axfreq, 'Avg.Returns', 4, 8, valinit=rate) delta_slider = Slider(axamp, 'Delta', 0.1, 1, valinit=delta) resetax = plt.axes([0.8, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) button = Button(resetax, 'Reset', color=axcolor, hovercolor='0.975') rate_slider.on_changed(update) delta_slider.on_changed(update) button.on_clicked(reset) rax = plt.axes([0.015, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15], axisbg=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, ('0','3000', '6000', '9000'), active=0) radio.on_clicked(contribution_update) return rate_slider,delta_slider,fig,ax,l,radio
def _create_controls(self): self._freq_ax = plt.axes([0.2, 0.19, 0.2, 0.03]) self._freq_slider = Slider(self._freq_ax, 'Frequency', 0, self.samplerate / 2.0, valinit = self.frequency) self._freq_slider.on_changed(self.set_signal_frequency) self._ampl_ax = plt.axes([0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.03]) self._ampl_slider = Slider(self._ampl_ax, 'Amplitude', -100, 0, valinit = dcv.lin2db(self.amplitude)) self._ampl_slider.on_changed(self.set_signal_amplitude) self._signaltype_ax = plt.axes([0.5, 0.05, 0.15, 0.20]) self._signaltype_radio = RadioButtons(self._signaltype_ax, ('Sine', 'Square', 'Sawtooth', 'Triangle', 'Noise', 'Constant')) self._signaltype_radio.on_clicked(self.set_signal_type) self._windowtype_ax = plt.axes([0.7, 0.05, 0.15, 0.20]) self._windowtype_radio = RadioButtons(self._windowtype_ax, ('Flat', 'Hanning', 'Hamming', 'Blackman')) self._windowtype_radio.on_clicked(self.set_window_type)
def slide_ddg(args): global new_df, radio, color_by, picked global scat, ax, sliders, sc_df, fig, cm, cbar sc_df = Rf.score_file2df(args['sc'], args['names']) args['logger'].log('score file has %i entries' % len(sc_df)) if args['pc'] is not None: pc_df = get_rmsds_from_table(args['pc']) args['logger'].log('pc file had %i entries' % len(pc_df)) a = sc_df.merge(pc_df, on='description') args['logger'].log('combined there are %i entries' % len(a)) sc_df = a.copy() if args['percent'] != 100: threshold = np.percentile(sc_df[args['y']], args['percent']) sc_df = sc_df[ sc_df[args['y']] < threshold ] color_by = args['y'] picked = False new_df = sc_df.copy() fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25) cm ='RdYlBu') scat = ax.scatter(sc_df[args['x']].values, sc_df[args['y']].values, s=40, cmap=cm, c=sc_df[color_by], picker=True) cbar = plt.colorbar(scat) sliders = {} for i, term in enumerate(args['terms']): slider_ax = plt.axes([0.25, 0.01+i*0.035, 0.65, 0.03]) sliders[term] = Slider(slider_ax, term, np.min(sc_df[term].values), np.max(sc_df[term].values), 0) sliders[term].on_changed(update) ax.set_xlim(np.min(new_df[args['x']].values)-1, np.max(new_df[args['x']].values)+1) ax.set_ylim(np.min(new_df[args['y']].values)-1, np.max(new_df[args['y']].values)+1) ax.set_xlabel(args['x']) ax.set_ylabel(args['y']) resetax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.7, 0.15, 0.15]) #[0.8, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) button = Button(resetax, 'Reset', color='lightgoldenrodyellow', hovercolor='0.975') button.on_clicked(reset) printax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.3, 0.15, 0.15]) printbutton = Button(printax, 'Print', color='green', hovercolor='red') printbutton.on_clicked(print_table) logax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.1, 0.15, 0.15]) logbutton = Button(logax, 'log table', color='blue', hovercolor='red') logbutton.on_clicked(log_table) rax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.5, 0.15, 0.15], axisbg='white') radio = RadioButtons(rax, args['terms'], active=0) radio.on_clicked(colorfunc) # cbar = plt.colorbar(scat) pl = PointLabel(new_df, ax, fig, args['x'], args['y'], ['description', 'a_sasa', 'a_res_solv', 'a_pack', 'a_span_topo', 'a_ddg', 'fa_elec'], args['logger']) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', pl.onpick)
class WidgetsBasic(WidgetsSimple): def __init__(self, canvas=None, active_prop=None): super(WidgetsBasic, self).__init__(canvas, active_prop) self.colors_ifs = {} @property def prop_ifs(self): return self.active_prop def update_show_components(self, label): super(WidgetsBasic, self).update_show_components(label) if label == "hide ifs": if self.holder_actives[label]: self.prop_ifs.holder.set_linestyle(" ") self.prop_ifs.holder.set_visible(False) self.prop_ifs.set_visible_annotations(False) self.prop_ifs.topo_const.set_visible(False) else: self.prop_ifs.holder.set_linestyle(" ") self.prop_ifs.holder.set_visible(True) self.prop_ifs.set_visible_annotations(True) self.prop_ifs.topo_const.set_visible(True) # here is updated the active prop_ifs def recreate_widgets(self, idx_active, props, active_prop): super(WidgetsBasic, self).recreate_widgets_(active_prop) self._recreate_active_ifs_radiobutton(idx_active, props) def _recreate_active_ifs_radiobutton(self, idx_active, props): self.props = props axcolor = "lightgoldenrodyellow" if hasattr(self, "rax_activeifs"): self.rax_activeifs.cla() self.rax_activeifs = plt.axes( [0.2 + self.button_length__ + 0.01, 0.05, self.button_length__, self.button_height__], axisbg=axcolor ) activecolor = self.active_prop.get_color() self.w_rad_active_ifs = RadioButtons( self.rax_activeifs, sorted(self.colors_ifs.keys()), active=idx_active, activecolor=activecolor ) self.w_rad_active_ifs.on_clicked(self.colorfunc) return self.w_rad_active_ifs def colorfunc(self, label): idx = int(label) self.active_prop = self.props[idx] self.w_rad_active_ifs.activecolor = self.prop_ifs.get_color() self._recreate_radius_slider() self._recreate_show_lines_check_button() self._recreate_alpha_slider() self._recreate_textsize_slider() if self.canvas is None: self.canvas.draw()
def run_main(A,B,C,dA,dB,dC): plt.close() plt.figure() int_writer() var_writer_uncert(A,B,C) run_SPCAT() data = cat_reader() t = [] s = [] for x in data: s.append(0.0) s.append(str(10**float(x[1]))) s.append(0.0) t.append(float(x[0])-0.0001) t.append(x[0]) t.append(float(x[0])+0.0001) ax = plt.subplot(111) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25) a0 = 5 f0 = 3 global l l, = plt.plot(t,s, lw=2, color='red') #plt.axis([0, 1, -10, 10]) axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' axA = plt.axes([0.25, 0.15, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) axB = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) axC = plt.axes([0.25, 0.05, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) global A_slider global B_slider global C_slider A_slider = Slider(axA, 'A', A-dA, A+dA, valinit=A) B_slider = Slider(axB, 'B', B-dB, B+dB, valinit=B) C_slider = Slider(axC, 'C', C-dC, C+dC, valinit=C) A_slider.on_changed(update) B_slider.on_changed(update) C_slider.on_changed(update) global button global radio resetax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) button = Button(resetax, 'Reset', color=axcolor, hovercolor='0.975') button.on_clicked(reset) rax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.5, 0.15, 0.15], axisbg=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, ('red', 'blue', 'green'), active=0) radio.on_clicked(colorfunc)
def _create_plot_controls(self): self._dbrax = plt.axes([0.12, 0.05, 0.10, 0.10]) self._dbradio = RadioButtons(self._dbrax, ('Amplitude', 'Phase')) self._dbradio.on_clicked(self.set_plot_style) self._rax = plt.axes([0.25, 0.03, 0.15, 0.20]) self._radio = RadioButtons(self._rax, ('Low Pass', 'High Pass')) self._radio.on_clicked(self.set_biquad_type) self._sfax = plt.axes([0.6, 0.19, 0.2, 0.03]) self._fcslider = Slider(self._sfax, 'Cut-off frequency', 0, self._bq_fs/2, valinit = self._bq_fc) self._fcslider.on_changed(self.set_biquad_frequency_cutoff)
def _GUI_display(self,redshift_est,ztest,corr_val,wave,flux_sc): '''Display the spectrum and reference lines.''' self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[2, 1]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax = plt.subplot(gs[1]) plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) ax.plot(ztest,corr_val,'b') ax.axvline(redshift_est,color='k',ls='--') ax.fill_between(self.ztest,np.zeros(self.ztest.size),self.corr_prior,facecolor='grey',alpha=0.6) ax.set_xlabel('Redshift') ax.set_ylabel('Correlation') self.pspec, = ax2.plot(wave,flux_sc) ax2.axvline(3725.0*(1+redshift_est),ls='--',alpha=0.7,c='blue') ax2.axvline(3968.5*(1+redshift_est),ls='--',alpha=0.7,c='red') ax2.axvline(3933.7*(1+redshift_est),ls='--',alpha=0.7,c='red') ax2.axvline(4102.9*(1+redshift_est),ls='--',alpha=0.7,c='orange') ax2.axvline(4304.0*(1+redshift_est),ls='--',alpha=0.7,c='orange') ax2.axvline(4862.0*(1+redshift_est),ls='--',alpha=0.7,c='orange') ax2.axvline(4959.0*(1+redshift_est),ls='--',alpha=0.7,c='blue') ax2.axvline(5007.0*(1+redshift_est),ls='--',alpha=0.7,c='blue') ax2.axvline(5175.0*(1+redshift_est),ls='--',alpha=0.7,c='orange') if self.first_pass: self.line_est = Estimateline(self.pspec,ax2,self.uline_n) rax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2]) if self.qualityval == 0: radio = RadioButtons(rax, ('Unclear', 'Clear')) else: radio = RadioButtons(rax, ('Unclear', 'Clear'),active=1) def qualfunc(label): if label == 'Clear': self.qualityval = 1 else: self.qualityval = 0 radio.on_clicked(qualfunc) closeax = plt.axes([0.83, 0.3, 0.15, 0.1]) button = Button(closeax, 'Accept & Close', hovercolor='0.975') def closeplot(event): plt.close() button.on_clicked(closeplot) ax2.set_xlim(self.lower_w,self.upper_w) ax2.set_xlabel('Wavelength (A)') ax2.set_ylabel('Counts') if not self.first_pass: self.spectra2 = DragSpectra(self.pspec,flux_sc,ax2,self.fig) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event',self.spectra2.on_motion) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',self.spectra2.on_press) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event',self.spectra2.on_release)
def _create_plot_controls(self): self._dbrax = plt.axes([0.12, 0.05, 0.15, 0.15]) self._dbradio = RadioButtons(self._dbrax, ('Amplitude', 'Phase')) self._dbradio.on_clicked(self.set_plot_style) self._rax = plt.axes([0.30, 0.03, 0.15, 0.20]) self._radio = RadioButtons(self._rax, ('feedback', 'feedforward', 'allpass')) self._radio.on_clicked(self.set_comb_type) self._sfax = plt.axes([0.6, 0.19, 0.2, 0.03]) self._dlyslider = Slider(self._sfax, 'delay (ms)', 0, (self._size/2.0) * 1000.0 / self._fs, valinit = self._delay) self._dlyslider.on_changed(self.set_comb_delay) self._sfax = plt.axes([0.6, 0.10, 0.2, 0.03]) self._gainslider = Slider(self._sfax, 'gain', -1, 1, valinit = self._gain) self._gainslider.on_changed(self.set_comb_gain)
def ReadFluxLC(self,fluxLC): self.fluxes = fluxLC.fluxes self.errors = array(fluxLC.fluxErrors) self.tBins = fluxLC.tBins self.models = fluxLC.modelNames self.flcFlag =True axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' # self.radioFig = plt.figure(2) # ax = plt.axes([.01, 0.7, 0.2, 0.32], axisbg=axcolor) = self.fluxes['total'] if del self.radioAx.cla() = RadioButtons(self.radioAx,tuple(self.fluxes.keys())) self.PlotData()
def __init__(self, image, low, high): self.image_name = image self.low = low self.high = high self.filter = None self.output = None self.filter_type = None self.padRows = None self.padCols = None original_input = cv2.imread(image,0) rows, cols = original_input.shape if(rows < cols): original_input = cv2.transpose(original_input) self.transposed = True else: self.transposed = False rows, cols = original_input.shape optimalRows = cv2.getOptimalDFTSize(rows) optimalCols = cv2.getOptimalDFTSize(cols) self.padRows = optimalRows - rows self.padCols = optimalCols - cols self.input = np.zeros((optimalRows,optimalCols)) self.input[:rows,:cols] = original_input self.dftshift = get_dft_shift(self.input) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0.05, right=1, top=1, wspace=0, hspace=0) plt.subplot(131) plt.axis('off') plt.title('original image') plt.imshow(self.input, cmap = 'gray',interpolation='nearest') self.axslow = plt.axes([0.05, 0.01, 0.5, 0.02]) self.slow = Slider(self.axslow, 'low', 0.01, 1, valinit=self.low) self.slow.on_changed(self.updateLow) self.axhigh = plt.axes([0.05, 0.03, 0.5, 0.02]) self.shigh = Slider(self.axhigh, 'high', 0.01, 1, valinit=self.high) self.shigh.on_changed(self.updateHigh) self.slow.slidermax=self.shigh self.shigh.slidermin=self.slow self.axfilter = plt.axes([0.62, 0.01, 0.15, 0.04]) self.rfilter = RadioButtons(self.axfilter, ('Gaussian Filter', 'Ideal Filter')) self.rfilter.on_clicked(self.updateFilterType) self.filter_type = self.rfilter.value_selected self.axprocess = plt.axes([0.8, 0.01, 0.08, 0.04]) self.bprocess = Button(self.axprocess, 'Process') self.bprocess.on_clicked(self.process) self.axsave = plt.axes([0.88, 0.01, 0.08, 0.04]) self.bsave = Button(self.axsave, 'Save') self.bsave.on_clicked(
def __init__(self,image=None,imginfo={},verbosity=0,cmap=None,**kwargs): """ image ... (opt) 2D Array imginfo... (opt) dictionary with parameters of the image verbosity. (opt) quiet (0), verbose (3), debug (4) futher options are passed to the imshow method of matplotlib """ self.kwargs = kwargs; self.verbosity=verbosity; # open new figure and draw image self.fig = plt.figure(); self.axis = self.fig.add_subplot(111); self.fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.85); self.AxesImage=None; # add Switches and Buttons axStyle = self.fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.12, 0.12]); self.rbStyle = RadioButtons(axStyle,["linear","log","contour"]); self.rbStyle.on_clicked(self.set_style); self.currentstyle = "linear"; axLine = self.fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.3, 0.12, 0.05]); self.bLine = Button(axLine,'Line Profile'); self.bLine.on_clicked(self._toggle_line_profile); self.LineProfile=None; self.bLine.color_activated='red'; # key pressed self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self._key_press_callback) # draw image if given self.set_cmap(cmap); if image is not None: self.set_image(image,imginfo);
def LoadEFlux(self,fileName): flux = pickle.load(open(fileName)) self.fluxes = flux['energy fluxes'] self.fluxErrors = flux['errors'] self.tBins = flux['tBins'] axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' # self.radioFig = plt.figure(2) if #del self.radioAx.cla() # self.radioAx = plt.axes([.01, 0.7, 0.2, 0.32], axisbg=axcolor) = self.fluxes['total'] self.errors = self.fluxErrors['total'] = RadioButtons(self.radioAx,tuple(self.fluxes.keys())) self.PlotData()
def slider_radio(): def update(val): amp = samp.val freq = sfreq.val l.set_ydata(amp*np.sin(2*np.pi*freq*t)) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def reset(event): sfreq.reset() samp.reset() def colorfunc(label): l.set_color(label) fig.canvas.draw_idle() fig = figure() ax = fig.subplots() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25) t = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.001) a0 = 5 f0 = 3 s = a0*np.sin(2*np.pi*f0*t) l, = ax.plot(t, s, lw=2, color='red') ax.axis([0, 1, -10, 10]) # %% plot axes axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' axfreq = fig.add_axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor) axamp = fig.add_axes([0.25, 0.15, 0.65, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor) # %% freq slide sfreq = Slider(axfreq, 'Freq', 0.1, 30.0, valinit=f0) samp = Slider(axamp, 'Amp', 0.1, 10.0, valinit=a0) sfreq.on_changed(update) samp.on_changed(update) # %% reset button resetax = fig.add_axes([0.8, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) button = Button(resetax, 'Reset', color=axcolor, hovercolor='0.975') button.on_clicked(reset) # %% color buttons rax = fig.add_axes([0.025, 0.5, 0.15, 0.15], facecolor=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, ('red', 'blue', 'green'), active=0) radio.on_clicked(colorfunc) # %% scoping axw = [axfreq, axamp, sfreq, samp, button, radio] # place to hold all the axesWidgets to keep in scope return axw # MUST return ax or GUI will be non-responsive!
def plot_mapqs(folder): """Plots the Distribution of MAPQ Scores for the Inversion Regions in the respective species folder : input folder to look for the files """ mapqs_counts = defaultdict(list) mapqs_labels = defaultdict(list) strain_matcher = re.compile('(.*) \(.*\)') ## regex to get strain name from radio button click ## Parse the information from the mapq count files and store the information in a dictionary of lists for mapq_file in glob.glob(folder+"*.count.txt"): strain = mapq_file.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] TEMP_HANDLE = open(mapq_file,'r') for line in TEMP_HANDLE: line = line.strip('\n') mapqs_counts[strain].append(int(line.split(' ')[0])) mapqs_labels[strain].append(line.split(' ')[1]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() indexes = np.arange(len(mapqs_counts[S])) rects =,mapqs_counts[S],0.5) ax.set_xticks(indexes+1*0.2) ax.set_xticklabels(mapqs_labels[S],rotation=30) rax1 = plt.axes([0.92, 0.1, 0.08, 0.8]) radio1 = RadioButtons(rax1, ('MC (Sand)','CL (Sand)','CM (Sand)','CN (Sand)','TI (Sand)','DC (Sand)','MS (Sand)','CV (Sand)','PN (Rock)','AC (Rock)','LF (Rock)','MP (Rock)','MZ (Rock)'), active=0) def update1(strain): match = re.match(strain_matcher,strain) strain = #indexes = np.arange(len(mapqs_counts[S])) for rect,h in zip(rects,mapqs_counts[strain]): rect.set_height(h) ax.set_xticks(indexes+1*0.2) ax.set_xticklabels(mapqs_labels[strain],rotation=30) ax.relim() ax.autoscale() fig.canvas.draw_idle() #global S #print S #S = strain radio1.on_clicked(update1)
def _init_radio(self): """ Add radio buttons to the radio ax for color scale. self._make_radio_axes() needs to have been called. """ = RadioButtons( self.radio_ax, labels=['log', 'linear'], active=1)
def Slider(): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, Button, RadioButtons fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25) t = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.001) a0 = 5 f0 = 3 s = a0*np.sin(2*np.pi*f0*t) l, = plt.plot(t,s, lw=2, color='red') plt.axis([0, 1, -10, 10]) axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' axfreq = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) axamp = plt.axes([0.25, 0.15, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) sfreq = Slider(axfreq, 'Freq', 0.1, 30.0, valinit=f0) samp = Slider(axamp, 'Amp', 0.1, 10.0, valinit=a0) def update(val): amp = samp.val freq = sfreq.val l.set_ydata(amp*np.sin(2*np.pi*freq*t)) fig.canvas.draw_idle() sfreq.on_changed(update) samp.on_changed(update) resetax = plt.axes([0.8, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) button = Button(resetax, 'Reset', color=axcolor, hovercolor='0.975') def reset(event): sfreq.reset() samp.reset() button.on_clicked(reset) rax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.5, 0.15, 0.15], axisbg=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, ('red', 'blue', 'green'), active=0) def colorfunc(label): l.set_color(label) fig.canvas.draw_idle() radio.on_clicked(colorfunc)
class AnalyzeFrame(object): """ A slider representing a floating point range """ def __init__(self, fname, n=10, intraday=False): """ """ self.fig = plt.figure(facecolor='white') self.fig.canvas.set_window_title(u'期货数据分析') self.nbar = n self.cursors = [], = load_datas(n, intraday, fname) self.axes = [] self.rax = plt.axes([0, 0.5, 0.08, 0.15]) = RadioButtons(self.rax, ('scatter', 'summary', 'summary2', 'entry', 'exit', 'simple'), active=0) self.axes, self.cursors = scatter_analyze(self.fig, def update(self, op): for ax in self.axes: self.fig.delaxes(ax) for c in self.cursors: del c if op == "scatter": print "scatter_analyze" self.axes, self.cursors = scatter_analyze(self.fig, elif op == "summary": print "summary_analyze" self.axes, self.cursors = summary_analyze(self.fig,, self.nbar, 1) elif op == "summary2": print "summary2_analyze" self.axes, self.cursors = summary_analyze(self.fig,, self.nbar, 2) elif op == "entry": print "entry_analyze" self.axes, self.cursors = entry_analyze(self.fig,, self.nbar) elif op == "exit": print "exit_analyze" self.axes, self.cursors = exit_analyze(self.fig,, self.nbar) elif op == "simple": self.axes, self.cursors = simple_entry_analyze(self.fig,, self.nbar) #elif op == "hm": #axes, cursors = follow_entry_analyze(fig, data) #print "hm" self.fig.canvas.draw()
def setup_canvas(self): """Create the figure and the axes for the plot and buttons.""" # Initialise the figure. self.currentFigure = plt.figure() self.axes = self.currentFigure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Create the image. self.start_plotting(self.originalDataset) # Create the class radio button. classAxesLoc = plt.axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1 * round(len(self.classToColorMapping) / 3)], axisbg='0.85') classAxesLoc.set_title('Class Options') classRadio = RadioButtons(classAxesLoc, active=0, activecolor='black', labels=[i for i in sorted(self.classToColorMapping)]) classRadio.on_clicked(self.on_class_change) # Create the reset button. resetAxesLoc = plt.axes([0.05, 0.44, 0.07, 0.075], axisbg='white') resetButton = Button(resetAxesLoc, 'Reset') resetButton.on_clicked(self.on_reset) # Create the recompute boundaries button. recomputeAxesLoc = plt.axes([0.05, 0.54, 0.07, 0.075], axisbg='white') recomputeButton = Button(recomputeAxesLoc, 'Recompute') recomputeButton.on_clicked(self.on_recompute) # Create the k choice button. kAxesLoc = plt.axes([0.05, 0.65, 0.07, 0.15], axisbg='0.85') kAxesLoc.set_title('K Options') kRadio = RadioButtons(kAxesLoc, active=0, activecolor='black', labels=[1, 3, 5, 7]) kRadio.on_clicked(self.on_k_change) # Create the add/delete radio button. addDeleteAxesLoc = plt.axes([0.05, 0.85, 0.07, 0.1], axisbg='0.85') addDeleteAxesLoc.set_title('Add/Delete Points') addDeleteRadio = RadioButtons(addDeleteAxesLoc, active=1, activecolor='black', labels=['Add', 'Delete']) addDeleteRadio.on_clicked(self.on_delete_change) # Attach the mouse click event. cid = self.currentFigure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click) # Display the figure maximised. These commands to maximise the figure are for the Qt4Agg backend. If a different backend is being used, then # the maximisation command will likely need to be changed. figManager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() figManager.window.showMaximized() # Disconnect the mouse click event. self.currentFigure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(cid)
def _add_normalise_power_selector(self): """ Add a radio button to chose whether or not the power of all spectra should be normalized to 1. """ pos_shp = [CONTOLS_START_X, 0.5, CONTROLS_WIDTH, CONTROLS_HEIGHT] rax = self.figure.add_axes(pos_shp, axisbg=AXCOLOUR, title="Normalise") np_tuple = ("yes", "no") self.normalise_power_selector = RadioButtons(rax, np_tuple, active=np_tuple.index(self.normalise_power)) self.normalise_power_selector.on_clicked(self._update_normalise_power)
def filter_connect(self): # user to change default parameters self.cidSelectFreq = self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].get_figure().canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.getBandpassFreq) # get order self.bnorder = RadioButtons(self.filterAxs['ordr'], (1,2,3,4,5), active=1) self.cidorder = self.bnorder.on_clicked(self.getButterOrder) # get type of filter to use self.bnband = RadioButtons(self.filterAxs['band'], ('bandpass','lowpass','highpass')) self.cidband = self.bnband.on_clicked(self.getBandtype) #add apply button. causes the filtered data to be applied self.bnapply = Button(self.filterAxs['apply'], 'Apply') self.cidapply = self.bnapply.on_clicked(self.applyFilter) #add unapply button. causes the filtered data to be applied self.bnunapply = Button(self.filterAxs['unapply'], 'Unapply') self.cidunapply = self.bnunapply.on_clicked(self.unapplyFilter)
def _add_xscale_selector(self): """ Add a radio button to the figure for selecting which scaling the x-axes should use. """ pos_shp = [CONTOLS_START_X, 0.8, CONTROLS_WIDTH, CONTROLS_HEIGHT] rax = self.figure.add_axes(pos_shp, axisbg=AXCOLOUR, title="X Scale") xscale_tuple = ("log", "linear") self.xscale_selector = RadioButtons(rax, xscale_tuple, active=xscale_tuple.index(self.xscale)) self.xscale_selector.on_clicked(self._update_xscale)
def _add_mode_selector(self): """ Add a radio button to the figure for selecting which mode of the model should be displayed. """ pos_shp = [CONTOLS_START_X, 0.07, CONTROLS_WIDTH, 0.1 + 0.002 * self.input_data.read_data_shape()[3]] rax = self.figure.add_axes(pos_shp, axisbg=AXCOLOUR, title="Mode") mode_tuple = tuple(range(self.input_data.read_data_shape()[3])) self.mode_selector = RadioButtons(rax, mode_tuple, active=mode_tuple.index(self.mode)) self.mode_selector.on_clicked(self._update_mode)
def _create_plot_controls(self): self._dbrax = plt.axes([0.12, 0.05, 0.13, 0.10]) self._dbradio = RadioButtons(self._dbrax, ('Amplitude', 'Phase')) self._dbradio.on_clicked(self.set_plot_style) self._rax = plt.axes([0.27, 0.03, 0.15, 0.20]) self._radio = RadioButtons(self._rax, ('Low Pass', 'High Pass', 'Band Pass', 'All Pass', 'Notch', 'Peak', 'Low Shelf', 'High Shelf')) self._radio.on_clicked(self.set_biquad_type) self._sfax = plt.axes([0.6, 0.19, 0.2, 0.03]) self._sqax = plt.axes([0.6, 0.12, 0.2, 0.03]) self._sdbax = plt.axes([0.6, 0.05, 0.2, 0.03]) self._fcslider = Slider(self._sfax, 'Cut-off frequency', 0, self._bq_fs/2, valinit = self._bq_fc) self._qslider = Slider(self._sqax, 'Q factor', 0.01, 10.0, valinit = self._bq_q) self._dbslider = Slider(self._sdbax, 'dB gain', -20.0, 20.0, valinit = self._bq_dbgain) self._fcslider.on_changed(self.set_biquad_frequency_cutoff) self._qslider.on_changed(self.set_biquad_q_factor) self._dbslider.on_changed(self.set_biquad_dbgain)
def _add_mode_selector(self): """ Add a radio button to the figure for selecting which mode of the model should be displayed. """ pos_shp = [0.02, 0.07, 0.04, 0.1 + 0.002 * self.model.number_of_modes] rax = self.ipp_fig.add_axes(pos_shp, axisbg=AXCOLOUR, title="Mode") mode_tuple = tuple(range(self.model.number_of_modes)) self.mode_selector = RadioButtons(rax, mode_tuple, active=0) self.mode_selector.on_clicked(self._update_mode)
def _add_state_variable_selector(self): """ Generate radio selector buttons to set which state variable is displayed on the x and y axis of the phase-plane plot. """ svx_ind = self.model.state_variables.index(self.svx) svy_ind = self.model.state_variables.index(self.svy) #State variable for the x axis pos_shp = [0.08, 0.07, 0.065, 0.12 + 0.006 * self.model.nvar] rax = self.ipp_fig.add_axes(pos_shp, axisbg=AXCOLOUR, title="x-axis") self.state_variable_x = RadioButtons(rax, tuple(self.model.state_variables), active=svx_ind) self.state_variable_x.on_clicked(self._update_svx) #State variable for the y axis pos_shp = [0.16, 0.07, 0.065, 0.12 + 0.006 * self.model.nvar] rax = self.ipp_fig.add_axes(pos_shp, axisbg=AXCOLOUR, title="y-axis") self.state_variable_y = RadioButtons(rax, tuple(self.model.state_variables), active=svy_ind) self.state_variable_y.on_clicked(self._update_svy)
def plot(Z): ax = plt.subplot(111) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25) ax.contour(flatperm2.pd(Z, 1, 1).T) ax1 = plt.axes([0.125, 0.15, 0.775, 0.03]) ax2 = plt.axes([0.125, 0.05, 0.775, 0.03]) s1 = Slider(ax1, r'$\omega_1$', 0.1, 30.0, valinit=1) s2 = Slider(ax2, r'$\omega_2$', 0.1, 10.0, valinit=1) def update(val): w1 = s1.val w2 = s2.val print((w1, w2)) ax.clear() ax.contour(flatperm2.pd(Z, w1, w2).T) # l.set_ydata(amp*sin(2*pi*freq*t)) plt.draw() s1.on_changed(update) s2.on_changed(update) return resetax = axes([0.8, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) button = Button(resetax, 'Reset', color=axcolor, hovercolor='0.975') def reset(event): sfreq.reset() samp.reset() button.on_clicked(reset) rax = axes([0.025, 0.5, 0.15, 0.15], axisbg=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, ('red', 'blue', 'green'), active=0) def colorfunc(label): l.set_color(label) draw() radio.on_clicked(colorfunc) show()
def setFigure(self): fig = py.figure(figsize=(5,5)) axs = self.addAxes(fig) self.bntext = py.Button(axs['text'], 'Text') self.bnchange= py.Button(axs['change'], 'Change') self.bnband = RadioButtons(axs['band'], ('low','high','double')) self.bnBandLabel = py.Button(axs['band_label'], 'low') return fig, axs
def make_buttons(self): axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' rax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.15, 0.15], axisbg=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, ('x1', 'x5', 'x10')) radio.on_clicked(self.set_multiplier) axprev = plt.axes([0.7, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) axnext = plt.axes([0.81, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) axup = plt.axes([0.59, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) axdown = plt.axes([0.48, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) axdone = plt.axes([0.30, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075]) bnext = Button(axnext, 'Right') bnext.on_clicked( bprev = Button(axprev, 'Left') bprev.on_clicked(self.prev) bup = Button(axup, 'Up') bup.on_clicked(self.up) bdown = Button(axdown, 'Down') bdown.on_clicked(self.down) bdone = Button(axdone, 'Done') bdone.on_clicked(self.done)
def _add_variable_selector(self): """ Generate radio selector buttons to set which state variable is displayed. """ noc = self.input_data.read_data_shape()[1] # number of choices #State variable for the x axis pos_shp = [CONTOLS_START_X, 0.22, CONTROLS_WIDTH, 0.12 + 0.008 * noc] rax = self.figure.add_axes(pos_shp, axisbg=AXCOLOUR, title="State Variable") self.variable_selector = RadioButtons(rax, tuple(range(noc)), active=0) self.variable_selector.on_clicked(self._update_variable)
def _add_spectrum_mode_selector(self): """ Add a radio button to the figure for selecting which part of the spectrum should be displayed: 0:real, 1:imag, 2:abs """ pos_shp = [CONTOLS_START_X, 0.07, CONTROLS_WIDTH, 0.1 + 0.002 * 3] rax = self.figure.add_axes(pos_shp, axisbg=AXCOLOUR, title="Spectrum Mode") spectrum_mode_tuple = ("Re", "Imag", "Abs") self.spectrum_mode_selector = RadioButtons(rax, spectrum_mode_tuple, active=spectrum_mode_tuple.index(self.spectrum)) self.spectrum_mode_selector.on_clicked(self._update_spectrum_mode)
class DoS(): """ Definition of the density of state class """ def __init__(self, bandarrays=None, energies=None, evals=None, units='eV', label='1', sigma=0.2, npts=2500, fermi_level=None, norm=1.0, sdos=None, e_min=None, e_max=None): """ Extract a quantity which is associated to the DoS, that can be plotted """ import numpy as np self.ens = [] self.labels = [] self.ef = None # self.norms=[] self.npts = npts if e_min is not None: self.e_min = e_min else: self.e_min = 1.e100 if e_max is not None: self.e_max = e_max else: self.e_max = -1.e100 if bandarrays is not None: self.append_from_bandarray(bandarrays, label) if evals is not None: self.append_from_dict(evals, label) if energies is not None: self.append( np.array([energies]), label=label, units=units, norm=(np.array([norm]) if isinstance(norm, float) else norm)) self.sigma = sigma self.fermi_level(fermi_level, units=units) if sdos is not None: self._embed_sdos(sdos) def _embed_sdos(self, sdos): self.sdos = [] for i, xdos in enumerate(sdos): self.sdos.append({'coord': xdos['coord']}) jdos = 0 for subspin in xdos['dos']: if len(subspin[0]) == 0: continue d = {'doslist': subspin} try: self.ens[jdos]['sdos'].append(d) except KeyError: self.ens[jdos]['sdos'] = [d] jdos += 1 def append_from_bandarray(self, bandarrays, label): """ Add a new band array to the previous DoS. Important for kpoints DOS """ import numpy as np for jspin in range(2): kptlists, lbl = _bandarray_to_data(jspin, bandarrays) self.append(np.array(kptlists[0]), label=label + lbl, units='AU', norm=np.array(kptlists[1])) def append_from_dict(self, evals, label): import numpy as np "Get the energies from the different flavours given by the dict" evs = [[], []] ef = None for ev in evals: occ = self.get_ev(ev, ['e_occ', 'e_occupied']) if occ: ef = max(occ) vrt = self.get_ev(ev, ['e_vrt', 'e_virt']) eigen = False if occ: eigen = occ if vrt: eigen = vrt if not eigen: eigen = self.get_ev(ev) if not occ and not vrt and eigen: ef = max(eigen) if not eigen: continue for i, e in enumerate(eigen): if e: evs[i].append(e) for i, energs in enumerate(evs): if len(energs) == 0: continue self.append(np.array(energs), label=label, units='AU', norm=1.0 - 2.0 * i) if ef: self.fermi_level(ef, units='AU') def get_ev(self, ev, keys=None): "Get the correct list of the energies for this eigenvalue" res = False if keys is None: ener = ev.get('e') spin = ev.get('s') if ener and spin == 1: res = [ener] elif ener and spin == -1: res = [None, ener] else: for k in keys: if k in ev: res = ev[k] if not isinstance(res, list): res = [res] break return res def append(self, energies, label=None, units='eV', norm=1.0): if not isinstance(norm, float) and len(norm) == 0: return dos = self.conversion_factor(units) * energies self.ens.append({'dos': DiracSuperposition(dos, wgts=norm)}) lbl = label if label is not None else str(len(self.labels) + 1) self.labels.append(lbl) # self.norms.append(norm) self.range = self._set_range() def conversion_factor(self, units): if units == 'AU': fac = AU_eV elif units == 'eV': fac = 1.0 else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized units (' + units + ')') return fac def fermi_level(self, fermi_level, units='eV'): if fermi_level is not None: self.ef = fermi_level * self.conversion_factor(units) def _set_range(self, npts=None, e_min=None, e_max=None): import numpy as np if npts is None: npts = self.npts if e_min is None: e_min = self.e_min if e_max is None: e_max = self.e_max for dos in self.ens: mn, mx = dos['dos'].xlim e_min = min(e_min, mn) e_max = max(e_max, mx) return np.arange(e_min, e_max, (e_max - e_min) / npts) def curve(self, dos, norm, sigma=None): import numpy as np if sigma is None: sigma = self.sigma nrm = np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * sigma / norm dos_g = [] for e_i in self.range: if len(dos.shape) == 2: nkpt = dos.shape[0] value = 0.0 for ikpt in range(nkpt): value += np.sum( np.exp(-(e_i - dos[ikpt, :])**2 / (2.0 * sigma**2)) / nrm[ikpt]) else: value = np.sum( np.exp(-(e_i - dos[:])**2 / (2.0 * sigma**2)) / nrm) # Append data corresponding to each energy grid dos_g.append(value) return np.array(dos_g) def dump(self, sigma=None): "For Gnuplot" if sigma is None: sigma = self.sigma # data=[self.curve(dos,norm=self.norms[i],sigma=sigma) # for i,dos in enumerate(self.ens)] data = [ dos['dos'].curve(self.range, sigma=sigma)[1] for dos in self.ens ] for i, e in enumerate(self.range): safe_print(e, ' '.join(map(str, [d[i] for d in data]))) def plot(self, sigma=None, legend=True, xlmin=None, xlmax=None, ylmin=None, ylmax=None, width=6.4, height=4.8): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Slider # , Button, RadioButtons if sigma is None: sigma = self.sigma self.fig, self.ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(width, height)) self.plotl = [] for i, dos in enumerate(self.ens): # self.plotl.append(self.ax1.plot(self.range,self.curve(dos,norm=self.norms[i],sigma=sigma),label=self.labels[i])) self.plotl.append( self.ax1.plot(*dos['dos'].curve(self.range, sigma=sigma), label=self.labels[i])) if xlmax is not None: plt.xlim(xmax=xlmax) if xlmin is not None: plt.xlim(xmin=xlmin) if ylmax is not None: plt.ylim(ymax=ylmax) if ylmin is not None: plt.ylim(ymin=ylmin) plt.xlabel('Energy [eV]', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel('DoS', fontsize=18) if self.ef is not None: plt.axvline(self.ef, color='k', linestyle='--') # self.ax1.annotate('Fermi level', xy=(self.ef,2), # xytext=(self.ef, 10), # arrowprops=dict(facecolor='white', shrink=0.05), # ) if len(self.labels) > 1 and legend: plt.legend(loc='best') axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' try: axsigma = plt.axes([0.2, 0.93, 0.65, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor) except AttributeError: axsigma = plt.axes([0.2, 0.93, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) self.ssig = Slider(axsigma, 'Smearing', 0.0, 0.4, valinit=sigma) self.ssig.on_changed(self.update) if hasattr(self, 'sdos') and self.sdos: self._set_sdos_selector() self._set_sdos() def _set_sdos_selector(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import RadioButtons self.sdos_selector = RadioButtons(plt.axes( [0.93, 0.05, 0.04, 0.11], axisbg='lightgoldenrodyellow'), ('x', 'y', 'z'), active=1) self.isdos = 1 self.sdos_selector.on_clicked(self._update_sdos) def _set_sdos(self): import numpy xs = self.sdos[self.isdos]['coord'] self._set_sdos_sliders(numpy.min(xs), numpy.max(xs)) self._update_sdos(0.0) # fake value as it is unused def _sdos_curve(self, sdos, vmin, vmax): import numpy xs = self.sdos[self.isdos]['coord'] imin = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(xs - vmin)) imax = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(xs - vmax)) doslist = sdos[self.isdos]['doslist'] # norms=self.sdos[self.isdos]['norms'][ispin] tocurve = [0.0 for i in doslist[imin]] for d in doslist[imin:imax + 1]: tocurve = [t + dd for t, dd in zip(tocurve, d)] # tocurve=numpy.sum([ d[ispin] for d in doslist[imin:imax+1]],axis=0) return tocurve # float(len(xs))/float(imax+1-imin)*tocurve,norms def _update_sdos(self, val): isdos = self.isdos if val == 'x': isdos = 0 elif val == 'y': isdos = 1 elif val == 'z': isdos = 2 if isdos != self.isdos: self.isdos = isdos self._set_sdos() vmin, vmax = (s.val for s in self.ssdos) if vmax < vmin: self.ssdos[1].set_val(vmin) vmax = vmin if vmin > vmax: self.ssdos[0].set_val(vmax) vmin = vmax # now plot the sdos curve associated to the given value sig = self.ssig.val curves = [] for dos in self.ens: if 'sdos' not in dos: continue renorms = self._sdos_curve(dos['sdos'], vmin, vmax) curve = dos['dos'].curve(self.range, sigma=sig, wgts=renorms) curves.append(curve) if hasattr(self, '_sdos_plots'): for pl, curve in zip(self._sdos_plots, curves): pl[0].set_ydata(curve[1]) else: self._sdos_plots = [] for c in curves: self._sdos_plots.append(self.ax1.plot(*c, label='sdos')) self.ax1.relim() self.ax1.autoscale_view() self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() def _set_sdos_sliders(self, cmin, cmax): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from futile.Figures import VertSlider if hasattr(self, 'ssdos'): self.ssdos[0].ax.clear() self.ssdos[0].__init__(self.ssdos[0].ax, 'SDos', cmin, cmax, valinit=cmin) self.ssdos[1].ax.clear() self.ssdos[1].__init__(self.ssdos[1].ax, '', cmin, cmax, valinit=cmax) else: axcolor = 'red' axmin = plt.axes([0.93, 0.2, 0.02, 0.65], axisbg=axcolor) axmax = plt.axes([0.95, 0.2, 0.02, 0.65], axisbg=axcolor) self.ssdos = [ VertSlider(axmin, 'SDos', cmin, cmax, valinit=cmin), VertSlider(axmax, '', cmin, cmax, valinit=cmax) ] self.ssdos[0].valtext.set_ha('right') self.ssdos[1].valtext.set_ha('left') self.ssdos[0].on_changed(self._update_sdos) self.ssdos[1].on_changed(self._update_sdos) def update(self, val): sig = self.ssig.val for i, dos in enumerate(self.ens): self.plotl[i][0].set_ydata(dos['dos'].curve(self.range, sigma=sig)[1]) # self.plotl[i][0].set_ydata(self.curve(dos,norm=self.norms[i],sigma=sig)) self.ax1.relim() self.ax1.autoscale_view() self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
states[0] = (x+1j*y)*k0 + z*k1 arrows[0] = update_arrow(states[0],arrows[0]) update_final_state() return True fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event',on_click_handler) axA = fig.add_axes([.2,.9,.6,.05]) slA = Slider(axA,'Angle',-180,180,valinit=360*gate[1]) def update_angle(value): gate[1] = value/360. update_final_state() slA.on_changed(update_angle) axR = fig.add_axes([.01,.88,.1,.1]) gate_dict = odict([('X',GateX),('Y',GateY),('Z',GateZ)]) rbR = RadioButtons(axR,tuple(gate_dict),active=2) def update_gate(value): gate[0] = gate_dict[value] update_final_state() rbR.on_clicked(update_gate) axI = fig.add_axes([.01,.6,.1,.25]) sq2 = .5*np.sqrt(2.) vectors_dict = odict([('0',(ax0,0,1)),('1',(ax1,0,1)),\ ('+',(ax0,0,sq2)),('-',(ax0,0,-sq2)),\ ('0+i1',(ax0,sq2,0)),('0-i1',(ax0,-sq2,0))]) # ('0+i1',(ax1,-sq2,0)),('0-i1',(ax1,sq2,0))]) rbI = RadioButtons(axI,tuple(vectors_dict),active=0) def update_initial(value): ax,xd,yd=vectors_dict[value] update_initial_state(axes=ax,button=3,xdata=xd,ydata=yd)
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = 16, 2 f2 = plt.figure(2) f2.canvas.set_window_title('Harmonograph Controls') ax2 = f2.add_subplot(111) plt.axis('off') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, right=1.0, top=1.0, bottom=0.0) def xprint(name, value): # convenience function to print params. print(name + ' '.join(['%.3f' % x for x in value])) # Radio buttons for pendulum selector pend = plt.axes([0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.8]) radio = RadioButtons(pend, ('1', '2', '3', '4')) p = 0 update = True def pensel(label): # Pendulum selector callback global p, update pendict = {'1': 0, '2': 1, '3': 2, '4': 3} p = pendict[label] update = False Xsa.set_val(ax[p]) Xsf.set_val(fx[p]) Xsp.set_val(px[p]) Ysa.set_val(ay[p]) Ysf.set_val(fy[p])
fig.canvas.draw_idle() sdist.on_changed(update) sangle.on_changed(update) resetax = plt.axes([0.8, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) button = Button(resetax, 'Reset', color=axcolor, hovercolor='0.975') def reset(event): sdist.reset() sangle.reset() button.on_clicked(reset) rax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.5, 0.15, 0.15], axisbg=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, (0, 1, 2, 3), active=0) def colorfunc(label): global currentLDR currentLDR = int(label) update(0) radio.on_clicked(colorfunc) plt.close(fig) def evaluateError(angle, distance, m1, m2, m3, m4): offset = 45. angle += offset
stemp.set_val(temp) l.set_ydata((331 + 0.6 * temp) / t) fig.canvas.draw_idle() sspeed.on_changed(updateSpeed) stemp.on_changed(updateTemp) resetax = plt.axes([0.0, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) button = Button(resetax, 'Reset', color=axcolor, hovercolor='0.975') def reset(event): sspeed.reset() stemp.reset() button.on_clicked(reset) rax = plt.axes([0.01, 0.7, 0.15, 0.15], facecolor=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, ('yellow', 'pink', 'green'), active=0) def colorfunc(label): l.set_color(label) fig.canvas.draw_idle() radio.on_clicked(colorfunc)
button = Button(resetax, 'Reset', color=axcolor, hovercolor='0.975') def reset(event): global pwm, freq, activeButton pwm = a0 freq = f0 activeButton = 0 ESP8266_send() sfreq.reset() srpm.reset() button.on_clicked(reset) rax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.5, 0.15, 0.15], facecolor=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, ('BUZZER', 'LED'), active=0) def colorfunc(label): global activeButton if label == "BUZZER": activeButton = 0 else: activeButton = 1 ESP8266_send() radio.on_clicked(colorfunc)
def reset(event): for i in np.arange(nbeads): slvec[i].reset() savec[i].reset() swvec[i].reset() button.on_clicked(reset) rax = axes([0.025, 0.3, 0.12, 0.50], axisbg=axcolor, aspect='equal') blabs = [] for i in np.arange(1, ncases + 1): blabs.append('Case {0}'.format(i)) #radio = RadioButtons(rax, ['Case 1', 'Case 2', 'Case 3'], active=0) radio = RadioButtons(rax, blabs, active=0) def colorfunc(label): datakey = int(label[-2:]) per0, dp0 = test_data(datakey - 1) l0.set_xdata(per0) l0.set_ydata(dp0) #l.set_color(label) draw() radio.on_clicked(colorfunc) show()
def poly_plots(snrs): for snr in snrs: print "Fitting polygons and sources to " + white ="white/" + + ".fits") red ="red/rpj/" + + ".fits") green ="green/rpj/" + + ".fits") blue ="blue/rpj/" + + ".fits") white_data = white[0].data red_data = red[0].data green_data = green[0].data blue_data = blue[0].data # rgb = np.dstack([red_data,green_data,blue_data]) xmax = white[0].header["NAXIS1"] ymax = white[0].header["NAXIS2"] w = wcs.WCS(white[0].header) try: pix2deg = white[0].header["CD2_2"] except KeyError: pix2deg = white[0].header["CDELT2"] # Divide by maximum value to normalise # rgb = normalize(rgb, np.nanmin(rgb), np.nanmax(rgb)) # Percentile interval for image normalisation pct = 97.0 interval = PercentileInterval(pct) # vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits(data) # stretch = AsinhStretch(a=0.1) i = interval.get_limits(red_data) r = normalize(red_data, *i) i = interval.get_limits(green_data) g = normalize(green_data, *i) i = interval.get_limits(blue_data) b = normalize(blue_data, *i) rgb = np.dstack([r, g, b]) rgb[np.isnan(rgb)] = 0.0 def update(val): vmin = svmin.val vmax = svmax.val img_white.set_clim([svmin.val, svmax.val]) fig.canvas.draw() fig = newfigure(figsize=(10, 5)) ax_white = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.15, 0.4, 0.8]) ax_rgb = fig.add_axes([0.55, 0.15, 0.4, 0.8]) img_rgb = ax_rgb.imshow(rgb) img_white = ax_white.imshow(white_data, cmap="gray") cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.45, 0.1, 0.03, 0.85]) cb = plt.colorbar(img_white, cax=cbaxes, orientation="vertical") axcolor = 'white' axmin = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.02], axisbg=axcolor) axmax = fig.add_axes([0.24, 0.05, 0.1, 0.02], axisbg=axcolor) # vmin0 = np.min(white_data) # vmax0 = np.max(white_data) vmin0, vmax0 = interval.get_limits(white_data) # include the slider: cribbed from svmin = Slider(axmin, "vmin", 2 * vmin0, -2 * vmin0, valinit=vmin0) svmax = Slider(axmax, "vmax", -2 * vmax0, 2 * vmax0, valinit=vmax0) svmin.on_changed(update) svmax.on_changed(update) fig.suptitle( 'Left-click = select source, middle-click = source subtract, right-click = select region to exclude from background calculation' ) centerx, centery = w.wcs_world2pix(snr.loc.fk5.ra.value, snr.loc.fk5.dec.value, 0) print centerx, centery major, minor = snr.maj / (2 * pix2deg), snr.min / (2 * pix2deg) for ax in ax_white, ax_rgb: # If you don't do this, it automatically zooms out when you first click on the plot ax.set_xlim(0, xmax) ax.set_ylim(0, ymax) # Plot rough size of SNR -- DAG doesn't include pa information so neither can I ax.plot([centerx, centerx], [centery - major, centery + major], **reticsnr) ax.plot([centerx - minor, centerx + minor], [centery, centery], **reticsnr) polypick = PolyPick(ax_white) rax = fig.add_axes([0.6, 0.0, 0.15, 0.10]) radio = RadioButtons(rax, ("white", "rgb"), active=0) def changeax(axl): if axl == "white": = ax_white elif axl == "rgb": = ax_rgb fig.canvas.draw_idle() radio.on_clicked(changeax) # Export pixel co-ordinates as WCS co-ordinates in order to use on any arbitrary image, and save for later polygon = Coords() sources = Coords() exclude = Coords() if len(polypick.coords.x): polygon.x, polygon.y = w.wcs_pix2world( zip(polypick.coords.x, polypick.coords.y), 0).transpose() else: # User has got bored of picking polygons and wants to exit this loop print "No polygon detected; leaving polygon-drawing mode." break if len(polypick.points.x): sources.x, sources.y = w.wcs_pix2world( zip(polypick.points.x, polypick.points.y), 0).transpose() if len(polypick.exclude.x): exclude.x, exclude.y = w.wcs_pix2world( zip(polypick.exclude.x, polypick.exclude.y), 0).transpose() # NB: overwrites data for any old measurements for this live object snr.polygon = polygon snr.sources = sources snr.exclude = exclude return snrs
def plot_setup(self, pre_fig=None): # Setting the figure and unpacking the different subplots to variables if not self.parent.show_second: self.fig, ((self.pendulum_plot, self.angle_plot), (self.phase_plot, self.vel_plot)) = subplots( 2, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1, 2.5]}) else: self.fig = figure() = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=5 * 4, nrows=3, figure=self.fig) self.pendulum_plot = self.fig.add_subplot([0, 0:2 * 4]) self.angle_plot = self.fig.add_subplot([0, 2 * 4 + 1:]) self.phase_plot = self.fig.add_subplot([1, 0:2 * 4]) self.vel_plot = self.fig.add_subplot([1, 2 * 4 + 1:]) self.angle_plot_diff = self.fig.add_subplot([2, 1:10]) self.vel_plot_diff = self.fig.add_subplot([2, 11:]) subplots_adjust(left=p_left, right=p_right, top=p_top, bottom=p_bot, hspace=h_space, wspace=w_space) self.fig.set_facecolor(Color.BACKGROUND) self.pendulum_plot.set(aspect='equal') self.phase_plot.set(aspect='equal') # Setting axes for the sliders and buttons self.ax_rod_length = axes([ 0.815 + slider_pad, 0.73, slider_w - 0.005, p_top - p_bot - (0.75 - 0.10) ], facecolor=Color.SLIDER_INACTIVE) self.ax_bob_mass = axes([ 0.815 + slider_pad * 2 + slider_w - 0.005, 0.73, slider_w - 0.005, p_top - p_bot - (0.75 - 0.10) ], facecolor=Color.SLIDER_INACTIVE) self.ax_dt = axes([ 0.815 + slider_pad * 3 + 2 * (slider_w - 0.005), 0.73, slider_w - 0.005, p_top - p_bot - (0.75 - 0.10) ], facecolor=Color.SLIDER_INACTIVE) self.ax_Fd = axes([ 0.815 + slider_pad * 4 + 3 * (slider_w - 0.005), 0.73, slider_w - 0.005, p_top - p_bot - (0.75 - 0.10) ], facecolor=Color.SLIDER_INACTIVE) self.ax_Om_d = axes([ 0.815 + slider_pad * 5 + 4 * (slider_w - 0.005), 0.73, slider_w - 0.005, p_top - p_bot - (0.75 - 0.10) ], facecolor=Color.SLIDER_INACTIVE) self.ax_dampening = axes( [0.82 + slider_pad, p_bot + 0.315 + button_w, button_w, button_w], facecolor=Color.RADIO_BACKGROUND, title="Dampening type") self.ax_second_calc = axes( [0.82 + slider_pad, p_bot + 0.34, button_w, button_w - 0.065], facecolor=Color.RADIO_BACKGROUND, title="Second trajectory") self.ax_Dtheta = axes( [0.835 + slider_pad, p_bot + 0.30, button_w - 0.055, slider_w], facecolor=Color.SLIDER_INACTIVE) self.ax_anim_params = axes( [0.82 + slider_pad, p_bot + 0.105, button_w, button_w], facecolor=Color.RADIO_BACKGROUND, title="Animation speed") self.ax_apply_run = axes( [0.82 + slider_pad, p_bot + 0.05, button_w, slider_w * 2]) self.ax_reset = axes( [0.82 + slider_pad, p_bot, button_w, slider_w * 2]) self.slider_rod_length = Slider(self.ax_rod_length, "l", 5, 15, color=Color.SLIDER_ACTIVE, valinit=self.parent.rod_length, valstep=0.1, orientation="vertical") self.slider_bob_mass = Slider(self.ax_bob_mass, "m", 0.1, 10.0, color=Color.SLIDER_ACTIVE, valinit=self.parent.bob_mass, valstep=0.1, orientation="vertical") self.slider_dt = Slider(self.ax_dt, "dt", 0.001, 0.3, color=Color.SLIDER_ACTIVE, valinit=self.parent.dt, valstep=0.001, orientation="vertical", valfmt="%1.3f") self.slider_Fd = Slider(self.ax_Fd, "$F_D$", 0.0, 2, color=Color.SLIDER_ACTIVE, valinit=self.parent.F_d, valstep=0.1, orientation="vertical", valfmt="%1.1f") self.slider_Om_d = Slider(self.ax_Om_d, "$\Omega_D$", 0.0, 2 * np.pi, color=Color.SLIDER_ACTIVE, valinit=self.parent.Om_d, valstep=0.01, orientation="vertical", valfmt="%1.2f") self.radio_damping = RadioButtons( self.ax_dampening, ["underdamped", "overdamped", "critical damping", "none"], active=self.parent.dampening_index, activecolor=Color.RADIO_SELECTED) for i in self.radio_damping.labels: i.set_fontsize("small") self.radio_second_calc = RadioButtons(self.ax_second_calc, ["No", "Yes"], active=self.parent.show_second, activecolor=Color.RADIO_SELECTED) for i in self.radio_second_calc.labels: i.set_fontsize("small") self.slider_Dtheta = Slider(self.ax_Dtheta, "$\Delta\\theta$", 0.0, 0.01, color=Color.SLIDER_ACTIVE, valinit=self.parent.init_Dtheta, valstep=0.0001, orientation="horizontal", valfmt="%1.4f") self.radio_anim_params = RadioButtons( self.ax_anim_params, ["$1/2$x", "1x", "4x", "10x", "No animation"], active=self.parent.speed_index, activecolor=Color.RADIO_SELECTED) for i in self.radio_anim_params.labels: i.set_fontsize("small") self.button_apply_run = Button(self.ax_apply_run, "Apply and run..", color=Color.BUTTON_OFF_HOVER, hovercolor=Color.BUTTON_ON_HOVER) self.button_reset_apply = Button(self.ax_reset, "Reset and run..", color=Color.BUTTON_OFF_HOVER, hovercolor=Color.BUTTON_ON_HOVER)
def _GUI_display(self, redshift_est, ztest, corr_val, test_waveform, template_waveform): wave = test_waveform.masked_wave flux_sci = test_waveform.masked_flux '''Display the spectrum and reference lines.''' self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[2, 1]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax = plt.subplot(gs[1]) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.96, bottom=0.04, left=0.04, right=0.92) figManager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() figManager.window.showMaximized() ax.plot(ztest, corr_val, 'b') pspec_corr = ax.axvline(redshift_est, color='k', ls='--') ax.set_xlabel('Redshift') ax.set_ylabel('Correlation') self.pspec, = ax2.plot(wave, flux_sci) ax2.set_ylim(np.min(flux_sci), np.max(flux_sci)) ax2.set_xlim(wave[0], wave[-1]) ax2.plot() # Plot sky lines: # Red = HK # Purple = OII, Halpha # Black = sky # Blue = Emission # Orange = Absorption vlin_pspecs = plot_skylines(ax2, redshift_est) # Include information in plot self.fig.text(0.923, 0.9, '%s' %, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=1.), fontsize=18) self.fig.text(0.922, 0.8, 'Blue/ = Emission\nPurple Lines', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=1.)) self.fig.text(0.922, 0.78, 'Red/ = Absorption\nOrange Lines', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=1.)) self.fig.text(0.922, 0.74, 'Black = Sky\n Lines', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=1.)) # from left, from bottom, width, height rax = plt.axes([0.925, 0.43, 0.07, 0.22]) # Setup User input box on plot if self.qualityval == 1: radio = RadioButtons( rax, ('1 - No Clue ', '2 - Slight\n Chance', '3 - Maybe', '4 - Probably', '5 - Clear')) else: radio = RadioButtons( rax, ('1 - No Clue ', '2 - Slight\n Chance', '3 - Maybe', '4 - Probably', '5 - Clear'), active=1) def qualfunc(label): if label == '5 - Clear': self.qualityval = 5 elif label == '4 - Probably': self.qualityval = 4 elif label == '3 - Maybe': self.qualityval = 3 elif label == '2 - Slight\n Chance': self.qualityval = 2 else: self.qualityval = 1 radio.on_clicked(qualfunc) # from left, from bottom, width, height closeax = plt.axes([0.93, 0.18, 0.06, 0.08]) button = Button(closeax, 'Accept & Close', hovercolor='0.975') def closeplot(event): plt.close() button.on_clicked(closeplot) skip_spec_ax = plt.axes([0.93, 0.94, 0.06, 0.04]) skip_button = Button(skip_spec_ax, 'skip spectra', hovercolor='0.975') def skip_spec(event): plt.close() self.qualityval = 0 skip_button.on_clicked(skip_spec) #ax2.set_xlim(self.lower_w,self.upper_w) ax2.set_xlabel('Wavelength (A)') ax2.set_ylabel('Counts') # Setup the classification if self.first_pass: line_est = Estimateline(self.pspec, ax2, self.uline_n) else: spectra2 = DragSpectra(vlin_pspecs, pspec_corr, redshift_est, ax2) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', spectra2.on_motion) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', spectra2.on_press) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', spectra2.on_release) if self.qualityval == 0: return None elif self.first_pass: if line_est.lam == 0: return None else: return line_est.lam / self.uline - 1.0 else: return spectra2.finalz
class AlignmentInterface(BaseReviewInterface): """Custom interface for rating the quality of alignment between two 3d MR images""" def __init__(self, fig, rating_list=cfg.default_rating_list, next_button_callback=None, quit_button_callback=None, change_vis_type_callback=None, toggle_animation_callback=None, show_first_image_callback=None, show_second_image_callback=None, alpha_seg=cfg.default_alpha_seg): """Constructor""" super().__init__(fig, None, next_button_callback, quit_button_callback) self.rating_list = rating_list self.latest_alpha_seg = alpha_seg self.prev_axis = None self.prev_ax_pos = None self.zoomed_in = False self.next_button_callback = next_button_callback self.quit_button_callback = quit_button_callback self.change_vis_type_callback = change_vis_type_callback self.toggle_animation_callback = toggle_animation_callback self.show_first_image_callback = show_first_image_callback self.show_second_image_callback = show_second_image_callback self.add_radio_buttons_rating() self.add_radio_buttons_comparison_method() # this list of artists to be populated later # makes to handy to clean them all self.data_handles = list() self.unzoomable_axes = [,,,,, ] def add_radio_buttons_comparison_method(self): ax_radio = plt.axes(cfg.position_alignment_radio_button_method, facecolor=cfg.color_rating_axis, aspect='equal') self.radio_bt_vis_type = RadioButtons(ax_radio, cfg.choices_alignment_comparison, active=None, activecolor='orange') self.radio_bt_vis_type.on_clicked(self.change_vis_type_callback) for txt_lbl in self.radio_bt_vis_type.labels: txt_lbl.set(color=cfg.text_option_color, fontweight='normal') for circ in self.radio_bt_vis_type.circles: circ.set(radius=0.06) def add_radio_buttons_rating(self): ax_radio = plt.axes(cfg.position_alignment_radio_button_rating, facecolor=cfg.color_rating_axis, aspect='equal') self.radio_bt_rating = RadioButtons(ax_radio, self.rating_list, active=None, activecolor='orange') self.radio_bt_rating.on_clicked(self.save_rating) for txt_lbl in self.radio_bt_rating.labels: txt_lbl.set(color=cfg.text_option_color, fontweight='normal') for circ in self.radio_bt_rating.circles: circ.set(radius=0.06) def save_rating(self, label): """Update the rating""" # print(' rating {}'.format(label)) self.user_rating = label def get_ratings(self): """Returns the final set of checked ratings""" return self.user_rating def allowed_to_advance(self): """ Method to ensure work is done for current iteration, before allowing the user to advance to next subject. Returns False if atleast one of the following conditions are not met: Atleast Checkbox is checked """ return self.radio_bt_rating.value_selected is not None def reset_figure(self): "Resets the figure to prepare it for display of next subject." self.clear_data() self.clear_radio_buttons() self.clear_notes_annot() def clear_data(self): """clearing all data/image handles""" if self.data_handles: for artist in self.data_handles: artist.remove() # resetting it self.data_handles = list() def clear_radio_buttons(self): """Clears the radio button""" # enabling default rating encourages lazy advancing without review # self.radio_bt_rating.set_active(cfg.index_freesurfer_default_rating) for index, label in enumerate(self.radio_bt_rating.labels): if label.get_text() == self.radio_bt_rating.value_selected: self.radio_bt_rating.circles[index].set_facecolor( cfg.color_rating_axis) break self.radio_bt_rating.value_selected = None def clear_notes_annot(self): """clearing notes and annotations""" self.text_box.set_val(cfg.textbox_initial_text) # text is matplotlib artist self.annot_text.remove() def on_mouse(self, event): """Callback for mouse events.""" if self.prev_axis is not None: # include all the non-data axes here (so they wont be zoomed-in) if event.inaxes not in self.unzoomable_axes: self.prev_axis.set_position(self.prev_ax_pos) self.prev_axis.set_zorder(0) self.prev_axis.patch.set_alpha(0.5) self.zoomed_in = False # right click undefined if event.button in [3]: pass # double click to zoom in to any axis elif event.dblclick and event.inaxes is not None and \ event.inaxes not in self.unzoomable_axes: # zoom axes full-screen self.prev_ax_pos = event.inaxes.get_position() event.inaxes.set_position(cfg.zoomed_position) event.inaxes.set_zorder(1) # bring forth event.inaxes.set_facecolor('black') # black event.inaxes.patch.set_alpha(1.0) # opaque self.zoomed_in = True self.prev_axis = event.inaxes else: pass plt.draw() def on_keyboard(self, key_in): """Callback to handle keyboard shortcuts to rate and advance.""" # ignore keyboard key_in when mouse within Notes textbox if key_in.inaxes == or key_in.key is None: return key_pressed = key_in.key.lower() # print(key_pressed) if key_pressed in [ 'right', ]: self.next_button_callback() elif key_pressed in ['ctrl+q', 'q+ctrl']: self.quit_button_callback() elif key_pressed in [' ', 'space']: self.toggle_animation_callback() elif key_pressed in ['alt+1', '1+alt']: self.show_first_image_callback() elif key_pressed in ['alt+2', '2+alt']: self.show_second_image_callback() else: if key_pressed in cfg.default_rating_list_shortform: self.user_rating = cfg.map_short_rating[key_pressed] index_to_set = cfg.default_rating_list.index(self.user_rating) self.radio_bt_rating.set_active(index_to_set) else: pass plt.draw()
class guiMenu: fig = None gauss_params = [33, 7] logTextLabels = [] logText = [] axMisc = None axAlgorithm = None axSaveOptions = None axGauss = None axLog = None axRadio = None axLogLabels = None line_gaussian = None ax_window_size = None slider_window_size = None ax_sigma = None slider_sigma = None originalStdOut = None #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Class initialization # def __init__(self): self.strTitle = 'Gesture Analysis Configuration - ' + settings.appVersion self.fig = plt.figure() self.fig.canvas.set_window_title(self.strTitle) self.fig.set_size_inches((settings.screen_cx * 0.49) / self.fig.dpi, (settings.screen_cy * 0.465) / self.fig.dpi) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', self.onresize) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', self.onclose) self.fig.edgecolor = 'blue' self.fig.set_facecolor('0.90') left = 0.03 # the left side of the subplots of the figure right = 0.97 # the right side of the subplots of the figure bottom = 0.04 # the bottom of the subplots of the figure top = 0.92 # the top of the subplots of the figure wspace = 0.3 # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots hspace = 0.7 # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots plt.subplots_adjust(left=left, top=top, right=right, bottom=bottom, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) self.axMisc = plt.subplot2grid((6, 4), (0, 0), rowspan=1, colspan=1, aspect='auto', anchor='NW') self.axAlgorithm = plt.subplot2grid((6, 4), (1, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=1, aspect='auto', anchor='NW') self.axSaveOptions = plt.subplot2grid((6, 4), (3, 0), rowspan=3, colspan=1, aspect='equal', anchor='NW') self.axGauss = plt.subplot2grid((6, 4), (0, 1), rowspan=4, colspan=3) self.axLog = plt.subplot2grid((6, 4), (5, 1), rowspan=1, colspan=3, aspect='auto', anchor='NW') # create the various groups of UI controls self.createUIMiscellaneous() self.createUILog() self.createUIAlgorithm() self.createUIGaussianFilterControls() self.createUIMiscellaneousControls() # set settings.tkGuiCanvas for use for modal dialogs try: if (self.fig is not None) and (self.fig.canvas is not None) and ( self.fig.canvas._tkcanvas is not None): settings.tkGuiCanvas = self.fig.canvas._tkcanvas except Exception as e: pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def get_aspect(self, ax): # Total figure size figW, figH = ax.get_figure().get_size_inches() # Axis size on figure _, _, w, h = ax.get_position().bounds # Ratio of display units disp_ratio = (figH * h) / (figW * w) # Ratio of data units # Negative over negative because of the order of subtraction data_ratio = sub(*ax.get_ylim()) / sub(*ax.get_xlim()) return disp_ratio / data_ratio #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def createUIAlgorithm(self): algorithm = settings.application.algorithm.lower() defaultAlgoritmIdx = 0 if (algorithm == 'total'): defaultAlgoritmIdx = 0 elif (algorithm == 'parallel'): defaultAlgoritmIdx = 1 elif (algorithm == 'naive'): defaultAlgoritmIdx = 2 self.axAlgorithm.set_title('Algorithm', x=0, horizontalalignment='left') # create an axis to host to radio buttons. make its aspect ratio # equal so the radiobuttons stay round aspect = self.get_aspect(self.axAlgorithm) rect = [0, 0, 1.0 * aspect, 1.0] ip = InsetPosition(self.axAlgorithm, rect) self.axRadio = plt.axes(rect) self.axRadio.set_axes_locator(ip) self.axRadio.axis('off') self.radioAlgorithm = RadioButtons( self.axRadio, ('Total Energy', 'Parallel Energy', 'Naive (no filter)'), active=defaultAlgoritmIdx) self.radioAlgorithm.on_clicked(self.onClickAlgorithm) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def createUIGaussianFilterControls(self): axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' rect = [0.82, -0.158, 0.14, 0.07] ax_btnapply = plt.axes(rect) ip = InsetPosition(self.axGauss, rect) #posx, posy, width, height ax_btnapply.set_axes_locator(ip) self.btnApply = Button(ax_btnapply, 'Apply') self.btnApply.on_clicked(self.onclickApply) rect = [0.82, -0.245, 0.14, 0.07] ax_btnreset = plt.axes(rect) ip = InsetPosition(self.axGauss, rect) #posx, posy, width, height ax_btnreset.set_axes_locator(ip) self.btnReset = Button(ax_btnreset, 'Reset', color='0.950', hovercolor='0.975') self.btnReset.on_clicked(self.onclickReset) rect = [0.1, -0.155, 0.55, 0.04] self.ax_window_size = plt.axes(rect, facecolor=axcolor) ip = InsetPosition(self.axGauss, rect) #posx, posy, width, height self.ax_window_size.set_axes_locator(ip) self.slider_window_size = Slider(self.ax_window_size, 'Window Size', 1, (self.gauss_params[0] + 1) * 2 + 1, valinit=self.gauss_params[0], valstep=2) self.slider_window_size.on_changed(self.updateGaussianFilter) rect = [0.1, -0.235, 0.55, 0.04] self.ax_sigma = plt.axes(rect, facecolor=axcolor) ip = InsetPosition(self.axGauss, rect) #posx, posy, width, height self.ax_sigma.set_axes_locator(ip) self.slider_sigma = Slider(self.ax_sigma, 'Sigma', 1, (self.gauss_params[1] + 1) * 2, valinit=self.gauss_params[1], valstep=1) self.slider_sigma.on_changed(self.updateGaussianFilter) self.updateGaussianFilter() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def createUIMiscellaneous(self): self.axMisc.set_title('', x=0, horizontalalignment='left') # removing top and right borders self.axMisc.xaxis.set_visible(False) self.axMisc.yaxis.set_visible(False) # remove ticks self.axSaveOptions.set_xticks([]) self.axSaveOptions.set_yticks([]) # remove ticks self.axAlgorithm.set_xticks([]) self.axAlgorithm.set_yticks([]) bbox = self.axMisc.get_window_extent() self.axMisc.set_xlim(0, bbox.width) self.axMisc.set_ylim(0, bbox.height) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def createUILog(self): self.axLog.set_title('Console Log', x=0, horizontalalignment='left') # removing top and right borders self.axLog.xaxis.set_visible(False) self.axLog.yaxis.set_visible(False) self.resetLogLabels() # redirect console messages to gui's log self.originalStdOut = sys.stdout sys.stdout = CaptureOutput() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def resetLogLabels(self): cnt = len(self.logTextLabels) for i in range(0, cnt): self.logTextLabels[i].remove() self.logTextLabels = [] bbox = self.axLog.get_window_extent() self.axLog.set_xlim(0, bbox.width) self.axLog.set_ylim(0, bbox.height) aspect = self.get_aspect(self.axLog) rect = [0, 0, 1.0 * aspect, 1.0] ip = InsetPosition(self.axLog, rect) if (self.axLogLabels is None): self.axLogLabels = plt.axes(rect) else: self.axLogLabels.set_position(rect) self.axLogLabels.set_axes_locator(ip) self.axLogLabels.axis('off') aspectLog = 1.0 / self.get_aspect(self.axLog) strText = 'Tyg' tmp, self.logTextHeight = settings.getTextExtent(self.axLog, strText) self.logTextHeight = self.logTextHeight * aspectLog # * self.fig.dpi # pre-create empty log label placeholders self.logTextLabels = [] y = (self.logTextHeight / 4.0) cy = bbox.height idx = len(self.logText) - 1 while (y < cy): str = self.logText[idx] if (idx >= 0) else '' idx = idx - 1 lbl = self.axLogLabels.text( 8.0, y, str, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', color='dimgray', clip_on=True, transform=self.axLog.transData ) #, bbox={'facecolor':'lightgray', 'alpha':0.7, 'pad':0.0}) self.logTextLabels.append(lbl) y += self.logTextHeight # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def createUIMiscellaneousControls(self): rect = [0.06, 0.30, 0.70, 0.40] ip = InsetPosition(self.axMisc, rect) #posx, posy, width, height ax_btnbrowse = plt.axes(rect) ax_btnbrowse.set_axes_locator(ip) self.btnBrowse = Button(ax_btnbrowse, 'Input File') self.btnBrowse.on_clicked(self.onclickBrowse) self.axSaveOptions.set_title('Output Files', x=0, horizontalalignment='left') x = 0.06 dx = 0.70 # 0.80 dy = 0.10 # 0.17 cy = 0.14 # 0.24 y = 0.80 rect = [x, y, dx, dy] ip = InsetPosition(self.axSaveOptions, rect) #posx, posy, width, height ax_btn = plt.axes(rect) ax_btn.set_axes_locator(ip) self.btnSaveJSON = Button(ax_btn, 'JSON') self.btnSaveJSON.on_clicked(self.onclickSaveJSON) rect = [x, y - 1 * cy, dx, dy] ip = InsetPosition(self.axSaveOptions, rect) #posx, posy, width, height ax_btn = plt.axes(rect) ax_btn.set_axes_locator(ip) self.btnSaveTXT = Button(ax_btn, 'Text') self.btnSaveTXT.on_clicked(self.onclickSaveTXT) rect = [x, y - 2 * cy, dx, dy] ip = InsetPosition(self.axSaveOptions, rect) #posx, posy, width, height ax_btn = plt.axes(rect) ax_btn.set_axes_locator(ip) self.btnSaveFilterView = Button(ax_btn, 'Filter Graph') self.btnSaveFilterView.on_clicked(self.onclickSaveFilterView) rect = [x, y - 3 * cy, dx, dy] ip = InsetPosition(self.axSaveOptions, rect) #posx, posy, width, height ax_btn = plt.axes(rect) ax_btn.set_axes_locator(ip) self.btnSaveSkeletonView = Button(ax_btn, '3D Joint Data') self.btnSaveSkeletonView.on_clicked(self.onclickSaveSkeletonView) rect = [x, y - 4 * cy, dx, dy] ip = InsetPosition(self.axSaveOptions, rect) #posx, posy, width, height ax_btn = plt.axes(rect) ax_btn.set_axes_locator(ip) self.btnSaveScoreView = Button(ax_btn, 'Score View') self.btnSaveScoreView.on_clicked(self.onclickSaveScoreView) rect = [x, y - 5 * cy, dx, dy] ip = InsetPosition(self.axSaveOptions, rect) #posx, posy, width, height ax_btn = plt.axes(rect) ax_btn.set_axes_locator(ip) self.btnSavePNG = Button(ax_btn, 'Full Score') self.btnSavePNG.on_clicked(self.onclickSaveImage) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # canvas resize event # def onresize(self, event): # plt.tight_layout() # keep tha radio buttons round... if (self.axRadio is not None) and (self.axAlgorithm is not None): aspect = self.get_aspect(self.axAlgorithm) rect = [0, 0, 1.0 * aspect, 1.0] ip = InsetPosition(self.axAlgorithm, rect) self.axRadio.set_axes_locator(ip) self.axRadio.set_position(rect) self.resetLogLabels() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # canvas close event # def onclose(self, event): self.fig = None # if user closes this figure, let the main application know and to exit settings.application.close() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def updateUIControls(self, algorithm): algorithm = algorithm.lower() fEnable = False if (algorithm == 'naive') else True alpha = 0.2 if (algorithm == 'naive') else 1.0 self.btnApply.set_active(fEnable) self.btnReset.set_active(fEnable) self.btnApply.label.set_alpha(alpha) self.btnReset.label.set_alpha(alpha) fUpdateGaussianPlot = False if (self.gauss_params[0] != self.slider_window_size.val): self.ax_window_size.clear() self.slider_window_size.__init__( self.ax_window_size, 'Window Size', valmin=1, valmax=(self.gauss_params[0] + 1) * 2 + 1, valinit=self.gauss_params[0], valstep=2) self.slider_window_size.on_changed(self.updateGaussianFilter) fUpdateGaussianPlot = True if (self.gauss_params[1] != self.slider_sigma.val): self.ax_sigma.clear() self.slider_sigma.__init__(self.ax_sigma, 'Sigma', valmin=1, valmax=(self.gauss_params[1] + 1) * 2, valinit=self.gauss_params[1], valstep=1) self.slider_sigma.on_changed(self.updateGaussianFilter) fUpdateGaussianPlot = True if (fUpdateGaussianPlot): self.updateGaussianFilter() self.line_gaussian.set_alpha(alpha) self.ax_window_size.patch.set_alpha(alpha) if (self.slider_window_size.poly): self.slider_window_size.poly.set_alpha(alpha) self.slider_window_size.set_active(fEnable) for r in r.set_alpha(alpha) self.ax_sigma.patch.set_alpha(alpha) if (self.slider_sigma.poly): self.slider_sigma.poly.set_alpha(alpha) self.slider_sigma.set_active(fEnable) for r in r.set_alpha(alpha) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def updateInputName(self): self.fig.canvas.set_window_title( self.strTitle + ' - [' + settings.application.strBeautifiedInputFile + ']') # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def getAlgorithmSelection(self): if (self.radioAlgorithm.value_selected == 'Total Energy'): return 'Total' elif (self.radioAlgorithm.value_selected == 'Parallel Energy'): return 'Parallel' return 'Naive' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def onClickAlgorithm(self, label): algorithm = self.getAlgorithmSelection() if (settings.application.labanotation is not None): self.gauss_params = settings.application.labanotation.getGaussianParameters( algorithm) self.updateUIControls(algorithm) settings.application.applyAlgoritm(algorithm) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # updateGaussianFilter() has an unused parameter, though needs it because the # sliders use this function as their update callback... def updateGaussianFilter(self, val=0): # remove current gaussian lines if (self.line_gaussian is not None): self.line_gaussian.remove() del self.line_gaussian self.line_gaussian = None gauss_params = (int(self.slider_window_size.val), int(self.slider_sigma.val)) self._t = np.arange(-gauss_params[0] / 2.0 + 0.5, gauss_params[0] / 2.0 + 0.5, 1.0) s = wf.gaussFilter(gauss_params[0], gauss_params[1]) self.line_gaussian, = self.axGauss.plot(self._t, s, marker="o", linestyle='-', color='red', lw=1) # for i, txt in enumerate(s): # self.axGauss.annotate("{:0.2f}".format(txt), (self._t[i], s[i])) wnd = int(gauss_params[0] / 2) + 1 self.axGauss.set_xlim(-wnd, wnd) self.axGauss.set_ylim(0, 0.42) # np.max(s)) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def onclickApply(self, event): algorithm = self.getAlgorithmSelection() self.gauss_params = (int(self.slider_window_size.val), int(self.slider_sigma.val)) if (settings.application.labanotation is not None): settings.application.labanotation.setGaussianParameters( algorithm, self.gauss_params) settings.application.applyAlgoritm(algorithm) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def onclickSaveJSON(self, event): settings.application.saveJSON() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def onclickSaveTXT(self, event): settings.application.saveTXT() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def onclickSaveImage(self, event): settings.application.saveImage() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def onclickSaveFilterView(self, event): settings.application.saveFilterView() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def onclickSaveSkeletonView(self, event): settings.application.saveSkeletonView() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def onclickSaveScoreView(self, event): settings.application.saveScoreView() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def onclickReset(self, event): self.slider_window_size.reset() self.slider_sigma.reset() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def onclickBrowse(self, event): file = self.selectInputFile() if (file is None): return settings.application.openAndProcessInputfile(file) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def selectInputFile(self): fTyp = [("Kinect Joint Data File", "*.csv")] splitInput = os.path.split( os.path.abspath(settings.application.inputFilePath)) options = {} options['filetypes'] = fTyp options['initialdir'] = splitInput[0].replace('/', os.sep) if (settings.tkGuiCanvas is not None): options['parent'] = settings.tkGuiCanvas file = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(**options) if not file: return None return file #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # def logMessage(self, str, ioRedirect=False): # also write message to console if (self.originalStdOut is not None): extra = "\r\n" if (ioRedirect is False) else "" self.originalStdOut.write(str + extra) self.logText.append(str) cnt = len(self.logTextLabels) if (cnt > 0): for i in range(cnt - 1, 0, -1): self.logTextLabels[i].set_text( self.logTextLabels[i - 1].get_text()) self.logTextLabels[0].set_text(str) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
def slide_ddg(args): global new_df, radio, color_by, picked global scat, ax, sliders, sc_df, fig, cm, cbar sc_df = Rf.score_file2df(args['sc'], args['names']) args['logger'].log('score file has %i entries' % len(sc_df)) if args['pc'] is not None: pc_df = get_rmsds_from_table(args['pc']) args['logger'].log('pc file had %i entries' % len(pc_df)) a = sc_df.merge(pc_df, on='description') args['logger'].log('combined there are %i entries' % len(a)) sc_df = a.copy() if args['percent'] != 100: threshold = np.percentile(sc_df[args['y']], args['percent']) sc_df = sc_df[sc_df[args['y']] < threshold] color_by = args['y'] picked = False new_df = sc_df.copy() fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25) cm ='RdYlBu') scat = ax.scatter(sc_df[args['x']].values, sc_df[args['y']].values, s=40, cmap=cm, c=sc_df[color_by], picker=True) cbar = plt.colorbar(scat) sliders = {} for i, term in enumerate(args['terms']): slider_ax = plt.axes([0.25, 0.01 + i * 0.035, 0.65, 0.03]) sliders[term] = Slider(slider_ax, term, np.min(sc_df[term].values), np.max(sc_df[term].values), 0) sliders[term].on_changed(update) ax.set_xlim( np.min(new_df[args['x']].values) - 1, np.max(new_df[args['x']].values) + 1) ax.set_ylim( np.min(new_df[args['y']].values) - 1, np.max(new_df[args['y']].values) + 1) ax.set_xlabel(args['x']) ax.set_ylabel(args['y']) resetax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.7, 0.15, 0.15]) #[0.8, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) button = Button(resetax, 'Reset', color='lightgoldenrodyellow', hovercolor='0.975') button.on_clicked(reset) printax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.3, 0.15, 0.15]) printbutton = Button(printax, 'Print', color='green', hovercolor='red') printbutton.on_clicked(print_table) logax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.1, 0.15, 0.15]) logbutton = Button(logax, 'log table', color='blue', hovercolor='red') logbutton.on_clicked(log_table) rax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.5, 0.15, 0.15], axisbg='white') radio = RadioButtons(rax, args['terms'], active=0) radio.on_clicked(colorfunc) # cbar = plt.colorbar(scat) pl = PointLabel(new_df, ax, fig, args['x'], args['y'], [ 'description', 'a_sasa', 'a_res_solv', 'a_pack', 'a_span_topo', 'a_ddg', 'fa_elec' ], args['logger']) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', pl.onpick)
z0_slider.on_changed(update) # angle slider angle_valinit = 0 angax = axes([0.25, 0.035, 0.5, 0.025], axisbg='slategray') angslider = Slider(angax, 'theta', 0, pi, valinit=0) def upangle(val): global theta theta = angslider.val plot1d() angslider.on_changed(upangle) # radio buttons ffax = axes([0.01, 0.1, 0.04, 0.2], axisbg='slategray') ffbutt = RadioButtons(ffax, ('.1', '.2', '.3', '.4', '.5'), active=2) def updateff(label): global ff ff = float(label) make_plots() ffbutt.on_clicked(updateff) show()
class PickPhaseMenuMore: """ Pick phase for multiple seismograms and array stack Button: Sync """ def __init__(self, gsac, opts, axs): self.gsac = gsac self.opts = opts self.axs = axs self.axstk = self.axs['Fstk'] if not 'stkdh' in gsac.__dict__: if opts.filemode == 'sac' and os.path.isfile(opts.fstack): gsac.stkdh = SacDataHdrs(opts.fstack, else: hdrini, hdrmed, hdrfin = opts.qcpara.ichdrs self.cchdrs = [hdrini, hdrmed] self.twcorr = opts.ccpara.twcorr # check data coverage opts.ipick = hdrini opts.twcorr = opts.ccpara.twcorr checkCoverage(gsac, opts) gsac.selist = gsac.saclist self.ccStack() self.initPlot() self.plotStack() self.addEarthquakeInfo() self.setLabels() self.connect() def initPlot(self): """ Plot waveforms """ gsac = self.gsac opts = self.opts sortSeis(gsac, opts) self.ppm = PickPhaseMenu(gsac, opts, self.axs) # make the legend box invisible if self.opts.pick_on: self.ppm.axpp.get_legend().set_visible(False) def addEarthquakeInfo(self): """ Set Earthquake Info * Magnitude * Location (Lat and Long) * Depth """ gsac = self.gsac # get required parameters locationLat = round(gsac.event[6],2) locationLon = round(gsac.event[7],2) depth = round(gsac.event[8],2) magnitude = round(gsac.event[9],2) all_gcarc = [] [all_gcarc.append(hdr.gcarc) for hdr in gsac.selist ] avg_gcarc = round(np.mean(all_gcarc),2) infoaxis = self.axs['Info'] # remove axes markings infoaxis.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) infoaxis.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # write the info into the axis plot infoaxis.text(0.1,0.85,'Magnitude: '+str(magnitude)) infoaxis.text(0.1,0.65,'Lat: '+str(locationLat)) infoaxis.text(0.1,0.45,'Lon: '+str(locationLon)) infoaxis.text(0.1,0.25,'Depth: '+str(depth)) infoaxis.text(0.1,0.05,'Gcarc: '+str(avg_gcarc)) def setLabels(self): """ Set plot attributes """ self.ppm.axpp.set_title('Seismograms') if self.opts.filemode == 'pkl': axstk = self.axstk trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(axstk.transAxes, axstk.transAxes) axstk.text(1,1.01,self.opts.pklfile,transform=trans, va='bottom', ha='right',color='k') axpp = self.ppm.axpp trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(axpp.transAxes, axpp.transData) font = FontProperties() font.set_family('monospace') axpp.text(1.025, 0, ' '*8+'qual= CCC/SNR/COH', transform=trans, va='center', color='k', fontproperties=font) def plotStack(self): """ Plot array stack and span """ colorwave = self.opts.pppara.colorwave stkybase = 0 ppstk = PickPhase(self.gsac.stkdh, self.opts, self.axstk, stkybase, colorwave, 1) ppstk.plotPicks() ppstk.disconnectPick() self.ppstk = ppstk self.axstk.set_title('Array Stack') self.ppstk.stalabel.set_visible(False) if self.opts.ynorm == 1.0: self.axstk.set_ylim(stkybase-0.5, stkybase+0.5) self.axstk.set_yticks([stkybase]) self.axstk.set_yticklabels([]) self.axstk.axvline(x=0, color='k', ls=':') # plot legend pppara = self.opts.pppara pickLegend(self.axstk, pppara.npick, pppara.pickcolors, pppara.pickstyles, False) self.plotSpan() def plotSpan(self): """ Span for array stack """ axstk = self.axstk self.xzoom = [axstk.get_xlim(),] def on_select(xmin, xmax): """ Mouse event: select span. """ if self.span.visible: print('span selected: %6.1f %6.1f ' % (xmin, xmax)) xxlim = (xmin, xmax) axstk.set_xlim(xxlim) self.xzoom.append(xxlim) if self.opts.upylim_on: print ('upylim') self.ppstk.updateY(xxlim) ## axstk.figure.canvas.draw() pppara = self.opts.pppara a, col = pppara.alphatwsele, pppara.colortwsele mspan = pppara.minspan * self.span = TimeSelector(axstk, on_select, 'horizontal', minspan=mspan, useblit=False, rectprops=dict(alpha=a, facecolor=col)) #self.replot() #self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() # -------------------------------- SORTING ---------------------------------- # # Sort seismograms by # -------------- # * | file indices | # -------------- # ----- ----- ----- ----- # * quality factor | all | ccc | snr | coh | # ----- ----- ----- ----- # ---- ----- ------ # * given header | az | baz | dist | ... # ---- ----- ------ def sorting(self, event): """ Sort the seismograms in particular order """ self.getSortAxes() self.summarize_sort() self.sort_connect() def getSortAxes(self): figsort = plt.figure('SortSeismograms',figsize=(15, 12)) x0 = 0.05 xx = 0.10 yy = 0.04 #xm = 0.02 dy = 0.15 dx = 0.12 y0 = 0.90 """Allocating size of buttons""" # file indices (filenames) rectfile = [x0, y0-dy*1, xx, yy] # quality rectqall = [x0+dx*0, y0-2*dy, xx, yy] rectqccc = [x0+dx*1, y0-2*dy, xx, yy] rectqsnr = [x0+dx*2, y0-2*dy, xx, yy] rectqcoh = [x0+dx*3, y0-2*dy, xx, yy] # headers recthnpts = [x0+dx*0, y0-3*dy, xx, yy] recthb = [x0+dx*1, y0-3*dy, xx, yy] recthe = [x0+dx*2, y0-3*dy, xx, yy] recthdelta = [x0+dx*3, y0-3*dy, xx, yy] recthstla = [x0+dx*0, y0-3.5*dy, xx, yy] recthstlo = [x0+dx*1, y0-3.5*dy, xx, yy] recthdist = [x0+dx*2, y0-3.5*dy, xx, yy] recthaz = [x0+dx*3, y0-3.5*dy, xx, yy] recthbaz = [x0+dx*0, y0-4*dy, xx, yy] recthgcarc = [x0+dx*1, y0-4*dy, xx, yy] # quit rectquit = [0.2, y0-5*dy, 0.2, yy] """writing buttons to axis""" sortAxs = {} figsort.text(0.1,y0-dy*0.5,'Sort by file Index Name: ') sortAxs['file'] = figsort.add_axes(rectfile) figsort.text(0.1,y0-dy*1.5,'Sort by Quality: ') sortAxs['qall'] = figsort.add_axes(rectqall) sortAxs['qccc'] = figsort.add_axes(rectqccc) sortAxs['qsnr'] = figsort.add_axes(rectqsnr) sortAxs['qcoh'] = figsort.add_axes(rectqcoh) figsort.text(0.1,y0-dy*2.5,'Sort by Header: ') sortAxs['hnpts'] = figsort.add_axes(recthnpts) sortAxs['hb'] = figsort.add_axes(recthb) sortAxs['he'] = figsort.add_axes(recthe) sortAxs['hdelta'] = figsort.add_axes(recthdelta) sortAxs['hstla'] = figsort.add_axes(recthstla) sortAxs['hstlo'] = figsort.add_axes(recthstlo) sortAxs['hdist'] = figsort.add_axes(recthdist) sortAxs['haz'] = figsort.add_axes(recthaz) sortAxs['hbaz'] = figsort.add_axes(recthbaz) sortAxs['hgcarc'] = figsort.add_axes(recthgcarc) sortAxs['quit'] = figsort.add_axes(rectquit) """ size of text summary box """ rectsumm = [0.55, 0.05, 0.40, 0.90] sortAxs['summary'] = figsort.add_axes(rectsumm) # remove axes markings on summary field sortAxs['summary'].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) sortAxs['summary'].get_yaxis().set_visible([]) self.sortAxs = sortAxs self.figsort = figsort def summarize_sort(self): sortAxs = self.sortAxs # define constants x0 = 0.03 x1 = 0.20 y0 = 0.95 dy = 0.03 # explain what the summaries are sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*0,'FILENAMES') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*1,'File: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*1,'Sort in alphabetical order by filename') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*3,'QUALITY:') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*4,'All: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*4,'Weighted Ratio of all quality measures') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*5,'CCC: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*5,'Cross-coefficient Coefficient') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*6,'SNR: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*6,'Signal-to-noise Ratio') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*7,'COH: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*7,'time domain coherence') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*9,'OTHER HEADERS:') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*10,'NPTS: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*10,'Number of points per data component') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*11,'B: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*11,'Beginning value of the independent variable') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*12,'E: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*12,'Ending value of the independent variable') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*13,'Delta: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*13,'Increment between evenly spaced samples') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*14,'STLA: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*14,'Station latitude (deg, north positive)') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*15,'STLO: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*15,'Station longitude (deg, east positive)') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*16,'DIST: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*16,'Station to event distance (km)') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*17,'AZ: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*17,'Event to station azimuth (deg)') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*18,'BAZ: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*18,'Station to event azimuth (deg)') sortAxs['summary'].text(x0,y0-dy*19,'GCARC: ') sortAxs['summary'].text(x1,y0-dy*19,'Station to event great circle arc length (deg)') """ Connect button events. """ def sort_connect(self): """write the position for the buttons into self""" self.axfile = self.sortAxs['file'] self.axqall = self.sortAxs['qall'] self.axqccc = self.sortAxs['qccc'] self.axqsnr = self.sortAxs['qsnr'] self.axqcoh = self.sortAxs['qcoh'] self.axqcoh = self.sortAxs['qcoh'] self.axhnpts = self.sortAxs['hnpts'] self.axhb = self.sortAxs['hb'] self.axhe = self.sortAxs['he'] self.axhdelta = self.sortAxs['hdelta'] self.axhstla = self.sortAxs['hstla'] self.axhstlo = self.sortAxs['hstlo'] self.axhdist = self.sortAxs['hdist'] self.axhaz = self.sortAxs['haz'] self.axhbaz = self.sortAxs['hbaz'] self.axhgcarc = self.sortAxs['hgcarc'] self.axquit = self.sortAxs['quit'] """add a button to the correct place as defined by the axes Also label the buttons here, as seen in the GUI """ self.bnfile = Button(self.axfile, 'File') self.bnqall = Button(self.axqall, 'All') self.bnqccc = Button(self.axqccc, 'CCC') self.bnqsnr = Button(self.axqsnr, 'SNR') self.bnqcoh = Button(self.axqcoh, 'COH') self.bnhnpts = Button(self.axhnpts, 'NPTS') self.bnhb = Button(self.axhb, 'B') self.bnhe = Button(self.axhe, 'E') self.bnhdelta = Button(self.axhdelta, 'Delta') self.bnhstla = Button(self.axhstla, 'STLA') self.bnhstlo = Button(self.axhstlo, 'STLO') self.bnhdist = Button(self.axhdist, 'Dist') self.bnhaz = Button(self.axhaz, 'AZ') self.bnhbaz = Button(self.axhbaz, 'BAZ') self.bnhgcarc = Button(self.axhgcarc, 'GCARC') self.bnquit = Button(self.axquit, 'Waiting for User input') """ each button changes the way the seismograms are sorted """ self.cidfile = self.bnfile.on_clicked(self.sort_file) self.cidqall = self.bnqall.on_clicked(self.sort_qall) self.cidqccc = self.bnqccc.on_clicked(self.sort_qccc) self.cidqsnr = self.bnqsnr.on_clicked(self.sort_qsnr) self.cidqcoh = self.bnqcoh.on_clicked(self.sort_qcoh) self.cidhnpts = self.bnhnpts.on_clicked(self.sort_hnpts) self.cidhb = self.bnhb.on_clicked(self.sort_hb) self.cidhe = self.bnhe.on_clicked(self.sort_he) self.cidhdelta = self.bnhdelta.on_clicked(self.sort_hdelta) self.cidhstla = self.bnhstla.on_clicked(self.sort_hstla) self.cidhstlo = self.bnhstlo.on_clicked(self.sort_hstlo) self.cidhdist = self.bnhdist.on_clicked(self.sort_hdist) self.cidhaz = self.bnhaz.on_clicked(self.sort_haz) self.cidhbaz = self.bnhbaz.on_clicked(self.sort_hbaz) self.cidhgcarc = self.bnhgcarc.on_clicked(self.sort_hgcarc) # dismiss window when done self.bnquit.on_clicked(self.dismiss_sort) def sort_disconnect(self): self.bnfile.disconnect(self.cidfile) self.bnqall.disconnect(self.cidqall) self.bnqccc.disconnect(self.cidqccc) self.bnqsnr.disconnect(self.cidqsnr) self.bnqcoh.disconnect(self.cidqcoh) self.bnhnpts.disconnect(self.cidhnpts) self.bnhb.disconnect(self.cidhb) self.bnhe.disconnect(self.cidhe) self.bnhdelta.disconnect(self.cidhdelta) self.bnhstla.disconnect(self.cidhstla) self.bnhstlo.disconnect(self.cidhstlo) self.bnhdist.disconnect(self.cidhdist) self.bnhaz.disconnect(self.cidhaz) self.bnhbaz.disconnect(self.cidhbaz) self.bnhgcarc.disconnect(self.cidhgcarc) def sort_file(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'i'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_qall(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'all'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_qccc(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = '1'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_qsnr(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = '2'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_qcoh(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = '3'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_hnpts(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'npts'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_hb(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'b'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_he(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'e'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_hdelta(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'delta'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_hkstnm(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'kstnm'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_hstla(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'stla'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_hstlo(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'stlo'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_hdist(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'dist'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_haz(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'az'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_hbaz(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'baz'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def sort_hgcarc(self, event): self.bnquit.label.set_text('Processing...') event.canvas.draw() self.opts.sortby = 'gcarc'; self.replot_seismograms() self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.bnquit.label.set_text('Done! Click to Exit.') event.canvas.draw() return def dismiss_sort(self, event): """Dismiss the sorting selection popup Window""" self.sort_disconnect() close() # -------------------------------- SORTING ---------------------------------- # # --------------------------------- Filtering ------------------------------- # # Implement Butterworth filter # def filtering(self,event): filterAxes = self.getFilterAxes() self.spreadButter() self.filter_connect() def filter_connect(self): # user to change default parameters self.cidSelectFreq = self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].get_figure().canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.getBandpassFreq) # get order self.bnorder = RadioButtons(self.filterAxs['ordr'], (1,2,3,4), active=1) self.cidorder = self.bnorder.on_clicked(self.getButterOrder) # get type of filter to use self.bnband = RadioButtons(self.filterAxs['band'], ('bandpass','lowpass','highpass')) self.cidband = self.bnband.on_clicked(self.getBandtype) # get reverse pass option self.bnreversepass = RadioButtons(self.filterAxs['reversepass'], ('yes', 'no'), active=1) self.cidreversepass = self.bnreversepass.on_clicked(self.getReversePassOption) #add apply button. causes the filtered data to be applied self.bnapply = Button(self.filterAxs['apply'], 'Apply') self.cidapply = self.bnapply.on_clicked(self.applyFilter) #add unapply button. causes the filtered data to be applied self.bnunapply = Button(self.filterAxs['unapply'], 'Unapply') self.cidunapply = self.bnunapply.on_clicked(self.unapplyFilter) def getReversePassOption(self, event): if event == 'yes': self.opts.filterParameters['reversepass'] = True else: self.opts.filterParameters['reversepass'] = False self.spreadButter() def getBandtype(self, event): self.opts.filterParameters['band'] = event if event=='bandpass': self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cidSelectFreq) # set defaults self.opts.filterParameters['lowFreq'] = 0.05 self.opts.filterParameters['highFreq'] = 0.25 self.opts.filterParameters['advance'] = False self.spreadButter() #execute self.cidSelectFreq = self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].get_figure().canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.getBandpassFreq) elif event=='lowpass': self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cidSelectFreq) # set defaults self.opts.filterParameters['lowFreq'] = 0.05 self.opts.filterParameters['highFreq'] = np.nan self.opts.filterParameters['advance'] = False self.spreadButter() #execute self.cidSelectFreq = self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].get_figure().canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.getLowFreq) elif event=='highpass': self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cidSelectFreq) # set defaults self.opts.filterParameters['lowFreq'] = np.nan self.opts.filterParameters['highFreq'] = 0.25 self.opts.filterParameters['advance'] = False self.spreadButter() #execute self.cidSelectFreq = self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].get_figure().canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.getHighFreq) def getLowFreq(self, event): if event.inaxes == self.filterAxs['amVfreq']: self.opts.filterParameters['lowFreq'] = event.xdata self.spreadButter() def getHighFreq(self, event): if event.inaxes == self.filterAxs['amVfreq']: self.opts.filterParameters['highFreq'] = event.xdata self.spreadButter() def getButterOrder(self, event): self.opts.filterParameters['order'] = int(event) self.spreadButter() def getBandpassFreq(self,event): if event.inaxes == self.filterAxs['amVfreq']: if self.opts.filterParameters['advance']: # low and high frequencies recorded self.opts.filterParameters['highFreq'] = event.xdata if self.opts.filterParameters['lowFreq']<self.opts.filterParameters['highFreq']: self.opts.filterParameters['advance'] = False self.spreadButter() else: print('Value chose must be higher than lower frequency of %f' % self.opts.filterParameters['lowFreq']) else: self.opts.filterParameters['lowFreq'] = event.xdata self.opts.filterParameters['advance'] = True def modifyFilterTextLabels(self): self.filterAxs['Info'].clear() self.filterAxs['Info'].text(0.1,0.7,'Low Freq: '+str(self.opts.filterParameters['lowFreq'])) self.filterAxs['Info'].text(0.1,0.4,'High Freq: '+str(self.opts.filterParameters['highFreq'])) self.filterAxs['Info'].text(0.1,0.1,'Order: '+str(self.opts.filterParameters['order'])) """Apply the butterworth filter to the data """ def spreadButter(self): # clear axes self.filterAxs['amVtime'].clear() self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].clear() #set axes limit self.filterAxs['amVtime'].set_xlim(-30,30) self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].set_xlim(0,1.50) self.modifyFilterTextLabels() originalTime = self.ppstk.time - self.ppstk.sacdh.reftime originalSignalTime = originalFreq, originalSignalFreq = ftr.time_to_freq(originalTime, originalSignalTime, filteredSignalTime, filteredSignalFreq, adjusted_w, adjusted_h = ftr.filtering_time_freq(originalTime, originalSignalTime,, self.opts.filterParameters['band'], self.opts.filterParameters['highFreq'], self.opts.filterParameters['lowFreq'], self.opts.filterParameters['order'], self.opts.filterParameters['reversepass']) # PLOT TIME self.filterAxs['amVtime'].plot(originalTime, originalSignalTime, label='Original') self.filterAxs['amVtime'].plot(originalTime, filteredSignalTime, label='Filtered') self.filterAxs['amVtime'].legend(loc="upper right") self.filterAxs['amVtime'].set_title('Signal vs Time') self.filterAxs['amVtime'].set_xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize = 12) self.filterAxs['amVtime'].set_ylabel('Signal', fontsize = 12) # PLOT FREQUENCY self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].plot(originalFreq, np.abs(originalSignalFreq), label='Original') self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].plot(originalFreq, np.abs(filteredSignalFreq), label='Filtered') self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].plot(adjusted_w, adjusted_h, label='Butterworth Filter') self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].legend(loc="upper right") self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].set_title('Amplitude vs frequency') self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)', fontsize = 12) self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].set_ylabel('Amplitude Signal', fontsize = 12) # redraw the plots on the popup window self.figfilter.canvas.draw() def applyFilter(self, event): #should we write filtered data for individual seismograms self.opts.filterParameters['apply'] = True # replot filtered stuff self.axstk.clear() self.ppm.axpp.clear() self.axs['Fron'].clear() self.axs['Prev'].clear() self.axs['Next'].clear() self.axs['Last'].clear() self.axs['Zoba'].clear() self.axs['Shdo'].clear() self.axs['Shfp'].clear() self.axs['Shod'].clear() self.axs['Quit'].clear() self.ppm = PickPhaseMenu(self.gsac, self.opts, self.axs) # make the legend box invisible if self.opts.pick_on: self.ppm.axpp.get_legend().set_visible(False) self.plotStack() # redraw figures self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.axstk.figure.canvas.draw() # disconnect self.bnorder.disconnect(self.cidorder) self.bnunapply.disconnect(self.cidunapply) self.bnband.disconnect(self.cidband) self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cidSelectFreq) plt.close() def unapplyFilter(self, event): # do not write filtered data for individual seismograms self.opts.filterParameters['apply'] = False #reset back to original defaults self.opts.filterParameters['band'] = 'bandpass' self.opts.filterParameters['lowFreq'] = 0.05 self.opts.filterParameters['highFreq'] = 0.25 self.opts.filterParameters['order'] = 2 # replot filtered stuff self.axstk.clear() self.ppm.axpp.clear() self.axs['Fron'].clear() self.axs['Prev'].clear() self.axs['Next'].clear() self.axs['Last'].clear() self.axs['Zoba'].clear() self.axs['Shdo'].clear() self.axs['Shfp'].clear() self.axs['Shod'].clear() self.axs['Quit'].clear() self.initPlot() self.plotStack() # redraw figures self.ppm.axpp.figure.canvas.draw() self.axstk.figure.canvas.draw() # disconnect self.bnorder.disconnect(self.cidorder) self.bnapply.disconnect(self.cidapply) self.bnband.disconnect(self.cidband) self.filterAxs['amVfreq'].figure.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.cidSelectFreq) plt.close() def getFilterAxes(self): figfilter = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 12)) self.figfilter = figfilter rect_amVtime = [0.10, 0.50, 0.80, 0.35] rect_amVfreq = [0.10, 0.07, 0.80, 0.35] rectinfo = [0.8, 0.86, 0.15, 0.10] rectordr = [0.3, 0.86, 0.10, 0.10] rectunapply = [0.42, 0.90, 0.07, 0.04] rectapply = [0.5, 0.90, 0.05, 0.04] rectband = [0.6, 0.86, 0.10, 0.10] rectreversepass = [0.72, 0.86, 0.07, 0.10] filterAxs = {} self.figfilter.text(0.03,0.95,'Butterworth Filter', {'weight':'bold', 'size':21}) filterAxs['amVtime'] = figfilter.add_axes(rect_amVtime) filterAxs['amVfreq'] = figfilter.add_axes(rect_amVfreq) filterAxs['ordr'] = figfilter.add_axes(rectordr) filterAxs['unapply'] = figfilter.add_axes(rectunapply) filterAxs['apply'] = figfilter.add_axes(rectapply) filterAxs['band'] = figfilter.add_axes(rectband) filterAxs['reversepass'] = figfilter.add_axes(rectreversepass) self.figfilter.text(0.3, 0.97, 'Order:') self.figfilter.text(0.6, 0.97, 'Filter Type:') self.figfilter.text(0.72, 0.97, 'Run Reverse:') # frequencies used to compute butterworth filter displayed here filterAxs['Info'] = figfilter.add_axes(rectinfo) filterAxs['Info'].axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) filterAxs['Info'].axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) self.filterAxs = filterAxs # --------------------------------- Filtering ------------------------------- # def plot_stations(self, event): event_name = 'event' if hasattr(self.opts, 'pklfile'): event_name = self.opts.pklfile PlotStations(event_name, self.gsac) def on_zoom(self, event): """ Zoom back to previous xlim when event is in event.inaxes. """ evkey = event.key axstk = self.axstk if not axstk.contains(event)[0] or evkey is None: return xzoom = self.xzoom if evkey.lower() == 'z' and len(xzoom) > 1: del xzoom[-1] axstk.set_xlim(xzoom[-1]) print('Zoom back to: %6.1f %6.1f ' % tuple(xzoom[-1])) if self.opts.upylim_on: for pp in self.pps: del pp.ynorm[-1] plt.setp(pp.lines[0],*pp.ynorm[-1]) axstk.figure.canvas.draw() def replot_seismograms(self): """ Replot seismograms and array stack after running iccs. """ sortSeis(self.gsac, self.opts) self.ppm.initIndex() self.ppm.replot(0) self.setLabels() def replot(self): """ Replot seismograms and array stack after running iccs. """ self.ppstk.disconnect() self.ppstk.axpp.cla() self.plotStack() sortSeis(self.gsac, self.opts) self.ppm.initIndex() self.ppm.replot(0) self.setLabels() def connect(self): """ Connect button events. """ # write the position for the buttons into self self.axccim = self.axs['CCIM'] self.axccff = self.axs['CCFF'] self.axsync = self.axs['Sync'] self.axmccc = self.axs['MCCC'] self.axsac2 = self.axs['SAC2'] self.axsort = self.axs['Sort'] self.axfilter = self.axs['Filter'] self.axplotsta = self.axs['plotsta'] # name the buttons self.bnccim = Button(self.axccim, 'Align') self.bnccff = Button(self.axccff, 'Refine') self.bnsync = Button(self.axsync, 'Sync') self.bnmccc = Button(self.axmccc, 'Finalize') self.bnsac2 = Button(self.axsac2, 'SAC P2') self.bnsort = Button(self.axsort, 'Sort') self.bnfilter = Button(self.axfilter, 'Filter') self.bnplotsta = Button(self.axplotsta, 'Map of\n stations') self.cidccim = self.bnccim.on_clicked(self.ccim) self.cidccff = self.bnccff.on_clicked(self.ccff) self.cidsync = self.bnsync.on_clicked(self.sync) self.cidmccc = self.bnmccc.on_clicked(self.mccc) self.cidsac2 = self.bnsac2.on_clicked(self.plot2) self.cidsort = self.bnsort.on_clicked(self.sorting) self.cidfilter = self.bnfilter.on_clicked(self.filtering) self.cidplotsta = self.bnplotsta.on_clicked(self.plot_stations) self.cidpress = self.axstk.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_zoom) def disconnect(self): """ Disconnect button events. """ self.bnccim.disconnect(self.cidccim) self.bnccff.disconnect(self.cidccff) self.bnsync.disconnect(self.cidsync) self.bnmccc.disconnect(self.cidmccc) self.bnsac2.disconnect(self.cidsac2) self.bnsort.disconnect(self.cidsort) self.bnfilter.disconnect(self.cidfilter) self.axccim.cla() self.axccff.cla() self.axsync.cla() self.axmccc.cla() self.axsac2.cla() self.axsort.cla() self.axfilter.cla() def syncPick(self): """ Sync final time pick hdrfin from array stack to all traces. """ self.getPicks() tshift = self.tfin - self.tmed hdrini, hdrmed, hdrfin = self.opts.qcpara.ichdrs for sacdh in self.gsac.saclist: tfin = sacdh.gethdr(hdrmed) + tshift sacdh.sethdr(hdrfin, tfin) def syncWind(self): """ Sync time window relative to hdrfin from array stack to all traces. Times saved to twhdrs are alway absolute. """ wh0, wh1 = self.opts.qcpara.twhdrs hdrini, hdrmed, hdrfin = self.opts.qcpara.ichdrs self.getWindow(hdrfin) twfin = self.twcorr for sacdh in self.gsac.saclist: tfin = sacdh.gethdr(hdrfin) th0 = tfin + twfin[0] th1 = tfin + twfin[1] sacdh.sethdr(wh0, th0) sacdh.sethdr(wh1, th1) def sync(self, event): """ Sync final time pick and time window from array stack to each trace and update current page. """ hdrini, hdrmed, hdrfin = self.opts.qcpara.ichdrs wh0, wh1 = self.opts.qcpara.twhdrs if self.ppstk.sacdh.gethdr(hdrfin) == -12345.: print('*** hfinal %s is not defined. Pick at array stack first! ***' % hdrfin) return self.syncPick() self.syncWind() twfin = self.twcorr for pp in self.ppm.pps: sacdh = pp.sacdh tfin = sacdh.gethdr(hdrfin) ipk = int(hdrfin[1]) tpk = tfin - sacdh.reftime pp.timepicks[ipk].set_xdata(tpk) th0 = tfin + twfin[0] th1 = tfin + twfin[1] pp.twindow = [th0, th1] pp.resetWindow() print('--> Sync final time picks and time window... You can now run CCFF to refine final picks.') def getWindow(self, hdr): """ Get time window twcorr (relative to hdr) from array stack, which is from last run. """ ppstk = self.ppstk tw0, tw1 = ppstk.twindow t0 = ppstk.sacdh.gethdr(hdr) if t0 == -12345.: print(('Header {0:s} not defined'.format(hdr))) return twcorr = [tw0-t0, tw1-t0] self.twcorr = twcorr def getPicks(self): """ Get time picks of stack """ hdrini, hdrmed, hdrfin = self.opts.qcpara.ichdrs self.tini = self.gsac.stkdh.gethdr(hdrini) self.tmed = self.gsac.stkdh.gethdr(hdrmed) self.tfin = self.gsac.stkdh.gethdr(hdrfin) def ccim(self, event): # running ICCS-A will erase everything you did. Make sure the user did not hit it by mistake shouldRun = tkinter.messagebox.askokcancel("Will Erase Work!","This will erase any picks past t1. \nAre you sure?") if shouldRun: """ Run iccs with time window from final stack. Time picks: hdrini, hdrmed. """ hdrini, hdrmed, hdrfin = self.opts.qcpara.ichdrs self.cchdrs = hdrini, hdrmed self.getWindow(self.cchdrs[0]) self.ccStack() self.getPicks() self.replot() def ccff(self, event): """ Run iccs with time window from final stack. Time picks: hdrfin, hdrfin. """ hdrini, hdrmed, hdrfin = self.opts.qcpara.ichdrs if self.gsac.stkdh.gethdr(hdrfin) == -12345.: print('*** hfinal %s is not defined. Sync first! ***' % hdrfin) return """running ICCS-B will erase everything you did. Make sure the user did not hit it by mistake""" shouldRun = tkinter.messagebox.askokcancel("Will Erase Work!","This will erase any picks past t2 and will recalculate all t2 values. \nAre you sure?") if shouldRun: self.cchdrs = hdrfin, hdrfin self.getWindow(self.cchdrs[0]) self.getPicks() self.ccStack() stkdh = self.gsac.stkdh stkdh.sethdr(hdrini, self.tini) stkdh.sethdr(hdrmed, self.tmed) self.replot() def ccStack(self): """ Call iccs.ccWeightStack. Change reference time pick to the input pick before ICCS and to the output pick afterwards. """ opts = self.opts ccpara = opts.ccpara opts.ccpara.twcorr = self.twcorr ccpara.cchdrs = self.cchdrs hdr0, hdr1 = int(ccpara.cchdrs[0][1]), int(ccpara.cchdrs[1][1]) stkdh, stkdata, quas = ccWeightStack(self.gsac.selist, self.opts) stkdh.selected = True stkdh.sethdr(opts.qcpara.hdrsel, b'True ') self.gsac.stkdh = stkdh if opts.reltime != hdr1: out = '\n--> change opts.reltime from %i to %i' print(out % (opts.reltime, hdr1)) opts.reltime = hdr1 def mccc(self, event): """ Run """ gsac = self.gsac mcpara = self.opts.mcpara #rcfile = mcpara.rcfile ipick = mcpara.ipick wpick = mcpara.wpick self.getWindow(ipick) timewindow = self.twcorr #tw = timewindow[1]-timewindow[0] taperwindow = taperWindow(timewindow, mcpara.taperwidth) mcpara.timewindow = timewindow mcpara.taperwindow = taperwindow evline, mcname = eventListName(gsac.event, mcpara.phase) mcpara.evline = evline mcpara.mcname = mcname mcpara.kevnm = gsac.kevnm solution, solist_LonLat, delay_times = mccc(gsac, mcpara) self.gsac.solist_LonLat = solist_LonLat self.gsac.delay_times = delay_times wpk = int(wpick[1]) if self.opts.reltime != wpk: out = '\n--> change opts.reltime from %i to %i' print(out % (self.opts.reltime, wpk)) self.opts.reltime = wpk self.replot() def plot2(self, event): """ Plot P2 stack of seismograms for defined time picks (ichdrs + wpick). """ opts = copy.copy(self.opts) twin_on = opts.twin_on pick_on = opts.pick_on reltime = opts.reltime ynorm = opts.ynorm fill = opts.fill selist = self.gsac.selist tpicks = opts.qcpara.ichdrs + [opts.mcpara.wpick,] npick = len(tpicks) tlabs = 'ABCDE' fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(9,12)) fig2.clf() plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.05, top=0.96, left=.1, right=.97, wspace=.5, hspace=.24) opts.twin_on = False opts.pick_on = False ax0 = fig2.add_subplot(npick,1,1) axsacs = [ ax0 ] + [ fig2.add_subplot(npick,1,i+1, sharex=ax0) for i in list(range(1, npick)) ] for i in list(range(npick)): opts.reltime = int(tpicks[i][1]) ax = axsacs[i] sacp2(selist, opts, ax) tt = '(' + tlabs[i] + ')' trans = transforms.blended_transform_factory(ax.transAxes, ax.transAxes) ax.text(-.05, 1, tt, transform=trans, va='center', ha='right', size=16) opts.ynorm = ynorm opts.twin_on = twin_on opts.pick_on = pick_on opts.reltime = reltime opts.fill = fill opts.zero_on = False
def __init__(self, fileDir): self.damage_Tag = '' self.lines = [] # 生成的成果list self.log = las.LASReader(fileDir, null_subs=np.nan) self.fig1 = plt.figure('MIT油套管快速评价系统', figsize=(12, 8)) xls = xlrd.open_workbook(".\\casing_data.xls") table = xls.sheet_by_name('Sheet1') # 注意下面几个的类型为excel单元格对象 self.outer_diameter = table.cell(0, 2) self.inner_diameter = table.cell(0, 3) self.thickness = table.cell(0, 4) self.scale_left = float(self.inner_diameter.value) / 2 - 20 self.scale_right = float(self.inner_diameter.value) / 2 + 120 self.scale_left_min = float(self.inner_diameter.value) - 30 self.scale_right_max = float(self.inner_diameter.value) + 30 # 定义RadioButtons axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' rax = plt.axes([0.75, 0.05, 0.12, 0.07], facecolor=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, (u'Penetration', u'Projection', u'Transformation'), active=-1, activecolor='purple') plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=0.95, right=0.9, left=0.10, wspace=0.60) radio.on_clicked(self.actionfunc) ##################################################################################### # 坐标轴1 self.ax1 = plt.subplot(141) # 下面赋值加逗号是为了使得type(self.line1)为matplotlib.lines.Line2D对象,而不是list self.line1, = self.ax1.plot(['D01'],['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D02'] + 2.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D03'] + 5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D04'] + 7.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D05'] + 10,['DEPT'], 'r-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D06'] + 12.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D07'] + 15,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D08'] + 17.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D09'] + 20,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D10'] + 22.5,['DEPT'], 'r-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D11'] + 25,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D12'] + 27.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D13'] + 30,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D14'] + 32.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D15'] + 35,['DEPT'], 'r-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D16'] + 37.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D17'] + 40,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D18'] + 42.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D19'] + 45,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D20'] + 47.5,['DEPT'], 'r-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D21'] + 50,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D22'] + 52.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D23'] + 55,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.plot(['D24'] + 57.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax1.set_xlim(self.scale_left, self.scale_right) self.ax1.set_ylim(self.log.start, self.log.stop) self.ax1.invert_yaxis() span1 = SpanSelector(self.ax1, self.onselect1, 'vertical', useblit=False, rectprops=dict(alpha=0.5, facecolor='yellow'), span_stays=True) # plt.ylabel(self.log.curves.DEPT.descr + " (%s)" % self.log.curves.DEPT.units) # plt.xlabel(self.log.curves.D01.descr + " (%s)" % self.log.curves.D01.units) # plt.title( plt.ylabel('Measured Depth(m)') plt.title('Original') plt.gca().spines['bottom'].set_position(('data', 0)) plt.gca().spines['top'].set_position(('data', 0)) plt.grid() ##################################################################################### # 坐标轴2 self.ax2 = plt.subplot(142) self.line2, = self.ax2.plot(['D01'],['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D02'] + 2.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D03'] + 5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D04'] + 7.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D05'] + 10,['DEPT'], 'r-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D06'] + 12.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D07'] + 15,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D08'] + 17.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D09'] + 20,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D10'] + 22.5,['DEPT'], 'r-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D11'] + 25,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D12'] + 27.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D13'] + 30,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D14'] + 32.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D15'] + 35,['DEPT'], 'r-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D16'] + 37.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D17'] + 40,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D18'] + 42.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D19'] + 45,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D20'] + 47.5,['DEPT'], 'r-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D21'] + 50,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D22'] + 52.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D23'] + 55,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.plot(['D24'] + 57.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax2.set_xlim(self.scale_left, self.scale_right) self.ax2.set_ylim(self.log.start, self.log.stop) self.ax2.invert_yaxis() span2 = SpanSelector(self.ax2, self.onselect2, 'vertical', useblit=False, rectprops=dict(alpha=0.5, facecolor='yellow'), span_stays=True) plt.title('Middle') plt.gca().spines['bottom'].set_position(('data', 0)) plt.gca().spines['top'].set_position(('data', 0)) self.ax2.grid() ##################################################################################### # 坐标轴3 self.ax3 = plt.subplot(143) self.line3, = self.ax3.plot(['D01'],['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D02'] + 2.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D03'] + 5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D04'] + 7.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D05'] + 10,['DEPT'], 'r-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D06'] + 12.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D07'] + 15,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D08'] + 17.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D09'] + 20,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D10'] + 22.5,['DEPT'], 'r-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D11'] + 25,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D12'] + 27.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D13'] + 30,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D14'] + 32.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D15'] + 35,['DEPT'], 'r-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D16'] + 37.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D17'] + 40,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D18'] + 42.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D19'] + 45,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D20'] + 47.5,['DEPT'], 'r-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D21'] + 50,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D22'] + 52.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D23'] + 55,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.plot(['D24'] + 57.5,['DEPT'], 'g-', lw=0.3) self.ax3.set_xlim(self.scale_left, self.scale_right) self.ax3.set_ylim(self.log.start, self.log.stop) self.ax3.invert_yaxis() # self.span3_cyan = SpanSelector(self.ax3, self.onselect3, 'vertical', useblit=True, # rectprops=dict(alpha=0.5, facecolor='cyan'), span_stays=True) plt.title('Large') plt.gca().spines['bottom'].set_position(('data', 0)) plt.gca().spines['top'].set_position(('data', 0)) self.ax3.grid() ##################################################################################### # 坐标轴4 self.ax4 = plt.subplot(144) self.ax4.plot(['IDMX'],['DEPT'], 'r--', lw=0.3) self.ax4.plot(['IDMN'],['DEPT'], 'b-', lw=0.3) self.ax4.plot(['IDAV'],['DEPT'], 'k--', lw=0.3) self.ax4.set_xlim(self.scale_left_min, self.scale_right_max) self.ax4.set_ylim(self.log.start, self.log.stop) self.ax4.invert_yaxis() plt.title('Min-Max') plt.gca().spines['bottom'].set_position(('data', 0)) plt.gca().spines['top'].set_position(('data', 0)) self.ax4.grid() multi = MultiCursor(plt.gcf().canvas, (self.ax1, self.ax2, self.ax3, self.ax4), color='r', lw=1, horizOn=True, vertOn=False) #########################
def _setup_browser_selection(raw, kind, selector=True): """Organize browser selections.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import RadioButtons from ..selection import (read_selection, _SELECTIONS, _EEG_SELECTIONS, _divide_to_regions) from ..utils import _get_stim_channel _check_option('group_by', kind, ('position, selection')) if kind == 'position': order = _divide_to_regions( keys = _SELECTIONS[1:] # no 'Vertex' kind = 'position' else: # kind == 'selection' from import RawFIF, RawArray if not isinstance(raw, (RawFIF, RawArray)): raise ValueError("order='selection' only works for Neuromag data. " "Use order='position' instead.") order = dict() try: stim_ch = _get_stim_channel(None, except ValueError: stim_ch = [''] keys = np.concatenate([_SELECTIONS, _EEG_SELECTIONS]) stim_ch = pick_channels(raw.ch_names, stim_ch) for key in keys: channels = read_selection(key, picks = pick_channels(raw.ch_names, channels) if len(picks) == 0: continue # omit empty selections order[key] = np.concatenate([picks, stim_ch]) misc = pick_types(, meg=False, eeg=False, stim=True, eog=True, ecg=True, emg=True, ref_meg=False, misc=True, resp=True, chpi=True, exci=True, ias=True, syst=True, seeg=False, bio=True, ecog=False, fnirs=False, exclude=()) if len(misc) > 0: order['Misc'] = misc keys = np.concatenate([keys, ['Misc']]) if not selector: return order fig_selection = figure_nobar(figsize=(2, 6), dpi=80) fig_selection.canvas.set_window_title('Selection') rax = plt.subplot2grid((6, 1), (2, 0), rowspan=4, colspan=1) topo_ax = plt.subplot2grid((6, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=1) keys = np.concatenate([keys, ['Custom']]) order.update({'Custom': list()}) # custom selection with lasso plot_sensors(, kind='select', ch_type='all', axes=topo_ax, ch_groups=kind, title='', show=False) = RadioButtons( rax, [key for key in keys if key in order.keys()]) for circle in circle.set_radius(0.02) # make them smaller to prevent overlap circle.set_edgecolor('gray') # make sure the buttons are visible return order, fig_selection
def __init__(self): ''' The constructor creates instances of the walker, biker, and driver objects from the 'modes' module, sets a default distance and trip number, and then calculates the time, cost, calories, and CO2 emissions for all modes of tranit. Then it sets up graphs for displaying the information, as well as sliders, buttons, and RadioButtons for gathering user input. The functions that those buttons execute are defined internally. ''' # Create instances of the driver, biker, and walker objects # Whose instance variables will be used heavily in calculations. self.d = Driver() self.b = Biker() self.w = Walker() # Default vaulues self.dist = 1 self.trips = 1 # Do initial calculations (calcualte returns calcDict) self.calcDict = self.calculate() # Create figure object which we will place everything on # of dimensions 14" by 10" self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10)) # Create 4 axes objects evenly spaced in a column. These will # hold the four graphs/figures (time, cost, calories, and CO2.) self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(411) self.ax2 = self.fig.add_subplot(412) self.ax3 = self.fig.add_subplot(413) self.ax4 = self.fig.add_subplot(414) # Adjust the location of subplots (the axes holding graphs) self.fig.subplots_adjust(left=.74, right=.94, bottom=.18, top=.98, hspace=.25) ### Set up Buttons, RadioButtons, Sliders and their fcns! ### # The structure of setting up the temporary rax axes, then making # the RadioButton, then defining it's function, then adding the # on_clicked statement is taken from this example: # axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' def getRadioPosList(ax): ''' This function is simply for positioning the 4 radio buttons used to change units approporatiely, vertically centered in relation to the adjacent graph. ''' # Width and height are the same for each radio button widthRax = 0.12 heightRax = 0.10 # Find the lower (left) x value of adjacent graph # And construct appropriate x value for radio axes x0Ax = ax.get_position().get_points()[0, 0] xRax = x0Ax - (widthRax * 1.8) # Find lower and upper y values of the adjacent graph, # average them, and add half the height of the radiobutton axes # to determine a y value that will vertically center the radiobutton y0Ax = ax.get_position().get_points()[0, 1] y1Ax = ax.get_position().get_points()[1, 1] yRax = ((y0Ax + y1Ax) / 2) - (heightRax / 2) return [xRax, yRax, widthRax, heightRax] # Unit Change RadioButton 1: Change Time Units rax = plt.axes(getRadioPosList(self.ax1), axisbg=axcolor) self.radioTime = RadioButtons(rax, ('Hours', 'Minutes', 'Audiobooks')) def timeChange(label): self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioTime.on_clicked(timeChange) # Unit Change RadioButton 2: Change Money Units rax = plt.axes(getRadioPosList(self.ax2), axisbg=axcolor) self.radioCost = RadioButtons(rax, ('Dollars', 'Coffees')) def costChange(label): self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioCost.on_clicked(costChange) # Unit Change RadioButton 3: Change calorie burn units rax = plt.axes(getRadioPosList(self.ax3), axisbg=axcolor) self.radioCal = RadioButtons(rax, ('Cal (total)', 'Cal (/hour)')) def calChange(label): self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioCal.on_clicked(calChange) # Unit Change RadioButton 4: Change CO2 Emissions Units rax = plt.axes(getRadioPosList(self.ax4), axisbg=axcolor) self.radioCO2 = RadioButtons(rax, ('CO2 (lbs)', 'CO2 (trees)')) def CO2Change(label): self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioCO2.on_clicked(CO2Change) # Sliders 1 and 2: Distnace and Number of Trips # Axes and instance of slider for distance control axslideDist = plt.axes([0.17, 0.10, 0.77, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) self.slideDist = Slider(axslideDist, 'Distance (miles)', 0.0, 100.0, valinit=self.dist, valfmt='%4.2f') # Axes and instance of slider for number of trips control axslideTrip = plt.axes([0.17, 0.05, 0.77, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) self.slideTrip = Slider(axslideTrip, 'Trips', 0.0, 100.0, valinit=self.trips, valfmt='%4.2f') # Function for updating values after either slider is moved. def sliderUpdate(val): self.trips = self.slideTrip.val self.dist = self.slideDist.val self.calcDict = self.calculate() self.updateGraph() self.slideTrip.on_changed(sliderUpdate) self.slideDist.on_changed(sliderUpdate) axcolor = 'gold' # Customization RadioButton 1: Car - Car Type rax = plt.axes([.06, .72, .15, 0.2], axisbg=axcolor) rax.text(0, 1.15, "Customize Driving Info", fontsize=11) rax.text(0, 1.05, "Car Type", fontsize=11) self.radioCarType = RadioButtons( rax, ('Average', 'Small Sedan', 'Medium Sedan', 'Large Sedan', '4WD/Sport', 'Minivan')) def carTypeChange(label): ''' Adjusts instance of driver object based on the category selected using the driver object's setCat function.''' if label == 'Average': self.d.setCat('average') elif label == 'Small Sedan': self.d.setCat('smallSedan') elif label == ('Medium Sedan'): self.d.setCat('mediumSedan') elif label == 'Large Sedan': self.d.setCat('largeSedan') elif label == '4WD/Sport': self.d.setCat('4wdSport') elif label == 'Minivan': self.d.setCat('minivan') else: print('Error!') self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioCarType.on_clicked(carTypeChange) # Customization RadioButton 2: Bike - Spend on Bike rax = plt.axes([.26, .72, .15, 0.2], axisbg=axcolor) rax.text(0, 1.15, "Customize Biking Info:", fontsize=11) rax.text(0, 1.05, "Spend on parts/maintenance ($/year)", fontsize=11) self.radioBikeSpend = RadioButtons( rax, ('$0-25', '$25-50', '$50-100', '$100-150', '$150-200', '>$200'), active=2) def bikeSpendChange(label): ''' Adjusts instance of biker object based on selected spending, using the biker object's setSpend fcn. Then updates graph.''' if label == '$0-25': self.b.setSpend(12.5) elif label == '$25-50': self.b.setSpend(37.5) elif label == '$50-100': self.b.setSpend(75) elif label == ('$100-150'): self.b.setSpend(125) elif label == '$150-200': self.b.setSpend(175) elif label == '>$200': self.b.setSpend(250) else: print('Error!') self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioBikeSpend.on_clicked(bikeSpendChange) # Customization RadioButton 3: Walk - Spend on Shoes rax = plt.axes([.06, .424, .15, 0.2], axisbg=axcolor) rax.text(0, 1.15, "Customize Walking Info:", fontsize=11) rax.text(0, 1.05, "Spend on a new pair of shoes", fontsize=11) self.radioWalkSpend = RadioButtons( rax, ('$0-25', '$25-50', '$50-100', '$100-150', '$150-200', '>$200'), active=1) def walkSpendChange(label): ''' Changes instance of walker object based on spending.''' if label == '$0-25': self.w.setSpend(12.5) elif label == '$25-50': self.w.setSpend(37.5) elif label == '$50-100': self.w.setSpend(75) elif label == ('$100-150'): self.w.setSpend(125) elif label == '$150-200': self.w.setSpend(175) elif label == '>$200': self.w.setSpend(250) else: print('Error!') self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioWalkSpend.on_clicked(walkSpendChange) # Customization RadioButton 4: Person - Sex rax = plt.axes([.26, .424, .15, 0.2], axisbg=axcolor) rax.text(0, 1.15, "Customize Calorie Burn Info:", fontsize=11) rax.text(0, 1.05, "Sex", fontsize=11) self.radioPersonSex = RadioButtons(rax, ('Male', 'Female'), active=0) def personSexChange(label): ''' Changes the sex of the person instance of the current instnace of the driver, biker, and walker objects. So much OOP!!!!''' if label == 'Male': self.d.person.setSex('M', True) self.b.person.setSex('M', True) self.w.person.setSex('M', True) elif label == 'Female': self.d.person.setSex('F', True) self.b.person.setSex('F', True) self.w.person.setSex('F', True) else: print('Error!') self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioPersonSex.on_clicked(personSexChange) # Reset Button axReset = plt.axes([0.17, 0.25, 0.15, 0.10]) bReset = Button(axReset, 'Reset Defaults') def resetDefaults(event): ''' Resets all buttons/sliders to their default position, which triggers recalculations and redrawing of the graphs. This function is a little slow.''' self.slideDist.set_val(1) self.slideTrip.set_val(1) self.radioTime.set_active(0) self.radioCost.set_active(0) self.radioCal.set_active(0) self.radioCO2.set_active(0) self.radioCarType.set_active(0) self.radioBikeSpend.set_active(2) self.radioWalkSpend.set_active(1) self.radioPersonSex.set_active(0) plt.draw() bReset.on_clicked(resetDefaults) # These keep the current drawing current. self.updateGraph()
button.label.set_fontsize(8) def reset(event): s0.reset() s1.reset() s2.reset() s3.reset() button.on_clicked(reset) rax = plt.axes([ 0.025, 0.5 - 0.01 * num_tasks_sampled, 0.18, 0.03 * num_tasks_sampled ], facecolor=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, sample_task_ids, active=0) def update_y_test(label): # Update the target_data: (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = task_dict[label] l_button.set_ydata( l_button.set_xdata( l_button_test.set_ydata( l_button_test.set_xdata( # Update the fitted data: if is_VAE: statistics = statistics_Net([X_train, y_train], 1))[0][0] else: statistics = statistics_Net([X_train, y_train],
class RunSim: ''' This class is the core of the program. It uses matplotlib to gather user input and dispaly results, and also preforms requisite calculations.''' def __init__(self): ''' The constructor creates instances of the walker, biker, and driver objects from the 'modes' module, sets a default distance and trip number, and then calculates the time, cost, calories, and CO2 emissions for all modes of tranit. Then it sets up graphs for displaying the information, as well as sliders, buttons, and RadioButtons for gathering user input. The functions that those buttons execute are defined internally. ''' # Create instances of the driver, biker, and walker objects # Whose instance variables will be used heavily in calculations. self.d = Driver() self.b = Biker() self.w = Walker() # Default vaulues self.dist = 1 self.trips = 1 # Do initial calculations (calcualte returns calcDict) self.calcDict = self.calculate() # Create figure object which we will place everything on # of dimensions 14" by 10" self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10)) # Create 4 axes objects evenly spaced in a column. These will # hold the four graphs/figures (time, cost, calories, and CO2.) self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(411) self.ax2 = self.fig.add_subplot(412) self.ax3 = self.fig.add_subplot(413) self.ax4 = self.fig.add_subplot(414) # Adjust the location of subplots (the axes holding graphs) self.fig.subplots_adjust(left=.74, right=.94, bottom=.18, top=.98, hspace=.25) ### Set up Buttons, RadioButtons, Sliders and their fcns! ### # The structure of setting up the temporary rax axes, then making # the RadioButton, then defining it's function, then adding the # on_clicked statement is taken from this example: # axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' def getRadioPosList(ax): ''' This function is simply for positioning the 4 radio buttons used to change units approporatiely, vertically centered in relation to the adjacent graph. ''' # Width and height are the same for each radio button widthRax = 0.12 heightRax = 0.10 # Find the lower (left) x value of adjacent graph # And construct appropriate x value for radio axes x0Ax = ax.get_position().get_points()[0, 0] xRax = x0Ax - (widthRax * 1.8) # Find lower and upper y values of the adjacent graph, # average them, and add half the height of the radiobutton axes # to determine a y value that will vertically center the radiobutton y0Ax = ax.get_position().get_points()[0, 1] y1Ax = ax.get_position().get_points()[1, 1] yRax = ((y0Ax + y1Ax) / 2) - (heightRax / 2) return [xRax, yRax, widthRax, heightRax] # Unit Change RadioButton 1: Change Time Units rax = plt.axes(getRadioPosList(self.ax1), axisbg=axcolor) self.radioTime = RadioButtons(rax, ('Hours', 'Minutes', 'Audiobooks')) def timeChange(label): self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioTime.on_clicked(timeChange) # Unit Change RadioButton 2: Change Money Units rax = plt.axes(getRadioPosList(self.ax2), axisbg=axcolor) self.radioCost = RadioButtons(rax, ('Dollars', 'Coffees')) def costChange(label): self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioCost.on_clicked(costChange) # Unit Change RadioButton 3: Change calorie burn units rax = plt.axes(getRadioPosList(self.ax3), axisbg=axcolor) self.radioCal = RadioButtons(rax, ('Cal (total)', 'Cal (/hour)')) def calChange(label): self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioCal.on_clicked(calChange) # Unit Change RadioButton 4: Change CO2 Emissions Units rax = plt.axes(getRadioPosList(self.ax4), axisbg=axcolor) self.radioCO2 = RadioButtons(rax, ('CO2 (lbs)', 'CO2 (trees)')) def CO2Change(label): self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioCO2.on_clicked(CO2Change) # Sliders 1 and 2: Distnace and Number of Trips # Axes and instance of slider for distance control axslideDist = plt.axes([0.17, 0.10, 0.77, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) self.slideDist = Slider(axslideDist, 'Distance (miles)', 0.0, 100.0, valinit=self.dist, valfmt='%4.2f') # Axes and instance of slider for number of trips control axslideTrip = plt.axes([0.17, 0.05, 0.77, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) self.slideTrip = Slider(axslideTrip, 'Trips', 0.0, 100.0, valinit=self.trips, valfmt='%4.2f') # Function for updating values after either slider is moved. def sliderUpdate(val): self.trips = self.slideTrip.val self.dist = self.slideDist.val self.calcDict = self.calculate() self.updateGraph() self.slideTrip.on_changed(sliderUpdate) self.slideDist.on_changed(sliderUpdate) axcolor = 'gold' # Customization RadioButton 1: Car - Car Type rax = plt.axes([.06, .72, .15, 0.2], axisbg=axcolor) rax.text(0, 1.15, "Customize Driving Info", fontsize=11) rax.text(0, 1.05, "Car Type", fontsize=11) self.radioCarType = RadioButtons( rax, ('Average', 'Small Sedan', 'Medium Sedan', 'Large Sedan', '4WD/Sport', 'Minivan')) def carTypeChange(label): ''' Adjusts instance of driver object based on the category selected using the driver object's setCat function.''' if label == 'Average': self.d.setCat('average') elif label == 'Small Sedan': self.d.setCat('smallSedan') elif label == ('Medium Sedan'): self.d.setCat('mediumSedan') elif label == 'Large Sedan': self.d.setCat('largeSedan') elif label == '4WD/Sport': self.d.setCat('4wdSport') elif label == 'Minivan': self.d.setCat('minivan') else: print('Error!') self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioCarType.on_clicked(carTypeChange) # Customization RadioButton 2: Bike - Spend on Bike rax = plt.axes([.26, .72, .15, 0.2], axisbg=axcolor) rax.text(0, 1.15, "Customize Biking Info:", fontsize=11) rax.text(0, 1.05, "Spend on parts/maintenance ($/year)", fontsize=11) self.radioBikeSpend = RadioButtons( rax, ('$0-25', '$25-50', '$50-100', '$100-150', '$150-200', '>$200'), active=2) def bikeSpendChange(label): ''' Adjusts instance of biker object based on selected spending, using the biker object's setSpend fcn. Then updates graph.''' if label == '$0-25': self.b.setSpend(12.5) elif label == '$25-50': self.b.setSpend(37.5) elif label == '$50-100': self.b.setSpend(75) elif label == ('$100-150'): self.b.setSpend(125) elif label == '$150-200': self.b.setSpend(175) elif label == '>$200': self.b.setSpend(250) else: print('Error!') self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioBikeSpend.on_clicked(bikeSpendChange) # Customization RadioButton 3: Walk - Spend on Shoes rax = plt.axes([.06, .424, .15, 0.2], axisbg=axcolor) rax.text(0, 1.15, "Customize Walking Info:", fontsize=11) rax.text(0, 1.05, "Spend on a new pair of shoes", fontsize=11) self.radioWalkSpend = RadioButtons( rax, ('$0-25', '$25-50', '$50-100', '$100-150', '$150-200', '>$200'), active=1) def walkSpendChange(label): ''' Changes instance of walker object based on spending.''' if label == '$0-25': self.w.setSpend(12.5) elif label == '$25-50': self.w.setSpend(37.5) elif label == '$50-100': self.w.setSpend(75) elif label == ('$100-150'): self.w.setSpend(125) elif label == '$150-200': self.w.setSpend(175) elif label == '>$200': self.w.setSpend(250) else: print('Error!') self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioWalkSpend.on_clicked(walkSpendChange) # Customization RadioButton 4: Person - Sex rax = plt.axes([.26, .424, .15, 0.2], axisbg=axcolor) rax.text(0, 1.15, "Customize Calorie Burn Info:", fontsize=11) rax.text(0, 1.05, "Sex", fontsize=11) self.radioPersonSex = RadioButtons(rax, ('Male', 'Female'), active=0) def personSexChange(label): ''' Changes the sex of the person instance of the current instnace of the driver, biker, and walker objects. So much OOP!!!!''' if label == 'Male': self.d.person.setSex('M', True) self.b.person.setSex('M', True) self.w.person.setSex('M', True) elif label == 'Female': self.d.person.setSex('F', True) self.b.person.setSex('F', True) self.w.person.setSex('F', True) else: print('Error!') self.updateGraph() plt.draw() self.radioPersonSex.on_clicked(personSexChange) # Reset Button axReset = plt.axes([0.17, 0.25, 0.15, 0.10]) bReset = Button(axReset, 'Reset Defaults') def resetDefaults(event): ''' Resets all buttons/sliders to their default position, which triggers recalculations and redrawing of the graphs. This function is a little slow.''' self.slideDist.set_val(1) self.slideTrip.set_val(1) self.radioTime.set_active(0) self.radioCost.set_active(0) self.radioCal.set_active(0) self.radioCO2.set_active(0) self.radioCarType.set_active(0) self.radioBikeSpend.set_active(2) self.radioWalkSpend.set_active(1) self.radioPersonSex.set_active(0) plt.draw() bReset.on_clicked(resetDefaults) # These keep the current drawing current. self.updateGraph() def calculate(self): ''' This function does all the calculating behind the program. It uses attributes of the driver, walker, and biker object's to calculate values for time, cost, calorie burn, and CO2 emitted in various units. This information is stored in the handy-dandy dictionary: calcDict.''' # Dictionary that holds calculations for different categories in the form # of lists, where [0]=driver, [1]=biker, [2]=walker calcDict = { 'time': [], 'cost': [], 'cal': [], 'time-mins': [], 'time-audio': [], 'cost-coffee': [], 'cal-hour': [], 'cal-sansBMR': [], 'CO2': 0.0, 'CO2-tree': 0.0 } # Time in hours calcDict['time'].append(self.dist * self.trips / self.d.getMPH()) calcDict['time'].append(self.dist * self.trips / self.b.getMPH()) calcDict['time'].append(self.dist * self.trips / self.w.getMPH()) # Cost in US dollars calcDict['cost'].append(self.d.getCost() * self.dist * self.trips) calcDict['cost'].append(self.b.getCost() * self.dist * self.trips) calcDict['cost'].append(self.w.getCost() * self.dist * self.trips) # Total calories burned calcDict['cal'].append(self.d.person.getCal() * calcDict['time'][0]) calcDict['cal'].append(self.b.person.getCal() * calcDict['time'][1]) calcDict['cal'].append(self.w.person.getCal() * calcDict['time'][2]) ## Alternative units for above categories # Time in audiobooks (based on avg len of 12.59 hours) # Note: avg length determined from sample of 25 bestsellers on calcDict['time-mins'].append(calcDict['time'][0] * 60) calcDict['time-mins'].append(calcDict['time'][1] * 60) calcDict['time-mins'].append(calcDict['time'][2] * 60) # Time in audiobooks (based on avg len of 12.59 hours) # Note: avg length determined from sample of 25 bestsellers on calcDict['time-audio'].append(calcDict['time'][0] / 12.59) calcDict['time-audio'].append(calcDict['time'][1] / 12.59) calcDict['time-audio'].append(calcDict['time'][2] / 12.59) #Cost in terms of coffee at blue Mondays burned per hour calcDict['cost-coffee'].append(calcDict['cost'][0] / 2.60) calcDict['cost-coffee'].append(calcDict['cost'][1] / 2.60) calcDict['cost-coffee'].append(calcDict['cost'][2] / 2.60) #Cal burned per hour calcDict['cal-hour'].append(self.d.person.getCal()) calcDict['cal-hour'].append(self.b.person.getCal()) calcDict['cal-hour'].append(self.w.person.getCal()) # CO2 emissions in lbs calcDict['CO2'] = self.d.getCO2() * (self.dist * self.trips) # CO2 emissions in terms of trees planted # A single tree planted thru sequesters 911 pounds of CO2 # This value reflects the number of trees one should plant to sequester the carbon # emitted by driving calcDict['CO2-tree'] = (calcDict['CO2'] / 911) return calcDict def makeGraph(self, ax, data, ylab): ''' makeGraph is called by updateGraph and redraws the 3 graphs every time it is called. The x labels are always the same but the y values are passed in as 'data'. ''' ax.clear() N = 3 # 3 divisions of x axis maxNum = max(data) # determine max y value ind = np.arange(N) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.5 # the width of the bars ## the bars rects1 =, data, width, color=['cyan', 'yellow', 'magenta']) # axes and labels ax.set_xlim(-.1, len(ind) - .4) ax.set_ylim(0, maxNum + (maxNum / 10) * 2) xTickMarks = ['Drive', 'Bike', 'Walk'] ax.set_xticks(ind + (width / 2)) xtickNames = ax.set_xticklabels(xTickMarks) ax.set_ylabel(ylab) def autolabel(rects): ''' Adds labels above bars. Code adapted from matplotlib demo code:''' # attach some text labels for rect in rects: height = rect.get_height() ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2., 1.05 * height, '%4.2f' % (height), fontsize=11, ha='center', va='bottom') autolabel(rects1) def showInfo(self, ax, data, msg): ''' The forth subplot (axes) holds text instead of a bar plot and it gets updated using this function.''' # Erase any existing information to avoid redrawing ax.clear() # Remove labels ax.set_xticklabels('') ax.set_yticklabels('') ax.text(.08, .70, "By not driving...", fontsize=11) ax.text(.4, .45, '%4.2f' % (data), style='italic', bbox={ 'facecolor': 'lightgreen', 'alpha': 0.65, 'pad': 10 }) ax.text(.08, .20, msg, fontsize=11) def updateGraph(self): ''' This is called whenever the graph needs to be updated. It calls self.calculate to make sure self.calcDate is up to date and it uses the values of the radio buttons and sliders as well as the values stored in calcDict to determine which y values to pass into makeGraph to make the 3 graphs and which values to pass to showInfo.''' self.calcDict = self.calculate() if self.radioTime.value_selected == 'Hours': self.makeGraph(self.ax1, self.calcDict['time'], 'Time (Hours)') elif self.radioTime.value_selected == 'Minutes': self.makeGraph(self.ax1, self.calcDict['time-mins'], 'Time (Minutes)') elif self.radioTime.value_selected == 'Audiobooks': self.makeGraph(self.ax1, self.calcDict['time-audio'], 'Time (Audiobooks)') if self.radioCost.value_selected == 'Dollars': self.makeGraph(self.ax2, self.calcDict['cost'], 'Cost ($)') elif self.radioCost.value_selected == 'Coffees': self.makeGraph(self.ax2, self.calcDict['cost-coffee'], 'Cost (Coffees)') else: print('Error!') if self.radioCal.value_selected == 'Cal (total)': self.makeGraph(self.ax3, self.calcDict['cal'], 'Calories (total)') elif self.radioCal.value_selected == 'Cal (/hour)': self.makeGraph(self.ax3, self.calcDict['cal-hour'], 'Calories (/hour)') else: print('Error!') if self.radioCO2.value_selected == 'CO2 (lbs)': self.showInfo(self.ax4, self.calcDict['CO2'], 'Pounds of CO2 not emitted') elif self.radioCO2.value_selected == 'CO2 (trees)': self.showInfo(self.ax4, self.calcDict['CO2-tree'], 'Trees planted!') else: print('Error!')
dust_slider = Slider(ax_dust, 'Dust', -1, 2.5, valinit=0) hot_gas_slider = Slider(ax_hot_gas, 'Hot Gas', -1, 2.5, valinit=0) cold_gas_slider = Slider(ax_cold_gas, 'Cold Gas', -1, 2.5, valinit=0) ############################################################################### #### Radio Buttons #### radio_length = 0.10 radio_height = 0.10 radio_separation = 0.12 ax_y = plot.axes([ 0.05, slider_y + slider_height - radio_height, radio_length, radio_height ]) radio_y = RadioButtons(ax_y, ('linear', 'log'), active=0) ax_norm = plot.axes([ 0.05, slider_y + slider_height - radio_height - radio_separation, radio_length + 0.10, radio_height ]) radio_norm = RadioButtons(ax_norm, ('normalize blue', 'normalize red'), active=0) ############################################################################### ### Slider Listeners ### def update(val): num_b = b_slider.val
def change_capa(event): amplifier.set_cap_neut_enable(True, 0) amplifier.set_cap_neut_level(capa_button.val, 0) def change_gain(event): amplifier.set_loop_gain(gain_button.val, 1) def change_lag(event): amplifier.set_loop_lag(lag_button.val, 1) ax_mode = plt.axes([0.05, 0.025, 0.2, 0.125], frameon=False) mode_button = RadioButtons(ax_mode, ['CC', 'TEVC']) mode_button.on_clicked(change_mode) ax_bridge = plt.axes([0.5, 0.025, 0.3, 0.05]) bridge_button = Slider(ax_bridge, 'Bridge', 0, 100, 0) bridge_button.on_changed(change_bridge) range = amplifier.get_cap_neut_range(0) ax_capa = plt.axes([0.5, 0.075, 0.3, 0.05]) capa_button = Slider(ax_capa, 'Capacitance', range.dValMin, range.dValMax, 0) capa_button.on_changed(change_capa) ax_gain = plt.axes([0.5, 0.125, 0.3, 0.05]) gain_button = Slider(ax_gain, 'Gain', 20, 500, 20) gain_button.on_changed(change_gain)
global mask, visibility if visibility: mask = mask_base visibility = False else: mask = mask_vel visibility = True check.on_clicked(func) #%% Radio buttom for velocity selection axrad_vel = pv.add_axes([0.01, 0.65, 0.1, 0.1]) if cumfile2: radio_vel = RadioButtons(axrad_vel, ('vel', 'vel2')) mapdict_vel = {'vel': vel, 'vel2': vel2} else: radio_vel = RadioButtons(axrad_vel, ('vel', )) mapdict_vel = {'vel': vel} def show_vel(val): global vmin, vmax data = mapdict_vel[val] * mask data = data - np.nanmean(data[refy1:refy2, refx1:refx2]) if vlimauto: ## auto vmin = np.nanpercentile(data * mask, 100 - auto_crange) vmax = np.nanpercentile(data * mask, auto_crange) cax.set_data(data)
fig, axSimPlot = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 7)) # レーダの検知可能範囲を描画 axSimPlot.plot(simObject.leftScanBoundary[0,:]/1000, simObject.leftScanBoundary[1,:]/1000, c='#212121') axSimPlot.plot(simObject.rightScanBoundary[0,:]/1000, simObject.rightScanBoundary[1,:]/1000, c='#212121') axSimPlot.set_xlabel('X [m]') axSimPlot.set_ylabel('Y [m]') axSimPlot.set_xlim([0, 140]) axSimPlot.set_ylim([-80, 80]) axSimPlot.grid() axSimPlot.axis('equal') fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.2, right=None, top=None) # シミュレーションを終了させるラジオボタンオブジェクト axQuitBttn = plt.axes([0.05, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1], facecolor=radioButtonColor) quitBttnObj = RadioButtons(axQuitBttn, ('Run', 'Quit')) # 動作フラグを定義 global simRunFlag simRunFlag = True # ボタンが押された時の動作を制御する関数 def SwitchSimRunOrQuit(label): global simRunFlag if label == 'Run': simRunFlag = True elif label == 'Quit': simRunFlag = False else: simRunFlag = True # ボタンが押されたら関数を呼び出す quitBttnObj.on_clicked(SwitchSimRunOrQuit)
sxamp = Slider(xamp, 'A', 0, 3, valinit=A) syamp = Slider(yamp, 'B', 0, 3, valinit=B) sxfreq = Slider(xfreq, 'a', 0, 4, valinit=a) syfreq = Slider(yfreq, 'c', 0, 4, valinit=c) sxphase = Slider(xphase, 'b', 0, 7, valinit=b) syphase = Slider(yphase, 'd', 0, 7, valinit=d) sphase_diff = Slider(phase_diff, 'Rotate', 0, 1, valinit=r) #Text in window plt.text(0.40, -0.90, 'controlers', fontsize=14) #Radio button for graphs radio = RadioButtons( rax, ('(0,0)', 'y=0', 'x=0', 'y=x(/)', 'y=-x(\)', 'y=x^2(∪)', 'y=-x^2(∩)', 'x=y^2(⊂)', 'x=-y^2(⊃)', 'x^2+y^2=1(o)', 'Eight(8)', 'Infinity(∞)', 'N', 'И', 'Z', 'S', 'Alpha(∝)', 'Mirror of ∝', 'Gujarati four', 'Mirror of Gujarati four', 'Rotation(∪,∩)3D', 'Rotation(⊂,⊃)3D', 'Rotation(N,И)3D', 'Rotation(Z,S)3D', 'Bangles_X', 'Bangles_Y', 'Crown_X', 'Crown_Y', 'Atom'), active=3) #animation function def animate(i): #not creating exctra variable using global variables global A global B global a global b global c global d global r
regularization_strenght = (np.exp(val) - 1) / 40000 if regularized and init: update_graph(1) def change_reg_type(label): global reg_type reg_type = label btn_axes = plt.axes([0.75, 0.20, 0.2, 0.06]) fit_button = Button(btn_axes, 'fit') radio_axes = plt.axes([0.75, 0.68, 0.2, 0.2]) radio_axes.set_title('basis function') radio_buttons = RadioButtons(radio_axes, ('polynomial', 'gaussian')) radio_buttons.on_clicked(change_basis_function) reg_radio_axes = plt.axes([0.75, 0.5, 0.2, 0.15]) reg_button = RadioButtons(reg_radio_axes, ('no regularization', 'regularization')) reg_button.on_clicked(reg_button_click) reg_type_axes = plt.axes([0.75, 0.32, 0.2, 0.15]) reg_type_button = RadioButtons(reg_type_axes, ('regularization', 'curvature penalty')) reg_type_button.on_clicked(change_reg_type) slider_axes = plt.axes([0.2, 0.08, 0.65, 0.04]) reg_slider = Slider(slider_axes, 'regularization stenght',
class ObjFindGUI(object): """ GUI to interactively identify object traces. The GUI can be run within PypeIt during data reduction, or as a standalone script outside of PypeIt. To initialise the GUI, call the initialise() function in this file. """ def __init__(self, canvas, image, frame, det, sobjs, trace_dict, axes, profdict, slit_ids=None, printout=False, runtime=False): """Controls for the interactive Object ID tasks in PypeIt. The main goal of this routine is to interactively add/delete/modify object apertures. Args: canvas (Matploltib figure canvas): The canvas on which all axes are contained image (AxesImage): The image plotted to screen frame (ndarray): The image data det (int): Detector to add a slit on sobjs (SpecObjs, None): An instance of the SpecObjs class trace_dict (dict): A dictionary containing information about the object traces axes (dict): Dictionary of four Matplotlib axes instances (Main spectrum panel, two for residuals, one for information) profdict (dict): Dictionary containing profile information (profile data, and the left/right lines displayinf the FWHM) slit_ids (list, None): List of slit ID numbers printout (bool): Should the results be printed to screen runtime (bool): Is the GUI being launched during data reduction? """ # Store the axes self._det = det self.image = image self.frame = frame self.nspec, self.nspat = frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1] self._spectrace = np.arange(self.nspec) self.profile = profdict self._printout = printout self._runtime = runtime self._slit_ids = slit_ids self._trcdict = trace_dict self.axes = axes self.specobjs = sobjs self.objtraces = [] self._object_traces = ObjectTraces() self.anchors = [] self._obj_idx = -1 self._spatpos = np.arange(frame.shape[1])[np.newaxis, :].repeat( frame.shape[0], axis=0) # Spatial coordinate (as the frame shape) self.empty_mantrace() if sobjs is None: self._object_traces.from_dict(self._trcdict['objtrc'], det) else: self._object_traces.from_specobj(sobjs, det) # Unset some of the matplotlib keymaps matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams[ 'keymap.fullscreen'] = '' # toggling fullscreen (Default: f, ctrl+f) #matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams['keymap.home'] = '' # home or reset mnemonic (Default: h, r, home) matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams[ 'keymap.back'] = '' # forward / backward keys to enable (Default: left, c, backspace) matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams[ 'keymap.forward'] = '' # left handed quick navigation (Default: right, v) #matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams['keymap.pan'] = '' # pan mnemonic (Default: p) matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams[ 'keymap.zoom'] = '' # zoom mnemonic (Default: o) matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams[ ''] = '' # saving current figure (Default: s) matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams[ 'keymap.quit'] = '' # close the current figure (Default: ctrl+w, cmd+w) matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams[ 'keymap.grid'] = '' # switching on/off a grid in current axes (Default: g) matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams[ 'keymap.yscale'] = '' # toggle scaling of y-axes ('log'/'linear') (Default: l) matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams[ 'keymap.xscale'] = '' # toggle scaling of x-axes ('log'/'linear') (Default: L, k) matplotlib.pyplot.rcParams[ 'keymap.all_axes'] = '' # enable all axes (Default: a) # Initialise the main canvas tools canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.draw_callback) canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.button_press_callback) canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.key_press_callback) canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.button_release_callback) canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move_callback) self.canvas = canvas # Interaction variables self._respreq = [ False, None ] # Does the user need to provide a response before any other operation will be permitted? Once the user responds, the second element of this array provides the action to be performed. self._qconf = False # Confirm quit message self._changes = False self._use_updates = True self._trcmthd = 'object' self.mmx, self.mmy = 0, 0 self._inslit = 0 # Which slit is the mouse in # Draw the spectrum self.canvas.draw() # Initialise buttons and menu options self._ax_meth_default = 'Object' self._methdict = dict({ 'Object': [0, 'object'], 'Standard Star': [1, 'std'], 'Slit Edges': [2, 'slit'] }) # 'Manual': [3, 'manual'] self.initialise_menu() def print_help(self): """Print the keys and descriptions that can be used for Identification """ keys = operations.keys() print( "===============================================================") print( "Add/remove object traces until you are happy with the resulting") print("traces. When you've finished, click one of the exit buttons on") print( "the right side of the page. If you click 'Continue (and save changes)'" ) print( "the object traces will be printed to the terminal, where you can") print("copy them into your .pypeit file.") print("") print("thick coloured dashed lines = object traces") print("thick coloured solid line = currently selected object trace") print("thin green/blue lines = slit edges") print("") print("Meanings of the different coloured dashed lines:") print(" green = user-defined object trace") print(" blue = trace automatically generated with PypeIt") print(" red = trace automatically generated with PypeIt (deleted)") print( "===============================================================") print(" OBJECT ID OPERATIONS") for key in keys: print("{0:6s} : {1:s}".format(key, operations[key])) print( "---------------------------------------------------------------") def initialise_menu(self): """Initialise the menu buttons """ axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' # Continue with reduction (using updated specobjs) ax_cont = plt.axes([0.82, 0.85, 0.15, 0.05]) self._ax_cont = Button(ax_cont, "Continue (and save changes)", color=axcolor, hovercolor='y') self._ax_cont.on_clicked(self.button_cont) # Continue with reduction (using original specobjs) ax_exit = plt.axes([0.82, 0.79, 0.15, 0.05]) self._ax_exit = Button(ax_exit, "Continue (don't save changes)", color=axcolor, hovercolor='y') self._ax_exit.on_clicked(self.button_exit) # Button to select trace method rax = plt.axes([0.82, 0.59, 0.15, 0.15], facecolor=axcolor) rax.set_title("Select trace method:") self._ax_meth = RadioButtons( rax, ('Object', 'Standard Star', 'Slit Edges')) #, 'Manual')) self._ax_meth.on_clicked(self.radio_meth) # Determine the best default to use: if self._trcdict["trace_model"]["object"]["trace_model"] is not None: self._ax_meth_default = 'Object' elif self._trcdict["trace_model"]["std"]["trace_model"] is not None: self._ax_meth_default = 'Standard Star' elif self._trcdict["trace_model"]["slit"]["trace_model"] is not None: self._ax_meth_default = 'Slit Edges' # elif self._trcdict["trace_model"]["manual"]["trace_model"] is not None: # self._ax_meth_default = 'Manual' # Set the active method self._ax_meth.set_active(self._methdict[self._ax_meth_default][0]) def radio_meth(self, label, infobox=True): """Tell the code what to do when a different trace method is selected Args: label (str): The label of the radio button that was clicked """ # Update the radio button if self._methdict[label][1]: self._trcmthd = self._methdict[label][1] # Check if the method is available, if not, change to the default (manual is always allowed) if self._trcmthd != "manual": if self._trcdict["trace_model"][ self._trcmthd]["trace_model"] is None: self.update_infobox( message= "That option is not available - changing to default", yesno=False) self._ax_meth.set_active( self._methdict[self._ax_meth_default][0]) self._trcmthd = self._methdict[self._ax_meth_default][1] else: if infobox: self.update_infobox( message="Trace method set to: {0:s}".format(label), yesno=False) else: if infobox: self.update_infobox( message="Trace method set to: {0:s}".format(label), yesno=False) def button_cont(self, event): """What to do when the 'exit and save' button is clicked """ self._respreq = [True, "exit_update"] self.update_infobox( message= "Are you sure you want to exit and use the updated object traces?", yesno=True) def button_exit(self, event): """What to do when the 'exit and do not save changes' button is clicked """ self._respreq = [True, "exit_restore"] self.update_infobox( message= "Are you sure you want to exit and use the original object traces?", yesno=True) def replot(self): """Redraw the entire canvas """ self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.draw_objtraces() self.draw_anchors() self.canvas.draw() def draw_objtraces(self): """Draw the object traces """ for i in self.objtraces: i.pop(0).remove() self.objtraces = [] # Plot the object traces allcols = ['DodgerBlue', 'LimeGreen', 'r'] # colors mean: [original, added, deleted] for iobj in range(self._object_traces.nobj): color = allcols[self._object_traces._add_rm[iobj]] if iobj == self._obj_idx: self.objtraces.append(self.axes['main'].plot( self._object_traces._trace_spat[iobj], self._object_traces._trace_spec[iobj], color=color, linestyle='-', linewidth=4, alpha=0.5)) else: self.objtraces.append(self.axes['main'].plot( self._object_traces._trace_spat[iobj], self._object_traces._trace_spec[iobj], color=color, linestyle='--', linewidth=3, alpha=0.5)) def draw_anchors(self): """Draw the anchors for manual tracing """ for i in self.anchors: i.pop(0).remove() self.anchors = [] # Plot the best fitting trace, if it exists if self._mantrace["spat_trc"] is not None: self.anchors.append(self.axes['main'].plot( self._mantrace["spat_trc"], self._mantrace["spec_trc"], 'g-', linewidth=3, alpha=0.5)) # Plot the anchor points on top self.anchors.append(self.axes['main'].plot(self._mantrace["spat_a"], self._mantrace["spec_a"], 'ro', alpha=0.5)) def draw_profile(self): """Draw the object profile """ if self._obj_idx == -1: sz = self.profile['profile'].get_xdata.size self.profile['profile'].set_ydata(np.zeros(sz)) else: # Plot the extent of the FWHM self.profile['fwhm'][0].set_xdata( -self._object_traces._fwhm[self._obj_idx] / 2.0) self.profile['fwhm'][1].set_xdata( +self._object_traces._fwhm[self._obj_idx] / 2.0) # Update the data shown objprof = self.make_objprofile() self.profile['profile'].set_ydata(objprof) self.axes['profile'].set_xlim([ -self._object_traces._fwhm[self._obj_idx], +self._object_traces._fwhm[self._obj_idx] ]) omin, omax = objprof.min(), objprof.max() self.axes['profile'].set_ylim( [omin - 0.1 * (omax - omin), omax + 0.1 * (omax - omin)]) def draw_callback(self, event): """Draw callback (i.e. everytime the canvas is being drawn/updated) Args: event (Event): A matplotlib event instance """ # Get the background self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.axes['main'].bbox) self.draw_objtraces() def get_ind_under_point(self, event): """Get the index of the object trace closest to the cursor Args: event (Event): Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event """ mindist = self._spatpos.shape[0]**2 self._obj_idx = -1 for iobj in range(self._object_traces.nobj): dist = (event.xdata-self._object_traces._trace_spat[iobj])**2 +\ (event.ydata-self._object_traces._trace_spec[iobj])**2 if np.min(dist) < mindist: mindist = np.min(dist) self._obj_idx = iobj if self._obj_idx != -1: self.draw_profile() return def get_axisID(self, event): """Get the ID of the axis where an event has occurred Args: event (Event): Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event Returns: int, None: Axis where the event has occurred """ if event.inaxes == self.axes['main']: return 0 elif event.inaxes == self.axes['info']: return 1 elif event.inaxes == self.axes['profile']: return 2 return None def mouse_move_callback(self, event): """Store the locations of mouse as it moves across the canvas """ if event.inaxes is None: return axisID = self.get_axisID(event) if event.inaxes == self.axes['main']: self.mmx, self.mmy = event.xdata, event.ydata def button_press_callback(self, event): """What to do when the mouse button is pressed Args: event (Event): Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event """ if event.inaxes is None: return if self.canvas.toolbar.mode != "": return if event.button == 1: self._addsub = 1 elif event.button == 3: self._addsub = 0 if event.inaxes == self.axes['main']: self._start = [event.x, event.y] elif event.inaxes == self.axes['profile']: self._start = [event.x, event.y] def button_release_callback(self, event): """What to do when the mouse button is released Args: event (Event): Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event """ if event.inaxes is None: return if event.inaxes == self.axes['info']: if (event.xdata > 0.8) and (event.xdata < 0.9): answer = "y" elif event.xdata >= 0.9: answer = "n" else: return self.operations(answer, -1) self.update_infobox(default=True) return elif event.inaxes == self.axes['profile']: if (event.x == self._start[0]) and (event.y == self._start[1]): self.set_fwhm(event.xdata) self.update_infobox( message="FWHM updated for the selected object", yesno=False) return elif self._respreq[0]: # The user is trying to do something before they have responded to a question return if self.canvas.toolbar.mode != "": return # Draw an actor axisID = self.get_axisID(event) if axisID is not None: if axisID <= 2: self._end = [event.x, event.y] if (self._end[0] == self._start[0]) and (self._end[1] == self._start[1]): # The mouse button was pressed (not dragged) self.get_ind_under_point(event) self.update_infobox(message="Object selected", yesno=False) pass elif self._end != self._start: # The mouse button was dragged if axisID == 0: if self._start > self._end: tmp = self._start self._start = self._end self._end = tmp # Now do something pass # Now plot self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.draw_objtraces() self.canvas.draw() def key_press_callback(self, event): """What to do when a key is pressed Args: event (Event): Matplotlib event instance containing information about the event """ # Check that the event is in an axis... if not event.inaxes: return # ... but not the information box! if event.inaxes == self.axes['info']: return axisID = self.get_axisID(event) self.operations(event.key, axisID) def operations(self, key, axisID): """Canvas operations Args: key (str): Which key has been pressed axisID (int): The index of the axis where the key has been pressed (see get_axisID) """ # Check if the user really wants to quit if key == 'q' and self._qconf: if self._changes: self.update_infobox( message= "WARNING: There are unsaved changes!!\nPress q again to exit", yesno=False) self._qconf = True else: msgs.bug( "Need to change this to kill and return the results to PypeIt" ) plt.close() elif self._qconf: self.update_infobox(default=True) self._qconf = False # Manage responses from questions posed to the user. if self._respreq[0]: if key != "y" and key != "n": return else: # Switch off the required response self._respreq[0] = False # Deal with the response if self._respreq[1] == "delete_object" and key == "y": self.delete_object() elif self._respreq[1] == "clear_anchors" and key == "y": self.empty_mantrace() self.replot() elif self._respreq[1] == "exit_update" and key == "y": self._use_updates = True self.print_pypeit_info() self.operations("qu", None) elif self._respreq[1] == "exit_restore" and key == "y": self._use_updates = False self.operations("qr", None) else: return # Reset the info box self.update_infobox(default=True) return if key == '?': self.print_help() elif key == 'a': self.add_object() elif key == 'c': if axisID == 0: # If this is pressed on the main window self.recenter() # elif key == 'c': # self._respreq = [True, "clear_anchors"] # self.update_infobox(message="Are you sure you want to clear the anchors", yesno=True) elif key == 'd': if self._obj_idx != -1: self._respreq = [True, "delete_object"] self.update_infobox( message="Are you sure you want to delete this object trace", yesno=True) # elif key == 'm': # if self._trcmthd != 'manual': # self.update_infobox(message="To add an anchor point, set the 'manual' trace method", yesno=False) # else: # self.add_anchor() # elif key == 'n': # self.remove_anchor() elif key == 'qu' or key == 'qr': if self._changes: self.update_infobox( message= "WARNING: There are unsaved changes!!\nPress q again to exit", yesno=False) self._qconf = True else: plt.close() # elif key == '+': # if self._mantrace["polyorder"] < 10: # self._mantrace["polyorder"] += 1 # self.update_infobox(message="Polynomial order = {0:d}".format(self._mantrace["polyorder"]), yesno=False) # self.fit_anchors() # else: # self.update_infobox(message="Polynomial order must be <= 10", yesno=False) # elif key == '-': # if self._mantrace["polyorder"] > 1: # self._mantrace["polyorder"] -= 1 # self.update_infobox(message="Polynomial order = {0:d}".format(self._mantrace["polyorder"]), yesno=False) # self.fit_anchors() # else: # self.update_infobox(message="Polynomial order must be >= 1", yesno=False) self.replot() def add_anchor(self): """Add a manual anchor point """ self._mantrace['spat_a'].append(self.mmx) self._mantrace['spec_a'].append(self.mmy) self.fit_anchors() def remove_anchor(self): """Remove a manual anchor point """ # Find the anchor closest to the mouse position if len(self._mantrace['spat_a']) != 0: mindist = (self._mantrace['spat_a'][0] - self.mmx)**2 + ( self._mantrace['spec_a'][0] - self.mmy)**2 minidx = 0 for ianc in range(1, len(self._mantrace['spat_a'])): dist = (self._mantrace['spat_a'][ianc] - self.mmx)**2 + ( self._mantrace['spec_a'][ianc] - self.mmy)**2 if dist < mindist: mindist = dist minidx = ianc del self._mantrace['spat_a'][minidx] del self._mantrace['spec_a'][minidx] self.fit_anchors() def fit_anchors(self): """Fit the manual anchor points """ if len(self._mantrace['spat_a']) <= self._mantrace['polyorder']: self.update_infobox( message= "You need to select more trace points before manually adding\n" + "a manual object trace. To do this, use the 'm' key", yesno=False) else: # Fit a polynomial to the anchor points coeff = np.polyfit(self._mantrace['spec_a'], self._mantrace['spat_a'], self._mantrace['polyorder']) self._mantrace['spat_trc'] = np.polyval(coeff, self._mantrace['spec_trc']) # Replot, regardless of whether a fit is done (a point might have been added/removed) self.replot() def get_slit(self): """Find the slit that the mouse is currently in """ ypos = int(self.mmy) for sl in range(self._trcdict['slit_left'].shape[1]): if (self.mmx > self._trcdict['slit_left'][ypos, sl]) and ( self.mmx < self._trcdict['slit_righ'][ypos, sl]): self._inslit = sl return def add_object(self): if self._trcmthd == 'manual' and len( self._mantrace['spat_a']) <= self._mantrace['polyorder']: self.update_infobox( message= "You need to select more trace points before manually adding\n" + "a manual object trace. To do this, use the 'm' key", yesno=False) return # Add an object trace spec_vec = self._mantrace['spec_trc'] if self._trcmthd == 'manual': trace_model = self._mantrace['spat_trc'].copy() # Now empty the manual tracing self.empty_mantrace() else: if self._trcmthd == 'slit': self.get_slit() trace_model = self._trcdict["trace_model"][ self._trcmthd]["trace_model"][:, self._inslit].copy() else: trace_model = self._trcdict["trace_model"][ self._trcmthd]["trace_model"].copy() spat_0 = np.interp(self.mmy, spec_vec, trace_model) shift = self.mmx - spat_0 trace_model += shift # Determine the FWHM if self._object_traces.nobj != 0: fwhm = self._object_traces._fwhm[0] else: # Otherwise just use the fwhm parameter input to the code (or the default value) fwhm = 2 # Finally, add this object to the list self._object_traces.add_object(self._det, self.mmx, self.mmy, trace_model, self._spectrace.copy(), fwhm) def add_object_sobj(self): """Add an object to specobjs """ if self._trcmthd == 'manual' and len( self._mantrace['spat_a']) <= self._mantrace['polyorder']: self.update_infobox( message= "You need to select more trace points before manually adding\n" + "a manual object trace. To do this, use the 'm' key", yesno=False) return # Add an object trace spec_vec = self._mantrace['spec_trc'] if self._trcmthd == 'manual': trace_model = self._mantrace['spat_trc'].copy() # Now empty the manual tracing self.empty_mantrace() else: trace_model = self._trcdict["trace_model"][ self._trcmthd]["trace_model"].copy() spat_0 = np.interp(self.mmy, spec_vec, trace_model) shift = self.mmx - spat_0 trace_model += shift xsize = self._trcdict["slit_righ"] - self._trcdict["slit_left"] nsamp = np.ceil(xsize.max()) # Extract the SpecObj parameters par = self._trcdict['sobj_par'] # Create a SpecObj thisobj = specobjs.SpecObj(par['frameshape'], par['slit_spat_pos'], par['slit_spec_pos'], det=par['det'], setup=par['setup'], slitid=par['slitid'], orderindx=par['orderindx'], objtype=par['objtype']) thisobj.hand_extract_spat = self.mmx thisobj.hand_extract_spec = self.mmy thisobj.hand_extract_det = par['det'] thisobj.hand_extract_fwhm = None thisobj.hand_extract_flag = True f_ximg = RectBivariateSpline(spec_vec, np.arange(self.nspat), par["ximg"]) thisobj.spat_fracpos = f_ximg(thisobj.hand_extract_spec, thisobj.hand_extract_spat, grid=False) # interpolate from ximg thisobj.smash_peakflux = np.interp( thisobj.spat_fracpos * nsamp, np.arange(nsamp), self._trcdict['profile']) # interpolate from fluxconv # assign the trace thisobj.trace_spat = trace_model thisobj.trace_spec = spec_vec thisobj.spat_pixpos = thisobj.trace_spat[self.nspec // 2] thisobj.set_idx() if self._object_traces.nobj != 0: thisobj.fwhm = self._object_traces._fwhm[0] else: # Otherwise just use the fwhm parameter input to the code (or the default value) thisobj.fwhm = 2 # Finally, add new object self.specobjs.add_sobj(thisobj) def delete_object(self): """Delete an object trace """ self._object_traces.delete_object(self._obj_idx) self._obj_idx = -1 self.replot() def delete_object_sobj(self): """Delete a specobj """ self.specobjs.remove_sobj(self._obj_idx) self._obj_idx = -1 def print_pypeit_info(self): """print text that the user should insert into their .pypeit file """ if 1 in self._object_traces._add_rm: "Include the following info in the manual_extract column in your .pypeit file:\n" ) print(self._object_traces.get_pypeit_string()) def recenter(self): xlim = self.axes['main'].get_xlim() ylim = self.axes['main'].get_ylim() xmin = self.mmx - 0.5 * (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) xmax = self.mmx + 0.5 * (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) ymin = self.mmy - 0.5 * (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) ymax = self.mmy + 0.5 * (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) self.axes['main'].set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) self.axes['main'].set_ylim([ymin, ymax]) def make_objprofile(self): """Generate an object profile from the traces """ coords = self._spatpos - self._object_traces._trace_spat[ self._obj_idx][:, np.newaxis] ww = np.where( np.abs(coords) < 4 * self._object_traces._fwhm[self._obj_idx]) bincent = self.profile['profile'].get_xdata() offs = 0.5 * (bincent[1] - bincent[0]) edges = np.append(bincent[0] - offs, bincent + offs) prof, _ = np.histogram(coords[ww], bins=edges, weights=self.frame[ww]) return prof / ww[0].size def set_fwhm(self, xdata): """Set the FWHM using the available panel Args: xdata (float): The x coordinate selected by the user """ self._object_traces._fwhm[self._obj_idx] = 2.0 * np.abs(xdata) self.draw_profile() self.replot() return def get_specobjs(self): """Get the updated version of SpecObjs Returns: SpecObjs: SpecObjs Class """ if self._use_updates:"Have not updated SpecObjs yet") return self.specobjs else: return None def update_infobox(self, message="Press '?' to list the available options", yesno=True, default=False): """Send a new message to the information window at the top of the canvas Args: message (str): Message to be displayed """ self.axes['info'].clear() if default: self.axes['info'].text(0.5, 0.5, "Press '?' to list the available options", transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') self.canvas.draw() return # Display the message self.axes['info'].text(0.5, 0.5, message, transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') if yesno: self.axes['info'].fill_between( [0.8, 0.9], 0, 1, facecolor='green', alpha=0.5, transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes) self.axes['info'].fill_between( [0.9, 1.0], 0, 1, facecolor='red', alpha=0.5, transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes) self.axes['info'].text(0.85, 0.5, "YES", transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') self.axes['info'].text(0.95, 0.5, "NO", transform=self.axes['info'].transAxes, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') self.axes['info'].set_xlim((0, 1)) self.axes['info'].set_ylim((0, 1)) self.canvas.draw() def empty_mantrace(self): """Generate an empty dictionary for the manual tracing """ self._mantrace = dict(spat_a=[], spec_a=[], spat_trc=None, spec_trc=np.arange(self.nspec), polyorder=0) return
"Leapfrog": Leapfrog } if plot_animation is None: plot_animation = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, interval=animation_interval, blit=False) method_scheme = d[label](init_temp, s, r) plt.draw() rax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.7, 0.15, 0.15]) radio = RadioButtons(rax, ("Explicit Downstream", "Explicit Upstream", "Implicit Downstream", "Implicit Upstream", "Leapfrog")) def make_temp_sliders(index, ax, label, valmin, valmax): def slider_on_change(val): init_temp[index] = val t_slider = Slider(ax, label, valmin, valmax, valinit=init_temp[index]) t_slider.on_changed(slider_on_change) return t_slider left_t_slider = make_temp_sliders(0, plt.axes([0.05, 0.5, 0.15, 0.03]), "Left temp", -2, 2) right_t_slider = make_temp_sliders(-1, plt.axes([0.05, 0.6, 0.15, 0.03]),
# In[62]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) main = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) ax1 = plt.axes([0.125, 0.05, 0.75, 0.03]) ax2 = plt.axes([0, 0.125, 0.08, 0.75]) slider1 = MyRadioButtons(ax1, [ 'pop', 'old_proportion', 'poverty_rate', 'white', 'black', 'hispanic', 'asian', 'house_owner_rate', 'internet', 'gsp', 'household_with_baby', 'unemployment', 'tax', 'democratic_party' ], orientation="horizontal") slider2 = RadioButtons(ax2, [ 'pop', 'old_proportion', 'poverty_rate', 'white', 'black', 'hispanic', 'asian', 'house_owner_rate', 'internet', 'gsp', 'household_with_baby', 'unemployment', 'tax', 'democratic_party' ]) dot, = main.plot(state[slider1.value_selected], state[slider2.value_selected], 'o') def updata1(label): dot.set_data(state[label], state[slider2.value_selected]) lab = np.max(state[label]) - np.min(state[label]) main.set_xlim( np.min(state[label]) - 0.1 * lab, np.max(state[label]) + 0.1 * lab) fig.canvas.draw_idle()
l.set_ydata(amp * np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * t)) fig.canvas.draw_idle() sfreq.on_changed(update) samp.on_changed(update) resetax = plt.axes([0.8, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) button = Button(resetax, 'Reset', color=axcolor, hovercolor='0.975') def reset(event): sfreq.reset() samp.reset() button.on_clicked(reset) rax = plt.axes([0.025, 0.5, 0.15, 0.15], facecolor=axcolor) radio = RadioButtons(rax, ('red', 'blue', 'green'), active=0) def colorfunc(label): l.set_color(label) fig.canvas.draw_idle() radio.on_clicked(colorfunc)