Esempio n. 1
def plot_all(cv_current, cv_future):
    plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_pt=None, font_size=9)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ps = map_parameters.polar_stereographic
    x = ps.lons
    y = ps.lats

    basemap = Basemap(projection="npstere", boundinglat = 20, lon_0=-115)
    [x, y] = basemap(x, y)

    x_min, x_max = x.min(), x.max()
    y_min, y_max = y.min(), y.max()

    all_axes = []
    all_images = []

    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,2)
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0])
    ax1.set_title("SST: CV current")
    image = basemap.pcolormesh(x, y, cv_current, ax = ax1)

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
    ax2.set_title("SST: CV future")
    image = basemap.pcolormesh(x, y, cv_current, ax = ax2)

    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, :])
    ax3.set_title("SST: CV future - CV current")
    cMap = my_colormaps.get_red_blue_colormap(ncolors=10)
    image = basemap.pcolormesh(x, y, cv_future - cv_current, ax = ax3,
            cmap = cMap, vmin = -0.004, vmax = 0.004 )

    for the_ax, image  in zip( all_axes, all_images):
        divider = make_axes_locatable(the_ax)
        the_ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max)
        the_ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
        cax = divider.append_axes("right", "8%", pad="3%")
        cb = fig.colorbar(image, cax = cax, ax = the_ax)
        basemap.drawcoastlines(ax = the_ax)

Esempio n. 2
def stationary():

    #data_folder = 'data/streamflows/hydrosheds_euler9'
    data_folder = "data/streamflows/narccap_ccsm-crcm"

    current_data_path_pattern = ''
    future_data_path_pattern = ''

    i_list, j_list = data_select.get_indices_from_file()

    current_ids = ["ccsm-crcm-current"]
    future_ids = ["ccsm-crcm-future"]
    current2future = dict(list(zip(current_ids, future_ids)))

    current_start_date = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    current_end_date = datetime(1999, 11, 23,0, 0)

    future_start_date = datetime(2041, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    future_end_date = datetime(2070, 11, 23,0, 0)

    high_return_periods = [10]
    high_start_month = 3
    high_end_month = 7
    high_event_duration = timedelta(days = 1)

    low_return_periods = [2]
    low_start_month = 1
    low_end_month = 5
    low_event_duration = timedelta(days = 15)

    all_return_periods = []

    plot_return_levels = False

    extreme_types = ['low', 'high']

    #calculate parameters of the gev distriution for each member
    #calculate and plot return levels
    for extreme_type in extreme_types:
        start_month = low_start_month if extreme_type == 'low' else high_start_month
        end_month = low_end_month if extreme_type == 'low' else high_end_month
        event_duration = low_event_duration if extreme_type == 'low' else high_event_duration

        for current_id in current_ids:
            param_file = 'gev_params_stationary'
            param_file += '_' + current_id + '_' + extreme_type
            data_file = current_data_path_pattern % current_id
            data_file = os.path.join(data_folder, data_file)
            pars_set = optimize_stationary_for_period_and_all_cells(data_file,
                    paramfile = param_file ,
                    high_flow = (extreme_type == 'high'),
                    start_month = start_month,
                    end_month = end_month,
                    start_date = current_start_date,
                    end_date = current_end_date,
                    event_duration = event_duration)

            if plot_return_levels:
                for period in low_return_periods:
                    plot_low_flows(period = period,
                           imagefile = '%drlevel_%s_stationary_%s.png' % (period, extreme_type, current_id),
                           pars_set = pars_set)

        print('Finished optimizing for current climate')

        for future_id in future_ids:
            param_file = 'gev_params_stationary'
            param_file += '_' + future_id + '_' + extreme_type
            data_file = future_data_path_pattern % future_id
            data_file = os.path.join(data_folder, data_file)
            pars_set = optimize_stationary_for_period_and_all_cells(data_file,
                    paramfile = param_file ,
                    high_flow = (extreme_type == 'high'),
                    start_month = start_month,
                    end_month = end_month,
                    start_date = future_start_date,
                    end_date = future_end_date,
                    event_duration = event_duration)

            if plot_return_levels:
                for period in low_return_periods:
                    plot_low_flows(period = period, imagefile = '%drlevel_%s_stationary_%s.png' % (period, extreme_type ,future_id),
                           pars_set = pars_set)

    print('Finished optimizing for future climate')
    print('Finished calculating return levels !!!')

    plot_mean_changes = True
    if not plot_mean_changes:

###############################current climate return levels
    print('Calculating mean high flow return levels for current climate ...')
    current_rl_means = {}
    future_rl_means = {}
    the_type_to_periods = {'high': high_return_periods, 'low': low_return_periods}

    keys = []
    for the_type, periods in the_type_to_periods.items():
        for period in periods:
            k = TypePeriodKey()
            k.type = the_type
            k.return_period = period

    for key in keys:
        current_rl_means[key] = []
        future_rl_means[key] = []

    #collect return levels for corresponding type(high , low) and return period for each member and then take mean
    for current_id in current_ids:
        for key in keys:
            future_id = current2future[current_id]
            the_field_current = get_levels_for_type_and_id(current_id, return_period = key.return_period, type = key.type)
            the_field_future = get_levels_for_type_and_id(future_id, return_period = key.return_period, type = key.type)

            assert isinstance(the_field_current, np.ndarray)
            assert isinstance(the_field_future, np.ndarray)

            indices = np.where((the_field_current > 0) & (the_field_future >= 0) )
            to_plot =
            to_plot[indices] = (the_field_future[indices] - the_field_current[indices]) / the_field_current[indices] * 100.0

            file_name = '{0}-{1}_{2}_{3}yr_change.png'.format(current_id, future_id, key.type, key.return_period)

            delta = np.max(np.abs(to_plot[indices]))
            delta = min(100.0, delta)
            plot_data(data = to_plot, imagefile = file_name,
                  units = '%', minmax = (-125, 125), color_map = my_cm.get_red_blue_colormap(ncolors = 16),
                  title = '{0}-{1}, change, {2}, return period: {3}'.format(current_id,
                  future_id, key.type, key.return_period)


    for key in keys:

        current_rl_means[key] = np.array(current_rl_means[key])
        current_rl_means[key] =[key] < 0, current_rl_means[key])

        future_rl_means[key] = np.array(future_rl_means[key])
        future_rl_means[key] =[key] < 0, future_rl_means[key])

        current_rl_means[key] =  current_rl_means[key]  , axis = 0)
        future_rl_means[key] =  future_rl_means[key]  , axis = 0)

#        plt.figure()
#        plt.subplot(2,1,1)
#        plt.title('current mean')
#        plot_data(current_rl_means[key], imagefile = None)
#        plt.subplot(2,1,2)
#        plt.title('future mean')
#        plot_data(future_rl_means[key], imagefile = None)
#        plt.savefig('means_%s_%dyr_rl.png' % (key.type, key.return_period))

####Calculate differences between future and current return levels for 10 and 30 year
#### return period.

    plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_pt=None, font_size=9, aspect_ratio=2.5)
    fig = plt.figure()
    assert isinstance(fig, Figure)
    gs = GridSpec(3,2, height_ratios=[1,1,1])
    for i, key in enumerate(keys):
        current = current_rl_means[key]
        future = future_rl_means[key]
        indices = np.where((current > 0) & (future >= 0))
        #to_plot =
        to_plot = (future[indices] - current[indices]) / current[indices] * 100.0

        delta = np.max(np.abs(to_plot))

        min_change = np.min(to_plot)

        if not key.type == "high":
            delta = 100
            lower_limit = 0 if min_change >= 0 else np.floor(min_change / 10.0) * 10
            delta = 50
            lower_limit = np.floor(min_change / 10.0 ) * 10

        fig.add_subplot(gs[i // 2, i % 2])
        csfb.plot(to_plot,  i_list, j_list, xs, ys,
              imagefile = None, #'%s_%dyr_mean_change.png' % (key.type, key.return_period),
              units = '%', minmax = (-delta, delta),
              color_map = my_cm.get_red_blue_colormap(ncolors = 20),'RdYlBu',20),
              title = '{0}-year {1} flow'.format( key.return_period, key.type),
              colorbar_tick_locator = LinearLocator(numticks = 11), upper_limited=True,
              impose_lower_limit= lower_limit, basemap=polar_stereographic.basemap

    plt.tight_layout(h_pad = 2)
def plot_results():

    cc = "current"
    fc = "future"
    climate_types = [cc, fc]

    folder_path = 'data/streamflows/hydrosheds_euler9/'
    file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, "")
    i_indices, j_indices = data_select.get_indices_from_file(file_path)
    xs = polar_stereographic.xs
    ys = polar_stereographic.ys
    basemap = polar_stereographic.basemap
    hi = "high"
    lo = "low"
    extreme_types = [hi, lo]

    base_std_name = "{0}_std_dev_{1}"
    base_par_name = {
        cc : "_".join(["{0}"] + members.current_ids),
        fc : "_".join(["{0}"] + members.future_ids)

    extreme_to_return_periods = {
        hi : get_high_return_periods(),
        lo : get_low_return_periods()

    sig_coefs = [1.96
    #    , 1.645
    sig_levels = ["95 %"
    #    , "90 %"
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,2)

    for extreme in extreme_types:
        pars_path_current = base_par_name[cc].format(extreme)
        std_path_current = base_std_name.format(extreme, cc)

        pars_path_future = base_par_name[fc].format(extreme)
        std_path_future = base_std_name.format(extreme, fc)

        pars_current = pickle.load(open(pars_path_current))
        stds_current = pickle.load(open(std_path_current))

        pars_future = pickle.load(open(pars_path_future))
        stds_future = pickle.load(open(std_path_future))

        return_periods = extreme_to_return_periods[extreme]
        #plot_utils.apply_plot_params(font_size=15, width_pt=900, aspect_ratio=2.5)

        delta = 50 if extreme == hi else 100
        for row, ret_period in enumerate( return_periods ):
            #calculate changes in return levels
            func = lambda x: gevfit.get_high_ret_level_stationary(x, ret_period)
            rl_c = list(map(func, pars_current))
            rl_f = list(map(func, pars_future))
            rl_c = np.array(rl_c)
            rl_f = np.array(rl_f)

            std_c = stds_current[ret_period]
            std_f = stds_future[ret_period]

            in_odf = (std_c > 0) & (std_f > 0) & (rl_c > 0) & (rl_f >= 0)
            change =
            change[in_odf] = (rl_f[in_odf] - rl_c[in_odf]) / rl_c[in_odf] * 100.0

            min_change = np.min((rl_f - rl_c) / rl_c * 100.0)
            if min_change >= 0:
               low_limit = 0
            elif min_change > -10:
               low_limit = -10
                low_limit = np.floor(min_change / 10.0) * 10

            print("min change = {0}, low limit = {1}".format(min_change, low_limit))

            for sig_coef, sig_name in zip(sig_coefs, sig_levels):
                significance =
                sig_cond = (sig_coef * (std_c + std_f) < np.abs(rl_f - rl_c)) & in_odf
                significance[~sig_cond] = 0#fill with gray non signifcant areas
                change1 =, change)
                if extreme == hi:
                    plt.subplot(gs[row, 0])
                    plt.subplot(gs[row, 1])

                csfb.plot(change1 , i_indices, j_indices, xs, ys,
                        title = 'T = {0}-year'.format( ret_period ),
                        color_map = mycolors.get_red_blue_colormap(ncolors = 10),
                        units = '%',
                        basemap = basemap, minmax = (-delta, delta),
                        colorbar_label_format = '%d',
                        upper_limited = True,
                        colorbar_tick_locator = LinearLocator(numticks = 11),
                        not_significant_mask = significance,
                        show_colorbar = True, impose_lower_limit=low_limit
                #subplot_count += 1

def plot_temp():
    seasons = ["(a) Annual", " (b) Winter (DJF)", "(c) Spring (MAM)", "(d) Summer (JJA)", "(e) Fall (SON)"]
    months =  [range(1, 13), [12, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11]  ]
    season_to_months = dict(zip(seasons, months))

    #take out annual
    #put new numbering for the subplots
    new_numbering = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]

    var_name = "st"
    year_range_c = xrange(1970,2000)
    year_range_f = xrange(2041,2071)
    x, y = polar_stereographic.xs, polar_stereographic.ys
    i_array, j_array = _get_routing_indices()
    x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = plot_utils.get_ranges(x[i_array, j_array], y[i_array, j_array])

    plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_pt= None, font_size=9, aspect_ratio=2.5)
    fig = plt.figure()
    assert isinstance(fig, Figure)

    basemap = polar_stereographic.basemap
    assert isinstance(basemap, Basemap)
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,2)

    #color_map ="jet", lut=10)
    clevels = xrange(-8, 9, 2)
    all_plot_axes = []
    #determine min an max for color scales
    min_val = np.inf
    max_val = -np.inf
    for season in seasons:
        current = _get_data(v_name=var_name, months = season_to_months[season],
                    member_list=members.current_ids, year_range=year_range_c)
        future = _get_data(v_name=var_name, months = season_to_months[season],
                    member_list=members.future_ids, year_range=year_range_f)

        current_m = np.mean(current, axis=0)
        future_m = np.mean(future, axis= 0)

        delta = future_m[i_array, j_array] - current_m[i_array, j_array]

        the_min = delta.min()
        the_max = delta.max()

        min_val = min(min_val, the_min)
        max_val = max(max_val, the_max)

    min_val = np.floor(min_val)
    max_val = np.ceil(max_val)

    color_map = my_cm.get_red_blue_colormap(ncolors = 10, reversed=True)
    if min_val >= 0:
        color_map = my_cm.get_red_colormap(ncolors=10)
    for i, season in enumerate(seasons):
        row, col = i // 2, i % 2
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col ])

        current = _get_data(v_name=var_name, months = season_to_months[season],
                    member_list=members.current_ids, year_range=year_range_c)
        future = _get_data(v_name=var_name, months = season_to_months[season],
                    member_list=members.future_ids, year_range=year_range_f)

#        t, p = stats.ttest_ind(current, future, axis=0)

#        significant = np.array(p <= 0.05)

        significant = calculate_significance_using_bootstrap(current, future)
        assert not np.all(~significant)
        assert not np.all(significant)

        current_m = np.mean(current, axis=0)
        future_m = np.mean(future, axis= 0)

        delta = (future_m - current_m)

        assert isinstance(ax, Axes)

        #delta = maskoceans(polar_stereographic.lons, polar_stereographic.lats, delta)
        save = delta[i_array, j_array]
        delta =
        delta[i_array, j_array] = save
        d_min = np.floor( np.min(save) )
        d_max = np.ceil( np.max(save) )

        img = basemap.pcolormesh(x, y, delta, cmap = color_map, vmin = min_val, vmax = max_val)
        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
        cax = divider.append_axes("right", "8%", pad="3%")
        assert isinstance(cax, Axes)

        int_ticker = LinearLocator(numticks = color_map.N + 1)
        cb = fig.colorbar(img, cax = cax, ticks = int_ticker)
        cax.set_title("$^{\\circ}{\\rm C}$")

        where_significant = significant
        significant =

        significant[~where_significant] = 0
        basemap.pcolormesh( x, y, significant , cmap = = "gray", lut = 3),
                           vmin = -1, vmax = 1, ax = ax)
        ax.set_title( season.replace( re.findall( "([a-z])", season)[0], new_numbering[i]) )

    for the_ax in all_plot_axes:
        the_ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max)
        the_ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
        basemap.drawcoastlines(ax = the_ax, linewidth = 0.1)
        plot_utils.draw_meridians_and_parallels(basemap, step_degrees=30.0, ax = the_ax)
        plot_basin_boundaries_from_shape(basemap, axes = the_ax, linewidth=0.4)

    #fig.suptitle("Projected changes, T(2m), degrees, CRCM4")
def plot_swe():
    seasons = ["(a) Annual", " (b) Winter (DJF)", "(c) Spring (MAM)", "(d) Summer (JJA)", "(e) Fall (SON)"]
    months =  [range(1, 13), [12, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11]  ]
    season_to_months = dict(zip(seasons, months))

    var_name = "sno"
    year_range_c = xrange(1970,2000)
    year_range_f = xrange(2041,2071)
    x, y = polar_stereographic.xs, polar_stereographic.ys
    i_array, j_array = _get_routing_indices()
    x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = plot_utils.get_ranges(x[i_array, j_array], y[i_array, j_array])

    _generate_mask_of_domain_of_interest(i_array, j_array)
    if True: return

    plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_pt= None, font_size=9, aspect_ratio=2.5)
    fig = plt.figure()
    assert isinstance(fig, Figure)

    basemap = polar_stereographic.basemap
    assert isinstance(basemap, Basemap)
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,4, height_ratios=[1,1,1], width_ratios=[1,1,1,1])

    #color_map = my_cm.get_
    color_map = my_cm.get_red_blue_colormap(ncolors = 10, reversed=True)
    #color_map ="jet_r", lut=10)
    clevels = xrange(-8, 9, 2)
    all_plot_axes = []
    for i, season in enumerate(seasons):
        if not i:
            ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,1:3])
            row, col = (i - 1)  // 2 + 1, (i - 1) % 2
            ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col * 2 : col * 2 + 2 ])

        current = _get_data(v_name=var_name, months = season_to_months[season],
                    member_list=members.current_ids, year_range=year_range_c)
        future = _get_data(v_name=var_name, months = season_to_months[season],
                    member_list=members.future_ids, year_range=year_range_f)

        t, p = stats.ttest_ind(current, future, axis=0)
        #TODO: change it back to p <= 0.05 wheen doing real sign test
        significant = np.array(p <= 1)

        assert not np.all(~significant)
        assert not np.all(significant)

        current_m = np.mean(current, axis=0)
        future_m = np.mean(future, axis= 0)

        delta = (future_m - current_m)
        delta = np.array(delta)

        assert isinstance(ax, Axes)

        #delta = maskoceans(polar_stereographic.lons, polar_stereographic.lats, delta)
        save = delta[i_array, j_array]
        delta =
        delta[i_array, j_array] = save
        d_min = np.floor( np.min(save)  )
        d_max = np.ceil( np.max(save)  )

        bounds = plot_utils.get_boundaries_for_colobar(d_min, d_max, color_map.N, lambda x: np.round(x, decimals=10))
        print bounds

        bn = BoundaryNorm(bounds, color_map.N)

        d = np.max( np.abs([d_min, d_max]) )

        print season, np.min(delta), np.max(delta)

        #delta = < 0, delta )
        img = basemap.pcolormesh(x, y, delta, cmap = color_map, norm = bn, vmin = bounds[0], vmax = bounds[-1])
        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
        cax = divider.append_axes("right", "8%", pad="3%")
        assert isinstance(cax, Axes)

        int_ticker = LinearLocator(numticks = color_map.N + 1)

        cb = fig.colorbar(img, cax = cax, ticks = bounds, boundaries = bounds)

        where_significant = significant
        significant =

        significant[(~where_significant)] = 0
        save = significant[i_array, j_array]
        significant =
        significant[i_array, j_array] = save

        basemap.pcolormesh( x, y, significant , cmap = = "gray", lut = 3),
                           vmin = -1, vmax = 1, ax = ax)


    for the_ax in all_plot_axes:
        the_ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max)
        the_ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
        basemap.drawcoastlines(ax = the_ax, linewidth = 0.1)
        plot_utils.draw_meridians_and_parallels(basemap, step_degrees=30.0, ax = the_ax)
        plot_basin_boundaries_from_shape(basemap, axes = the_ax, linewidth=0.4)


    fig.suptitle("Projected changes, SWE, mm, CRCM4")

def plot_precip(data_path = "/home/huziy/skynet1_rech3/crcm4_data"):
    seasons = ["(a) Annual", " (b) Winter (DJF)", "(c) Spring (MAM)", "(d) Summer (JJA)", "(e) Fall (SON)"]
    months =  [range(1, 13), [12, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11]  ]
    season_to_months = dict(zip(seasons, months))

    #remove annual
    #put new numbering for the subplots
    new_numbering = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]

    var_name = "pcp"
    year_range_c = xrange(1970,2000)
    year_range_f = xrange(2041,2071)
    x, y = polar_stereographic.xs, polar_stereographic.ys
    i_array, j_array = _get_routing_indices()
    x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = plot_utils.get_ranges(x[i_array, j_array], y[i_array, j_array])

    plot_utils.apply_plot_params(width_pt= None, font_size=9, aspect_ratio=2.5)
    fig = plt.figure()
    assert isinstance(fig, Figure)

    basemap = polar_stereographic.basemap
    assert isinstance(basemap, Basemap)
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,2, height_ratios=[1,1,1], width_ratios=[1,1])

    #determine min an max for color scales
    min_val = np.inf
    max_val = -np.inf
    for season in seasons:
        current = _get_data(v_name=var_name, months = season_to_months[season],
                    member_list=members.current_ids, year_range=year_range_c)
        future = _get_data(v_name=var_name, months = season_to_months[season],
                    member_list=members.future_ids, year_range=year_range_f)

        current_m = np.mean(current, axis=0)
        future_m = np.mean(future, axis= 0)

        delta = future_m[i_array, j_array] - current_m[i_array, j_array]

        the_min = delta.min()
        the_max = delta.max()

        min_val = min(min_val, the_min)
        max_val = max(max_val, the_max)

    min_val = np.floor(min_val)
    max_val = np.ceil(max_val)

    color_map = my_cm.get_red_blue_colormap(ncolors = 10, reversed=False)
    #color_map ="jet_r", lut=10)
    clevels = xrange(-8, 9, 2)
    all_plot_axes = []
    for i, season in enumerate(seasons):
        row, col = i // 2, i % 2
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col ])

        current = _get_data(data_folder=data_path, v_name=var_name, months = season_to_months[season],
                    member_list=members.current_ids, year_range=year_range_c)
        future = _get_data(data_folder=data_path, v_name=var_name, months = season_to_months[season],
                    member_list=members.future_ids, year_range=year_range_f)

        #t, p = stats.ttest_ind(current, future, axis=0)

        #significant = np.array(p <= 0.05)
        significant = calculate_significance_using_bootstrap(current, future)
        assert not np.all(~significant)
        assert not np.all(significant)

        current_m = np.mean(current, axis=0)
        future_m = np.mean(future, axis= 0)

        seconds_per_day = 24 * 60 * 60
        delta = (future_m - current_m) * seconds_per_day
        delta = np.array(delta)

        assert isinstance(ax, Axes)

        #delta = maskoceans(polar_stereographic.lons, polar_stereographic.lats, delta)
        save = delta[i_array, j_array]
        delta =
        delta[i_array, j_array] = save
        d_min = np.floor( min_val * 10 ) / 10.0
        d_max = np.ceil( max_val *10 ) / 10.0

        if d_min  > 0: color_map = my_cm.get_blue_colormap(ncolors=10)

        img = basemap.pcolormesh(x, y, delta, cmap = color_map, vmin = d_min, vmax = d_max)
        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
        cax = divider.append_axes("right", "8%", pad="3%")
        assert isinstance(cax, Axes)

        int_ticker = LinearLocator(numticks = color_map.N + 1)

        cb = fig.colorbar(img, cax = cax, ticks = int_ticker)

        where_significant = significant
        significant =

        significant[(~where_significant)] = 0
        save = significant[i_array, j_array]
        significant =
        significant[i_array, j_array] = save

        basemap.pcolormesh( x, y, significant , cmap = = "gray", lut = 3),
                           vmin = -1, vmax = 1, ax = ax)

        ax.set_title( season.replace( re.findall( "([a-z])", season)[0], new_numbering[i]) )

    #plot djf swe change
    season = " (b) Winter (DJF)"
    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, : ])
    var_name = "sno"

    current = _get_data(data_folder=data_path, v_name=var_name, months = season_to_months[season],
                    member_list=members.current_ids, year_range=year_range_c)
    future = _get_data(data_folder=data_path, v_name=var_name, months = season_to_months[season],
                    member_list=members.future_ids, year_range=year_range_f)

    #t, p = stats.ttest_ind(current, future, axis=0)

    #significant = np.array(p <= 0.05)
    significant = calculate_significance_using_bootstrap(current, future)

    assert not np.all(~significant)
    assert not np.all(significant)

    current_m = np.mean(current, axis=0)
    future_m = np.mean(future, axis= 0)

    delta = future_m - current_m
    delta = np.array(delta)

    assert isinstance(ax, Axes)

    #delta = maskoceans(polar_stereographic.lons, polar_stereographic.lats, delta)
    save = delta[i_array, j_array]
    delta =
    delta[i_array, j_array] = save
    d_min = np.floor( np.min(save) * 10 ) / 10.0
    d_max = np.ceil( np.max(save) *10 ) / 10.0

    if d_min >= 0: color_map = my_cm.get_blue_colormap(ncolors=10)

    bounds = plot_utils.get_boundaries_for_colobar(d_min, d_max, color_map.N, lambda x: np.round(x, decimals=0))

    bn = BoundaryNorm(bounds, color_map.N)

    img = basemap.pcolormesh(x, y, delta, cmap = color_map, vmin = bounds[0], vmax = bounds[-1], norm = bn)
    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    cax = divider.append_axes("right", "8%", pad="3%")
    assert isinstance(cax, Axes)

    int_ticker = LinearLocator(numticks = color_map.N + 1)

    cb = fig.colorbar(img, cax = cax, ticks = bounds)

    where_significant = significant
    significant =

    significant[(~where_significant)] = 0
    save = significant[i_array, j_array]
    significant =
    significant[i_array, j_array] = save

    basemap.pcolormesh( x, y, significant , cmap = = "gray", lut = 3),
                        vmin = -1, vmax = 1, ax = ax)

    ax.set_title( season.replace( re.findall( "([a-z])", season)[0], "e"))
    #finish swe djf

    for the_ax in all_plot_axes:
        the_ax.set_xlim(x_min, x_max)
        the_ax.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
        basemap.drawcoastlines(ax = the_ax, linewidth = 0.1)
        plot_utils.draw_meridians_and_parallels(basemap, step_degrees=30.0, ax = the_ax)
        plot_basin_boundaries_from_shape(basemap, axes = the_ax, linewidth=0.4)


    #fig.suptitle("Projected changes, total precip (mm/day), CRCM4")

def plot_naveed_data(path = 'data/data_txt_naveed/3_all_for_plotting.csv'):
    plotting data calculated by Naveed
    f = open(path)

    lines = f.readlines()

    #skip header
    while len(lines) > 0:
        line = lines.pop(0)
        if line.startswith('stationSrI'):


    folder_path = 'data/streamflows/hydrosheds_euler9/'
    i_indices, j_indices = data_select.get_indices_from_file(folder_path + '')

    return_periods = [2,10,30]
    level_cols = [4,5,6]
    sig95_cols = [9,10,11]
    sig90_cols = [14, 15, 16]

    sets = list(zip(level_cols, return_periods, sig95_cols, sig90_cols))

    subplot_count = 1
    for lev_col, period, sig95_col, sig90_col in sets:
        for sig_col in [sig95_col, sig90_col]:
            ret_lev = np.array(get_column(lev_col, lines))
            significance = 1 - np.array(get_column(sig_col, lines))
            ret_lev = == 1, ret_lev)

            significance *= 0.75
            significance = == 0, significance)

            delta = 50
            sig_level = '95%' if sig_col == sig95_col else '90%'
            plot(ret_lev , i_indices, j_indices, xs, ys,
                        title = 'T = %d year, conf. (%s)' % (period, sig_level),
                        color_map = mycolors.get_red_blue_colormap(ncolors = 16), units = '%',
                        basemap = basemap, minmax = (-delta, delta),
                        colorbar_label_format = '%d',
                        upper_limited = True, colorbar_tick_locator = LinearLocator(numticks = 9),
                        not_significant_mask = significance, show_colorbar = (subplot_count == 6)
            subplot_count += 1
    plt.savefig('3_all_for_plotting.pdf', bbox_inches = 'tight')

    b = Basemap(resolution = 'i')
    medians = get_column(1, lines)
    to_plot =
    for i, j, med in zip(i_indices, j_indices, medians):
        to_plot[i,j] = med

    b.pcolormesh(polar_stereographic.lons, polar_stereographic.lats, to_plot)
    plt.colorbar(shrink = 0.5)

    cond = ~to_plot.mask
    min_lon = polar_stereographic.lons[cond].min()
    max_lon = polar_stereographic.lons[cond].max()

    min_lat = polar_stereographic.lats[cond].min()
    max_lat = polar_stereographic.lats[cond].max()

    marginx = 0.05 * (max_lon - min_lon)
    marginy = 0.05 * (max_lat - min_lat)

    plt.xlim(min_lon - marginx, max_lon + marginx)
    plt.ylim(min_lat - marginy, max_lat + marginy)
    plt.title('median change (%)')

    pvalues = get_column(2, lines)
    to_plot =
    for i, j, pvalue in zip(i_indices, j_indices, pvalues):
        to_plot[i,j] = pvalue

    b.pcolormesh(polar_stereographic.lons, polar_stereographic.lats, to_plot)
    plt.colorbar(shrink = 0.5)
    plt.title('p-value for median change')
    marginx = 0.05 * (max_lon - min_lon)
    marginy = 0.05 * (max_lat - min_lat)
    plt.xlim(min_lon - marginx, max_lon + marginx)
    plt.ylim(min_lat - marginy, max_lat + marginy)
    plt.savefig('median.pdf', bbox_inches = 'tight')

def calculate_and_plot(return_period = 10,
                       return_level_function = ret_level_getters[0], ax = None):

    save_fig_to_file = (ax is None)
    if return_level_function == gevfit.get_high_ret_level_stationary:
        level_type = 'high'
        level_type = 'low'

    fig = plt.figure()
    assert isinstance(fig, Figure)

    save_to_txt = False
    current_ids = ["ccsm-crcm-current"] #members.current_ids
    future_ids = ["ccsm-crcm-future"] #members.future_ids
    current2future = dict(list(zip(current_ids, future_ids)))

    #folder_path = 'data/streamflows/hydrosheds_euler9/'
    folder_path = "data/streamflows/narccap_ccsm-crcm"
    coord_file = os.path.join(folder_path, '{0}'.format(current_ids[0]))
    i_indices, j_indices = data_select.get_indices_from_file(coord_file)
    significance_counter = None
    #plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0., hspace = 0.2, wspace = 0.2)

    labels = ["", "(b)", "(c)", "(d)", "(e)", "(f)"]

    ##for querying high flow data for saving to text file
    current_query = None
    future_query = None
    current_highs = None
    future_highs = None
    if level_type == 'high' and save_to_txt:
        high_period_start_month = 3
        high_period_end_month = 7

        current_start_date = datetime(1970,1,1,0,0)
        current_end_date = datetime(1999,12,31,0,0)

        future_start_date = datetime(2041,1,1,0,0)
        future_end_date = datetime(2070,12,31,0,0)

        future_query = QueryObject()
        future_query.start_date = future_start_date
        future_query.end_date = future_end_date
        future_query.event_duration = timedelta(days = 1)
        future_query.start_month = high_period_start_month
        future_query.end_month = high_period_end_month

        current_query = QueryObject()
        current_query.start_date = current_start_date
        current_query.end_date = current_end_date
        current_query.event_duration = timedelta(days = 1)
        current_query.start_month = high_period_start_month
        current_query.end_month = high_period_end_month

    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,2)
    current_id_to_changes = {}
    all_current = []
    all_future = []
    all_stds_current = []
    all_stds_future = []
    for k, current_id in enumerate(current_ids):
        if level_type == 'high' and save_to_txt:
            current_path = folder_path + '{0}'.format(current_id)
            future_path = folder_path + '{0}'.format(current2future[current_id])
            current_data, times_current, x_indices, y_indices = data_select.get_data_from_file(current_path)
            future_data, times_future, x_indices, y_indices = data_select.get_data_from_file(future_path)

            current_highs = data_select.get_period_maxima_query(current_data, times_current, current_query)
            future_highs = data_select.get_period_maxima_query(future_data, times_future, future_query)

        #get current return levels
        pars_list = get_pars_for_member_and_type(current_id, level_type)
        return_levels_current = np.zeros(len(pars_list))
        for pos, pars in enumerate(pars_list):
            return_levels_current[pos] = return_level_function(pars, return_period)
        stdevs_current = get_stdevs_for_member_and_type(current_id, level_type)[return_period]

        #get future return levels
        future_id = current2future[current_id]
        pars_list = get_pars_for_member_and_type(future_id, level_type)
        return_levels_future = np.zeros(len(pars_list))
        for pos, pars in enumerate(pars_list):
            return_levels_future[pos] = return_level_function(pars, return_period)
        stdevs_future = get_stdevs_for_member_and_type(future_id, level_type)[return_period]

        change = return_levels_future - return_levels_current
        if significance_counter is None:
            significance_counter = np.zeros( change.shape )

        print(np.min(stdevs_current), np.max(stdevs_current))
        print(np.min(stdevs_future), np.max(stdevs_future))

        print('min max min abs(rl_current - rl_future)')
        the_delta = np.abs(return_levels_future - return_levels_current)
        print(np.min(the_delta), np.max(the_delta), np.mean(the_delta))
        #stdev = -1 - stands for undefined value
        condition = np.logical_and(np.abs(change) > 1.96 * ( stdevs_current + stdevs_future ),
                                   (stdevs_current >= 0) & (stdevs_future >= 0)
                                   & (return_levels_current > 0)


        sign_index = np.where(condition)
        significance_counter[sign_index] += 1




        change /= return_levels_current
        change *= 100.0

        min_change = np.min(change)
        print(return_levels_current[change == min_change], return_levels_future[change == min_change], min_change)
        if not level_type == "high":
            delta = 100
            lower_limit = 0 if min_change >= 0 else np.floor(min_change / 10.0) * 10
            delta = 50
            lower_limit = np.floor(min_change / 10.0 ) * 10

        not_significant = np.zeros(change.shape)
        not_significant =, not_significant)

        if level_type == 'high':
            assert np.all(return_levels_current > 0)
            assert np.all(stdevs_current >= 0)
            assert np.all(stdevs_future >= 0)

        #temp change to condition
        #change =, change)
        print('Plotting: current %s, future %s' % (current_id, future_id))

        current_id_to_changes[current_id] = change
        if ax is None:
            ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[k // 2, k % 2])
        plot(change , i_indices, j_indices, xs, ys,
                    title = "{0}-year {1} flow".format(return_period, level_type), label = labels[k],
                    color_map = mycolors.get_red_blue_colormap(ncolors = 20), units = '%',
                    basemap = basemap, minmax = (-delta, delta),
                    colorbar_label_format = '%d',
                    upper_limited = True, colorbar_tick_locator = LinearLocator(numticks = 11),
                    not_significant_mask = not_significant
                    , impose_lower_limit=lower_limit, ax= ax

        if return_period == 10 and level_type == 'high' and save_to_txt:
            txt_saver.save_to_file_rls_and_sign(current_id, return_period,
                                      return_levels_current, return_levels_future,
                                      stdevs_current, stdevs_future,
                                      condition, current_highs, future_highs)


    plot_sign_count = False
    plot_significance = True
    if plot_sign_count: #if plotting significance count
        significance_counter = == 0, significance_counter)
        plot(significance_counter, i_indices, j_indices, xs, ys,
             title = 'Significance Count', label = labels[5], minmax = (1,6),
             color_map = mycolors.get_sign_count_cmap(ncolors = 5), basemap = basemap,
             colorbar_tick_locator = MaxNLocator(nbins = 5),
             colorbar_label_format = '%d'

        #TODO plot +/-
        plus_change = None
        minus_change = None

        for current_id, the_change in current_id_to_changes.items():
            if plus_change is None:
                plus_change = (the_change > 0)
                minus_change = (the_change < 0)
                plus_change = np.logical_and(the_change > 0, plus_change)
                minus_change = np.logical_and(the_change < 0, minus_change)

        #should be at least one member with significant changes
        plus_change = np.logical_and(plus_change, significance_counter > 0)
        minus_change = np.logical_and(minus_change, significance_counter > 0)

        x_interest = xs[i_indices, j_indices]
        y_interest = ys[i_indices, j_indices]

        x_plus = x_interest[plus_change]
        y_plus = y_interest[plus_change]
        x_minus = x_interest[minus_change]
        y_minus = y_interest[minus_change]

        basemap.scatter(x_plus, y_plus, marker = "+", color = "m", s = 15, zorder = 5, linewidth = 1)

        if len(x_minus) > 0:
            basemap.scatter(x_minus, y_minus, marker = "d", zorder = 6)
        #plot ensemble mean
        all_current = np.array( all_current )
        all_future = np.array( all_future )
        all_stds_current = np.array( all_stds_current )
        all_stds_future = np.array( all_stds_future )

        mean_current = np.mean(all_current, axis = 0)
        mean_future = np.mean(all_future, axis = 0)
        mean_stds_current = np.mean( all_stds_current, axis = 0 )
        mean_stds_future = np.mean( all_stds_future, axis = 0 )

        min_change = np.min((mean_future - mean_current)/mean_current * 100.0)
        if not level_type == "high":
            delta = 100

            lower_limit = 0 if min_change >= 0 else np.floor(min_change / 10.0) * 10
            delta = 100
            lower_limit = np.floor(min_change / 10.0 ) * 10

        not_significant = np.absolute(mean_future - mean_current) <= 1.96 * (mean_stds_current + mean_stds_future)
        not_significant = not_significant.astype(int)
        print(" sum(not_significant) = ", np.sum(not_significant))
        not_significant = == 1), not_significant)
        not_significant *= 0.0

        if not plot_significance:
            not_significant = None

        plot((mean_future - mean_current) / mean_current * 100.0, i_indices, j_indices, xs, ys,
                    title = "", label = labels[-1],
                    color_map = mycolors.get_red_blue_colormap(ncolors = 20), units = '%',
                    basemap = basemap, minmax = (-delta, delta),
                    colorbar_label_format = '%d',
                    upper_limited = True, colorbar_tick_locator = LinearLocator(numticks = 11),
                    not_significant_mask = not_significant,
                    impose_lower_limit = lower_limit


    if save_fig_to_file:
        plt.savefig('%d_%s_change_rl.png' % (return_period, level_type))