def _scale_fig_size(figsize, textsize, rows=1, cols=1): """Scale figure properties according to rows and cols. Parameters ---------- figsize : float or None Size of figure in inches textsize : float or None fontsize rows : int Number of rows cols : int Number of columns Returns ------- figsize : float or None Size of figure in inches fontsize : int fontsize linewidth : int linewidth markersize : int markersize """ rc_width, rc_height = tuple(mpl.rc_params()['figure.figsize']) rc_fontsize = mpl.rc_params()['font.size'] rc_linewidth = mpl.rc_params()['lines.linewidth'] rc_markersize = mpl.rc_params()['lines.markersize'] if figsize is None: width, height = rc_width, rc_height width = width * cols height = height * rows else: width, height = figsize if rows and cols > 1: fontsize = rc_fontsize linewidth = rc_linewidth markersize = rc_markersize else: scale_factor = ((width * height) / (rc_width * rc_height))**0.5 fontsize = scale_factor * rc_fontsize linewidth = scale_factor * rc_linewidth markersize = scale_factor * rc_markersize if textsize is not None: fontsize = textsize return (width, height), fontsize, linewidth, markersize
def getImages_pylab(string_method, matrices, imageWidthInPixels, imageHeightInPixels): # Import system modules import matplotlib import pylab # Initialize images = [] convertPixelLengthToInchLength = lambda x: x / float(matplotlib.rc_params()['figure.dpi']) imageWidthInInches = convertPixelLengthToInchLength(imageWidthInPixels) imageHeightInInches = convertPixelLengthToInchLength(imageHeightInPixels) imageDimensions = imageWidthInInches, imageHeightInInches # For each matrix, for matrix in matrices: # Create a new figure pylab.figure(figsize=imageDimensions) axes = pylab.axes() # Plot grayscale matrix method = getattr(axes, string_method) method(matrix, # Clear tick marks axes.set_xticks([]) axes.set_yticks([]) # Save image imageFile = StringIO.StringIO() pylab.savefig(imageFile, format='png') # Append images.append( # Return return images
def getImages_pylab(string_method, matrices, imageWidthInPixels, imageHeightInPixels): # Import system modules import matplotlib import pylab # Initialize images = [] convertPixelLengthToInchLength = lambda x: x / float(matplotlib.rc_params( )['figure.dpi']) imageWidthInInches = convertPixelLengthToInchLength(imageWidthInPixels) imageHeightInInches = convertPixelLengthToInchLength(imageHeightInPixels) imageDimensions = imageWidthInInches, imageHeightInInches # For each matrix, for matrix in matrices: # Create a new figure pylab.figure(figsize=imageDimensions) axes = pylab.axes() # Plot grayscale matrix method = getattr(axes, string_method) method(matrix, # Clear tick marks axes.set_xticks([]) axes.set_yticks([]) # Save image imageFile = StringIO.StringIO() pylab.savefig(imageFile, format='png') # Append images.append( # Return return images
def setFontSize(self, event): dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, "New font size", "Font Size") s = mpl.rc_params()['font.size'] dlg.SetValue(str(s)) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: s = float(dlg.GetValue()) mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': s}) self.figure.canvas.draw() dlg.Destroy()
def imwrite_to_workspace(img, filename, workspace_dir=WORKSPACE_DIR, cmap=None, **imsave_args): cmap = cmap if cmap is not None else matplotlib.rc_params()['image.cmap'] plt.imsave(fname=os.path.join(workspace_dir, filename), arr=img, cmap=cmap, **imsave_args)
def __init__(self, style: dict[str, Any] = None, color: Optional[str] = None) -> None: style_ = self._default_style.copy() if style is not None: style_.update(style) if color is not None: style_["color"] = color if "color" not in style_: cycler = mpl.rc_params()["axes.prop_cycle"] color = cycler.by_key()["color"][StyledObject._idx] StyledObject._idx += 1 if StyledObject._idx + 1 > len(cycler): StyledObject._idx = 0 style_["color"] = color = style_
def heatmap(data, method='pearson', camp='Blues', figsize=(10, 8)): """ data: 整份数据 method:默认为 pearson 系数 camp:默认为:RdYlGn-红黄蓝;YlGnBu-黄绿蓝;Blues/Greens 也是不错的选择 figsize: 默认为 10,8 """ # ## 消除斜对角颜色重复的色块 font1 = {'family': 'Arial', 'size': 10} font2 = {'family': 'Arial', 'size': 8} mask = np.zeros_like(df.corr()) mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True matplotlib.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 60000 matplotlib.rcParams.update(matplotlib.rc_params()) plt.rcParams[''] = 'Arial' plt.rcParams['font.size'] = '10' plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 10) # plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) # plt.ylim([0.0, 1.0]) # plt.xticks(font=font2) # plt.yticks(font=font2) plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=80) sns.heatmap(data.corr(method=method), xticklabels=data.corr(method=method).columns, yticklabels=data.corr(method=method).columns, cmap=camp, center=0, annot=True, mask=mask) plt.savefig(r'D:\research paper\paper\论文\DL实验记录\统计图\线性图.jpeg', dpi=1000)
import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mpldates from cycler import cycler import click from pathlib import Path # Modern Pandas requires this from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters register_matplotlib_converters() # Requires Python 3.6+ for format strings # Add fill variations for large numbers of colors color_cycler = mpl.rc_params()['axes.prop_cycle'] hatch_cycler = cycler(hatch=['', '///', '+++', '***']) prop_cycle = hatch_cycler * color_cycler # This is a workaround because the pandas stacked plot does not use dates, just integers. Grrr! def stacked_plot(df, ax=None, **kargs): old = None current_prop = prop_cycle() for column in df: current = df[column] if old is None: bottom = current * 0 else: bottom = df.cumsum(axis=1)[old] art =,
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) # Init 0 for draw... plt.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 0 matplotlib.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 0 matplotlib.rcParams.update(matplotlib.rc_params()) self.dpi = 100 self.signalframe = self.widget_Signal_TimeDomain self.figure = Figure((11.3, 6.3), dpi=self.dpi) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) self.canvas.setParent(self.signalframe) self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111) #self.axes.set_title('Signal') self.axes.set_xlabel('Time(μs)') self.axes.set_ylabel('Voltage') #plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2, right=0.8, top=0.8, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.3) timespan = self.getRecordLength() * 1024 / self.getSampleRate( ) # in us x = np.linspace(0, timespan, self.getRecordLength() * 1024) normalLimY = self.getVoltageScale() * 10 self.axes.set_ylim(-normalLimY / 2 + self.getOffset(), normalLimY / 2 + self.getOffset()) ymajorLocator = MultipleLocator(self.getVoltageScale()) yminorLocator = MultipleLocator(self.getVoltageScale() / 2) self.axes.yaxis.set_major_locator(ymajorLocator) self.axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator(yminorLocator) self.axes.grid(True) self.figure.tight_layout() # Adjust spaces #self.NavToolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self.signalframe) #self.addToolBar(QtCore.Qt.RightToolBarArea, NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self.signalframe)) self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self.signalframe) self.toolbar.hide() # Button slots self.pushButton_Home.clicked.connect(self.home) self.pushButton_Back.clicked.connect(self.back) self.pushButton_Forward.clicked.connect(self.forward) self.pushButton_Pan.clicked.connect(self.pan) self.pushButton_Zoom.clicked.connect(self.zoom) self.pushButton_SavePic.clicked.connect(self.savepic) # Init Socket self.udpSocketClient = UDPSocketClient() # Init FrameNum self.checkBox_FrameMode.setEnabled(True) self.frameNum = self.getFrameNumber() # 0x4 self.sendCmdFramNum(self.frameNum) # Init Length 0x8 self.comboBox_RecordLength.setCurrentIndex(6) # 64k # Set RecordLength self.sendCmdRecordLength(self.getRecordLength() * self.getFrameNumber()) #Init Trigger 0x2, bit2 self.comboBox_TriggerDomain.setCurrentIndex(1) # External self.sendCmdTriggerType(self.getTriggerType()) # Reset PFGA to read to capture data if (self.getTriggerType() == 0): self.sendCmdWRREG(0x2, 0x20) self.sendCmdWRREG(0x2, 0x28) else: self.sendCmdWRREG(0xa, 0x0) self.sendCmdWRREG(0x2, 0x2c) self.sendCmdWRREG(0x2, 0x2d) # Read sampleRate value = self.readCmdSampleRate() if value > 5: value = 0 self.comboBox_SampleRate.setCurrentIndex(value) # The last data self.lastChAData = [] self.lastChBData = [] self.realTimeThread = None self.externalTriggerThread = None
plt.close() ####################################### ####################################### ### Technical details of how rc parameters are implemented (extended read) # ### RcParams is a class in matplotlib package. # It implements a dictionary object that holds all default values for plotting with matplotlib. # rcParams is an object instance of RcParams in matplotlib package. # It implements a dictionary object that stores default matplotlib parameters. ### rc_params() is a function in matplotlib package. # It returns a matplotlib.RcParams() instance from the default matplotlib rc file. import matplotlib as mpl print mpl.rc_params() # or print the dictionary object: print mpl.rcParams # you can either access it through matplotlib itself, or through matplotlib.PyPlot print plt.rcParams ### plt.rc() is a function in matplotlib package. # It sets the current rc parameters. mpl.rc('lines', linewidth=2, color='r') plt.plot(range(5), range(5)) # rc() sets multiple parameters at once. The code above is equivalent to: plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2 plt.rcParams['lines.color'] = 'r' #######################################
# Conditional imports and mpl customizations (provided mpl defaults have not been # changed by user) if __plt__: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as mplstyle import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import colors # Syncopy default plotting settings spyMplRc = {"figure.dpi": 100} # Check if we're running w/mpl's default settings: if user either changed # existing setting or appended new ones (e.g., color definitions), abort changeMplConf = True rcDefaults = mpl.rc_params() rcKeys = rcDefaults.keys() with warnings.catch_warnings( ): # was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.0, silence the warning warnings.simplefilter("ignore") rcParams = dict(mpl.rcParams) rcParams.pop("", None) rcParams.pop("backend") rcParams.pop("interactive") for key, value in rcParams.items(): if key not in rcKeys: changeMplConf = False break if rcDefaults[key] != value: changeMplConf = False break
""" import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl # 导入matplotlib库 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 主要的绘图子库 ''' # matplotlib的所有配置保存在下面的字典中,修改字典对应的值即为修改配置 print(mpl.rcParams) print(mpl.get_configdir()) # 获取配置文件夹 print(mpl.matplotlib_fname()) # 获取当前使用的配置文件路径 mpl.rcParams[''] = 'SimHei' # 修改字体支持中文,解决中文乱码 mpl.rcParams['backend'] = 'TkAgg' # 修改后端,解决Qt5平台错误 mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 解决负号显示为方块 ''' ''' 上述的配置只在当前执行文件中生效,可以直接在配置文件修改,永久生效 Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\mpl-data\matplotlibrc # matplotlib默认配置文件,修改配置后永久有效 > : SimHei # 解决中文乱码 > backend : TkAgg # 解决 Qt5 平台报错 > axes.unicode_minus : False # 解决负号是方块 mpl.rc_params() # 重新读取配置,以字典形式返回 ''' figure = plt.figure() # 创建画布 ''' # 创建坐标系,参数表示画布中可以放置2行3列坐标系,即6个坐标系,当前选用的是第1个 axes_plot = figure.add_subplot(2, 3, 1) # 可缩写为axes_plot = figure.add_subplot(231) axes_plot.plot([1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4]) ''' ''' # 直接使用plt及逆行绘制图形
import matplotlib import os import pylab # 获得用户配置路径 print("the user config is ", matplotlib.get_configdir()) # 获得当前配置文件路径 print("the current config is ", matplotlib.matplotlib_fname()) # 获得当前文件路径 print(os.getcwd()) # rc_params返回一个配置字典 print("the return of rc_params are \n", matplotlib.rc_params()) # 使用matplotlib时会自动调用rc_params,并将返回的配置字典保存在rcparams中 print("the rcparams are \n", matplotlib.rcParams) # 修改配置(绘制的线带有点标识符) pylab.figure() matplotlib.rcParams["lines.marker"] = 'o' pylab.plot([1, 2, 3]) # 使用rc简便地修改配置 pylab.figure() # 这里设置颜色失败,不知道是什么情况 matplotlib.rc("lines", color="red", marker="x", linewidth=2) pylab.plot([1, 2, 3]) # 恢复缺省配置 pylab.figure() matplotlib.rcdefaults() pylab.plot([1, 2, 3]) pylab.legend()
'patch.antialiased': True, 'patch.edgecolor': '#EEEEEE', 'patch.facecolor': '#348ABD', 'patch.linewidth': 0.5, 'toolbar': 'toolbar2', 'xtick.color': '#555555', 'xtick.direction': 'in', 'xtick.major.pad': 6.0, 'xtick.major.size': 0.0, 'xtick.minor.pad': 6.0, 'xtick.minor.size': 0.0, 'ytick.color': '#555555', 'ytick.direction': 'in', 'ytick.major.pad': 6.0, 'ytick.major.size': 0.0, 'ytick.minor.pad': 6.0, 'ytick.minor.size': 0.0 } import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pylab as pl mpl.rc_params().update(mpl_stylesheet) xs, ys = np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(2,30)) pl.scatter(xs, ys)
# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GWpy. If not, see <>. """Custom default figure configuration """ from matplotlib import (rcParams, rc_params, RcParams, __version__ as mpl_version) from matplotlib.figure import SubplotParams from . import tex from ..utils.env import bool_env # record matplotlib's original rcParams MPL_RCPARAMS = rc_params() __author__ = "Duncan Macleod <*****@*****.**>" # -- custom rc ---------------------------------------------------------------- # set default params GWPY_RCPARAMS = RcParams(**{ # axes boundary colours 'axes.edgecolor': 'gray', # grid 'axes.grid': True, 'axes.axisbelow': False, 'grid.linewidth': .5, # ticks 'axes.formatter.limits': (-3, 4),
'xtick.major.size': 0.0, 'xtick.minor.pad': 6.0, 'xtick.minor.size': 0.0, 'ytick.color': '#555555', 'ytick.direction': 'in', 'ytick.major.pad': 6.0, 'ytick.major.size': 0.0, 'ytick.minor.pad': 6.0, 'ytick.minor.size': 0.0 } import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pylab as pl mpl.rc_params().update(mpl_stylesheet) xs, ys = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=(2, 30)) pl.scatter(xs, ys)
'figure.facecolor': '#161616', 'savefig.edgecolor': 'black', 'savefig.facecolor': 'black', } Themes = OrderedDict() for tname in ('light', 'dark', 'matplotlib', 'seaborn', 'ggplot', 'bmh', 'fivethirtyeight', 'grayscale', 'dark_background', 'tableau-colorblind10', 'seaborn-bright', 'seaborn-colorblind', 'seaborn-dark', 'seaborn-darkgrid', 'seaborn-dark-palette', 'seaborn-deep', 'seaborn-notebook', 'seaborn-muted', 'seaborn-pastel', 'seaborn-paper', 'seaborn-poster', 'seaborn-talk', 'seaborn-ticks', 'seaborn-white', 'seaborn-whitegrid', 'Solarize_Light2'): theme = rc_params() theme['backend'] = 'WXAgg' if tname == 'matplotlib': pass elif tname == 'light': theme.update(light_theme) elif tname == 'dark': theme.update(light_theme) theme.update(dark_theme) elif tname in if tname.startswith('seaborn-'): theme.update(['seaborn']) theme.update([tname]) Themes[tname.lower()] = theme def bool_ifnotNone(val, default):
# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GWpy. If not, see <>. """This module provides plotting utilities for visualising GW data The standard data types (`TimeSeries`, `Table`, `DataQualityFlag`, ...) can all be easily visualised using the relevant plotting objects, with many configurable parameters both interactive, and in saving to disk. """ from matplotlib import (rcParams, rc_params, pyplot) DEFAULT_RCPARAMS = rc_params() __author__ = "Duncan Macleod <*****@*****.**>" from .tex import (USE_TEX, MACROS) from .gps import * from .log import * from .core import * from .timeseries import * from .spectrogram import * from .frequencyseries import * from .segments import * from .filter import * from .table import * from .histogram import *
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Jan 26 20:45:41 2019 @author: xsxsz """ import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print(matplotlib.get_backend()) print('-------------------') print(matplotlib.get_configdir()) print('-------------------') print(matplotlib.get_cachedir()) print('-------------------') print(matplotlib.get_data_path()) print('-------------------') print(matplotlib.matplotlib_fname()) print('-------------------') print(matplotlib.rc_params()) print('-------------------')
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph import json import sys print "nx version : " + nx.__version__ ############################################### import matplotlib print matplotlib.rc.func_globals['defaultParams'] matplotlib.get_backend() #matplotlib.rcdefaults() # set params back to defaults. #print matplotlib.matplotlib_fname() #matplotlib.rcsetup dict_of_rcParam = matplotlib.rc_params() img_background = 'achzive_1.jpg' img_background = 'cartoon-funny-dinosaur.jpg' bkImg = opens system image viewer plt.imshow(bkImg) plt.close() ############################################### if __name__ == '__main__': doc = minidom.parse("./example.xml") output_rel_path = "../runtime_outputs/" else: doc = minidom.parse("./specific_files/example.xml")
# Homework 3 Model Comparisons # Sean Thatcher # Environmental Informatics # Instructor Dr. Rodger Wang # Install packages import matplotlib # Data Visualizations import matplotlib.pyplot as plt matplotlib.rc_params().update({'font.size': 22}) # Data being used # Values being hard coded because there is only 1 model value # and 1 observation value from the gage at each stage. # The model values were computed in a spreadsheet from model outputs. # The values and calculations can be found in the HAND Data for Stations spreadshet. # Values from gauges were obtained from the USGS and a stage of the same/similar # stage event modeled were selected for comparison. # Green Brook at Burnt Mills NJ # Station number 1403400 green_brook_1m_gauge = 0.427078125 green_brook_1m_model = 2.030675754 green_brook_3m_gauge = 91.414 green_brook_3m_model = 37.71595379 # Green Brook at Seeley Mills NJ # Station number 1401650 pike_run_3m_gauge = 2.126028046
# 5. 显示图形 # !!! 配置 print(mpl.rcParams) # 获取全部配置 print(mpl.rcParams['']) # 获取字体 #mpl.rcParams[''] = 'SimHei' # 设置字体 print(mpl.rcParams['backend']) #mpl.rcParams['backend'] = 'TkAgg' # Qt5 print(mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']) #mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False print(mpl.matplotlib_fname()) # 获取配置文件路径 mpl.rc_params() # 重新加载配置 # 折线图 # 创建画布 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) # 创建一个坐标系 axes1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # 绘制图形 plot_x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 20) plot_y = plot_x**2 #plot_x_2 = np.linspace(-5, 5, 100) plot_y_2 = plot_x * 2 axes1.plot(plot_x, plot_y, '--c', label='y') axes1.plot(plot_x, plot_y_2, label='y=x*2') axes1.set_title('曲线') # 设置标题 axes1.set_xlabel('x 轴') # 设置x轴名称
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GWpy. If not, see <>. """This module provides plotting utilities for visualising GW data The standard data types (`TimeSeries`, `Table`, `DataQualityFlag`, ...) can all be easily visualised using the relevant plotting objects, with many configurable parameters both interactive, and in saving to disk. """ from matplotlib import (rcParams, rc_params, pyplot) DEFAULT_RCPARAMS = rc_params() __author__ = "Duncan Macleod <*****@*****.**>" from .tex import (USE_TEX, MACROS) from .gps import * from .log import * from .core import * from .timeseries import * from .spectrogram import * from .frequencyseries import * from .segments import * from .filter import * from .table import * from .histogram import *
from tqdm import tqdm # smart progress bar from PIL import Image import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rc_params import pandas as pd import numpy as np #skimage features and filters from skimage.feature import daisy from skimage.feature import hog from skimage.color import rgb2gray from skimage.exposure import equalize_hist # get our styles mpl_default = rc_params() import seaborn as sns # for ipython notebook %matplotlib inline plt.rcParams = mpl_default # BEES colormap! Black -> Yellow CMAP = [(0, 0, 0), (22, 0, 0), (43, 0, 0), (77, 14, 0), (149, 68, 0), (220, 123, 0), (255, 165, 0), (255, 192, 0), (255, 220, 0), (255, 235, 0), (255, 245, 0), (255, 255, 0)] bees_cm = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(np.array(CMAP) / 255.) # load the labels using pandas labels = pd.read_csv("data/train_labels.csv", index_col=0)
from tqdm import tqdm # smart progress bar from PIL import Image import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rc_params import pandas as pd import numpy as np #skimage features and filters from skimage.feature import daisy from skimage.feature import hog from skimage.color import rgb2gray from skimage.exposure import equalize_hist # get our styles mpl_default = rc_params() import seaborn as sns # for ipython notebook %matplotlib inline plt.rcParams = mpl_default # BEES colormap! Black -> Yellow CMAP = [(0,0,0), (22,0,0), (43,0,0), (77,14,0), (149,68,0), (220,123,0), (255,165,0), (255,192,0),
ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (0, 2), rowspan=2) ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, 0), rowspan=2) ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (2, 1), colspan=2) ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, 1)) # 配置文件 可以使用多个matplotlibrc配置文件,顺序靠前的配置文件会被优先采用 # 搜索顺序如下:当前路径-->用户配置路径(通常在.matplotlib目录下)-->系统配置路径 # 获取用户配置路径 from os import path import matplotlib # 获取当前配置路径 current_path = path.abspath(matplotlib.matplotlib_fname()) print(current_path) # 读取配置文件配置内容, 本质上是一个字典 print(matplotlib.rc_params()) # 修改配置信息 matplotlib.rc("lines", marker="x", lw=2, color="red") # 配置恢复默认 matplotlib.rcdefaults() # 手工修改配置后,重新载入最新配置 matplotlib.rcParams.update(matplotlib.rc_params()) # 获取用户配置路径 user_path = path.abspath(matplotlib.get_configdir()) print(user_path) # 样式切换
for (n, e), j in zip(exps, jobs): e.save_serialized_parameters(j.config) elif ACTION == 'run': if LAUNCHER == 'process' or print_refreshed_stats() elif ACTION == 'status': if print_refreshed_stats() else: print_stats() elif ACTION == 'plot': import matplotlib # Set matplotlib config if args.plot_config is None: plot_params = matplotlib.rc_params() plot_params.update(DEFAULT_PLOT_PARAMS) else: plot_params = matplotlib.rc_params_from_file(args.plot_config, fail_on_error=True) plot_params['interactive'] = not args.no_plot matplotlib.rcParams = plot_params assert(plot_params == matplotlib.rcParams) assert(plot_params is matplotlib.rcParams) from multimodal.plots import (plot_2k_graphs, plot_boxes, plot_boxes_by_feats, plot_boxes_all_mods) LOGGERS_2 = collect_results() LOGGERS_3 = collect_results3() LOGGERS_IMAGE = collect_results_image() plot_params = DEFAULT_PLOT_PARAMS fig_2k = plot_2k_graphs([LOGGERS_2, LOGGERS_3], Ks,
import matplotlib GUI_RC_PARAMS = matplotlib.rc_params() GUI_RC_PARAMS.update({ 'axes.titlesize': 'medium', 'figure.autolayout': True, 'legend.fontsize': 'small', 'legend.framealpha': 0.5, 'lines.linewidth': 1.0, })
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Jun 9 17:56:50 2019 @author: user """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl import numpy as np print(mpl.rc_params()) # shows the default parameters # This update will only be in this program and printing the mpl.rc_params() will not show the updated values mpl.rcParams.update({ 'font.size': 18, '': 'STIXGeneral', 'mathtext.fontset': 'stix' }) # To Go back to the default settings #mpl.rcParams.update(mpl.rcParamsDefault) # Print the plot atyles available print( def plotsincosin(style='ggplot'): plt.figure(figsize=(7, 4), dpi=80) x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1000) plt.plot(x, np.sin(x)) plt.plot(x, np.cos(x)) plt.xticks( ticks=np.arange(0, 440 / 57.2985, 90 / 57.2985), labels=[r'$0$', r'$90$', r'$\pi$', r'$\frac{3\pi}{2}$', r'$2\pi$'])
def plot_3d(series,, include_colorbar=False): """Create a 3d-barchart axes for a given 2-level-multi-index series. Return a 3d axes object given a series with a multiindex with 2 categorical levels. Arguments: series (pandas.Series): the 2-level-index series to generate the plot. colormap_callable (matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap): Colormap object generated from a list of colors. include_colorbar (bool): True to include a colorbar. Returns: matplotlib.axes.Axes: the 3d axis object. Examples: >>> import itertools >>> import pandas as pd >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> s_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( \ tuple(itertools.product(range(6), list('abc'))), \ names=('x1', 'x2')) >>> s = pd.Series(data=np.arange(18), index=s_index) >>> ax = plot_3d(s, include_colorbar=True) >>> fig.tight_layout() >>> fig.savefig('/tmp/{0}.png'.format('plot3d'), dpi=500) """ # Create a copy of the list to avoid changing the original. series = series.copy(deep=True) series.sort_values(inplace=True, ascending=False) # Set constants. # Some groupby objects will produce a dataframe. Not nice going over duck # typing but oh well... # If it is a dataframe with one column then transform it to series. if isinstance(series, pd.DataFrame) and series.shape[1] == 1: series = series.ix[:, 0] # Error handling phase. # Track if index has correct shape. if len(series.index.levshape) != 2: raise ValueError('The index level shape should ' 'be 2 and it is {}.'.format(series.index.levshape)) # Check for duplicate indexes. if series.index.duplicated().sum(): series = series.groupby(level=series.index.names).sum() if series.index.duplicated().sum(): raise ValueError('series has duplicate values.') # Handling the index of the received series. level1_index, level2_index = tuple(zip(*series.index.get_values())) level1_index = sorted(set(level1_index)) level2_index = sorted(set(level2_index)) # Populate the series with all index combinations, even if they are zero. all_index_combinations = tuple( itertools.product(level1_index, level2_index)) index_names = series.index.names new_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(all_index_combinations, names=index_names) all_values_series = pd.Series(0, index=new_index, series = (series + all_values_series).fillna(0) # Generate the z values z_list = [] for _, group in series.groupby(level=1): z_list.append(group) z_list = np.hstack(z_list).ravel() z = z_list del z_list # Starts manipulating the axes fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Create the axis and their labels xlabels = series.index.get_level_values(index_names[0]).unique().tolist() ylabels = series.index.get_level_values(index_names[1]).unique().tolist() xlabels = [ ''.join(list(filter(str.isalnum, str(value)))) for value in xlabels ] ylabels = [ ''.join(list(filter(str.isalnum, str(value)))) for value in ylabels ] x = np.arange(len(xlabels)) y = np.arange(len(ylabels)) xlabels = [z.title() for z in xlabels] ylabels = [z.title() for z in ylabels] # Adjust tick posistions and labels. ax.w_xaxis.set_ticks(x + 0.5 / 2.) ax.w_yaxis.set_ticks(y + 0.5 / 2.) ax.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels(ylabels) # Color. pp_color_values = sklearn.preprocessing.minmax_scale(z) colormap = colormap_callable(pp_color_values) # Create the 3d plot. x_mesh, y_mesh = np.meshgrid(x, y, copy=False) ax.bar3d(x_mesh.ravel(), y_mesh.ravel(), z * 0, dx=0.5, dy=0.5, dz=z, color=colormap) # Set convenient z limits. # From z ticks make it include all extreme values in excess of 0.5 tick. z_min = z.min() z_max = z.max() z_ticks = ax.get_zticks() z_stride = z_ticks[1] - z_ticks[0] z_min_lim = z_min - 0.5 * z_stride z_max_lim = z_max + 0.5 * z_stride if 0 < z_min_lim: z_min_lim = 0 elif 0 > z_max_lim: z_max_lim = 0 ax.set_zlim3d(z_min_lim, z_max_lim) if include_colorbar: scalar_mappable = scalar_mappable.set_array([min(z), max(z)]) scalar_mappable.set_clim(vmin=min(z), vmax=max(z)) ticks = np.linspace(z_min, z_max, 5) colorbar = fig.colorbar(scalar_mappable, drawedges=True, ticks=ticks) # Add border to the colorbar. colorbar.outline.set_visible(True) colorbar.outline.set_edgecolor('black') mpl_params = matplotlib.rc_params() colorbar.outline.set_linewidth(mpl_params['lines.linewidth']) # Add ticks to the colorbar. width=mpl_params['ytick.major.width'], size=mpl_params['ytick.major.size']) return ax
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph import json print ("nx version : " + nx.__version__) ############################################### matplotlib.use('WXAgg') import matplotlib #print (matplotlib.rc.func_globals['defaultParams']) print (matplotlib.rc.__globals__['defaultParams']) matplotlib.get_backend() #matplotlib.rcdefaults() # set params back to defaults. print (matplotlib.matplotlib_fname()) #matplotlib.rcsetup matplotlib.rc_params() ############################################### if __name__=='__main__': doc = minidom.parse("./example.xml") output_rel_path = "./runtime_outputs/" else: doc = minidom.parse("./specific_files/example.xml") output_rel_path = "./runtime_outputs/" draw_edges_labels=False#True ''' generate the graph ''' # code ref: G = nx.MultiDiGraph(name="Simulated System Graph") G_wVirtualEdges = nx.DiGraph(name="Graph with added virtual edges nodes")
# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GWpy. If not, see <>. """Custom default figure configuration """ import os from matplotlib import (rcParams, rc_params, __version__ as mpl_version) from matplotlib.figure import SubplotParams from . import tex from .colors import DEFAULT_COLORS # record matplotlib's original rcParams MPL_RCPARAMS = rc_params() __author__ = "Duncan Macleod <*****@*****.**>" # -- custom rc ---------------------------------------------------------------- # set default params DEFAULT_PARAMS = { # axes boundary colours 'axes.edgecolor': 'gray', # grid 'axes.grid': True, 'axes.axisbelow': False, 'grid.linestyle': ':', 'grid.linewidth': .5, # ticks
matplotlib.get_backend() class matplotlib.RcParams(*args, **kwargs) # класс для хранения параметров copy() find_all(pattern) validate # словарь с функциями валидации matplotlib.rcParams # текущие параметры matplotlib.rc_context(rc=None, fname=None) # with rc_context(...) строим график matplotlib.rc(group, **kwargs) # устанавливает rc параметры matplotlib.rc_file(fname) # устанавливает параметры из файла matplotlib.rcdefaults() # устанавливает параметры по умолчанию matplotlib.rc_file_defaults() # устанавливает параметры из rc файла по умолчанию matplotlib.rc_params(fail_on_error=False) # возвращает параметры из rc файла по умолчанию matplotlib.rc_params_from_file(fname, fail_on_error=False, use_default_template=True) # matplotlib.matplotlib_fname() # путь к файлу с конфигами matplotlib.interactive(b) # устанавливает интерактивность matplotlib.is_interactive() # проверяет интерактивность #################### module style import, after_reset=False) # словарь доступных стилей # список доступных стилей
def test_plot_matplotlib_rc_restore(self, maps_release_only): rcparams = matplotlib.rc_params() map_ = maps_release_only.getMap('emline_gflux', channel='ha_6564') fig, ax = mapplot.plot(dapmap=map_) assert rcparams == matplotlib.rc_params()
d_colors = { "1": "darksalmon", "2": "royalblue", "3": "mediumpurple", "4": "green", "5": "tan", "6": "brown", "7": "pink", "8": "olive", "9": "peru", "10": "orange", "11": "darkkhaki", "12": "cadetblue", "13": "crimson", "14": "thistle" } # Optimal Bandwidths bw = np.array([1577.681, 1167.16, 30.549]) bw_stkde = np.array([ 7859.14550575 / 10, 10910.84908688 / 10, 24.38113667 ]) if __name__ == '__main__': import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams.update(rc) print(mpl.rc_params())