def sendout(args): # sendout function that sends out data to the networked devices and # also to the matrix screen simulator if enabled. # or only to the matrix simulator if netSilent enabled. try: for t in TARGETS: pattern = TARGETS[t] data = pattern.generate() # make sure matrixSim always displays # the data the right way. # can't have the matrixsimulator hang because there is not change.. if args.matrixSim == "enabled": matrixscreen.handleinput() # if this is a simulation draw it to the matrixscreen if args.matrixSim == "enabled": matrixscreen.process(data) # convert the data for the special matrix layout. if args.snakeMode == "enabled": data = convertSnakeModes(data) if args.byteMode == "enabled": data = convertByteMode(data, args.convertColor) # check if data generated is the same as before because then # just don't send it out change = True if args.soc == "enabled": previous_set = collections.Counter( current_set = collections.Counter(data) change = previous_set != current_set elif args.soc == "disabled": change = True if(change): = data # send it out over the network. if not (args.netSilent == "enabled"): try: if (args.mapy == "enabled"): for universe in range(0,matrix_height): #print('send to universe:', universe) sock.sendto(buildPacket(universe, data[matrix_width*universe:(matrix_width*(universe+1))]), (t, UDP_PORT)) else: #sock.sendto(buildPacket(0, data), (t, UDP_PORT)) #sock.sendto(buildPacket(1, data), (t, UDP_PORT)) #sock.sendto(buildPacket(2, data), (t, UDP_PORT)) sock.sendto(buildPacket(3, data), (t, UDP_PORT)) #sock.sendto(buildPacket(4, data), (t, UDP_PORT)) #sock.sendto(buildPacket(5, data), (t, UDP_PORT)) except Exception: print("no good ip dest found: %s" % (t)) sys.exit(0) # matrix sim needs this because i am to lazy to press the x button. except KeyboardInterrupt: signal_handler(None, None) except SystemExit as error: signal_handler(error, None)
def run(self): try: self.matrix_widget.process() data = self.matrix_widget.get_data() if data: if self.args.snakeMode == "enabled": data = convertSnakeModes(data) if self.args.byteMode == "enabled": data = convertByteMode(data, self.args.convertColor) if self.args.netSilent == "disabled": self.send_packets.sendout(data) except Exception as e: print >>self, e return True