def slide_phantom(shot, camera='phantom2', sub=20, blur=3, interval=50, pixel_t_hist=None): """ Slide through Phantom frames while displaying last closed flux surface and relevant timeseries plots. Parameters shot: int, shot number camera: string e.g. 'phantom' (outboard midplane GPI), 'phantom2' (X-point GPI) sub: number of frames to use in average subtraction. 20 works well. blur: extent of Gaussian blur, 1, 2, or 3 advisable interval: delay in ms between frames during play pixel_t_hist: (x,y) to show time history of that pixel instead of H-alpha. """ time = acquire.gpi_series(shot, camera, 'time') frames =, camera) frame_count = frames.shape[0] # Plot GPI and LCFS gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 1, height_ratios=[3, 1, 1]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25, hspace=.43, top=.96) plt.subplot(gs[0]) im = plt.imshow(frames[0], origin='lower', plt.colorbar() plt.axis('off') # Plot H_alpha or pixel timeseries plt.subplot(gs[1]).locator_params(axis='y', nbins=4) if pixel_t_hist: plt.title('Pixel time history') plt.plot(time, frames[:, pixel_t_hist[0], pixel_t_hist[1]].swapaxes(0, 1)) else: plt.title('H-alpha') time_ha2, ha2 = process.time_crop(acquire.time_ha2(shot), time) plt.plot(time_ha2, ha2) vl1 = plt.axvline(time[0], color='r') plt.xlim([time[0], time[-1]]) # Plot line average density time_dens, dens = process.time_crop(acquire.time_dens(shot), time) plt.subplot(gs[2]).locator_params(axis='y', nbins=4) plt.title('Line Average Density') plt.plot(time_dens, dens) vl2 = plt.axvline(time[0], color='r') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.xlim([time[0], time[-1]]) curr_frame = 0 def update(val): global frames, curr_frame val = int(val) curr_frame = val curr_time = time[val] slider.valtext.set_text('%d (t=%.5f s)' % (val, curr_time)) if val < frame_count: im.set_array(frames[val]) vl1.set_xdata(curr_time) vl2.set_xdata(curr_time) fig.canvas.draw_idle() # Slider settings slide_area = plt.axes([0.10, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03]) slider = Slider(slide_area, 'Frame', 0, frame_count-1, valinit=0) slider.drawon = True slider.valfmt = '%d' slider.on_changed(update) def init(): global curr_frame curr_frame = int(curr_frame) start_frame = curr_frame im.set_data(frames[curr_frame]) vl1.set_xdata(time[curr_frame]) vl2.set_xdata(time[curr_frame]) for i in xrange(curr_frame, curr_frame + 200, 1): slider.set_val(i) vl1.set_xdata(time[i]) vl2.set_xdata(time[i]) slider.set_val(start_frame) return [im, vl1, vl2] def animate(i): im.set_array(frames[i]) vl1.set_xdata(time[i]) vl2.set_xdata(time[i]) return [im, vl1, vl2] def play(event): anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=100, interval=interval, blit=False) def forward(event): global curr_frame slider.set_val(curr_frame + 1) def backward(event): global curr_frame slider.set_val(curr_frame - 1) # Time button settings play_button_area = plt.axes([0.45, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) play_button = Button(play_button_area, 'Play') play_button.on_clicked(play) forward_button_area = plt.axes([0.56, 0.05, 0.04, 0.025]) forward_button = Button(forward_button_area, '>') forward_button.on_clicked(forward) back_button_area = plt.axes([0.56, 0.015, 0.04, 0.025]) back_button = Button(back_button_area, '<') back_button.on_clicked(backward) def apply_filter(label): global frames if label == 'Orig': frames =, camera) elif label == 'Sub %d' % sub: frames =, camera, sub=sub) elif label == 'Blur %d' % blur: frames =, camera, sub=sub, blur=blur) elif label == 'Sobel': frames =, camera, sub=sub, blur=blur, sobel=True) update(curr_frame) im.autoscale() def recolor(event): im.autoscale() def cmap_change(label): global curr_frame if label == 'Red': im.cmap = if label == 'Gray': im.cmap = update(curr_frame) im.autoscale() # Image button settings left = .3 bottom = .79 filter_radio_area = plt.axes([left, bottom, .1, .12]) filter_radio = RadioButtons(filter_radio_area, ('Orig', 'Sub %d' % sub, 'Blur %d' % blur, 'Sobel')) filter_radio.on_clicked(apply_filter) cmap_radio_area = plt.axes([left, bottom-.08, .1, .07]) cmap_radio = RadioButtons(cmap_radio_area, ('Red', 'Gray')) cmap_radio.on_clicked(cmap_change) recolor_button_area = plt.axes([left, bottom-.13, 0.1, 0.04]) recolor_button = Button(recolor_button_area, 'Recolor') recolor_button.on_clicked(recolor) # Black magic to fix strange global variable error apply_filter('Orig')
slbutton = Button(ax9, 'RWD <<', color='magenta', hovercolor='0.975') slbutton.on_clicked(sl_onClick) ax10 = plt.axes([0.47+0.2, 0.76, 0.05, 0.04]) readybutton = Button(ax10, 'Set label \nstart time', color='yellow', hovercolor='0.975') readybutton.on_clicked(set_label_start) ax11 = plt.axes([0.47+0.2, 0.71, 0.05, 0.04]) logbutton = Button(ax11, 'Stop time \nLog label', color='green', hovercolor='0.975') logbutton.on_clicked(log_label) ax12 = plt.axes([0.87, 0.81, 0.05, 0.09]) savebutton = Button(ax12, 'Save labels\nto file', color='cyan', hovercolor='0.975') savebutton.on_clicked(save_label) startax = plt.axes([0.15, 0.625, 0.25, 0.03]) stopax = plt.axes([0.55, 0.625, 0.25, 0.03]) start = Slider(startax, 'Label Start \nTimestamp', data.index[0].value//10**3, data.index[-1].value//10**3, valinit=data.index[0].value//10**3) stop = Slider(stopax, 'Label Stop\nTimestamp', data.index[0].value//10**3, data.index[-1].value//10**3, valinit=data.index[0].value//10**3) start.valfmt = '%i' stop.valfmt = '%i' rangeax = plt.axes([0.47+0.2, 0.67, 0.18, 0.03]) drange = Slider(rangeax,'Constant\ntimedelta(s)', -100, 100, valinit=0) drange.valfmt = '%i' rax = plt.axes([0.53+0.2, 0.71, 0.06, 0.19]) radio = RadioButtons(rax, labels, active=0) #radio = CheckButtons(rax, labels[1:], [False]*len(labels[1:])) rax1 = plt.axes([0.60+0.2, 0.71, 0.06, 0.19]) radio1 = RadioButtons(rax1, ['NA']*(num_class+1), active=0) #radio1 = CheckButtons(rax1, range(num_class), [False]*num_class) radio.on_clicked(r_label) radio1.on_clicked(r1_label) def itergen(): global press_delta i_max = data.shape[0]
def slide_corr(frames, pixel, other_pixels=None): """ Display correlation values for a pixel with a slider for lag time. Parameters frames: NumPy array of correlations with dimension (no. lags, x pixels, y pixels) pixel: (x, y) to mark with a circle other_pixels: array of (x, y) values of pixels to mark """ frame_count = frames.shape[0] # Initial plotting fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25) im = plt.imshow(frames[frame_count/2], origin='bottom',, vmin=-1, vmax=1) circ = plt.Circle(pixel[::-1], radius=1, edgecolor='r', fill=False) ax.add_patch(circ) if other_pixels: t_hists_r = [o[0] for o in other_pixels] t_hists_z = [o[1] for o in other_pixels] else: t_hists_r = acquire.gpi_series(1150611004, 'phantom2', 'hist_xpix') t_hists_z = acquire.gpi_series(1150611004, 'phantom2', 'hist_ypix') for pos in zip(t_hists_r, t_hists_z): ax.add_patch(plt.Circle(pos, radius=1, edgecolor='b', fill=False)) plt.colorbar() plt.title('Correlation for pixel (%d, %d)' % pixel) plt.xlabel('Pixel y coordinate') plt.ylabel('Pixel x coordinate') # Slider and button settings slide_area = plt.axes([0.10, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03]) slider = Slider(slide_area, 'Lag', -frame_count/2, frame_count/2, valinit=0) slider.drawon = True slider.valfmt = '%d' play_button_area = plt.axes([0.45, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04]) play_button = Button(play_button_area, 'Play') curr_frame = 0 def update(val): global curr_frame curr_frame = val + frame_count/2 slider.valtext.set_text('%d' % val) if curr_frame < frame_count: im.set_array(frames[curr_frame]) fig.canvas.draw_idle() slider.on_changed(update) def init(): global curr_frame curr_frame = int(curr_frame) im.set_data(frames[curr_frame]) for i in xrange(curr_frame, curr_frame + 200, 2): slider.set_val(i) return [im] def animate(i): im.set_array(frames[i]) return [im] def play(event): anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames= frame_count, interval=0, blit=False) play_button.on_clicked(play)
def slide_correlation(shot, fl_sav): """ Slide through Phantom camera frames using given synthetic field line images to create a reconstruction of the original using cross-correlation to find the best match. Args: shot: [int] shot number fl_sav: [ object] containing field line images """ time = acquire.gpi_series(shot, 'phantom2', 'time') frames =, 'phantom2', sub=20, sobel=False) frame_index = 0 fls = fl_sav.fl_image fl_r = fl_sav.fieldline_r fl_z = fl_sav.fieldline_z rlcfs, zlcfs = acquire.lcfs_rz(shot) efit_times, flux, flux_extent = acquire.time_flux_extent(shot) efit_t_index = process.find_nearest(efit_times, time[0], ordered=True) machine_x, machine_y = acquire.machine_cross_section() # Find cross-correlation scores between frames and field line images xcorrs = np.zeros(fls.shape[0]) for i, fl in enumerate(fls): xcorrs[i] = signals.cross_correlation(frames[frame_index], fl) indices = np.argsort(xcorrs) # Interpolate field line cross-correlation scores over R, Z grid r_space = np.linspace(min(fl_r), max(fl_r), 100) z_space = np.linspace(min(fl_z), max(fl_z), 100) r_grid, z_grid = np.meshgrid(r_space, z_space) xcorr_grid = matplotlib.mlab.griddata(fl_r, fl_z, xcorrs, r_grid, z_grid, interp='linear') # Plot camera image with field line overlay fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.suptitle('Shot {}'.format(shot)) plt.subplot(121) plt.title('Divertor camera view') plasma_image = plt.imshow(frames[frame_index],, origin='bottom') overlay_cmap = make_colormap([(1., 0., 0., 0.), (1., 0., 0., 1.)]) fl_image = plt.imshow(fls[indices[-1]], cmap=overlay_cmap, origin='bottom', alpha=0.8) plt.axis('off') # Plot field line R, Z data in context of machine plt.subplot(122) plt.title('Toroidal cross section') xcorr_image = plt.pcolormesh(r_grid, z_grid, xcorr_grid) colorbar = plt.colorbar() colorbar.set_label('Cross-correlation') plt.plot(machine_x, machine_y, color='gray') l, = plt.plot(rlcfs[efit_t_index], zlcfs[efit_t_index], color='fuchsia') plt.axis('equal') plt.xlim([.49, .62]) plt.ylim([-.50, -.33]) plt.xlabel('R (m)') plt.ylabel('Z (m)') f, = plt.plot(fl_r[indices[-1]], fl_z[indices[-1]], 'ro') plt.contour(flux[efit_t_index], 100, extent=flux_extent) # Slider and button settings fl_slide_area = plt.axes([0.20, 0.02, 0.60, 0.03]) fl_slider = Slider(fl_slide_area, 'Correlation rank', 0, len(fls)-1, valinit=0) fl_slider.valfmt = '%d' phantom_slide_area = plt.axes([0.20, 0.06, 0.60, 0.03]) phantom_slider = Slider(phantom_slide_area, 'Camera frame', 0, len(frames)-1, valinit=0) phantom_slider.valfmt = '%d' forward_button_area = plt.axes([0.95, 0.06, 0.04, 0.04]) forward_button = Button(forward_button_area, '>') back_button_area = plt.axes([0.95, 0.01, 0.04, 0.04]) back_button = Button(back_button_area, '<') def update_data(val): global frame_index, indices, xcorr_grid frame_index = int(val) for i, fl in enumerate(fls): xcorrs[i] = signals.cross_correlation(frames[frame_index], fl) xcorr_grid = matplotlib.mlab.griddata(fl_r, fl_z, xcorrs, r_grid, z_grid, interp='linear') indices = np.argsort(xcorrs)[::-1] update_images(0) def update_images(val): global frame_index, indices, xcorr_grid val = int(val) efit_t_index = process.find_nearest(efit_times, time[frame_index], ordered=True) plasma_image.set_array(frames[frame_index]) plasma_image.autoscale() fl_image.set_array(fls[indices[val]]) fl_image.autoscale() f.set_xdata(fl_r[indices[val]]) f.set_ydata(fl_z[indices[val]]) l.set_xdata(rlcfs[efit_t_index]) l.set_ydata(zlcfs[efit_t_index]) xcorr_image.set_array(xcorr_grid[:-1, :-1].ravel()) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def forward(event): global frame_index frame_index += 1 update_data(frame_index) def backward(event): global frame_index frame_index -= 1 update_data(frame_index) fl_slider.on_changed(update_images) phantom_slider.on_changed(update_data) forward_button.on_clicked(forward) back_button.on_clicked(backward) plt.tight_layout(rect=(0, .1, 1, .9))
def slide_reconstruction(shot, smoothing_param=100, save=False): """ Slide through Phantom camera frames and their reconstructions from synthetic field line images calculated externally with Julia. Args: shot: [int] shot number """ # Read cache files broken up by EFIT time segment old_working_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) emissivity_files = sorted(glob.glob('../cache/fl_emissivities_Xpt_{}_sp{}_*'.format(shot, smoothing_param))) fl_data_files = sorted(glob.glob('../cache/fl_data_Xpt_{}_*'.format(shot))) fl_image_files = sorted(glob.glob('../cache/fl_images_Xpt_{}_*'.format(shot))) if len(emissivity_files) == 0 or len(fl_data_files) == 0 or len(fl_image_files) == 0: raise Exception('Could not find files necessary to view reconstruction') emissivities = [np.load(f) for f in emissivity_files] fl_data = [ for f in fl_data_files] fl_images = [np.load(f) for f in fl_image_files] os.chdir(old_working_dir) frame_index = 0 times = acquire.gpi_series(shot, 'phantom2', 'time') frames =, 'phantom2', sub=20, sobel=False) fl_rs = [f.fieldline_r for f in fl_data] fl_zs = [f.fieldline_z for f in fl_data] rlcfs, zlcfs = acquire.lcfs_rz(shot) efit_times, flux, flux_extent = acquire.time_flux_extent(shot) machine_x, machine_y = acquire.machine_cross_section() efit_t_index = process.find_nearest(efit_times, times[0], ordered=True) efit_phantom_start_index = efit_t_index previous_segments_frame_count = [sum([len(e) for e in emissivities[:t_index]]) for t_index in range(len(emissivities))] geomatrices = [np.transpose(np.array([fl.flatten() for fl in fl_image_set])) for fl_image_set in fl_images] reconstructed = geomatrices[0].dot(emissivities[0][0]) reconstructed = reconstructed.reshape((64,64)) fl_r_all = np.concatenate(fl_rs) fl_z_all = np.concatenate(fl_zs) r_space = np.linspace(np.min(fl_r_all), np.max(fl_r_all), 100) z_space = np.linspace(np.min(fl_z_all), np.max(fl_z_all), 100) r_grid, z_grid = np.meshgrid(r_space, z_space) emissivity_grid = make_grid(fl_rs[0], fl_zs[0], r_grid, z_grid, emissivities[0][0]) # Draw figure using first frame fig, ax = plt.subplots() title = plt.suptitle('Shot {} frame {}'.format(shot, 0)) plt.tight_layout(rect=(0, .1, 1, .9)) plt.subplot(221) plt.title('Divertor camera view') plasma_image = plt.imshow(frames[0],, origin='bottom') plt.axis('off') #plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(222) plt.title('Reconstruction') reconstruction_image = plt.imshow(reconstructed,, origin='bottom') plt.axis('off') #plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(223) plt.title('Original minus reconstruction') error_image = plt.imshow(frames[0] - reconstructed,, origin='bottom') plt.axis('off') #plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(224) plt.title('Toroidal cross section') emissivity_image = plt.pcolormesh(r_grid, z_grid, emissivity_grid, #colorbar = plt.colorbar() #colorbar.set_label('Relative emissivity') plt.axis('equal') plt.plot(machine_x, machine_y, color='gray') l, = plt.plot(rlcfs[efit_phantom_start_index], zlcfs[efit_phantom_start_index], color='orange', alpha=0.5) plt.xlim([.49, .62]) plt.ylim([-.50, -.33]) plt.xlabel('R (m)') plt.ylabel('Z (m)') plt.contour(flux[efit_t_index], 300, extent=flux_extent, alpha=0.5) plt.gca().set_axis_bgcolor('black') if not save: phantom_slide_area = plt.axes([0.20, 0.02, 0.60, 0.03]) phantom_slider = Slider(phantom_slide_area, 'Camera frame', 0, len(frames)-1, valinit=0) phantom_slider.valfmt = '%d' cutoff_slider_area = plt.axes([0.20, 0.05, 0.60, 0.03]) cutoff_slider = Slider(cutoff_slider_area, 'Cutoff', 0, 100, valinit=0) cutoff_slider.valfmt = '%d%%' forward_button_area = plt.axes([0.95, 0.06, 0.04, 0.04]) forward_button = Button(forward_button_area, '>') back_button_area = plt.axes([0.95, 0.01, 0.04, 0.04]) back_button = Button(back_button_area, '<') def update_frame(val): global efit_t_index, frame_index frame_index = int(val) cutoff = cutoff_slider.val # Recalculate things efit_t_index = process.find_nearest(efit_times, times[frame_index], ordered=True) efit_rel_index = efit_t_index - efit_phantom_start_index frame_rel_index = frame_index - previous_segments_frame_count[efit_rel_index] emissivity_cutoff = cutoff_array(emissivities[efit_rel_index][frame_rel_index], cutoff) emissivity_grid = make_grid(fl_rs[efit_rel_index], fl_zs[efit_rel_index], r_grid, z_grid, emissivity_cutoff) reconstructed = geomatrices[efit_rel_index].dot(emissivity_cutoff).reshape((64,64)) # Update canvas plasma_image.set_array(frames[frame_index]) plasma_image.autoscale() reconstruction_image.set_array(reconstructed) reconstruction_image.autoscale() emissivity_image.set_array(emissivity_grid[:-1, :-1].ravel()) emissivity_image.autoscale() error_image.set_array(frames[frame_index] - reconstructed) error_image.autoscale() l.set_xdata(rlcfs[efit_t_index]) l.set_ydata(zlcfs[efit_t_index]) title.set_text('Shot {} frame {}'.format(shot, frame_index)) def forward(event): global frame_index phantom_slider.set_val(frame_index + 1) def backward(event): global frame_index phantom_slider.set_val(frame_index - 1) def update_cutoff(val): global frame_index update_frame(frame_index) if save: FFMpegWriter = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=15, bitrate=5000) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_frame, frames=1000, interval=5, blit=False)'{}_sp{}.avi'.format(shot, smoothing_param), writer=writer) plt.close(fig) else: phantom_slider.on_changed(update_frame) cutoff_slider.on_changed(update_cutoff) forward_button.on_clicked(forward) back_button.on_clicked(backward)
def slide_reconstruct(shot, fl_sav, smoothing_param=100): """ Slide through Phantom camera frames using given synthetic field line images to create a reconstruction of the original using non-negative least squares (NNLS) fitting. The NNLS method used here is slow, so there are long delays between clicks and interface updates. Args: shot: [int] shot number fl_sav: [ object] containing field line images smoothing_param: [float] least-squares smoothing parameter """ time = acquire.gpi_series(shot, 'phantom2', 'time') frames =, 'phantom2', sub=20, sobel=False) frame_index = 0 fl_images = fl_sav.fl_image fl_r = fl_sav.fieldline_r fl_z = fl_sav.fieldline_z rlcfs, zlcfs = acquire.lcfs_rz(shot) efit_times, flux, flux_extent = acquire.time_flux_extent(shot) efit_t_index = process.find_nearest(efit_times, time[0], ordered=True) machine_x, machine_y = acquire.machine_cross_section() inversion_func = scipy.optimize.nnls geomatrix = np.transpose(np.array([fl.flatten() for fl in fl_images])) geomatrix_smooth = np.concatenate((geomatrix, smoothing_param*np.identity(len(fl_images)))) target = frames[0] target_smooth = np.concatenate((target.flatten(), np.zeros(len(fl_images)))) inv = inversion_func(geomatrix_smooth, target_smooth) r_space = np.linspace(min(fl_r), max(fl_r), 100) z_space = np.linspace(min(fl_z), max(fl_z), 100) r_grid, z_grid = np.meshgrid(r_space, z_space) emissivity_grid = matplotlib.mlab.griddata(fl_r, fl_z, inv[0], r_grid, z_grid, interp='linear') reconstructed =[0]) reconstructed = reconstructed.reshape((64,64)) target = target.reshape((64,64)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.subplot(221) plt.title('Divertor camera view') plasma_image = plt.imshow(target,, origin='bottom') plt.axis('off') plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(222) plt.title('Reconstruction') reconstruction_image = plt.imshow(reconstructed,, origin='bottom') plt.axis('off') plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(223) plt.title('Reconstruction minus original') error_image = plt.imshow(target - reconstructed,, origin='bottom') plt.axis('off') plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(224) plt.title('Toroidal cross section') emissivity_image = plt.pcolormesh(r_grid, z_grid, emissivity_grid) colorbar = plt.colorbar() colorbar.set_label('Relative emissivity') plt.axis('equal') plt.plot(machine_x, machine_y, color='gray') l, = plt.plot(rlcfs[efit_t_index], zlcfs[efit_t_index], color='fuchsia') plt.xlim([.49, .62]) plt.ylim([-.50, -.33]) plt.xlabel('R (m)') plt.ylabel('Z (m)') plt.contour(flux[efit_t_index], 100, extent=flux_extent) phantom_slide_area = plt.axes([0.20, 0.02, 0.60, 0.03]) phantom_slider = Slider(phantom_slide_area, 'Camera frame', 0, len(frames)-1, valinit=0) phantom_slider.valfmt = '%d' forward_button_area = plt.axes([0.95, 0.06, 0.04, 0.04]) forward_button = Button(forward_button_area, '>') back_button_area = plt.axes([0.95, 0.01, 0.04, 0.04]) back_button = Button(back_button_area, '<') def update_data(val): global frame_index, emissivity_grid, reconstructed frame_index = int(val) target_smooth = np.concatenate((frames[frame_index].flatten(), np.zeros(len(fl_images)))) inv = inversion_func(geomatrix_smooth, target_smooth) # inv = inversion_func(geomatrix, target) reconstructed =[0]).reshape((64,64)) emissivity_grid = matplotlib.mlab.griddata(fl_r, fl_z, inv[0], r_grid, z_grid, interp='linear') plasma_image.set_array(frames[frame_index]) reconstruction_image.set_array(reconstructed) emissivity_image.set_array(emissivity_grid[:-1, :-1].ravel()) error_image.set_array(frames[frame_index]-reconstructed) error_image.autoscale() plasma_image.autoscale() reconstruction_image.autoscale() emissivity_image.autoscale() efit_t_index = process.find_nearest(efit_times, time[frame_index], ordered=True) l.set_xdata(rlcfs[efit_t_index]) l.set_ydata(zlcfs[efit_t_index]) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def forward(event): global frame_index frame_index += 1 update_data(frame_index) def backward(event): global frame_index frame_index -= 1 update_data(frame_index) phantom_slider.on_changed(update_data) forward_button.on_clicked(forward) back_button.on_clicked(backward) plt.tight_layout(rect=(0, .1, 1, .9))
fontsize=10) #initiate speed meter ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[5:9, 2]) smeter, =, fuel, facecolor='#54dd5b', edgecolor='black') plt.axis([0, fmeter.get_width() / 3, 0, yspeed]) ax4.set_xticks([0.5 * fmeter.get_width()]) ax4.set_xticklabels(['Speed'], color='white') ax4.set_ylim([0, 15]) ax4.set_yticks([0]) ax4.set_yticklabels(["%2.1f m/s" % yspeed], color='white', fontsize=10) ax4.yaxis.tick_right() axThrust = plt.axes([0.18, 0.025, 0.65, 0.04]) thrust = Slider(axThrust, 'Thrust', 0.0, maxThrust, color='#8602e5') thrust.valfmt = '%.f N' ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, openMessage, 'Welcome!', 1) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', press) timeStamps = np.array([0]) heightStamps = np.array([height]) t = 0 del_t = 0 while height > 0: if len(plt.get_fignums()) == 0: sys.exit("Program closed")