def SNF_ORIGINAL(Ws, param): """ main function in SNFtools input : param -- K : k nearest neighbour +- T : iterations return unified similariy matrix """ T = param.iterate # Ps, and Ss used for store P^{v} and S^{v} -- initialized Ps = [] Ss = [] for W in Ws: Ss.append(mO.kernelMatrix(W, param)) Ps.append(mO.statusMatrix(W)) Ps = np.array(Ps) Ss = np.array(Ss) for iterate in range(T): for idx in range(Ps.__len__()): Ps_diag = np.diag(np.diag(Ps[idx])) Ps[idx] = np.matrix(Ss[idx]) * np.matrix(np.add.reduce(Ps) - Ps[idx]) / (Ps.__len__() - 1) * np.matrix(Ss[idx]).transpose() Ps[idx] = normalized(Ps[idx]) Ps[idx] = Ps[idx] - np.diag(np.diag(Ps[idx])) + Ps_diag P = np.matrix(np.add.reduce(Ps)) / Ps.__len__() return (P + P.transpose()) / 2 # ensure affinity matrix is symmetrical
def SNF_GPU(Ws, param): """ main function in SNFtools input : param -- K : k nearest neighbour +- T : iterations return unified similariy matrix """ T = param.iterate # Ps, and Ss used for store P^{v} and S^{v} -- initialized Ps = [] Ss = [] for W in Ws: Ss.append(mO.kernelMatrix(W, param)) Ps.append(mO.statusMatrix(W)) Ps = np.array(Ps) Ss = np.array(Ss) s_Ps = theano.shared(Ps, borrow=True) s_Ss = theano.shared(Ss, borrow=True) Fs = [] for idx in range(len(Ws)): Fs.append(theano.function([], (s_Ss[idx] * (theano.tensor.sum(s_Ps) - s_Ps[idx]) / (len(Ws) - 1) * s_Ss[idx].transpose()))) print "compile done" for iterate in range(T): for idx in range(len(Ws)): Ps_diag = np.diag(np.diag(Ps[idx])) # Ps[idx] = Ss[idx] * (np.add.reduce(Ps) - Ps[idx]) / (len(Ws) - 1) * Ss[idx].transpose() # Ps[idx] = Ss[idx] * (np.sum(Ps) - Ps[idx]) / (len(Ws) - 1) * Ss[idx].transpose() #Ps[idx] = (s_Ss[idx] * (theano.tensor.sum(s_Ps) - s_Ps[idx]) / (len(Ws) - 1) * s_Ss[idx].transpose() ).eval() Ps[idx] = Fs[idx]() Ps[idx] = normalized(Ps[idx]) Ps[idx] = Ps[idx] - np.diag(np.diag(Ps[idx])) + Ps_diag P = np.matrix(np.mean(Ps, axis=0)) return (P + P.transpose()) / 2 # ensure affinity matrix is symmetrical
def SNF_SPARSE(Ws, param): """ main function in SNFtools input : param -- K : k nearest neighbour +- T : iterations return unified similariy matrix """ T = param.iterate # Ps, and Ss used for store P^{v} and S^{v} -- initialized sPs = [] sSs = [] for W in Ws: k = * W.shape[1]) S = mO.kernelMatrix(W, param) P = mO.statusMatrix(W) S[S < np.partition(S, k, axis=1)[:,k]] = 0 P[P < np.partition(P, k, axis=1)[:,k]] = 0 sS = scipy.sparse.dia_matrix(S) sP = scipy.sparse.dia_matrix(P) sSs.append(sS) sPs.append(sP) Ps = np.array(sPs) Ss = np.array(sSs) for iterate in range(T): for idx in range(Ps.__len__()): #Ps_diag = Ps[idx].multiply(scipy.sparse.eye(Ps[idx].shape[0], Ps[idx].shape[1])) Ps_diag = scipy.sparse.diags([Ps[idx].data[Ps[idx].offsets[0]:(Ps[idx].shape[0]+Ps[idx].offsets[0])]], [0]) #print Ps_diag Ps[idx] = Ss[idx] * (np.add.reduce(Ps) - Ps[idx]) / (Ps.__len__() - 1) *Ss[idx].transpose() #Ps[idx] = normalized(Ps[idx]) Ps[idx] = Ps[idx].multiply(scipy.sparse.dia_matrix(( 1 / Ps[idx].sum(axis=1)))) Ps[idx] = Ps[idx] - scipy.sparse.diags([Ps[idx].data[Ps[idx].offsets[0]:(Ps[idx].shape[0]+Ps[idx].offsets[0])]], [0]) + Ps_diag sP = (np.add.reduce(Ps)) / Ps.__len__() return (sP + sP.transpose()) / 2 # ensure affinity matrix is symmetrical
def SNF_GPU_NOSHARE(Ws, param): """ main function in SNFtools input : param -- K : k nearest neighbour +- T : iterations return unified similariy matrix """ T = param.iterate # Ps, and Ss used for store P^{v} and S^{v} -- initialized Ps = [] Ss = [] for W in Ws: S = np.matrix(mO.kernelMatrix(W, param)) Ss.append(S) P = mO.statusMatrix(W) Ps.append(P) Ps = np.array(Ps) s_P = theano.tensor.fmatrix('s_P') s_S = theano.tensor.fmatrix('s_S') F = theano.function([s_P, s_S],, (theano.tensor.sum(Ps, axis=0) - s_P) / (len(Ws) - 1)), s_S.T)) print "compile done" for iterate in range(T): for idx in range(len(Ws)): Ps_diag = np.diag(np.diag(Ps[idx])) Ps[idx] = F(Ps[idx], Ss[idx]) Ps[idx] = normalized(Ps[idx]) Ps[idx] = Ps[idx] - np.diag(np.diag(Ps[idx])) + Ps_diag P = np.matrix(np.mean(Ps, axis=0)) return (P + P.transpose()) / 2 # ensure affinity matrix is symmetrical
def SNF_GPU2(Ws, param): """ main function in SNFtools input : param -- K : k nearest neighbour +- T : iterations return unified similariy matrix """ T = param.iterate # Ps, and Ss used for store P^{v} and S^{v} -- initialized Ps = [] Ss = [] shared_Ps = [] shared_Ss = [] for W in Ws: S = mO.kernelMatrix(W, param) Ss.append(S) shared_Ss.append(theano.shared(S, borrow=True)) P = mO.statusMatrix(W) Ps.append(P) shared_Ps.append(theano.shared(P, borrow=True)) Ps = np.array(Ps) Ss = np.array(Ss) s_P = theano.tensor.fmatrix('s_P') s_S = theano.tensor.fmatrix('s_S') GetPsDiag = [] UpdatePs = [] NormalizePs = [] AdjustPs = [] prev, now = theano.tensor.fmatrices('prev','now') for idx in range(len(Ws)): GetPsDiag.append( theano.function([], theano.tensor.diag(theano.tensor.diag(shared_P)), ) ) UpdatePs.append( theano.function([], (), updates=[(shared_Ps[idx], s_S*(theano.tensor.sum(shared_Ps) - s_P)/(len(Ws) - 1) * s_S.transpose())], givens=[(s_P, shared_Ps[idx]), (s_S, shared_Ss[idx])] ) ) W = W / np.add.reduce(W, axis=1).transpose() NormalizePs.append( theano.function([], (), updates=[(shared_Ps[idx], s_P / theano.tensor.sum(s_P, axis=1).transpose())], givens=[(s_P, shared_Ps[idx])] ) ) AdjustPs.append( theano.function([prev, now], (), updates=[(shared_Ps[idx], s_P - now + prev)], givens=[(s_P, shared_Ps[idx])] ) ) GetPsDiag.append( theano.function([], theano.tensor.diag(theano.tensor.diag(s_P)), givens=[(s_P, shared_Ps[idx])] ) ) UpdatePs.append( theano.function([], (), updates=[(shared_Ps[idx], s_S*(theano.tensor.sum(shared_Ps) - s_P)/(len(Ws) - 1) * s_S.transpose())], givens=[(s_P, shared_Ps[idx]), (s_S, shared_Ss[idx])] ) ) W = W / np.add.reduce(W, axis=1).transpose() NormalizePs.append( theano.function([], (), updates=[(shared_Ps[idx], s_P / theano.tensor.sum(s_P, axis=1).transpose())], givens=[(s_P, shared_Ps[idx])] ) ) AdjustPs.append( theano.function([prev, now], (), updates=[(shared_Ps[idx], s_P - now + prev)], givens=[(s_P, shared_Ps[idx])] ) ) print "compile done gpu2" """ for iterate in range(T): for idx in range(len(Ws)): Ps_diag = np.diag(np.diag(Ps[idx])) # Ps[idx] = Ss[idx] * (np.add.reduce(Ps) - Ps[idx]) / (len(Ws) - 1) * Ss[idx].transpose() # Ps[idx] = Ss[idx] * (np.sum(Ps) - Ps[idx]) / (len(Ws) - 1) * Ss[idx].transpose() #Ps[idx] = (s_Ss[idx] * (theano.tensor.sum(s_Ps) - s_Ps[idx]) / (len(Ws) - 1) * s_Ss[idx].transpose() ).eval() Ps[idx] = Fs[idx](Ps[idx], Ss[idx]) #normalize Ps[idx] = normalized(Ps[idx]) Ps[idx] = Ps[idx] - np.diag(np.diag(Ps[idx])) + Ps_diag """ for iterate in range(T): #print shared_Ps[0].get_value() for idx in range(len(Ws)): prev_P_diag = GetPsDiag[idx]() UpdatePs[idx]() NormalizePs[idx]() now_P_diag = GetPsDiag[idx]() AdjustPs[idx](prev_P_diag, now_P_diag) P = np.matrix(np.mean([p.get_value() for p in shared_Ps], axis=0)) return (P + P.transpose()) / 2 # ensure affinity matrix is symmetrical